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Crouzet-Migette (France)
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department Doubs
Arrondissement Besançon
Canton Ornans
Community association Loue-Lison
Coordinates 46 ° 57 '  N , 6 ° 1'  E Coordinates: 46 ° 57 '  N , 6 ° 1'  E
height 490-742 m
surface 5.67 km 2
Residents 116 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 20 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 25270
INSEE code

Road crossing with signposts

Crouzet-Migette is a French municipality with 116 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) in the Doubs department in the region of Bourgogne Franche-Comté .


Crouzet-Migette is at 613  m above sea level, about 20 kilometers southwest of Ornans and 31 kilometers south of the city of Besançon (as the crow flies). The village extends in the Jura , on a plateau south of the karst spring of the Lison and west of the Levier plateau.

The area of ​​the municipality of 5.67 km² covers a section of the French Jura. The central part of the area is occupied by the Crouzet plateau, which lies at an average of 620 m and consists mainly of meadows. It is flanked on the south side by a hill, on which the highest point of Crouzet-Migette is reached at 741 m. To the west and north, the plateau drops steeply to the deep erosion valley of the Petit Lison , which flows in an arch over the Creux Billard rock basin to the Lison. The northern boundary runs on the prominent promontory of the Château Sainte-Anne.

The municipality consists of the village of Crouzet ( 626  m ) on the plateau and the hamlet of Migette ( 520  m ) in the valley of the Petit Lison. Neighboring municipalities of Crouzet-Migette are Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne and Montmahoux in the north, Gevresin in the east, Villeneuve-d'Amont in the south and Sainte-Anne in the west.


Pont du Diable over the Petit Lison

Since the 11th century, there was a hermitage at today's Migette, which was soon expanded to a convent. The village of Crouzet has existed since the 12th century. The place name is derived from creux and means small ditch, depression . Since the Middle Ages, Crouzet belonged to the lordship of Sainte-Anne, while the lower jurisdiction lay with the Migette Monastery. Together with Franche-Comté , the village came to France with the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678. From the time of the French Revolution , Crouzet and Migette formed the municipality of Crouzet. In order to avoid confusion with other parishes of the same name, the parish was officially renamed Crouzet-Migette in 1923. Today Crouzet-Migette is a member of the Loue-Lison Municipal Association .


  • The Saint-Thiébaud church in Crouzet was built in 1689.
  • Only a few remains of the former Migette monastery have survived after the chapel was demolished in 1975.
  • The stone bridge Pont du Diable , built between 1875 and 1880, spans the Petit Lison gorge.
  • The Source du Lison is one of the most important natural attractions in Franche-Comté .


Population development
year Residents
1962 93
1968 77
1975 52
1982 54
1990 74
1999 93
2006 128
2016 118

With 116 inhabitants (January 1, 2017), Crouzet-Migette is one of the smallest municipalities in the Doubs department. After the population had decreased significantly in the first half of the 20th century (171 people were still counted in 1891), population growth has been recorded again since the beginning of the 1980s.

Economy and Infrastructure

Crouzet-Migette was a village dominated by agriculture and forestry well into the 20th century. In addition, there are now some local small businesses. In the meantime, the village has also turned into a residential community. Many workers are commuters who work in the larger towns in the area.

The village is located off the major thoroughfares on a departmental road that leads from Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne to Villeneuve-d'Amont. Other road connections exist with Sainte-Anne and Gevresin.

Web links

Commons : Crouzet-Migette  - collection of images, videos and audio files