Crémant de Bourgogne

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A bottle of Crémant de Bourgogne from Ambal.

The Crémant de Bourgogne is a rather light sparkling wine from the Burgundy wine-growing region with around 12% by volume . The sparkling wines of the region are characterized by their fruity character and are mainly blended from the grape varieties Pinot Noir , Pinot Gris , Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay , but also partly from the varieties Gamay , Aligoté , Melon de Bourgogne or Sacy . The rarer Crémant de Bourgogne roséis made from Pinot Noir and / or Gamay with the addition of any white base wine. The processed vines must come from Burgundy in any case. Due to the use of classic bottle fermentation , which is similar to the production process for champagne , the wine is called crémant : an indication of high quality. The term Crémant was introduced throughout France when the winegrowers of Champagne were successful in banning the worldwide name Méthode Champenoiseto characterize bottle fermentation. Compared to a winemaker's champagne, the Crémant de Bourgogne is significantly cheaper at around 7–9 € / bottle, but it cannot be stored for that long. The Crémant should be enjoyed no later than 3 years after purchasing the bottle at a drinking temperature of 7–8 ° C.

Harvest quantities

Although similarly produced sparkling wine in Burgundy in the form of Bourgogne Mousseux had existed for a long time, the AOC Crémant de Bourgogne was only introduced on October 17, 1975. After a tentative start until 1979, the amount pressed has increased continuously since then. In 2006, a total of 107,710 hectoliters of Crémant de Bourgogne were declared.

The basic yield, i.e. the harvest restriction, is a low 50 hectoliters / hectare; an amount that can be corrected up to 20% depending on the age group.

The berries are usually picked a few days before the harvest of normal still wines , as the base wines of a sparkling wine should have a strong acid structure. The minimum sugar content of the must for the base wine must, however, be at least 137 g / l. (see also the article must weight ). A maximum of 100 liters of juice may be pressed from 150 kg of berries.

The language of the label

In addition to the term “AOC Crémant de Bourgogne”, the terms Blanc de Blancs , Blanc de Noirs , Brut (sparkling wine) , Millésimé and Rosé can also be listed on the label . These mean:

  • Brut: dry aging with a maximum residual sugar content of 15 g / l
  • Millésimé: the berries of the base wines used in the Crémant come from one vintage
  • Rosé: the Crémant was at least blended with a red base wine made from Pinot Noir and / or Gamay vines

Approved vineyards according to municipality

Yonne department

In the Yonne department , vines from the following 54 municipalities are permitted:

Accolay , Asquins , Augy , Auxerre , bein , Bernouil , Béru , Bleigny-le-Carreau , Chablis , Champvallon , La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne , Charentenay , Chemilly-sur-Serein , Cheney , Chichée , Chitry , Collan , Coulanges-la-Vineuse , Courgis , Cravant , Dannemoine , Dyé , Épineuil , Escolives-Sainte-Camille , Fleys , Fontenay-près-Chablis , Irancy , Joigny , Junay , Jussy , Lignorelles , Ligny-le-Châtel , Maligny , Migé , Molosmes , Mouffy , Poilly -sur-Serein , Quenne , Saint-Bris-le-Vineux , Saint-Cyr-les-Colons , Saint-Père , Serrigny , Tharoiseau , Tonnerre , Tronchoy , Val-de-Mercy , Venoy , Vermenton , Vézelay , Vézinnes , Villy , Vincelottes , Viviers , Volgré .

Côte-d'Or department

In the Côte-d'Or department , vines from the following 91 municipalities are permitted:

Aloxe-Corton , Ancey , Arcenant , Auxey-Duresses , Baubigny , Beaune , Belan-sur-Ource , Bévy , Bissey-la-Côte , Bligny-lès-Beaune , Boncourt-le-Bois , Bouix , Bouze-lès-Beaune , Brion-sur-Ource , Brochon , Chambolle-Musigny , Charrey-sur-Seine , Chassagne-Montrachet , Chaumont-le-Bois , Chaux , Chenôve , Chevannes , Chorey , Collonges-lès-Bévy , Comblanchien , Corcelles-les-Monts , Corgoloin , Cormot-le-Grand , Corpeau , Couchey , Curtil-Vergy , Daix , Dijon , Échevronne , L'Étang-Vergy , Fixin , Flagey-Echézeaux , Fussey , Gevrey-Chambertin , Gilly-lès-Cîteaux , Gomméville , Griselles , Ladoix-Serrigny , Larrey , Magny-lès-Villers , Mâlain , Marcenay , Marsannay-la-Côte , Massingy , Mavilly-Mandelot , Marey-lès-Fussey , Meloisey , Messanges , Meuilley , Meursault , Molesmes , Monthelie , Montliot-et- Courcelles , Morey-Saint-Denis , Mosson , Nantoux , Noiron-sur-Seine , Nolay , Nuits-Saint-Georges , Obtrée , Pernand-Vergelesses , Plombières-lès-Dijon , Poinçon-lès-Larrey , Pommard , P. othières , Premeaux-Prissey , Puligny-Montrachet , Reulle-Vergy , La Rochepot , Saint-Aubin , Saint-Romain , Santenay , Savigny-lès-Beaune , Segrois , Talant , Thoires , Vannaire , Vauchignon , Villars-Fontaine , Villedieu , Villers -la-Faye , Villers-Patras , Vix , Volnay , Vosne-Romanée , Vougeot .

Saône-et-Loire department

In the Saône-et-Loire department , grapes from the following 154 municipalities are permitted:

Aluze , Ameugny , Azé , Barizey , Berzé-la-Ville , Berzé-le-Châtel , Bissey-sous-Cruchaud , Bissy-la-Mâconnaise , Bissy-sur-Fley , Bissy-sous-Uxelles , Blanot , Bonnay , Bouzeron , Boyer , Burgy , Burnand , Bussières , Buxy , Bray , Bresse-sur-Grosne , Cersot , Chagny , Chaintré , Chamilly , Champagny-sous-Uxelles , Chânes , Change , Chapaize , La Chapelle-de-Guinchay , La Chapelle-sous- Brancion , Charbonnières , Chardonnay , Charnay-lès-Mâcon , Charrecey , Chasselas , Chassey-le-Camp , Château , Cheilly-lès-Maranges , Chenôves , Chevagny-les-Chevrières , Chissey-lès-Mâcon , Clessé , Cortambert , Cortevaix , Couches , Crêches-sur-Saône , Créot , Cruzille , Culles-les-Roches , Curtil-sous-Burnand , Davayé , Dennevy , Dezize-lès-Maranges , Donzy-le-National , Dracy-lès-Couches , Dracy-le- Fort , Epertully , Etrigny , Farges-lès-Mâcon , Fleurville , Fley , Fontaines , Fuissé , Genouilly , Germagny , Givry , Grevilly , Hurigny , Igé , Jalogny , Jambles , Jugy , Jully-lès-Buxy , Lacrost , La ives , Laizé , Leynes , Lournand , Lugny , Mâcon , Malay , Mancey , Martailly-lès-Brancion , Massy , Mellecey , Mercurey , Milly-Lamartine , Montagny-lès-Buxy , Montbellet , Montceaux-Ragny , Moroges , Nanton , Ozenay , Paris-l'Hôpital , Péronne , Pierreclos , Préty , Prissé , Pruzilly , Remigny , La Roche-Vineuse , Romanèche-Thorins , Rosey , Royer , Rully , Saint-Albain , Saint-Amour-Bellevue , Saint-Boil , Saint-Clément -sur-Guye , Saint-Denis-de-Vaux , Saint-Désert , Saint-Gengoux-de-Scissé , Saint-Gengoux-le-National , Saint-Gilles , Saint-Jean-de-Trézy , Saint-Jean-de -Vaux , Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune , Saint-Mard-de-Vaux , Saint-Martin-Belle-Roche , Saint-Martin-du-Tartre , Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu , Saint-Maurice-des-Champs , Saint-Maurice-de-Satonnay , Saint-Maurice-lès-Couches , Saint-Pierre-de-Varennes , Saint-Sernin-du-Plain , Saint-Symphorien-d'Ancelles , Saint-Vallerin , Saint-Vérand , Saint -Ythaire , La Salle , Salornay-sur-Guye , Sampigny-lès-Maranges , Santilly , Sassangy , Saules , Savigny-sur-Grosne , Sennecey-le-Grand , Senozan , Sercy , Serrières , Sigy-le-Châtel , Sologny , Solutré-Pouilly , Tournus , Uchizy , Vaux-en-Pré , Vergisson , Vers , Verzé , Le Villars , La Vineuse , Vinzelles , Viré .

Rhône department

In the Rhône department , grapes from the following 85 municipalities are permitted:

Alix , Anse , L'Arbresle , Les Ardillats , Arnas , Bagnols , Beaujeu , Belleville , Belmont-d'Azergues , Blacé , Le Bois-d'Oingt , Le Breuil , Bully , Cercié , Chambost-Allières , Chamelet , Charentay , Charnay , Châtillon-d'Azergues , Chazay-d'Azergues , Chénas , Chessy , Chiroubles , Cogny , Corcelles-en-Beaujolais , Dareizé , Denicé , Emeringes , Fleurie , Frontenas , Gleizé , Jarnioux , Juliénas , Jullié , Lacenas , Lachassagne , Lancié , Lantignié , Légny , Létra , Liergues , Limas , Lozanne , Lucenay , Marchampt , Marcy , Moiré , Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin , Morancé , Nuelles , Odenas , Oingt , Les Olmes , Le Perréon , Pommiers , Pouilly-le-Monial , Quincié -en-Beaujolais , Régnié-Durette , Rivolet , Salles-Arbuissonnas-en-Beaujolais , Saint-Clément-sur-Valsonne , Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux , Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu , Saint-Étienne-des-Oullières , Saint-Étienne-la-Varenne , Saint-Germain-sur-l'Arbresle , Saint-Georges-de-Reneins , Saint-Jean-d'Ardières , Saint-Jean-des-Vignes , Saint-Julie n , Saint-Just-d'Avray , Saint-Lager , Saint-Laurent-d'Oingt , Saint-Loup , Sainte-Paule , Saint-Romain-de-Popey , Saint-Vérand , Sarcey , Ternand , Theizé , Vaux- en-Beaujolais , Vauxrenard , Vernay , Ville-sur-Jarnioux , Villié-Morgon .

For a transitional period, vines from the following communities were allowed up to the 2005 vintage :

  1. In the Côte-d'Or department: Chevigny-en-Valière , Combertault , Corcelles-les-Arts , Ebaty , Levernois , Merceuil , Montigny-lès-Beaune , Perrigny-lès-Dijon , Sainte-Marie-la-Blanche , Tailly .
  2. In the Yonne department: Appoigny , Chichery , Montagny-la-Resle .
  3. In the Saône-et-Loire department: Géanges , Saint-Loup-de-la-Salle , Chaudenay , Demigny .
