Karl May reception since 1945

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The reception of Karl May since 1945 in Germany has been shaped by important publishing decisions to distribute Karl May's writings in modern times and by the discovery of new media such as radio , cinema , television and the Internet . The Karl May Festival and Karl May Festival , which take place in many places, are significant . Despite decreasing reading of May's writings, the Karl May figures remain culturally formative.

First post-war years (1945–1949)

In the first post-war years , it was immediately about coming to terms with the past and the question of whether Karl May had contributed to the national socialist aberration with his writings and heroes. Significantly, outdoor stages , in the unhappy twelve years ago to "forever" as Thing places were built, now a use were supplied with Karl May Festival, which the international understanding , the peace and the focus on humanitarian and Christian values serve should.

Dispute over the past

In a memorandum which the Euchar Albrecht Schmid had distributed anonymously and dated July 1, 1945 as a hectographed sheet of paper printed on both sides, it was pointed out that in 1933 members of the NSDAP in Göttingen were planning a car dairy of Karl May's writings, but they were working on its execution "On the basis of an official directive" were prevented. This intervention by Schmid was understood as May's defense against the Nazi appropriation.

Wilhelm Fronemann , the bitter enemy of Karl May during the National Socialist era , published in private print the font: Karl May und der National Socialismus in 1946 . A memorandum on the corruption of the mind in the Third Reich . It says, among other things:

"God knows, the SS has sufficiently demonstrated their Karl May attitude on the way of their deeds and their teachers were also worthy of their hero Karl May."

From 1933 Fronemann tried (unsuccessfully) to prove that Karl May fit in with National Socialism “like a fist on the eye” . At the same time, he had denounced May's pacifism and his views of the equality of races and against colonialism as "not acceptable in National Socialist Germany" .

Well, after the war, in contrast, he attacked Karl May as a typical "folkish" writer. Suddenly it was the “glorification of violence”, scenes of torture stakes and the like that he “found out” that they had provided good visual material for the SS and that May was accordingly jointly responsible for the atrocities in the concentration camps .

Heinz Stolte publicly rejected these allegations and drew attention to Fronemann's arguments, which had been "turned" several times. On August 6, 1947 z. B. in Radebeul a public discussion “For and against Karl May” takes place. The event was announced with large posters. Unfortunately, these clarifications were not very successful, so that Karl May was rejected for ideological reasons in the GDR .

Failure of a Karl May society

In 1947 an attempt was made in the Soviet zone of occupation to found a Karl May Society. The initiator was the former chairman of the Karl May Association, Gerhard Henniger . The detailed application (in German and Russian) justified the request with references to Karl May's work in terms of peace , democracy , international reconciliation and humanity . The application was signed by: Gerhard Henniger, Lothar Steeger, Carl-Heinz Dömken , Horst Matthey, Reinhold Kaerling, Frieder Voigt, Roland Hunger, Joachim Matthes and Gerhard Lange .

The application was never approved, neither positive nor negative.

Open air performances

In 1949 the first Karl May Games were held in Ratingen near Düsseldorf . On July 23, 1949, the play "Old Shatterhand" (a compilation of Old Surehand and Der Schatz im Silbersee , staged by Friedrich Theuring ) premiered on the Blauer See natural stage , and the success was so great that it was in the Düsseldorf neighborhood The “Karl May Society” was founded (not to be confused with today's Karl May Society ), which campaigned for the continuation of gaming operations. In 1950 ("Winnetou"), 1961 ("Winnetou"), 1962 ("The Treasure in Silbersee") and 1963 ("The Oil Prince") there were further Karl May pieces in Ratingen.

“Winnetou and his white brother” (book: Werner JA Holzhey; director: Luis H. Werner) was performed on an open-air stage in Munich .

Publishing history

With Otto Eicke died on December 25, 1945, an employee of the Karl-May-Verlag (KMV), whose reputation because of its Party line stance on the Nazi regime was regarded rightly critical. Eicke was originally an editor at the Münchmeyer publishing house in Dresden and switched to KMV in 1918, where he worked on the publication of May's works and contributed to the Karl May yearbooks. His positive literary research achievements included the series of essays The Buried Source , The Break in the Building , The Building Completion , The Building Coronation and The Building Dome , published between 1930 and 1933 , in which he outlined the thesis that May was only due to external circumstances to turn away from travel - and adventure genre was forced. One of the negative highlights of Eicke's publishing activity was the editing of the volumes Der Fremde aus India and Winnetou's Heirs in the National Socialist sense, which had to be repaid later.

On July 1, 1947, Joachim Schmid set up a branch of the Karl May publishing house in Bamberg and issued licenses from there .

The so-called Viennese licensed edition appeared from 1948 under the series title Karl-May-Bücherei (KMB) by Verlag Carl Ueberreuter , Vienna . It looked like the Radebeul edition and is considered the forerunner of the Bamberg edition. It was largely supervised by Ludwig Patsch.

Further licensed editions were published by St. Otto Verlag in Bamberg (later: Bayerische Verlagsanstalt), which was also based on the Radebeul model ("Karl-May-Bücherei Bamberg"). The Keyserische Verlagsbuchhandlung in Heidelberg also brought licensed editions onto the market ("Karl-May-Bücherei Heidelberg"). From this point on, West Germany and Austria were again supplied with new green volumes, some of which were of high quality.

Bernhard Scheer wrote the - anonymously published - afterwords in the edition of the collected works , which were published by Globus Verlagsgesellschaft from 1948 onwards.

On June 19, 1949, Franz Kandolf , one of the closest freelancers of the KMV, died unexpectedly . The Catholic clergyman played a major role in the redesign and redesign of the Collected Works . Together with EA Schmid, Kandolf carried out in-depth adaptations of Karl May's works in order to adapt them to the presumed readers' tastes. However, these arrangements, which were occasionally criticized by philologists in later times, created easily legible text versions that contributed to the continued success of May's works. Kandolf wrote the novel In Mekka as a continuation of May's Am Jenseits . His posthumous manuscript Marah Durimeh was published in 2017 by Karl May Verlag under the title The Sons of Sheik. Looking for Marah Durimeh. Travel story published as a special volume.

Karl May Foundation

In 1945 the assets of the Karl May Foundation amounted to over 1 million marks. While the currency reform in the eastern occupation zone from June 23, 1947 onwards led to considerable cuts in the wealth situation of citizens and institutions, this did not apply to the Karl May Foundation. Before and during the Second World War, EA Schmid had wisely acquired property and property that had been transferred to the Karl May Foundation instead of cash donations. As a result, the currency reform did not turn out to be a disadvantage for the Karl May Foundation. Their assets remained practically unchanged, in contrast to a number of other large Dresden foundations, which were forcibly united by the new government under the term collective foundation. The Karl May Foundation initially remained independent.

In the spring of 1947 it had become clear that the previous connection between the foundation and the publisher should be maintained. The Karl May Foundation was then incorporated into a collective foundation between 1949 and 1985. Their activities during this time were limited to the maintenance of the Indian or Karl May Museum and the May burial site . She also became a journalist herself and published a. a. its own museum guide for the “Indian Museum of the Karl May Foundation” in Radebeul.


The Karl May Street in Radebeul was in 1945 Hölderlinstraße renamed.

Hohenstein-Ernstthal celebrates 50 years of municipal unification in 1948. The “anniversary folder” published on the occasion also contains a drawing of the Karl May House by Herbert Stößer.

From April 1 to September 30, 1949, a Karl May exhibition of the Museum of Ethnology took place in Vienna . The main focus was on the Orient . For the first time, parts of the “Balkansammlung” as well as loans from the Vienna Army Museum , the Museum of Folklore , the Karl May Museum Radebeul and private owners were shown. Heinz Grill worked on the exhibition guide for the Karl May exhibition in the Vienna Museum of Ethnology.

The 1950s

In the 1950s, the Karl May Festival was established in various locations . “Winnetou” was often staged on stage in the theater or outdoors. In Radio exciting were radio plays and interesting features to be heard. The first collector's pictures were issued and the first Karl May fan clubs emerged . The essays and radio features by Arno Schmidt , who particularly valued Karl May's late work and coined the expression “ grand mystic ” for him, became significant in terms of history.

Karl May games

Karl May Festival or Karl May Games are performances of dramatizations of Karl May's works, which mostly take place in the open air. The Karl May Festival took place before and during the Second World War , especially in Rathen in Saxony or in Werder (Havel) .


In 1950, a Karl May performance (probably "Winnetou" based on the version by Hermann Dimmler and Ludwig Körner ) took place on the open-air stage in the Höhenpark Killesberg in Stuttgart (as part of the German Garden Show ) . The piece was cast with the ensemble of the Stuttgart State Theater . The Winnetou was played by Sigurd Fitzek , Old Shatterhand Hellmut Lange .

Bad Segeberg

On the day of the unconditional surrender of the Wehrmacht on May 8, 1945, the British soldiers in Bad Segeberg celebrated the end of the Second World War in the Kalkberg Stadium. The city was unsure what to do with the former Thingplatz , this legacy from the time of National Socialism , until a solution was found with the Karl May Games in 1952 , which proved itself over years and decades.

Wulf Leisner became the director of the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg for many years . From 1954 to 1970 he wrote textbooks for the stage in Bad Segeberg, directed and “discovered” the most influential actors such as B. Heinz Ingo Hilgers for the Winnetou or Harry Walther for the Old Shatterhand or Kara Ben Nemsi . In 1955 he brought the first oriental piece to the stage with " Hajji Halef Omar ".


The Elspe open-air theater developed from the Elsper Theater Association after the Second World War. Initially, the “Naturbühne Elspe e. V. ”played various works such as“ Wilhelm Tell ”and“ Die Nibelungen ”in front of around 8,000 spectators per season.

In 1958, “Winnetou”, a play based on the works of Karl May, was performed for the first time, and the audience doubled to around 19,000. Since 1964, when "Hajji Halef Omar" was played, only Karl May has been on the stage ( Elspe Festival ).

Theater productions

In 1950 Ludwig Körner himself (together with Roland Schmid ) revised his play " Winnetou " again for open-air stages (especially Bad Segeberg). In 1958 there was even a second edition of this textbook version. This version was the basis for all Winnetou productions until well into the 1970s:

  • Winnetou (Hamburg 1952)
  • Winnetou (Bad Segeberg 1952)
  • Winnetou (Bad Segeberg 1953)
  • Winnetou (Nuremberg 1954)
  • Winnetou (Bad Segeberg 1957)
  • Winnetou (Elspe 1958)
  • Winnetou (Elspe 1967)
  • Winnetou (Bad Segeberg 1971)


The radio produced the radio play as the first original art form ; the radio feature followed later . While the feature has a more documentary character, the radio play is usually the staging of fictional texts.

radio play

The radio play as a dramatized production with distributed speaking roles was particularly popular in the German-speaking area in the 1950s (and remained so for the next few decades). The following Karl May radio plays were produced:

  • The Treasure in Silbersee , 1952 (Direction: Rolf von Sydow )
  • Treasure in Silbersee , 1955 (Director: Kurt Meister )
  • Winnetou , 1955/56 (Director: Kurt Meister; 9 episodes)
  • The band of robbers , 1956 (Direction: Helmut Brennicke )
  • The treasure in Silbersee , 1958 ( Deutschlandsender , GDR)
  • Old Surehand , 1958 (Director: Kurt Meister)
  • Tracks on the Prairie , 1959 (Director: Gustav Burmester )
  • Karl May Story , 1959

Radio features

The writer Arno Schmidt wrote various radio features about Karl May:

With these radio features and various essays from his pen in the 1950s and 1960s, Arno Schmidt Karl May repeatedly moved into the consciousness of readers and literary studies .

motion pictures

At the beginning of the 1950s, “Winnetou” was supposed to be shown in black and white in the cinema - but the Deutsche Spielfilm GmbH project failed.

On December 11, 1958, the premiere of the film " Die Sklavenkarawane " took place in the Europa-Palast in Düsseldorf . This movie by Georg Marischka based on motifs by Karl May was the first Karl May film in color. However, the script has not left much of the original novel , in which Kara Ben Nemsi and Hajji Halef Omar do not even appear. The leading roles were cast with Viktor Staal and Georg Thomalla as well as Theo Lingen , Fernando Sancho and Mara Cruz .

Collective pictures

The Bubble Gum brand chewing gum (Walter E. Schumann in Hamburg ) was first included in 1954 with Karl May collector's pictures with motifs by Carl Lindeberg .

Fan clubs

In 1956 the Indian and Western Club "Old Manitou" was founded in Radebeul. At the beginning of 1957, a Karl May Club became active in Berlin .

Publishing history

On January 1, 1950, the Joachim Schmid publishing house was founded in Bamberg , to which the Karl May publishing house from Radebeul transferred all rights.

The publisher Euchar Albrecht Schmid died on July 15, 1951 . His sons Joachim (born 1922), Lothar (born 1928) and Roland (born 1930) took over the Karl May publishing house.

In the same year Otto Gottstein, a long-time employee of the KMV, also died. In the course of adapting the Münchmeyer novels Waldröschen and Die Liebe des Ulanen he had taken care of the correctness of the language (English expressions) and the passages about fur animals.

In 1952 the USTAD publishing house Gebrüder Schmid was founded in Bamberg on January 1st.

On August 1, 1959, the Karl May Foundation and Karl May Verlag separated.


In September 1950 Heinz Grill sold his manuscript The Shadows of the Shah-in-Shah to the Karl-May-Verlag. The novel is an alternative continuation of the first two volumes Im Reiche des silbernen Löwen . Grill himself wrote in 1947 about his novel to Ludwig Patsch: “Karl May's brisk style in his best times, his invigorating dialogues, his childlike humor must be just as faithfully reproduced like his basic Christian attitude to all problems in life. ”With this, Grill tied in with the assessment of Otto Eicke , who in 1930 had spoken of a“ break in construction ”at Karl May and who himself was considering an alternative continuation of the first two Silver Lion novels.

The 1960s

In the 1960s, Karl May's works became free of copyright. An abundance of reprints and reprints emerged, including the first comic book "Winnetou". However, the public's interest was mainly directed towards the Karl May films . In addition to 17 cinema films, the first television series based on Karl May's originals was also made in the 1960s. The Karl May boom, also in the area of ​​increased outdoor performances and radio plays on the radio, made this decade a "golden" one for many.

Film adaptations

With 17 films in the 1960s alone, Karl May is the most frequently filmed German-language author.

The Old Shatterhand melody , Martin Böttcher's cover story for the Karl May film The Treasure in Silbersee , topped the German charts for seventeen weeks in 1962.

The wave of films also influenced German hits : Anneli Weiss sang the title “Winnetou's Sister” in 1964, Gus Backus the title “Oh, if I were Old Shatterhand”. In the sixties, the Medium Trio often sang pieces that dealt with the themes of the then successful Winnetou films: "The Treasure in the Silver Lake", "Winnetou", "Buffalo Bill". At the Schlager Festival in Baden-Baden in 1965 , however, her title “Farewell, Winnetou” only came last.

The toy industry clung to popular success by faithfully recreating the main characters of various 1960s film adaptations, recognizable by the actors' facial features.

Bus trips are still being made to the filming locations in Croatia today.

After the great success of the West German Karl May films, the equally successful DEFA Indian films were made in the GDR in the 1960s and were produced until the 1980s.

The first biographical film was made in 1965: acquittal for Old Shatterhand ( ZDF TV film 1965, 60 minutes), with Friedrich G. Beckhaus as Karl May. This "semi-documentation" film dealt with the trial before the Berlin lay judge -Charlottenburg on April 12, 1910, when Karl May sued his adversary Rudolf Lebius for insult. Lebius had called him a "born criminal".

Karl May games

In the Segeberger Kalkbergstadion a new play was staged every year in the sixties and seventies. The list of performances and the main actors involved is impressive - as is the number of spectators.

Karl May Games also took place on the Rehberge open-air theater in Berlin in 1963/64 . In 1966 and 1968, “Wildwest in Berlin” resulted in two large festivals in the Deutschlandhalle .


On the 125th birthday of Karl May in 1967, at the same time in memory of the school reformer Ludwig Gurlitt , the author of “Justice for Karl May!”, A play about the life of Karl May by Anton Kaiser was released: “ Outlaw Hakawati . The tragedy of Karl May ”.

Radio plays

One of the earliest radio plays was the Philips singles, which from 1962 were mainly staged by Joseph Offenbach in collaboration with Karl May Verlag. Between 1968 and 1977 a total of 29 radio plays were released by the record label Europa . The classics of this series of radio plays from “Winnetou” to “Der Schut” appeared on CD for the first time in 2006 (at Karussell ).

The radio play productions of these years are so numerous that they cannot be listed here. You can find them at:

The radio play director and producer Kurt Vethake was particularly productive .

Hans Paetsch was the narrator in several Karl May radio plays on the Europa label in the 1960s / 70s . He also spoke the roles of Intschu tschuna , Matto Schahko and To-kei-chun, among others .

First television series

With Karl May im Orient was the title of a seven-part television series based on novel motifs from the works of Karl May, which was broadcast in 1963 by the German broadcaster ZDF .

In the series motifs from the oriental cycle “Through the Desert”, “Through the Wild Kurdistan”, “From Baghdad to Stambul”, “In the Gorges of the Balkans”, “Through the Land of the Skipetars” and “The Schut” were processed.

It was the first television series to be followed by many more in the decades that followed.

First comic adaptation

Comics with Karl May motifs appeared in some European countries as early as the 1940s and 1950s. The first Karl May comics only appeared in Germany after the copyright period for Karl May's works had expired on December 31, 1962 .

From 1963 to 1965 the comic series Karl May by Helmut Nickel was published by Walter Lehning Verlag . It was the first German comic series based on motifs by Karl May.

Nickel produced the first episodes before the copyright period had expired. In February 1963, Lehning Verlag published the first issue of the Winnetou series based on Karl May , with issue 9 the series was renamed Karl May . Issues 1 to 8 and 10 contained Nickels Winnetou .

The spirit of the Llano Estacado followed in issues 12, 14 and 16 . Strictly speaking, Nickels Karl May adaptation was not divided into individual adventures, but rather designed as an endless continuation with flowing transitions. This was particularly evident in The Sons of Upsaroka in issues 18 and 20, which was seamlessly followed by the comic The Son of the Bear Hunter in issues 20, 22, 25, 28, 31 and 35.

Due to the success of his Karl May series, Lehning started another series in September 1964 with Winnetou . a. First row material reprinted. The last issue of the Karl May series was published in January 1965 . Once in Winnetou all comics were reprinted by Helmut Nickel, launched in 49 Winnetou Nickels last comic Treasure of Silver . This was continued in the following issues. Since Lehning did not pay any outstanding fees, Nickel stopped his work. Nickel's last comic page appeared in Winnetou 55 in October 1965 . The story started by Harry Ehrt was continued and ended.

The concordance of the comic series by the publishers Lehning, Splitter and Hethke offers an overview of the comics contained in the individual editions as well as a comparison with the later reprints.

The comics by Helmut Nickel contained in the series enjoy the highest recognition in fan circles:

“The adaptations made by Nickel represent the qualitatively best implementation of the Karl May novels. Never again was it possible to experience such a sensitive and detailed representation in later comic versions. "
“The characters are as closely reproduced as possible by Karl May's descriptions: Winnetou was never drawn with so much dignity in expression. The grace of his sister Nscho-chi also seems unsurpassed. Even bizarre characters like Sam Hawkens are depicted in such a way that May's descriptions literally come to life. "

In the 1970s, Nickel's works found great popularity in the emerging German comics scene. The appreciation of comic connoisseurs and experts went hand in hand with reprints of his works. The Winnetou comics, for example, were reprinted in nine hardcover albums by Splitter Verlag from 1989 onwards . Years later, Norbert Hethke Verlag designed an independent series from the two Karl May series by Walter Lehning Verlag, which reprinted all of Helmut Nickel's Winnetou comics along with other Karl May comics.

For the Karl May year 2012, Nickel's work was available again in a two-volume book edition enriched with editorial contributions, bound in the style of the “green volumes” and limited to 1000 copies. The third volume followed in 2013.

Arno Schmidt thesis

In his 1963 treatise Sitara and the way there - a study of the essence, work and effects of Karl May , Arno Schmidt tries to prove that May was a homosexual in disguise through cleverly lined-up associations to May's texts and selected text passages from May's travel stories be.

Heinz Stolte and Gerhard Klußmeier refuted this controversial thesis in their 1973 brochure Arno Schmidt & Karl May . In it, Heinz Stolte called Schmidt's philologically and psychoanalytically dubious approach a "Gargantuan abuse and bullying game" (p. 11).

While Schmidt's theses were relativized or ignored by the "bourgeois" Karl May research in the 1960s / 1970s, it had a great influence on the cinematic interpretations ( Hans-Jürgen Syberberg , Michael Herbig ) and on the integration of May works into the academic literary canon .

Two impulses that Arno Schmidt was able to bring to the examination of Karl May's work turned out to be more significant for the reception of Karl May:

On the one hand, the now widely accepted thesis that May's late work is literarily valuable and relevant. The Karl May Society, which was founded in 1969, has chosen retirement work as one of its main areas of activity.

On the other hand, Schmidt served as a kind of mentor to the young writer and colleague at the Karl May publishing house, Hans Wollschläger, and with the publication of the Rowohlt monograph on Karl May (1965) prompted him to kick off a broader scholarly discussion of May's life and work to give.

Publishing history

Revisions and reprints

Since the first public statements by Arno Schmidt in the mid to late 1950s and then, after an interruption due to the film wave, since the founding of the Karl May Society (KMG) in 1969, there have been repeated disputes about the subject of "adaptations". Was May wrongly changed or just continued his line, was he falsified or purged? The Karl-May-Verlag under the aegis of Roland Schmid responded to this criticism by reworking volumes 28–33 of the collected works , which were primarily suggested and carried out by Hans Wollschläger. Lothar Schmid wrote about it:

Karl May's works have always been discussed and even argued. Elegant, matter-of-fact, but unfortunately often uncontrolled or even unnecessarily aggressive. May himself in his contradicting thoughts was and is of course the main goal. The experts after him and the less initiated have always known what to say - wise or less wise.

The crowd of editors or copywriters is currently once again the target of know-it-alls who like to set up stages and strut around on them. A sentence that May once had written is at the top of the script:

'And if someone dares to change even one line of my manuscript or even to make so-called improvements, he will not get a single letter from me.' (In a letter forwarded by Richard Plöhn to the Frankfurter Zeitung of August 20, 1899)

A knocked line that May didn't mean as seriously as some would like it to sound like. As ... explained, he wanted to change a lot, but unfortunately couldn't get around to it. The publisher had to step in.

Insiders know what to say about long-term critics and complainers: unfortunately often 'bad upbringing', 'negative attitude towards life' and 'willing to act wrong'.

The call for “citable” May texts for research was loud from circles of the Karl May Society.

Which are they? The texts by Münchmeyer , Deutscher Hausschatz , which May referred to as falsified , and the volumes that Fehsenfeld has no longer checked by him , which must therefore not be called final editions, certainly not.

'Only the manuscripts offer definitive certainty', Roland Schmid used to say, quite correctly. "

Karl May Verlag fulfilled KMG's request with an extensive reprint program in the 1970s (including the 33 Freiburg first editions by Fehsenfeld ), most of them with highly interesting appendices from Roland Schmid's pen on the history of the editions and processing issues.

Other events

The journalist, editor and writer Fritz Barthel died on April 19, 1960. He had met Karl May personally in Berlin in 1910. Together with Rudolf Beissel, he published the first three Karl May yearbooks from 1918 to 1920, for which he also wrote his own articles. In 1955 he had published the novel biography last adventures around Karl May in Ustad-Verlag.

On May 9, 1960, Ludwig Patsch, one of the first systematically researching Karl May experts, died. Between October 1944 and September 1959, Patsch sent a total of 179 Karl May circulars. The researcher was in close contact with the KMV. For the Ueberreuther publishing house in Vienna, he edited many Karl May works that became the basis for translations.

In 1960 Karl May Verlag moved from Radebeul to Bamberg . On June 1, 1960, the brothers Joachim, Lothar and Roland Schmid and their mother Katharina Schmid signed the partnership agreement for Karl May Verlag Joachim Schmid & Co. , Bamberg.

On May 27, 1961, the Swedish artist Carl Lindeberg , who temporarily lived in Radebeul and who had contributed to the great success of the collected works , died. Since 1920 he has been a permanent freelance employee of the KMV. The cover illustrations of the green and gold Radebeul Karl May edition came from him. In total, he created over 400 works on Karl May topics. In February 1945 he returned to his home in Sweden.

On January 20, 1962, Joachim Schmid signed an agreement with the Munich company Constantin Film for Karl May Verlag . Michael Petzel called this day, which brought about a boost in development for the KMV, “the third most important date in the history of Karl May Verlag” after “birth” (on July 1, 1913) and “rebirth” (on June 1 1960). The cinema created demand in the sixties: anyone who was enthusiastic about the film wanted to read the "original story".


The Karl May Museum opened in Bamberg on March 30, 1962 and existed until 1994. After the May estate was returned to the Karl May Museum in Radebeul in 1995 , the Karl May Museum in Bamberg was closed.

On September 12, 1962, Karl May appeared on the front page of the news magazine Der Spiegel . As was customary at the time, the cover story did not have an author's name, but it came from the pen of culture editor Gunar Ortlepp .

The series Karl May (German with Wick Comics), which Belgian Willy Vandersteen designed from 1962, took place in the Wild West .

The "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Karl-May-Biographie" was founded on July 1st, 1963 in Bamberg. Their first notices appeared in August. In 1968 she stopped her work again without having achieved her goal.

In 1965 the chronicle recorded the following events: The Karl May Archives in Göttingen and the Karl May Club in Trier were founded. For the first time, templates for fretwork with Karl May motifs appeared.

1966: A Karl May Museum was opened in Brná (Birnai) (and closed again a year later).

In 1966, bsb-decorbild-Verlag Bielefeld issued decals with Karl May motifs ( Winnetou , Old Shatterhand and Nscho-tschi ).

In 1967 the "Hohenstein-Ernstthaler Freundeskreis Karl May" was founded, and on March 22, 1969 the Karl May Society .

The 1970s

In hardly a decade as many radio plays on Karl May novels have been produced as in the 1970s. For the first time, television dared to film Karl May novels. A prominent film biography was shown in the cinema . Separate Karl May plays were written for the theater. The yearbooks of the Karl May Society developed an enlightening and in-depth function for the broader Karl May research. Reprint editions of the Mayschen first editions were intended to promote research on text history.

radio play

Between 1971 and 1976 a 30-part series of travel and adventure novels was published by the Maritim label . Kurt Vethake was mostly responsible for the direction, Heinz-Ingo Hilgers, a popular Winnetou actor in Bad Segeberg in the sixties, spoke the Winnetou, Eberhard Krug the Old Shatterhand and Kara Ben Nemsi.

As in the previous decade, the radio play productions of the 1970s are so numerous that they cannot be listed here. You can find them at:

In the radio play production How Kaiser Wilhelm moved out with Kara ben Nemsi to learn to fear , Dieter Borsche spoke about Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1974 .

TV, cinema, theater

At the beginning of 1972, television dared to film Karl May novels for the first time. The 26-part television series Kara Ben Nemsi Effendi was produced by Karl May after the first six oriental novels and was broadcast by ZDF in 1973 and 1975 . The main role of Kara Ben Nemsi was played by Karl-Michael Vogler . Hajji Halef Omar was played by Heinz Schubert . It was directed by Karl May expert Günter Gräwert , who also wrote the script. The music came from Martin Böttcher and the camera was directed by Horst Schier . The series consisted of two seasons of 13 episodes each.

In the same year 1972 the TV documentary An Marterpfahl und Pranger appeared .

1974 was the premiere of the movie by Hans-Juergen Syberberg Karl May , with Helmut Käutner as Karl May.

The play Das Waldröschen was premiered as a parody of this genre on October 23, 1977 by the Hanover Theater in Ballhof - discovered for the stage by Wolfgang Grüter, edited by Götz Loepelmann and Astrid Fischer-Windorf.


In 1970 the first yearbook of the Karl May Society was published. The series was founded by Claus Roxin . The Karl-May-Gesellschaft is also the publisher of the quarterly editions Mitteilungen der Karl-May-Gesellschaft (M-KMG) and KMG-Nachrichten as well as special issues, material volumes and reprints of May's works.

In 1971 Wolf-Dieter Bach published his groundbreaking essay Fluchtlandschaften , which applied depth psychological instruments to May's works, in the second yearbook of the Karl May Society.

In 1972, Hans Wollschläger's important, psychoanalytically oriented essay The so-called split of the human interior, a picture of the split between humanity in general, appeared. Materials for a character analysis by Karl May in the third yearbook of the Karl May Society.

Ernst Bloch quote

A quote from Ernst Bloch from 1967 was printed in the 1972 yearbook , which said a lot about Karl May's reception in those exciting years:

“Nice memory from my own youth in memory of Karl May. The Nazis benefited him as if he had glorified their own murderous race. In truth, he is teeming with white villains, hooligans, and often also “Germanic antiquity”, as it is called in “Satan and Iscariot II” on another occasion. But indignation, sadness and love turn to the persecuted Indians and their downfall through what is now called Leather Neck in Vietnam. Even in the Orient, this folk writer is on the side of the oppressed Kurds and their revolt against the brutal colonial rulers in Mosul. Karl May's travel stories should not be forgotten either; the Santers and the Schuts don't get a driver's license, they get a fair ending. "

- Ernst Bloch

Reprint program

After the Olms-Verlag had already started its reprint edition of the Mayschen Kolportageromane in 1969 , the Braunschweiger Verlag A. Graff also planned a reprint of the first book edition of Schatz im Silbersee, published in 1894 . The main editors and employees of this edition - Thomas Ostwald , Armin Stöckhert and Johannes Wolframm - came from the ranks of the Karl May Society.

The publisher was informed that the rights to the illustrations that were planned for the reprint belong to the Karl-May-Verlag. Both publishers agreed on a joint edition with a print run of 1,000 copies. The piece of jewelry appeared in the fall of that year. On July 11, 1974, the Mannheimer Morgen praised the first joint project of the two publishers:

" Book lovers will be happy to pick up the splendid red ribbon with the portrait of Winnetou on the cover and 16 clay print images in the text, and the library of every Karl May friend who cares about the way back to the early editions, it will become a precious ornament. "

In M-KMG No. 19/1974, KMG also recognized the editorial work of KMV with the Silbersee -Reprint:

We owe it to the KMV that the 'Schatz im Silbersee' reprint became a real treasure. […] We can congratulate ourselves on the fact that this first-time collaboration between KMG and KMV has resulted in excellent work. "

The successful project laid the cornerstone for an expansion of the KMV's reprint program. In the following years reprints of five further Union editions of Mayscher Erzählungen and (partly also in cooperation with Graff) seven individual titles were published in collaboration with the A. Graff publishing house.

While the KMG also increasingly took care of reprints from 1976 onwards, the publication objects nevertheless remained divided: the KMG publishes the Mayschen first editions in magazines, while the KMV specializes in publishing the first book editions.

The fact that an increased effort for reprint editions only started at the beginning of the 1970s was due on the one hand to the increased interest on the part of science since the founding of the KMG and on the other hand to the improved reproductive technology, which made more cost-effective printing on photo-mechanical printing Much easier way.

With its reprints, the KMV pursued the goal of meeting the certainly justified demand of literary scholars to make the first editions of Maysch's works generally available again for research due to the complicated text situation.

The book reprints were enriched by Roland Schmid with explanations of the history of the work. With its reprint program initiated in 1973, the KMV also provided a significant literary counterpart to the collected works , which broke all records with their popularity, but could not and did not want to meet the strict guidelines of a scientific edition as a reading edition and therefore only in research Find use where it is a question of the history of reception.

Publishing and Research

Yearbook conflict

In 1971, the biggest conflict in the history of the two institutions to date began between the Karl May Verlag and the Karl May Society. The starting point for this was the research work of Ekkehard Bartsch and Hans Wollschläger. While the former was still an employee of the publishing house and at the same time editor of the yearbook of the Karl-May-Gesellschaft (Jb-KMG), the latter continued to function as editor of this most important publication organ of the literary society after his work with the publishing house.

After the 1971 yearbook was published, the KMV protested against the printing of fragments of the prison term and quotes from Karl May's letters and diaries, for which no approval had been obtained from the KMV. The KMV filed a lawsuit against the publishers, editors and editors of the Jb-KMG for infringement of copyright, which began a long-standing legal dispute.

In 1972 there was a rapprochement between KMV and KMG in the “Yearbook Conflict”. The KMV drew up a nine-point catalog with conditions that should contribute to a peaceful solution to the existing problems. The parties agreed on September 16, 1973 that the property rights and copyright rights of use to May's estate would be recognized by the KMG and the KMV subsequently approved the reprint of the texts in the Jb-KMG 1971, which came from the Bamberg archive. This ended the legal battle.

In Jb-KMG 1974, Claus Roxin reported briefly on the end of the unpleasant argument between the literary society and the KMV:

" Finally, I would like to make a special reference to the declaration I made at the end of this yearbook that all the differences between the people involved could now be settled with the Karl-May-Verlag by mutual agreement. In addition, an agreement was concluded between Karl May Verlag and the board of directors of the Karl May Society, on the basis of which both sides hope to have a fruitful cooperation in the future. The Karl-May-Verlag has agreed to make its relevant archive material available to the members of the Karl May Society in accordance with its archive regulations. This created favorable conditions for further Karl May research. "

Other events

On August 8, 1971, Alfred Biedermann, one of the KMV employees from the very beginning, died. Biedermann - a friend of Hermann Hesse - who worked full-time in the railway industry and also as a writer, made a number of articles in the Karl May yearbooks.

On December 29, 1974, the senior boss of the KMV Katharina Schmid, born Barthel. Her main task was to set up the Karl May Museum in Bamberg.

Karl May Extra is the title of a four-volume comic paperback series published in 1975 by the Swiss publisher Gevacur AG. All volumes in the series contain Karl May comics drawn by the Spaniard Juan Arranz for the Dutch comic magazine Sjors. The series continued as the Wild West Extra .

The Xenos Verlag was founded in 1975 and specialized in service productions for major customers. In 1975/76 five paperback books were published (print run of 75,000 each) containing the original Karl May text:

  • The legacy of the Inca
  • The oilprince
  • The treasure in Silbersee
  • Winnetou 1st part
  • Winnetou part 2

However, the publishing house owners overlooked the fact that the cover pictures used (scene photos from the Karl May Festival Bad Segeberg) would have required a license from the Karl May Verlag. The edition then came to an abrupt end.

On January 26th, 1976, one of the most diligent Karl May researchers of the first decades died: Hans Zesewitz . The teacher and city archivist of Hohenstein-Ernstthal wrote research articles on Karl May since 1921. The first genealogical research on the May family as well as the maintenance of contacts between the KMV in Radebeul and later Bamberg and the city of Hohenstein-Ernstthal went back to him.

Johannes Nixdorf, who was one of the early employees of the KMV, died on April 26, 1977. In the course of preparations for the 1918 Karl May yearbook, the Silesian contacted EA Schmid and became one of his most important confidants. He participated in the editing of the earlier volumes ( GW 42 ff.) And wrote abstracts of the most famous Wild West novels for the Pestalozzi publishing house .

In 1977 Winnetou and Old Shatterhand , a western comic based on Karl May, was published by Condor Verlag .


The Thomaskantorei Hellbrook recorded Karl May's Ernste Klänge in 1972 under the direction of Hartmut Kühne .

In 1976 the US company Mattel brought out a set of Karl May figures in Germany.

The 1980s

The eighties stuck to the tried and tested: the Karl May Festival, radio broadcasts and television series on the subject. The political importance of Karl May was discovered. It was about peace and international understanding . Theater and musicals also took on May's characters. The scientific claim now also related to the historical-critical presentation of his works.

Helmut Schmidt quote

In 1980 the satirical record "Bonner Hitparade - Das Duell" (on Bellaphon Records ) with speech snippets by Helmut Schmidt and Franz Josef Strauss was released . Helmut Schmidt's remarks on Karl May and Marah Durimeh show - even if they were presented alienated as satire - how great the political importance of May's thoughts is for peace, international understanding and religious tolerance:

“Karl May is the most widely read German writer, not Goethe or Schiller. Most of them, not just the young but also the old, including my generation, most of us have at least read one or the other book by Karl May. When I was young there was hardly a family that didn't have a Karl May book. One thing was: through the desert . Another was: Through wild Kurdistan . It says: 'You fools who love hatred and who hate love - should the water keep reddening with blood? And should the land turn red from the glow of the flames? Can't you live in peace? Nobody can kill the god of the other and nobody can kill his faith. '

He has written 73 books and a total of 50 million Karl May volumes have appeared [sc. printed] in 36 languages ​​around the world. When I think of the titles of the Karl May books, the names come to mind. Then I remember the name of Kara Ben Nemsi - and his friend, his name was Hajji Halef Omar Ben Hajji Abul Abbas Ibn Hajji Dawuhd al Gossarah - this name alone is a fabulous invention. And there is a woman in the play who is considered holy by the people, her name is Marah Durimeh , and she said something important about Karl May in this book, and I want to read that to you. It says:

'You fools who love hatred and who hate love - can't you live in peace? Nobody can kill the god of the other and nobody can kill his faith. '

Now this is not only Karl May, but it is also immediate reality. Nobody may attempt to kill the other's god or faith or the other. We are here in the midst of the worries that we Germans and many others have with us in Europe and that many peoples in the world are currently having. The concerns stem from Tehran, they stem from Afghanistan. And today I would like to say something about all these concerns:

You fools who love hatred and who hate love - should the water keep reddening with blood? And should the land redden from the glow of the flames? Can't you live in peace? Nobody can kill the god of the other and nobody can kill his faith. You fools, can't you live in peace? Nobody can kill the god of the other and nobody can kill his faith. "

Radio play and audio book

In 1988 the first audio book read by Gert Westphal appeared with Der Schatz im Silbersee .

In the same year, Old Shatterhand came out in Moabit , the title of a radio play and a novel by Walter Püschel - a contribution “between ridicule and homage” (Walther Ilmer). The radio play was repeated several times (most recently in 1991) on the radio. The first release on phonograms was in July 2015.

watch TV

In the 1980s, four television series, including an animated series , were produced and broadcast on Karl May topics:

Theater and musical

The "action and music drama" Winnetou by Ralph Siegel was premiered in 1982 in the Westfalenhalle in Dortmund . The term “musical” is actually exaggerated, because in the piece only Nscho-chi (Claudia Condor) sang three songs (“Manitou”, “Peace for this country”). With a philharmonic orchestra of 100 men and 60 choristers music tape was recorded in a Munich studio during performances as playback was recorded.

Astrid Fischer-Windorf, Götz Loepelmann , Wolfgang Trevisany and Gerhard Weber reworked Karl May's novel Waldröschen for the stage under the title Rodriganda Castle. A chase around the world. Revue by Karl May . This play was premiered on November 16, 1985 in the Schauspielhaus Mönchengladbach . In addition, a detailed program was published in paperback with a cast list, the texts of the piece, information on Karl May and the historical context of the text basis.


Since November 1984 the Karl May circular has been published, a fanzine “made of a few copied, stapled sheets”. The later Karl May & Co. called magazine , still a leisure project of Karl May fans, developed under different publishers and editors to a large, spacious, printed in color booklet with most 92 pages. There are now more than 150 issues.

Publishing and Research

In 1980 Dorothea Rothenburg completed her master's thesis in Berlin, A Contemplation of Mara Durimeh in Karl May's adventure stories, with special consideration of Wollschläger's theses . The literary scholar Hartmut Vollmer took up their investigation in 1987 in his study Marah Durimeh or The Return to the “Great Mother” and carefully traced the literary development of the Marah Durimeh figure step by step.

Karl May researcher Fritz Maschke died on December 11, 1980. One focus of his research was the biographies of Karl May's two wives.

On May 2, 1981, the important Karl May researcher and employee of EA Schmid Josef Höck died. Together with Franz Kandolf , he made numerous trips in Karl May's footsteps.

On July 11, 1986, Rudolf Beissel, the last contemporary witness from among the May researchers, died. Together with Fritz Barthel Beissel acted as editor of the first three Karl May yearbooks 1918–1920. In 1924 he worked in an advisory capacity on the processing of the forest rose . After a dispute with the publishing family, he had no contact with the KMV for almost forty years, but after a reconciliation he worked again within the framework of the Gesammelte Werke .

The first volume of the historically critical edition (HKA) of Karl May's works , edited by Hermann Wiedenroth and Hans Wollschläger, was published in 1987 by Greno Verlag Nördlingen, Scepter and Hammer . In addition, the booklet Karl May appeared in 1988. A philological pamphlet as advertising material. The historical-critical edition moved to Haffmans in 1989. The Haffmans Publishing was established in 1982. Until 2001, he published around 700 books as an independent company, including the HKA and the Zurich or Zurich edition derived from it, Karl May's main works in 33 volumes (partly under license).

In 1989 the anthology Karl May's “Winnetou” appeared in the series “Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Material ”. Studies on a Myth , edited by Dieter Sudhoff and Hartmut Vollmer. For the first time, the various methodological and interpretative approaches to understanding the key figure Karl May were documented in this volume. In addition to representative work from older and younger May research, there were innovative new contributions that wanted to stimulate further engagement with the topic.


The group Dschinghis Khan brought out a single in 1980 with the title "Hadschi Halef Omar", which moved up to number 3 in the Swiss charts and to number 7 in the German charts.

In 1981 Paul Wunderlich designed a Karl May portrait as a lithograph on four limestone slate stones.

In 1982 the Schiller National Museum in Marbach showed a Karl May exhibition.

On the 75th anniversary of his death in 1987, Karl May received his own special stamp . Pierre Brice presented them in the Karl May Museum in Bamberg.

The "Freundeskreis Karl May Leipzig" was founded as the "Freundeskreis Karl May Literature" on March 24, 1988 in Leipzig. Since 1990 he has published the publication Karl May in Leipzig once a quarter . In over 25 years the association has carried out more than 250 events on Karl May and published more than 100 newspapers. On December 11, 2014, the association decided to dissolve it on March 31, 2015. The Karl May Wiki became the patron of the “Karl May House Interest Group”.

The Karl-May-Rabe , an edition of the magazine Der Rabe , appeared in autumn 1989 and was edited by Hermann Wiedenroth and Hans Wollschläger. The cover drawing was from Michael Sowa .

The 1990s

In the nineties there was a lot of celebration around Karl May and the internet was discovered for public relations work. Theater, radio and television dealt with Karl May. The first May computer game was developed. With the Zurich edition , the Collected Works were given an inexpensive alternative.

150th birthday of Karl May

Karl May's 150th birthday was celebrated in many places on February 25, 1992. Numerous biographical works were published.

In Hohenstein-Ernstthal , Werner Legère unveiled a Karl May bust by Wilfried Fitzenreiter . The city is now officially called "Karl May Birthplace". A scientific symposium was held there at the end of February 1992.

Another Karl May Symposium was held on October 30 and 31, 1992 in Bonn .

On the occasion of the anniversary, the Glückauf brewery Gersdorf near Hohenstein-Ernstthal brewed a "Karl May Premium Pils", which is still in the range today.

Celebrations and festivals

The Karl May Festival has been an annual event since 1992 with a focus on the subject of "Karl May in the film" and a changing location. Most of the time, however, it takes place in Bad Segeberg in Schleswig-Holstein . At the Karl May Festival, the so-called Scharlih is presented, an award associated with the name Karl May. The organizer is the Karl May Collection in Hamburg , which works closely with the Göttingen Karl May Archive. There are events and lectures at the festival, as well as a flea market with articles (mostly about the films and their music) around Karl May. The festival is one of the few opportunities to see stars and starlets from the Karl May film era 1960s meet.

The traditional Karl May festival in Lößnitzgrund Radebeul, Karl May's long-term residence, is also known as the “Karl May Festival” , a kind of folk festival that has been devoted to the subject of Karl May and Indians every year since 1991 .

The first "Karl May Festival" in Hohenstein-Ernstthal took place in May 1994.

From August 7th to 9th, 1998, the Karl May Film Festival was held in Radebeul.

May on stage

On May 16, 1992, a stage version of German Hearts - German Heroes was premiered in the garden of the Concordia moated castle in Bamberg.

A stage version of Der Weg zum Glück with the title Keryhof . A farmer's theater based on Karl May (in real Upper Bavarian dialect) was premiered on June 27, 1992 at Leuchtenberg Castle .

The play Tumult auf Villa Shatterhand . A Karl Mayade in five acts by Daniel Call premiered on November 29, 1997 at the Dortmund Theater.

May on radio and television

Television productions

Three television productions, including an animated series , were televised in the 1990s:

In 1999, ARD broadcast the Karl May crime scene Auf dem Kriegspfad ( MDR ). Peter Sodann researches as a commissioner in the Karl May Museum in Radebeul.

Broadcast production

computer game

In 1993 Software2000 published a VGA graphics adventure The Treasure in Silbersee , which was actually closely based on the novel. However, the game was not a commercial success (due to the complicated operation of the program).


Wild West Romanticism on German open-air stages was the title of an exhibition in 1995 in the Friedrich Gerstäcker Museum in Braunschweig . Posters, programs, text books and props were shown. A brochure was published for the exhibition.

Karl May in the perspective of his readers was the name of a caricature exhibition that was shown from February 25, 1998 in the Karl May House in Hohenstein-Ernstthal . The caricatures shown there were created in the competition of the same name. As part of the opening, the award of the competition winners in the amount of DM 5,000 took place.

From March 15 to May 9, 1999, the exhibition Karl May heute took place in the Ludwigsburg district administration building. Aspects from life and work take place. The exhibition comprised 1,117 objects in 49 showcases. Loans were provided by the Karl May Verlag , the Karl May Museum Radebeul , the Karl May House Hohenstein-Ernstthal, the German Literature Archive in Marbach , the Karl May Society , the open-air theaters in Bad Segeberg, Elspe and Rathen, as well as numerous private collectors available. Due to the rush, the exhibition was not closed on April 26th as planned, but extended until May 9th, 1999. The exhibition was later shown in Bamberg (March 2001) and Freiburg (September 2001).

Publishing and Research

On January 4, 1990, the 59-year-old Roland Schmid died completely surprising of a heart attack. With him, the KMV lost its literary center and a first-rate Karl May expert. As a result, his heirs and the more than 70-year-old Joachim Schmid intended to sell the publishing house completely into foreign hands. The only one who absolutely wanted to continue the family tradition, which then succeeded, was Lothar Schmid.

Heinz Stolte died on March 2, 1992 . He was the first to do his doctorate on Karl May in 1936 and had been associated with the KMV and the Schmid publishing family for decades. The literary scholar was one of the founders of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Karl-May-Biographie” and the Karl-May-Gesellschaft. For the KMV he mainly worked as editor of the articles on Karl May research . His special relationship with Karl May was also reflected in the posthumously published brochure Karl May in my life .

The 33-volume series of Karl May's major works, also known as the “Zurich Edition” or “Parkland Edition” , was published in 1992 by Parkland Verlag. The series was based on the historical-critical edition of Karl May's works (HKA) edited by Hermann Wiedenroth and Hans Wollschläger , which was then published by Haffmans Verlag Zurich, but comprised more volumes than had been published by HKA at the time. The series was not identical with the volumes of the HKA. The series also did not contain any editorial reports. The cover pictures were from Klaus Dill ; the design of the volumes was based on the HKA edition by Haffmans Verlag.

Carl-Heinz Dömken drew his first cover pictures for the Karl-May-Verlag in 1995.

In 1996, Haffmans Verlag published a paperback edition of this series as the “Zurich Edition”. It contained the same 33 volumes as the “Zurich Edition” and had the same cover images, but the volumes were counted differently and divided into an America or Orient section.

In 1998 the Karl-May-Fest took place in Bamberg for the 85th anniversary of the Karl-May-Verlag.


In 1996 the Karl May Society went online. The KMG website provides a wide range of information on Karl May. Many of the publications are available as scans, May texts as digital reprints. There are extensive catalogs for secondary literature and the most extensive link directory.

The Karl May & Co. magazine has also been online since 1997 .


On October 11, 1990, an asteroid was discovered and named after the writer Karlmay .

On March 22, 1991, the opening of the exhibition On the Last Grand Mystic , organized by the Veritas Art Association, took place in the Vienna Hofburg .

The country group Truck Stop sang the somewhat frivolous song in 1991: "Oh Winnetou, oh Winnetou".

The Board of Trustees of the Karl May Foundation was founded on May 9, 1992 in Radebeul.

In 1993 "the smallest Karl May Games" took place in Bischofswerda for the first time.

In June 1993 the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for International Cultural and Economic Relations held a Karl May Symposium in Vienna with the topic "Education through Trivial Literature - Reality - Fiction - Reception: Karl May and Austria."

On April 25, 1994, a symposium on the reception of Karl May took place at the TU Dresden : "Between Saxony and 'America'".

In 1994 the association “ Mescalero e. V. “founded.

May's study, library and reception room returned to Radebeul from Bamberg on March 30, 1995. The library can now - by arrangement - be used by any researcher for research.

“When will I see you again, you dear, dear Winnetou?” (1995) is a compendium of Karl May texts that were read by Hermann Wiedenroth and published on MC .

Since 1998, more than 50 audio books have been published by various publishers.

On August 15, 1998, a reading of Winnetou I took place in Cologne as the "Karl May Marathon".

The German group Superboys reached first place in the ZDF hit parade on September 12, 1998 with an interpretation of Martin Böttcher's Winnetou melody under the title Wish U Were Here - wish ', you were with me .

In 1999 Johannes Zeilinger declared Karl May's blindness to be a myth ( Karl May's early childhood blindness - a legend? ), First in a lecture in Hohenstein-Ernstthal, then in an article for the yearbook of the Karl May Society in 2000. A heated discussion broke out about this that was not only run by medical professionals. In 2001 he put his thesis into perspective:

“There is no reason to doubt May's early childhood disease, and it is very likely that it was associated with an eye disease. The few hints received, however, are too sparse to be able to draw a diagnosis that is even halfway certain ... "

The 2000s

The first decade of the 21st century saw significant scientific symposia and artistic performances on May's works. The radio plays experienced boom years, also and especially with Karl May. New media were developed and important anniversaries were celebrated. After the Winnetou comic by Nickel, comic books on Karl May characters were published again.


From September 7 to 12, 2000 , an International Karl May Symposium was held in Lubbock , Texas, at the invitation of Texas Tech University .

From November 16 to 18, 2007, a Karl May symposium on the subject of “Karl May - Work - Reception - Current Issues” was held in Berlin .

The symposium “Divinity & International Relations. Causes and Limits of State Fixation - Fraternal Way Out? ”Took place on October 30, 2009 in Leipzig . Lectures on Karl May included:

  • Lothar Schmid : Schach und May - “Soft Power” projection surfaces .
  • Johannes Zeilinger : Karl May as a visionary of fraternal international relations .
  • Holger Kuße: They shouldn't be forgotten. Irish concepts around 1900 - from the topicality of Leo Tolstoy and Karl May .

Radio plays and radio features

Yes uff first of all ... Winnetou among comedy vultures is the new setting of the radio play script Winnetou - after Karl May freely adapted for the radio, which was broadcast in 1956 as a multi-part series on the radio. In September 2000, Hans-Jürgen Dohrenkamp alias Jürgen von der Lippe , Rüdiger Hoffmann , Uwe Lyko alias Herbert Knebel , Mike Krüger , Bernd Stelter , Frank Zander , Bastian Pastewka , Dirk Bach , Hella Kemper alias Hella von Sinnen , Till Hoheneder alias played / spoke Till and Andreas Obering alias Obel re-entered the original script - slightly alienated.

The twelve-part radio play series Orient Cycle was produced by WDR in 2006 and broadcast on radio in 2006/2007. The material was processed, which u. a. a frame story (court scene) received from Walter Adler , who also directed.

In 2006 a radio feature was created for Karl May's novel Der Weg zum Glück . A table of contents was given, individual passages from Der Wurzelsepp were presented like a radio play, the topics “ Karl May and the music ”, “Karl May and the dialect” were touched upon. The dates were December 22nd and December 29th, 2006, 7:00 pm-8:00pm, in SWR .

Theater, film and music performances

The play Winnetou and Half the Abbot premiered on November 8, 2000 in Göttingen . The whole thing is a mixture of Edgar Wallace and Karl May - but not so much the original books as the film adaptations through the cocoa.

The German feature film Der Schuh des Manitu by Michael "Bully" Herbig premiered in 2001. The western comedy parodies Karl May films from the 1960s and is one of the most successful with 11.7 million visitors and 65 million euros at the box office German films after World War II.

On March 30, 2001 she was in Sofia , Bulgaria, at the Winnetou Music Academy . Musical in three acts based on the novel trilogy of the same name by Karl May , edited by Rumen Nejkov with the participation of Wesselin Radkov, premiered.

The play Winnetou - a fractate by Willi Bernhart based on motifs by Karl May - premiered on May 4, 2002 at the Merz Theater in Vienna . The main actor was Bruno Bachem. The last performance took place on June 1st, 2002.

As part of the 28th Open Ear Reading Theater (May 17th to 20th, 2002 in Mainz ) there was also a reading marathon with Karl May texts.

The 17th Congress of the Karl May Society took place in Plauen from October 16-19, 2003 . The Karl May opera Der Schatz im Silbersee , composed in 1898 by the then twelve-year-old Othmar Schoeck , was premiered at this congress.

The play Wildwasser (an adaptation of the May novel The Two Quitzow's Last Journeys ) premiered on June 23, 2005 at Burg Ziesar .

On June 24, 2005, Holger Saarmann's program Winnetou is a Christian - songs as German as the Wild West premiered in Berlin-Pankow.

Babel and Bible in 2005 had its world premiere: The drama was first completed on 21 June 2005 in Hachenburg in the Westerwald in a school play, directed by Peter Wayand premiered after loosing most scenic (partial) readings took place.

On March 14th, 2006 the event I am not Karl May took place in Cologne . Götz Alsmann , Christian Brückner and Roger Willemsen read and spoke texts by and about Karl May. A CD with the recording was released in 2007.

An oratorio with texts by Isaiah and Karl May, composed by Günter Neubert, was premiered in Dresden on November 22nd, 2006 . Günter Neubert used eleven poems from Heavenly Thoughts (based on the 1988 text version published by Union-Verlag) for this oratorio Where the Lord Will Not Build the House… presented in the Luther Church in Dresden-Neustadt .


The Karussell label published several Karl May radio plays. The Karl May radio plays initially appeared on MC and originally featured the design of the collected works published by Karl May Verlag (including the volume numbering on the back). Later there were special editions (including a Pierre Brice edition).

In the 2000 radio play boom, these productions were reissued on CD . It appeared:

  • Winnetou 1 (in two parts)
  • Winnetou 2 (in two parts)
  • Winnetou 3 (in two parts)
  • Through the dessert
  • Through wild Kurdistan
  • From Baghdad to Stambul
  • In the gorges of the Balkans
  • The Schut
  • Captain Cayman
  • Old Firehand
  • The crimson Methuselah
  • The oilprince
  • Old Surehand
  • The treasure in Silbersee
  • Among vultures

Some were new productions, some were reissues of the Philips / Fass productions.

The first four Karl May films were released on DVD in 2000 :

The audio game database was founded in 2002.

The book database went online in 2004.

The first of 24 planned CDs was released in October 2006 under the label “Fowling Bull”, which implements Karl May's Oriental cycle as a radio play. The project was initiated by Sven Becker. But only this one CD was released: Through the desert . Unfortunately, the series could not be continued.

Holger Saarmann's CD Songs, as German as the Wild West was released in October 2007.

Karl May's voice

According to Hermann Wiedenroth, there was a clay roller on which Karl May spoke the role of “Sheik of the caravan of death” from his drama Babel und Bibel . However, clay rollers only have a recording time of about two minutes.

Joachim Schmid wanted to have the damaged clay roller repaired; since then it has been considered lost. In 2006, Sven Becker from the “Fowling Bull” label published the alleged recording of this clay roller for advertising purposes, but on which an imitated voice of Karl May speaks. The unknown speaker closes with the sentence: “Whether the listener is young or old - a radio play always fits Karl May!” Surprisingly, this audio sample always manages to be referenced as an allegedly real recording by Karl May.


From July 2001 to May 2006, Norbert Hethke Verlag published the Karl May comic book series with 59 booklets, which reprinted material from the two Karl May series of Walter Lehning Verlag: Winnetou , Kara Ben Nemsi , Der Geist des Llano Estacado , The Sons of Upsaroka , The Son of the Bear Hunter , Old Surehand , The Treasure in Silver Lake and In the Valley of Death . The first three issues of this series were published again from 2006 in Bessy and Winnetou .

In addition, various May-related articles appeared in the comic magazine Die Speechblase .


Karl May - Aspects of Life and Work was an exhibition that was shown in Freiburg im Breisgau in 2002 . The initiator was Karlheinz Eckardt. A large part of the exhibition was dedicated to Friedrich Ernst Fehsenfeld and his publishing house. A 24-page brochure Karl May and Freiburg - The Freiburg Karl May Publisher Friedrich Ernst Fehsenfeld was published by Karl May Verlag .

Karl May's Dream of the Wild West - Aspects of Life and Work was an exhibition that was shown from April 18 to May 18, 2002 as part of the 18th Weiden Literature Days in the City Center in Weiden .

Karl May in the warehouse - The Dr. Döller from Lübbecke was an exhibition that was shown in Lübbecke in 2002 . Hubert Döller (* 1905; † 1984) owned one of the largest private Karl May collections. He sold these to his hometown Lübbecke. In 2002, around 500 exhibits from the collection were acquired on the initiative of Markus Schneider and the Kunstverein Lübbecke e. V. presented in the old warehouse on three floors. There were several events in the supporting program, including the performance of "Winnetou I" by 6th grade students. The exhibition was shown again from July to September 2002 in neighboring Rödinghausen .

Winnetou and his red brother - Indian films in the FRG and the GDR was the title of an exhibition that was shown several times. The exhibition was on view in the German Film Museum in Frankfurt am Main until August 31, 2003 ; from December 5th she was then at the Potsdam Film Museum . It was also shown from January 31 to April 25, 2004 in the Schloßberg Museum in Chemnitz .

Winnetou & Co. Karl May and his work was a special exhibition in the Museum Auberlehaus in Trossingen . From April 10 to June 12, 2005, items on loan from the Karl May Museum in Radebeul and the exhibition “90 Years of Karl May Verlag” were presented. As part of the exhibition, visitors had the opportunity to leaf through the complete works in a “reading tipi”, browse on an Arabic divan or simply look at the exhibits. At the beginning of June 2005, over 4,000 visitors had already visited the exhibition in Trossingen. In the archives of the Auberlehaus Museum there is also the written estate of the Trossingen piano teacher Anna Müller, who corresponded with May at the time.

I like America was the name of an exhibition that was on view from September 28, 2006 to January 7, 2007 in the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt am Main . It offered an overview of the history of the (German) Wild West enthusiasm and looked specifically at the visual arts. The exhibition featured more than 150 paintings, films, photographs and documentation, including works by American and German artists such as George Catlin , Karl Bodmer , Carl Wimar , Albert Bierstadt , August Macke , George Grosz and Frederic Remington . Karl May was given a separate room in which, among other things, his desk was exhibited.

Karl May - Imaginäre Reisen was the title of an exhibition that was shown from August 31, 2007 to January 27, 2008 in the German Historical Museum in Berlin . Exhibits on public display for the first time:

  • Repertory C. May
  • Old Surehand I manuscript
  • Negative from the series of portraits by Erwin Raupp
  • May's readers' album
  • Doctoral diploma certificate

Further exhibits:

There was also an extensive catalog in two equipment variants as well as educational material. In the Theater Museum Hannover took place from 10 April to 22 June 2008, a exhibition entitled Karl May - I have experienced what I tell place where some exhibits from Berlin (mostly the loans from the Karl May Museum) yet were shown once.

In August 2007 the newspaper Die Welt reported on the large Karl May exhibition in Berlin, “Imaginary Travel”. Sibylle Lewitscharoff wrote about it in the Süddeutsche Zeitung :

… Probably no writer at the end of the 19th century hit the German mentality better than Karl May. (…) On the wings of megalomania upwards, (…) where other European nations had long since founded colonies. "

computer game

WinneToons: The Legend of the Treasure in Silver Lake is a platforming computer game that was released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS platform . It was the game for the movie WinneToons - The Legend of the Treasure in Silbersee , which only opened in cinemas on April 16, 2009. The game was released a year and a half before the film, with a release date of October 12, 2007.

Publishing and Research

An outstanding Karl May researcher, the editor Hansotto Hatzig, died on April 24, 2001. He not only emerged as the author of the book Karl May and Sascha Schneider , but also as an employee of the KMV in the design of the collected works . The Age works of Karl May (vols. 28-34) were again carefully checked because the original text from him and Roland Schmid and Hans Wollschläger.

In 2002 Erich Heinemann and Wolf-Dieter Bach died . Heinemann had worked as editor of KMG until 1999. Wolf-Dieter Bach had distinguished himself through a number of essays that applied depth psychological instruments to May's works.

The KMV anniversary year 2003 began with a sad event: Joachim Schmid died on January 10th at the age of 80. He was the oldest son of EA Schmid. On July 1, 1947, he had set up a branch of the Karl-May-Verlag in Bamberg and issued licenses from there. On January 1, 1950, he founded the Joachim Schmid publishing house in Bamberg, to which the Karl May publishing house from Radebeul transferred all rights. Joachim Schmid was deeply hit by the death of his brother Roland in January 1990, and that also meant the end of the joint publishing house of the three brothers. In the last years of his life, Joachim Schmid lived withdrawn from everything that was going on around Karl May.

The Karl May researcher Walther Ilmer died on May 14, 2003. The Upper Government Council in the Ministry of Defense helped shape May research in numerous books and articles. His literary assessment of the editing practice in the KMV became a classic quote: "Since I've known the originals, I have appreciated the editing."

Hans Wollschläger died on May 19, 2007. The writer, translator, historian, editor, musicologist and organist had close ties with the Schmid family and the KMV for decades. Between 1957 and 1970 he worked as a freelancer for the publishing house. As a Karl May biographer and author of numerous work analyzes with psychoanalytic interpretative approaches, he created important foundations for the modern history of Karl May research. For a long time he was co-editor of the HKA.

Dieter Sudhoff died on June 24, 2007 . The literary scholar and lecturer in modern German literature at the University of Paderborn had created the five-volume Karl May Chronicle. In addition, as an employee of the KMV, he was the editor of various special volumes.

The historically critical edition became a joint project of the Karl May Foundation, Karl May Verlag and Karl May Society in 2007.

Peter Sodann is one of the speakers in an edition of audio books based on the collected works published by Karl May Verlag in 2007 . He has read eight May novels so far: Through the desert , Through the wild Kurdistan , From Baghdad to Stambul , In the gorges of the Balkans , Through the land of the Skipetars , The Schut , From Dark Tann and The Bush Ghost . Radio and voice actor Heiko Grauel has read in twelve more audio books.

The collected works are now also available as e-books .

On April 26th 2009 the Austrian homeland researcher Anton Haider died. The former farmer and local politician was active in Karl May research for many decades, with a particular interest in May's forerunners and contemporaries. Also on his initiative, the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Karl-May-Biographie" was founded in 1963, which in 1969 became part of the Karl May Society. In 2006 he published the special volume Im Reiche des Roten Adler in the KMV .


  • 10th Karl May Festival in Radebeul: May 25-27, 2001
  • 90 years of Karl May Verlag in July 2003: "a green-gold success story"
  • 20 years of KARL MAY & Co. 2004
  • 25 years of KARL MAY & Co. 2009


On January 23, 2003, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled on the use of the film title Winnetous Returns in favor of the producer.

2005 published Roger Willemsen with a shot, a scream. Most of Karl May is a parodic processing of Karl May fabrics in rhyme form . In 23 poems he recounted 23 novels by Karl May.

The "Freundeskreis Karl May Berlin-Brandenburg" was founded in 2005.

In Hohenstein-Ernstthal, the support association of the Karl May House "Silberbüchse eV" was founded on February 25, 2006. Peter Sodann became chairman .

In Radebeul, the “Working and Research Association 'Observer on the Elbe” was established on May 20, 2006, chaired by Ralf Harder.

At the end of May 2007 there was the first Karl May Festival in Croatia : The “Winnetou Convention” took place over Whitsun at the locations of the Karl May films in Starigrad-Paklenica under the leadership of the production company “Jadran Film” and with the participation of numerous film actors instead of.

The 2010s

In the second decade of the new century there are again exciting conferences, spectacular art events, exhibitions and websites. Anniversaries are celebrated and festivals are celebrated. The television documents aspects of May's biography.

Meetings and symposia

The symposium Karl May on the Departure to Modernism took place in Leipzig from March 2nd to 4th, 2012 .

From 14 to 16 August 2015 was in Sankelmark the conference "genius or charlatan preacher? - Who was Karl May ”.

Further symposia:

  • 20./21. February 2016: Symposium in Freiburg i.Br. under the motto: “Me? Yes I". How Karl May invented himself .
  • 16.-18. September 2016: Adventure between economic miracle and rebellion. Karl May in the 1960s , symposium of the Karl May Society in Bonn .
  • 18./19. February 2017: Symposium in Freiburg i.Br. under the motto: “More light! 'Taboo Topics' in Karl May Research ” .

Artistic adaptations and performances

Winnetou among werewolves - a mash-up of a horror parody and Karl May - was released in October 2010.

In 2010 the music corps of the German Armed Forces recorded a large suite about Winnetou .

Karl May's complete works were read in Mittweida from March 14th to May 3rd, 2011. The action is called Karl May - Captured Visions .

On June 22, 2011, the play I invented Karl May was premiered in Ludwigsburg .

On September 24, 2011, a Karl May evening took place in Gera .

One of the most recent dramatizations of a Karl May story is the play Der Phantast. Life and death of Dr. Karl May (idea and direction: Philipp Stölzl ), performed on January 20, 2017 at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden .

In Jena on 17 May 2017, the multi-dimensional theater opened Winnetou 360 ° - (crowd Lieh, we need to talk) the 11th Jena FullDome Festival .

Films and documentaries

Winnetou - The Myth Lives is a three-part television film based roughly on the novels by Karl May and aired for the first time on December 25, 27 and 29, 2016. The main roles are played by Nik Xhelilaj as Winnetou, Wotan Wilke Möhring as Old Shatterhand , Iazua Larios as Nscho-tschi and Milan Peschel as Sam Hawkens . The new edition was produced for the RTL broadcasterby Rat Pack Filmproduktion in co-production with Rialto Film , Tabbenoca, Mythos Film and Beta Film & RTVS .

July 22, 2017: Winnetou and the Prince from Germany , TV documentary about Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied and Karl May.

November 25, 2017: Everything bluff ?! , TV documentary about impostors - including Karl May.


The exhibition Karl May's Dream Worlds. Graphics and illustrations by Winnetou & Co. were shown in the Knauf Museum Iphofen from November 6, 2011 to January 22, 2012 . To see were u. a. Originals from:

A catalog was published for the exhibition. The accompanying and catalog volume for the illustration exhibition in the Knauf Museum in Iphofen 2011/12 was entitled Karl May's Dream Worlds . From the. On February 4, 2012, the exhibition was on view at the Kunsthaus Gotha . Later also in Hanover .

Fantastic Worlds of Karl May was the title of an exhibition that was shown from January 30th to February 11th 2012 in the “Galerie Roter Turm” in Chemnitz . The exhibition then went to Kaufpark Eiche in Ahrensfelde (May 30th to June 9th), Florapark in Magdeburg (July 9th to 21st), and the West Park Center Ingolstadt (July 30th to August 11th) Gera Arcaden (August 27 to September 8) and the Düsseldorf Arcaden (September 17 to 29).

At the Bamberg State Horticultural Show in 2012 there were also clear references to Karl May.

Adventure Mosaic - The Digedags in Karl May's Dream Worlds was an exhibition that was shown from December 1 to 29, 2013 in Hohenstein-Ernstthal . The poster was drawn by Jan Suski .

The exhibition Munich and the Wild West , presented in Munich in February / March 2016 , showed aspects of Munich's cultural history from the 1840s to the First World War . She worked out the mutual relationships between the (narrative of) the Wild West and Munich culture during the time of the Prince Regent . In the accompanying book, curator Hermann Wilhelm u. a. additional material presented.

25 February to 30 March 2017: Special exhibition Winnetou standing up in Hohenstein-Ernstthal .

On February 24, 2018, the special exhibition Den Schalk im Nacken opened in Hohenstein-Ernstthal . Cheerful in Karl May .

In 2018, Hartmut Wörner initiated the poster exhibition "'Grand Mystic Meets Art Photographer" with pictures by Timm Stütz and texts by Karl May in the Karl May Museum in Radebeul .


The Karl May Wiki will be presented live (as the 242nd event of the “Freundeskreis Karl May Leipzig eV”) on January 13, 2011 - two days before Wikipedia's 10th birthday ; also on March 9, 2012 in the Karl May meeting place in Hohenstein-Ernstthal.


On April 8, 2011, the celebration of “100 Years of Karl May” took place in Gotha .

In March 2012, the historically critical edition of Karl May's Works (HKA) turned 25. Karl May & Co. documented the history of this special book edition in No. 130/2012.

“30 years of Karl May & Co. 1984–2014” was celebrated.

February 25, 2017: Karl May's 175th birthday attracted wide media coverage.

March 22, 2019: 50th anniversary of the Karl May Society

Publishing and Research

On January 26, 2011, the educator and Karl May researcher Heinz Mees died. At KMV, Mees recently appeared as the editor of several special volumes ( Durchs wilde Lukullistan , Fought for luck and On life and death ).

The Austrian engineer Siegfried Augustin, who died on June 9, 2011, was also the publisher and author for KMV . The university professor for industrial logistics at the Montanuniversität Leoben had made a name for himself through decades of May research. His “farewell present” was the book Da lacht even Winnetou published together with Peter Klier .

On September 20, 2011, Karlheinz Eckardt, who belonged to the so-called "Interest Group Karl May", who openly protested against the banning of Karl May books from public libraries in the GDR in the early 1950s and in conflict with the local authorities, died on September 20, 2011 was advised. As an author and editor, he stood out especially in the last years of his life in the KMV ( With Kara Ben Nemsi through the Orient , At the source of the lion and The giant ox frog ).

On December 12, 2011, the draftsman and journalist Carl-Heinz Dömken , who has been the KMV's “house draftsman” since 1995, for whom he created more than 20 cover pictures in addition to numerous illustrations.

The Swiss Karl May researcher Willi Olbrich died on October 7, 2012. Together with Reinhard F. Gusky, he wrote the large volume Auf Karl May's track .

Shortly before the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the publishing house, Lothar Schmid died on May 18, 2013, who had been a consultant to Karl May Verlag until the end. Together with his brothers Joachim and Roland, later alone or together with his son Bernhard, the lawyer ran the publishing house from 1951 to 2007.

From July 5th to 7th, 2013 a big publishing festival took place in Bamberg on the occasion of "100 Years of Karl-May-Verlag".

In 2014, Karl May's fragment The Prodigal Son appeared for the first time in “Green Belt” No. 90, Conspiracy in Vienna . With this, all previously known fiction texts of the writer were published.


At the Leipzig Book Fair on March 17, 2012, the winners of the writing competition "A pen for Winnetou" were presented.

On March 25, 2012, a Karl May service took place in Nuremberg .

The exhibition The Karl May Presentation opened on the occasion of Karl May's 100th death anniversary in early May 2012 for one year in the western town of Tombstone , which is about 28 km as the crow flies from Radebeul's twin town Sierra Vista .

In the Gutenberg Museum in Friborg , Switzerland , a Karl May exhibition under the title Karl May. Phantast took place from June 7 to August 12, 2012 . The collectors Elmar Elbs, Markus Rudin, Willi Olbrich, Peter Züllig as well as Thomas and Gaby Maurer-Glaus took part in the exhibition.

The Karl May hiking trail in Sulzbach was opened in 2014.

On September 1, 2015, the scientific museum advisory board of the Karl-May-Museum gGmbH Radebeul was founded.

In Bullyparade - The Film by Michael Herbig , Winnetou and Old Shatterhand made another appearance on the big screen in 2017 .


“The short story The Famous Five in Nuggetberg , in which Winnetou , Halef and a horse named Rih appear, is a spectacular literary testimonial with international flair . The author is a man who is famous around the world for completely different cultural backgrounds: John Lennon . The narrative can be found in the book In his own writing (1965), a collection of bizarre texts that are mainly based on playing with language and published while Lennon was still working with the Beatles . So the impression arises that Karl May was so well known to the legendary rock musician that he was not only able to cite him superficially, but also to link pronounced linguistic corruptions to his work - even though the Anglo-Saxon countries are not one of the territories , in which May has notably succeeded beyond the German borders. Beatles experts could speculate that Lennon got to know May's books while the band was in Hamburg ; However, the reports about this early phase of their career do not necessarily indicate that they were intensively involved with German literature at the time. However, the impression of Lennon's May knowledge is deceptive anyway, as a closer examination of the connections shows: Lennon's original, In His Own Write , does not speak of Karl May's characters, but Enid Blyton's ; The German translator has completely rewritten Lennon's story to the German writer, apparently guided by the conviction that only in this form can it be understood by German readers. So now the name John Lennon as that of the author stands above the text of a writer from whom he presumably - which is to be forgiven for an Englishman - has never heard of. "

- Helmut Schmiedt


  • Numerous articles on people, issues and years in the Karl May Wiki


To the whole

  • Ekkehard Bartsch: 100 years of the Karl May Foundation and Karl May Verlag . In: The Observer on the Elbe No. 20/2013.
  • Rainer Buck: Karl May. The Winnetou author and the Christian faith. With a foreword by Jens Böttcher , Moers: Brendow 2012, in the third part "Effect":
    • The Karl-May-Verlag - A Difficult Beginning , p. 161 ff.
    • Work arrangements , p. 165 f.
    • Karl May in National Socialism , p. 166 ff.
    • Karl May in the GDR , p. 168 ff.
    • Karl May in West Germany , p. 170 ff.
    • Karl May on canvas, stage and record , p. 173 ff.
    • Scientific research and biographies , p. 178 ff.
    • Karl May and his grateful readers , p. 182 ff.
  • Nicolas Finke: In the wild west. On the history of the Karl May Games on the Blauer See natural stage in Ratingen -
    • Part 1: 1949/1950 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 117/2009.
    • Part 2: 1950 and 1961–1963 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 119/2010.
    • Part 3: How Elspe and Pierre Brice came to the Blue Lake . In: Karl May & Co. No. 120/2010.
    • Part 4: The Ratingen branch of the Karl May Festival in Elspe in the 1980s and 1990s . In: Karl May & Co. No. 123/2011.
  • Karl May Society (ed.): Karl May's traces in literature. Selection and comments by Hansotto Hatzig and Rudi Schweikert (with afterwords by RS):
    • First collection . Special issue of the Karl May Society (So-KMG) 70/1987.
    • Second collection . So-KMG 73/1987.
    • Third collection . So-KMG 78/1988.
    • Fourth collection . So-KMG 85/1990.
    • Fifth collection . So-KMG 98/1993.
  • Erich Heinemann : About Karl May. Sayings by well-known personalities. Drawings: Carl-Heinz Dömken (materials for Karl May research, volume 5) , Ubstadt: KMG-Presse 1980.
  • Reinhard Marheinecke , Nicolas Finke, Torsten Greis, Regina Arentz: Karl May am Kalkberg. History and stories of the Karl-May-Spiele Bad Segeberg since 1952 , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 1999.
  • Stefan Schmatz : Dream Worlds III. Pictures of Karl May's work . Karl-May-Verlag Bamberg-Radebeul 2010. ISBN 978-3-7802-0179-9 . (The third volume summarizes illustrators since 1931. Among them are Juan Arranz, Klaus Dill , Jörn Hennig, Carl-Heinz Dömken , Josef Hegenbarth , Gustav Krum, Klaus Lehmann, Helmut Nickel , Heinz Osthoff, Michael Sowa , Dorul van der Heide and many others other.)
  • Bernhard Schmid, Jürgen Seul (ed.): 100 years of publishing work for Karl May and his work 1913–2013 , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2013, including:
    • Bernhard Schmid: 100 years of Karl-May-Verlag = 100 years of family history , pp. 5–9.
    • Jürgen Seul: 100 Years of Karl May Verlag , p. 10 ff.
    • Hans-Dieter Steinmetz : With strange tongues. The translations of Karl May's works - Insights into a wide field , pp. 23–26.
    • Christoph F. Lorenz: “Speak German!” And other well-intentioned advice to the May publisher Euchar Albrecht Schmid. On the arrangements of the collected works , pp. 52–54.
    • Christian Heermann : Not forbidden - not allowed. Karl May in SBZ and GDR 1945 to 1960 , pp. 79–82.
    • Wilhelm Brauneder : Another anniversary. 65 years restart of the green volumes after 1945 in Vienna , p. 88.
    • Michael Petzel: The third most important date in the history of Karl May Verlag , p. 109 f.
    • Stefan Schmatz: The cover pictures of the collected works , p. 122 f.
    • Ekkehard Bartsch: Collected travel stories - Collected works. A journey through the colorful world of Karl May , pp. 145–148.
  • Lothar and Bernhard Schmid (eds.): The cut diamond. Karl May's collected works , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2013.
  • Helmut Schmiedt : Klaus Mann, Pierre Brice and the Enlightenment. Karl May's Nachleben , in: ders .: Karl May or The Power of Fantasy. Eine Biographie , Munich: CH Beck 2011, 2nd edition 2017, pp. 285–328.
  • Rudi Schweikert : Karl May's literary effect. A tour with 10 stations , in: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Ed.): Karl May , Munich: Edition text + kritik 1987, pp. 244–268; in this:
  • Gert Ueding (Ed.): Karl May Handbook. 3rd edition , Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2001, therein in the fourth part "History of impact":
    • Helmut Schmiedt : Critique and Reception Karl Mays , p. 492 ff.
    • Jürgen Wehnert: Continuations, additions and adaptations , p. 509 ff.
    • Wilhelm Brauneder : Karl May in Austria , p. 512 f.
    • Max Ruh : Karl May in Switzerland , p. 513 ff.
    • Ulrich von Thüna: Translations , p. 519 ff.
    • Hansotto Hatzig: Dramatisierungen , p. 523 ff.
    • Hans Otto Hatzig: films , page 527 ff.
    • Hartmut Kühne: Settings , p. 532 ff.
    • Michael Petzel: forms of commercial exploitation , p. 536 ff.
    • Michael Petzel: Comics and Picture Stories , p. 539 ff.
    • André Neubert, René Wagner, Erwin Müller: Museums, memorials and exhibitions , p. 546 ff.
    • Jürgen Wehnert: Der Karl-May-Verlag , p. 554 ff.
    • Erich Heinemann : Organs and Perspectives of Karl May Research , p. 559 ff.

To the first post-war years

  • Wilhelm Brauneder: The Viennese license edition . In: Karl May and Austria. Reality - fiction - reception. Hansa Verlag 1996.
  • Wilhelm Brauneder: "Karl May's works" of the Vienna licensed edition. Green gold from Austria with dust jacket . In: Karl May & Co. No. 134/2013.
  • Wilhelm Brauneder: Supplement to the Vienna license edition . In: Wiener Karl May Brief Issue 1/2014.
  • Rolf Dernen, Jens Pompe: The legacy of Karl and Klara. One century Karl May Foundation . In: Karl May & Co. No. 131/2013.
  • Wilhelm Fronemann: Karl May and National Socialism. A memorandum on the corruption of the mind in the Third Reich . Private print 1946.
  • Heinz Grill: Karl May and the racial madness . In: Karl May exhibition of the Museum für Völkerkunde in Vienna (April 1, 1949 to September 30, 1949) , Vienna: Self-published by the Museum für Völkerkunde, 1949.
  • Wolfgang Hermesmeier, Stefan Schmatz : Karl May on the stake , in: Karl May & Co. 125/2011.
  • Wolfgang Hermesmeier, Stefan Schmatz: Dr. jur. Bernhard Scheer - A phantom of the Karl May history . Three parts. In: Karl May & Co. No. 127, No. 129 and No. 130/2012.
  • Horst Matthey: An almost forgotten early attempt to found a Karl May Society . In: Communications from the Karl May Society No. 76/1988.
  • Horst Matthey: A failed KMG founding attempt in the former Soviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) . In: Karl May in Leipzig No. 8 and No. 9/1992.
  • Bernhard Schmid: Carl-Heinz Dömken. Painter - Horse lover - Karl-May-Original. Festschrift for the 80th birthday on April 14, 2009 , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2009 (contains the application for approval by the Karl May Society ).

To the 1950s

  • Nicolas Finke, Kristin C. Schmeding: “It really got down to business” - extras in Bad Segeberg 1952 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 86/2001.
  • Nicolas Finke: Silbersee '58 - Bad Segeberg's Wild West in the late 1950s . In: Karl May & Co. No. 143/2016.
  • Nicolas Finke: Winnetou in black and white. Winnetou was supposed to come to the cinema as early as the beginning of the 1950s - but Deutsche Spielfilm GmbH's project failed . In: Karl May & Co. No. 107/2007.
  • Nicolas Finke, Reinhard Marheinecke : Karl May am Kalkberg. History and stories of the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg since 1952 . Karl-May-Verlag Bamberg-Radebeul 1999, ISBN 3-7802-3008-9 (with two sequel brochures by the same publisher in 2001 and 2004).
  • Ludwig Körner : Winnetou, the red gentleman. Play from Indian life based on Karl May . Norderstedt, undated
  • Ludwig Körner, Roland Schmid : Winnetou, the red gentleman (open-air version). Play from Indian life based on Karl May . Norderstedt, undated
  • Roland Schmid (arrangement): Karl May: The treasure in the silver lake. Adventures in the Wild West for open-air theaters , Bamberg: Ustad-Verlag 1954, 2nd edition 1955.
  • Roland Schmid, Wulf Leisner : Hadschi Halef Omar. Adventures in North Africa based on Karl May's travel stories "Through the desert" - "Merhameh" - "Allah il Allah" edited for open-air stages , Bamberg: Karl-May-Verlag, 3rd edition 1964.
  • Peter Zastrow, Hans-Werner Baurycza: A city plays Indians. From the early years of the Karl May Festival in Bad Segeberg (Segeberger Blätter, Volume 2) , Duderstadt: EPV 2011.

To the 1960s

  • Karl-Heinz Becker: Winnetou's wild rides through Hamburg's cinema palaces - A look back at the Karl May wave in the 1960s on the Elbe . In: Karl May Circular No. 45, December 1991.
  • Hella Brice: "... And overnight I was Winnetou". 1960s - shooting of the Karl May films (Pierre Brice Edition) , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl May Verlag 2018.
  • Ingrid Bröning: Karl May's travel stories as a literary pedagogical problem . Ratingen: Aloys Henn 1973.
  • Peter Essenwein: Karl May film rumors from the 1960s . In: Karl-May-Rundbrief No. 18, May / June 1987.
  • Peter Essenwein: May in the cinema of the 60s. Spectators at the stake of half-heartedness . In: Karl May Circular No. 34, February 1990.
  • Nicolas Finke: Book review: “The actors of the Karl May films 1962–1968. Illustrated Lexicon of Karl May Film Stars ” . In: Karl May & Co. No. 85/2001.
  • Nicolas Finke: Artificial cacti on Kalkberg - Bad Segeberg in 1969. A look back . In: Karl May & Co. No. 100/2005.
  • Nicolas Finke: Winnetou TV star? Comments on the TV versions of the Bad Segeberg Karl May Games in the radio press of the 60s and 70s - Karl May and German television (IV). In: Karl May & Co. No. 103/2006.
  • Nicolas Finke: The mute Old Shatterhand. How the Karl May wave of films influenced the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg and the TV versions of the North German Radio in the 1960s - Karl May and German television (IX) . In: Karl May & Co. No. 129/2012.
  • Reinhold Haase / Regina Arentz: “Aren't you ashamed, Mr. Wendlandt?” - New series: the youth magazine BRAVO and the Karl May film wave of the 1960s . In: Karl-May-Rundbrief No. 41, April 1991.
  • Herbert Hegedo: Karl May in Bad Segeberg . In: Karl May in Bad Segeberg , 1962.
  • Erich Heinemann : A society for Karl May. 25 years of literary research 1969–1994 , Husum 1994.
  • Anton Kaiser: Outlaw Hakawati. The tragedy of Karl May , Kehl am Rhein: Verlag der Wegweiser-Bibliothek 1967.
  • Karl-May-Verlag Bamberg (Ed.): 50 years of publishing work for Karl May and his work [Festschrift] , Bamberg: Karl-May-Verlag 1963; including:
    • "You should become my publisher ..." [publishing history] , p. 5 ff.
    • Euchar Albrecht Schmid : My life and striving (1951) , p. 13 ff.
    • Milestones. 50 years of Karl-May-Verlag , p. 23 ff.
    • Karl Friedrich May. German writer, 1842–1912 , p. 32 ff.
    • The treasure in Silbersee. Can one - and how can one film Karl May? , P. 41 ff.
    • Around the villa “Bärenfett” , p. 45 ff.
    • Karl May on the stage , p. 48 f.
    • Karl May in foreign languages , p. 50 ff.
    • Karl May in Holland , p. 53
  • Bernhard Kosciuszko (Ed.): The great Karl May figure lexicon, Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf-Lexikon Imprint Verlag. Third, improved and supplemented edition: Berlin 2000. ISBN 3-89602-244-X (online version) .
  • Birgit Kunze: German western productions of the 1960s compared to the Karl May films . In: Karl-May-Rundbrief No. 5, May 1985.
  • Gunar Ortlepp : Karl der Deutsche , in: Der Spiegel 37/1962 ( online version ).
  • Michael Petzel: Karl May film book. Stories and pictures from the German dream factory , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag, 2nd edition 1999.
  • Michael Petzel: The third most important date in the history of the Karl-May-Verlag , in: Bernhard Schmid, Jürgen Seul (ed.): 100 years of publishing work for Karl May and his work 1913–2013 , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2013, p. 109 f.
  • Wilhelm Partridge: Karl May is alive. Immortal figures, exciting adventures. A series of images from the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg . In: Karl May is alive , 1962.
  • Malte Ristau , Wolfgang Willmann: Figure worlds according to Karl May: Toy and collectible figures made of tin, mass and plastic , Karl-May-Verlag, 2015.
  • Hartmut Schmidt: Wild West in Berlin :
    • Part 1: About the Karl May Games on the Rehberge open-air stage in 1963/64 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 99, February 2005.
    • Part 2: About the Karl May Festivals in 1966 and 1968 in the Deutschlandhalle . In: Karl May & Co. No. 101/2005 (together with Nicolas Finke).
  • Gunther Stapel: The rise and development of the Karl May film wave in Germany in the 1960s . In: Karl May Circular No. 3, February 1985.
  • Heinz Stolte , Gerhard Klußmeier : Arno Schmidt & Karl May. A necessary clarification , Hamburg: Hansa 1973.
  • Peter Wayand: Opening inwards and outwards: Karl May in the 1960s - a symposium . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 190/2016, pp. 20–25.
  • Jörg Wörner: Memories of the Karl May wave of the 1960s . In: Karl May Circular No. 4, April 1985.
  • Hans Wollschläger : Karl May in self-testimonies and image documents , 1965 (new edition: Karl May. Outline of a broken life , 1965/1976/2004)

To the 1970s

  • Ernst Bloch: the original color of dreams . In: Yearbook of the Karl May Society 1971, pp. 11–16. ( Online version )
  • Henning Franke: Colportage. The rediscovered television film "Acquittal for Old Shatterhand" . In: Karl May & Co. No. 152, 2018.
  • Karl May: The forest rose or the pursuit around the earth. (Stage version). A melodramatic arc of images . Edited by Götz Loepelmann and Astrid Fischer-Windorf, Hildesheim: Olms Presse 1977.
  • Franz R. Stuke: Forsthaus in the Hunsrück . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 109, 1996.

The yearbooks

Contributions from individual May researchers

  • Siegfried Augustin :
    • Karl May in Munich. A documentation of his visits in the years 1897/98 and his connection with the “May Club Munich” . In: Karl May Yearbook 1978.
  • Wolf-Dieter Bach:
  • Ekkehard Bartsch:
    • Karl May's speech in Vienna. A documentation. In: Jb-KMG 1970 (online version) .
    • Karl May's trip to the Orient 1899/1900. Documentation. In: Jb-KMG 1971 (online version) (together with Hans Wollschläger)
    • “And peace on earth!”. Origin and history. In: Jb-KMG 1972 (online version) .
    • “People and animals” and Karl May's thoughts on nature and landscape protection. In: Jb-KMG 1975 (online version) .
    • On the second version of Karl May's autobiography. In: Jb-KMG 1976: (online version) .
    • "Ardistan and Dschinnistan". Origin and history. In: Jb-KMG 1977: (online version) .
  • Viktor Böhm: Karl May and the secret of his success , Gütersloh: Prisma 2nd edition 1979 (online version) .
  • Erich Heinemann , Gerhard Klußmeier :
    • Karl May in reading books . In: Mitteilungen der Karl-May-Gesellschaft (M-KMG) No. 27/1976, pp. 28–31.
  • Bernhard Kosciuszko:
    • The literary echo and Karl May. A documentation. Special issue of the Karl May Society (S-KMG) 7/1977. ( Online version ).
    • Karl May's drama "Babel and Bible". S-KMG 10/1978. ( Online version ).
  • Hartmut Kühne:
    • The reprints of the Münchmeyer novels. The location of the Münchmeyer novels in Karl May's literary development. In: M-KMG No. 5/1970, p. 23 f. ( Online version ).
    • Karl May and E. v. T. In: Jb-KMG 1970, pp. 198-220 ( online version ).
    • Karl May's “Oil Brandy” . In: Jb-KMG 1970, pp. 258–262 ( online version ).
    • The lost Son. Thoughts on reprint. In: M-KMG No. 9/1971, pp. 30–32 ( online version ).
    • The Night Mahr (via Kiss-y-Darr). In: M-KMG No. 11/1972, pp. 12–15 ( online version ).
    • The way to happiness - thoughts on reprint. In: M-KMG No. 11/1972, p. 27 f. ( Online version ).
    • Karl May on the way to happiness. In: M-KMG No. 14/1972, pp. 4–8, and No. 15/1973, pp. 11–14 (online version: part 1 and part 2 ).
    • Günther Eich wrote a Winnetou radio play. In: M-KMG No. 17/1973, p. 28 f. ( Online version ).
    • An epilogue to "Wanda" . In: M-KMG No. 21/1974, pp. 9-13 ( online version ).
  • Christoph F. Lorenz:
    • Karl May's “The Two Quitzow's Last Journeys” as a historical novel. In: M-KMG No. 41/1979, pp. 24–28 ( online version ).
    • Karl May's little world theater. For the reprint “Scepter and Hammer / The Jewel Island”. In: M-KMG No. 42/1979, pp. 31–33 ( online version ).
  • Thomas Ostwald :
  • Claus Roxin :
    • Karl May, das Strafrecht und die Literatur , in: Jb-KMG 1978, pp. 9–36 ( online version ).
  • Gert Ueding :
    • Maze of colportage. In: S-KMG No. 1/1972. ( Online version )
    • The prisoner's dream. History and stories in Karl May's work. In: Jb-KMG 1978, pp. 60-86. ( Online version )
  • Helmut Schmiedt :
    • Karl May. Studies on the life, work and impact of a successful writer , dissertation, Bonn 1977 (as book as Volume 2 of the series Discourse , Königstein / Taunus 1979, ISBN 3-445-01916-9 ; later completely revised and supplemented; 3rd edition in the Athenäums Program series , Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 3-445-04774-X )
  • Hans Wollschläger :
    • "The so-called division of the human being, a picture of the division of humanity in general". Materials for a character analysis by Karl May . In: Jb-KMG 1972/73, pp. 11-92 (online version) .
    • "The owner of many bags". Reading notes on Karl May's “Am Jenseits” (materials for a character analysis II). In: J-KMG 1974, pp. 153–171 (online version) .
    • "The real work". Preliminary remarks on “Ardistan and Dschinnistan” (Materials for a Character Analysis III). In: Jb-KMG 1977, pp. 58-80 (online version) .
    • First approach to the "Silver Lion". On the symbolism and creation. In: J-KMG 1979, pp. 99-136 (online version) .

To the 1980s

  • Nicolas Finke, Reinhard Marheinecke : At the foot of the Kalkberg. The Bad Segeberger Karl May spectacle in the 80s. A retrospective . Verlag Reinhard Marheinecke Hamburg 2008.
  • Erich Heinemann (Ed.): About Karl May. Sayings of well-known personalities. (= Materials for Karl May Research, Volume 5) , Ubstadt: KMG-Presse 1980.
  • Walther Ilmer: Between ridicule and homage. A Berlin book ollen Karl May . In: Mitteilungen der Karl-May-Gesellschaft No. 106/1995, p. 55 ( online version ).
  • Bernhard Kosciuszko: In the center of the May hate speech. The Kölnische Volkszeitung (materials on Karl May research, volume 10) . KMG-Presse Ubstadt 1985 ( online version ).
  • Martin Lowsky: Karl May (Realien zur Literatur, Vol. 231) . JB Metzler Verlag Stuttgart 1987.
  • Peter Richter, Uwe Neßler: Pictures from Ardistan. Karl May sites in Saxony. Special issue of the Karl May Society No. 61–63. KMG-Presse Ubstadt 1986 ( online version ).
  • Dorothea Rothenburg: A consideration of Marah Durimeh in Karl May's adventure stories, with special consideration of Wollschläger's theses , (Masch.) Master's thesis, Berlin 1980.
  • Roland Schmid (Ed.): 75 years of publishing work for Karl May and his work 1913–1988 [Festschrift] , Bamberg: Karl-May-Verlag 1988; including:
    • Hartmut Borchert: "Karl-May-Straße 8". A publisher's chronicle , p. 130 ff.
    • Siegfried Augustin : The cut diamond. On the adaptation of Karl May's works , p. 67 ff.
    • Helmut Schmiedt : Karl May and literary studies. On the current state of research , p. 149 ff.
    • Berndt Banach: Karl May to look at. His work on stage, in the cinema and on television , p. 161 ff.
    • Walter Laue: The special postage stamp “75. Anniversary of Karl May's death ”. 30 million Winnetous go all over the world , p. 173 ff.
    • Berndt Banach: Karl May memorials. Radebeul - Hohenstein-Ernstthal - Bamberg , p. 177 ff.
  • Helmut Schmiedt (Ed.): Karl May. Materials . Suhrkamp Verlag, 1983.
  • Dieter Sudhoff , Hartmut Vollmer (eds.): Karl Mays "Winnetou". Studies on a Myth (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch materials) , Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1989.
  • Hartmut Vollmer: Marah Durimeh or The Return to the “Big Mother” , in: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Ed.), Karl May (special volume text + criticism) , Munich: edition text + kritik 1987, pp. 158–190 (excerpts from it online ).
  • Hermann Wiedenroth, Hans Wollschläger (ed.): Karl May - a philological pamphlet . Greno Verlag Nördlingen, 1988.
  • Hermann Wiedenroth, Hans Wollschläger (Ed.): Karl-May-Rabe . Haffmans Verlag Zurich 1989.

To the 1990s

  • Anonymous: In the service of our Mayster . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 85, September 1990.
  • Wilhelm Brauneder : Karl May and Austria: Reality - Fiction - Reception. Education and trivial literature , Husum: Hansa Verlag 1996.
  • Nicolas Finke, Torsten Greis: 45 years of the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg. Part 1 and 2 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 66/1996 and No. 67/1997.
  • Nicolas Finke, Birgit Harder: Karl May reading today - How is Karl May received by young people? - Results of a survey at the Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Gymnasium Weißenhorn . In: Karl May & Co. No. 67/1997.
  • Nicolas Finke: “Beautiful!” - A trip into the singing career of Pierre Brice and the rest of the Karl May hit world . In: Karl May & Co. No. 69/1997.
  • Nicolas Finke: 40 years of Karl May in Elspe - From amateur theater to action spectacle - Interview with Rudi Plugge . In: Karl May & Co. No. 74/1998.
  • Gerhard Förster: Helmut Nickel's comic adaptation of Winnetou . In: Communications from the Karl May Society No. 83/1990, pp. 27–31.
  • Manfred Gärtner: With the Mayster in Arizona - “I'll be going to America for the 22nd time soon” . In: Karl May & Co. No. 76/1999.
  • Jürgen Hahn: "I was stuck between heaven and earth". Considerations on Karl May's old work , in: Jb-KMG 1992, p. 299 ff. ( Online version )
  • Volkmar Herold: "The Mayster called ... we followed his call" . In: Cottbus home calendar 1998.
  • Walther Ilmer: The inner workshop of the prodigal son Karl May. Attempt to shed light on two phenomena . In: Yearbook of the Karl May Society 1996 ( online version ).
  • Dieter Mank: The official final manual for the Karl May fan. Tomus Verlag, Munich 1992. ISBN 3-8231-0821-2 . (Attention: satire !)
  • Meredith McClain: Karl Mays Llano estakado and reality today . In: Yearbook of the Karl May Society 1994, pp. 299–311. ( Online version )
  • Oliver Sternberg: Hermann Giefer: Old Shatterhand actor of the 90s . In: Karl May Circular No. 39, December 1990.
  • Hermann Wohlgschaft : Große Karl May biography. Leben und Werk , Paderborn: Igel Verlag Wissenschaft 1994, ISBN 3-927104-61-2 ( online version ).
  • Johannes Zeilinger : Karl May's early childhood blindness - a legend? Lecture 1999, printed in the yearbook of the Karl May Society 2000, p. 179 ff. ( Online version ).

To the 2000s

  • Jörg Bielefeld: Karl May radio plays and no end? - The result of an online survey provides information about the most popular Karl May radio play productions . In: Karl May & Co. No. 97/2004.
  • Wilhelm Brauneder : Karl May's ›Faible‹ for Austria , in: Jb-KMG 2000, pp. 261–270 ( online version ).
  • Nicolas Finke: Karl May in comics. The Karl May series by Willy Vandersteen is continued on "Wick Comics" . In: Karl May & Co. No. 80/2000.
  • Nicolas Finke: The 10th Karl May Festival in Radebeul: May 25th to 27th, 2001 - A round anniversary festival already promises a lot, including the "Long Karl May Night on May 25, 2001" . In: Karl May & Co. No. 83/2001.
  • Rolf Dernen: Green and gold success story - 90 years of Karl May Verlag . In: Karl May & Co. No. 92/2003.
  • Nicolas Finke, Ulrich Neumann: 20 Years of KARL MAY & Co. - A Chronicle 1984–2004 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 96/2004.
  • Nicolas Finke: 25 years of KARL MAY & Co. In: Karl May & Co. No. 113/2008.
  • Klaus Härtel: A Mayster of martial arts - or: what did Karl May know about Mawashi-Tsuki? In: Communications from the Karl May Society No. 153/2007.
  • Christian Heermann : Winnetou's blood brother . Karl-May-Verlag Bamberg-Radebeul 2002. ISBN 3-7802-0161-5
  • Erich Heinemann : Thirty Years of the Karl May Society 1969–1999. Memories and reflections. Hansa Verlag, Husum 2000, ISBN 3-920421-81-7 .
  • Wolfgang Hermesmeier, Stefan Schmatz : The Czech Karl May Editions (Part 1–3), in: Karl May & Co. No. 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 115 / 2006–2009, No. 137 –138/2014, No. 143/2016 (10 episodes).
  • Wolfgang Hermesmeier, Stefan Schmatz: Magyars in green rock. Hungarian Karl May issues in Fehsenfeld garb. In: Karl May & Co. No. 141, August 2015, pp. 68-76.
  • Karl May Society (ed.): From the luck of the hunt for Karl May. The Karl May researcher Walther Ilmer , S-KMG 129/2004 ( online version ).
  • Michael Kunz: Premiere after 99 years. Karl May's rather unnoticed drama “Babel und Bibel” celebrated its long overdue premiere at the end of June thanks to a committed Westerwald school ensemble . In: Karl May & Co. No. 101/2005, p. 40 f.
  • Sibylle Lewitscharoff : On the wings of megalomania. A grandiose exhibition in Berlin shows Karl May as a representative of his era . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 201, 1./2. September 2007, p. 13.
  • Detlef Lorenz : Colorful innovations. The Karl May comics by Dr. Helmut Nickel . In: Karl May & Co. No. 105 / August 2006, pp. 40-47.
  • Meredith McClain, Reinhold Wolff (eds.): Karl May im Llano estacado (for the symposium of the Karl May Society in Lubbock / USA 2000). Hansa Verlag Husum 2004.
  • Katharina Nickel: Real “May” performance on stage . In: Westerwälder Zeitung No. 147 of June 28, 2005, p. 20.
  • Gordon Piedesack : "Yes, uff first - Winnetou among comedy vultures". The long Winnetou night on WDR - a new May radio play . In: Karl May & Co. No. 82, 2000.
  • Wesselin Radkov: The Winnetou Musical in Bulgaria . A dream comes true . In: Mitteilungen der Karl-May-Gesellschaft No. 129/2001 , p. 47 ff. ( Online version )
  • Barbara Scheer: International Karl May Symposium from September 7-12, 2000 in Lubbock, Texas: KMG-Nachrichten 126/2000.
  • Stefan Schmatz : Karl May's dream worlds in comics (part 1). Juan Arranz. In: Karl May & Co. No. 135, February 2014, pp. 64–73.
  • Stefan Schmatz: A comic gem. Second volume of the Karl May comics by Juan Arranz. [Review] In: Karl May & Co. No. 140, May 2015, pp. 43–44.
  • Helmut Schmiedt , Dieter Vorsteher (ed.): Karl May - work - reception - actuality. Königshausen & Neumann 2009.
  • Joachim Schneider: Crucial question to the “Mayster”. Pastor Manfred König spoke [...] about "Karl May and religion" . In: Karl May in Leipzig 57/2004, p. 16.
  • Dietrich Schober: The Spirit of the Llano Estacado - or The Symposium in Lubbock (September 7-12 , 2000). In: KMG-Nachrichten 126/2000.
  • Dietrich Schober: "Babel and Bible". Theater performance in Hachenburg on June 21, 2005. Lecture in Radebeul on June 24, 2005 . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 145/2005, p. 27 f.
  • Peter Wayand: “Wash your mouth with soap from Ischnan!” Karl May's “Babel and Bible” in June in Hachenburg . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 144/2005, p. 51.
  • Roger Willemsen: One shot, one scream. Most of Karl May , Zurich: No & But 2005.
  • Thomas Winkler: Finally a real Karl May comic! In: The Speech Bubble 185 . Schönau: Norbert Hethke Verlag 2002, pp. 4-9.
  • Thomas Winkler: In the thicket of comics . In Jürgen Wehnert, Michael Petzel (ed.): Karl May Worlds I . Bamberg: Karl-May-Verlag 2005, pp. 122–154.
  • Thomas Winkler: Karl May in the game . In: Michael Petzel, Jürgen Wehnert (Ed.): Karl-May-Welten II . Karl-May-Verlag, Bamberg / Radebeul 2006, ISBN 3-7802-3026-7 , pp. 121-149.

To the 2010s

  • Svenja Bach: Karl May's image of Islam and its influence on its readers . Special issue of the Karl May Society No. 142/2010.
  • Christoph Blau: Triumphant of wood engraving - Édouard Riou as Karl May illustrator? in: Karl May & Co. No. 130/2012, pp. 28-32.
  • Rolf Dernen, Nicolas Finke: A memorial for Karl May. The historical-critical edition "Karl May's Works" - in short: HKA - turns 25 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 130/2012, pp. 8–21, therein:
    • “May the HKA live, grow and prosper!” In conversation with Gerd Haffmans , p. 12 f.
    • "The HKA has no bestseller potential". Interview with Bernhard Schmid , p. 14 f.
    • "Imponderables of editorial work". Interview on HKA with Joachim Biermann , p. 16 f.
    • "The HKA is ...". Voices from the Karl May scene , p. 20 f.
  • Rolf Dernen: The first century. Successful anniversary celebration of the Karl-May-Verlag . In: Karl May & Co. No. 134/2013.
  • Rolf Dernen: Karl May and Italy - Life and Work , in: Karl May & Co. No. 154/2018, p. 19 f.
  • Horst Dürr: Collected traces. Karl May's works - differences between the texts of the ›Gesammelte Werke‹ and the digital version of the ›Historisch-Kritischen Ausgabe‹ , second edition 2017 (online version) .
  • Nicolas Finke: 30 years of Karl May & Co. 1984–2014: What was when? In: Karl May & Co. No. 136, May 2014.
  • Wolfgang Hermesmeier, Stefan Schmatz : The Czech Karl May editions. Part 2: Special editions of the Toužimský & Moravec publishing house (I – II) , in Karl May & Co. , No. 137–138, 2014.
  • Peter Hofmann : Karl May and his gospel. Theological attempt on camouflage and hermeneutics , Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2016.
  • Peter Klier: Old Kara Ben Winnetou May. Book accompanying the exhibitions , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-7802-3024-9 .
  • Peter Klier, Siegfried Augustin : Even Winnetou laughs. A guide through Karl May's works in 111 flashlights , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-7802-3023-2 .
  • Thomas Kramer : Karl May. A biographical portrait , Freiburg: Herder 2011.
  • Holger Kuße, Bernhard Schmid (Ed.): Karl Mays Friedenswege. His work between ethnic stereotype and pacifism , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2013, ISBN 978-3-7802-0198-0 (table of contents online ); including:
    • André Köhler: Marketing as Peace Management: William F. Cody, Karl May und die Festspielkultur , p. 493 ff.
    • André Neubert: The Karl May House and its meeting place as a place for intercultural encounters , p. 530 ff.
    • Interview with René Wagner: “We don't just exhibit things. We also convey values ​​”- The Karl May Museum Radebeul , p. 540 ff.
    • Peter Wayand: “Wash your mouth with soap from Ischnân!” - Karl May at school and beyond , p. 569 ff.
  • Hans Langsteiner: “A unique event in German publishing history”. Bamberg: 100 years of KMV . In: Wiener Karl-May-Brief issue 2-3 / 2013.
  • Hans Langsteiner: Was Karl May a “68er”? The Bonn symposium on "Karl May in the 1960s" . In: Wiener Karl-May-Brief 3–4 / 2016.
  • Katharina Maier: Nscho-tschi and her sisters. Female figures in the work of Karl May , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2012.
  • Helmut Nickel : Winnetou. Based on the travel story by Karl May, published by Karl May Verlag Bamberg Radebeul. Edited by Eckart Sackmann with the assistance of Horst-Joachim Kalbe and Detlef Lorenz. One-time, limited edition , three volumes, Hildesheim: comicplus + , Verlag Sackmann und Hörndl 2012–2013; in this:
    • First volume: Winnetou (Chapters 1–9)
    • Volume Two : Winnetou (Among Vultures) (Chapters 1–10)
    • Third volume: The treasure in the Silbersee (from p. 58 to p. 189, the draftsman Harry Ehrt takes on the drawing from Nickels); then continue:
      • Hans-Joachim Kalbe: Helmut Nickels unsaved treasure (p. 191 ff.)
      • Eckart Sackmann: Harry Ehrt (p. 203 ff.)
      • Eckart Sackmann: The Chief (p. 211 ff.)
      • Eckart Sackmann, Peter Hörndl: Reprint or Reconstruction? (P. 215 ff.)
      • Dieter Lorenz: Secondary literature on Nickel's "Winnetou" (p. 222 f.)
  • Helmut Nickel: Winnetou. The visual novel. Based on the travel story by Karl May, published by Karl May Verlag Bamberg Radebeul. Published by Eckart Sackmann , Hildesheim: comicplus +, Verlag Sackmann und Hörndl 2012 (“Volksausgabe”); in this:
    • Winnetou (Chapters 1-9)
    • Among vultures (Chapters 1-10)
  • Malte Ristau , Wolfgang Willmann: Figure worlds after Karl May. Toy and collectible figures made of tin, mass and plastic . Special volume on the collected works of Karl May, Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2015.
  • Detlef Romey: Much ado about Old Shatterhand. A piece in three pictures, about Karl May , Berlin: Verlag Neopubli 2017.
  • Stefan Schmatz : Karl May's dream worlds in comics (part 1–10), in: Karl May & Co. No. 135 / 2014–144 / 2016.
  • Stefan Schmatz: The Czech Karl May editions. Part 3: The "small series" of the Toužimský & Moravec publishing house (II – V) , in Karl May & Co. , No. 151–154, 2018.
  • Helmut Schmiedt : Karl May or the power of the imagination. A biography , Munich: CH Beck 2017.
  • Helmut Schmiedt , Joachim Biermann, Florian Schleburg (eds.): "If you don't experience anything, then you don't do anything glooben!" Fifty years of the Karl May Society 1969-2019 , Husum: Hansa Verlag 2019, ISBN 978-3- 941629-23-3 , therein u. a .:
    • Joachim Biermann: The Karl May Society 1999–2019 , p. 19 ff.
    • Johannes Zeilinger: A handle in the lucky pot. The difficult and successful founding of KMG , p. 83 ff.
    • Ekkehard Bartsch: “You can only see clearly with the heart!”. Memories of Alfred Schneider , p. 127 ff.
    • Florian Schleburg: No final word. On the continuous enjoyment of various activities with Karl May , p. 199 ff.
  • Philipp Schwenke: The flicker of truth over the desert. A Karl May novel , Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 2018.
  • Jan Skácel : Who was Karl May. Introduction and translation by Ludger Udolph . In: Karel Hynek Shatterhand. Slavic with Karl May between good and bad. Special issue of the Karl May Society No. 143/2011 ( online version ), pp. 7-16.
  • Hans-Dieter Steinmetz (Ed.): Karl May in Hohenstein-Ernstthal 1921–1942. A contribution to the history of the impact based on the correspondence between Hans Zesewitz and Euchar A. Schmid , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag 2016, therein:
    • Hans-Dieter Steinmetz: The Karl May researcher Hans Zesewitz
    • Jens Pompe: The May reception in the Hohenstein-Ernstthal City Library
    • André Neubert: The memorial plaque on the birthplace
    • André Neubert: Plans for a “Karl May Room” in the city museum
    • Henning Franke: The Karl-May-Strasse
    • Kerstin Orantek, Jens Pompe: The city and local festivals with Karl May themes
    • Henning Franke: The Karl May Honors
    • Jenny Florstedt: The Karl May Cave
    • Kerstin Orantek: The "Winnetou" performances
    • Hartmut Schmidt: The care of Karl May's sisters
    • Jenny Florstedt: Gravestones for Karl May's sisters and Hermann Waldemar Otto
    • Jens Pompe: The Karl May Memorial Grove
  • Gert Ueding : Utopian borderland. About Karl May. Essays . Klöpfer and Meyer Verlag, Tübingen 2012.
  • Hartmut Vollmer (Ed.): Karl May for pleasure , Leipzig: Philipp Reclam 2011.
  • Klaus Walther : Karl May. A Saxon Biography , Chemnitz: Chemnitzer Verlag 2012.
  • Peter Wayand: 100 years of Karl May Verlag. The anniversary weekend in Bamberg . In: KMG-Nachrichten No. 177/2013.

To the 2020s

  • Stefan Schmatz : Helmut Schmidt, the Kalkberg and Marah Durimeh. A Federal Chancellor is committed to Karl May , in: Karl May & Co. 1/2020, pp. 44–52.


  • NDR documentation: When Winnetou came to the north . Broadcast on July 5, 2017, NDR 8.15–9.45 p.m. ( online on YouTube ).
  • The Thomaskantorei Hellbrook (Head: Hartmut Kühne):
    • Ave Maria ( mp3 )
    • Don't forget me ( mp3 )

Web links


  1. For the worldwide distribution and translation of Karl May's writings, see the article by Hans-Dieter Steinmetz: Mit Fremd Zungen… , 2013, pp. 23–26. The broad international impact of Karl May is described here in an overview . Occasional contributions to the reception of Karl May in other countries and continents (e.g. Wilhelm Brauneder on May reception in Austria, Hungary and Russia; Rolf Dernen on the same in Italy; Wolfgang Hermesmeier and Stefan Schmatz on Czech and Hungarian Karl- May editions as well as Belgian, Dutch and Spanish comics; Meredith McClain about the May reception in the USA; Wesselin Radkov about the same in Bulgaria: see especially here ) should be summarized once.
  2. Hermesmeier / Schmatz: Karl May on the stake , in: Karl May & Co. 125/2011, p. 66.
  3. Hermesmeier / Schmatz: Karl May in the "Black Corps" , in: Karl May & Co. 143/2016, p. 28.
  4. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Wilhelm_Fronemann
  5. https://www.karl-may.de/fundstueck/fundstueck_246.jpg
  6. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Deutscher_Karl-May-Bund
  7. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_(Ratingen_1950)
  8. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_(Ratingen_1961)
  9. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Der_Schatz_im_Silbersee_(Ratingen_1962)
  10. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Der_Ölprinz_(Ratingen_1963)
  11. Nicolas Finke: In the wild west. On the history of the Karl May Games on the Blauer See natural stage in Ratingen - Part 2: 1950 and 1961–1963 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 119/2010.
  12. Hansotto Hatzig: Dramatisierungen , in: Gert Ueding (Ed.): Karl-May-Handbuch. 3rd edition , Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2001, p. 525.
  13. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 79.
  14. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Joachim_Schmid
  15. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ludwig_Patsch
  16. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Bücherei_im_Verlag_Carl_Ueberreuter_Wien
  17. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 87.
  18. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Bernhard_Scheer
  19. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Marah_Durimeh_(Franz_Kandolf)
  20. See: Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 89 f. There also, scattered on pages 91–202, the other biograms of the deceased KMV employees and Karl May researchers.
  21. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 89.
  22. Dernen / Pompe: The legacy of Karl and Klara ... , 2013, p. 16.
  23. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Herbert_Stößer
  24. ^ NDR documentation: When Winnetou came to the north (broadcast on July 5, 2017, NDR 8.15–9.45 pm (online on YouTube) ).
  25. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_(Elspe_1958)
  26. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Hadschi_Halef_Omar_(Elspe_1964)
  27. The entire Klekih-petra episode is omitted here and the piece begins in the Pueblo of the Apaches . Will Parker is finally allowed to complete the " shamrock " and Santer receives his cronies Clay, Gates and Summer. "Aunt Emma" became Rosalie Ebersbach again and Winnetou is allowed to die again to " Ave Maria ". (See the corresponding entry in the Karl May Wiki.)
  28. a b http://www.karl-may-hoerspiele.info/
  29. http://www.karl-may-hoerspiele.info/vproduktion.php?_id=163
  30. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Arno_Schmidt#Arno_Schmidt_über_Karl_May
  31. Nicolas Finke in Karl May & Co. No. 107/2007.
  32. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Otto_Gottstein
  33. Heinz Grill: The Shadows of the Shah-In-Shah . Karl-May-Verlag Bamberg-Radebeul 2006, p. 505.
  34. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Anneli_Weiss
  35. Malte Ristau, Wolfgang Willmann: Figure Worlds after Karl May: Toy and collectible figures made of pewter, mass and plastic , Karl-May-Verlag, 2015
  36. Joachim Giel: The filming locations in Croatia . Double DVD (approx. 3 hours) with exact descriptions and sketches of the camera positions at the Plitvice Lakes and Trogir , 1999, 2002 and 2003.
  37. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Freisrauch_für_Old_Shatterhand_(Film)
  38. Hartmut Schmidt: Wild West in Berlin (Part 1). About the Karl May Games on the Rehberge open-air stage in 1963/64 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 99, February 2005.
  39. Nicolas Finke, Hartmut Schmidt: Wild West in Berlin (Part 2). About the Karl May Festivals in 1966 and 1968 in the Deutschlandhalle . In: Karl May & Co. No. 101/2005.
  40. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Gerechtigkeit_f%C3%BCr_Karl_May !
  41. a b http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Geschichte_der_Karl-May-Hörspiele
  42. Large Karl May dictionary of figures. Retrieved October 9, 2018 .
  43. http://www.karl-may-filme.de/fern/index.html
  44. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Helmut_Nickel
  45. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Harry_Ehrt
  46. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Konkordanz_der_Comicserien_der_Verlage_Lehning,_Splitter_und_Hethke
  47. Winkler 2005, p. 123.
  48. Förster 1990, p. 30.
  49. Heinz Stolte, Gerhard Klußmeier: Arno Schmidt & Karl May. A necessary clarification , Hamburg: Hansa 1973. From the standpoint of literary pedagogy, Ingrid Bröning's dissertation Die Reiseerzählungen Karl Mays as a literary pedagogical problem also demonstrated that Schmidt's theory of the Sex-drenching of children through May's stories represents a scientific short-circuit hypothesis.
  50. Hans Wollschläger: Karl May in self-testimonies and picture documents , 1965 (new edition: Karl May. Outline of a broken life , 1965/1976/2004)
  51. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Barbeitung
  52. Christoph F. Lorenz: The editors as obstetricians , in: The polished diamond ... , 2003, pp. 105-134.
  53. Lothar Schmid: 90 years of publishing work for Karl May , in: Der geschliffene Diamant… , 2003, pp. 5–88, especially p. 62 f.
  54. https://www.karl-may.de/pages/buchprogramm.php?sub=reprints
  55. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Fritz_Barthel
  56. Michael Petzel: Das third most important date ... , 2013, p. 109 f.
  57. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Museum_Bamberg
  58. Charles the German . In: Der Spiegel . No. 37 , 1962, pp. 54-74 ( online - 12 September 1962 ).
  59. Johannes Zeilinger: A grip in the lucky pot ... , 2019, p. 88 f.
  60. http://karl-may-buecher.de/verlagdetails.php?_id=118
  61. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Willy_Vandersteen
  62. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Arbeitsgemeinschaft_Karl-May-Biographie
  63. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Laubsägarbeiten
  64. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/An_Marterpfahl_und_Pranger_(Film)
  65. https://www.karl-may-gesellschaft.de/index.php?seite=jahrbuch&sprache=de
  66. Primordial color of the dream . In: Yearbook of the Karl May Society 1971, pp. 11–16. ( Online version ).
  67. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 128 ff.
  68. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Union_Deutsche_Verlagsgesellschaft
  69. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ekkehard_Bartsch
  70. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 127 ff.
  71. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Alfred_Biedermann
  72. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Katharina_Barthel
  73. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Juan_Arranz
  74. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_Extra
  75. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Johannes_Nixdorf
  76. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-jahrbuch_1918
  77. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/1977
  78. ^ Volker Kühn , Roland Schneider : Bonner Hitparade - Das Duell , Bellaphon 1980, Track B 2 (postscript); partly reprinted in: Jost Kaiser: As Helmut Schmidt once ... Little stories about a great man , Munich: Heyne 4th edition 2012, p. 21 ff .: ... won the election with Karl May. See: Stefan Schmatz : Helmut Schmidt, der Kalkberg and Marah Durimeh. A Federal Chancellor is committed to Karl May , in: Karl May & Co. 1/2020, pp. 44–52.
  79. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Old_Shatterhand_in_Moabit
  80. around this song that the Euro Vision-winning song A little peace of Nicole anticipated, then broke a dispute between director and composer of the musical.
  81. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Aktion-_und_Musik-Schauspiel_%22Winnetou%22
  82. a b http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Hartmut_Vollmer
  83. Printed in: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Hrsg.), Karl May (special volume text + criticism) , Munich: edition text + kritik 1987, pp. 158–190.
  84. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Fritz_Maschke
  85. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Josef_Höck
  86. a b http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Rudolf_Beissel
  87. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May._Eine_philologische_Streitschrift
  88. a b http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Mays_Hauptwerke_in_33_Bängen
  89. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/1982
  90. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Liste_von_Biografien
  91. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Symposium_(Bonn_1992)
  92. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Filmfest_(1998)
  93. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Der_Schatz_im_Silbersee_(Computerspiel)
  94. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Wildwest-Romantik_auf_deutschen_Freilichtb%C3%BChnen_(Ausstellung)
  95. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_im_Sichtwinkel_seiner_Leser_(Ausstellung)
  96. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_heute_(Ausstellung)
  97. ^ Bernhard Schmid: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 7.
  98. Schmatz: Cover Images ... , 2013, p. 123.
  99. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/1991
  100. Online on YouTube.
  101. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Symposium_(Wien_1993)
  102. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Marathon
  103. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Mays_Blindheit
  104. Johannes Zeilinger in M-KMG No. 127, p. 22.
  105. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Internationales_Karl-May-Symposium_in_Lubbock
  106. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May:_Werk_-_Rezeption_-_Aktualität_(Symposium)
  107. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Internationales_Symposium_(Leipzig_2009)
  108. http://www.karl-may-hoerspiele.info/vproduktion.php?_von=P&_id=147
  109. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Der_Orientcycle_(Hörspiel)
  110. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_und_der_halbe_Abt
  111. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_(Sofia_2001)
  112. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_(Wien_2002)
  113. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Open_Ohr-Lesetheater_-_Karl_May
  114. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Der_Schatz_im_Silbersee#Oper
  115. Holger Saarmann - songs, as German as the Wild West. Retrieved October 9, 2018 .
  116. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ich_bin_nicht_Karl_May
  117. http://www.karl-may-hoerspiele.info/vproduktion.php?_von=P&_id=369
  118. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Geschichte_der_Karl-May-Hörspiele
  119. http://www.karl-may-buecher.de/
  120. FOWLING BULL radio plays: Karl May to become a slave. Retrieved October 9, 2018 .
  121. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Fowling_Bull_(Hörspiele)
  122. Karl May & Co. No. 91, p. 12 and 13.
  123. KMG-Nachrichten No. 152 (June 2007).
  124. http://www.fowling-bull.de/voice.htm
  125. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Edison-Walze
  126. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_(Comics)_Hethke
  127. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Bessy_und_Winnetou_(Comics)
  128. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Norbert_Hethke_Verlag
  129. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_-_Aspekte_zu_Leben_und_Werk_(Ausstellung)
  130. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Mays_Traum_vom_Wilden_Westen_(Ausstellung)
  131. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_im_Speicher_(Ausstellung)
  132. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_und_sein_roter_Bruder_-_Indianerfilme_in_der_BRD_und_der_DDR_(Ausstellung)
  133. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_und_sein_roter_Bruder_(Ausstellung)
  134. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_%26_Co._(Ausstellung)
  135. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/I_like_America_(Ausstellung)
  136. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_-_Imaginäre_Reisen_(Ausstellung)
  137. https://www.welt.de/kultur/article1148552/Zum-Schiessen-Winnetous-Buechse-in-Berlin.html
  138. ^ Sibylle Lewitscharoff: On the wings of megalomania. A grandiose exhibition in Berlin shows Karl May as a representative of his era . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 201, 1./2. September 2007, p. 13.
  139. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/WinneToons:_Die_Legende_vom_Schatz_im_Silbersee_(Computerspiel)
  140. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Hansotto_Hatzig
  141. Joachim Biermann: The Karl May Society 1999–2019… , 2019, p. 35 f.
  142. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Walther_Ilmer
  143. Seul: 100 years KMV ... , 2013, p. 8.
  144. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Anton_Haider
  145. The Karl-May-Verlag celebrated its 90th anniversary. Retrieved October 9, 2018 .
  146. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Freundeskreis_Karl_May_Berlin-Brandenburg
  147. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Arbeits-_und_Forschungsgemeinschaft_%22Karl_May%22_in_Sachsen
  148. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_im_Aufbruch_zur_Moderne_(Symposium)
  149. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Genie,_Prediger_oder_Scharlatan%3F_(Tagung_2015)
  150. Jump up ↑ http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ab Abenteuer_wart_Wirtschaftswunder_und_Rebellion_( Bonn_2016)
  151. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_unter_Werwölfen
  152. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Große_Suite_über_Winnetou
  153. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_May_%E2%80%93_gefangene_Visionen
  154. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ich_erfand_Karl_May
  155. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Kategorie:Bühnenteile_mit_Karl_May_als_Protagonisten
  156. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou360°  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / karl-may-wiki.de  
  157. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Winnetou_und_der_Prinz_aus_Deutschland
  158. All bluff ?! The great impostors in history. Retrieved October 9, 2018 .
  159. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Mays_Traumwelten_(Knauf-Museum)
  160. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Phantasiewelten_des_Karl_May_(Ausstellung)
  161. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Landesgartenschau_Bamberg_(2012)
  162. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Ablebnis_Mosaik_–_Die_Digedags_in_Karl_Mays_Traumwelten_(Ausstellung)
  163. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/München_und_der_Wilde_Westen_(Begleitbuch_zur_Ausstellung)
  164. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Hartmut_Wörner
  165. https://www.karl-may-museum.de/de/ausstellungen/vorschau/grossmystiker-trifft-kunstfotograf/
  166. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Wiki
  167. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Heinz_Mees
  168. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karlheinz_Eckardt
  169. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Willi_Olbrich
  170. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Reinhard_F._Gusky
  171. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/100_Jahre_Karl-May-Verlag_(Fest)
  172. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Eine_Feder_für_Winnetou
  173. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Gottesdienst_( März_2012)
  174. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/The_Karl_May_Presentation_(Ausstellung)
  175. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Ausstellung_in_Fribourg_2012
  176. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl-May-Wanderweg_(Sulzbach)
  177. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Wwissenschaftlicher_Museumsbeirat_der_Karl-May-Museum_gGmbH_Radebeul
  178. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Michael_Herbig
  179. Karl May or The Power of Fantasy. A biography , Munich: CH Beck 2017, p. 317 f.
  180. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Nicolas_Finke
  181. http://www.pkgodzik.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Karl_May/Karl_Mays_Spuren_in_der_Literatur.pdf
  182. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Traumwelten_III
  183. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Edmund_Theil
  184. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Elisabeth_Joost
  185. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Budde
  186. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Albrecht_Peter_Kann
  187. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Franz_Josef_Weiszt
  188. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Karl_Heinz_Dworczak
  189. See: http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Liste_von_Biografien#Romanbiografien
  190. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Amand_von_Ozoróczy
  191. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Leopold_Gheri
  192. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Viktor_Böhm
  193. http://karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/KMG-Nachrichten_Nr._85 Oldest document in the Karl-May-Wiki for the use of the term “Mayster” for Karl May. The derivation is unclear - from Der Meister and Margarita or from His Master's Voice ?
  194. http://www.karl-may-wiki.de/index.php/Das_offizielle_endstantige_Handbuch_für_den_Karl-May-Fan