Nekrolog 1836

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This is a list of well-known people who died in 1836 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 3rd Franz Josef Ignaz von Linden German lawyer and politician 75
January 3rd William North American politician
January 3rd Friedrich Witt German Kapellmeister and composer 65
January 4th Anton Michael Wohlfarth Cistercian, Dept. 79
January 5th Johann Viktor Gruol the Elder German organ builder
January 8th Alexander Gibsone Scottish merchant in Gdansk 65
January 9th Pierre-François Lacenaire French poet, criminal and murderer 35
January 9th Friedrich Christoph Weisser German writer 74
11th January John Molson English-Canadian brewer, ship owner, banker and politician 72
January 12th Friedrich von Katte Prussian officer and freedom fighter 65
January 12th Gerhard Vieth German teacher and gymnastics teacher 73
13th January Clemens von Althaus Liberation fighter and cartographer 44
January 14th Carl Christoph Traugott Tauchnitz German printer and publisher 74
January 16 Heinrich Christoph Kolbe German painter 64
January 16 Johann Friedrich Degen German pedagogue, philologist, translator and poet 83
January 16 Joseph Lagrange French division general 73
January 16 Francis Xavier of Saint-Julien Austrian general 79
January 17th Benjamin Gotthold Weiske German classical philologist 52
January 19th Philipp Lorenz Geiger German chemist and pharmacist 50
January 20th David Hieronymus Grindel Latvian doctor, pharmacist, chemist and botanist 59
21th January Manuel Alvarado e Hidalgo President of Costa Rica 52
21th January André Étienne d'Audebert de Férussac French naturalist 49
22nd of January John Gloninger American politician 77
January 24th Robert Waln American politician 70
January 25th Robert Williams American politician 62
January 26th Jacques Alexandre François Allix de Vaux French general and count 67
January 27th Rudolf Kinsky von Wchinitz and Tettau bohemian nobleman 33
January 27th Ludwig Philipp Strack German painter, lithographer and engraver 74
January 27th Wilhelmine of Baden German aristocrats, as the wife of Ludwig II, Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine 47
January 28th Marie von Clausewitz Wife of the Prussian general and military theorist Carl von Clausewitz 56
January 28th John H. Fulton American politician
January 30th Albert François Deriot French infantry division general 70
January 30th Betsy Ross allegedly sewed the first flag of the USA 84
31 January John Cheyne Scottish doctor 58
31 January Maria Christina of Savoy Princess of Sardinia and Savoy and Queen of both Sicilies 23


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Johann Peter Hundiker German educator 84
February 2nd Laetitia Ramolino Wife of Carlo di Buonaparte and mother of Napoléon Bonaparte 85
3 February Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz Prussian general of the cavalry 73
3 February John B. Earle American politician 69
3 February Johann August Görenz German educator and librarian 70
February 4th William Gell British archaeologist 58
February 4th Christiane Schumann Mother of the composer Robert Schumann 68
February 5th Johann Mayrhofer Austrian poet 48
February 6th Friedrich Hoffmann German geologist and volcanologist 38
February 6th Johann Friedrich Kruger German author
February 8 Antonio Albertini Italian poet 59
February 8 Franziska Stading German opera singer
February 10th Marie Lavoisier French chemist 78
14th of February Richard Adolph Dammert German hydraulic engineering director
February 15th Friedrich Lehne Jakobiner Mainz, librarian, professor and poet 64
February 17th Hubert Auer Roman Catholic theologian, prince-bishop delegate for Brandenburg and Pomerania, provost of St. Hedwig in Berlin, canon of Breslau, provost of Trier 55
February 18 Levi Hubbard American politician 73
19th of February Joseph Fieschi Corsican assassin 45
19th of February Johann Ernst Parow German Protestant theologian and university professor 64
19th of February Felipe Santiago de Salaverry President of Peru
20. February Carl Theodor Severin German architect 72
21st of February Philipp Jakob Karrer German enlightenment educator and reformed pastor 73
21st of February Daniel Ludwig Wallis German lawyer 43
February 22 Alois Martin David German astronomer, priest and cartographer 78
February 24th Dániel Berzsenyi Hungarian poet 59
February 24th Georg von Falck General and Minister of War, Grand Duchy of Hesse 49
February 24th Wichard Wilhelm von Heyden Manor owner, member of the Provincial Parliament of the Province of Pomerania 53
February 25 Bolling Hall American politician 68
27th of February Gustav Bunsen German surgeon and freedom fighter 31
February 28 Friedrich August Grotefend German philologist 37


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2nd March Heinrich Andriano Mannheim Mayor (1833–1835)
3 March Cayetano Carreño Venezuelan composer 61
3 March Otto Heinrich von Gemmingen-Hornberg German diplomat, writer, Freemason, Illuminat and Mozart's friend 80
3 March Mathieu Kessels Dutch sculptor 51
3 March Israel Gottlieb Wernicke Norwegian composer 81
4th of March Friedrich Ferdinand Hempel German lawyer and writer 57
5. March Friedrich Gerstein German lawyer, administrative officer and landowner 55
5. March John Smith American politician 85
5. March William Taylor English writer, essayist, translator and critic 70
6th March Bernhard Boll German bishop 79
6th March James Bowie Texas revolutionary
6th March Davy Crockett American politician and war hero 49
6th March Franziska Romana von Hallwyl Swiss nobles 77
6th March William Travis Texan national hero
7th March Friedrich Franz Dietrich von Bremer German Minister of the Kingdom of Hanover 76
7th March William Bristol American lawyer and politician 56
7th March Johann Christian Müller German lawyer and administrative officer; first minister of education in the Kingdom of Saxony 60
8th of March Carl Amenda German-Baltic theologian and violinist 64
8th of March Joseph Gist American politician 61
March 10th Antoine Louis Claude Destutt de Tracy French philosopher and late Enlightenment politician 81
March 10th Franz von Pillement Bavarian officer, most recently major general 60
March 13th Hans Otto von der Lühe Württemberg civil servant and politician 73
March 13th Adolf Stieler German cartographer 61
March, 15 Karl Hermann Heinrich Benda German violinist and composer 87
March 16 Adolf Friedrich von Besser royal Prussian major general 59
17. March Caroline Boissier-Butini Swiss pianist and composer 50
March 18th Carlo Fea Italian classical archaeologist 83
March 18th Hugh Nelson American politician 67
19th March Samuel A. Talcott American lawyer and politician 46
March, 20th Giuseppe Tomaselli Actor and singer (tenor) 78
March 21st Wilhelm von Raven Prussian colonel 65
March 23 John Bell American politician 70
March 23 Vincenzo Raimondo Porru Italian romance scholar and sardologist
March 24th Heinrich Christian Michael Rettig German classical philologist and Protestant theologian 40
March 29 Joseph Hammons American politician 49
March 30 Christian August Heinrich Clodius German philosopher and writer 63
March 31 Hugo Franz Altgraf zu Salm-Reifferscheidt Industrialist and naturalist 59


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2nd of April Johann Friedrich Schröter German draftsman, engraver and painter 65
4. April Sophie Charlotte Elisabeth Ursinus German serial killer 75
7th of April William Godwin English writer 80
9th April Franz Tidemann Bremen lawyer, senator and mayor 83
9th April Karl Wichmann German sculptor 60
10th of April Johann Georg Emil von Brause Prussian major general, cadet commander 61
12. April August Georg von Brandenstein Mecklenburg-Schwerin Privy Council President 80
April 13th Christian Joachim Friedrich Barkow German theologian 80
April 13th Antoni Paweł Sułkowski Polish general 50
20th of April Juan Egaña Risco Chilean President 67
20th of April Johann I. Josef Austrian Field Marshal, Prince of Liechtenstein 75
20th of April Friedrich Wilhelm von Ketelhodt German lawyer, diplomat and Chancellor of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 70
20th of April Robert Seymour Illustrator of the works of Charles Dickens and caricaturist
April 21 Hutchins Gordon Burton American politician
April 21 Manuel Fernández Castrillón Mexican general
April 21 Johann August Karl zu Wied Prussian general, 3rd ruling Prince of Wied 56
April 21 Katharina Kainz German singer 68
April 23 Timotheus Eberhard von Bock Baltic German nobleman and dissident 48
April 24th Firmin Didot French typographer and writer 72
April 24th Hans to Rantzau Danish General War Commissioner 71
April 28 James Burchill Richardson Governor of south carolina 65
April, 30th Carl Christoph Stiller German bookseller and publisher 72


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Richard Irvine Manning American politician 47
2.May Franz Heger German architect 44
2.May Johann Gottfried Hoche German Lutheran theologian and historian 73
May 3rd Franz Aglietti Italian doctor 78
May 3rd Philipp Heinrich Dunker Swiss-German painter and etcher 56
May 4th Friedrich Hansmann Choir director, honorary citizen of Berlin 66
May 4th Armand Philippon French division general 74
May 7th Norbert Burgmüller German composer 26th
May 9 Caleb P. Bennett American politician 77
10th of May John Chew Thomas American politician 71
May 11th Franz Donat Werner German Catholic priest, cathedral capitular, cathedral dean 74
12th of May Philipp Casimir Krafft Tobacco manufacturer and member of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 63
May 13th Charles Wilkins English orientalist and typesetter
May 19th Nicolaus Vogt Historians, politicians and state thinkers 79
May 20th Hélène de Montgeroult French piano virtuoso, professor and composer 72
23. May Friedrich Distelbarth German sculptor 67
23. May Edward Livingston American lawyer, politician, statesman and secretary of state 71
25. May Nathaniel Pitcher American politician 58
25. May Dominique Salhorgne French clergyman, superior general of the order of the Lazarists and professor of theology at the University of Heidelberg 78
May 26 Friedrich Otto Burchard from speeches Hanoverian mining captain 67
May 27th Konrad Zick German portrait and landscape painter as well as drawing teacher 62
28th of May Anton Reicha Bohemian composer, music teacher and flautist 66
30th May Christian Gottlieb Bruch German Protestant clergyman 66


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of June Clemens von Raglovich Bavarian general of the infantry and minister of war 69
3rd of June George Wilmot Bonner English wood engraver and illustrator as well as artwork artist 40
June 5th Friedrich Reinhold Dietz German medical historian 31
June 5th Hans Joachim Steinmann Mayor of St. Gallen 67
6th of June Anton King of Saxony 80
6th of June Luman Reed American entrepreneur and art patron 51
June 10th André-Marie Ampère French physicist and mathematician 61
June 10th Johannes Möllinger Member of Parliament for the Grand Duchy of Hesse 44
June 11th Friedrich Bausback German writer and Roman Catholic clergyman 24
15th June Josef Moser Austrian pharmacist and pioneer of gas lighting 56
June 16 Andreas Joseph von Stifft Austrian physician and personal physician to Emperor Franz I. 75
June 19th Detmar Basse German entrepreneur, diplomat and art collector 72
June 19th Johannes Eglin Swiss politician 61
20th June Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès French politician 88
23rd June James Mill Scottish historian and economist 63
June 24th Peter Joseph Trieste Belgian canon of the Roman Catholic Church 75
25th June Jesse Bledsoe American lawyer and politician 60
June 26th Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle French composer, poet and officer 76
June 27th Ludwig Hain Writer, encyclopedia editor and bibliographer of incunabula 54
June 27th Johann Traugott Lohse German architect, pioneer in Saxon church and factory construction 76
June 28th Wilhelm August Förstemann German mathematician and educator 44
June 28th James Madison 4th President of the United States (1809-1817) 85


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Louis-Auguste Felix de Beaujour French ambassador 70
2nd July Cesare Arici Italian writer 54
2nd July Jean-Baptiste Le Chevalier French archaeologist and astronomer 84
2nd July Carl Heinrich Zöllner German pianist, organist and composer 44
July 4th Josef Redl the Younger Austrian painter 62
July 6th Gustave Fallot French Romanist and Medievalist 28
July 6th Franz Paul von Mittermayr Mayor of Munich 70
July 6th Diedrich Stolterfoht Lübeck councilor 81
July 9 Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Erbstein German bookseller, historian and numismatist 79
July 9 John Fabyan Parrott American politician 68
July 9 Alois von Ströhl Bavarian Lieutenant General, Knight of the Max Joseph Order 76
10th of July John B. Yates American lawyer and politician 52
July 11th Anna Bondra Austrian actress and singer (soprano) 38
July 11th James Yorke Bramston English Catholic clergyman, titular bishop and vicar apostolic of London 63
15th of July Conrad Weitbrecht German sculptor and art teacher 40
16th of July Anton Busch German local politician 73
17th July Christian Ludwig Stieglitz German lawyer, councilor, building researcher and provost in Wurzen 79
July 19 Jean-Louis Lefebvre de Cheverus French clergyman, archbishop of Bordeaux and cardinal 68
20th of July Nicolaas Smallenburg Dutch lawyer 74
22nd of July Karl von Müller-Friedberg Swiss politician, organizer and first Landammann of the Canton of St. Gallen 81
22nd of July Johann Josef Schindler Austrian painter 58
July 23 Jean-Félix Adolphe Gambart French astronomer 36
July 23 John Varnum American politician 58
24th July Armand Carrel French publicist 36
July 27th Timothy Merrill American politician and lawyer 55
July 28th Nathan Mayer Rothschild German-British banker 58
July 31 David Dickson American politician
July 31 Johann Georg Herbst German theologian, clergyman, professor of theology 49


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
4th of August Katharina Lins Austrian nun 47
5th of August Eduard Puggé German lawyer, representative of the historical school of law 33
August 7th José María de Peralta y La Vega President of Costa Rica 72
8th August Friedrich Sickler German teacher and classical scholar 62
August 10 August Wilhelm Rehberg Hanoverian statesman, philosopher and political writer 79
August 11th Eduard Harkort German mining engineer and officer 39
August 11th Robert Lenz German-Baltic Sanskrit researcher 28
12. August Georg Poelchau German-Baltic musician, private scholar and music collector 63
15th of August Ignaz Albert von Riegg Bishop of Augsburg 69
August 16 Marc-Antoine Parseval French mathematician 81
17th August Karl of Hessen-Kassel Hessian nobleman, governor of Schleswig-Holstein 91
18th of August Peter Gayer Palatinate-Bavarian civil servant, district archivist and painter 43
18th of August Franz Wilhelm von Wiesenhütten Member of Parliament for the Grand Duchy of Hesse 80
20th of August Solomon Dodashvili Georgian philosopher, teacher, journalist and fiction writer 31
August 21 Edward Turner Bennett English zoologist and writer 39
August 21 Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier French mathematician, physicist and bridge engineer 51
August 24th Constantin stickleback German Grand Ducal Saxon Chamber Director and President of the Chamber College 70
August 25 Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland German doctor 74
August 25 Julius Mendheim German chess master
26th of August William Elford Leach British zoologist and marine biologist 46
August 27 Hermann Jacob Pagenstecher Bailiff in Wehrheim, Usingen, Idstein and Weilburg 70
August 30th Elise summer German writer and poet 74
August 31 Vincenc Zahradník Czech priest, philosopher and fabulous poet 45


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 John King American politician
September 2nd William Henry English medic and chemist 61
September 3 Peter Joseph Floret jurist 58
September 3 Daniel Mendoza English boxer 72
September 3 John Watts American lawyer, judge, and politician 87
5th September Ferdinand Maria Chotek by Chotkow Bishop of Tarnów; Archbishop of Olomouc 54
5th September Nicolaus Anton Friedreich German medic 75
5th September Ferdinand Raimund Austrian playwright 46
7th of September John Pond English astronomer
September 8th Christian Friedrich Eichhorn German mathematician 32
September 8th Christian Friedrich von Otto German politician 77
the 9th of September Carl Friedrich Ebers German composer and music director 66
the 9th of September Adam Joseph Onymus German Catholic clergyman and university professor 82
September 10 Johann Friedrich Bolt German draftsman and engraver 67
September 11 Karl August Gottlieb Dreist German educator 51
12th September Aimable Hageau French engineer 80
12th September Christian Dietrich Grabbe German playwright 34
September 14th Luigi Bottiglia Savoulx Italian clergyman, cardinal 84
September 14th Aaron Burr American politician, third Vice President of the United States 80
September 14th Vincenzo Lavigna Italian composer 60
16th September Friedrich August Leopold Karl von Schwerin Prussian major general and chief of the cuirassier regiment No. 3 85
17th of September Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu French botanist 88
September 19th Louise Humann Friend of the founder of the Congregation of Sisters of Notre Dame of Sion 69
21st September John Stafford Smith English composer and musicologist 86
September 22 Johann Nepomuk Stephan von Sacher Austrian civil servant 77
September 23rd Maria Malibran French opera singer (mezzo-soprano) 28
September 23rd Andrei Kirillowitsch Razumovsky Russian diplomat, music patron and art collector 83
25th of September John E. Coffee General and Congressman from Georgia 53
September 26th Joseph of Hohenzollern-Hechingen Prince-Bishop of Warmia 60
September 27th Isabella Albrizzi-Teotochi Venetian salonier and writer 72
30. September Johann Christoph Lölhöffel from Löwensprung Prussian major general 56
30. September Carl Anton Werres German doctor, ophthalmologist, physician and non-fiction author 51
September Theresa Berkley English dominatrix and brothel owner


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
4th of October Johann Lukas Legrand Swiss politician during the Helvetic era 81
5th October Robert Henry Goldsborough American politician 57
October 6th William Marsden English orientalist, linguist, numismatist and scientific researcher of Indonesia 81
8th October Dominikus Debler Chronicler of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd 80
9th October James Saumarez, 1st Baron de Saumarez British admiral 79
October 10th Martha Jefferson Randolph American First Lady (1801-1809) 64
October 12th Christian Friedrich Prange German academics in the field of fine arts 84
October 13th Johann Filtsch Transylvanian city pastor and man of letters 82
October 14th Leberecht Adolf Orlando Keferstein German inventor, manufacturer and paper miller 33
15th October Gottlob Adolf Ernst von Nostitz and Jänkendorf Saxon politician and man of letters 71
October, 16th Friedrich Theodor Fröhlich Swiss composer 33
October 17th George Colman the Younger English writer 73
October 17th Orest Adamowitsch Kiprenski Russian portrait painter of the Romantic era 54
October 18 Friedrich von Sprösser Württemberg politician and administrative officer 63
October 18 Ferdinand Weerth German Protestant regional bishop 62
October 19th William Hayward American politician
October 21 Severn E. Parker American politician 49
October 22nd August Campe German bookseller and publisher 63
October 22nd Heinrich Adolf Schrader German doctor and botanist 69
23rd October Heinrich Behrmann German-Danish pedagogue, historian and private scholar 66
October 26th Ludwig Erdwin Seyler German merchant and banker 78
October 27 Wilhelm von Mengersen Nobleman and MP 59
October 27 François-Juste-Marie Raynouard French writer and philologist 75
October 29th Johann Georg Friedrich Wendell German printer and newspaper publisher 62
30th of October Ignaz Saal German-Austrian singer (bass) and actor 75
October 31 Heinrich XIX. Prince Reuss of Greiz 46


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 2 Wenzel Führich Bohemian painter and master tailor 68
November 2 François-Marie Van Langendonck Belgian Capuchin, Trappist, Prior and founder of a monastery 75
November 6th Charles X. King of France 79
November 6th Karel Hynek Mácha Czech romantic poet 25th
November 6th John A. Scudder American politician 77
November 7th Georg von Tausch Bavarian lieutenant general and commander of the cadet corps
November 9th Johann Nikolaus Böhl from Faber German businessman and literary collector 65
November 9th James Pleasants American politician 67
November 10th Johannes Schulthess Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor 73
November 10th Carsten Wilhelm Soltau German businessman, senior citizen and deputy mayor 69
November 11th Joseph von Hommer Bishop of Trier 76
14th November Samuel Wright Mardis American lawyer and politician 36
November 16 Carl von Langen German writer 83
November 16 Gabriel van Oordt Dutch Reformed theologian 79
November 16 Christian Hendrik Persoon South African mycologist 74
November 16 Manuel Lorenzo Justiniano de Zavala y Sáenz Mexican ambassador 48
November 17th Philippe-Charles Schmerling Belgian doctor in paleontologist 46
November 17th Antoine Charles Horace Vernet French painter 78
22nd of November Carl Daub German Protestant theologian 71
22nd of November Friedrich Wilhelm von Fischer German politician 57
22nd of November Georg Friedrich Krause German forest scientist, Oberforstrat 68
22nd of November Samuel Ludwig Loeffler German civil servant 67
November 23 Giuseppe Maria Velzi Italian Dominican, bishop and cardinal 69
November 24th Karl Fischer German opera singer, stage actor and playwright 56
25. November Philip Thompson American politician 47
November 26th George L. Kinnard American politician
November 26th John Loudon McAdam Scottish inventor who invented a new type of road surface in 1815 80
30th of November Bernhard von Ernsdorfer German theologian and teacher of the deaf and dumb 69
30th of November Pierre-Simon Girard French engineer 71
30th of November Johann Georg Christoph Neide German pedagogue, Protestant theologian 80


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Jozef Ignác Bajza Slovak writer 81
2. December Carl von Rosenstein Swedish theologian, Archbishop of Uppsala 70
December 4th Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Ackermann German administrative lawyer and mayor of Bützow 69
December 4th Augustin Kaluža Czech high school teacher and naturalist 60
December 5th David Christoph Huber Swiss Protestant clergyman 59
December 7th Luise of Prussia Princess of Prussia, by marriage to Princess Radziwiłł 66
December 7th Roberto Prádez y Gautier Spanish artist and teacher for the deaf and dumb
10th of December Georg Müller Nassau regional bishop and politician 70
10th of December Friedrich von Warnstedt Danish civil servant 51
12th of December Giuseppe Farinelli Italian composer 67
15th December Amadeus Wendt German philosopher, composer and music theorist 53
December 16 Karl August Friedrich von Duttenhofer engineer 78
December 16 Karl Ludwig August Heino von Münchhausen German writer 77
December 18th Carl Friedrich Ernst Weisse Founder of the "Leipziger Feuer-Versicherungsanstalt" 55
19. December Johann Christian Martin Bartels German mathematician 67
19. December Emily Donelson First Lady of the USA 29
19. December Karl Huss Bohemian executioner, collector and healer 75
19. December Willem Gerrit van de Poll Dutch politician, first president of the Dutch trading company 73
23rd of December Friedrich August Wilhelm von Brause Saxon, later Prussian officer, finally general of the infantry 67
December 26th Francisco Espoz y Mina Spanish general 55
December 26th Hans Georg Nägeli Swiss music teacher, publisher and composer 63
December 27th Stephen F. Austin Founder of the Republic of Texas 43
December 27th Amandus Eberhard Rodatz German organist and composer 61
December 29th Johann Baptist Schenk Austrian composer 83
30th of December James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose British paymaster, chief equerry and politician, member of the House of Commons 81
December 31 Andreas Christoph Lindenhan Danish poet, mayor and lawyer 62
December Christian Julius Wilhelm Schiede German doctor, botanist Buchauchtor, natural scientist and collector 38

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Lemuel J. Alston American politician
Ezra Ames American painter
Bebejan Aboriginal leader
George Brown American politician
Johann Wilhelm Gottlob Buzengeiger German mechanic and instrument maker
Cornplanter Chief of the Seneca
Jean-François Coulon French dancer, dance teacher
Johann Nepomuk Giebele German-French painter, aquatint engraver and drawing teacher
Johann Adam Hartmann American trapper
Ibn ʿĀbidīn Islamic clergyman
Jean-Baptiste Lafon French clergyman and conspirator
Robert Le Roy Livingston American politician
Musholatubbee Choctaw chief
Antoine Français de Nantes French customs and finance officer, revolutionary and statesman
Jakov Nenadović Serbian freedom fighter and voivod leader
Friedrich Nicolovius German publisher
Carl Jonas Pfeiffer German banker and malacologist
Joseph Reinagle British musician
Georg Anton Schäffer German doctor in the service of the Russian-American trade company
William Dawes British naval officer and governor of Sierra Leone and the Seychelles
Tenskwatawa Indian chief and shaman