Raja Krishnamoorthi

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Raja Krishnamoorthi (2017)

Raja Krishnamoorthi (born July 19, 1973 in New Delhi , India ) is an American politician . Since January 3, 2017, he has represented the state of Illinois in the US House of Representatives .


Just three months after his birth, Raja Krishnamoorthi came with his family to the United States, where the family initially settled in Buffalo, New York State . In 1980 they moved to Peoria , Illinois. Between 1990 and 1995 he studied mechanical engineering at Princeton University . After studying law between 1997 and 2000 at Harvard University and being admitted to the bar in 2000, he began working in this profession. In the meantime he was also a special attorney for the state of Illinois. Since 2010 he has been President of Sivananthan Laboratories and Episolar Inc , which develops and sells technology to military and civilian customers.

Politically, Krishnamoorthi joined the Democratic Party . Between 2002 and 2004 he was Policy Director on Barack Obama's campaign team when he ran for the US Senate . In 2008 he was one of Obama's advisors in the presidential election campaign. From 2007 to 2009 he was Deputy State Treasurer of Illinois. In 2012 he ran unsuccessfully for the congress . In the 2016 congressional election , however, he was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the eighth constituency of Illinois , where he succeeded Tammy Duckworth , who had successfully run for the US Senate, on January 3, 2017 .

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