List of French national football players

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This list names all football players who have played in official international matches of the French men's senior team since 1904 . Up to and including June 2017 there were a total of almost 900 footballers. The period and number of games as well as the number of hits are given.

The data of players with pseudonyms often found in the literature are given by their real name ( first and last name ) if their article can be found under the latter. In these cases, the players are also arranged alphabetically under their pseudonyms; there your full name is given and linked to the letter under which you can be found, i.e. the first letter of the surname.
Example: "Coulon see Henri Beau "

Last update: after Albania against France on November 17, 2019.


Surname position Period Games Gates
Claude Abbes goalkeeper 1957-1958 9 0
Ben Mohammed Abdesselem attack 1953 1 0
Eric Abidal Defense 2004-2013 67 0
Robert Accard attack 1922-1926 6th 1
Marcel Adamczyk Defense 1963 1 0
Jean-Pierre Adams Defense 1972-1976 22nd 0
Georges Albert attack 1908 1 0
Joseph Alcazar attack 1931-1935 11 2
Charles All goalkeeper 1929 1 0
André Allègre Defense 1914 1 0
Pierre Allemane Defense 1905-1908 7th 0
René Alpsteg attack 1947-1952 12 4th
Morgan Amalfitano midfield 2012 1 0
Loïc Amisse attack 1977-1983 12 2
Manuel Amoros Defense 1982-1992 82 1
Manuel Anatol Defense 1929-1934 16 1
Mathieu André midfield 1936-1937 3 0
Nicolas Anelka attack 1998-2010 69 14th
Jocelyn Angloma Defense 1990-1996 37 1
Bernard Antoinette attack 1937 2 0
Philippe Anziani attack 1981-1987 5 1
Alphonse Aréola goalkeeper 2018-2019 3 0
Henri Arnaudeau attack 1942-1951 6th 1
Marcel Artelesa Defense 1963-1966 21st 1
Alfred Aston attack 1934-1946 31 5
Marcel Aubour goalkeeper 1964-1968 20th 0
William Ayache Defense 1983-1988 20th 0
Emmanuel Aznar attack 1938 1 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Ibrahim Ba midfield 1997-1998 8th 2
Jean Baeza Defense 1967-1968 8th 0
Henri Baillot attack 1948-1950 8th 4th
Pascal Baills Defense 1991 1 0
Tiemoué Bakayoko midfield 2017 1 0
Maurice Banide midfield 1929-1936 9 1
Edmond Baraffe attack 1964-1966 3 0
Jean-Marc Barat midfield 1909 2 0
Dominique Baratelli goalkeeper 1972-1982 21st 0
Jean Baratte attack 1944-1952 32 19th
Henri Bard midfield 1913-1923 18th 6th
Charles Bardot attack 1925-1932 6th 3
Paul Baron midfield 1923 1 0
Bruno Baronchelli attack 1977-1981 6th 1
Gaston Barreau Defense 1911-1914 12 0
Fabien Barthez goalkeeper 1994-2006 87 0
Jean Bastien midfield 1938-1945 4th 0
Dominique Bathenay midfield 1975-1982 20th 4th
Jean Batmale midfield 1920-1924 6th 0
Zacharie Baton goalkeeper 1906-1908 4th 0
Joël Bats goalkeeper 1983-1989 50 0
Albert Batteux attack 1948-1949 8th 1
Patrick Battiston Defense 1977-1989 56 3
Edouard Baumann Defense 1920-1924 8th 0
Georges Bayrou midfield 1908 1 0
Henri Beau, called Coulon goalkeeper 1911 5 0
Georges Beaucourt Defense 1936 1 0
Maurice Beaudier goalkeeper 1921 3 0
Yvan Beck midfield 1935-1937 5 0
Paul-Émile Bel midfield 1925 1 0
Henri Bellocq midfield 1909-1911 6th 1
Bruno Bellone attack 1981-1988 34 2
Jean Belver midfield 1950 1 0
Hatem Ben Arfa attack 2007-2015 15th 2
Larbi Ben Barek midfield 1938-1954 17th 3
Abdelkader Ben Bouali Defense 1937 1 0
Mustapha Ben M'Barek, called Mustapha attack 1950 1 0
Ali Benouna attack 1936 2 0
Abdelaziz Ben Tifour midfield 1952-1957 4th 0
Wissam Ben Yedder attack 2018-2019 8th 2
Karim Benzema attack 2007-2015 81 27
Marc Berdoll attack 1973-1979 16 5
Georges Bereta attack 1967-1975 44 4th
Grégoire mountain Defense 1922 1 0
Philippe Bergeroo goalkeeper 1979-1984 3 0
Pierre Bernard goalkeeper 1960-1965 21st 0
Charles Berthelot goalkeeper 1923 1 0
Marcel Bertrand goalkeeper 1929 5 0
Jean-Paul Bertrand-Demanes goalkeeper 1973-1978 11 0
André Betta midfield 1968 2 0
Henri Biancheri midfield 1960 2 0
Michel Bibard Defense 1984-1986 6th 0
Guillaume Bieganski Defense 1953-1961 9 0
Jules Bigot attack 1936-1945 6th 1
Maurice Bigué attack 1911-1914 7th 0
René Bihel attack 1945-1947 6th 1
Dominique Bijotat midfield 1982-1988 8th 0
Charles Bilot Defense 1904-1912 6th 0
Georges Bilot midfield 1904 1 0
Laurent Blanc Defense 1989-2000 97 16
Bernard Blanchet attack 1966-1972 17th 5
René Bliard attack 1955-1958 7th 0
Paul "Poly" Bloch midfield 1921 1 0
Patrick Blondeau Defense 1997 2 0
Louis Bloquel midfield 1924-1925 2 0
Alain Boghossian midfield 1997-2002 26th 2
Bernard Boissier Defense 1975 1 0
Basile boluses Defense 1986-1993 45 1
Bruno Bollini Defense 1957-1961 3 0
Georges Bon midfield 1907 1 0
Georges Bonello attack 1926-1927 3 1
Émile Bongiorni attack 1945-1948 5 2
Antoine Bonifaci midfield 1951-1953 12 2
Philippe Bonnardel midfield 1920-1927 23 0
Joseph Bonnel midfield 1962-1969 25th 1
René Bonnet Defense 1914 1 0
Bernard Bosquier Defense 1964-1972 42 3
Maxime Bossis Defense 1976-1986 76 1
Richard Boucher Defense 1957-1961 3 0
Jean-Alain Boumsong Defense 2003-2009 27 1
François Bourbotte midfield 1937-1942 17th 0
Louis Bournonville goalkeeper 1913 1 0
Roger Boury midfield 1952 1 0
Fares Bousdira midfield 1976 1 0
Jean Boyer attack 1920-1929 15th 7th
François Bracci Defense 1973-1982 18th 0
Said Brahimi Defense 1957 2 1
Jean-Claude Bras attack 1969-1970 6th 2
Gabriel Braun Defense 1945 1 0
Daniel Bravo midfield 1982-1989 13 1
Gilbert Brébion attack 1909 1 0
Jérémie Bréchet Defense 2001-2002 3 0
Jimmy Briand attack 2008–2012 5 0
François Brisson attack 1982-1984 2 0
José Broissart attack 1969-1973 10 0
Juste Brouzes midfield 1914-1928 6th 3
Marius Bruat Defense 1953 1 0
Stéphane Bruey attack 1957-1962 4th 1
Fernand Brunel attack 1926 1 2
Michel Brusseaux attack 1938 1 0
Robert Budzynski Defense 1965-1967 11 0
Julien Bure attack 1925 1 0
Jean-Louis Buron Defense 1963 4th 1
Gérard Buscher attack 1986-1987 2 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Yohan Cabaye midfield 2010-2016 48 4th
Remy Cabella attack 2014 4th 0
Pierre Cahuzac midfield 1957 2 0
André Caillet midfield 1923 1 0
Zoumana Camara Defense 2001 1 0
René Camard attack 1907 1 0
Francis Camerini Defense 1971 2 0
Vincent Candela Defense 1996-2002 40 2
Fernand Canelle Defense 1904-1908 6th 0
Jacques Canthelou Defense 1924-1928 11 0
Eric Cantona attack 1987-1995 45 20th
Marcel Capelle Defense 1930-1931 9 0
Etienne Capoue midfield 2012-2013 7th 1
Louis Cardiet Defense 1965-1967 6th 0
Georges Carnus goalkeeper 1963-1973 36 0
Daniel Carpentier Defense 1954 1 0
Cédric Carrasso goalkeeper 2011 1 0
Désiré Carré midfield 1949 1 0
Roger Carré midfield 1947-1949 2 0
Eric Carrière midfield 2001-2002 10 5
Georges Casolari Defense 1963-1964 3 0
Bernard Casoni Defense 1988-1992 30th 0
Jean Castaneda goalkeeper 1981-1982 9 0
Louis "Pierrot" Cazal midfield 1927-1930 6th 0
Héctor Cazenave Defense 1937-1938 8th 0
Raoul Chaisaz goalkeeper 1932 2 0
Paul Chandelier attack 1913-1914 3 0
Clément Chantôme midfield 2012 1 0
Augustin Chantrel midfield 1928-1933 15th 0
Max Charbit midfield 1934-1935 4th 0
Lionel Charbonnier goalkeeper 1997 1 0
André Chardar Defense 1930-1933 12 1
Daniel Charles-Alfred Defense 1964 4th 0
René Charrier goalkeeper 1975 2 0
Yves Chauveau goalkeeper 1969 1 0
Pierre Chayriguès goalkeeper 1911-1925 21st 0
Pierre Chesneau attack 1924 1 0
André Cheuva midfield 1929-1936 7th 2
Bruno Cheyrou midfield 2002-2004 3 0
Bernard Chiarelli midfield 1958 1 0
Serge Chiesa midfield 1969-1974 12 3
Paul Chillan attack 1963 2 0
Pascal Chimbonda Defense 2006 1 0
André Chorda Defense 1960-1966 24 0
Philippe Christanval Defense 2000-2002 5 0
Didier Christophe midfield 1980-1981 6th 1
Michaël Ciani midfield 2010 1 0
Raymond Cicci midfield 1953 1 1
Thadée Cisowski attack 1951-1958 13 11
Djibril Cissé attack 2002-2011 41 9
Aly Cissokho Defense 2010 1 0
François Clerc Defense 2006-2008 13 0
Ernest Cléré midfield 1924 1 0
Gaël Clichy Defense 2008-2013 20th 0
Robert Coat Defense 1923 1 0
Christophe Cocard midfield 1989-1995 9 1
Dominique Colonna goalkeeper 1957-1961 13 0
Kingsley Coman midfield 2015-2019 22nd 4th
Nestor Combin attack 1964-1968 8th 4th
Alfred Compeyrat Defense 1909-1911 3 0
Sébastien Corchia Defense 2016 1 0
Alain Cornu Defense 1962 1 0
Lucien Cossou attack 1960-1964 6th 4th
Christian Coste attack 1974-1975 5 2
Benoît Costil goalkeeper 2016 1 0
Maurice Cottenet goalkeeper 1920-1927 18th 0
Jules Cottenier midfield 1932-1934 4th 0
Didier Couécou attack 1967 1 0
For Coulon, see Henri Beau
Grégory Coupet goalkeeper 2001-2008 34 0
Alain Couriol attack 1980-1983 12 2
Albert Courquin midfield 1922 1 0
Paul Courtin attack 1966 1 0
Roger Courtois attack 1933-1947 22nd 10
Georges Crozier goalkeeper 1905-1906 2 0
Edouard Crut midfield 1924-1927 8th 6th
Antoine Cuissard midfield 1946-1954 27 1
Carlos Curbelo Defense 1976 2 0
Stanislas Curyl attack 1952 2 0
Gaston Cyprès midfield 1904-1908 6th 2
Jean-Pierre Cyprien Defense 1994 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Ousmane Dabo midfield 2003 3 0
Olivier Dacourt midfield 2001-2004 21st 1
Stéphane Dakoski goalkeeper 1951 2 0
Christian Dalger attack 1974-1988 6th 2
Alfred Dambach goalkeeper 1944 1 0
Marcel Dangles attack 1923 1 0
Georges Dard attack 1947-1950 3 2
Louis Darques midfield 1919-1923 9 1
Julien Darui goalkeeper 1939-1951 25th 0
Sadi Dastarac midfield 1908 1 0
Robert Dauphin midfield 1925-1929 15th 1
Jacques Davy midfield 1904 1 0
Héctor De Bourgoing attack 1962-1966 3 2
Mathieu Debuchy Defense 2011-2015 27 2
René Dedieu midfield 1924-1927 6th 0
Robert Défossé goalkeeper 1933-1936 9 0
Jean Degouve Defense 1913-1914 2 0
Frédéric Déhu Defense 1998-2000 5 0
Léon Deladerrière attack 1952-1958 11 3
Patrick Delamontagne midfield 1981-1987 3 0
Jacques Delannoy attack 1932 1 0
Edmond Delfour midfield 1929-1938 41 2
Celestin Delmer midfield 1930-1934 11 0
Jean Deloffre midfield 1967 1 0
Joseph Delvecchio attack 1910 1 0
Ousmane Dembélé midfield 2016-2018 21st 2
Gabriel De Michèle Defense 1966-1967 2 0
Julien Denis midfield 1908 2 0
Serge Denis attack 1924 1 0
Victor Denis midfield 1908 1 0
Maurice Depaepe midfield 1923 1 0
René Dereuddre midfield 1954-1957 6th 1
Marcel Desailly Defense 1993-2004 116 3
Didier Deschamps midfield 1989-2000 103 4th
Jean Desgranges attack 1953 1 2
Pascal Despeyroux midfield 1988 3 0
Fernand Desrousseaux goalkeeper 1908 1 0
Marcel Desrousseaux midfield 1935-1937 2 0
Denis Devaux Defense 1965 1 0
Émilien Devic midfield 1911-1921 9 2
Jules Dewaquez attack 1920-1929 41 12
Vikash Dhorasoo midfield 1999-2006 18th 1
Jacques Dhur goalkeeper 1927 1 0
Abou Diaby midfield 2007–2012 16 1
Raoul Diagne Defense 1931-1940 18th 0
Alou Diarra midfield 2004–2012 44 0
Lassana Diarra midfield 2007-2016 34 0
Marcel Dib midfield 1988-1990 6th 0
Lucas Digne Defense 2014-2019 29 0
Laurent Di Lorto goalkeeper 1936-1938 11 0
Eric Di Meco Defense 1989-1996 23 0
Fleury Di Nallo attack 1962-1971 10 8th
Bernard Diomède attack 1998 8th 0
Fabrice Divert attack 1990-1992 3 1
Martin Djetou midfield 1996-2000 6th 0
Jean Djorkaeff Defense 1964-1972 48 3
Youri Djorkaeff attack 1993-2002 82 28
Jean-Pierre Dogliani midfield 1967 1 1
Jean-Luc Dogon Defense 1993 1 0
Stanislas Dombeck midfield 1958 1 0
Raymond Domenech Defense 1973-1979 8th 0
Jean-François Domergue Defense 1984-1987 9 2
Marcel Domergue midfield 1922-1928 20th 0
Marcel Domingo goalkeeper 1948 1 0
René Domingo midfield 1957 1 0
Yvon Douis attack 1957-1965 20th 4th
André Doye attack 1950-1952 7th 5
Dominique Dropsy goalkeeper 1978-1981 17th 0
Jean Dubly Defense 1908 1 0
Jules Dubly Defense 1914 1 0
Raymond Dubly attack 1913-1925 31 4th
Léo Dubois Defense 2019 4th 0
Albert Dubreucq midfield 1952 1 0
Gustave Dubus attack 1930 2 1
Jean Ducret midfield 1910-1914 20th 3
Robert Dufour attack 1924 1 0
Christophe Dugarry attack 1994-2002 55 8th
Pierre Duhart midfield 1935-1937 6th 1
Charles Dujardin Defense 1913 1 0
Michel Dupoix midfield 1924 1 0
Maurice Dupuis Defense 1937-1945 9 0
Jean-Philippe Durand midfield 1988-1992 26th 1
Raymond Durand attack 1931 1 0
Aimé Durbec Defense 1927 1 0
Émile Dusart midfield 1914 1 0
Raoul Dutheil attack 1929 1 0
Richard Dutruel goalkeeper 2000 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Albert Eloy attack 1913-1914 2 2
Albert Emon attack 1975-1980 8th 1
Daniel Éon goalkeeper 1966-1967 3 0
Julien Escudé Defense 2006-2010 13 0
Vincent Estève Defense 1968 1 0
Jean-Luc Ettori goalkeeper 1980-1982 9 0
René Eucher attack 1908 1 0
Patrice Evra Defense 2004-2016 81 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Jacques Faivre attack 1961 2 2
Rod Fanni Defense 2008-2010 5 0
Philippe Fargeon attack 1987-1988 7th 2
Gérard Farison Defense 1976 1 0
Fernand Faroux attack 1912 1 0
Victor Farvacques attack 1928 1 0
Julien Faubert midfield 2006 1 1
Paul Faure attack 1919 1 0
Nabil Fekir attack 2015-2019 24 2
René Fenouillère attack 1908 1 0
Luis Fernández midfield 1982-1992 60 6th
Jean-Marc Ferratge attack 1982 1 0
Jean-Marc Ferreri midfield 1982-1990 37 3
Bruno Ferrero goalkeeper 1962 1 0
Jean-Michel Ferri midfield 1994-1995 5 0
René Ferrier midfield 1958-1964 24 0
François "Koczur" Ferry midfield 1952 3 0
Jean Fidon midfield 1927 1 0
Émile Fiévet Defense 1912 1 0
Adrien Filez attack 1904-1908 5 0
Louis Finot attack 1930-1934 7th 0
Squad Firoud midfield 1951-1952 6th 0
Mathieu Flamini midfield 2007-2008 3 0
Pierre Flamion attack 1948-1953 17th 8th
Louis Floch attack 1970-1973 16 2
Jacques Foix attack 1953-1956 7th 3
Just Fontaine attack 1953-1960 21st 30th
Charles Fosset midfield 1937 2 0
Laurent Fournier midfield 1992 3 0
André François attack 1906-1908 6th 3
Raymond François midfield 1936 1 0
Raymond Frémont goalkeeper 1919 1 0
André Frey Defense 1944-1950 6th 0
Sébastien Frey goalkeeper 2007-2008 2 0
Émile Friess goalkeeper 1922 2 0
Michel Frutuoso midfield 1937 1 0
Maxime Fulgenzy attack 1961 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Roger Gabet midfield 1949 3 0
Louis Gabrillargues midfield 1934-1937 9 0
Marcel Galey attack 1929 3 1
William Gallas Defense 2002-2010 84 5
Maurice Gallay attack 1926-1929 13 1
Jean Gallice midfield 1974-1976 7th 1
René Gallice midfield 1951 1 0
Lucien Gamblin Defense 1911-1923 17th 0
Kevin Gameiro attack 2010-2017 13 3
Patrice Garande attack 1988 1 0
Rémi Guard midfield 1990-1992 6th 0
René Gardien attack 1953 2 2
Bernard Gardon Defense 1973 1 0
Georges Garnier attack 1904-1905 3 0
Manuel Garriga Defense 1950 1 0
Maurice Gastiger attack 1914-1920 3 1
Jean Gautheroux midfield 1930-1936 2 0
Franck Gava midfield 1996-1997 3 0
Albert Gemmrich attack 1978 5 2
Bernard Genghini midfield 1980-1986 27 6th
René Gérard midfield 1932-1933 7th 2
Bruno Germain midfield 1987 1 0
Charles Géronimi midfield 1914 1 1
Georges Géronimi attack 1911 1 0
Lazare Gianessi Defense 1952-1954 14th 0
André-Pierre Gignac attack 2009-2016 36 7th
Raymond Gigot attack 1905 1 0
Nicolas Gillet Defense 2001 1 0
Alfred Gindrat Defense 1911-1912 4th 0
David Ginola attack 1990-1995 17th 2
René Girard midfield 1981-1982 7th 1
Alain Giresse midfield 1974-1986 47 6th
Olivier Giroud attack 2011-2019 97 39
Ludovic Giuly midfield 2000-2005 17th 3
Gaël Givet Defense 2004-2006 12 0
Léon Glovacki midfield 1953-1955 11 3
Jérôme Gnako midfield 1992-1994 2 0
Alain Goma Defense 1996-1998 2 0
Bafétimbi Gomis attack 2008-2013 12 3
Maxime Gonalons midfield 2011-2015 8th 0
Philippe Gondet attack 1965-1970 14th 7th
Joseph Gonzales Defense 1936 1 0
Desiré Gosselin attack 1926 1 0
Raymond Gouin attack 1909 2 0
Yvon Goujon midfield 1960-1963 11 6th
Yoann Gourcuff midfield 2008-2013 31 4th
Sidney Govou attack 2002-2010 49 10
Dario Grava Defense 1973 1 0
Xavier Gravelaine attack 1992-1993 4th 0
Maurice Gravelines midfield 1920-1922 2 0
Ernest Gravier attack 1911-1924 11 1
Jean Grégoire Defense 1947-1950 10 0
Clement Grenier midfield 2013-2014 5 0
Gilbert Gress midfield 1967-1971 3 0
Raoul Gressier midfield 1908 1 0
Antoine Griezmann attack 2014-2019 78 30th
Pierre Grillet attack 1954-1960 9 2
André Grillon Defense 1946-1951 15th 0
Ernest Gross midfield 1924-1925 5 1
Jean Grumellon attack 1949-1952 10 5
Ernest Guéguen attack 1913 1 0
Henri Guérin Defense 1948-1949 3 0
Vincent Guérin midfield 1993-1996 19th 2
Henri Guerre Defense 1909 1 0
Maurice Guichard goalkeeper 1904-1905 2 0
Josuha Guilavogui midfield 2013-2015 7th 0
Roland Guillas midfield 1958–1962 9 1
Jean-Marc Guillou midfield 1974-1988 19th 3
Stéphane Guivarc'h attack 1997-1999 14th 1
André Guy attack 1964-1968 8th 2


Surname position Period Games Gates
Edmond Haan attack 1951-1953 4th 0
Gabriel Hanot Defense 1908-1919 12 3
Gérard Hausser attack 1965-1966 14th 2
Jean Hédiart attack 1956 1 0
Charles Heine midfield 1947 2 0
Oscar Heisserer midfield 1936-1948 25th 8th
Laurent Henric goalkeeper 1928-1929 4th 0
Thierry Henry attack 1997-2010 123 51
Yves Herbet midfield 1965-1971 16 1
Robert Herbin Defense 1960-1968 23 3
Lucas Hernández Defense 2018-2019 17th 0
François Today attack 1959-1961 9 4th
Pierrick Hiard goalkeeper 1981 1 0
Michel Hidalgo midfield 1962 1 0
Rodolphe Hiden goalkeeper 1940 1 0
Henri Hiltl attack 1940-1944 2 0
Victor Hitzel attack 1909 1 0
Guillaume Hoarau attack 2010-2011 5 0
Paul Hoenen attack 1923 1 0
Henri Holgard attack 1908 1 0
Louis Hon Defense 1947-1949 12 0
Daniel Horlaville midfield 1969 1 0
Pierre Hornus midfield 1931 3 0
Georges Houyvet Defense 1932 1 0
Jean-Noël Huck midfield 1970-1975 17th 0
François Hugues midfield 1919-1927 24 1
Guy Huguet Defense 1948-1952 12 0
Léon Huot Defense 1920-1926 4th 0
André Hurtevent attack 1927 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Abderrahman Ibrir goalkeeper 1949-1950 6th 0
Ignace see Ignace Kowalczyk
Jonathan Ikoné attack 2019 4th 1
Gérard Isbecque attack 1923-1924 4th 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
René Jacolliot attack 1913 1 0
André Jacowski Defense 1952 2 0
Michel Jacques midfield 1947 1 0
Aimé Jacquet midfield 1968 2 0
Joseph Jadrejak Defense 1947 3 0
Christophe Jallet Defense 2012-2017 16 1
Georges Janin midfield 1937 1 0
Gérard Janvion Defense 1975-1982 40 0
Lucien Jasseron midfield 1945 2 0
Philippe Jeannol Defense 1986 1 0
Albert Jenicot midfield 1908 3 0
Jean-François Jodar Defense 1972-1975 6th 1
Robert Jonquet Defense 1948-1960 58 0
Auguste Jordan midfield 1938-1945 16 1
Albert Jourda midfield 1914-1924 7th 0
Étienne Jourde midfield 1910-1914 8th 1
Albert Jouve attack 1906 1 0
Roger Jouve midfield 1973-1979 7th 1
Robert Joyaut midfield 1923 4th 0
Felix Julien midfield 1909 2 0
Franck Jurietti Defense 2005 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Younès Kaboul Defense 2011 5 1
Raymond Kaelbel Defense 1954-1960 35 1
N'Golo Kanté midfield 2016-2019 39 1
Olivier Kapo midfield 2002-2004 9 3
Christian Karembeu midfield 1992-2002 53 1
Édouard Kargulewicz, called Kargu attack 1950-1953 11 3
Sylvain Kastendeuch Defense 1987-1989 9 0
Joseph Kaucsar Defense 1931-1934 15th 0
Marcel Kauffmann attack 1930-1933 5 0
Curt Keller attack 1937 1 0
Fritz Keller attack 1934-1937 8th 3
Marc Keller attack 1995-1998 6th 1
René Kenner midfield 1928 1 0
Raymond Kéruzoré midfield 1976-1988 2 0
Mahi Khennane, called Mahi attack 1961 2 0
Presnel Kimpembe Defense 2018-2019 9 0
For Koczur, see François Ferry
Geoffrey Kondogbia midfield 2013-2015 5 0
Raymond Kopa attack 1952-1962 45 18th
Desiré Koranyi attack 1939-1942 5 5
Pierre basket attack 1930-1934 12 2
Laurent Koscielny Defense 2011-2018 51 1
Ignace Kowalczyk, called Ignace midfield 1935-1938 5 1
Casimir Koza attack 1962 1 0
Richard Krawczyk midfield 1967 1 0
Jean-Pierre Kress goalkeeper 1953 1 0
Layvin Kurzawa Defense 2014-2019 13 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Alexandre Lacazette midfield 2013-2017 16 3
Bernard Lacombe attack 1973-1984 38 12
Maurice Lafont Defense 1958 4th 0
Abel Lafouge attack 1913 1 0
Pierre Laigle midfield 1996-1997 8th 1
Bernard Lama goalkeeper 1993-2000 44 0
Georges Lamia goalkeeper 1959-1962 7th 0
Sabri Lamouchi midfield 1996-2001 12 1
Roger Lamy Defense 1950 2 0
Mickaël Landreau goalkeeper 2001-2007 11 0
Eugène Langenove Defense 1921 2 0
Marcel Langiller attack 1927-1937 30th 7th
Jean-François Larios midfield 1978-1982 17th 5
Jean-Michel Larqué midfield 1969-1976 14th 2
Lilian Laslandes attack 1997-1999 7th 3
Jean Laurent Defense 1930-1932 9 0
Lucien Laurent attack 1930-1935 10 2
Thierry Laurey midfield 1989 1 0
Michel Lauri attack 1937 1 0
Jean-Claude Lavaud Defense 1967 1 0
Michel Leblond midfield 1954-1957 4th 1
Frank Lebœuf Defense 1995-2002 50 4th
Georges Lech attack 1963-1973 35 7th
Jean Lechantre attack 1947-1949 3 0
Gilbert Le Chenadec Defense 1967 1 0
Patrice Lecornu attack 1979-1981 3 0
Lucien Leduc midfield 1946 4th 1
Paul Le Guen midfield 1993-1995 17th 0
Maxime Lehmann midfield 1935-1936 2 0
Robert Lemaître Defense 1953-1954 2 0
Thomas Lemar midfield 2016-2019 22nd 4th
Roger Lemerre Defense 1968-1971 6th 0
Jean-Claude Lemoult midfield 1983 2 0
Clement Lenglet Defense 2019 7th 1
Bernard Lenoble attack 1924 2 0
André Lerond Defense 1957-1963 31 0
Yvon Le Roux Defense 1983-1989 28 1
E. Lesmann attack 1912 1 0
Henri Lesur attack 1913-1914 6th 0
Lucien Letailleur Defense 1913 1 0
Lionel Letizi goalkeeper 1997-2001 4th 0
Edmond Leveugle attack 1926 1 1
Marceau Lhermine attack 1933 1 0
Ernest Libérati attack 1930-1934 19th 4th
Guillaume "Willy" Dear midfield 1925-1929 15th 2
Pierre Lienert midfield 1925 1 0
Noël Liétaer midfield 1933-1934 7th 0
André Liminana Defense 1925 2 0
Bixente Lizarazu Defense 1992-2004 97 2
René Llense goalkeeper 1935-1939 11 0
Hugo Lloris goalkeeper 2008-2019 114 0
Patrice Loko attack 1993-1997 26th 7th
Marcel Loncle midfield 1965 2 0
Christian Lopez Defense 1975-1982 39 1
Charly Loubet attack 1967-1974 36 10
Jean Loubière goalkeeper 1914 1 0
Xercès Louis Defense 1954-1956 12 0
Antonin Lozès goalkeeper 1930 3 0
Jean Luciano midfield 1949-1950 4th 1
François Ludwikowski, called Ludo Defense 1961 1 0
Péguy Luyindula attack 2004-2009 6th 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Edouard Macquart attack 1921 1 0
Mickaël Madar attack 1995-1996 3 1
Eugène Maës attack 1911-1913 11 15th
Mahi see Mahi Khennane
Maïk see Marian Walter
Abderrahman Mahjoub midfield 1953-1955 7th 0
Philippe Mahut Defense 1981-1983 9 0
Jacques Mairesse midfield 1927-1934 6th 0
Claude Makélélé midfield 1995-2008 71 0
Florent Malouda midfield 2004–2012 80 9
Steve Mandanda goalkeeper 2008-2019 32 0
Eliaquim Mangala Defense 2013-2016 8th 0
Hervé Marc midfield 1930 1 0
Jean-Jacques Marcel midfield 1953-1961 44 3
Marcel Marchal midfield 1938 1 0
Roger Marche Defense 1947-1959 63 1
Yves Mariot attack 1975 1 0
Steve Marlet attack 2000-2004 23 6th
Anthony Martial attack 2015-2018 18th 1
Marvin Martin midfield 2011–2012 15th 2
Bruno Martini goalkeeper 1987-1996 31 0
Corentin Martins midfield 1993-1996 14th 1
Maryan see Maryan Synakowski
André Maschinot attack 1927-1930 5 2
Serge Masnaghetti attack 1963 2 1
Fernand Massip Defense 1913 1 0
Paul Mathaux midfield 1908 5 0
Jules Mathé attack 1939 2 1
Jérémy Mathieu Defense 2011-2016 5 0
Maurice Mathieu Defense 1914-1919 2 0
Étienne Mattler Defense 1930-1940 46 0
Blaise Matuidi midfield 2010-2019 84 9
Florian Maurice attack 1996-1999 6th 1
Rio Mavuba midfield 2004-2014 13 0
Kylian Mbappé attack 2017-2019 34 13
Francis Méano attack 1949-1952 2 0
Rachid Mekhloufi midfield 1956-1957 4th 0
Benjamin Mendy Defense 2017-2019 10 0
Bernard Mendy Defense 2004 3 0
Ferland Mendy midfield 2018-2019 4th 0
Jérémy Ménez attack 2010-2013 24 2
Maurice Mercery attack 1920 1 0
Alain Merchadier Defense 1973-1975 5 0
Albert Mercier midfield 1919 1 0
D. Mercier Defense 1910 3 0
François Mercier Defense 1942 1 0
Robert Mercier attack 1931-1935 7th 3
Émilien Méresse midfield 1936 1 0
Camel Meriem midfield 2004-2005 3 0
Louis Mesnier attack 1904-1913 14th 6th
Maurice Meunier attack 1909 1 0
Georges Meuris midfield 1937 1 0
Philippe Mexès Defense 2002–2012 29 1
Maurice Meyer Defense 1921 1 0
Francis Meynieu Defense 1976 1 0
Michel Mézy midfield 1970-1973 17th 1
Carmelo Micciche attack 1987 2 1
Henri Michel midfield 1967-1980 58 4th
Pierre Michelin Defense 1963-1965 5 0
Johan Micoud midfield 1999-2004 17th 1
Ahmed Mihoubi Defense 1953 1 0
Roger Mindonnet Defense 1949 4th 0
Louis Mistral midfield 1920-1923 5 0
Roland Mitoraj Defense 1967-1968 3 0
Henri Moigneu midfield 1905-1908 8th 0
Alain Moizan midfield 1979-1981 7th 0
Marc Molitor attack 1970-1975 10 4th
Jules Monsallier attack 1928-1936 3 0
Charles Montagne midfield 1913-1920 3 1
Alexis Mony Defense 1920 1 0
Pierre Mony Defense 1920-1923 5 0
Georges Moreel attack 1949 1 1
Daniel Moreira attack 2002-2004 3 0
Pol Morel attack 1911 2 0
Georges Moulène midfield 1926 1 0
Henri Mouton attack 1909-1910 5 1
Lucien Muller attack 1959-1964 16 3
Mustapha see Mustapha Ben M'Barek
Yann M'Vila midfield 2010–2012 22nd 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Samir Nasri midfield 2007-2013 41 5
Tanguy Ndombele midfield 2018-2019 6th 0
Frédéric Née attack 2001 1 0
Bruno N'Gotty Defense 1994-1997 6th 0
Eugène Nicolaï midfield 1905 2 0
Jean Nicolas attack 1933-1938 25th 21st
Paul Nicolas attack 1920-1931 35 20th
Jacques Novi Defense 1969-1972 20th 0
Edmond Novicki attack 1936-1937 2 1
Paul-Georges Ntep midfield 2015 2 0
Aimé Nuic attack 1935-1936 2 0
Charles N'Zogbia midfield 2010-2011 2 0
Steven Nzonzi midfield 2017-2018 14th 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Louis Olagnier midfield 1920 1 0
Celestin Oliver attack 1953-1958 5 3
Maurice Olivier attack 1910-1914 6th 0
Charles Orlanducci Defense 1975 1 0
Jean-Claude Osman Defense 1973 1 0
Nicolas Ouédec attack 1994-1997 7th 1
Marcel Ourdouillé midfield 1945 1 0
Georges Ouvray attack 1928 1 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Jean Pacot attack 1909 1 0
Stéphane Paille attack 1986-1989 8th 1
Claude Papi midfield 1973-1978 3 0
Jean-Pierre Papin attack 1986-1995 54 30th
Antoine Parachini midfield 1924 3 0
Bernard Pardo midfield 1988-1991 13 0
Patrick Parizon attack 1975 3 1
Albert Parsys goalkeeper 1914-1920 5 0
Gérald Passi midfield 1987-1988 11 2
Benjamin Pavard Defense 2017-2019 27 1
Henri Pavillard midfield 1928-1932 14th 1
Michel Payen midfield 1937 3 0
Dimitri Payet attack 2010-2018 38 8th
Antoine Pazur Defense 1953 1 0
Eric Pécout attack 1979-1980 5 1
Benoît Pedretti midfield 2002-2005 22nd 0
Reynald Pedros midfield 1993-1996 25th 4th
Armand Penverne midfield 1952-1959 39 2
Christian Perez attack 1988-1992 22nd 2
Robert Péri Defense 1965-1967 3 0
Eugène Petel midfield 1910 1 0
Emmanuel Petit midfield 1990-2003 63 6th
Jean Petit midfield 1977-1980 12 1
René Petit attack 1920 2 0
Georges Peyroche attack 1960-1961 3 0
Roger Piantoni attack 1952-1961 37 18th
Francis Piasecki midfield 1978-1979 3 0
Jean Picy attack 1914 1 0
Marcel Pinel midfield 1930 7th 4th
Robert Pintenat attack 1976 3 1
Frédéric Piquionne attack 2007 1 0
Robert Pirès midfield 1996-2004 79 14th
Félix Pironti attack 1944 1 0
Jean-Claude Piumi Defense 1962-1967 4th 1
Marc Planus Defense 2010 1 0
Michel Platini midfield 1976-1987 72 41
Alassane Pléa midfield 2018 1 0
Pierre Pleimelding attack 1978 1 0
René Pleimelding Defense 1953 1 0
Paul Pogba midfield 2013-2019 69 10
Paul Poirier midfield 1933 1 0
Albert Polge attack 1933-1934 3 0
Stéphane Porato goalkeeper 1999 1 0
Cyrille Pouget attack 1996 3 0
André Poullain attack 1913 3 2
Fabrice Poullain midfield 1985-1988 10 0
Félix Pozo midfield 1925 1 0
Jean Prouff attack 1946-1949 17th 1
Louis Provelli Defense 1967 1 0
William Prunier Defense 1992 1 0
André Puget attack 1907 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Roger Quenolle attack 1949 2 0
Claude Quittet Defense 1967-1973 16 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Adrien Rabiot midfield 2016-2018 6th 0
Bernard Rahis attack 1959-1961 3 1
Ángel Rambert attack 1962-1964 5 1
Ulrich Ramé goalkeeper 1999-2003 12 0
Adil Rami Defense 2010-2018 36 1
Gilles Rampillon midfield 1976-1980 3 1
Pierre Ranzoni midfield 1949-1950 2 0
Daniel Ravier midfield 1973 2 0
François Remetter goalkeeper 1953-1959 26th 0
Loïc Rémy attack 2009-2014 30th 7th
André Renaux goalkeeper 1908 1 0
Charles Renaux midfield 1908 1 0
Albert Rénier attack 1920-1924 4th 0
Pierre Repellini Defense 1973-1974 4th 0
Anthony Réveillère Defense 2003-2012 20th 1
Hervé Revelli attack 1966-1975 30th 15th
Patrick Revelli attack 1973-1977 5 1
André Rey goalkeeper 1977-1979 10 0
Julien du Rhéart midfield 1906-1911 3 0
Franck Ribery midfield 2006-2014 81 16
Robert Rico midfield 1970 1 0
Jean Rigal midfield 1909-1912 11 1
Patrice Rio Defense 1976-1988 17th 0
Roger Rio midfield 1933-1937 18th 4th
Laurent Robert midfield 1999-2001 9 1
Claude Robin Defense 1966-1967 4th 0
Laurent Robuschi attack 1962-1966 5 0
Alain Roche Defense 1988-1996 25th 1
Rochet attack 1913 1 0
Dominique Rocheteau attack 1975-1986 49 15th
Daniel Rodighiéro attack 1965 2 0
Joseph Rodriguez attack 1932 2 1
Sauveur Rodriguez Defense 1947 1 0
Bruno Rodzik Defense 1960-1963 21st 0
Henri Roessler midfield 1942 2 0
Jean-Philippe Rohr midfield 1987 1 0
Roger Rolhion Defense 1931-1933 4th 2
André Rollet Defense 1927 4th 0
Félix Romano midfield 1913 1 1
Paul Romano Defense 1911-1912 3 0
Georges Rose attack 1934 1 0
Jean-Paul Rostagni Defense 1969-1973 25th 0
Alfred Roth Defense 1920 1 0
Jérôme Rothen midfield 2003-2007 13 1
Antoine Rouchès midfield 1921 1 0
Gilles Rousset goalkeeper 1990-1992 2 0
Laurent Roussey attack 1982 2 1
Olivier Rouyer attack 1976-1981 17th 2
Serge Roy attack 1961 1 0
Marius Royet attack 1904-1908 9 2
Stéphane Ruffier goalkeeper 2010-2015 3 0
César Ruminski goalkeeper 1952-1954 7th 0
Albert Rust goalkeeper 1986 1 0
André Ryssen attack 1922 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Bacary Sagna Defense 2007-2016 65 0
Willy Sagnol Defense 2000-2008 58 0
Louis Saha attack 2004–2012 20th 4th
Omar Sahnoun midfield 1977-1988 6th 0
Mamadou Sakho Defense 2010-2018 29 2
Marcel Salva Defense 1945–1952 13 0
Henri Salvano attack 1926 1 1
Jean-Claude Samuel midfield 1945 3 0
Christian Sarramagna attack 1973-1976 4th 0
Émile Sartorius attack 1906-1908 5 2
Jean-Luc Sassus Defense 1992 1 0
Paul Sauvage attack 1961-1965 6th 0
Franck Sauzée midfield 1988-1993 39 9
Steve Savidan attack 2008 1 0
Albert Schaff attack 1914 1 0
Émile Scharwath midfield 1932-1934 8th 0
Roland Schmitt midfield 1939-1942 2 0
Morgan Schneiderlin midfield 2014-2015 15th 0
Louis Schubart midfield 1906-1908 3 0
Ernest Schultz attack 1961 1 1
Roger Scotti midfield 1950-1956 2 0
Jean Sécember attack 1932-1935 4th 5
Yvon Segalen midfield 1929 3 0
Henri Sellier midfield 1910 1 0
Didier Sénac Defense 1984-1987 3 0
Guy Sénac Defense 1960-1961 2 0
Raymond Sentubéry attack 1924-1926 3 0
Victor Sergent Defense 1907-1913 5 0
Georges Sesia attack 1948 1 0
Pierre Seyler midfield 1928 2 1
Robert Siatka Defense 1960 1 0
Djibril Sidibé Defense 2016-2018 18th 1
Siklo see Ladislas Smid
Franck Silvestre Defense 1989-1992 11 0
Mickaël Silvestre Defense 2001-2006 40 2
Amara Simba attack 1991-1992 3 2
Jacques Simon midfield 1965-1969 15th 1
André Simonyi attack 1942-1945 4th 1
Florent Sinama-Pongolle attack 2008 1 0
Paul Sinibaldi goalkeeper 1950 1 0
Pierre Sinibaldi attack 1946-1948 2 0
Moussa Sissoko midfield 2009-2019 62 2
Didier Six attack 1976-1984 52 13
Pierre Six midfield 1908 1 0
Henri Skiba attack 1959-1961 3 0
Ladislas Smid, called Siklo midfield 1945 4th 0
Gérard Soler attack 1974-1983 16 4th
André Sollier Defense 1909-1911 5 0
Luc Sonor Defense 1987-1989 9 0
Julien Sottiault attack 1927 5 1
Léonard Woodpecker Defense 1978-1985 18th 1
Sébastien Squillaci Defense 2004-2010 21st 0
Édouard Stachowitz, called Stako midfield 1959-1964 3 1
For Stako see Édouard Stachowitz
Michel Stievenard attack 1960 2 0
Julien Stopyra attack 1960 1 0
Yannick Stopyra attack 1980-1988 33 11
André Strappe midfield 1949-1954 23 4th
Marceau Stricanne attack 1951 1 0
Georges Stuttler attack 1926 1 0
Jean-Claude Suaudeau midfield 1966-1967 4th 0
Jean Swiatek Defense 1944-1950 5 0
Christian Synaeghel midfield 1974-1977 5 0
Maryan Synakowski, called Maryan Defense 1961-1965 13 0
Robert Szczepaniak midfield 1967-1968 5 0
Théodore Szkudlapski, called Théo midfield 1962-1963 2 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Jean Taillandier goalkeeper 1960 3 0
Georges Taisne attack 1927 3 2
André Tassin goalkeeper 1932 5 0
Joseph Tellechea midfield 1955-1959 3 1
Jean-Pierre Tempet goalkeeper 1982-1983 5 0
Boleslaw "Bolek" Tempowski midfield 1947 1 0
Jean-Pierre Tessier goalkeeper 1909-1910 5 0
Florian Thauvin attack 2017-2019 10 1
Maurice Thédié Defense 1925 1 0
Théo see Théodore Szkudlapski
Alexis Thépot goalkeeper 1927-1935 31 0
Jean-Christophe Thouvenel Defense 1983-1987 4th 0
Lilian Thuram Defense 1994-2008 142 2
Philippe Tibeuf attack 1990 2 0
Jean Tigana midfield 1980-1988 52 1
Maurice Tillette goalkeeper 1908 2 0
Corentin Tolisso midfield 2017-2019 21st 1
Ernest Tossier Defense 1909 1 0
Adolphe Touffait midfield 1932 1 0
Jérémy Toulalan midfield 2006-2010 36 0
José Touré attack 1983-1989 16 4th
Auguste Tousset midfield 1910-1913 2 1
Benoît Trémoulinas Defense 2012-2015 5 0
Marius Trésor Defense 1971-1983 65 4th
David Trezeguet attack 1998-2008 71 34
Yves Triantafilos attack 1975 1 0
Marcel Triboulet attack 1911-1919 6th 2
Thierry Tusseau Defense 1977-1986 22nd 0
Richard Tylinski Defense 1957-1960 3 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Joseph Ujlaki attack 1952-1960 21st 10
Samuel Umtiti Defense 2016-2019 31 4th


Surname position Period Games Gates
Ernest Vaast attack 1945-1949 15th 11
Pascal Vahirua attack 1990-1994 22nd 1
Tony Vairelles attack 1998-2000 8th 1
Mathieu Valbuena attack 2010-2015 52 8th
Marcel Vanco midfield 1920-1923 8th 0
Maurice Vandendriessche Defense 1908 2 0
Jules Vandooren Defense 1933-1942 22nd 0
Roger Vandooren attack 1949-1951 4th 0
Guy Van Sam midfield 1961 3 0
Albert Vanucci Defense 1974 2 0
Raphael Varane Defense 2013-2019 64 5
Henri Vascout midfield 1910-1911 7th 0
François Vasse Defense 1934 1 0
Émile Veinante attack 1929-1940 24 14th
Julien Verbrugghe attack 1906-1911 4th 0
Philippe Vercruysse midfield 1983-1989 12 1
Jacques Vergnes attack 1971 1 1
Joseph Verlet Defense 1904-1911 7th 1
Georges Verriest midfield 1933-1936 14th 1
Francis Vial attack 1911 1 0
Justin Vialaret midfield 1908 1 0
Henri Vialmonteil attack 1911-1913 6th 2
Patrick Vieira midfield 1997-2009 107 6th
René Vignal goalkeeper 1949-1954 17th 0
Marcel Vignoli Defense 1925 2 0
Alexandre Villaplane midfield 1926-1930 25th 0
Jean Vincent attack 1953-1961 46 22nd
Rémi Vogel Defense 1987 1 0
Paul Voyeux midfield 1913 1 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Waggi see Édouard Wawrzyniak
Roland Wagner attack 1979 1 1
Urbain Wallet Defense 1925-1929 21st 0
Marian Walter, called Maïk attack 1949-1950 2 1
Michel Watteau attack 1966 1 0
Raymond Wattine midfield 1923 1 0
Édouard Wawrzyniak, called Waggi attack 1935 1 0
Edmund Weiskopf attack 1939 1 0
Jean Wendling Defense 1959-1963 26th 0
Ursule Wibaut midfield 1908 1 0
Jacques Wild midfield 1927-1929 8th 0
Charles Wilkes midfield 1905-1908 4th 0
Sylvain Wiltord attack 1999-2006 92 26th
Maryan Wisnieski attack 1955-1963 33 12


Surname position Period Games Gates
Daniel Xuereb attack 1981-1989 8th 1


Surname position Period Games Gates
Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa Defense 2012-2014 4th 0


Surname position Period Games Gates
Jean-Louis Zanon midfield 1983 1 0
Mario Zatelli attack 1939 1 1
Jonathan Zebina Defense 2005 1 0
Charles Zehren Defense 1936 1 0
Paul Pointer midfield 1907 1 0
Bernard Zénier attack 1977-1987 5 1
Émile Zermani attack 1935 1 0
Zinedine Zidane midfield 1994-2006 108 31
Jacques Zimako attack 1977-1981 13 2
Simon Zimny Defense 1955 1 0
Mustapha Zitouni Defense 1957-1958 4th 0
Kurt Zouma Defense 2015-2019 3 1
Victor Zvunka Defense 1975 1 0


  1. These are the meetings officially recognized by the French FFF .
  2. Delahais / Colombari / Dautel, p. 131
  3. ^ Match report on the France Football website


  • Denis Chaumier: Les Bleus. Tous les joueurs de l'équipe de France de 1904 à nos jours. Larousse, Paris 2004, ISBN 2-03-505420-6 .
  • Matthieu Delahais / Bruno Colombari / Alain Dautel: Le Dico des Bleus. Marabout, Vanves 2017, ISBN 978-2-501-12142-2
  • L'Équipe / Gérard Ejnès: La belle histoire. L'équipe de France de football. L'Équipe, Issy-les-Moulineaux 2004, ISBN 2-9519605-3-0
  • France Football: La vie en Bleus. Special Equipe de France. No. 3215 of November 20, 2007