List of sayings

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Memories - also: donkey bridges - serve to make it easier to memorize facts , dates and connections through memorable sayings. The mottos should meet the following criteria :

  • A memorandum has a content that can be memorized with it.
  • Common, memorable : meter, rhyme, rhythm, related to the topic. Example: three three three - at Issos brawl .
  • Less suitable are beginning letter mnemonics that simply connect only the initials of learning words in a nonsensical sentence. From this variety, please only known, proven sayings. Example: You old donkey go get fish .
  • No duplication : a motto is usually sufficient for a topic. More please if they are very common and well documented.
  • No variants of the same motto: Only the most common variant belongs in the list.
  • Memories should be reasonably short and concise , not lengthy narratives.
  • No factual articles : Memos, where the topic has to be explained page by page, are not memorabilia, but factual articles and do not belong in the list.
  • no political background : it is not the purpose of the list to propagate controversial political views.
  • No proprietary mnemonics : Most seminar organizers offer memos for their seminars as learning aids. Such slogans that are not generally used do not belong in the list.
  • no quotes for acronyms and abbreviations.
  • Foreign-language memos : if there is no suitable German saying for “Merkbedurdnis”, then common and documented foreign-language memos are appropriate, e.g. B. in IT.


Ancient Greek

theme Facts Memorandum
conjugation Five verbs form the imperative aorist irregular with final
stress : λαβέ - εὑρέ - ἐλθέ - ἰδέ - εἰπέ (labé - heuré - elthé - idé - eipé).
Labe t your Elte rn i n de r Kn Eipe .
conjugation The three regular endings of the imperative aorist (active, medium, passive) are σον, σαι and ϑητι (son, sai, thēti). Son, be active!
preposition The preposition διά can be used with both genitive and accusative. In contrast to German, however, Greek rules “because of” the accusative, not the genitive. I really ask you to always consider:

διά τινος is "through", but διά τί is "because of".

or: Never go deep (genitive) “through” the valley “because of” the acoustics (accusative).

Nouns In the Attic feminine of the a-declension after epsilon, iota and rho end on alpha, not as usual on eta. " Egg rule": after E , I , R follows A, not a long E.
Also: Aria rule: A follows r , i and e .
grammar An ancient Greek word ends either in a vowel, an intermediate consonant or in Ny, Rho or Sigma. " Nereus rule": all words ending in a vowel, Zwiekonsonanten or N , R , S .
declination The endings of many masculines are: -ος (Gen.Sg.), -ι (Dat.Sg.), -α (Acc.Sg.), -ες (Nom.Pl.), -ων (Gen.Pl.) , -σιν (Dat.Pl.), -ας (Acc.Pl.). The nominatives are always different. -ος, -ι, -α, that's clear,

these are the endings in the singular,
-ες, -ων, -σιν, that makes sense.
Now -ας, that's it.

Old Hebrew

theme Facts Memorandum
conjugation Six Verba I Aleph have peculiarities to the Verba I laryngalis : אכל (eat), אבה (want), אבד (perish), אמר (say), אפה (bake), אחז (seize). Who does not want to eat , perish , said the bakery and grabbed the bread.


theme Facts Memorandum
Spelling of "namely" "Namely" is written before the "m" without "h" Anyone who writes “namely” with “h”
is stupid.
Prepositions that require the dative case The prepositions with, nach, von, seit, aus, zu and bei are always followed by the dative case With, to, from, since, from, to,
always request case number three.
Prepositions that require the accusative The prepositions through, for, without, um and against are always followed by the accusative Strive for
the fourth case through, for, without, around, against .
Prepositions calling for the genitive The prepositions above, below, inside, outside, despite, not far, during, because of, instead of are always followed by the genitive Above and below,
inside and outside, in
spite of, not far, while, because of, instead of
always having the 2nd case with you.
Prepositions that can require both dative and accusative The prepositions on, on, behind, next to, in, over, under, in front of and between are followed by the dative or accusative, depending on the question on, on, behind, next to, in,
over, under, in front of and between
write with the third trap like this
if you can ask with "Where?",
with the fourth trap
when you can ask: "Where to?"
Predicatives that rule the genitive ; in the present case: genitivus objectivus (hence also: object predicative) eager, knowledgeable, thoughtful, participant, powerful, full and worthy, and all adjectives with the opposite meaning (e.g. without prejudice) rule the genitive; z. B: I have become part of the truth, for which reason I am now full of pride; regardless of your criticism. Eager, knowledgeable, thoughtful, participative, powerful, fully governed always the genitive what one should remember.
- or -
Knowingly poured the beer, it was partly full.
Words with "tz" and "ck" The consonants l, m, n, r are never followed by tz or ck . Proper names are excluded: Hertz, Bismarck, Frantz, Finck, Boltzmann or Wilcke. After “l”, “m”, “n”, “r” note:
never write “tz” and never “ck”.
Separation of "st" Usually there was no separation between “s” and “t”. Since the spelling reform of 1998, this rule hardly applies any more. In the German script , the connection between “ſ” and “t” always consisted of a ligature and was therefore never separated. Never separate the "s" from the "t"
because it hurts both of them.
"S" and "t" are never separated,
even if the whole school building is on fire.
pronunciation If there is a double consonant after a vowel, it is always spoken briefly, e.g. B. Fl ü sse. Double sympathy in the ear?
Short vowl before that!
Difference between "that" and "that" The pronoun is written with an s, the conjunction with a double s (according to the old spelling with ß) The "s" in "that" must remain lonely,
you can also write "this" or "which".
Diminutive (diminutive, diminutive form) Diminutive formation with the suffix -chen or -lein
addition: The diminutive formation is still capitalized.
-chen and -lein make all things small.
Addition: But don't stop here,
words with -chen and -lein are capitalized!
Expression The verb “need” should be in the infinitive with “to” Whoever “needs” without using “too
” does not need to use “need” at all.
Order the case -cases The cases are 1st nominative , 2nd genitive , 3rd dative and 4th accusative The cases are sorted backwards in alphabetical order.

Case 1: Nom inativ - " Who -or-what-case"
Case 2: genitive - " Whose -case"
Case 3: As tive - " Who -case"
Case 4: accusative - " Wen -or- what-case "

No rmal who the genitive wes entlich preferred because of any whom ent the accusatives whom were det.

Spelling of "a little" “A little” is always written in lower case. "A little" is not capitalized a bit.
Difference between since and are The preposition and conjunction “seit” are written with “t”, the verb and auxiliary verb “sei” with “d” In "was T " is about the Zei T . "Do D " when they sin D .
Spelling of "not at all" - “Not at all” is not written together at all.
Meanings of "apparently" and "apparently" “Apparently” expresses that a situation is suspected; “Apparently”, on the other hand, means that something is actually very different from what it appears to be. I hear the "apparently" crying - you certainly mean "apparently"!


theme Facts Memorandum
conjugation The third person singular always ends in "s" in the present tense, e.g. B. he plays .
  • He, she, it, the "s" must be included.
  • He, she, it - NO "s" is shit.
  • He, she, it and who should include an "s".
  • He, she it, an "s" must sit - in questions too, it's "does", not "do".
Addition: But be wise, an "s" is enough.
If clauses In the if-clause use would only in special cases “Would” breaks the if-sentence.
If and would
is no good.
"If" and "Would"
break the sentence.
Never, never, never,
put "if" and "would" together.
If clauses If (temporal) and if (conditional) must be distinguished. If "when" "is equal to f alls", then "i f ".
If clauses In real conditional clauses, want belongs in the second part of the sentence. If and will
makes the teacher ill.
Plurals of house , louse and mouse The plural of louse is lice and that of mouse is mice , while house has the plural houses (not hice ). lic e - lice e and mic e - mice e ( -e in English as in German in the last position); on the other hand: hous e s - Häus e r ( -e- in English and in German in the penultimate position)
spelling, orthography Spelling of words with ei and ie such as B. bel ie ve, rec ei ve, r ei gn. "I" before "e" (except after "c") if the pronunciation is "ee".
spelling, orthography Exceptions to the rule for ei and ie : Sheila, weir, weird, seize. A weird thought seized Sheila by the weir.
Spelling of necessary How do you write “necessary”? two s, one c - necessary.

A t-shirt has two s leeves and one c ollar
N ever e at c hocolate; e at s alad s andwiches a nd r emain y oung.

times AM (ante meridiem) stands for morning (00:00 to 12:00), PM (post meridiem) stands for in the evening (after 12:00 to 24:00). "AM" = A m M orgen.
Differentiation between since and for im present perfect progressive since always at a point in time; for always in a period of time. s i nce has a point on the i and stands for a point in time.

f o r has a space in o and stands for a period of time.

si n ce - Zeitpu n kt and fo r - Time r aum
Sentence with "did" (past tense of to do) After did, the following verbs are always used in the basic form (infinitive, simple present) (e.g. Did he go home? He did know something.) "Did" and present, that is the norm,
after "did" there is never the past-tense form!
Differentiation between present perfect and simple past Signal words for the present perfect Never, ever, yet, so far,
present perfect is clear!
Signal words for completed actions in the past Yesterday, ago and last
always require the simple past.

What do we do every day?
Simple present, no question about it.

Comma setting There are only a few commas in English. When in doubt leave it out.


theme Facts Memorandum
Orthography of and ou The word   means  where ,
ou stands for or .
No count swims on the Oder.
(Graf stands for accent grave . There were no nobles on the Oder because it was within the socialist sphere of influence.)
Conjunction pendant que The conjunction  pendant que  means “during” and is a signal word for the imparfait . With pendant que no problem,
always imparfait , very pleasant.
Spelling of déjà The word  déjà  means  already (e.g .: Already so late?). A roof is already being built over “already”.
When is a circumflex put over vowels? The circumflex often marks the failure of a subsequent Old French "s". Example: old: es tre, new: ê tre.
The circumflex can also occasionally be derived from the "s" of the German loan word. Example: de = Me is ter, fr = Ma î tre, de = P as for preparing = p â té, de = F it t fr = f ê te, de = Fen s ter fr = fen ê tre, s = ( Youth) H os tel fr = H ô tel, en = c as tle fr = ch â teau.
The circumflex is the gravestone for the "s".
A castle (château), a hotel (hôtel) and a hospital (hôpital) always need a roof!
What is the grammatical gender of nouns? Words ending in -ette are feminine, with the exception of squelette (further exceptions: quintette and compounds such as magnétocassette, casse-noisette, pied-d'alouette, bébé-éprouvette ). The babette smokes a cigarette without a skeleton. (Stupid but effective.)
All words ending in -age are masculine, except la ca ge, l'i mage, la pa ge, la pla ge, la ra ge, la na ge Every "age" (ass) is male!
Words ending in -tion are feminine. Words ending in -tion are for the feminine person.


theme Facts Memorandum
Accordo Impersonal expressions such as "one is very satisfied here" require the adjective in the plural in Italian: "si è molto contenti qui" si impersonale - aggetivo al plurale.
Use of h The c used in Italian - depending on which vowel follows - is pronounced either as "k" (with the following vowel a, u or o), or as "tsch" with the following vowel i or e ("Tschi / tsche") . To form the sound “ki” or “ke”, the “h” is inserted after the “c” in Italian. The same rule can also be applied to the “g” (“ji / dsche”). ca, co acca (= h) no; che, chi acca si !.


theme Facts Memorandum
prepositions The ablative follows some prepositions . A, ab, e, ex and de,
cum and sine, pro and prae
are followed by the ablative.
In and sub , when asked where,
do the same.
A, ab, e, ex, de, pro, cum, sine
always use the ablative.
It was exactly like a machine.
He knew, even when he slept,
on a, ab, e, ex, de, cum, sine
and pro and prae follows ablative.
(Quote from Latin by the Wise Guys )
Conjunctions After some conjunctions, the ali- is omitted for indefinite pronouns ( aliquis, aliqua, aliquid ...). After si, nisi, ne, num,
quo, quando, ubi, cum
, little Ali falls over.
Verbs with double accusative Some Latin verbs combine two accusative objects;
one is translated as , for or for .
E.g .: Caesarem consulem creaverunt. = Caesar was elected consul.
The rhyme contains some of these verbs in their German meaning.
Have, hold and recognize,
make, choose and appoint,
also teach and explain,
also show oneself, prove oneself,
do two accusative desires.
Give, take and explain
why choose, prove yourself,
have, consider, appoint,
name, make to, recognize.
conjugation Endings in the present indicative active: -o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt After O - s - t s mus s tis e e nt s
Some adjectives with the genitive Eager, knowledgeable, thoughtful, participant, powerful, full

(cupidus, peritus, memor, particeps, potens, plenus)

Poured the beer knowledgeably, truly powerfully full.
Multiplicativa The first four multiplicatives: semel, bis, ter, quater (once, twice, three times, four times) The cat bit into the bread roll.
Nouns Some nouns in the u-declension are feminine. domus, manus, acus, tribus,
porticus and idus
as feminine you have to remember.
Nouns Some nouns have a natural gender regardless of their declension. Men, peoples, rivers, winds are
always masculine.
As a feminine, you attach
women to the trees.
The countries, islands, cities in -us
feminine must be used.
Nouns genus cadaver, iter, ver
are neuter on -er
Nouns Some nouns and adjectives in the o-declension with -er are declined differently ( alter, altera, alterum ). puer, socer, gener,
vesper, asper, tener
and miser, liber! - free! - always
keep e before r .
Nouns With many words of the consonantic declension, the gender can be recognized by the ending. Deviations in the keywords must be learned as exceptions. Feminini Generis
are words with the ending -es and -is,
also those ending in -x, -as, -aus and -o
and -s with a consonant in front of it.
The -a, -e, -c,
the -l, -n, -t,
the -ar, -ur, -us
are neutrius.
Nouns: ī stems The feminine of the pure ī-stems form the accusative singular on -im and the ablative singular on . Tiberis, Albis and Visurgis are masculine rivers according to the natural sex. Febris, puppis and securis
turris, tussis, sitis, vis
Tiberis, Neapolis,
and Visurgis.
Nouns: Old i-declension Nouns with accusative ending in -im. Puppim, vitim, turrim, febrim, vim
as well as securim, Tiberim and Napolim
on the old exit “-im” .
Masculini Generis
are the words all on "-nis"
and mensis, sanguis, orbis, fons,
collis, lapis, piscis, mons,
sermo, ordo, sol and pons,
dens, sal, as, grex, pulvis.
Pronominal adjectives The Latin pronominal
adjectives ūnus (one), sōlus (alone), tōtus (whole), ūllus ( anyone ),
uter (who of the two), alter (another), neuter (none)
and nūllus (none) all have in the genitive the Ending -īus and in the dative case .
Ūnus, sōlus, tōtus, ūllus,
uter, alter, neuter, nūllus
and uterque all have
-īus in the second case
and in the third case they end
like alius with a long -ī.
ōs - os ōs (mouth) - os (bone) - meaning ōs, ōris is the mouth,
os, ossis the dog eats.
ōs (mouth) - os (bones) - gender ōs, ōris - mouth, os, ossis - leg
must always be neuter.
Pronouns and "esse" Memorandum for the formation of the forms of the pronouns and the auxiliary verb esse hic, haec, hoc - this teacher has a stick
is, ea, id - what does he want with it?
sum, fui, eat - he hits you in the face
illegally, illa, illud - that your nose bleeds!


theme Facts Memorandum
Interrogative pronouns All Spanish interrogative pronouns have an accent: ¿Cómo ?, ¿Dónde ?, ¿Adónde ?, ¿De dónde ?, ¿Por qué ?, ¿Quién ?, ¿Quiénes ?, ¿Cuánto ?, ¿Cuál ?, ¿Cuáles ?, ¿ Cuándo? and ¿Qué? When you write a question word, put the accent immediately!
Indefinite companion otro, -a There must be no indefinite article (un, -a) before otro, -a . Watch out when talking and writing, let un before otro always remain.


theme Facts Memorandum
Laryngeal theory If a laryngeal sound is between an * e and a consonant, it colors the vowel, stretches it and disappears itself ( substitute stretching ), comparable to a stretching h in German spelling. * H 1 is a Keh 1 lkopflaut ,
* h 2 is a Kah 2 lkopflaut ,
* h 3 is a Koh 3 lkopflaut .

Natural sciences


theme Facts Memorandum
Order of the planets in our solar system M erkur V enus E rde M ars J Upiter S aturn U ranus N eptun (from the sun) M a V ater e rklärt m ir j Eden S onntag u nseren N night sky
Order of the planets and relevant small astronomical bodies of our solar system M erkur V enus E rde M ars A steroidal J Upiter S aturn U ranus N eptun K uipergürtel O ortsche cloud (from the sun) M a V ater e rklärt m ir a n j edem S onntag u ur n atural k osmische O rdnung
Planets of our solar system with Pluto M erkur V enus E rde M ars J Upiter S aturn U ranus N eptun P luto (from the sun) M a V ater e rklärt m ir j Eden S onntag u ur n Eun P laneten.
Zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces Two crab cubs stare again: Do you dare to protect scorpions and fish stones out of the water?
Moon phase

Waxing moon : the right half becomes light first, which looks like the letter D.
Waning moon: at the end a sickle open to the right, like the letter C.
Attention: This only applies to the northern hemisphere; in the southern hemisphere it is exactly the other way round, in such a way that all the mottos listed here have to be "turned around"!

Luna mentitur ( Latin : the moon lies).

It shows us a C like c rescit (= it increases) when it decreases, and it shows us a D like d ecrescit (= it decreases) when it increases (cf. Italian volume indications in music: c rescendo / d ecrescendo ).

( = Bracket a uf, the moon takes a b

) = Bracket to the moon takes to

If the moon increases, it shows you a D u.
When the moon z is out of focus, the arc is like the approach when writing the letter Z in German cursive Z in German cursive .

If he takes a b, the bow is like the left bow of an A in German cursive A in German cursive.

Spectral classes of the stars OBAFGKMRNS (with the last three making up less than 1% of the stars and being an alternative to the LTY classes.) O pa, B ei A fill F ixsterntypen G ibt's K ennzeichnende M (HARACTERISTICS R portant, N maybe S paßhalber).


theme Facts Memorandum
Essential human amino acids Phenylalanine , Isoleucine , Tryptophan , Methionine , Leucine , Valine , Lysine , Threonine Phaen omenale Iso de clouded with under Leu tnant Val entins syphilis terne Tr Space by.

PheTTVILLM (pronounced: fat film)

Essential chemical elements in biochemistry Biomolecules mainly consist of the elements hydrogen ( H ), carbon ( C ), nitrogen ( N ), oxygen ( O ), phosphorus ( P ), sulfur ( S ) P eter Cohn
Cohn M ar g arête K ocht P rima CaFe - in addition to magnesium ( Mg ), potassium ( K ), calcium ( Ca ), and iron ( Fe ) .
Base pairing of DNA Adenine is complementary to thymine , guanine is complementary to cytosine . A and T are more square letters, G and C are more round letters.
A warmer T eufel, G uter C hrist.
Base pairing of the RNA Adenine is complementary to uracil , guanine is complementary to cytosine. A and U are vowels, G and C are consonants.
Alignment of the hydroxyl groups of D- glucose in the Fischer projection Structure of D (+) - glucose and D (+) - galactose in the form of a Fischer projection tatütata (ta = right, tü = left)
The 8 epimeric C6 sugars (all Aldo hexoses ) The 8 aldohexoses are: Allose , Altrose , Glucose , Mannose , Gulose , Idose , Galactose , Talose All e old en Glu CKEN m FICHES gu t i m Ga rten ta coins.
The 5 coenzymes of PDH in the correct order Thiamine diphosphate, liponamide, CoA, FAD, NAD + T iere Li just co la and fa ntastische Na currency!
The 4 fat-soluble vitamins and their chemical names Vitamin E = tocopherol , vitamin D = cholecalciferol , vitamin K = phylloquinone , vitamin A = retinol ED e KA
Chemical names of vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 6 and B 12 B 1 = thiamine , B 2 = riboflavin , B 3 = niacin , B 6 = pyridoxal phosphate and B 12 = cobalamin Th e ri ght ni ght for pa rties and c lubs.


theme Facts Memorandum
Number of molars in European predators ( incisors : 3/3, canines : 1/1)

Foxes and dogs have stayed
above 6 and below 7,
the marten and the badger
above 5 and below 6,
the otters in the swamp
above 5 and below 5,
the polecat and the weasel animal
below 5 and above 4,
and the cat
above despite screaming 4 and below 3.

List of "fair" types of wood for break marks in hunting. Ta nne , Fi FRUITS , Ki EFER , egg che , he le

E rle, Fi gte, E ile, K oefer, T anne



Breeding and setting times of native game species

It offers us its young,
the badger in February.
In March and April,
the wild brook wants to freshen up.
In the fourth month the fox wolves,
including martens, polecats , weasels and lynxes.
The roe deer, red deer and fallow deer settle
last in May and June.

Classification levels of the Linnean system Kingdom , tribe , class , order , family , genus , species The husband's way of keeping the family in order is great and comes from rich experience. (To be read backwards, i.e. from bottom to top)
Each kind to be located gatt s generated family . The order is great , the tribe remains rich (in offspring).
Class order prevails in the family when the Gatt e type is pure.
Elephants African elephants and Asian or Indian elephants are distinguished by the size of their ears . The ears of the elephants look like the map of the area after which they are named: Africa or India .
A frikanische l elephants have a length ears,
I companies the elephants w i Nzige ears.
Photosynthesis During photosynthesis, there is a linear transport of electrons from water to NADP. During this process, H 2 O is photolyzed and NADP is reduced to NADPH + H + . NADPH + H + ; N maybe a lle d Ummen P PERSONS h ave H ühner.
Carpal bones Proximal (from radial to ulnar ):
scaphoid, moonbone,
triangular bone, pea bone
Distal (from radial to ulnar):
large polygonal bone, small polygonal bone,
head bone, hook bone

In the moonlight a boat drove in a
triangle around the pea leg.

Large polygon and small polygon,
on the head, there must be a catch.
Camels The number of humps of a species of camel corresponds to the number of e in the name. Tramp e lti e r: 2 humps; Drom e represent: 1 hump; Alpaca, llama, vicuna: no hump at all
Larch - lark Differentiate between larch ( conifer ) and lark ( songbird ) L ä larch is a B a by, L e larch a Vog e l.
Leo-Tiger Hybrid The Töwe is the common boy of T igermännchen and L œWe nweibchen. The Liger is the common boy of L öwenmännchen and T hydrochloric females. The V is ater v called Orne.
Mitosis In mitosis, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase take place one after the other. I ch p auke M itose a lle T age.
Sodium-Potassium Pump The sodium-potassium pump transports 3 Na + out of the cell and 2 K + through the cell membrane. 3 Na zis out - 2 K umpels in
Mating seasons of native wild species

The fox, he rants in February,
like the rabbit and rabbit every year.
Chicken, snipe and duck love in March,
the black grouse's heart beats in April.
From then until May it is common for
capercaillie to be intoxicated.
From mid-July to August,
the roe deer swarms in love.
Edelwild (red deer) rutting in September,
October – November for fallow deer.
From then until the new year,
the wild boar rustles forever.

Horse-donkey hybrid The mule is the common foal of horse mare and donkey stallion. The mule is the common foal of donkey mare and horse stallion. From M aul donkey is the M utter a donkey .
Phloem and xylem The phloem lies on the outside of the trunk, consists of living tissue and transports a sugar-containing liquid from top to bottom. In the leaf, it is always under the xylem (i.e. closer to the underside of the leaf). The opposite applies to the xylem. Phl o em: o ut, n o t dead, cal o factories, d o w n (l o w)
Gender symbols While the man with the arrow in the war pulls the woman goes to church and pray that he comes back healthy.
Split bone structure of the crustacea Coxa, base, ischium, merus, carpus, propodus, dactyl C urrywurst b raun? I ch M oh C Urry P ulver D up.


theme Facts Memorandum
Handling of water and concentrated, strong acids You should never add water to an acid, as this can lead to sudden boiling. First the water, then the acid,
otherwise the monster happens.
Acids chemical structure of an acid Note that on acids,
the acid residue depends on hydrogen.
Alkalis chemical structure of a lye But alkalis turn out to
be metal with OH groups.
Alkalis + acids chemical reaction Add acid to the lye,
salt and water are there in no time.
Test with pH indicator (litmus) The base is a woman,
because she colors the red litmus blue.
Decomposition voltage during electrolysis ZAK
Poles in electrolysis The cathode is the negative pole, the anode the positive pole. The Ka tze makes mi au.
The Kath ode ne Catholic iv.
Oxidation takes place at the anode and reduction at the cathode. An ox and a red cat
At the anode finds O instead xidation, that is the A and O of chemistry.
An O xidation de Potions
An ode: Ox - two letters
Kat hode: Red - 3 letters
Poles in the galvanic element and electrolysis and reactions In the galvanic element, the cathode is the positive pole and the anode is the negative pole, the reaction happens voluntarily.

In electrolysis, the cathode is the negative pole and the anode is the positive pole; the reaction is only forced.
OMA makes voluntarily to Ga rten. ( O xidation, M inuspol, A node, voluntarily, ga lvanisches element)

OPA must e inkaufen. ( O xidation, P luspol, A node forced E lektrolyse)
Redox reaction Oxidation = donation of electrons

Reduction = electron uptake

Ox ford = electrons ford (t)
If an electron approaches,
it is a reduction.
When an electron marches,
the particle is oxidized.
Charge of anions Anions are negatively charged
(as opposed to cations)
A n ion = n egativ
Ka + ion
Ferrite former Chromium, aluminum, titanium, tantalum, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten CrAlTiTaSiMoVW (spoken like a Russian name: Craltitasimov )
Product distribution in the halogenation of alkyl aromatics z. B. Chlorination of toluene: benzyl chloride / chlorotoluene

SSS rule : S iedehitze, S may light, S eitenkette;
KKK rule : K älte, K atalysator, K s.

Woodward-Hoffmann rules Vi he e lektronen, t hermisch, con rotatory The Vietcon Rule .
Classification of enzymes Oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases O tto t rifft h oday L ydia i n L iverpool.
The first three rows in the PSE The elements H, He or from lithium to neon or from sodium to argon H ello, Hey !
Li ebe Be rta b itte C OMM N maybe O teeth F your red Ne lken
na ch M a g deburg! Al le si just P ferde s aufen chlorine ar gwöhnisch.
6. Main group in the PSE The chalcogens sorted by period O tto s chmeißt s ore t olle P artys


theme Facts Memorandum
Cirrus clouds Cirrus clouds usually mean rain, but it is not uncommon for it to remain dry. With women and cirrus you can be wrong.


theme Facts Memorandum
Differentiation of the capital cities of Australian countries Sydney , Perth , Darwin - Canberra , Adelaide , Melbourne , Hobart , Wellington , Brisbane . SPD - CAM Hans-Werner Bach
Hans-Werner Bach is the SPD's cameraman !
Differentiation of the stalactite shapes Stalactites are drooping stalactites and stalagmites are rising stalactites (stalagnates are the two structures that have grown together). The M rise ieten (Stalag m th),
the T itten hang (Stalak t th)!
Stalak t th depend on the T corner.
Stalag nat s are together amount sewn .
A large T (Stalag T iten) looks like a stalactite hanging from the ceiling, an M (Stalag M iten) looks like two stalactites protruding from the ground.
A Stalak t it grows by t ropft; the under standing Stalag with growing with .
t omber (French): to fall - m onter (French): to rise
(Pointed) M ützenform: Stalag m ith,
(confectionery) T üte: Stalak t th!
Stalag miten as Ter miten hill on the ground.
Composition of the granite Mainly consists of quartz , various feldspars and mica minerals . Feldspar, quartz and mica,
I'll never forget the three.
Chronostratigraphic series of the Jura Lias = Black Jura, Lower Jura
Dogger = Brown Jura, Middle Jura
Malm = White Jura, Upper Jura
Li it do ch times !
Origin of the Weser The Weser arises from the confluence of the Werra and Fulda . Where Werra and Fulda kiss
you have to atone for their names
And here, through this kiss
German to the sea, the Weser river is created.

(Saying at the Weserstein in Hann. Münden )

Origin of the Chemnitz The Chemnitz arises from the confluence of the Zwönitz and Würschnitz rivers . Where Zwönitz and Würschnitz kiss,
you have to pay for their name.
And this kiss creates
the Chemnitz River up to the Mulde.

(Revised version of the saying from the Weserstein in Hann. Münden )

Origin of the Danube The Danube arises from the confluence of the Brigach and Breg rivers . Brigach and Breg
bring the Danube to the river.
Order and direction of the most important German Danube tributaries The Danube flows from west to east. The tributaries flow in this order. The rivers that flow in from the south come from the right when viewed from the direction of flow of the Danube; the rivers that flow in from the north come from the left. They open at an acute (<90 ° = towards) or obtuse (> 90 ° = opposite) angle. Iller , Lech , Isar , Inn
flow right towards the Danube.
Wörnitz , Altmühl , Naab and Regen
come towards the left.
Mouth of the Spree The Spree flows into the Havel near Spandau . There is a warning sign near Spandau
, the Spree rushes into the Havel.
Layers of the Earth's atmosphere from top to bottom Exosphere , ionosphere , mesosphere , stratosphere and troposphere (The layers are sorted alphabetically from top to bottom: E - I - M - S - T.)
The East Frisian Islands from east to west Wangerooge , Spiekeroog , Langeoog , Baltrum ,
Norderney , Juist , Borkum
W hich  S eemann  l IEGT  b ei  N anni  iB ett?
The East Frisian Islands from west to east Borkum , Juist , Norderney , Baltrum ,
Langeoog , Spiekeroog , Wangerooge
Borkum, Juist and Norderney,
then Baltrum is in the middle,
Langeoog, Spiekeroog and Wangerooge then follow
in alphabetical order.

Colorful jackets, bare cheeks, long beaches, walls of clouds.

The West Frisian Islands from east to west Schiermonnikoog , Ameland , Terschelling , Vlieland , Texel Schiermonnikoog and Ameland,
closest to the German beach.
Terschelling, Vlieland then in Texel,
at the latest there in Gulden change.
Location of the Spessart The Spessart is bordered by the rivers Kinzig , Sinn and Main . Kinzig, Sinn and Main
include the Spessart.
Location of the Hunsrück The Hunsrück is bordered by the rivers Mosel , Saar , Nahe and Rhine . The Moselle, Saar, Nahe and Rhine
enclose the Hunsrück all around.
The cardinal points clockwise North, East, South, West
( See also: Compass Rose )
N iemals O hne S Eife W ash
In the east the sun rises,
in the south it runs at noon (variant: in the south it rises high),
in the west it will set,
in the north it is never to be seen.
(Unfortunately only works in the moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere.)
Location of west and east on (north-facing) maps West - left, east - right WO also
works in English ( W her E ) and Portuguese ( O nd E )
Hurricane season Tropical cyclones in the Caribbean usually occur between July and September. June - too soon
July - be shy
August - must
September - remember
October - over
Differentiation between taiga and tundra Taiga is the boreal coniferous forest and there are hardly any trees in the tundra. Tiger Woods
Sequence of the larger villages on the right bank of Lake Thun and down the Aare Oberhofen - Hilterfingen - Thun - Bern Z Oberhofe düe si s Brot y Ofe,
z Hiuterfinge chöi si si s nümmen usebringe,
z Thun bache si s brun
u z Bärn ässes aui gärn.
The number of days in each month 31 days = January, March, May, July, August, October, December
30 days = April, June, September, November
28 days = February
Thirty days in November,
April, June and September.
Only one person has twenty-eight,
no one has more than thirty-one.
Hold both fists next to each other and walk along the knuckles on the back of the hand. Starting with January, each ankle corresponds to a long (31-day) month and lowering between the ankles corresponds to a short (30 or 28-day) month. So July and August both have thirty-one days.
The German Hanseatic cities from west to east B remen, H amburg, L übeck, W ismar, R ostock, S tralsund and G reifswald B ei H ANSE l ying w ehrhafte, r oak S tädte g ünstig.


theme Facts Memorandum
Earth crust The most common elements in the earth's crust are oxygen (O) , silicon (Si) , aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) . O h, Si e al th Fe rkel!
Geological age Precambrian , Cambrian , Ordovician , Silurian , Devonian , Carboniferous , Permian , Triassic , Jurassic , Cretaceous , Paleogene , Neogene , Quaternary P eter ka nn o hne s a d oofen Ka ffee- P ads, tr otz j eglichem K affee- P ulver, n ur qu angels.


theme Facts Memorandum
Priorities of the arithmetic symbols
(point before dash)
The brackets say: “I'll come first!”
Also remember: “Always point before the line”
And whatever is not there for arithmetic,
write it down unchanged.
Point calculation goes before line calculation .
The bracket stands above everything.
KlaPoPuS ( Kla mmer before Po competence before Pu nt before S trich)
Fractions The denominator of a fraction must never be zero; H. it must never be divided by zero. Dear people big and small,
divided by zero let be better.
Formula for the cylinder volume If a pizza has the radius z and the height a, the volume is Pi ZZ A. (In each case multiplied.)
Formula for the sphere volume Slowly comes along:
four thirds pi times R to the third.
What is rolling past me?
Four thirds Pi times R to the power of three!
Formula for the surface of the sphere And what she has on her body
is four times the pi times the R square.
Formula for the trigonometric functions

G A. G A.
H H A. G

(Only memos for the columns, not the rows are useful) Memorandum: " The GAGA-HühnerHofAG "

Tanga - Tan gene is G egenkathete to A nkathete
Sing "Hy", Tange on!
SING : Sin us is Ge gen cathetus by the hypotenuse.
Opposite to An is Tan - Opposite cathete to An cathete is Tan gens
G eh H eim ... A LTES H from ... G ib A CHT ... A UFS G eld.
⇒ Sin ... Cos ... Tan ... Cot
G Ustav H ausers ... a lte H ennen ... g ackern a m ... A bend g erne.
⇒ Sin ... Cos ... Tan ... Cot
Sinus - you nut, you over there! - Opposite side through hypotenuse
cosine - Kosi, kosi (cuddle) - adjacent side through hypotenuse
With engl: a djacent, o pposite, h ypotenuse, s ine, c osine and t angent applies:

SOH - CAH - TOA (s = o / h, c = a / h, t = o / a).
Also works as a saying: S ome O ld H ippie - C alled A nother H ippie - T rippin ' O n A cid

Spelling of terms using right triangles Adjacent, opposite cathetus, hypotenuse, Pythagoras There is exactly one H in each of the terms .
Curvature behavior of a function 2. Derivation of the function:
negative ⇒ right
curve , positive ⇒ left curve
If the second derivative of n e is gativ, the function r is e chtsgekrümmt. If the second derivative pos i is TIV, the function l i nksgekrümmt.
If the second derivative is positive : happy smiley face . If it is negative : sad smiley . The curvature of the function is like the mouth of a smiley face.
The circle number π How, oh this, seriously makes so much trouble for
so many
, learn, youngsters, easy verses,
how, for example, this should be noted !
(Number of letters in words)
3.14 15 (9 ...) The first 4 fractions one remembers according to the scheme: "3-point fourteen fifteen" and rounded up to 3 decimal places: .
Further mnemonics: see Pi-Sport
The Euler number e

The forerunner of the TU Dresden is the Technical Educational Institute of Saxony, which was founded shortly before July 2nd, 1828.

The University of Dresden was founded on July 2nd, 1828. The significant year is doubled (2.7-1828-1828)

The next digit is a 4, which has to be rounded up because of the following 5 (= 11th digit):

Cosine and hyperbolic sine

Si nus is with minus
Shorten fractions In fractions, you cannot reduce sums or differences. Only the stupid cut from differences and sums.
and : if you don't cut at the right time, you have to count on forever!
Coordinate axes O rdinate (Y-axis) and A bscissa (X-axis) The O rdinate goes o ben and A bszisse into a ther direction
On the A bszisse can be a bsitzen.
Vieta's theorem for quadratic equations For the solutions and a quadratic equation the form is according to Vieta's theorem and

1. Assignment: P plus belongs to p

2nd sign: Where there is the plus, there is also the minus.

Euler's formula

read “ziss from x”; reminds of c os (x) and is in (x)

That's i rr sin .

Properties of rings Each euklid ical ring is a Ha uptidealring , these are fa ktoriell . Factorial rings I ntegritätsringe , these are general R total. Euclid ha t fa st i mmer R genuine.
Roman numerals I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000 I ch v get two ni x . L ass C Aesar D as M surfaces.
Order of the indices in a matrix For matrices , m is the row index , n is the column index; z. B. is the matrix element of the 3rd row and the 5th column Z rush z extremely, S Palten s ater

Physics and technology

theme Facts Memorandum

Maxwell relations and characteristic functions according to Guggenheim schemes .

S. U V
H F.
p G T
Suv (suff) h ilft F ysikern p ei g Rossen T ata.
H oday s teigt u ur V gain f ÜR T hermodynamik g anz p lötzlich.
U nheimlich v everal F esearchers t Drink g erne P ils h interm S chreibtisch.
Phase shift between current (I) and voltage (U) at capacitance (C) or inductance (L) I = C · dU / dt
U = L · dI / dt
On Kondensa tor the current lags before ,
at Induktivi activities he does is ver late .
Inductance: He (current) follows it (voltage).
General: L U C I rushes ahead!
Always the letter which comes first: Sp u le, K i ends sator
Electrical power (P) from current strength (I) and voltage (U) P = U * I Volts times amps are in watts ,
which has made the current.
P f UI
Avogadro number N A = 6 (.022) x 10 23 per mole The number of moles of molecules was found: 6 times 10 to the power of 23
Electric charge in the capacitor Q = C * U "Q = CU" read "Cow equals cow" ("Alm Equation")
"Q = CU" read "Cow is closed" (the cow is drunk)
Ohm's law depending on the size you are looking for:
"Finger formula"
The “triangle”, in which the required quantity is covered, so that the formula for its calculation remains.
URI ( Canton of Uri )
RU d I (R equals U through I)
If you want to know Amps,
just divide U by R.
U nterm line R echne I ch.
Differentiate between the circuit symbols of pnp and npn transistors With pnp transistors, the emitter arrow points towards the base, with npn transistors away from it. If the arrow hurts the base, it
is pnp.
PNP - P bargain n oh P latte
Electrons of the electron tube The electrons fly from the cathode to the anode At the of ode they come to
Magnetic Pole Colors N o rdpol: r o t S u Dpol: gr ü n
Copper and iron losses are determined PvCu and PvFe Ku such as Ku pferverluste, in the Ku rzschlussversuch be measured - hence the iron loss in the no-load test
Euler's buckling force EI Pee by L och square
Boiler formula The stresses in the circumferential direction are twice as great as in the longitudinal direction in a cylindrical = sausage-shaped container loaded with pressure . Bockwurst formula (explained in the article)
Spectral colors Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
(Engl .: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
Richard Of York Gained Battles In Vain.
Circuit symbol of the battery Symbol for battery as an energy source For the plus you need more chalk (two lines) on the blackboard, this also applies to the plus pole of the circuit symbol.
Optics . Light refraction The light beams are refracted “perpendicular” when a light beam enters a medium with a larger refractive index . One example is the transition from air to water.
From thin to dense -
to the solder breaking.
Multipliers in steel standardization In the case of low-alloy steels , according to DIN 17006, the proportions of alloying elements are multiplied by a certain factor.

Factor 4: Mn , Si , Ni , W , Cr and Co
Factor 10: Al , Cu , Mo , Ta , Ti , V
Factor 100: C , Ce , N , P , S

M a n Si eht Ni e 4 W hite Cr o Co dile

Al le 10 Cu baner Mo Want Ta nth Ti nas V OGEL
with 100 PS N oh Ce lle
art word CroCoMaNiSiWo
art word Alcumotativ
art word CCeNPS "ten PS"

Austenite and ferrite formers The alloying elements nickel, cobalt, manganese and nitrogen favor the formation of an austenitic structure in steels
Chromium, aluminum, titanium, tantalum, silicon, molybdenum and vanadium favor the formation of a ferritic structure in steels.
Austenite former: NiCo-ManN turns on gamma.
Ferrite former: CrAlTiTaSiMoV gives the Gamma Zoff.
Order of alloying elements in high-speed steels In the abbreviation of high-speed steels, the contents of the alloying elements are specified in the order "tungsten - molybdenum - vanadium - cobalt" Made-up word: WoMoVaCo
W er Mo real V iel Co la?
Differentiation between bronze and brass Either tin or zinc is alloyed to copper Bro n ze = copper + tin n
Messi ng = copper + zinc
Color sequence for resistors in electronics and electrics: Black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white S chwere B recher R ollen O rgelnd G egen G reen B erge V on G anz W eit
Frequency and wavelength range of visible light Comparison of wavelength range and frequency range 375800 THz 800375 nm
Frequency range of human hearing 20 Hz ... 20k Hz
(easy to remember because of "20 to 20")
Voltage series of selected elements K - Na - Mg - Al - Zn - Sn - Pb - H - Cu - Ag - Au K aiser Na Poleon m a g al le z ackige n S oldate n - Lead h ave cu banische Ag ducks au ch
Spectacle optics
(See also under Others .)
The wise sighted need con W exe lenses (glasses);
K urzsichtige need kon K ave lenses.
Names of the atomic orbitals S - P - D - F for sharp , principal , diffuse , and fundamental The social-liberal coalition consisted of the SPD (read from the left) and the FDP (read from the right)



theme Facts Memorandum
Identification of the positive pole of polarized electronic components Scheme

As a rule, polarized components have a thickening or a slightly longer connection (or both) to identify the positive pole. So have z. B. LEDs and some semiconductors have a slightly longer leg on the positive pole.

A tall tall man is always positive.
The K athode has the k ürzeren (Pin).
K ante (flattening)
Color coding of electronic components Many components use color coding to indicate their electrical values. For this purpose, the digits 0–9 were each assigned their own color. Even if the mnemonic for some digits does not seem logical (e.g. with the number “3”), it is still remembered. 1 = brown = a brown penny (nowadays more like a brown cent)

2 = red = two red lips (alternatively: 112 - as opposed to 110 - as the fire department's number)
3 = orange = three oranges (obviously without any logic)
4 = yellow = the four wheels of the yellow post bus
5 = green = the green one Five euro note
6 = blue = the six legs of the blue housefly
7 = violet = the seven leaves of the violet (= lilac) lily (also not really correct)
8 = gray = the gray hair of the 80-year-old
9 = white = the white hair of the 90-year-old
0 = black = bull's eye (the middle of the target in darts is actually red)

The five is the clover

The six is ​​the lake
The seven of the lilacs
The eight rains down
The nine is the snow

Components of capacitors Since in the early days of electronics, in the 1960s and 1970s, practically only WIMA capacitors were to be found in the devices, most of the failures were also due to defective WIMA capacitors. The quality of the competing products was only higher than that of WIMA for a few brands. They used to say, WIMA hot:
W Echsle I mmer M I A us.

Computer science

theme Facts Memorandum
OSI model The layers of the ( ISO ) OSI model are (from top to bottom or from 7 to 1):

A pplication, P resentation, S ession, T ransport, N etwork, D ata Link, P hysical

A ll P eople S eem T o N eed D ata P rocessing
In reverse order (from bottom to top or from 1 to 7):

P hysical, D ata Link, N etwork, T ransport, S ession, P resentation, A pplication

P lease D o N ot T hrow S alami P izza A way
Sign tetrad in BCD code The hexadekadischen pseudo-digits A to F are as + or - interpreted CAFE is always positive
DB creates a deficit, therefore negative
TCP / IP reference model Application, Transport, Network, Data Link + Physical Layers
A lex T ransportiert N etzwerk- D ata
DHCP request The sequence of the question and response messages between server and client when assigning DHCP DORA : D iscover O ffer R equest A nswer


theme Facts Memorandum
Altimeter adjustment If you fly from a high pressure area into a low pressure area , the aircraft flies lower than indicated if the altimeter display remains the same . Things go wrong from high to low!
Cold air is denser, so the barometric altitude level is lower, which means that in cold air the aircraft will also fly lower than indicated. In winter the mountains are higher because there is snow on them.
You don't get old from warm to cold.
The combination of the two previous ones. From warm highs to cold lows,
things go particularly wrong!
Emergency transponder codes 7500 - Airplane hijacking seven-five - man with a knife
7600 - radio failure seven-six - hear nix / radio nix / need a radio fix
7700 - air emergency seven-seven - going to heaven / falling from heaven / pray to heaven / close to heaven
Registration of German aircraft Identification of German aircraft consists of the letter D, a hyphen and other characters depending on the type of aircraft:

For most aircraft categories (exceptions see below), the hyphen is followed by a letter that identifies the type of aircraft, as well as three further letters e.g. B. D-EABC.

  • M = microlight aircraft
  • E = single engine up to 2 t
  • G = multi-engine up to 2 t
  • F = single-engine 2 to 5.7 t
  • I = multi-engine 2 to 5.7 t
  • C = 5.7 to 14 t
  • B = 14 to 20 t
  • A = over 20 t
  • H = helicopter
  • L = airships
  • K = motor glider.

Not considered:

  • Gliders: D-1234 (four digits)
  • non-motorized air sports equipment: DN ...
  • Balloons: DO ...
M anch e in g uter F Lieger i sst C itronen, b is a lle H unde L äuse k Riegen - None None,

d. H. without those without an engine.

Pre-flight avoidance rules (at night) In flight direction: left - red, green - right The (political) left are red.
PAPI VASI If you fly much too high when landing, all four lamps of the PAPI VASI will light up white. If you fly a little too high, one of the lamps lights up red. If you fly exactly right, two glow red and two white. If you fly a little too low, three glow red, one white, if you fly much too low, all four glow red. Four times white, you fly in the corn. Four reds, you will fly to death.

Four white ones, that sucks. Four red leads to death.


theme Facts Memorandum
Counting direction for telecommunication cable cores (or fibers) and bundles If you hold the cable in your hand so that the incoming cable (and thus the telecommunications office) is behind your back, i.e. you are looking in the direction in which the cable is continued, then the counting direction of the cores, fibers or bundles is in Clockwise. If you look at the interface of the cable from the front, the counting direction is counterclockwise. Cable soldering is not stupid, office in the back to the right . (often just: "Office in the back, right around!")

Attention: This saying applies to most areas in Germany, but there are exceptions! For example in the Odenwald the counting is exactly different: Office in the back to the left!

Office in the back, to the right; Office in the stomach, left is also possible!
Right-hand: Grasp the cable with your right hand so that the splayed thumb on the cable points towards the customer, then the fingers around the cable point in the counting direction.

Motor vehicle

theme Facts Memorandum
Triangular traffic signs (see motto) A triangular road sign with red and white frame interior space whose tip below is directed (that is like a " V " shaped) indicates " V grant orfahrt". If the tip above directed (ie like a " A " shaped), which always includes the traffic sign, a symbol, this always means " A rect ...!".
Summer tires (see motto) It is recommended by O star to O to mount ctober the car.
Total mass A prohibition sign, which itself contains a mass specification, refers to the actual total mass; one with a truck silhouette and an additional plate with information on the total permitted mass. The illustrated greater t is ambiguous: T may and t atsächlich.
Traffic regulation by police officers The road users approaching the police officer must stop (= red). Those who drive past him are allowed to drive (= green). If he raises his hand, everyone must hold (= yellow). If the policeman shows his chest and back,
you have to hit the brakes.
If you see his trouser seams,
you have free travel.
Before starting a journey Note for the six most important things to check before driving. CLOUD = W ater O el L runs K raftstoff E Lektrik N otfallausrüstung
Firing order in the V6 engine 1-4-2-5-3-6 14 too young,
25 just right,
36 too old.
Bridging a car battery First attach the red cable to the positive terminal of the empty battery, then to the positive terminal of the donor battery. The Red Cross (red cable, positive pole) comes first to the injured (empty battery).

Culture and sport

to eat and drink

theme Facts Memorandum
set the table The cutlery set on the right side of the plate. Fair r r ight, Gabe l l eft
left-handed cover, just the other way around
Fork and left: five letters,
knife and right: six letters also
works in English with fork / left (4) and knife / right (5)
White wine , red wine White wine is served with fish, poultry, pork and veal; Red wine goes well with beef, mutton and game. Light wine with white meat,
dark wine with dark meat.
Drinking behavior It doesn't matter in which order something is drunk, the only decisive factor for the effect is the amount of alcohol consumed, resistance to it and perhaps the amount of food consumed before drinking. Beer produces i. A. Nausea faster because the amount drunk is larger, but the dosage of higher percentage alcohol is more difficult. Beer on wine, let it go!
Beer on wine, it tastes great!
Wine on beer, I advise you!
Wine on beer, I'll treat myself to that!
Eating oysters It is said that oysters should only be eaten from September to April, but not from May to August. This rule has a historical background (lack of suitable cooling equipment), but is no longer generally applicable today, see oysters .

The same applies to the consumption of carp , which are only fished in the months of September to April.

"R" rule:
oysters you eat only in months with an " R ": Septembe r , Octobe r , Novembe r , Decembe r , Janua r , Feb r among others r , Mar. r z, Ap r il.
Preparation of a vinaigrette ( salad dressing ) Mix oil and vinegar . You use more oil than vinegar. a lot of oil - little food i g
Oil has two points (above the "Ö"), vinegar has one point (above the "i"). Mix in a ratio of 2: 1.


theme Facts Memorandum
Foundation of Rome 753 BC Chr. Seven, five, three -
Rome crawled / hatched from the egg.

Or in Latin:
Septem quinque tres,
nata Roma es.

Establishment of the Roman Republic 510 BC (Not entirely true, it was probably 509 BC ) five, ten -
the kings must go.
Battle of Issus ( Alexander the Great against Darius III ) 333 BC Chr. Three, three, three -
at Issos brawl
Battle of Zama 202 BC Chr. zwaa null zwaa -
Battle of Zama,
Z ama O h Z ama!
Caesar's birth 100 BC Chr. One, zero, zero,
Caesar drank the pull
Assassination of Caesar March 15, 44 BC BC (Ides of March) with the participation of his friend Brutus Iden Märzen forty four -
Brutus was gripped by envy and greed.
Great Migration (beginning) 375 AD Three, seven, five -
the peoples are wearing their socks.
Fall of the Roman Empire 476 ad 4-7-6 - Rome was ex.
Imperial coronation of Charlemagne in Rome 800 AD Eight, zero, zero -
Karl climbed into the chair.
Imperial coronation of Otto I. 962 AD Nine, six, two -
the emperor's name is Otto
Burgundy Wars The three defeats of Charles the Bold against the Confederates in the battles of 1476/77. [Karl lost:]
When G randson the G ut in M urten the M ut, at Nancy 's blood.
The birth of Martin Luther , the year he posted his theses and the completion of the translation of the Bible 1483, 1517 and 1534 Seventeen before and seventeen after
are Luther's day.
Seventeen years later then
the word in German you can read.
Discovery of America 1492 AD (October 12) Eight to 1500 (fifteen hundred) - Columbus is admired!
Emancipation Proclamation 1.1.1863 On the first of January, 1863, Lincoln set the negroes free.
Triple year 1888 AD 8, 8, 8 - three emperors in power
Wilhelm I was the aged emperor,
Friedrich III. the quiet emperor (died of throat cancer)
and Wilhelm II. the traveling emperor .
Fates of the wives of Henry VIII. Divorced , beheaded , died , divorced , beheaded , survived . (divorced, beheaded, died,divorced, beheaded, survived.)

Anniversary of the death of Josef Stalin March 5, 1953 5 3 5 3 - Stalin was over.
Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949 Adenauer , Erhard , Kiesinger , Brandt , Schmidt , Kohl , Schröder , Merkel A lle e hemaligen K anzler b rings s amstags k a S Emmeln m it.

None of the former chancellors need to remember a pig.

President of the German Democratic Republic Wilhelm Pieck was the only president of the GDR . The official office was called "President of the Republic". Sole President of the Republic - Wilhelm Pieck.


The following German memorabilia use the German designation for the root "H".

theme Facts Memorandum
Order of the violin strings (see violin ) GDAE (from low to high) G eh D u A lter E sel
Order of the strings on viola ( viola ) and violoncello CGDA (from low to high) C Aesar g ing d Urchs A ltertum
Order of the guitar strings EADGHE (from low to high) E in A nfänger d he G itarre h abe E IFER.
E ine a lte D ame g eht h oday E inkaufen.
Order of the guitar strings EHGDAE (from high to low) E in H ungriger G itarrist D arf A lles E SEN
Order of the staves in the treble clef EGHDF (bottom up) E s G eht H urtig D urch F leiß ( a llein).
E ine G to the H at D ünne F ows.
Order of the strings of a ukulele (C tuning) GCEA (from low to high) G ood C lowns E rnten A pplaus
Order of the spaces in the treble clef FACE (from bottom to top) ( D s) F ritz A ß C itronen- E is ( G ren).
FACE face.
Order of the staves in the bass clef AFDHG (from top to bottom) A chim F indet D as H oday G ut.
GHDFA (from bottom to top) G ustav H at D en F rack A n.
Order of the spaces in the bass clef ACEG (bottom up) A lle C lowns e SEN G emüse
Circle of fifths - sharp keys ( major ) Sharp keys: GDAEH F sharp (C sharp)
(A major has e.g. three sharps)
G eh D u A lter E sel H ol Fis che!
(Warning: not it ! )
Circle of Fifths - Bb keys (major) Bb keys: (C) FB Eb As Des Ges (Ces) C hristian f and b eim There sen As tern of Ges andten C a it ar.
F reche B exert it sen As pirin of Ges angslehrers
F innovative B rötchen it sen As se of Ges chmacks
Circle of fifths - sharp keys ( minor ) Sharp keys: EH F # C # G # Dis E in H umber fis FRUITS zi ellos in Gis cht this time.
E in h ohler Fis ch zi advantage g s D umme A rmleuchter
E chos h allen F sharp C sharp G sharp Dis
Circle of Fifths - Bb keys (minor) Bb keys: DGCFB Eb D he g travel C Aesar f Luchte b eim It sen.
D he g reat C Aesar f indet b Raune It el.
D he g Ad C hor f EHLT b eim It sen.
Semitones From E to F and from H to C Boss sounds
E ine F lax h OHES C
Rule of dissonance in jazz as part of the polyphonic arrangement In jazz, any dissonance that
dissolves and is melodiously good is
always allowed if there is no discrepancy
to other melody voices


theme Facts Memorandum
Differentiation of windward and leeward Windward is facing the wind, leeward is facing away from the wind. If you spit to windward, it'll be shouting again.
If you spit on leeward, you go into the sea.
Windward is where the air comes from.
Lee is the wind- empty side.
In the lee is "No" (= No - so no wind)
Lee hurts (applies to glider pilots, paragliders etc.)
Luv (phonetically Luuffffff; pronounced with a lot of wind)
Luv is the wind z u turned
Lee is where the ship towards le (s) gt
Port and starboard Port is marked with a red lantern on the left in the direction of travel,
starboard is marked on the right and green.
England is a seafaring nation. In English cars the wheel is on the right. So starboard is on the right.
Steer r -> r real!
The taxes are by law charged for
Port is where the heart “ bakes ” (sits). Heart = blood = red
If the sailor confuses port and starboard, the captain, who is right-handed, hits him on the left cheek and says "This is port!".
The right hand gets a green light and steers towards the left cheek , which then turns red .
Night vision sign pilot At night, pilots guide a white all-round light over a red all-round light. White hat, red Nese - that's Blankenese's guide.
White over red, pilot boat.
Night vision signs handicapped At night a white all-round light between two red all-round lights, often work boats (excavators, buoy layers, etc.) Red-white-red: Malocher's boat
Night vision signs of non-trawling fishermen At night a red all-round light over a white all-round light guide fishing boats, from which one should keep a good distance. Fischer's hard work is red over white.
Right of way rules (at night) Starboard (green) before port (red) If
you can see red on the starboard side, you have to get out of the way , but if you see
green on the port side,
you can confidently move on .
In this case, green has to clear itself
and get out of your way.
Green to green and red to red -
if everything goes well, there is no need.
And jokingly:
"Red and green come into view at the same time,
rudder amidships, close your eyes!"
Green white red ahead in sight,
put starboard rudder, show red light!

Equestrian sport

theme Facts Memorandum
Dressage arena (20 × 40 m) The order of the letters on the band of a dressage arena is M, B, F, A, K, E, H , then point C comes where the judges sit. M a B ester F reund A lfred K ann E inen H level, C heerio!
The two diagonals are Fuchs and Has (FH) and Katz and Maus (KM).
Dressage arena (20 × 60 m) The order of the letters on the band of a dressage arena is M, R, B, P, F, A, K, V, E, S, H , then point C comes where the judges sit. Of C starting are the points on the middle straight line G, I, X, L, D . M a R oss B smokes P araden F ÜR A lle K orrekten V Olten. E s S oll H inter C esar G around I n X anthippes L judges D ressur.
Achenbach line Laterally correct buckling of the line, in the direction of travel Schna l le L eft - St r ippe R ight!


theme Facts Memorandum
Lent Sundays Invocavit, Reminiscere, Oculi, Laetare , Judica, Palmarum I n R genuine O rdnung L erne J esu P assion.
I n R ichters O fen L ying J unge P almen.
Paul's letters Rom , 1 Cor , 2 Cor , Gal , Eph , Phil , Col , 1 Thess , 2 Thess , 1 Tim , 2 Tim , Tit , Phlm , Hebr Rococo, Galephiko, Thethetimtim, Tiphilhe!
Rom ical Cor inthen gal th e standard lot ( Phil ) in kol osseous Thess alonichern.
Holy virgins Saints Barbara , Margareta and Katharina with their attributes Barbara with the tower ,
Margareta with the worm ,
Katharina with the bike
are our three holy girls.
Evangelist symbols E nails ( Matthew ), L œWe ( Markus ), S animal ( Lukas ) A dler ( Johannes ) ELSA
Quadruple sense of writing in the Lectio divina literal,
Littera gesta docet,
quid credas allegoria,
moralis quid agas,
quo tendas anagogia.

The letter teaches events,
what you have to believe, allegory,
morality, what you have to do,
where you should strive, anagogy.

O antiphons O s apientia, O A donai, O r adix Jesse, O c lavis David, O o riens, O r ex gentium, O E mmanuel backwards: Ero cras (lat.) - Tomorrow I will be (there)
The seven deadly sins Pride , avarice , envy , intemperance , fornication , anger , indolence Sto-Gei-Nei-Un-Un-Zo-Trä
Order of the biblical books The books according to the Luther Bible are

Old Testament
1st book of Moses, 2nd book of Moses, 3rd book of Moses, 4th book of Moses, 5th book of Moses, Joshua, Judge, Ruth, 1st book Samuel, 2nd book Samuel, 1st book of Kings, 2nd book Book of Kings, 1st Book of Chronicles, 2nd Book of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Preachers, Songs,

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadja, Jona, Micha, Nahum, Habakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

New Testament
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles,

Romans, 1st book Corinthians, 2nd book Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st book Thessalonica, 2nd book Thessalonica, 1st book Timothy, 2nd book Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1. Book of Peter, 2. Book of Peter, 1. Book of John, 2. Book of John, 3. Book of John, Judas,


In the old covenant scriptures, first
Moses , Joshua, and Judges ,
Ruth, and two from Samuel .
Two of the kings , Chronicle , Ezra ,
Nehemiah , Esther with
Job , Psalter , then the Proverbs ,
Preacher and Song of Songs .

Isaiah , Jeremiah ,
Ezekiel , Daniel .
Then Hosea , Joel , Amos ,
Obadja and Jonah s failure.
Micah , who is followed by Nahum ,
Habakkuk and Zephania
with Haggai and Zechariah
and finally Malachia .

In the new one, Matthew ,
Mark , Luke and John ,
including the deeds of the apostles
, are at the forefront of all.

Then the Romans , two Corinthians ,
Galatians and Ephesians ,
the Philippians and Colossians ,
both Thessalonians .
To Timothy two, to Titus ,
to Philemon , Peter two,
three John , the Hebrews ,
James , Jude letter there.

Revelation finally closes
the entire book of the Bible.
Man, use what you read
as a blessing, not a curse.


theme Facts Memorandum
Arrangement of the chessboard The white field is always to the right of the player. White - Right!
Line up of chess pieces Lineup of the two ladies White queen, white square - black queen, black square!
Regina regit colorem. (Lat .: The lady determines the color.)
The D ame is on line D .
Pulling the lady Inconsiderate female failures often turn out to be a loss of speed , as the queen can easily be attacked by opposing pieces. Do n't go for a walk with the lady , or you'll lose the game!
Pulling pawns Pawns are often moved to drive off opposing pieces. A peasant who cheated on often tripped the enemy.
Pulling the knight A knight has fewer opportunities to move at the edge of the board than in the center . Springer on the edge brings sorrow and shame '.
In the case of an exception as a counter-claim:

Jumpers on the edge - the guarantee of victory.

Game start The player with the white pieces begins (he moves first). White starts, black wins.


theme Facts Memorandum
Test with which even inexperienced people can detect a stroke with relative certainty within a minute Face: Ask the person to smile.
Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms forward at the same time.
Speech: Ask the person to repeat a sentence.
Time: If any of the tests are positive, call 911 as soon as possible.
Medical history in the ambulance service S Symptoms
A Allergies
M edikamente
P atientenvorgeschichte
L ast ... (meal, defecation, ...)
E VENT (What happened? Etc.)

R isikofaktoren (alcoholic, diabetic, etc.)

First aid for trauma patients e X sanguination (bleeding)

A irway (respiratory tract)
B reathing (ventilation)
C irculation (circulatory system)
D isability (neurological deficits)
E xposure (environment)

Aphasia Wernicke aphasia → Understanding
disorder Broca's aphasia → Speech production disorder
Ver nod - Ver understanding
Pro ca - Pro production
Carpal bones Proximal (from radial to ulnar):
scaphoid , lunar bone ,
triangular bone , pea bone
Distal (from radial to ulnar):
large polygonal bone , small polygonal bone ,
cranial bone , hook bone

Os s caphoideum, os l unatum, os t riquetrum, os p isiforme, os t rapezium, os t rapezoideum, os c apitatum, os h amatum

In the moonlight a boat drove in a
triangle around the pea leg.

Large polygon and small polygon,
on the head, there must be a catch.

S ome l overs t ry p ositions t hat t hey c an't h andle.
Tarsus Proximal (from cranial to caudal):
ankle bone, calcaneus,
distal (from medial to lateral):
sphenoid 1–3,
Jump with the heel bone,
cheerfully into the boat.
There are wedges one, two, three,
on the side of the dice egg.

The talus and heel bone,
they wanted into the boat;
that won't work, said the cuboid,
only three wedges fit in there.

Orthopedics : Aseptic osteonecrosis Legg-Calvé-Perthes
disease : femoral head epiphysis Köhler's disease I : navicular pedis
Köhler's disease II : metatarsal head 2–4
's disease : tibial apophysis
's disease : lunatum Ahlbäck's disease : medial femoral condyle of
Ahlbäck's disease occur in adults.
Legg, Calvé and Perthes finish the femoral head epiphysis.
Köhler's disease, one and two, break the navicular and metatarsal heads in two.
Osgood-Schlatter is very angry - to the tibial apophysis.
Kienböck's disease eats away the moon.
Ahlbäck's disease bites into the medial femoral condyle with great pleasure.

Kienböck and Ahlbäck are no scare children.

Branches of the external carotid artery
A. = Arteria
Rr. = Rami

A. thyroidea superior , A. lingualis , A. facialis , A. sternocleidomastoidei, A. pharyngea ascendens , A. occipitalis , A. auricularis posterior, A. maxillaris , A. temporalis superficialis

Th eo Ling s f rühstückt ste ts pha ntastische Oc hsenschwanzsuppe au s ma Geren T ming.
Branches of the trigeminal nerve

Ophthalmic nerve :
nerve frontal , nerve lacrimal , nerve nasociliary

Fr itz lac ht n ie.

Maxillary nerve :
Nervi pterygopalatini , zygomatic nerve , infraorbital nerve

P eter z pulls in i mmer.

Mandibular Nerve :
nerve auriculotemporalis , lingual nerve , inferior alveolar nerve

Au gust li EBT alveol s.

Order of the cranial nerves
N. = nerve

Olfactor nerve, optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, abducens nerve, facial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve

O nkel O tto o rgelt t Ag t daily intervals, a via f reitags v erspeist he g erne v everal a lte H Amburger.

Innervation of the cranial nerves
s = sensitive
m = motor
b = both mixed
N. olfactorius (sensible)
N. opticus (sensible)
N. oculomotorius (motoric)
N. trochlearis (motoric)
N. trigeminal (mixed)
N. abducens (motoric)
N. facialis (mixed)
N. vestibulocochlearis (sensory)
N. glossopharyngeus (mixed)
vagus nerve (mixed)
accessory nerve ( motor)
hypoglossal nerve (motor)
S ome
S ay
M oney
M atters
B ut
M y
B Rother
S ays
B ig
B oobs
M atter
M ore
Ileus (read: i-le-us ) Intestinal obstruction Ileus means intestinal obstruction,
which means that bowel movements are over.
Cells of the gastric fundic glands Parietal cells - HCl , intrinsic factor adjoining
cells - HCO3 - -rich mucus
main cells - pepsinogen
The workforce is pissed off and intrigued
because the sideline group is slimy
and the main body drinks Pepsi.
IP3 IP3 depletes intracellular calcium stores . IP 3CA 2+
I ch P acke C alcium A us / IP three sets calcium free.
spleen Dimensions of the spleen: 4 x 7 x 11 cm. 4711 - Eau de Cologne
Hormones of the pancreas Insulin is produced in the β cells and glucagon in the α cells. In B erlin g monkeys a lle.
Nerves and vessels in the thigh Location of femoral veins, arteries and nerves in the lacuna vasorum IVAN - from I can: V ene, A rterie, N erv
Nerve lesions in the forearm Schwurhand at Median -
claw hand with ulnar -
case in hand Radiusläsion
Valentin fell from his bike and swore by the medianus to claw the ulna .
arterial extremity vessel obstruction - symptoms 6-P rule according to Pratt Pain (pain)
Paleness (paleness)
Pulselessness ( lack of pulse )
Paralysis (
inability to move)
Paresthesia (emotional disorder)
Prostration (shock)
Rotational movement of wrists and ankles Supination and pronation Sup ination is how you spoon the soup ,
Pro nation is how you touch a loaf of bread .
Different forms of shock H ypovolämischer shock A naphylaktischer shock, N eurogener shock, S eptisch-toxic shock, K ardiogener shock HANS K.
Duration of pregnancy 268 days (post ovulationem) Two were having sex and were not paying attention .
Asynclitic birth (Asynklitismus at birth) anterior parietal adjustment (i.e. one parietal bone is forward ) is considered to be prognostically more favorable,

Posterior parietal adjustment (i.e., one parietal bones backward ) is considered pathological

Front e setting Vörder Lich,
through direct setting out sary.
Position of the child's back within the uterus: to the left: 1st position, to the right: 2nd position R ücken r ight = 2x "r" = 2 . position
serous glands three purely serous glands:
glandula parotidea , pancreas , glandula lacrimalis
Papa geien tears are serious
Papa is crying .
Vitamin K dependent coagulation factors Factor II , factor VII , factor IX and factor X need vitamin K as a cofactor in their synthesis 1972 (read nineteen seventy- two )
primary hyperaldosteronism Increased aldosterone attack in Conn syndrome Who ko '(Bavarian for "can"), who conn (ie "can") hyperald (modern Franconian for very old) will be. See the Bavarian saying: “Who ko ', who ko'.” (Anyone who has the necessary money / car etc. can afford something).
Number of vertebral bodies in the skeleton 7 C + 12 Th + 5 L When is there something to eat in the hospital? At 7 a.m. (breakfast), at 12 p.m. (noon) and at 5 a.m. (evening). The sacral vertebrae and the tail vertebrae , which are fused into one another, are not considered.
Sarcoid , Löfgren's syndrome, Boeck's disease The symptoms of acute sarcoidosis:
H iluslymphknotenvergrößerung, A rthralgie, F ieber, E rythema n odosum
HAFE n - Boeck was Norwegian and Löfgren Swede: "The Vikings had a lot to do at HAFEn."
Remember rule for chest pain in life-threatening diseases R uptur the esophagus
A rterienembolie (lung)
P neumothorax
I nfarkt
D issektion the aorta
Difference between thrombus and embolus The thrombus becomes an embolus when it has to travel.
Auscultation sites of the heart Aortic valve: 2nd ICR right
Pulmonary valve: 2nd ICR left
Tricuspid valve: 4th ICR right
Mitral valve / bicuspid valve : 5th ICR left
Hereditary point : 3rd ICR left
A nton P u l man tr inkt 3 liter B ier to 22:45 PM.
Therapy options of the emergency services for myocardial infarction There are morphine , oxygen O 2 , nitro spray , aspirin , beta blockers and heparin given MONA'S bra
Peritoneal relationships Primary retroperitoneal organs lying:
Ne benniere, Never re, U reter, ductus tho racicus, Gr enzstrang, V. ca va inferior aorta from dominalis
secondary retroperitoneal organs lying:
You odenum, P ankreas, ascending colon (= on rising), Colon descendens (= from ascending) part of the rectum

Ne hmt never again u nseren Tor de gr ünen Ka ffee from .

You P Unker come to and from the rectum .
Illnesses for which there is an obligation to report according to § 6 IfSG . E pidemie
I mpfschaden
L just moderate poisoning
T uberkulose
Lumbar plexus I liohypogastricus
I lioinguinalis
G enitofemoralis
C utaneus femoris lateralis
F emoralis
O bturatorius
I n I sland g ibt's k a f innovative O bst.
Sequence of immunoglobulin release Ig M → Ig D → Ig G → Ig A → Ig E M it D Ildo g eht a lles e imple.
Direction of rotation in vena cava compression syndrome In vena cava compression syndrome, the pregnant woman must be turned on her left side to prevent damage to her and the unborn life. Pregnant women turn inside out.


theme Facts Memorandum
Correct implementation of the transfer call for a military outpost in the field with the Bundeswehr Location , order, neighbors, borders, opening line (of the fire), reporting route , alerting , detachment, rear room, password, barring Acronym: Langemaarks
The memorandum contains an allusion to the myth of Langemarck .
Camouflage light

Level 0 = completely without lights (no brake lights)
Level 1 = only with a guide cross (camouflage brake lights in operation)
Level 2 = only front camouflage lights (no brake lights)
Level 3 = camouflage lights, guide cross, camouflage rear lights, camouflage brake lights in operation

Level 1: Reach the enemy;
Level 2: Away from the enemy;
Stage 3: Victory Parade.
Paratroopers When dropping down jumpers with a round cap , the jumper must be careful not to have a tail wind. If you look in the mouth of the windsock, something is wrong.
Assembling the MG3 When assembling the weapon only needs cocking slide and then the closure will be introduced. First the cocking slide, then the breech, otherwise the shooting is over.
Target address to the fire control E nit, R ichtung, E ntfernung, Z iel, A base columns EREZA
Common nerve agents The mentioned nerve warfare agents tabun , sarin and VX are common nerve agents. Tabun, sarin and VX are nothing for your nerves.


theme Facts Memorandum
climb stairs Up: healthy leg first.
Down: sick leg first
Health is going up and
disease is going down.
Up the stairs you go to heaven, so with the good leg first. Down the stairs you go to hell, so with the bad leg first.

Law (Law)

theme Facts Memorandum
Capacity of a messenger A messenger transmits a foreign declaration of intent . The legal capacity of the messenger is irrelevant for the effectiveness of the declaration of intent. Even if the child is so small, it
can still be a messenger.
Legal relationships in which the diligentia quam in suis (§ 277) applies (a) the parents towards their children (§ 1664 I),

(b) the spouses to each other (section 1359),
(c) the partners to each other (section 708),
(d) the previous heirs to subsequent heirs (section 2131),
(e) the free custodians to the custodians of the thing in custody (section 690) .
(It is also the effect of default in acceptance [§ 300 I BGB ])

The father (a) mates (b) the partner (c) who keeps the previous heir (d) free of charge (e).
Order of debt repayment according to § 366 II BGB According to Section 366 II of the German Civil Code (BGB), debts are repaid in the following order if the debtor fails to determine them:
1. Debts due first and of several debts due first

2. the debt that offers the creditor less security, and of several (un) certain debts initially
3. the debt that is more onerous to the debtor, and of several equally onerous debts initially
4. the debt that is older and if there are several debts of the same age
5. each debt is proportionate.

Completely / due for sure, but older circumstances are annoying.
Assignor and assignee upon assignment When assigning a claim according to §§ 398 ff. BGB , the old creditor (= the assignor = the one who "loses" the claim) is referred to as the assignor. The new believer (= the one to whom the transfer is made = the one who "receives" the claim) is called the assignee. The assignor is crying because he loses the claim; the assignee shouts "Hurray" because he gets the demand.
Cattle purchase (Section 487 BGB in the version before January 1, 2002) For the sale of horses, donkeys, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc., special warranty regulations apply in the event of material defects . If you want to trade in cattle,
you can walk and not reduce .
Principles of property law The German case law recognizes five principles:
P ublizitätsprinzip , A bsolutheitsprinzip , S pezialitätsprinzip , T ypenzwang , A bstraktionsprinzip
Dispositions (property law) Disposal is any legal transaction that directly affects or is intended to affect a specific right. Wedding night theory : After the wedding celebration, the groom picks up the bride, carries her over the threshold, whereupon he stresses it in bed and changes its content. Repeal - Transfer - Debit - Change of Content
The seven rights in rem There are seven real rights which (except for the ground lease) in order of Watch award in the BGB are regulated: egg -ownership, he bbaurecht, The nstbarkeiten, before purchase right, encumbrances , Hy potheken and Pf andrechte. Egg ... he ... the ... before ... Real loads tas ... pf ... s
Definition for loss (§ 935 BGB) Loss is the u nfreiwillige loss of u nmittelbaren ownership
Wreath money Up until the deletion of § 1300 BGB in 1998, a woman could claim financial compensation from her former fiancé if she had been deflowered by him on the basis of the promise of marriage and he subsequently broke the engagement. The groom looks very surprised: The bride, she is complaining from thirteen hundred.
The Holy Spirit is very surprised, Mary laments from thirteen hundred.
Maternity not contestable While paternity can be challenged according to § 1600 BGB, maternity is fixed according to § 1591 BGB. Motherhood is fixed, nothing works.
Knowledge attribution of a society organ to society Knowledge that is known or on record by an organ of a company is assigned to the company in accordance with Section 166 of the German Civil Code (BGB). Accordingly, a managing director cannot plead that he did not know anything about the business of an individual department head. A rotten egg will spoil the broth.
Types of right-wing defenses In the case of the right-wing objection in the context of the examination point “Claim went under”, a distinction is made between dilatory (= temporary) and peremptoric (= permanent) objection . D ilatorisch = temporarily
peremptorily = D except way
NOTE: in each equation only comes once the "D" in front.
Evidence in civil proceedings (§§ 371 ff. ZPO) After the Civil Procedure (ZPO) only certain evidence are allowed: Z Eugene, P arteivernehmung, S achverständige, U rkunden and (judicial) A ugenschein. ZP SAU
Principle of elections general, immediate, free, equal, secret aufGG
Elimination of administrative files Unlawful administrative acts are withdrawn according to § 48 VwVfG and lawful administrativeacts are revoked according to § 49 VwVfG. Right W idrig = redemption
lawfully = W iderruf
NOTE: in each equation the "W" occurs only once.
No fundamental rights protection of sovereigns through Art. 14 GG Although sovereigns can acquire private property, sovereign private property is not fundamentally protected by Art. 14 GG. Art. 14 GG protects private property, not private property.
Case groups of the criminal guarantee position The guarantee obligation i. S. d. Section 13 of the Criminal Code arises in the following case groups:
  • G Finances Act
  • R real business
  • In gerenz
  • G efahrengemeinschaft
  • e length L just relationship


theme Facts Memorandum
Gross and net After tax deductions, the net salary remains from the gross salary. Gross: brutally a lot

Net: only a little

Accounting Our contractual claims against others are called “our claims ”. Contractual claims of others to us are called “our liabilities ”. Forder and hang on K u ends, verb ie ndlichkeiten of L ie Ferer


theme Facts Memorandum
Concave and convex concave - arched inward

convex - arched outwards

Convex is the belly of the direx.
The podex is convex.
cave Engl .: cave; so concave : hollowed out
If the girl was good, the belly is concave.
If the belly is convex, the girl has had sex.
Convex - hump like a hex
Carpenters / joiners Designation for the flat sides of sawn timber (board / plank ): right = side that was closer to the center in the original tree trunk.
left = opposite side
The re FRUITS side is the K he inclined to n, the li nke the side Sp li nt.
When the wood warps, then will re FRUITS side r and (= convex), the l inke side Hoh l .
Safety against lightning strikes in the forest
Note: The motto is misleading!
The proximity of individual towering objects should be avoided.
Allegedly, different tree species are supposed to be hit in the forest with different probability. This superstition could be fatal You should look for bookings ,
oaks you have to give way,
by no means flee to the spruce trees,
you should avoid willows
and find linden trees for it.
photography In bright sunlight, the f-number  8 is used. When the sun is laughing - f / 8.
photography At midday the sun is too vertical for good pictures.
Photographers have between eleven and three free.
Time change On the last Sunday in March, the clocks are set from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., on the last Sunday in October, the clock is reversed. In spring, the garden furniture is moved to the front, in autumn, back into the house.
An English variant indicates the "direction" in which the clock is set: "Spring forward, fall back" (spring means "spring" in English , autumn "fall" in (American) English ).
Letterpress A cobbler boy is a break after the first line of a paragraph. A whore child is the single last line of a paragraph. A whore child doesn't know where it comes from, a cobbler boy doesn't know where it belongs.
The nine muses Klio , Melpomene , Terpsichore , Thalia , Euterpe , Erato , Urania , Polyhymnia , Kalliope KlioMeTerThal - EuErUrPoKal
Clear definition of goals in project management S pecific M edible A ngemessen R ealistisch T erminiert
A ussagefähig, R ealistisch, O bjektiv, M edible, A nnehmbar
Acronym : SMART
goals must have AROMA .
Economics : differentiation between the terms creditor and debtor The debtor owes the creditor a loan. The Gläub hydrochloric believes that he'll get his money.
Fire brigade : Differentiation between the terms rescue and recovery Only things or the dead are saved. People / animals that are (still) alive are generally rescued. Recovery is saving the dead or objects.
Fire brigade : memo for the seating arrangement in the fire fighting vehicle After FwDV 3 of the sitting on the front rear seat (left to right) A ngriffstruppführer, the M elder and A ngriffstruppmann, on the rear rear seat of the W assertruppführer, the S chlauchtruppführer, the S chlauchtruppmann and W also assertruppmann (from left to right). A ll m e two a tempo poisons. W ater s UCHT s a W eg.
Direction of rotation of screws, bottles, taps Screws, bottles and taps are turned clockwise. The coffee grinder goes around to the right.
Since the German Reich existed,
the thread has been turned to the right.
l osdrehen - l inks, r screw - r ight
righty tighty - lefty loosey (to the right is tightened - to the left looser)
Austrian: With the clock the Schrauf'n closes.

The clock closes, it comes up again enough.

Differentiation of the abbreviations per and pre in paleography The abbreviation per is ap with a small bar below, the abbreviation pre is a p with a bar above. per stands on the ground floor,
pre stands in the heights.
dance On the question of which dances the man starts with which leg when dancing. In all dances that end with an -a (including the “ waltza ”), the man starts with the right leg.
Except for salsa, here the gentleman starts with the left leg.
to bake Lumps are inevitable in the dough if you use warm water (or milk). Flour dough is, as it should be,
always mixed cold.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tippi Degré : Tippi from Africa.
  2. Course of the sun at
  4. Ursula Oppolzer: 4-7-6 - Rome was ex . 265 old and new donkey bridges. Knaur-TB, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-426-79835-5 .
  5. The designation of the root “H” is not internationally uniform. It is used in German-speaking countries, Scandinavia and West Slavic countries. In contrast, in English-speaking countries and Holland, the designation "B" is used, see tone names in other languages .
  6. Th. Grubert, HF Staiger: Birth mechanism . In: Duale series Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2nd edition, Thieme Stuttgart 2005, p. 590