Austria 2015

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This article lists events in 2015 in Austria .


Same-sex traffic light couple in Vienna from May
Demonstration to be human in Austria on August 31, 2015 in Vienna
Migrants at the Vienna Westbahnhof on September 5, 2015, traveling by the thousands to Germany
Refugee portraits on Mariahilfer Straße as part of the demonstration “Refugees Welcome!” On October 3, 2015


Conclusion of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program in Vienna on July 14, 2015
  • July 14th: After 13 years of ongoing nuclear dispute with Iran, after three weeks of negotiations at Palais Coburg in Vienna , an agreement is reached with the EU, the five UN veto powers and Germany
  • July 28: The Constitutional Court repeals the special law for the restructuring of Hypo Alpe Adria and the associated haircut for subordinated creditors from 2014.
  • August 1: Change of the two members of the Stronach team, Kathrin Nachbaur and Rouven Ertlschweiger , to the parliamentary club of the ÖVP.
  • August 11: The MP Jessi Lintl leaves the Stronach team and remains as a non-attached MP in the National Council.
  • August 14th: The Secretary General of Amnesty International Austria Heinz Patzelt presents the final results of the investigations into the situation in the Federal Care Center East in Traiskirchen
  • August 26: The Austrian federal government appoints Christian Konrad as refugee coordinator.
Western Balkans Conference on August 27, 2015 in Vienna
Syria summit in Vienna in October 2015
  • October 23: A Syria summit takes place in Vienna with, among others, US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russia's chief diplomat Sergei Lavrov and Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jabir.
  • October 30: First Syria Conference in Vienna with representatives from 17 countries, the EU and the UN
  • October 29th: The Carinthian state parliament passes a fundamental resolution for a constitutional reform and the abolition of proportional representation .
  • November 2: Susanne Winter , member of the National Council, is expelled from the FPÖ, but would like to remain as a non-attached member of the National Council
  • November 3: The Council of Ministers resolves to dissolve the Finanzmarktbeteiligung Aktiengesellschaft (FIMBAG) on June 30, 2016
  • November 14th: Second Syria Conference in Vienna with representatives from 17 countries, the EU and the UN
  • November 14: In Vienna, the SPÖ and the Greens agree on a new coalition pact ( provincial government and city senate Häupl VI ).
  • November 17: The government announces the planned establishment of nine education directorates in the federal states.
  • November 29: The two governing parties SPÖ and ÖVP agree on the State Protection Act
  • December 3: The Administrative Court revokes the approval for the construction of the Semmering Base Tunnel under the Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Act.

Election dates


Vienna City Marathon : Largest Austrian sporting event with active participants
The Austrian national soccer team after the last qualifying game for the European soccer championship 2016 on October 12, 2015

Championships, cups and leagues


The ballroom in the Vienna Musikverein building (around 2 hours after the end of the 2015 New Year's Concert)
Winner of the Amadeus Awards 2015

Film, television and radio

The winners of the Austrian Film Prize 2015 in the ballroom of the Vienna City Hall
Winner of the Austrian Radio Prize 2015 in the Vienna City Hall

Theatrical releases of Austrian productions

date Movie title
January 9th I see I see
January 23 Casanova Variations
January 30th Gruber goes
January 30th Austria: above and below
5. March Eternal life
March, 20th Super world
March, 20th Over the years
27th of March Ma slide
3rd of April Ghost hunters - on the icy trail
10th of April Three eggs in a glass
April 24th The last summer of the rich
April 24th Hubert von Goisern - Brenna has been doing it for a long time
June 19th No turning back from now on
August 14th Planet Ottakring
August 27 The Blunt King
September 11 Jack
September 18 Summer in Vienna
25th of September Chucks
9th October The Visit
November 6th Knight Trenk
November 13th The Trapp family - a life dedicated to music
20th November One of us
December 18th Help, I've shrunk my teacher

Theater / stage

Awarding of the Austrian Cabaret Prize 2015

Memorial days

Selection of known deceased










  • September 1: Hans Seidel , head of WIFO from 1973 to 1981 and of IHS from 1984 to 1990
  • September 5: Karl Mang , architect
  • September 13th: Fritz Kaindl , cardiologist, initiator of the Schach dem Herztod campaign
  • September 13: Carl E. Schorske , historian, honorary citizen of the City of Vienna
  • September 19: Georg Eder , Archbishop of Salzburg
  • September 21: Karl Lausecker , Federal Minister of Transport from 1977 to 1984
  • September 26: Walter Kamper , pianist and university professor
  • September 29th: Jean Margulies , politician and union official




Gallery of the deceased

See also

Web links

Commons : 2015 in Austria  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Courier: Brenner Base Tunnel: Start of construction for the main tunnel . Article dated March 19, 2015, accessed March 21, 2015.
  2. Kleine Zeitung: Krautwaschl is the new Styrian bishop . Article dated April 13, 2015, accessed April 13, 2015.
  3. ^ - Wilhelm Krautwaschl becomes Bishop of Graz . Article dated April 13, 2015, accessed April 13, 2015.
  4. - New Literature Museum Vienna . Article dated April 15, 2015, accessed April 15, 2015.
  5. Opening of the Literary Museum: press conference with live streaming on 17 April at 10.30 . APA notification dated April 9, 2015, accessed April 15, 2015.
  6. - Regional Court: Memorial for Nazi Victims . Article dated April 21, 2015, accessed April 21, 2015.
  7. - Tramway EM: ​​Qualifying in Simmering . Article dated April 12, 2015, accessed April 12, 2015.
  8. More than 350,000 visitors to the “Long Night of the Churches” . APA notification dated May 29, 2015, accessed May 31, 2015.
  9. - “Austro Nobel Prize” to Byzantinist Rapp . Article dated June 8, 2015, accessed June 8, 2015.
  10. - Bilderberg: List of participants published . Article dated June 8, 2015, accessed June 8, 2015.
  11. Bilderberg Meetings: Telfs-Buchen, Austria 11-14 June 2015, Final list of Participants . Retrieved June 8, 2015.
  12. - starting signal for the construction of the Semmering base tunnel . Article dated July 23, 2015, accessed July 23, 2015.
  13. - Farewell letters from Mary Vetsera found . Article dated July 31, 2015, accessed July 31, 2015.
  14. Upper Austrians win gold and silver at the World Championships . Article dated August 17, 2015, accessed August 17, 2015.
  15. - 9.6 million: record win in the lottery . Article dated August 12, 2015, accessed August 13, 2015.
  16. - “Fire out” in the Palais Fanto: Schönberg-Center closed . Article dated August 13, 2015, accessed August 13, 2015.
  17. ORF-Online: Emergency sleeping quarters set up for the night ; accessed on Sep. 5 2015
  18. - Why Vienna is often just a stopover . Article dated September 9, 2015, accessed September 9, 2015.
  19. - Nickelsdorf: The situation has calmed down further . Article dated September 7, 2015, accessed September 7, 2015.
  20. - Tough "fight" at the Beard World Championships in Leogang . Article dated October 2, 2015, accessed October 2, 2015.
  21. ORF-Online: tens of thousands in asylum demonstrations ; Retrieved Oct. 3, 2016
  22. ^ ORF-Online: 2,100 refugee portraits on Mariahilfer Strasse ; accessed on Oct. 3, 2015
  23. ^ ORF-Online: Large demonstration and concert for refugees ; accessed on Oct. 3, 2015
  24. ORF-Online: Everyone has to contribute ; accessed on Oct. 3, 2015
  25. - European Court of Justice: Data transfer from the EU to the USA is not permitted . Article dated October 6, retrieved October 7, 2015.
  26. ^ - Heinz Lederleitner new Old Catholic bishop . Article dated October 24, 2015, accessed October 24, 2015.
  27. - Big Brother Awards go to Mikl-Leitner and Facebook . Article October 25, 2015, accessed October 25, 2015.
  28. - end for 15,400 tonne structure - 666 kilograms of explosives for a power plant . Article dated November 7, 2015, accessed November 8, 2015.
  29. - Voitsberg explosion apparently went wrong . Article dated November 8, 2015, accessed November 8, 2015.
  30. - Red Cross and Green Cross merge . Article dated November 17, 2015, accessed November 17, 2015.
  31. ^ Vatican Radio - Austria: Manfred Scheuer is the new Bishop of Linz . Article dated November 18, 2015, accessed November 18, 2015.
  32. - Zielpunkt bankruptcy: 2,700 employees affected, 237 million euros in liabilities - . Article dated November 30, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015.
  33. - "Welcome culture" word of the year 2015 . Article dated December 3, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015.
  34. - Oberhauser on Elga-Start: "Take a pioneering role" . Article dated December 3, 2015, accessed December 6, 2015.
  35. - decision against the return of “Beethoven Frieze” . Article dated March 6, 2015, accessed March 21, 2015.
  36. - verdict: Semmering tunnel may be built . Article dated May 26, 2015, accessed May 26, 2015.
  37. - Vetter and Franz: Change to ÖVP club . Article dated June 3, 2015, accessed June 3, 2015.
  38. - SPÖ Federal Managing Director Darabos becomes Provincial Councilor for Social Affairs and Health in Burgenland . Article dated June 8, 2015, accessed June 8, 2015.
  39. - EU exit: Popular initiative starts on June 24th . Article dated June 4, retrieved June 13, 2015.
  40. - EU exit referendum: 261,159 supporters . Article dated July 1, 2015, accessed July 1, 2015.
  41. - Austria's lawsuit brought against the British Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant . Article dated July 6, 2015, accessed July 18, 2015.
  42. 672 of the supplements to the stenographic minutes of the National Council XXV. GP - government bill. National Council , July 8, 2015, accessed on July 8, 2015 .
  43. ↑ A ban on smoking in restaurants has been decided. Wiener Zeitung , July 8, 2015, accessed on July 8, 2015 .
  44. - Historical agreement reached in nuclear negotiations with Iran in Vienna . Article dated July 14, 2015, accessed July 14, 2015.
  45. ^ Spiegel: Austrian Scandal Bank: Constitutional Court overturns Hypo Law . Retrieved August 2, 2015.
  46. Focus: No haircut - Constitutional Court in Vienna overturns Hypo law . Article dated July 28, 2015, accessed August 2, 2015.
  47. - Nachbaur and Ertlschweiger change from Stronach to the ÖVP club . Article dated August 1, 2015, accessed August 1, 2015.
  48. - Jessi Lintl leaves Team Stronach . Article dated August 11, 2015, accessed August 11, 2015.
  49. - "Austria violates almost all human rights conventions" . Article dated August 14, 2015, accessed August 15, 2015.
  50. ^ Tiroler Tageszeitung: Banker Christian Konrad is supposed to solve Austria's asylum crisis . Article dated August 26, 2015, accessed March 12, 2020.
  51. Wirtschaftsblatt: Christian Konrad becomes refugee coordinator ( memento from August 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). APA notification dated August 25, 2015, accessed August 30, 2015.
  52. - Stenzel stands for FPÖ . Article dated September 1, 2015, accessed September 1, 2015.
  53. ^ Vienna election: Ursula Stenzel runs for the FPÖ . Article dated September 1, 2015, accessed September 1, 2015.
  54. - Vienna area is dissolved . Article dated September 10, 2015, accessed September 10, 2015.
  55. - Mikl-Leitner: Make border controls like Berlin . Article dated September 14, 2015, accessed September 30, 2015.
  56. - right of penetration decided . Article dated September 23, 2015, accessed September 23, 2015.
  57. - Rigid fronts before the Syria summit in Vienna . Article dated October 23, 2015, accessed October 23, 2015.
  58. - Kerry arrived at the Syria conference in Vienna . Article dated October 29, 2015, accessed October 29, 2015.
  59. - Syria Conference: Striving for a ceasefire and elections . Article dated October 30, 2015, accessed November 14, 2015.
  60. - Carinthia abolishes proportional representation . Article dated October 29, 2015, accessed October 30, 2015.
  61. Susanne Winter is excluded from the FPÖ . APA notification dated November 2, 2015, accessed November 3, 2015.
  62. - MP Winter has to leave the FPÖ, but wants to keep the mandate . Article dated November 2, 2015, accessed November 3, 2015.
  63. BMF: Council of Ministers resolves to dissolve FIMBAG on June 30, 2016 . APA notification dated November 3, 2015, accessed November 3, 2015.
  64. - Syria conference to initiate transition process . Article dated November 13, 2015, accessed November 14, 2015.
  65. - SPÖ and Greens approve coalition pact . Article dated November 14, 2015, accessed November 14, 2015.
  66. - “Nine Educational Directorates for Austria” . Article dated November 17, 2015, accessed November 17, 2015.
  67. - Government agrees on State Protection Act . Article dated November 29, 2015, accessed November 29, 2015.
  68. - license for Semmering tunnel revoked . Article dated December 3, 2015, accessed December 3, 2015.
  69. Results of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Agriculture election 2015 ( Memento from November 6, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  70. ^ Province of Lower Austria: Chamber of Agriculture elections 2016 . Retrieved November 6, 2016.
  71. ^ ÖH elections 2015: All information on the election from 19.-21. May . Retrieved March 5, 2015.
  72. - Austria clears the Wuzzel World Cup . Article dated April 12, 2015, accessed April 13, 2015.
  73. ^ Vienna City Marathon: News @ VCM ; Retrieved April 12, 2015
  74. - women's run with 33,000 starters . Article dated May 30, 2015, accessed May 31, 2015.
  75. - European Games: Plank wins first ÖOC medal . Article dated June 13, 2015, accessed June 13, 2015.
  76. - Golf: Perfect final round: Triumph for Wiesberger in Paris . Article dated July 5, 2015, accessed July 5, 2015.
  77. Dominic Thiem won the second ATP title in Umag . Article dated July 26, 2015, accessed July 27, 2015.
  78. 19th International Vienna Chess Open 2015 . Retrieved August 17, 2015.
  79. - world elite dances in Lower Austria . Article dated March 12, 2015, accessed March 12, 2015.
  80. - Gabuzov / Menzinger are show dance world champions . Article dated June 8, 2015, accessed June 8, 2015.
  81. - Federspiel cycles to World Cup gold . Article dated September 1, 2015, accessed September 2, 2015.
  82. - Austria is European team champion . Article dated September 29, 2015, accessed September 30, 2015.
  83. - All ÖTTV EM medals . Retrieved October 4, 2015.
  84. The lottery gala “Night of Sports” live on ORF eins . APA notification dated October 27, 2015, accessed October 29, 2015.
  85. - Menzinger / Garbuzov again world champions . Article dated November 23, 2015, accessed November 23, 2015.
  86. - Raehann Bryce-Davis wins Hilde Zadek singing competition . APA notification dated April 13, 2015, accessed June 14, 2015.
  87. The 2015 competition . Retrieved June 14, 2015.
  88. - Grafenegg Festival 2015 opened . Article dated August 14, 2015, accessed August 15, 2015
  89. - prelude to Haydn Days 2015 . Article dated September 3, 2015, accessed September 3, 2015.
  90. Kleine Zeitung: Piccanto wins "The great chance of choirs" . Article dated May 8, 2015, accessed May 8, 2015.
  91. - Radio Prize: ORF brings six trophies, three for private individuals . APA notification dated June 1, 2015, accessed June 2, 2015.
  92. - Formarinsee is the "most beautiful place" . Article dated October 24, 2015, accessed October 24, 2015.
  93. 2015 in the cinema . Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  94. Mario Kern: Bettina Hering is leaving the State Theater. Niederösterreichische Nachrichten , March 6, 2015, accessed on March 7, 2015 .
  95. - Tyrolean Festival Erl with new records . Article dated August 2, 2015, accessed August 2, 2015.
  96. Kleine Zeitung: Innsbruck Festival Weeks rely on improvisation . Article dated August 10, 2015, accessed August 13, 2015.
  97. 20 Years of FM4 - The Best 100 Songs , accessed on January 22, 2015
  98. ^ Profile: Fischer, Lacina, Bronner and the "Borodajkewycz Affair" . Article dated March 22, 2015, accessed March 22, 2015.
  99. - St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna - The rebirth of a landmark ( Memento from April 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved April 6, 2015.
  100. - 70 years of union struggle with crises and job changes . Article dated April 15, 2015, accessed April 15, 2015.
  101. - The wine scandal 20 years ago . Article dated April 26, 2005, accessed April 4, 2015.
  102. - 30 years of wine scandal: Well then, cheers! . Article dated April 4, 2015, accessed April 4, 2015.
  103. - “Wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the re-establishment of the Republic of Austria” . Retrieved April 27, 2015
  104. Falco - Rock Me Amadeus . Retrieved May 22, 2015.
  105. Tennis: 20 years ago Thomas Muster wrote sports history . Article dated May 24, 2015, accessed March 4, 2020.
  106. Courier: Niki Lauda: The Birth of the National Urgent . Article dated September 5, 2015, accessed September 7, 2015.
  107. - Bells to commemorate a senseless death . Article dated September 7, 2015, accessed September 8, 2015.
  108. - Eisenstadt became the capital 85 years ago . Article dated October 19, 2015, accessed May 19, 2015.