Characters from The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel

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All characters from the book series The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel are listed and described below. The author Michael Scott used almost exclusively known historical or mythical figures for the series . For the most part, their properties and characteristics have been adopted.


The figures are classified according to the species / races to which they belong. Since the German translations are sometimes ambiguous, the terms in the original are used.

The species in the order in which they populated the earth (sometimes they also lived at the same time):

original Translation (s)
Earthlords Earth princes, earth princes, earth lords
Ancients First time; "Ancient"
Archons Archons
Great Elders Big older ones
Elders Elderly, Older Sex, First Age
Next generation Next Generation
Humani Humani (people)

There are also beings / creatures that do not belong to any of these species, and characters whose species is not mentioned in the book series and cannot be derived.

Image : The image relates to the historical / mythological figure on which the character of the book is based and does not go into the possibly deviating descriptions in the book series. Those with a question mark are those who cannot be assigned a clear historical / mythological figure.

Name : The name chosen is the one that is mentioned most frequently in the German translation (with the exception of any incorrect translations). The author usually used the names by which the mythological / historical characters were best known.

Book : The characters come either from volumes 1–6 of the main story or from the two stories of Lost Stories (LS).

Description : The italic text provides general information on the historical / mythological figure, if possible with reference to the figure in the book. The normal text contains basic information about the character and his role in the books.

Some characters never have an acting role - they are sorted according to their first mention, are italicized and have a gray background. If, on the other hand, a character is mentioned first and appears in an acting role in a later volume, the latter is indicated.

Not mythological / historical

Surname book description
Agnes part 1 Josh and Sophie call her aunt, even if she is not related to them by blood. She is said to be 84 years old. It turns out that she is actually Tsagaglalal.
Cubit part 1 She is a good friend of Sophie Newman. She is very fashion conscious and has an interest in Josh.
Newman, Josh part 1 He is Sophie's twin brother and was reportedly born on December 21, 1991 (minutes after Sophie). He grew up in New York , is blonde and can do taekwondo and karate . Since the parents (Sara / Sarah and Richard) are archaeologists and therefore often travel, the family often changes their place of residence and the twins are mostly alone. At the beginning of the story, the parents are excavating in Utah and the twins live in San Francisco with their aunt Agnes.

Josh is very attached to his sister but is pulled to the other side by John Dee. He is trained in water magic by Gilgamesh, fire magic by Prometheus, and air magic by Virginia Dare. Mars Ultor awakens him and gives him knowledge of war techniques. It turns out that Aunt Agnes is actually Tsagaglalal while Sarah and Richard Newman are actually Isis and Osiris; Josh is actually a Neanderthal man .

On Danu Talis, where he follows Dee and Virginia Dare, he kills Isis and Osiris and then fulfills his fate foreseen by Abraham: He unites the four element swords Excalibur , Clarent, Joyeuse and Durendal , which form the fifth element ether and become one iron hook in the place of his left hand. Thereby he becomes Marethyu and destroys Danu Talis in order to enable the creation of the Humani world. Then he travels through time.

He is the title character of Volume 4 , The Necromancer . According to Michael Scott's original plan, Josh was supposed to be Joshua .

Newman, Sophie part 1 She is Josh's twin sister and was reportedly born on December 21, 1991 (minutes before Josh). She grew up in New York , is blonde and can do taekwondo and karate . Since the parents (Sara / Sarah and Richard) are archaeologists and therefore often travel, the family often changes their place of residence and the twins are mostly alone. At the beginning of the story, the parents are excavating in Utah and the twins live in San Francisco with their aunt Agnes.

Sophie stays on the Flamels side, but is desperate because her brother turns away from her. She is trained in air magic by the Witch of Endor, the Count of Saint-Germain in fire magic, Gilgamesh in water magic, and Tsagaglalal in earth magic. She is awakened by Hecate, the witch of Endor transmits her own memory to her. It turns out that Aunt Agnes is actually Tsagaglalal while Sarah and Richard Newman are actually Isis and Osiris; Sophie actually comes from the Russian steppes of the tenth century.

She follows her brother to Danu Talis and fights with him against Isis and Osiris. Then she separates from him and travels back in time with allies.

Sophie Newman is the title character of Volume 6 , The Enchantress .

Christine Volume 2 Josh and Sophie call her aunt, even if she is not related to them by blood. After Sophie finds out that her Aunt Agnes is actually Tsagaglalal, she suspects that Aunt Christine might be more than just a nice old lady.

Mythological / historical


image Surname book description
Isis Isis Volume 5 In Egyptian mythology, Isis was the daughter of Geb and Nut , sister of Seth and Nephthys , and sister and wife of Osiris . From this she conceived Horus as a son, whom she gave birth to in the solitude of the Nile swamps, hidden from the god Seth. Since she lamented the dead Osiris who was killed by Seth, she was also considered the goddess of the dead.

Osiris is the Egyptian god of the afterlife , rebirth and the Nile . Together with Horus and Isis he formed the triad of Abydos.

Isis and Osiris rule over a multitude of shadow realms that they created together. On Danu Talis they are considered to be the elders and the aunt and uncle of Aten and Anubis; In the end, however, it turns out that they are survivors of the Earthlords who want to take revenge on the elders for the destruction of their race and collect twins with a silver and gold aura in order to be able to use their powers. They want to open a portal into the past and bring the Earthlords back. Only the witch of Endor suspected her true identity, which is why she tried to destroy as much ancient knowledge as possible.

They collect Josh and Sophie from the past and take them to the modern world, where they raise them up believing they are archaeologists Sarah and Richard Newman. In reality, Isis and Osiris always disappeared into their shadowy realms whenever they told the twins that they were on archaeological expeditions. They immortalize Roger Bacon and then John Dee and take them into their service.

When the twins get to Danu Talis with Dee, Isis and Osiris receive them and bring them to the assembly of the elders to have them proclaimed as new rulers. The twins turn against them, whereupon the Earthlords kill them and want to look for new twins. Then they are killed by Josh through Clarent and Excalibur.

Osiris Osiris


There are no Ancients in the series, nor are members of this kind mentioned at any time.


image Surname book description
Horned deity on a cauldron Cernunnos Volume 3 Cernunnos is a Celtic deity. His name is interpreted as "the horned one" and he is mostly interpreted as the god of nature and fertility . He is generally associated with the Celtic "deer god".

He is the leader of the wild hunt. Antlers grow on his beautiful head, hence he is called The Horned God . He is the owner of the sword Clarent, with which he killed both King Arthur and his son Mordred. Since he has to settle a debt with an elder, he pursues Flamel and the twins with the Wild Hunt. He fails, however, and his further fate is unknown.

Coatlicue Coatlicue Volume 4 Coatlicue is in the mythology of the Aztecs , the earth goddess. She is the mother of Huitzilopochtli , the god of war and sun . She is depicted as a woman wearing a skirt made of writhing venomous snakes and a collar made of human hearts, hands and skulls. Her feet and hands are adorned with claws (to dig graves), her breasts are depicted as limp, caused by breastfeeding .

She is an archoness and the mother of all vampires . She was once a scientist and a beauty. She became ugly and crazy through experimentation. She has crocodile feet and two snakeheads and a robe made of twitching snakes. Since she hates the elderly, she once tried to destroy everyone with her army. Therefore she was banished to a shadow realm.

John Dee wants to bring them back with Josh's help to destroy the older ones; However, Aoife stands in Coatlicue's way and forces her back into her shadowy realm. Some time later, Scathach frees her sister from what happened to the Archoness is unknown.

Odin and Mimir Mimer Volume 4 Mimer is a being from Norse mythology who guards one of the springs under the world tree Yggdrasil . Mimir's knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy are so famous that even Odin maintains a close bond with him for advice.

He gave Odin ancient knowledge in exchange for his right eye.

Great Elders

image Surname book description
Benzaiten Benzaiten Volume 4 Today Benzaiten is one of the gods of Shinto or the seven gods of luck ( Shichi Fukujin ) . However, it comes from Buddhism . More precisely, it is derived from the Indian river goddess Sarasvati , who is worshiped in both Buddhism and Hinduism .

She is the master of Niten, whom she made immortal after saving her life.

Thoth Thoth Volume 5 In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is the ibis-shaped or gazebo-shaped god of the moon , magic , science , the scribe , wisdom and the calendar . In the pyramid texts , Thoth was considered the god of the west.

He once ruled over Danu Talis, is the father of Amenhoteps and the grandfather of Aten and Anubis.


Warning: As it turns out at the end, Isis and Osiris are not Elders, but Earthlords, and are therefore not dealt with in this section!

image Surname book description
Abraham the Magician part 1 see Abraham the Wise
Pergamon Museum - Collection of Antiquities - Pergamon Altar 27.JPG Asteria part 1 Asteria is the star goddess in Greek mythology . With Perses she had a daughter, Hecate .

She is a titan , is the wife of Perses and the mother of Hecate.

Bastet Bastet part 1 Bastet is the daughter of the sun god Re, portrayed in Egyptian mythology as the cat goddess . She was worshiped as the goddess of fertility, often depicted as a cat or woman with a cat or a lion head.

Also: Mafdet, Sekhmet or Menhit. The older one masters all cats. Her son Aten ruled Danu Talis; when he made common cause with Marethyu, she and her other son, Anubis, wanted to seize power. She gives Anubis the job of killing the twins. Her little brother is Horus (Mars Ultor), her nieces are Morrigan / Badb / Macha, her husband was Amenhotep.

At the beginning of the story, she lives in an underground Egyptian burial chamber in Los Angeles . She unleashes her army of cats on Hekate's Shadow Realm. In the attack on the hiding place of Palamedes and William Shakespeare in London she accompanies John Dee and the Archon Cernunnos. Together with Quetzalcoatl, she tries to bring the monsters from Alcatraz to San Francisco and brings the Spartoi warriors with her. After the defeat, the two flee from Tsagaglalal's revenge.

Black Annis part 1 Black Annis, also known as Black Agnes, is a bogeyman of British folk tales, traced back to Celtic origins .

It once raged through Manitoba and was defeated by Nicholas Flamel. It is located in the Catskill Mountains .

Echidna part 1 Echidna is a figure from Greek mythology who became the mother of numerous monsters . With Typhon she begat u. a. the sphinx

She is the mother of the Sphinx.

Erichtho Erichtho part 1 Erichtho is a Thessalian witch from ancient Roman literature .

The older one is hiding in Thessaly .

Hecate Hecate part 1 In Greek mythology, Hecate is the goddess of magic , necromancy , spook , but also of crossroads, thresholds and crossings and is the guardian of the gates between the worlds. The triad is characteristic for them: three beautiful young women who either stand back to back or around a polo shirt.

On Danu Talis she lived in the original Yggdrasil , surrounded by tree-dwelling humani whom she sent out in the last battle under the leadership of Huitzilopochtli (Mars) to support Aten. Because of the change, she is a young girl in the morning, a mature woman at lunchtime and an old woman in the evening, which is why she is called the "goddess with the three faces".

Hekate lives in a shadowy realm in California and is connected to a replica of the world tree Yggdrasil, in which she also lives. She can awaken magical powers and is enemies with Scathach. She has always behaved neutrally in the conflicts between humans and the elderly. When John Dee freezes Excalibur with the sword, Yggdrasil dies with her tree. She was the daughter of the titans Asteria and Perses; Odin was in love with her.

Witch of endor Witch of endor part 1 The Necromancer or "Witch" of Endor is a character in the 1st book of Samuel of the Bible . At Saul's request , she conjured up the prophet Samuel, who had died some time earlier .

Her real name is Zephaniah and (as Dora Witcherly) owns a shop in Ojaj ( USA ). She is the grandmother of Scathach, but she is not very friendly towards her because the witch once wanted to marry her off to Nebuchadnezzar . She and her brother Prometheus once carried out assignments for Abraham the Wise, while also exploring the abandoned city of the earth princes.

As the only elder she suspects the true identity of Isis and Osiris, which is why she tries to destroy all technology from the past (such as the crystal skulls of the Archons). Her husband is Mars Ultor, whom she cursed when he began to fight the Humani and imprisoned in the catacombs of Paris . She only frees him to hunt down John Dee. Because she sacrificed her eyesight to Chronos for the gift of divination , she is blind.

Mafdet part 1 see Bastet
Melampus part 1 In Greek mythology, Melampus is a son of Amythaon and Aglaia or Eidomene , brother of Bias and Aiolia . In ancient Greece he was famous as a seer and doctor.

He was clairvoyant.

Menhit part 1 see Bastet
Nocticula part 1 A Nocticula is a Demon Lord in the pen and paper role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons .

She lives in Austria.

Persephone Persephone part 1 Persephone is a dead , underworld and fertility goddess in Greek mythology . In Roman mythology, it corresponds to the Proserpina .

She spent many years in an underworld shadow realm and is ultimately located in northern Canada .

Perses part 1 In Greek mythology, the titan Perses is the son of the titans Kreios and Eurybia . With Asteria he begat the goddess Hecate .

He is a Titan , is the man of Asteria and the father of Hecate.

Sekhmet part 1 see Bastet
Sibylle Sibylle part 1 According to the myth, a sibyl is a prophetess who, in contrast to other divinely inspired seers, originally prophesied the future without being asked. As with many other oracles, the prediction is mostly ambiguous, sometimes also in the form of a riddle.

She has clairvoyant abilities.

sphinx sphinx part 1 The Sphinx in Greek mythology was the daughter of the monsters Typhon and Echidna . She was considered a demon of destruction and doom. The Sphinx was depicted by the Greeks and Egyptians as a winged lion with a woman's head, sometimes also as a woman with the paws and breasts of a lioness, a snake tail and bird wings.

She is the daughter of Echidna. She guards the cells on Alcatraz and has the ability to withdraw the power of the aura from the beings in her vicinity. Perenelle Flamel and Juan Manuel de Ayala turn them off for a while. Billy the Kid eventually kills her by piercing her with power spears.

Themis Themis part 1 In Greek mythology, Themis is the daughter of Uranus and Gaia and belongs to the Titan family . She is considered the goddess of justice and order as well as philosophy.

She has clairvoyant abilities.

spider Areop-Enap Volume 2 Areop-Enap is a mythical figure from the creation story of the Nauruan religion. According to legend, Areop-Enap is said to have been a large spider .

The gender of the Great Spider is unknown, Perenelle suspects she is female - in the German translation she is consistently considered female. She is on good terms with the Humani, so on Dee's orders she is kidnapped and held on Alcatraz . In the past she had a fight with the Flamels on Pohnpei .

After Perenelle Flamel resolves the spells, Areop-Enap allies with the sorceress against the Morrigan. When attacked by a swarm of flies poisoned by Billy the Kid, the spider is severely weakened and takes a restful sleep on Alcatraz. When the karkinos, a giant crab, tries to eat Areop-enap, the older one wakes up, awakened by the Flamels and their allies, and devours him.

Ares Volume 2 see Mars Ultor
Brunhild (postcard), G. Bussiere, 1897.jpg Brynhildr Volume 2 Brynhildr is a mythological figure from the Nordic legends.

She was the queen of the Disir and was killed by Scathach during the Battle of Ragnarok .

Chronos by Santo Saccomanno 1876, Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno.jpg Chronos Volume 2 Chronos is the god of time in Greek mythology . It symbolizes the passage of time and also the lifetime.

It was sometimes wrongly translated as Kronos in German . He is the master of time and with his skills supported Tammuz, the witch of Endor and Abraham the wise - sometimes at high prices (so he asked the witch of Endor her eyes for the gift of being able to see into the future).

Valkyrie Disir Volume 2 In Nordic mythology, disen are female mythical beings in whom lower vegetation deities are assumed. In Norse mythology, Valkyries are female spirit beings from the retinue of Odin, the father of the gods .

Niccolò Machiavelli hires three of the Nordic warriors, also known as Valkyries, to incite them against Scathach. The warrior princess is her mortal enemy because she destroyed many of her sisters. They are strongest at sunrise; therefore at the time they attack the house of the Count of Saint-Germain, where Scathach, Nicholas Flamel and the twins are staying. They let go of the dragon Nidhogg, but are eventually defeated by Sophie, Johanna von Orléans and Flamel.

Ares Ludovisi Altemps Inv8602 n2.jpg Mars Ultor Volume 2 Mars was a god in ancient Italy , especially Rome . He was later equated with the Greek Ares . In the founding legend of Rome, Mars is the father of the twins Romulus and Remus and thus the ancestor of the Romans. Huitzilopochtli was the god of war and the sun in Aztec mythology , his mother was Coatlicue . Nergal is a deity of the Sumerian - Akkadian , Babylonian, and Assyrian religions. He is the god of the underworld Kurnugia . Horus was a major god in early Egyptian mythology . Originally a god of the sky, he was also the god of kings, a god of worlds or light and protector of children.

As Horus, he was Bastet's little brother. He turned away from her, however, joined Hecate as Huitzilopochtli and freed the enslaved Humani from Danu Talis. His wife is Zephaniah, the witch of Endor. He had two sons, Romulus and Remus; when he awakened their powers, Romulus turned on Remus. Under the influence of the elemental sword Clarent, he became Mars Ultor, also known as Ares or Nergal, and fought against the Humani, whereupon Zephaniah placed a curse on him that turned his aura into a solid armor.

He lives in the catacombs of Paris with his servants, the satyrs Phobos and Deimos. At first glance, it looks like a statue. He wakes Josh up at John Dee's request and gives him his knowledge of war techniques. John Dee traps him in bone mass, but Zephaniah finally frees him to set him on Dee.

He is Odin's cousin and Hel's uncle.

Maui Volume 2 Māui is a demigod in New Zealand's Māori mythology , admired and famous for his spectacular exploits and sophistication.

He is a master of fire.

Nergal Volume 2 see Mars Ultor
Romolo e remo.jpg Romulus and Remus Volume 2 According to Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus were the founders of the city of Rome in 753 BC. According to legend, they were the children of the god of war Mars and the priestess Rhea Silvia .

They are the twin sons of Mars Ultor. This awakened her powers, whereupon Romulus turned against Remus.

Vulcanus volcano Volume 2 Vulkan is the Roman god of fire, lightning and the craftsmen who rely on the power of fire ( blacksmith god ).

He is a master of fire.

Valkyries Volume 2 see Disir
Circe Circe Volume 3 Circe is a sorceress from Greek mythology . She is the daughter of the sun god Helios and the Oceanid Perse and the sister of King Aietes of Colchis and the Pasiphaë . Medea is her niece.

She is a powerful mage who trained Perenelle Flamel for a while.

Electra Volume 3 Electra is a figure from Greek mythology . She is one of the Oceanids and, together with her husband Thaumas, fathered the harpies . She is also the mother of the messenger of the gods Iris, with Thaumas as her husband .

She is the mother of Iris.

Morpheus and Iris iris Volume 3 Iris is a deity in Greek mythology . She is the personification of the rainbow and, according to the physical conception of the Greeks, can generate winds. In mythology she usually has the function of a messenger of the gods, preferably the goddess Hera . She is the daughter of Thaumas and Elektra and sister of the harpies ; of Zephyr she is the mother of Eros .

She once gave Nicholas Flamel magical rainbow bracelets woven from her aura in gratitude for saving her from their sisters by he and Perenelle. She is the daughter of Electra.

Horus Volume 3 see Mars Ultor
Medea Medea Volume 3 Medea is a female figure in Greek mythology .

She is a powerful mage who trained Perenelle Flamel for a while.

Statue of Nereus Nereus Volume 3 Nereus is a sea ​​god in Greek mythology . With Doris he became father of the 50  Nereids . He lived in the Aegean Sea with his family . He was wise and had the gift of prophecy .

The older one has a shadow realm near the Bermuda Triangle ; however, the borders of the shadow realm are leaky, which is why ships sometimes get in or sea monsters get out. He was last spotted in the human world in 1912 (possible link to the sinking of the RMS Titanic ). His 50 daughters are the Nereids.

The Old Man from the Sea is charged with killing Perenelle Flamel on Alcatraz . Nereus loses several of his octopus legs during this mission. He hands the Lotan to John Dee to be let loose on San Francisco . In the fight with Black Hawk he is finally killed by the latter.

Agni Agni Volume 4 Agni is the fire form of the divine in Hinduism and is one of the most important gods of the Vedic religion .

He is a master of fire.

Akhenaten Volume 4 see Aten
Pharaoh Akhenaten Aten Volume 4 Aten was an ancient Egyptian deity who was worshiped in its appearance as a sun disk . Under the rule of the king ( Pharaoh ) Akhenaten , Aton rose in his function as sun god to the supreme divine being as a further development of Re . Akhenaten was an ancient Egyptian king ( pharaoh ) of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ) and son of Amenophis III. and Queen Teje . He relied on a strictly inward-looking policy and reformed art. His reign is dated differently: approx. 1351–1334 BC. BC, 1340-1324 BC BC or 1353-1336 BC Chr.

He succeeded his father Amenhotep on the throne of Danu Talis and was friendly to the Humani. His mother, Bastet, and his brother, Anubis, schemed against him and had him arrested as a traitor after he released Marethyu. The Humani demanded his release. In the final fight, the headmaster Ard-Greimne tried to kill him, but Scathach saved him. Aten is a good friend of Quetzalcoatl. Together with this he once destroyed an entire form of life in Egypt, where he ruled tyrannically as Akhenaten for a long time . That is why his name almost completely disappeared from historical records. His son Tutankhamun had a golden aura.

Aten is the master of Niccolò Machiavelli.

Eris Eris Volume 4 Eris is the goddess of discord and strife in Greek mythology . She is also sometimes considered the sister of Ares .

She is a dark elder, but her powers are weakened. She once caused the Trojan War because she had not received an invitation to the wedding.

She has an apartment in Haight-Ashbury and spends her time crocheting.

Kronos Volume 4 see Chronos
Kukulkan Volume 4 see Quetzalcoatl
Odin as a wanderer Odin Volume 4 Odin is the main god in Norse mythology of Eddic poetry. There he functions as the father of gods, god of war and the dead, as a god of poetry and runes, magic and ecstasy with clearly demonic-shamanistic features.

The elder sacrificed his right eye in order to obtain ancient knowledge from Archon Mimer. He loved Hecate. He has two ravens , Huginn and Muninn, and two wolves , Geri and Freki . Mars Ultor is his cousin.

Odin wants revenge on Hecate's murderer John Dee. When he cannot stop him in London, he allies himself with his niece Hel. Dee escapes him again; together with Mars, Hel, Areop-Enap, Billy the Kid, Black Hawk, Niccolò Machiavelli and the Flamels, he then fights the monsters on Alcatraz. To save the others, he shoots his entire aura and that of Hel through his right eye socket, completely destroying the anpu and monokerata. Then it dissolves into dust.

Pele Volume 4 According to Hawaiian beliefs, Pele is a fire and volcano goddess.

She is a master of fire.

Prometheus Prometheus Volume 4 In Greek mythology, Prometheus is the friend and founder of human culture. He is also often referred to as the creator of humans and animals.

He is the brother of Zephaniah, the witch of Endor, and the great-uncle of Scathach and Aoife. Together with Zephaniah he was once sent by Abraham the Wise to the decayed nameless city of the Archons (but it was probably built for the earlier earth princes) to look for a library there. He discovered figures made of clay, which he brought to life with his aura. Thus he became the creator of the primitive man (including Tsagaglalal and Gilgamesh). The Count of Saint-Germain had stolen power over the fire from him; Prometheus is the "Fire Lord". His shadowy kingdom, Hades, is located on the Point Reyes peninsula .

Prometheus rescued Marethyus warriors (Scathach, Johanna von Orléans, the Count of Saint-Germain, Palamedes, William Shakespeare) from the volcano prison of Danu Talis and brought them to Abraham. Then he flew them to Yggdrasil, from where they all set off for the final battle with the warriors of Hekate and Huitzilopochtli. The older one ends up fighting on the pyramid of the sun to protect the twins.

Prometheus takes in the Flamels, the twins, Aoife and Niten and teaches Josh fire magic. After Josh, Sophie, Aoife and Niten drive to John Dee in town, he helps the Flamels with his aura to watch Josh over a crystal skull of the Archons. Since he loses a lot of power in the process, his shadowy realm dissolves. In San Francisco he fights with Niten and the Flamels against the Lotan and then with Niten against the Spartoi warriors. In doing so he dies; when Tsagaglalal resuscitates him with her aura, he refuses the gift and demands that Niten be given life.

Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl Volume 4 Quetzalcoatl / Kukulkan is a deity of several Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs , the Aztecs and the Maya . He was the " feathered serpent ", god of resurrection and reincarnation .

Also: Kukulkan. He holds a feathered serpent's tail, so he is also the Feathered Serpent (in the original: The Feathered Serpent ) called. His twin brother Xolotl no longer looks like him because of the change, but he supports him. On Danu Talis, Quetzalcoatl took a magical silver mirror with the help of which he can observe events anywhere in the world when he wets the mirror with his own blood (an allusion to Tezcatlipoca ). Aten saved Quetzalcoatl's life when Danu Talis went down. He is the master of Billy the Kid and Black Hawk.

After her failure in the fight against Perenelle Flamel, Quetzalcoatl spares Niccolò Machiavelli and Billy the Kid; he orders them to free the monsters of Alcatraz. Finally he intervenes himself together with Bastet; the two send out the Spartoi warriors. After the defeat, they flee from Tsagaglalal's revenge.

Dumuzi Tammuz Volume 4 Tammuz is a Babylonian and Assyrian shepherd god. He is considered the consort or lover of Ištar . He is often equated with the Sumerian Dumuzi .

The Green Man is the master of Palamedes. He knows of the impending end of the world and therefore wants to lead his creatures, the forest spirits (nymphs, dryads and hamadryads) from the Sherwood Forest into his shadowy realm , the grove of Eridhu . He is enemies of the Count of Saint-Germain because he burned a forest of Tammuz in Russia in 1908 . He sent immortal Humani knights like Palamedes (called: The Green Knights ) to various shadowy realms to bring back lost people. From Chronos, the master of time, he learned how to influence time. His wife was Inanna.

Under the influence of Marethyu, he sends the Count of Saint-Germain, Palamedes and William Shakespeare to Marethyu's realm of shadows.

Zephaniah Volume 4 see Witch of Endor
Unknown Abraham the Wise Volume 5 In volumes 1–4 he was called Abraham the Magician (in the original: Abraham the Mage ). He lived in the king's crystal tower on the Tor Ri peninsula near Danu Talis, where he investigated the fate of the worlds. With the change, his aura hardened and he turned into a golden statue, which is why he wrote down all his knowledge in the Codex beforehand. His allies were Prometheus, the witch of Endor, Gilgamesh and Chronos, with whom he explored the threads of time. His wife was Tsagaglalal. On his behalf, Marethyu brings Scathach, Johanna von Orléans, Palamedes, William Shakespeare and the Count of Saint-Germain to Danu Talis.

Abraham foresees everything that will happen. He utters the prophecy about the twins. He sends emerald stone tablets to Mars, Prometheus, Hel, Odin, Niten, Black Hawk, Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Virginia Dare and Sophie and Josh on which he gives them advice and information about their fate.

After Abraham gave the Codex to Tsagaglalal, his tower collapsed in an earthquake and dragged it into the sea.

Amenhotep III. Amenhotep Volume 5 Amenhotep was the ninth ancient Egyptian king ( Pharaoh ) of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ), who lived from around 1388 to around 1351 BC. Ruled.

He once ruled over Danu Talis. He was the son of the Great Elder Thoth and the father of Aten and Anubis. His wife was Bastet.

Anubis Anubis Volume 5 Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of the dead rites . In equation, it is also the manifestation of Horus and Osiris .

He created the Anpu and becomes more and more like them as it changes. He considers his brother Aten to be incapable of government and wants to take his place, which is why he and his mother Bastet conspire against him. He eventually captures Aten. At the meeting of the elders, he would like to be proclaimed the next ruler, which is why he also sends berserkers to get the twins out of the way. What will become of him after the fall of Danu Talis is unknown.

Hel Hel Volume 5 In Norse mythology, Hel is the name of both the underworld and that of its ruler .

The older one was once beautiful and lived in an ornate realm of shadows made of metal, Niflheim . When John Dee killed the world tree Yggdrasil, her world was destroyed and she turned into an ugly dog-like creature. She sends the Torbalan on Dee's trail and teams up with her uncle Odin to kill Dee. Mars Ultor is also her uncle.

Hel fights alongside Odin, Mars, Areop-Enap, Niccolò Machiavelli, Billy the Kid, Black Hawk and the Flamels against the monsters of Alcatraz. In the end, she gives Odin her entire aura to destroy the anpu and monokerata. She then dissolves into dust with her uncle.

Ard-Greimne Volume 6 Ard-Greimne is the father of Scáthach in Celtic mythology .

He is the father of Scathach and Aoife. On Danu Talis, he was one of the Dark Elders and was the jailer. When the Humani demanded the release of Aten, Ard-Greimne wants to have them killed; when that fails, he wants to kill Aten, but Scathach rescues him. Then the elder goes into hiding.

Huitzilopochtli Volume 6 see Mars Ultor
Inanna Inanna Volume 6 Inanna was one of the great Sumerian goddesses. Dumuzi usually appears as her husband .

The elder was friendly towards the Humani and fought against the dark elders on Danu Talis. She was Tammuz's wife.

Janus Janus Volume 6 Janus was the Roman god of the beginning and the end. He is one of the oldest Roman gods and part of the original Roman mythology . The earliest images of Janus show him with a double face, looking forward and backward. Four-headed he appears on Hadrian's coins .

The change gave the older one four faces. He is the spokesman at the council of elders.

Macanduc Volume 6 Macanduc is a god of war from Filipino mythology.

The warrior is in Wyoming and wants to go to San Francisco with Khutulun and Ynaguinid to support the Flamels.

Pyrgomache Volume 6 The elder wants to go to San Francisco with Zenobia to support the Flamels.
Ruaumoko Volume 6 In Māori mythology, Ruaumoko is an unborn son of Rangi and Papa . His child's movements cause earthquakes .

The older one can cause earthquakes. He once had a fight with Aoife and has been trapped in a shadowy realm ever since.

Xolotl Xolotl Volume 6 Xolotl was the dark twin brother of Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec gods as well as in the Toltec . Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl were the sons of the virgin Coatlicue . At times Xolotl has been equated with Xocotl , the Lord of the Stars and Fire.

He is the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl and a master of fire. As a result of change, the older one became a skeleton. On behalf of his brother he is supposed to bring the monsters of Alcatraz ashore, but he is prevented and finally fed by Billy the Kid to the Karkinos.

Ynaguinid Volume 6 Ynaguinid is a god of war from Filipino mythology.

The warrior is in Wyoming and wants to go to San Francisco with Khutulun and Macanduc to support the Flamels.

Crom Cruach LS 2 Crom Cruach is a god of the underworld and death in Irish mythology . He is considered the main idol of Ireland. He is mentioned in this capacity in the Vita of Saint Patrick of Ireland .

He is a monster and made Cuchulain immortal, who had to serve him for a thousand years. As punishment for this, Scathach and Billy the Kid bring Pandora's box into his shadowy realm , the Tir na nOg .

Next generation

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Morrigan part 1 The Morrigan is a figure from Irish mythology and, together with Macha / Nemain and Badb / Fea, is one of three sisters, daughters of the Ernmas and granddaughters of Bresal . She belongs to the Túatha Dé Danann and appears as a beautiful young woman as well as an ugly old woman and like her sister Badb also in the shape of a crow or a raven.

The Crow Goddess lives in a Horst on the San Bernardino and can control crows. She once seduced John Dee into stealing the Codex from Flamel and took it to his future masters. She has overcome her two sisters Badb and Macha by magic, so that they continue to live in her body, but have no control over it.

She first tries to stop Nicholas Flamel and the twins' escape and is then supposed to kill Perenelle on Alcatraz. But she is weakened so much that her sisters bring the body back under control. Only when Badb / Macha are accidentally fatally wounded by Billy the Kid does she reappear and reconcile with her sisters and Perenelle before she dies.

She is Bastet's niece.

Scathach part 1 Scáthach is a legendary figure from Celtic mythology and was a warrior princess and teacher of martial arts in the land of shadows, an Otherworld kingdom. Her most famous student was Cuchulain , the main hero of Ulster .

The old warrior princess comes from a vampire clan , but does not drink blood. She lived 2517 years in the human world and 7000 more years in various shadow realms. She and her sister Aoife were the first children of the elders born after the fall of Danu Talis, and therefore belong to the Next Generation. Her parents were bitter about this and always preferred the son who was born on Danu Talis. She saved Joan of Arc from the stake and made her immortal with her own blood. She freed Nicholas Flamel from Lubyanka prison. Together with him she fought against the demon Fomor. When she was trapped in the dungeon at An Chaor-Thanach, the Alchemyst saved her. Scathach was in love with Cuchulain, who thinks she is a traitor after she left the man believed dead on the battlefield and wants to kill her - then she kills him.

She is recruited by Nicholas Flamel to protect the twins. In Paris she is separated from them in the fight against Dagon; when using the line of force from Point Zéro she gets into a shadowy realm of Marethyu. He leads them, Palamedes, William Shakespeare, the Count of Saint-Germain and Joan of Arc through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can go under. There she meets her future father and saves Aten. After her return to the present, she frees her sister from the shadowy realm of Coatlicue and is then the maid of honor for Aoife and Niten. Scathach's father is Ard-Greimne, her great-uncle is Prometheus, the witch of Endor is her grandmother, Mars Ultor is her grandfather.

Badb Volume 3 Badb is a figure from medieval Irish mythology. In the Lebor Gabala Eirenn she is mentioned as a member of the Tuatha de Danann . She is considered the sister of the Macha and the Morrígan . Like her two sisters, Badb also appears as a threefold goddess or in a threefold form (" triad of war goddesses").

The sister of the Morrigan and the Macha originally shared the body with their sisters, so that each of the three goddesses could dispose of the body for a certain time. After the Morrigan had managed to keep her sisters imprisoned in their bodies, they were only released again when Perenelle Flamel weakens the crow goddess.

She turns out to be Perenelle's helper and dies with her sisters when she throws herself protectively in front of Perenelle after Billy the Kid accidentally threw a power spear.

Macha Macha Volume 3 Macha is the name of several land deities and legendary figures in the Ulster cycle of Irish mythology . As a goddess, she is part of the Morrígan trinity , along with Badb and Nemain , who appear in various myths as a washerwoman at the ford, a raven and a female fighter with a chariot.

The sister of the Morrigan and the Badb originally shared the body with their sisters, so that each of the three goddesses could dispose of the body for a certain time. After the Morrigan had managed to keep her sisters imprisoned in their bodies, they were only released again when Perenelle Flamel weakens the crow goddess.

She turns out to be Perenelle's helper and dies with her sisters when she throws herself protectively in front of Perenelle after Billy the Kid accidentally threw a power spear.

Aoife Volume 4 Aoife is a legendary figure in Irish mythology , which can probably be traced back to a Celtic deity. In one tradition she is a daughter of Manannan , sister of the Aobh and wife of Lir . Another story calls her a warrior queen in Alba (Scotland), with whom Cú Chulainn has to compete in a duel.

She is Scathach's twin sister; the two were the first children of the elders born after the fall of Danu Talis, and therefore belong to the next generation. Her parents were bitter about this and always preferred the son who was born on Danu Talis. Once she fought with Scathach for Cuchulain, whereupon the sisters separated. Aoife's companion is Niten.

When she senses that her sister is disappearing from this world, she goes to see the twins. In a fight with the Archoness Coatlicue, she disappears into a distant shadow realm. Scathach finally frees her and is Aoife's maid of honor at Niten's wedding.


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Lord Byron Byron, lord part 1 Lord Byron (born January 22, 1788 in London , † April 19, 1824 in Messolongi , Greece ) was a British poet, grandson of John Byron , a South Sea explorer and British admiral.

He visited John Dee in his castle in Switzerland in the winter of 1816 , with Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Dr. Polidori.

Portrait of John Dee Dee, John part 1 John Dee (born July 13, 1527 in London , † 1608 in Mortlake - Surrey ) was a well-known English mathematician , astronomer , astrologer , geographer , mystic and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He also devoted much of his life to alchemy , divination and hermetic philosophy .

The immortal was once Flamel's best student, but was chased away by Flamel after he tried to steal the Codex. The Morrigan had instigated him to do this and promised him eternal life and power. He then took the place of Roger Bacon as Agent of the Dark Elders, his masters being Isis and Osiris.

He manages to steal most of the Codex from Nicholas Flamel and kidnap Perenelle Flamel. After a series of failures in his assignments, he is declared utlaga (outlaw) by his masters and is on the run. He manages to get Virginia Dare and the golden twin Josh on his side. It unites all four power swords (Excalibur, Clarent, Joyeuse, Durendal).

Dee tries to destroy the older generation and to take control of all worlds himself. But he is stopped by his masters and made an old man; Marethyu saves him. Abraham takes back the Codex from Dee. When Dee Virginia Dare, who fights for the enslaved Humani on Danu Talis, supports the prison guards on the island with his aura, he dies.

He is the title character of Volume 2 , The Magician .

Nicolas Flamel Flamel, Nicholas part 1 Nicholas Flamel (* probably 1330 in Pontoise , † around 1413 in Paris , but traditionally in 1418 ) was a successful French scribe, writer, manuscript dealer and possibly real estate trader, who posthumously achieved fame as an alchemist . Legend has it that he found the philosopher's stone and achieved immortality.

At the beginning of the book series, he works as the bookseller Nick Fleming in San Francisco and long ago discovered the secret of eternal life in the Codex. The codex was given to him by Marethyu, who also explained what to do with it. With his wife Perenelle he guarded the Codex and looked out for the legendary twins, always on the run from the Dark Elders and their agents. Over time, he found several pairs of twins, but they were all the wrong ones. When he was about to be shot dead as a spy in Moscow , Scathach freed him from Lubyanka prison. Together with her he fought against the demon Fomor. When Scathach was trapped in An Chaor-Thanach's dungeon, the Alchemyst saved her. He drove back alone the Rusalka who once terrorized Saint Petersburg . He defeated Black Annis in Manitoba and the Night Witch with her army of the undead.

When Josh Newman asks him for a summer job at the bookstore, he knows he's found the golden twin. After John Dee stole the Codex, Flamel ages and grows weaker. With the twins and changing allies, he flees through America and Europe until Josh and Sophie travel back in time to Danu Talis. With his wife and other allies he fights against the monsters of Alcatraz and thus saves San Francisco from destruction. When he and his wife are near death, Marethyu takes them to Paris, where Perenelle wants to be buried.

He is the title character of Volume 1 , The Alchemyst .

Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel Flamel, Perenelle part 1 Perenelle Delamere Flamel (* 1320 or 1340; † around 1400) is considered a generous benefactress who invested her wealth in churches and hostels. She was the wife of Nicolas Flamel.

She is initially known as Perry Fleming, wife of Nick, and is actually a sorceress who, like her husband, has achieved immortality. Her original name is Perenelle Delamere and she grew up in Quimper . She is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter and therefore has the ability to see and hear the spirits of the deceased. Her grandmother introduced her to Marethyu, who foretold her future. She married a lowly noble man and after his death was a wealthy widow. In the markets behind the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral , she earned her living as a fortune teller under the name Chatte Noire ("Black Cat"). There she met Nicholas Flamel, whom she soon married. She masters magic better than her husband, since she was a student of Circe, Medeas and the witch of Endor. In Sicily she fought against Niccolò Machiavelli three hundred years ago; so much energies were released that Etna erupted.

John Dee kidnaps her and has her locked up on Alcatraz , but she is too powerful and can escape. As Marethyu had prophesied, she gives her husband a day of her own life, so that both of them have another day to live. The Flamels fight successfully against the monsters of Alcatraz and, near death, are brought from Marethyu to Paris, where Perenelle wants to be buried.

She is the title character of Volume 3 , The Sorceress .

Dr.  Polidori Polidori, Dr. part 1 Dr. Polidori (born September 7, 1795 in London , † August 24, 1821 ibid) was an English writer and personal physician and travel companion of the poet Lord Byron .

He visited John Dee in his castle in Switzerland in the winter of 1816 , with Lord Byron, Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Mary Shelley Shelley, Mary part 1 Mary Shelley (born August 30, 1797 in London , England , † February 1, 1851 there ) was a British writer of the early 19th century. She went down in literary history as the author of Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus (1818).

She visited John Dee in his castle in Switzerland in the winter of 1816 , together with her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron and Dr. Polidori. There Dee told her the story of the Red Golem of Prague , which she took as a model for her novel Frankenstein .

Percy Bysshe Shelley Shelley, Percy Bysshe part 1 Percy Bysshe Shelley (*  4. August 1792 in Field Place, Sussex , †  8. July 1822 in the sea near Viareggio in the Italian province of Tuscany ) was a British writer of romance .

He visited John Dee in his castle in Switzerland in the winter of 1816 , with his wife Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and Dr. Polidori.

King Arthur Arthur Volume 2 King Arthur is a legendary figure who appears in many literary works of the European Middle Ages in different contexts and different meanings. His territory is located in Britain .

The king came to the throne through Scathach. Gilgamesh took him deeply and treated him like a son. He was eventually killed along with Mordred of Cernunnos with the sword of the traitor, Clarent.

Ayala, Juan Manuel de Volume 2 Juan Manuel de Ayala ( December 28, 1745 - December 30, 1797 ) was an officer in the Spanish fleet in New Spain . He played an important role in the conquest of California since becoming the first European to open up the San Francisco Bay .

He was the discoverer of Alcatraz and lived on as a poltergeist on the island after his death , because he had "fallen in love" with Alcatraz. Since he does not like the use of his beloved island as a prison, he supports Perenelle and Areop-Enap in their escape and monitors further events.

Francis Volume 2 see Count of Saint-Germain
The Count of Saint-Germain Count of Saint-Germain Volume 2 The Count of Saint Germain (* unknown; † February 27, 1784 in Eckernförde ) was an adventurer, secret agent , alchemist , occultist and composer .

His name is Francis and he was a student of Flamel. The immortal is a master of fire; he “stole” this art from Prometheus, and Marethyu trained him. In Russia he burned a forest in Tammuz in 1908, which is why he is enemies with him. He made a name for himself as a rock musician with five number 1 hits in the United States. It is not known how he became immortal. He was part of the Paris resistance movement at the time of World War II . There he met Johanna von Orléans again, whom he had met in Sacramento in 1849 , but without knowing of her immortality. They met again and again over time. At first the two did not get along, but eventually they married in Hawaii .

Francis is contacted by the witch of Endor to help Flamel in Paris . He takes the alchemyst and the twins into his house and trains Sophie in fire magic. In front of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame he fights with the others against the gargoyles controlled by Dee and Machiavelli. He notifies Palamedes of the arrival of Flamel and the twins in London. When Johanna supposedly disappears into the past, he lets Tammuz transfer him to her. Marethyu leads him, Palamedes, William Shakespeare, Scathach and Johanna von Orléans through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can go under. He finds inspiration for a piece of music called Armageddon. He fights on the pyramid of the sun to protect the twins.

Joan of Arc miniature graded.jpg Joan of Arc Volume 2 Joan of Arc (born January 6, 1412 in Domrémy , Lorraine , † May 30, 1431 in Rouen ) is a French national heroine and saint of the Catholic and Anglican Churches .

Along with Sophie, she is one of the few with a silver aura. When she was about to be executed in Rouen , Scathach penetrated the city and set her free; Johanna was wounded in the process, which is why Scathach healed her with her vampire blood and made her immortal. At the time of the Second World War she was part of the Paris resistance movement, where she met the Count of Saint-Germain again. The Earl and Johanna first met in Sacramento in 1849. At first, the two did not get along, but over time they met again and again and were then inseparable since the end of World War II and finally married in Hawaii.

When Johanna tries to use the line of force from Point Zéro in Paris, she ends up in the shadowy realm of Marethyu. He leads them, Palamedes, William Shakespeare, the Count of Saint-Germain and Scathach through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can go under. She fights on the pyramid of the sun to protect the twins.

Portrait of Niccolò Machiavelli Machiavelli, Niccolò Volume 2 Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (born May 3, 1469 in Florence , Republic of Florence ; † June 21 or 22, 1527 ibid) was a Florentine politician , diplomat , philosopher , historian and poet . Mainly because of his work Il Principe (" The Prince "), he is considered one of the most important state philosophers of modern times .

The immortal, like John Dee, serves the Dark Elderly (his master is Aten) and has made it to the head of the secret service in France , one of the most powerful men in the country. According to Flamel, he's a lot more dangerous than Dee. It was he who first desecrated Flamel's grave in hopes of finding the Codex. At the Battle of Stalingrad (1942) he commanded the Axis powers , but due to the intervention of Scathach there was a defeat. In Sicily he fought against Perenelle Flamel three hundred years ago; but so much energies were released that Etna erupted. His servant has long been Dagon.

Machiavelli is ordered to take Flamel prisoner in Paris , but he does not succeed. He is then supposed to let go of the monsters of Alcatraz on San Francisco together with Billy the Kid ; but he becomes an oath breaker ("Warlock") and tries to save the Humani. Dee turns him off and wakes the monsters himself; then Machiavelli fights successfully alongside Billy, Black Hawk, Odin, Hel, Mars, Areop-Enap and the Flamels against the monsters.

He is the title character of Volume 5 , The Warlock .

Caterina de 'Medici Medici, Katharina De Volume 2 Katharina De Medici (born April 13, 1519 in Florence , † January 5, 1589 in Blois ) was Princess of Urbino and came from the influential Florentine Medici family . By marrying Henry II, she was Queen of France from 1547 and later also regent for her underage sons. She became known, among other things, for her order to murder thousands of Huguenots on the so-called Bartholomew Night.

She is an immortal and lives in Paris . She is neutral.

Mordred Mordred Volume 2 Mordred is a figure from the legendary circle around King Arthur . According to various sources, he is either a nephew or the son of Arthur.

He fought against his father, King Arthur, and was eventually killed with him by Cernunnos.

Cardinal Richelieu Richelieu, cardinal Volume 2 Cardinal Richelieu (born September 9, 1585 in Paris; † December 4, 1642 there ) was a French aristocrat, prince of the church and statesman. He was also called the "red eminence" and was an authoritative advisor and Minister of Louis XIII. ; His primary goals were to transform France into an absolutist state and to end the Habsburg supremacy in Europe .

When John Dee lured Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel into a trap in downtown Paris in 1632 , Flamel gave the Codex to Cardinal Richelieu so that it would not fall into Dee's hands. Then he stole it back.

Roger Bacon Bacon, Roger Volume 3 Roger Bacon (* 1214 near Ilchester in Somerset ; † 1292 or 1294 in Oxford ) was an English Franciscan monk and philosopher and is considered one of the first advocates of empirical methods.

He was the predecessor of John Dee as agent of the Dark Elders and fought against the Flamels.

Baybars of the Mamluk Volume 3 Al-Malik az-Zahir Rukn ad-Din Baibars (I.) al-Bunduqdari (* around 1223 ; † 1277 in Damascus ) was a Mamluk who rose to be Sultan of Egypt and Syria in 1260 .

Photo by Billy the Kid Billy the Kid Volume 3 Henry McCarty, also William H. Bonney, Henry Antrim or Kid Antrim (* probably November 23, 1859 in New York or Indiana , † July 14, 1881 in Fort Sumner , New Mexico ), better known as Billy the Kid , is one of the most famous legendary figures in western history . Billy the Kid was described by his enemies as an outlaw and a murderer , and according to his supporters he was a fighter in the Lincoln County Cattle War . He was killed in ambush by Sheriff Pat Garrett .

He was made immortal by Quetzalcoatl in gratitude for saving his life. He fought with Scathach against the Vampyres of Las Vegas and had frequent dealings with Virginia Dare. He owns a Thunderbird convertible , which is his pride and joy. He is a good friend of Black Hawk, who trained him and is also in the service of Quetzalcoatl.

Billy receives the order to destroy Perenelle Flamel on Alcatraz and gets Niccolò Machiavelli to the side when he does not succeed. Perenelle still manages to escape. He is then supposed to let go of the monsters of Alcatraz on San Francisco together with Machiavelli ; but he becomes an oath breaker ("Warlock") and tries to save the Humani. Dee turns him off and wakes the monsters himself; then Billy successfully fights against the monsters alongside Machiavelli, Black Hawk, Odin, Hel, Mars, Areop-Enap and the Flamels.

Statue of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Volume 3 Gilgamesh was according to the Sumerian king list at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. A king of the first dynasty of the Sumerian city of Uruk .

The oldest of the times (in the original: "Ancient of Times") is one of the first prehistoric men created by Prometheus (making him the brother of Tsagaglalal) and was the first human immortal; that was what Abraham the Wise had made him, of whom he was close confidante. He was ruler of the Sumerians , Akkadians , Babylonians , Egyptians , Greeks , Romans , Gauls , Celts , Vikings , Rus and Huns . He was also known at the court of King Arthur; he considered the king a kind of son.

He has vast knowledge but no aura; therefore he cannot use magic although he has mastered all branches of element magic. Over time, he became forgetful and insane. His greatest wish is to finally live his life to the end.

He trains Sophie and Josh in the magic of water.

Palamedes Volume 3 Palamedes is one of the Knights of the Round Table .

The Saracen knight once belonged to Arthur's round table and saw the king being killed by Cernunnos. He always behaved neutrally in the battles between humani and elders. He built a well-defended fortress out of junk in a car junkyard in London. He is part of the Green Knights , who were recruited by Tammuz and liberate Humani from shadowy realms. Palamedes is close friends with William Shakespeare.

The Count of Saint Germain contacts him to help Nicholas Flamel and the twins on their stay in London. He is involved in the fight against Cernunnos' Wild Hunt. Marethyu leads him, Scathach, William Shakespeare, the Count of Saint-Germain and Joan of Arc through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can go under. He fights on the pyramid of the sun to protect the twins.

William Shakespeare Shakespeare, William Volume 3 William Shakespeare (baptized April 26,  1564 July in Stratford-upon-Avon ; † April 23 July / May 3,  1616 greg. Ibid) was an English playwright , poet and actor . His comedies and tragedies are among the most important and most performed and filmed plays in world literature .

He was a Flamel apprentice in his youth. However, Dee seduced him and brought him immortal fame. When Shakespeare fathered twins (Hamnet and Judith), Dee mistook them for the legendary twins and tried to awaken them. Hamnet died in the process. The immortal then turned to the other side and lived with Palamedes in London. He never washes himself because he wants to preserve the skin's natural oils.

The collaboration with the alchemist turns out to be difficult because he does not trust the traitor. Marethyu leads him, Palamedes, Scathach, the Count of Saint-Germain and Joan of Arc through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can go under. He fights on the pyramid of the sun to protect the twins.

Genghis Khan Temujin Volume 3 Genghis Khan (* probably around 1155, 1162 or 1167; † probably on August 18, 1227 ) was a Mongol Khan who united the Mongolian tribes and conquered large parts of Central Asia and northern China. His reign as the first Great Khan of the Mongols lasted from 1206 to 1227.

The immortal once offered the Flamels to imprison John Dee forever in his Mongolian shadow realm, but Nicholas refused.

According to Scott's original plan, Temujin should have appeared as a friend of Niten.

Chief Black Hawk Black Hawk Volume 4 Black Hawk (* 1767 in Sac Village , Rock River, Illinois ; † 3. October 1838 ; Sauk Makataimeshekiakiak , Black Hawk ) was a chief of the Sauk - and Fox - Indians .

Also: black falcon or Makataimeshekiakiak. The Indian chief was made immortal by Quetzalcoatl and is in his service. He trained Billy the Kid, whom Quetzalcoatl also made immortal; the two are good friends. He knows Niten from the battle of Greasy Grass .

On the orders of Quetzalcoatl, Black Hawk brings Billy and Niccolò Machiavelli from Alcatraz after the two were arrested there by Perenelle Flamel. Later he “picks up” Odin, Hel and Mars Ultor in San Francisco and brings them to Tsagaglalal and then on to Alcatraz. He is involved in the fight against the monsters and kills Nereus. From the Karkinos he is thrown into the sea, whether he will survive is unknown.

Bust of Virginia Dare Dare, Virginia Volume 4 Virginia Dare (born August 18, 1587 in Roanoke ; † unknown) is considered the first English child to be born in the New World in what is now the United States .

She grew up alone in the wilderness, but was secretly protected by Marethyu. She found the Pied Piper's magic flute in a cave in the Grand Canyon . It can put all living beings into a deep sleep and wake them up again. She always took care of those in need and let an elder make her immortal in order to have more time to help people. She managed to lead her master into a conflict with a deer woman, in which he was killed; she became independent. She is well acquainted with John Dee, to whom she was once engaged to be; she is also known with Billy the Kid. She is a master of air magic, lives in London and is known and feared as "The Killer".

Virginia helps Dee escape the Cucubuths in London and becomes his companion. Dee promises world domination for her help; but he does not know that she plans to give freedom to the world. She saves Billy's life when the Sphinx tries to eat him up. With her flute she can wake up the monsters of Alcatraz . She trains Josh in air magic and travels with him and Dee through the time to Danu Talis. There she becomes the leader of the rebelling Humani. In the end, also supported by Dee, she can lead people to freedom.

John Duns Scotus Duns Scotus Volume 4 Johannes Duns Scotus (* around 1266 in Duns , Scotland ; † November 8, 1308 in Cologne ) was a Scottish theologian and philosopher of scholasticism .

The immortal is older than Nicholas Flamel.

Unknown Marethyu Volume 4 In Greek mythology, Moros is the god of doom and doom. Mot is an underworld god of the ancient Syrian religion .

Also known as Moros , Mot , Oberour Ar Maro. His name means "death" in the ancient language of Danu Talis. He has a metal hook in the place of his left hand. He is a confidante of Abraham the Wise. Marethyu sold the Codex to Nicholas Flamel and helped him decipher it; Marethyu taught the Count of Saint-Germain in fire magic; Marethyu protected Virginia Dare during her childhood in the wild; Marethyu predicted her future for Perenelle Flamel.

His fate is to lead a group of warriors, consisting of Palamedes, William Shakespeare, the Count of Saint-Germain, Joan of Arc and Scathach, through the gates of time to Danu Talis so that the island can perish. Aten voluntarily hands over his power to him there. Marethyu saves John Dee from death and makes Virginia Dare the leader of the rebellious Humani.

It turns out that Marethyu is actually Josh Newman. After Josh had killed the earth lords Isis and Osiris, he united the four element swords to the fifth element ether; they merged into a hook that replaced Josh's left hand. Following the instructions of the Codex he became death, the destroyer of the world of Danu Talis, whereby he made the emergence of the human world possible.

Miyamoto Musashi Volume 4 see niten
Mo-Tzu Volume 4 Mo-Tzu lived in the late 5th century BC. BC , worked mainly in northern China and was the founder and namesake of Mohismus, a school of Chinese philosophy.

The immortal is older than Duns Scotus.

Miyamoto Musashi Nits Volume 4 Niten (* 1584 in Miyamoto; † June 13, 1645 in the Reigandō Cave , Kumamoto ), was a Japanese samurai and founder of the Niten Ichiryū school of sword fighting. Today he is best known for his work Gorin no Sho ("The Book of the Five Rings"), which is primarily seen as a source of wisdom and management strategies.

The immortal Japanese is a skilled fighter, but also a gifted painter. The immortality was bestowed on him by Benzaiten. He lives in a houseboat near San Francisco and is well acquainted with Aoife, with whom he is in love. He knows Black Hawk from the Battle of Greasy Grass .

Aoife and Niten go looking for Scathach. After Aoife disappears into the realm of shadows while fighting with Coatlicue, he brings Sophie to Tsagaglalal. With Prometheus and the Flamels, he first fights the Lotan. In the end, he and Prometheus confront the Spartoi warriors on the Golden Gate Bridge, whom they have to deny access to the city. After a long fight, both he and the elder are killed, but Tsagaglalal gives Niten her aura and thus revives him. After Aoife was liberated by Scathach, he married Aoife.

Portrait of Daniel Boone Boone, Daniel Volume 5 Daniel Boone (born October 22, jul. / 2. November  1734 greg. In Birdsboro , Pennsylvania ; † 26. September 1820 in Defiance , Missouri ) was an American pioneer and hunter , inter alia, the Wilderness Road opened up and the city Boonesborough in Kentucky .

He was the first immortal Billy the Kid met; at the time he was robbing a train.

Albert Einstein Einstein, Albert Volume 5 Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879 in Ulm , † April 18, 1955 in Princeton , New Jersey ) was a theoretical physicist . His research on the structure of space and time as well as the nature of gravity significantly changed the physical worldview; In 1999, 100 leading physicists voted him the greatest physicist of all time.

He was well acquainted with Virginia Dare, who made him interested in relativity . But he did not want to be made immortal.

Geronimo Geronimo Volume 5 Geronimo (* 16th June 1829 ; † 17th February 1909 in Fort Sill , Oklahoma ), was the Warchief and Shaman (Diyin) a group of Bedonkohe - Apaches . His resistance to the advance of the troops of the USA and Mexico made him one of the most famous Indians in North America.

He is an immortal and is not on the side of the Dark Elders, which is why he is friends with Nicholas Flamel.

Oliver Hardy Hardy, Oliver Volume 5 Oliver Hardy (born January 18, 1892 in Harlem , Georgia , † August 7, 1957 in Hollywood , California ) was an American comedian and film actor. Together with Stan Laurel he formed one of the most famous comedian duos in film history, Laurel and Hardy , also known in German-speaking countries as Dick and Doof.

Virginia Dare knew him from her days as a silent film actress.

Stan Laurel Laurel, Stan Volume 5 Stan Laurel (born  June 16, 1890 in Ulverston , England , United Kingdom , †  February 23, 1965 in Santa Monica , California , United States ) was an English comedian , film actor , screenwriter and director . He became world famous through his artistic partnership with Oliver Hardy , with whom he formed the most famous comedian duo in film history, Laurel and Hardy , who were also known in German-speaking countries as Dick and Doof.

Virginia Dare knew him from her time as a silent film actress.

Moros Volume 5 see Marethyu
Mot Volume 5 see Marethyu
Oberour Ar Maro Volume 5 see Marethyu
Tsagaglalal Tsagaglalal Volume 5 Tsagaglalal is a guardian figure from Indian mythology (Columbia River Legends).

Also: The Guardian (in the original: She Who Watches ). She and her brother Gilgamesh were among the first prehistoric humans that Prometheus had created. She was the wife of Abraham the Wise. On his behalf, she led the legendary twins to the top of the pyramid of the sun and gave Josh the codex. She watched the Newman's feminine lineage through the ages and watched over the twins from birth in the guise of Aunt Agnes. The smell of her aura is jasmine.

She brings several warring characters to ally against Dee and gives them messages of Abraham from the past in the form of emerald tablets . She trains Sophie in earth magic. After Niten and Prometheus are killed fighting the Spartoi, she kills the remaining creatures and revives Prometheus by "giving him back" her aura. But he instructs her to let him die and better to awaken Niten.

Emperor Friedrich I. Barbarossa Barbarossa Volume 6 Frederick I, called Barbarossa (* around 1122; † June 10, 1190 in the Saleph River near Seleucia , Lesser Armenia ), from the noble family of the Staufer, was from 1147 to 1152 as Frederick III. Duke of Swabia , Roman-German King from 1152 to 1190 and Emperor of the Roman-German Empire from 1155 to 1190 .

The immortal is in Chicago and plans to fly to San Francisco with several other East Coast immortals and elders to support the Flamels.

Brigid Volume 6 Brigid is the name of an Irish-Scottish legend that goes back to a Celtic goddess. She belongs to the Túatha Dé Danann .

She belongs to the Humani of Danu Talis and meets Scathach there. Your brother is cermait.

Cermait Volume 6 Cermait, nicknamed Milbél ("honey mouth"), is a legendary figure from Irish mythology . He belongs to the Túatha Dé Danann people .

He is called Milbel by his mother and belongs to the Humani of Danu Talis. He meets Scathach there. His sister is Cermait.

Davy Crockett Crockett, Davy Volume 6 Davy Crockett (aka David de Crocketagne) (born August 17, 1786 in Greene County , then State of Franklin , now Tennessee , † March 6, 1836 in San Antonio , Texas ) was an American politician and war hero.

The immortal is in Seattle and wants to go to San Francisco to support the Flamels.

Khutulun Volume 6 Khutulun (ca.1260 - ca.1306), also known as Aiyurug or Khotol Tsagaan, was the most famous daughter of Kaidu and the niece of Kublai Khan .

The Immortal is the niece of Kublai Khan and was trained by Scathach and Aoife; Aoife called her "Shining Moon" and treated her like a daughter. Khutulun breeds horses in Kentucky and wants to go to San Francisco with Ynaguinid and Macanduc to support the Flamels.

Self-portrait of Leonardos Leonardo da Vinci Volume 6

Leonardo da Vinci (born April 15, 1452 in Anchiano near Vinci ; † May 2, 1519 at Clos Lucé Castle , Amboise ) was an Italian painter , sculptor , architect , anatomist , mechanic , engineer and natural philosopher . He is considered one of the most famous polymaths of all time.

Nicholas Flamel knows of rumors that Leonardo was an immortal.

Milbel Volume 6 see cermait
Painting by Queen Zenobia Zenobia Volume 6 Septimia Zenobia (* around 240 in Palmyra , † after 274 in Rome ) was from 267/68 to 272 AD the ruler of Palmyra and the Roman Orient. She was the second wife of the exarch of the oasis city of Palmyra, Septimius Odaenathus .

The immortal wants to fly to San Francisco with Pyrgomache to support the Flamels. Perenelle doesn't trust her, however.

Sin foto.svg William of York LS 1 The English archer once fought against France , supported by his youngest son William. His eldest son is Richard and his daughter is 19 years old. William of York witnessed the execution of Joan of Arc in Rouen in 1431 , where he watched her being freed by Scathach, whereupon he left the army. He died on October 13, 1481 at the age of 70.
Cuchulain in battle Cuchulain LS 2 Cuchulain is a character from Irish mythology. He is the most important fighter and hero of the warriors' association of the Red Branch, the followers of Conchobhar Mac Nessa , a legendary king of Ulster from the 1st century BC. Chr. After his birth, he was first named Setanta.

He was trained by Scathach, who fell in love with him. But he fell in love with her sister Aoife. When he fell at the Battle of Ulster , Scathach and Aoife fought. But shortly before his death, Cuchulain was brought to Crom Cruach by the Morrigan, who made him immortal and whom he had to serve for a thousand years. From then on he called himself Setanta and wanted revenge on Scathach, by whom he felt betrayed.

Cuchulain sets up an army of vampires and Cucubuths in Las Vegas with whom he wants to control the west coast of America, and lures Scathach to him, who defeats him and kills him with the Gáe Bolga .


The beings that are held on Alcatraz are usually not listed individually, but grouped together as monsters of Alcatraz .

image Surname book description
Pteranodon Feather snakes part 1 Original: Nathair . They look like snakes and can fly. They populate the shadow realm of Hecate and die when it goes down.
Fomor part 1 Fomoraig refers to a fabulous people of malformed and violent nature from Irish mythology .

Fomor is a demon that Scathach and Nicholas Flamel fought.

Golem Golems part 1 The golem is a figure of the Jewish legend that was widespread in Bohemia , but also elsewhere in Central Europe . It is a human-like shape made of clay that was brought to life by magic . The golem has special powers, can obey orders but cannot speak.

A piece of paper with an incantation is placed in the mouth of the clay figures. They are especially strong but melt easily in warm areas. John Dee uses them to raid Fleming's bookstore and kidnap Perenelle, and shortly thereafter again to raid Scathach's dojo .

Růžena Maturová as Rusalka in the opera from 1901 Rusalka part 1 The Rusalka are female nature spirits of low rank in Slavic mythology .

They once terrorized Saint Petersburg and were driven back by Nicholas Flamel.

Torc Allta part 1 They are wooers, i.e. men who can turn into (especially large and warlike) boars. They came from a failed experiment by the elderly. They guard Hecate's realm of shadows and go under with her.
Advertisers part 1 see Torc Allta
Baobhan Sith Volume 2 Baobhan Sith is the Scottish term for a seductive vampire who kills pretty young men . It occurs mainly in the forest or in the great outdoors . In the shape of a beautiful girl, mostly, but not necessarily, dressed in green, she arouses no suspicion, but she ultimately sucks her victims up to the last drop of blood.

On behalf of John Dee, they chased Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel through Paris in 1632, but were unsuccessful.

Dagon Dagon Volume 2 Dagon is a deity revered in Mesopotamia and Syria , whose cult especially in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC. Chr. Was widespread. Dagon will u. a. interpreted as a weather , vegetation and specific grain god . Its name is supposedly derived from "fish".

This fish-like creature served Niccolò Machiavelli for a long time. The Italian finally dismisses him so that Dagon can find his archenemy Scathach, who once killed his entire people. He wages a fight against the warrior princess in the Seine ; as Marethyu had advised him in the past, Dagon says his name at the last moment, whereupon Scathach lets him go. He guarded the prison on Danu Talis, but was not hostile to Aten.

Deimos Volume 2 Deimos is a deity or daimon in Greek mythology . Together with Phobos, he is considered a companion and servant of Ares .

He is a satyr and, together with Phobos, guards the prison of Mars Ultor in the catacombs of Paris . He triggers intense fear that he feeds on and ends up trapped in bone mass by John Dee.

Ghouls Volume 2 Ghouls are commonly corpse-eating mythical creatures and appear in various mythological and literary forms.

On behalf of John Dee, they chased Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel through Paris in 1632, but were unsuccessful.

Oni Alcatraz monsters Volume 2 They are made up of various evil beings who are held captive by the dark elders or their human agents in the underground prison cells of Alcatraz (smaller specimens) or in the warehouses (large monsters) and put into a deep sleep. The cells are guarded by the Sphinx.

They come from all over the world and include Amazons , Samurai , Bogatyri , Cucubuths, Boggarts , Domovi, Ogres , Trolls , Fir Dearg, Mna Dearg, Mossmen, Cluricaune , Lindworms , Minotaurs , Monokerata, Karkinos, Windigos , Oni , Vetalas, Werewolves , Wyvern , Wyrm, Smok, Satyrs and Peists. Lotan is one of them.

Niccolò Machiavelli and Billy the Kid are supposed to wake them up and let go of San Francisco, but decide against it, whereupon John Dee and Virginia Dare (with the help of their flute) do the job. To prevent the monsters from fighting each other, they have been enchanted so that they cannot see each other. Machiavelli and Billy then join Black Hawk, Mars, Odin, Hel, Areop-Enap, and the Flamels; the group succeeds in destroying the monsters that Xolotl and Anpu warriors are supposed to ship to San Francisco.

Nidhogg Nidhogg Volume 2 Nidhogg is a snake-like dragon in Norse mythology who lives on the world tree Yggdrasil and torments the dead.

This dragon, called "the corpse-devourer", was trapped in the roots of Hekate's world tree Yggdrasil for a long time . After this was destroyed by John Dee, the Disir use him against Scathach. But when they lose control of him, he rages through Paris and finally falls into the harbor basin, petrified by Josh's sword Clarent.

Phobos Volume 2 In Greek mythology, Phobos is a son of the god of war Ares and the goddess of love Aphrodite . He and his brother Deimos are a companion of Ares.

In the German translation he is sometimes incorrectly referred to as Phöbos . He is a satyr and, together with Deimos, guards the prison of Mars Ultor in the catacombs of Paris . He triggers intense fear that he feeds on and ends up trapped in bone mass by John Dee.

Tulpa Volume 2 In Tibetan mythology , the term tulpa refers to a manifestation of thoughts that arise through sheer willpower .

A tulpa is similar to a golem, but is created purely by the imagination of a magician. It can be made of any material. Niccolò Machiavelli creates a tulpa from the wax of the candles in Sacré-Cœur in order to hold Nicholas Flamel, Scathach and the twins there, but does not succeed.

Cucubuth Volume 3

A cucubuth is a wolf-like beast with a human face that usually appears as a shaven young man. Cucubuths are crosses between vampires and Torc Madra (werehounds). They are bitter enemies of the Dearg Due.

They are hired by John Dee to hunt Flamel and the twins. But after the doctor is searched for themselves, they chase him through London to collect the reward. Dee manages to get away from them with the help of Virginia Dare.

Cucubuths are also part of the monsters of Alcatraz.

Dearg Due Volume 3 In Irish mythology , Dearg Due are a type of vampire .

The vampire clan settled in the Celtic areas after the fall of Danu Talis . Fierce enemies of the Cucubuths, they hunt Nicholas Flamel and the twins in London .

Gabriel dogs Volume 3 They are were dogs (Torc Madra), so they transform from humans into dogs. The dogs defend the metal fortress of Palamedes.
Genii cucullati and Goddess, relief, Corinium Museum.jpg Genii Cucullati Volume 3 The Genii Cucullati are dwarfish Gallic hooded demons and guardian spirits.

They are carnivores. In their true form they look like wolverines , otherwise they appear in human form. At Dee's orders, three of them attempt to kill Nicholas Flamel and capture the twins. You sink into a 366-day sleep through a spell cast by Flamel of the Elder Iris. Other Genii Cucullati are part of the wild hunt.

Nereids Nereids Volume 3 In Greek mythology, Nereids are the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris . They are nymphs of the sea who protect castaways and entertain sailors with games.

They are women with fish tails who enchant people with their songs. Her father is Elder Nereus; with him they live in a shadowy realm near the Bermuda Triangle . They are carnivores and guard Alcatraz . There are 50 of them. After Nereus is killed by Black Hawk, they disappear from near the island.

Wodan's wild hunt Wild Hunt Volume 3 The wild hunt describes a folk myth about apparitions in the night sky, which were interpreted as a hunting party of supernatural beings, and which were mainly observed during the Christmas Twelve Days or the Rough Nights . The associated ideas and customs go back to Germanic paganism .

It mainly consists of huge gray wolves , but there are also other monsters and humans. They fight in complete silence and turn to dust when killed. Their leader is the Archon Cernunnos.

The Wild Hunt is supposed to defeat Flamel, the twins, Palamedes and William Shakespeare in London , but fails.

Balanos Volume 4 Balanos was a hamadryad in Greek mythology .

She is a hamadryad of the oak . She lives in the realm of Tammuz and is the sister of Ptelea.

dryad Dryads and hamadryads Volume 4 The dryads are tree spirits from Greek mythology . They are presented as beautiful females. Dryads, like all nymphs, were supernaturally long-lived and tied to their homes, but some of them went a little further than that. These were the hamadryads that were part of their trees, so that when the tree died, so did its hamadryad.

They are the subordinates of Tammuz and guard his realm in the Sherwood Forest .

Odin with Geri and Freki Geri and Freki Volume 4 Geri and Freki (north: "the greedy" and "the voracious") are two wolves in Norse mythology who, like the ravens Hugin and Munin , accompany the god Odin .

They are the wolves of Odin.

Odin with Hugin and Munin Huginn and Muninn Volume 4 Hugin and Munin are the two ravens of Odin in Norse mythology , who is also called the " raven god".

They are the ravens of Odin, who can see through their eyes and speak through their beaks. They fail to grab Dee, whom they are assigned to.

Nymphs and satyrs Nymphs Volume 4 A nymph is a nature spirit in Greek and Roman mythology . She is a female deity of lower rank, which appears everywhere as a personification of a natural force and was partly thought of as a companion of higher deities such as Dionysus , Artemis or Aphrodite , partly as acting independently.

They are the subordinates of Tammuz and guard his realm in the Sherwood Forest .

Ptelea Volume 4 She is a hamadryad of the elm . She lives in the realm of Tammuz and is the sister of Balanos.
Tutankhamun jackal.jpg Anpu Volume 5 The warriors with jackal heads , red eyes and saber teeth were created by Anubis and are under his command. You are responsible for the defense of Danu Talis; in the final battle they fight on the side of the Dark Elders against the Humani. With change, Anubis becomes like them.

Anpu also play a role in the fight on Alcatraz: There they are supposed to remove the big monsters from the island for Xolotl. But they are completely destroyed by Odin and Hel.

Lotan Volume 5 The Lotan is a seven-headed sea ​​serpent or dragon from the Ugaritic myths.

It is a seven-headed water dragon that Nereus Niccolò Machiavelli gave to unleash on San Francisco . When the newly hatched Lotan comes into contact with water, it immediately grows to its huge size. He withdraws the aura from beings in his environment and eats them on it. In the end he is turned back into an egg by Nicholas Flamel and fed to a seagull .

VMNH megalodon.jpg Megalodons Volume 5 The megalodon is an extinct species of shark from the mackerel shark family (Lamnidae). The fossil record of this largest known shark in geological history ranges from the Miocene to the Old Pleistocene (5 to 1.6 million years ago).

They are giant sharks that lived in the waters of Danu Talis.

Sack men Volume 5 see Torbalan
Brooklyn Museum - Here Comes the Bogey-Man (Que viene el Coco) - Francisco de Goya y Lucientes crop.jpg Torbalan Volume 5 They are known as the sack men and are a type of Boggart . They are sent on the hunt for Dee by Hel. In doing so, they appear as cyclists who carry a backpack whose dangerous contents are known only to few.
Minotaur Asterion Volume 6 Along with the Anpu, they belong to the guards of the elders on Danu Talis and have bull heads .
Statue of a berserker Berserk Volume 6 Medieval Scandinavian sources describe a berserk as a person fighting in a frenzy who no longer perceives pain or wounds.

They were created by Anubis. They have human bodies, but the heads, claws, and feet of black bears . Anubis hires three of them to kill the twins. But Tsagaglalal stands in their way and kills them.

cancer Karkinos Volume 6 The Karkinos was a giant crab that Hera sent the Hydra to support in the fight against Heracles . But Heracles crushed him with one foot. Hera then placed the Karkinos in the sky as the constellation Cancer .

The Karkinos is a giant crab. He is part of the monsters of Alcatraz and is chosen by Xolotl to destroy the Flamels and their allies. Billy the Kid succeeds in feeding Xolotl to the karkinos himself; however, the cancer seriously injures Billy and grows as he eats the older man. Then he wants to eat the sleeping Areop-Enap; Mars Ultor manages to distract him and at the last moment the original spider wakes up and eats the Karkinos.

Illustration of a unicorn Monokerata Volume 6 They are unicorns whose horn has a poisonous tip. You are part of the monsters of Alcatraz and are completely destroyed by Odin and Hel.
Sowing the dragon's teeth Spartoi Volume 6 Spartoi ( Gr. Σπαρτοί , "sown") are the ancestors of the Thebans that were sown in furrows by Kadmos .

The Spartoi warriors are created by planting crocodile teeth in the earth and feeding them with blood. Bastet has received some from Quetzalcoatl, which she brings back to San Francisco on his behalf. There the reptile-like warriors are supposed to devastate the city.

On the Golden Gate Bridge they are stopped by Niten and Prometheus, who can kill the Spartoi after a long fight. But then Tsagaglalal appears, who kills all remaining creatures and revives Niten.

Burne-Jones-le-Vampire.jpg Vampyre LS 2 They are blood-drinking vampires that Cuchulain rallies in Las Vegas . You're fighting Billy the Kid.

Unknown species

The following figures are mentioned without specifying their nature.

image Surname book description
To Chaor-Thanach part 1 An Chaor Thach is a being from Celtic mythology who is particularly associated with Saint Patrick.

An Chaor-Thanach had once locked Scathach in his dungeon, whereupon Nicholas Flamel freed her.

Medusa Medusa part 1 In Greek mythology, Medusa is a Gorgon , the daughter of the sea deities Phorkys and Keto and the sister of Stheno and Euryale . She was the only mortal of the three Gorgons.

She is a Gorgon and once fought Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. A whip is woven from the snakes that Medusa has in place of her hair , which Sophie uses in the fight against Coatlicue.

Night witch part 1 The night witch (in the original: Night Hag ) and her army of the undead were defeated by Nicholas Flamel.
Mask of Tutankhamun Tutankhamun part 1 He had a golden aura. He was trained by Scathach. His father was Aten, his wife Ankhesenamen.
Askia Volume 4 Askia was a ruler over the Songha Empire .

He had a golden aura.

After Salvator Rosa - Jason Poisoning the Dragon.jpg Jason Volume 4 Jason is a hero from the Greek legend . He was the son of Aison , a king of Iolkos , and the Polymede or Alkimede . He is best known as the leader of the Argonauts .

He had a golden aura.

King Midas Midas Volume 4 Midas is the name of several kings of Phrygia . Some of them have a mythical character; but at least one Midas is a historical figure.

He had a golden aura.


Moctezuma Volume 4 Moctezuma (* around 1465 ; † June 30, 1520 in Tenochtitlán , Mexico ) was ruler of the Aztec empire from 1502 until his death in 1520 .

He had a golden aura.

Osei tutu Volume 4 Osei Tutu (* 16 ??; † 1717 ) was the founder of the Ashanti Kingdom in what is now Ghana .

He had a golden aura.

Tutankhamun and Ankhese names Ankhese names Volume 5 Ankhesenamen was the wife and sister or half-sister of the ancient Egyptian king ( pharaoh ) Tutankhamun . She was born as the third daughter of King Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and his great royal wife Nefertiti in his 5th or 6th year of reign.

She was the wife of Tutankhamun.


  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Immortal Alchemyst . cbj, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-570-13377-4 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Alchemyst . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Dark Magician . cbj, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-570-13378-1 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Magician . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Mighty Sorceress . cbj, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-570-13784-0 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Sorceress . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Creepy Ghost Caller . cbj, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-570-13785-7 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Necromancer . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Black Warlock . cbj, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-570-15433-5 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Warlock . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel - The Silver Magician . cbj, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-570-15434-2 (American English: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Silver Magician . Translated by Ursula Höfker).
  • Michael Scott: Lost Stories . cbj , Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-570-40299-3 (American English: Joan Arc / Billy the Kid . Translated by Ursula Höfker).

Web links

  • The Online Codex Lexicon for the book series on the official fansite; Status: Volume four (English)
  • Flamel-Lexikon Lexicon for the book series on the official German website; Stand: Volume five

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Scott: About the Names. In: Flamel's Secret Forum. January 16, 2009, accessed February 5, 2016 .
  2. Michael Scott: New Years Greetings 2011. In: Flamel's Secret Forum. January 1, 2011, accessed May 16, 2015 .
  3. Michael Scott: Confirmation from Tezcatlipoca. In: Flamel's Secret Forum. September 24, 2012, accessed September 27, 2012 .
  4. RoseMary Honnold: Wouldn't You Like to Know ... Michael Scott. In: VOYA Magzine. July 29, 2014, accessed on April 1, 2015 (English, interview with Michael Scott by Stacey Hayman): “I really wanted to include Temujin, whom we know as Genghis Khan, into the series. He was going to be a friend of Niten. "
  5. Michael Scott: About An Chaor-Thanach. In: Flamel's Secret Forum. June 21, 2009, accessed February 5, 2016 .