Necrology 1850

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1850 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Raphael Georg Kiesewetter Austrian musician, musicologist, Vice-President of the Vienna Society of Music Friends 76
January 1st Friederike of Prussia Duchess of Anhalt-Dessau 53
January 1st Eduard von Woyna Austrian diplomat and Feldzeugmeister 54
January 2nd Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich German botanist and garden architect
January 2nd Manuel de la Peña y Peña Mexican lawyer and two-time President of Mexico 60
January 4th Georg Carl Berendt German doctor and naturalist 59
January 4th Karl von Scheurlen Legal scholar, university professor and politician
January 5th John Howard Kyan Irish inventor 75
January 7th Thomas Fletcher Waghorn English postal operator
January 8th Charles Augustus Barnitz American politician 69
10. January Gottlob Friedrich Haug German university lecturer, professor of mathematics and mechanics at the Stuttgart Polytechnic 80
10. January Ernst Gustav von Rümelin German politician and senior bailiff 64
11th January Josef Klieber Austrian sculptor 76
January 12th Friedrich Gottlieb Crome German Lutheran theologian and author 74
January 12th Vincent Joseph Deycks German judicial councilor and notary 81
13th January John White Bower American lawyer and politician 41
January 14th Jean-Frédéric d'Ostervald Swiss cartographer and general commissioner 77
15. January James M. Broom American politician
January 17th Samuel Anderson American politician
January 17th Elizabeth Simcoe Wife of John Graves Simcoe
January 20th Lorenzo Bartolini Italian sculptor 73
January 20th Makarius Felleisen German administrative officer 47
January 20th Johann Heinrich David von Hennenhofer German diplomat and alleged murderer of Kaspar Hauser 56
January 20th Adam Oehlenschläger Danish national romantic poet 70
21th January Florian Mördes Lawyer, Minister of the Interior of the Baden Revolutionary Government 26th
22nd of January Guillaume-Joseph Chaminade Founder of the Society of Mary (Marianists) 88
22nd of January Vincenzo Pallotti Catholic priest and founder of the order 54
22nd of January Nathaniel Pope American lawyer and politician 66
January 23 Adolphe-Joseph-Louis Alizard French opera singer (bass) 35
January 27th Otto Wilhelm Klinckowström Russian-Finnish politician and court official 71
January 27th Philipp Jakob Röth German violoncello player, composer and conductor 70
January 27th Johann Gottfried Schadow Prussian sculptor and graphic artist 85
January 28th William Henry Brockenbrough American politician 37


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 1st Johann Heinrich Bartels German scholar and mayor of Hamburg 88
3 February Ludwig Elsholtz German painter 44
February 5th William H. Noble American politician 61
February 7th Charlotte von Kathen Landlady on Rügen, Salonnière 72
February 8 Ludwig von Pergen kk Major General and Theresa Knight 44
February 9 Johann Gottfried Rademacher German doctor, medical author 77
February 10th Theodor Schwarz German theologian, writer and painter 72
13th February Eduard Heinrich Go German writer 57
13th February Léon de Saint-Lubin Italian violinist and composer 44
14th of February James Bremer British rear admiral 63
February 15th Friedrich Gruber German cloth merchant and banker
19th of February Christoph Drechsler German Lutheran theologian and university professor 45
19th of February Friedrich Pohl German agricultural scientist 81
20. February Hermann Biow German photographer
20. February Charles Knowlton American doctor 49
21st of February Claudio Gabriele de Launay General and Prime Minister in the Kingdom of Sardinia
February 23 William Allan Scottish draftsman and painter
February 25 Daoguang Emperor of China 67
February 26th Carl Listen Austrian architect
27th of February Samuel Adams American politician 44


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Georg Nikolaus Bärmann German writer 64
1st March Peter Friderich Quaade Danish major general 71
2nd March Carl to Castell-Castell Ducal Colonel of Nassau, managing director of the Mainz Aristocracy Association 48
2nd March Auguste Henri Victor Grandjean de Montigny French architect and urban planner 73
3 March Oliver Cowdery Co-founder of the Mormon movement 43
4th of March Jean-Nicolas Marjolin French surgeon and pathologist 69
4th of March Francesco Nenci Italian painter 68
5. March George B. Cary American politician
6th March Jean Baptiste Girard Swiss Franciscan and educator 84
March 16 Abraham Rösselet Swiss military person 80
8th of March Ludwig Heinrich Wiederhold German lawyer, politician and judge 48
9th March Francesco Maria Avellino Italian lawyer, economist, poet, archaeologist, numismatist, epigraphist, philologist and Graecist 71
March 10th Carl Friedrich Canstatt German medic 42
March 10th Friedrich Simon Leopold Petri German civil servant and judge in the Principality of Lippe 74
March 10th Ludwig Eduard Lütke German painter and lithographer 49
March 12th Edouard Biot French engineer and sinologist 46
March 12th Henriette Jügel German painter 72
March 12th Franz Xaver Pettenkofer German pharmacist 66
March 13th Juan Martín de Pueyrredón Argentine politician and general 73
the 14th of March Franz Hegi Swiss painter and engraver 75
the 14th of March Daniel Schütte German lawyer and theater director in Bremen 86
17. March Johann Heinrich Heinrichs German Evangelical Lutheran theologian, Hanover church councilor and superintendent
March 18th Johann Hürlimann Swiss visual artist and engraver 56
19th March Wilhelm von Dörnberg German general and freedom fighter 81
19th March Adalbert Gyrowetz Austrian composer 87
March, 20th Vincent Adelmann German medic 70
March 22 Karl Sigismund Kunth German botanist 61
March 23 Ernst August von Döring German-Danish privy councilor, knight of the Order of St. John and Landdrost of the Pinneberg rule 82
March 23 Mathias Drexler German-Austrian stonemason of historicism, teacher of the Viennese main hut
March 24th John Maynard American lawyer and politician 64
26th of March Samuel Armstrong American politician 65
26th of March Wilhelm Ernst Weber German educator and philologist 59
27th of March John Baldwin American politician 77
27th of March Wilhelm Beer German banker and amateur astronomer 53
28th March Johann-Conrad Appenzeller Reformed pastor and popular writer 74
28th March Johann Ludwig Bleuler Swiss publisher, landscape draftsman and painter 58
28th March Gerard Brandon American politician 61
28th March Christian Friedrich zu Castell-Rüdenhausen German sovereign, later class lord 77
28th March Bernt Michael Holmboe Norwegian mathematician 55
March 30 Philipp Lichtenauer German administrative lawyer 50
March 31 Joseph Carl Bernard Austrian journalist and playwright
March 31 Heinrich Franz von Bombelles Austrian diplomat 60
March 31 John C. Calhoun United States Secretary of State, US Vice President 68
March 31 Giuseppe Giusti Italian comedy poet 40


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of April Petro Prokopovych Ukrainian beekeeper 74
3rd of April Wenzel Johann Tomaschek Czech music teacher and composer 75
4. April Paul Joseph Kiederich German history and portrait painter from the Düsseldorf School 40
April 6th Wilhelm Boetticher German educator and historian 51
April 6th Gustav Ernst von Stackelberg German-Baltic nobleman and imperial-Russian diplomat 83
7th of April James Emott American politician 79
9th April James Kilbourne American politician 79
9th April William Prout English chemist and doctor 65
11 April Ignazio Giovanni Cadolini Italian Catholic clergyman, bishop and cardinal 55
11 April Alois Dessauer Electoral Mainz court banker and military admodiator (army supplier) 87
11 April Friedrich August Nösselt German writer and educator 68
12. April Louise Dulcken German-born pianist and composer 39
12. April Adoniram Judson American missionary 61
April 13th Thomas Jefferson Campbell American politician
April 15th Jules Robert Auguste French painter of romantic classicism, representative of artistic orientalism 61
April 15th Georg Gottlob Kramsta German linen manufacturer 67
April 16 Johann David Heegewaldt Privy Councilor 76
April 16 Marie Tussaud Founder of the wax museum "Madame Tussaud" 88
17th April Pierre Giraud French cardinal 58
17th April Charles Humphrey American lawyer and politician 58
17th April Jan Krukowiecki Polish general, head of government during the November uprising 77
April 18 Karl August von Faber German theologian 67
April 18 Frédéric de Reiffenberg Belgian polygraph, historian, librarian, Romanist and Medievalist 54
April 18 Johann Evangelist von Reindel Bavarian lawyer and politician 77
April 18 John Richards American politician 85
April 19th Ernst von Hessen-Philippsthal-Barchfeld Russian general of the cavalry 61
April 21 Johann Heinrich Cassebeer Botanist and geologist as well as agricultural and viticulture specialist, politician and natural scientist
April 21 Nikolaus Wesselényi Hungarian politician, landowner, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 53
April 22 Friedrich Robert Faehlmann Estonian philologist 51
April 22 Heinrich Kunth German administrative lawyer and parliamentarian 38
April 23 Daniel Chipman American politician 84
April 23 William Wordsworth British poet 80
April 24th John Norvell American Democratic Senator, Attorney, and District Attorney 60
April 24th Louis Alexandre Piccinni French composer 70
April 25 Karl von Canitz and Dallwitz Prussian lieutenant general and statesman 62
April 29 Josef Zaengl German theater actor
April Yuranigh Aboriginal and explorer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville French zoologist and anatomist 72
May 3rd Johann Christian Gerber German theater actor, director and opera singer (baritone) 64
May 3rd John Thomson Mason American politician 63
May 4th Vincent Perdonnet Swiss politician 81
5th of May Johann Siegmund Alioth Swiss industrialist 61
5th of May David von Eichthal Industrialist 75
5th of May Maximilian of Loë District Administrator of the Siegkreis 49
May 7th Carl Heinrich Ebmeier German politician and lawyer 56
May 7th Hans Nicolai Andreas Jensen Schleswig-Holstein pastor and local researcher 48
May 7th Frédéric Dubois de Montpéreux Swiss geographer, historian, travel writer and archaeologist 51
May 9 Joseph von Blumenthal Austrian violinist, violist and composer 67
May 9 Theodor Wilhelm Danzel German aesthetician and literary historian 32
May 9 Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac French chemist and physicist 71
May 9 Garlieb Helwig Merkel German-Baltic publicist and writer 80
May 11th Niels Nikolaus Falck Lawyer, historian and statesman 65
May 11th Justus Hecker German medical historian 55
12th of May Heinrich August Pierer German officer, publisher and lexicographer 56
May 13th Johann Jakob Bernhardi German botanist 75
May 13th Raimund von Pape German administrative officer 51
May 15 Johann Jakob Wolfensberger Swiss painter 53
May 16 William Hendricks American politician 67
17th of May David Ellicott Evans American politician 62
17th of May Michael Carl Gregorovius German painter 63
May 18 Johann Joseph Müller Canon in Cologne 81
May 19th August Josef Ludwig von Wackerbarth Saxon historian, art historian and art collector 80
May 21 Christoph Ammon German Protestant theologian 84
May 21 Friedrich Adolph Dreyer German painter and lithographer 69
May 21 Joseph van Gülpen German cloth manufacturer and President of the Aachen Chamber of Commerce 56
May 24th Constantine d'Aspre Austrian general 60
May 24th Philipp Herrlein German stone draftsman and lithographer 55
May 24th Michał Gedeon Radziwiłł Polish general 71
May 27th Micah Taul American politician 65
May 29th Franklin H. Elmore American politician (Democratic Party) 50
May 29th Gustav Hohbach German poet and lawyer 46
31. May Karl von Pflumper Bavarian Major General, Knight of the Max Joseph Order 63


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2th of June Ferdinand von dem Bongart Treasurer of the Duchy of Jülich and member of the Rhineland provincial parliament 77
June 4th Karl Otto of Madai German legal scholar 41
June 5th Cyrus Beers American politician 63
June 5th Joseph Andreas Lindauer Bishop of Budweis 65
June 7th Eliphalet Wickes American lawyer and politician 81
8th June Hieronymus Hess Swiss painter, draftsman and caricaturist 51
June 9th Hans Carl von Zwierlein Nassau politician 82
June 10th Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Wundt German officer, most recently Major General of Württemberg 72
June 11th Friedrich Erdmann Petri German theologian, teacher and author 73
June 12 Jean Victor de Constant Rebecque Swiss officer in French, Dutch, Prussian and British services 76
June 13th José Dionisio de la Trinidad de Herrera y Díaz del Valle Head of State of Honduras and Nicaragua 68
June 16 William Lawson Land owner, pioneer of Australia 76
17th of June Joseph of Reventlow-Criminil Schleswig-Holstein landowner, administrative officer and politician 53
17th of June Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Seippel German Reformed pastor and educator of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen 62
18th of June Leonard Wilcox American politician 51
June 19th Honorius Kraus Austrian Benedictine and pastor 76
June 19th Friedrich Jakob Schmitthenner German specialist in German and university lecturer for political science 54
20th June John Carter American politician 57
June 21st Matthew L. Davis American journalist and politician
June 21st Daniel Hugunin junior American politician 60
23rd June Albert Reinhold German poet 45
23rd June Hans Carl von Thüngen royal Bavarian government official 46
June 24th Johann Solbrig Landlord at Gut Zichtau 71
June 26th Carl Wilhelm August Fritze German businessman and Senator from Bremen 68
June 28th Petrus Klausener German Trappist monk and abbot of Oelenberg Abbey 67
June 28th Karl Friedrich Schulz Protestant hymn composer and music teacher 65
June 29th Ludwig von Kielmansegg German liberation fighter and court official of the Kingdom of Hanover 84


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Seargent Smith Prentiss American politician 41
2nd July Robert Peel British statesman and politician 62
3rd of July Etienne Provost Franco-Canadian mountain man, trapper and explorer
July 4th William Kirby English pastor and entomologist 90
July 4th Auguste Pattberg German collector of songs and sagas and poet
July 4th Samuel Abraham von Renner Swiss-Württemberg agricultural reformer in Bavaria 73
5th July Johann Georg Fischer German-Austrian organ builder
5th July Alire Raffeneau-Delile French botanist 72
7th of July Timothy Hackworth Trained blacksmith and later mechanical engineer who mainly built steam locomotives 63
7th of July Wilhelm stool German writer and wine broker 37
7th of July Carl Rottmann German landscape painter 53
8th of July Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge British Field Marshal 76
July 9 Bab Persian religious founder of Babism 30th
July 9 Jean-Pierre Boyer President of the Republic of Haiti 74
July 9 Zachary Taylor American politician, 12th President of the United States (1849-1850) 65
July 12 Robert Stevenson Scottish lighthouse builder 78
July 12 Johann Daniel Thulesius German lawyer, Bremerhaven bailiff, Bremen higher court attorney 49
July 14th Giuseppe Maria Mazzetti Italian Roman Catholic clergyman, Bishop of Aquino, Sora and Pontecorvo 71
July 14th August Neander German Protestant theologian 61
July 14th Nathaniel Silsbee American politician 77
15th of July Ignaz Rudolf Bischoff Austrian doctor 65
16th of July Enne Heeren Dirksen German mathematician, university professor of mathematics 62
July 19 Margaret Fuller American journalist, critic and activist for women's rights 40
July 19 Ernst Carl Helle German entrepreneur 55
July 19 Karl August von Wangenheim German lawyer 72
July 19 August Anton Wöhler German veterinarian, agricultural scientist and educator, father of the chemist Friedrich Wöhler 79
20th of July Hippolyte-Marie de Rosnyvinen French general of the cavalry 72
20th of July August Rühl Elector of Hesse politician 35
22nd of July Manlius Valerius Thomson American politician 47
July 23 George Christophe Morell German politician and tobacco manufacturer 84
July 25th Daniel P. King American politician 49
July 25th Richard Barnes Mason Military Governor of California 53
July 25th David Christopher Mettlerkamp Hamburg officer and politician 76
July 28th James Clarke American politician 38
July 28th Stefano Pavesi Italian composer 71
29th of July Johann Jacob Martin Philippi German scholar, journalist and royal Prussian councilor 88
29th of July Wilhelm Saxesen German painter, engraver and lithographer 58


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 2nd Richard Felix Marchand German chemist 36
3rd August Joseph van der Giese German dialect poet 47
3rd August Therese Krupp German entrepreneur 59
4th of August Johann Carl Cramer Baptist pioneer in East Frisia 25th
4th of August Ignacy Prądzyński Polish engineer, military theorist and officer 58
6th of August Hone Heke Māori tribal chief and war leader in New Zealand
6th of August Leopold von Rohr German lyric poet and Prussian administrative officer
8th August Charlotte Sophie Höffert ducal Brunswick court actress 41
August 9 Johann Christoph Bauriegel German educator 76
12. August Franz Xaver Bronner Swiss publicist and archivist 91
12. August Adolf Gottlieb Fiedler German entrepreneur
August 14th José Rafael de Gallegos y Alvarado President of Costa Rica 65
August 14th Johann Gottlob Mende German organ builder 63
August 22nd Joseph Heinrich Groß von Trockau Baron, Commander of the Teutonic Order, Oberamtmann in the Bamberg Monastery 84
15th of August Johann Werner Henschel German sculptor 68
15th of August John Snyder American politician 57
August 16 Isaac B. Van Houten American politician 74
17th August José de San Martín South American revolutionary 72
17th August Francesco Serra Italian cardinal, Archbishop of Capua 67
18th of August Honoré de Balzac French author 51
August 19th Nikolaus Wolfgang Fischer German chemist 68
20th of August Jesse Miller American politician
August 21 Carl Theodor Gevekoht German businessman, senator in Bremen and member of the Frankfurt National Assembly 52
August 21 Heinrich August Mau German Protestant theologian 43
August 22nd Gottfried Fleischmann German physician and university professor 73
August 22nd Nikolaus Lenau Austrian writer 48
August 23 Johann Peter Apollonius Weltrich German historical and natural history researcher 69
26th of August Louis-Philippe I. King of the French 76
26th of August Samuel David Roller German Lutheran pastor 70
August 30th Rebecca Friedländer Writer 66
August 30th Ernst Friedrich Günther German lawyer and translator 60
August 31 Charles Rivière-Hérard President of Haiti 61


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 Karl Friedrich von Gärtner German botanist and doctor 78
September 4th Ivan von Gloeden German legal scholar and conservative publicist 34
5th September Jean-Lucq d'Arriule French Lieutenant General of the Infantry 75
5th September Friederike von Bodelschwingh Landowner in the Unna-Hamm area 82
7th of September François Gédéon Bailly de Monthion French general 74
7th of September Carl Hermann Gütschow German lawyer and Council Secretary of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck 53
7th of September Julius Minding German doctor and writer 41
7th of September Wilhelm Kruger German history painter
September 10 Heinrich Dähling German painter 77
September 10 Richard Mühlmann German publisher 34
September 10 Henry Nes American politician 51
September 10 Carl Wilhelm Sellin German educator and Evangelical Lutheran clergyman 57
September 11 Robert Creswell American politician
12th September Presley O'Bannon US Marine Corps officer
13.september Etienne Hulot French general of the infantry 76
September 14th Johann Friedrich Dammas German cantor, music and singing teacher 78
September 14th Charlotte Pistorius German poet 72
16th September Charles van Beveren Flemish painter 41
16th September Solomon Strong American politician 70
17th of September Justin Dwinell American lawyer and politician 64
September 18 Johann Gottlob Henschke German landscape draftsman and engraver 79
September 18 Isaac Southard American politician 67
September 20th Georg Friedrich Falcke German lawyer 67
September 20th Valerius Wilhelm Neubeck German doctor and author 85
September 20th Philipp Zimmermann German librarian and patron
21st September Johann Aloys Becker German Jacobin, member of the Mainz Jacobin Club, official of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 81
September 22 John Scott American politician 65
September 22 Johann Heinrich von Thünen German agronomist and economist, social reformer 67
September 23rd José Gervasio Artigas Uruguayan officer and freedom fighter 86
September 23rd Sukaseum King of Luang Phrabang
September 23rd Newel K. Whitney Businessman and Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 55
25th of September William Butler American politician 60
September 28th Johann Philipp Krebs German classical philologist and pedagogue 79
September 29th Willibald Feuerlein Lawyer and first city school in Stuttgart 69


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 1 Ferdinand Picht German doctor 42
October 2nd Luigia Boccabadati Italian soprano
October 2nd Josef Madersperger Austrian master tailor and one of the inventors of the sewing machine 81
4th of October Christian Gotthard chain ax German businessman and theater manager
4th of October Heinrich Johann Freyse German architect and construction officer 41
5th October Chester Pierce Butler American politician 52
October 7th Karl Schorn German painter and chess player 49
9th October Israel Friedmann Hasidic rabbi
October 11th Louise d'Orléans Queen of the Belgians by marriage 38
October 11th Ludwig Starklof German lawyer, journalist, dramaturge and theater director 61
October 12th Pedro de Sousa Holstein Portuguese politician and military from the time of the monarchy 69
October 14th Caroline Branchu French opera singer (soprano) 69
October 14th Wilhelm Hanstein German chess master 39
October, 16th Karl Wilhelm von Fritsch Councilor and Minister of State of the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach 81
October, 16th Friedrich Nork German writer 47
October 17th Login Petrovich Heiden Russian admiral and military governor of Reval 77
the 20th of October Theodor Ernst von Eicke Prussian lieutenant general 86
23rd October Karl Christoph Schmieder German science historian, high school professor and author 71
October 24th John H. Harmanson American politician 47
October 25 Fritz Wolff German lithographer 42
October 26th Franz Heisterbergk German lawyer and politician, member of the Frankfurt National Assembly, MdL (Kingdom of Saxony) 50
October 29th Christian Friedrich Fritzsche German theologian 74
October 29th Marmaduke Williams American politician 76
30th of October Giacomo Angelo Lotti Swiss lawyer and politician 66


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 2 Wilhelm von Krauseneck Prussian field marshal and geodesist 76
November 2 Richard Spaight junior American politician
November 3rd Thomas Ford American lawyer and politician 49
November 3rd Samuel Young American lawyer and politician
November 4th Gustav Schwab German pastor, writer and editor 58
November 5th Bernhard Endres Bavarian lawyer and local politician 61
November 5th David Ferdinand Howaldt German goldsmith 77
November 5th Ferdinand Karl of Austria-Este Austrian Field Marshal and Governor General 69
November 6th Friedrich Wilhelm Count of Brandenburg Prussian general of the cavalry and statesman 58
November 10th Karl Moritz Kersten German chemist and university professor 47
November 10th Phineas Riall British general 74
November 11th Hermann Karl Kersting German Biedermeier painter 25th
November 11th Marie Victor Nicolas de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg French general 82
November 12th Jacques Louis Marin Defrance French businessman, zoologist, botanist and paleontologist 92
15th of November Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard French painter and sculptor 70
15th of November Charles Joseph Hullmandel English lithographer 61
November 16 François Pierre Amey French general of the infantry 82
November 16 Théodore Mozin French composer and music teacher 32
November 16 George Wombwell British animal showman 72
November 16 Carl Zeisberg German librarian and collector of books 46
November 17th Karl Georg Neumann German psychiatrist 76
November 18 Hugues-Fleury Donzel French entomologist 59
November 18 Stephan Metz Mayor of Mainz 61
November 18 George Middlemore Governor of St. Helena and the Leeward and Windward Islands
November 19th Richard mentor Johnson American politician 70
November 19th Amos E. Wood American politician 40
20th November Sebastian Frank from Seewies Austrian officer and teacher 54
21st November Samuel Edwards American politician 65
22nd of November Lin Zexu Chinese official 65
22nd of November Garret D. Wall American politician 67
November 24th Franz Philipp Aull Member of Parliament for the Grand Duchy of Hesse 71
November 24th Franz Leopold Koch German pharmacist, benefactor, founder and operator of the first bathing establishment in Orb 68
November 23 August dear German painter 21st
November 26th Georg Christian Gropius German entrepreneur, archaeologist and diplomat 74
November 27th Emilia Giuliani-Guglielmi Italian guitarist and composer, daughter of Mauro Giuliani 37
November 28th Adolf Schaubach German writer, geographer and alpine researcher 50
November 28th Katharina Waldmüller Austrian opera singer 58


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Aaron Manby English engineer 74
December 4th Georg Peter Bruckmann Silver goods manufacturer and founder of the silver goods factory Peter Bruckmann & Sons in Heilbronn 72
December 4th William Sturgeon English physicist and inventor who made the first electromagnets 67
December 5th Friedrich Anton Richter German administrative lawyer
9th of December Antoine Germain Labarraque French chemist and pharmacist 73
10th of December Józef Bem Polish general 56
10th of December François Sulpice Beudant French geologist and mineralogist 63
10th of December Johann Friedrich von Türckheim Alsatian-French politician 70
10th of December Friedrich Siegmund Voigt German botanist 69
12th of December Germain Henri Hess Swiss-Russian chemist 48
13th December Franz Sznayde Polish officer 60
December 17th Friedrich Ammensdörfer Franconian beer brewer and innkeeper 65
December 17th Carl Bertelsmann German printer and publisher 59
20th of December John G. Stower American lawyer and politician
December 22 William Plumer American politician, governor of New Hampshire 91
23rd of December Samuel Bell American politician 80
24th of December Frédéric Bastiat French economist and politician 49
24th of December Christian Friedrich Hornschuch German botanist, bryologist and natural philosopher 57
25 December Franz August O'Etzel Prussian major general, geodesist, first "Royal Prussian Telegraph Director", pioneer of telegraphy in Germany 66
25 December Heinrich Stephani Pedagogue and school reformer 89
December 27th Giacinto Amati Italian Catholic theologian
December 27th Karl of Conta President of the Weimar Regional Office 72
December 28th John Edwards American politician 69
December 28th Eduard Lange German high school teacher and publicist in the field of ancient Greek mythology 51
December 28th Heinrich Christian Schumacher German astronomer and geodesist 70
December 29th Johann Nepomuk von Schmiel Swiss politician and officer 76
30th of December Christian Ludwig Friedrich von Gottberg District Administrator in the Stolp district. 61
30th of December Friedrich Heim Protestant pastor 61
December 31 Hermann Kriege German journalist, member of the Association of Communists 30th
December 31 Wilhelm Hermann Georg Remer German medic 75

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Benet Brell i Clos Catalan conductor, composer, organist and Benedictine monk
William Darby Brind British whaling captain
Alexander Fabian zu Dohna-Schlobitten Prussian officer, knight of the order Pour le Mérite
Vicente Filisola Mexican general
Wolf Hamburg German rabbi and Talmudist
Joseph Hülser German landscape painter
Christian Gottfried Herbrig German organ builder
Henryk Ittar Polish architect of Maltese origin
August Philipp Klara Estonian painter, engraver and engraver
Friedrich Knie Founder of the Austrian circus dynasty Knie
Georg Kopprasch German horn player and composer
Carl Lutherer German draftsman and lithographer
Nicolas-Eustache Maurin French lithographer and engraver
Narc Ruler of the Champasak Empire
Iakovos Rhizos Nerulos Phanariotic scholar, neo-Greekist, writer and politician
Julius Nisle German illustrator
Friedrich Wilhelm Otte the Younger German-Danish civil servant and writer
Gabrio Piola Italian mathematician
Calvin Pollard American architect
José Benito Rosales Nicaraguan politician and Director Supremo of Nicaragua
Louis Schuberth German conductor and composer
Benjamin Glover Shields American politician
Anton Sprengel German botanist and paleontologist
Georg Sverdrup Norwegian philologist, philosopher and politician
John Thurston English author, pool table manufacturer and developer
Carl Heinrich Wenng German painter