List of Alert-for-Cobra-11 figures

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In the list of characters from Alarm für Cobra 11 all characters from Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei are listed.

main characters

Current main characters

Semir Gerkhan

Daniel Roesner (left) and Erdoğan Atalay play Paul Renner and Semir Gerkhan

Chief Detective Semir Gerkhan (born February 2, 1969 in Istanbul ) has been there since episode 3. Three of his partners have now died, with the others, in some cases, nothing is known about their reasons for leaving. Semir grew up in Cologne-Kalk and was a criminal in his youth, already at the age of 13 he stole cars. This also destroyed the friendship of his former clique, who were serving juvenile prison sentences. When he went to the German police, he fell out with his father. He also has a brother named Kemal. In episode 116 (2004 - "Forever and Eternal") he marries the then service secretary Andrea Schäfer and now has two daughters with her. In episode 223 (2011 - "72 hours of fear") Semir learns that he has another daughter from an affair that was over 11 years ago. He is the deputy head of the Autobahn Police Station. Semir Gerkhan is known for wrecking his silver 3 Series BMW in almost every episode. Despite all the daring maneuvers and accidents, Semir rarely sustains serious injuries. In episode 111 (2004 - "Sabotage") and 250 (2013 - "Friends for Life"), however, his car accidents resulted in head injuries with a coma lasting several days. In episode 239 (2012 - "Angel of Death"), Semir quits his job for private reasons and voluntarily changes to the office, which he used to see as a punishment. When his colleague Ben Jäger depends on his help in a current case, he returns to the Cobra 11 team. In the 2013 fall season, Andrea left him and the children and he was no longer himself for a while. Ben's acknowledgment also made him unpredictable for a long time. Only when Alex Brandt joins the Cobra 11 team and copes with the current fall of the 2014 spring season with him after initial problems does he regain his confidence. He and Andrea have been divorced since the episode "1983", but share custody of their children and stay in touch on friendly terms. Since the episode The Last Night in the fall 2014 season, Semir has been back with Andrea. Semir subsequently dreamed that Andrea was shot in the harbor and then buried. Exactly this scene is repeated at the end - Semir desperately fights for the life of his ex-wife, who was seriously injured in an exchange of fire. Andrea wakes up in the hospital. Her last sentence in the episode about Semir was: "I'll never let you go again - my heart!". In the episode "Gefangen" (316) he asked Andrea again if she would like to marry him. She happily replied yes. For the finale of the autumn season 2014, Semir has more contact with his illegitimate daughter Dana, who lived with her mother and his foster father for 15 years. She was kidnapped in Brussels and was supposed to be sold as a sex slave, whereupon Semir goes to Brussels to save her. Dana's mother and her partner also traveled to Brussels; there they were shot by an ambush by the backers of the slave ring. Now Semir is all she has left for Dana. In the 314th episode (2017 - "Captured") Semir proposes to his ex-wife and partner Andrea again and in the episode "Jenseits von Eden" (2017) the two marry a second time.

Vicky Reisinger

With Detective Inspector Vicky Reisinger, Semir Gerkhan has a wife as a partner for the first time. Vicky has moved from KriPo Dortmund to Cologne. Marc Schaffrath, her former colleague, is also her ex-boyfriend. She lives in a shared flat with Dana.

Former main characters

Ingo Fischer

Chief Detective Ingo Fischer was Frank Stolte's partner, but was shot in the second episode.

Frank Stolte

Chief Detective Frank Stolte was Ingo Fischer's partner. He came from the GSG9, where he shot a terrorist without a shooting order. The court acquitted him, but the media abused him. After his death, Frank had to fight hard against the differences with his subsequent partner Semir. From 1997 he did not appear again without explanation.

In episode 310 Risk , he reunited with Semir when Frank was back in Germany trying to investigate the alleged death of a colleague near Mostar, uncovering the criminal machinations of his last employer. One learns that he switched to the BKA and later into the private sector. He worked in various crisis areas, most recently for a private company clearing landmines in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

André Fux

Mark Keller

Chief Detective André Fux joined the motorway police in 1996 after Frank Stolte had left the company. He had the black belt in karate and therefore particularly outstanding skills in unarmed combat. In 1999 André was wounded by a harpoon shot in Mallorca. He then fell out of the boat, sank and has been missing ever since. In episode 254 it is revealed that Fux was found by a fisherman. He started a new life and was investigating undercover at the BKA. Later on, it is also revealed that his wife and 5-year-old daughter were killed in a car bomb attack targeted on him in 2009. Since then he has hunted down his family's murderers. At the end of the season 32 pilot, his final words, "See you, my friend", were directed at his former colleague Semir, who could no longer hold him, causing Fux to fall down a cliff and die.

Tom crane

Chief Detective Tom Kranich (born June 14, 1963 in Düsseldorf ) came to Kripo Autobahn in 1999 and was the successor to Chief Detective André Fux. He has a sister who appeared in episode 67 Between All Stools . His father is a successful night club owner in Cologne.

After Semir Gerkhan had overcome the grief over the loss of his colleague André Fux, a real friendship developed between him and Tom Kranich. They later became best friends outside of work. In episode 97 Farewell , Tom had to cope with a severe blow of fate when his then pregnant partner Elena Krüger was killed by a car bomb intended for him. He then took a leave of absence for two years.

After two years, Tom Kranich returned to work as a motorway policeman at the request of his colleague Semir Gerkhan in episode 126 Comeback . At first he only wanted to help with one case, but then decided to go back to his old life and not quit. In episode 158, Tom was ambushed and shot.

Jan Richter

Detective Inspector Jan Richter was originally with the theft department. In the 98th episode baptism of fire , Semir, who was looking for a new partner, met Jan by chance. Since the cooperation worked well, Jan decided to switch to the motorway police and thus became Semir's partner. Jan was also Semir's best man when he married Andrea Schäfer in episode 116. There is no real explanation for Jan's departure. In the last episode of season 7, he barely survived an undercover assignment. There, his great love deliberately fell into an abyss with a car. It can be concluded that this is why he quit the job. He is only mentioned by name in the following episode (episode 126 - Comeback ).

Chris Ritter

Chief Detective Chris Ritter is Tom's successor. He was an undercover agent with the LKA - Department 60. During an assignment he was exposed by gang bosses and tortured almost to death. When his colleagues found him, he was already half dead. He returned home, but was no longer the person he used to be, which also ruined his marriage. He has a daughter and a son, but he doesn't have much time for them. He has a sister who lives in London and who makes a guest appearance on the series. As a result, Live and Let Live , she is kidnapped instead of Chris and is said to be used for illegal organ trafficking. After the episode, the relationship between the two improved after his sister had denied him any contact for two years.

In the episode To Life and Death, he goes undercover again as Mark Jäger. At first it looks like "Mark Jäger" killed Tom. However, Chris can convince Semir of his innocence. Together they hunt down Tom's real killer, who is ultimately killed in an exchange of fire. Since this case arouses public interest and pictures of Chris are shown in the media, he can no longer work as an undercover investigator and switches to the highway police.

At first, however, he has great problems investigating like a normal police officer again. He goes it alone and his methods of interrogating someone are unqualified for a police officer. He also found it difficult to trust Semir at first. Later, however, the two get together and become friends in private. However, this friendship was nowhere near as close as with Semir's previous partners, as Chris was left with severe trauma until his death due to his experiences. As a result, Ritter is shot from a helicopter while trying to save a former girlfriend, "Among Enemies".

Ben Hunter

Tom Beck

Chief Detective Ben Jäger sees the highway police initially only as a level on his career ladder, but has to revise his opinion later. After initial differences with his partner Semir, a close friendship develops between them. Ben comes from a millionaire family and has a younger sister named Julia. He has a difficult relationship with his father, a building contractor, who would rather see him as his successor in the company. After Ben saves his kidnapped sister in episode 190 (The Bride), the relationship between father and son improves. Ben is very musical and lives rock 'n' roll . Ben also drives a Mercedes Benz C 350, later a Mercedes Benz E 500 Coupe. Ben's great love Saskia is murdered in the episode Shadow Man. At the moment Nina Becker is his girlfriend, who almost negligently kills Semir in episode 260 "Lonely Decision", because he is lying in the vehicle of the murderer of Becker's father that has been involved in an accident, whereupon she wants to kill the murderer as revenge by exploding the car. Ben prevents this at the last second by shooting at Nina. He then quits his job because he no longer wants to make difficult decisions. He accepts a record deal and goes to the USA. In episode 355 he appears on Semir's 50th birthday, he helps Paul Semir get out of his crisis.

Alex Brandt

He was an undercover agent in the drug search until he was found drugs and convicted. After two years of imprisonment, it was established that this had been attached to him. He punched himself out and restarted the police force. Public prosecutor cabinet man put him on Semir Gerkhan, because after separating from Andrea he was no longer himself. He accepts the job. In the episode “Family Festival” he learns about the word “Sampi” from a casual drug dealer, but Alex cannot do anything with it. He also had personal and business problems. It is only in the episode "The Dead Do Not Return" that Alex learns that the colleagues who put him in prison had only deceived their death. When Alex is framed for murder, he suspects his former partner Matz, who is now engaged to his ex-girlfriend. However, it turns out that Matz is not to blame. But the former boss of Alex arranged for Alex to go to jail. The corrupt colleagues are murdered and Alex's former boss arrested. At the end of the episode it turns out that it was about an operation called "Sampi" and that Alex Brandt should be taken care of. In the pilot of the fall 2014 season, Alex finds the rest of the gang who are sentencing felons to death. He grew up with his foster mother "Anna" together with three other foster children. She also takes in little Felix from the season 19 pilot. His company vehicle is a Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class . Since episode 286 (1000 deaths) he has been in a relationship with forensic doctor Nela Stegmann. Shortly thereafter, they end the relationship because Nela is going abroad and neither of them want to have a long-distance relationship. In the episode "Windspiel" Alex meets his real father for the first time, who, after he stole money from the cartel and used it to pay off his debts, left him with a foster family. When Alex learns that his birth mother is still alive, he quits his job and sets off for Brazil to get to know her there.

Paul Renner

Paul Renner comes across in episode 292 "Cobra, take over!" to the team. He loves everything that has to do with water sports. His father and niece Emilia, daughter of Paul's sister, can be seen in the episode driven hunt . Paul's father suffers from a budding dementia. At the end of Operation Midas , Jenny Dorn and Paul Renner get very close in the lake. In the following episodes, the relationship between the two is indefinable, as it is not exactly clear whether the two are in a relationship or not. In the episode Showtime for Paul , Paul must identify as a stripper. Paul had a one-night stand with aspiring psychologist Ella as a result of Amnesia . In the last season his father suffered severe dementia and Paul discovered a box of mementos with maps, Super 8 films and photos of a dream for a trip to New Zealand while clearing out his father's workshop. After a fire in the workshop, which is completely destroyed, and a fulminal showdown, Paul begins the long journey with his father on board a sailing motorboat, seriously injured.

Minor characters

Current minor characters

Andrea Gerkhan, b. shepherd

Carina Wiese

Andrea Gerkhan, the former service secretary, is married to Semir and has two daughters with him. She also has a sister. At first Andrea was always with Semir and then apart again. In 2004 they finally married (episode 116 "Forever and Always") . After her first pregnancy, she gave up her job as a secretary and was initially a housewife. Later she took a job as a carer in a youth home. At the beginning of the 2013 autumn season, she and her children left Semir because she had fallen in love with a new man. However, she noticed that she cannot have a future together with her new partner. She has been divorced from Semir since the episode "1983". Since the episode “ The Last Night ” in the fall 2014 season, Andrea has been back with Semir. Semir subsequently dreamed that Andrea was shot in the harbor and then buried. Exactly this scene is repeated at the end: Andrea is seriously injured by an exchange of fire and, despite all efforts by Semir, suffers a total cardiac arrest. Still, she survives and wakes up in the hospital. Her last sentence in the episode to Semir was: “I'll never let you go again. My heart. ”In autumn 2015 they will move in together again. In the 314th episode (2017 - "Captured") her ex-husband and partner Semir proposes to her again. In episode 318 (2017 - "Beyond Eden") she finally remarries Semir.

Hartmut Freund

The young KTU official Hartmut Freund is highly intelligent. Although he often overwhelmed Semir and his partner with his specialist Latin , he still has a very friendly relationship with the commissioners and is very much valued by them for his success in securing evidence . He has a younger sister named Jessica with whom he had no contact. When he saves her life in one episode, the relationship between the two improves again. Hartmut also owns a tuned Toyota Supra, which he affectionately calls Lucy . In some episodes e.g. B. “En Vogue” he drives a DeLorean DMC-12 , the legendary time machine from Back to the Future . He begins his service with the motorway police as a partner of Semir after Tom's first departure. However, since he - in Semir's opinion - does not understand anything about this, Jan Semir's new partner and Hartmut are transferred to the forensic investigation as a genius . Since Jan's debut, Hartmut has been helping Semir and his partner from there on a regular basis. In seasons 17 and 18 he was in a relationship with Jenny Dorn, the relationship ends for an unknown reason. He lives in Cologne.

Dr. Isolde Maria cabinet man

Ms. cabinet man is the senior public prosecutor. She threatens Semir and his partner again and again for supervision proceedings because they repeatedly oppose her. In the end, however, the cases can always be cleared up. Dr. Cabinet man has 2 daughters, Heike Maira and Sunny. Heike Maria Wardrobe is studying law and would also like to become a prosecutor.

Dana Gerkhan

Dana is the daughter of Semir Gerkhan and Nazan Wegner. Dana appears for the first time in the pilot film " 72 Hours of Fear" , in that same episode her father Semir first learns about her. Dana lived with her mother and her friend Tom until episode 274 "At Your Own Risk" . In this episode, however, both are killed. Dana then moves in with her father. After an internship with the motorway police, Dana begins her training as a police officer. She is now a police commissioner. Dana lives in a shared flat with Vicky.

Roman Kramer

Roman Kramer is chief criminal officer and the new head of the motorway police. He's in a wheelchair.

Max Traub

Max is a police commissioner and civil investigator. He fell in love with Dana.

Former minor characters

Horst "Hotte" Herzberger

Police commissioner Horst "Hotte" Herzberger was a police officer and partner of Dieter Bonrath. In episode 85 ( Deadly Art ), Hotte tried his hand at head of the motorway police station wearing a suit and tie, because Anna Engelhardt was in the hospital at the time and her actual deputy, Semir Gerkhan, was busy with the case. However, he gave his position back to Semir due to excessive demands during the episode. In episode 91, he turned down an offer from the Ministry of the Interior to retire early. As a result, Under Pressure , Hotte again represents the boss. Here, too, he dresses in a suit and tie. Semir was responsible as deputy, but had to give up the post because of the involvement in the current case. Although Hotte wants to retire in episode 223 ( 72 hours of fear ), he still takes part in an operation in which he saves Ben's life and is shot himself. He dies shortly afterwards.

Dieter Bonrath

Gottfried Vollmer and Dietmar Huhn played Dieter Bonrath and Horst Herzberger

Police chief or police commissioner Dieter Bonrath was a police officer and partner of Hotte and Jenny. His wife had left him and his son Jochen. In episode 90 Dieter sat on a time bomb with him. He was close friends with Hotte, his partner. The two's constant problems with each other were a recurring element of the series until Hotte died in episode 224. His new partner was Jenny, with whom he also got along well. Bonrath was shot in episode 274. He sacrificed himself in a shootout with subsequent explosion of a police car for Jenny and so did not make it to safety in time.

Anna Engelhardt

Police chief Anna Engelhardt (born May 8, 1962) is the head of the motorway police station from episodes 16 to 186 and everyone just calls her "boss". She is an exemplary supervisor and stands behind all actions of her employees, even if she does not always endorse them. Often, as a result of the investigations by Semir and his partners, parts of the autobahn become scenes of serious accidents and rule violations are also inevitable. In these cases Engelhardt has their backs free and ensures that the investigation can continue as normal. Since she has good relationships with the top, she can very quickly obtain some special permits for the employees of her watch.

Engelhardt is single. Her relationship with the real estate agent Philip ended tragically. He was shot by his disturbed, non-biological daughter. However, she later had a relationship with Tom Kranich's father "Frankie" in the episode of the same name. Engelhardt also has a sister named Christina who could be seen in episode 138 "Little Sister". In many episodes her very good private and professional relationship with Tom Kranich becomes clear, which often led to romantic, but also unpleasant situations. After it turns out that Anna's lover is the mole of a drug trafficking ring at the LKA (which kills several police officers in the episode Der Verrat ), she ends her service as a chief police officer at the motorway police. Her successor was Kim Krüger. Engelhardt made little appearances in her last season, and many episodes of the 22nd DVD season explain that she was on a business trip.

In 2016, Anna Engelhardt reappeared when the Revier congratulated Semir on 20 years of motorway police. It turns out that Anna Engelhardt is jointly responsible for the transfer of Paul Renner to the Autobahn Police by introducing Kim Krüger to Paul Renner as Semir's new partner. She has another appearance in episode 299 (2016) Die Bossin , where she has to be freed from psychiatry by Semir Gerkhan and Paul Renner.

Kai-Uwe Schröder

Currywurst seller Kai-Uwe Schröder appears for the first time in episode 84, in which he deals in stolen computers. In the further course he has to do with the police at first as an unsuccessful private detective and later (from episode 97) as a currywurst seller. In the episode "Showdown" he calls himself Rocco Spillane and runs his own bar. However, he hasn't appeared since episode 154

Petra Schubert

Secretary Petra Schubert first appeared in episode 144, in which she flees from her former boss because she saw something she shouldn't have seen. After the case has been resolved, she receives the offer to work as a secretary for the highway police and accepts.

In the pilot episode of the 11th season you can see that Tom Kranich and Petra are now a couple. Tom Kranich dies in the same episode, whereupon Petra Schubert tries to get a transfer. She hasn't been seen since episode 159 and has been replaced by Susanne König.

Susanne König

Office secretary Susanne König is Petra Schubert's successor. As a result, Rattennest , Susanne's father, Norbert König, is shot dead during surveillance. In the course of the episode, her uncle also dies. It later emerges that both were murdered by a colleague on behalf of the Russian embassy. She has a friendly relationship with Ben and Semir. She is also Andrea Gerkhan's best friend. As a result, Im Aus , she is accused of “negligent homicide with alcohol behind the wheel” and, with Ben and Semir's help, has to flee from colleagues at the Cologne Police Department. However, the suspicion turns out to be unfounded. In the episode Playing with Fire , it emerges that she is pregnant, the father is the fireman Thommy Gerhard, who, however, goes to jail at the end of the same episode. Her son, whom she finally calls Friedrich , is born in the 292nd episode Cobra, You Take Over . As a result, on probation , she quits the motorway police and previously embezzled evidence and 500,000 euros in crypto currency. Then she emigrates to Hawaii with her son Friedrich and her boyfriend Thommy.

Kim Kruger

Katja Woywood

Police advisor Kim Anne-Marie Krüger was the head of the motorway police station and everyone just called “boss”. She was the successor to Anna Engelhardt. After initial differences, a very friendly relationship developed between her and her employees. In the 189th episode Im Aus , she started her job after there was no boss in episodes 187 and 188. As a child, she grew up with three brothers, albeit without a father. He was in prison for several serious break-ins. Because of his behavior, she started a career as a police officer in order to distance herself from her father as much as possible. In the episode "The Panther" Kim Krüger suspects her father of murder; however, this turned out to be wrong. Her colleague and partner was shot dead during a police operation; At this point she was three months pregnant, but the unborn child died. Her niece Hanna appears in episodes 216 ( The Attack ) and 295 ( Payday ). She was in a relationship with Attorney General Sander. However, after she finds out what kind of game he is really up to, she ends the relationship and is almost killed by him. After the police chief's death and an argument with Semir, she quits the autobahn police and becomes the new police chief of Cologne. In episode 364 she is shot.

Oliver "Sturmi" Sturm

Sturmi appears as a world scout in the season 14 pilot, in which he reports to Semir and Ben from the near end of the world. He then appeared in all subsequent pilot films up to season 30 (DVD). He died in the season 17 pilot ( Angel of Death ) when someone rammed a dagger into his heart. Oliver Sturm was the founder of the Society for World Enlightenment and dealt with various conspiracy theories. He helped the commissioners in several pilot films with background knowledge such as the Taurus project . His vehicle was an old VW T1 bus. In the episode The Attack , it is shown that he had a little sister.

Jenny Dorn

Police Commissioner Jennifer (Jenny) Dorn is a police officer and was Dieter Bonrath's partner. She has an older brother named Patrick who is a top cyclist and has amnesia in her first and subsequent episodes . Since the episodes in seasons 17 and 18, she was in a relationship with Hartmut Freund. In episode 274, Jenny narrowly escaped death. However, her partner Dieter Bonrath died in this episode when he sacrificed himself for Jenny, Jenny was then with Dr. Isabelle Frings in therapy, which she successfully completed. Jenny's father Martin appears in the episode The Kingslayer , in which he is chased by a contract killer. She was in a relationship with her colleague Paul Renner. After a profiling course in the 22nd season, she receives a job offer with the FBI and emigrates to the USA. In the episode Most Wanted , she is suspected of murdering her ex-boyfriend and flees to Budapest in Hungary. At the end of the episode, it is clear that she will return to the Cobra team. Since the episode Bomb Mood (2018), Jenny Dorn has been back in the service of the Autobahn Police.

family members

Role name actor Consequences) role
Kathrin Schäfer Floriane Daniel 22nd Andrea's sister
Hassan Gerkhan Mürtüz Yolcu 26th Semir's cousin
Nadja Kranich Anja Knauer 67 Tom's sister
Erkan Düc Ramazan Bulut 83 Semir's cousin
Jochen Bonrath # 1 Jonah Mues 90, 124 Dieter's son
Margot Schäfer # 1 Peggy Lukac 116 Andrea's mother
Hans-Hubert Schäfer # 1 Henry van Lyck 116 Andrea's father
Elfriede Herzberger Regine Lutz 122 "Hottes" mother
Jochen Bonrath # 2 Tillbert Strahl-Shepherd 136, 208 Dieter's son
Christina Engelhardt Friderikke-Maria Hörbe 138 Anna Engelhardt's sister
Frank Kranich Jürg Löw 153 Tom's father
Frederic Ritter Benjamin Felix Meyer 165 Chris' son
Kathrin Ritter # 1 Carolin Imcke 166 Chris' daughter
Norbert König Jörg Panknin 168 Susanne's father
Kathrin Ritter # 2 Isabelle White 173 Chris' daughter
Janine Ritter Alissa Jung 176 Chris' sister
Julia Hunter Joyce Ilg 190 Ben's sister
Konrad Jäger Max Volkert Martens 190, 229 Ben's father
Alexander Christo Wolf Roth 199 Kim Kruger father
Kemal Gerkhan # 1 Erdal Kacar 213 Semir's brother
Hanna Krüger # 1 Olga von Luckwald 216 Kim Kruger’s niece
Patrick Dorn Raúl Richter 219 Jenny's brother
Dana Wegner # 1 Tesha Moon war 223 Semir's illegitimate daughter
Jessica friend Lisa Bruehlmann 227 Hartmut's sister
Ayda Gerkhan # 1 Nicole Rusz 240, 245, 249, 253-254, 258 Semir's daughter
Ismet Gerkan Serkan Kaya 243 Semir's cousin
Lilly Gerkhan # 2 Emma helmet 249, 258, 271, 291-292, 297, 311, 318, 326 Semir's daughter
Lilly Gerkhan # 1 Lucia Yara Esen 253 Semir's daughter
Felix Neubauer Nick Julius Schuck 268, 269 & 272 Alex step brother
Anna Mertens Despina Pajanou 268, 270 & 272 Alex adoptive mother
Ayda Gerkhan # 2 Pauletta Pollmann 271, 276, 279, 281, 283, 291, 292, 297-298, 303, 311, 318, 325-326 Semir's daughter
Jaqueline "Jackie" Rath Sina Tkotsch 272 Alex's stepsister
Dana Wegner # 2 Gizem Emre 274, 276, 279, 282-283, 289, 291-292, 307-311, 314-318, 326, 328 Semir's illegitimate daughter
Frank Rickert Peter Benedict 291 Alex's biological father
Emilia Letizia Caldi 293 Paul's niece
Klaus Renner Michael Brandner 293, 300, 321, 322, 354 Paul's father
Hanna Krüger # 2 Zoe Moore 295 Kim Kruger’s niece
Mrs. Renner Ramona Kunze-Libnow 300, 354 Paul's mother
Luisa Bartels Muriel Wimmer 307 Finn's sister
Martin Dorn Robert Lohr 315 Jenny's father
Hans-Hubert Schäfer # 2 Rüdiger Joswig 318 Andrea's father
Margot Schäfer # 2 Christine Schmidt-Schaller 318 Andrea's mother
Lisa Gruber Katharina Schlothauer 321 Paul's sister
Kemal Gerkhan # 2 Leonardo Nigro 326, 352 Semir's brother
Mica Zoran Pingel 326 Semir's nephew
Patrick Dorn # 2 Joshua Grothe 344 Jenny's brother

Guest actor

Many guest actors appear in multiple roles over the years. Key guest actors include (associated episodes are shown in brackets):

Guest actors, arranged in seasons

season 1

season 2

season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Season 12

Season 13

Season 14

Season 15

Season 16

Season 17

Season 18

Season 19

Season 20

Season 21

Season 22

Season 23

Individual evidence

  1. Nina survived, archived copy ( Memento from May 31, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Alarm für Cobra 11 (299) Season 21 Episode 01: "Die Bossin" on accessed on January 3, 2019
  4. Episode "Bounty on Kim Krüger"