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Vallerois-le-Bois (France)
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department Haute-Saône
Arrondissement Vesoul
Canton Villersexel
Community association Triangle Vert
Coordinates 47 ° 33 '  N , 6 ° 17'  E Coordinates: 47 ° 33 '  N , 6 ° 17'  E
height 275-401 m
surface 12.59 km 2
Residents 256 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 20 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 70000
INSEE code
Website Vallerois-le-Bois

Vallerois-le-Bois is a municipality in the French department of Haute-Saône in the region Bourgogne Franche-Comté .


Vallerois-le-Bois is located at an altitude of 310 m above sea level, about 13 kilometers southeast of the city of Vesoul (as the crow flies). The clustered village extends on the southern edge of the basin of Vallerois, north of the Ognon river valley , between the forest heights of the Bois de la Côte in the south and the Montcuchot in the northwest.

The area of ​​the municipal area of ​​12.59 km² covers a section of the undulating landscape between the river valleys of Ognon in the south and Saône in the north-west. The main part of the area is occupied by the basin of Vallerois, which is on average 290 m. It has a width of 3 km and a length of 5 km and is mainly used for agriculture. The Ruisseau de la Grange-Lambert provides drainage to the southwest to the Linotte . Otherwise there are no above-ground rivers because the rainwater seeps into the karstified subsoil.

The basin is bordered by plateau-like hills, which are mainly composed of forest and reach heights between 350 and 400 m. In the north, the municipality extends into the Bois de l'Engorgié , in the east as far as the Grands Bois . To the south the slope rises steeply to the plateau of the Bois de la Côte and the Bois de Chassey . The highest point of Vallerois-le-Bois is reached here at 401 m. In the far south is the headwaters of the Linotte, whose valley system is cut into the limestone layers of the middle and upper Jurassic period .

Vallerois-le-Bois includes, in addition to the actual village, various hamlets and farm settlements, including:

  • Baslières (315 m) on the southern edge of the Vallerois basin
  • Montépenoux (295 m) on the northern edge of the Vallerois basin

Neighboring municipalities of Vallerois-le-Bois are Noroy-le-Bourg and Cerre-lès-Noroy in the north, Borey and Esprels in the east, Chassey-lès-Montbozon in the south and Dampierre-sur-Linotte in the west.


Various traces from the Gallo-Roman period indicate that the municipality of Vallerois was settled very early. In the Middle Ages Vallerois belonged to the Free County of Burgundy and in it to the area of ​​the Bailliage d'Amont . It formed its own lordship that belonged to the Montrost family in the 14th century. Bellefaux Abbey also owned land on the parish grounds. Together with Franche-Comté , Vallerois finally came to France with the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678.

The area changed in 1808, when the previously independent municipality of Baslières (first mentioned in 1131) was merged with Vallerois-le-Bois. In the second half of the 19th century, the village was connected to the French railway network with the opening of the railway line from Vesoul to Montbozon. However, the line was stopped again in the 20th century. Today Vallerois-le-Bois is a member of the community association Communauté de communes des Grands Bois, which comprises twelve localities .



The village church of Vallerois-le-Bois was largely rebuilt in 1853. Only the choir room of the previous building from the 16th century has been preserved. The church furnishings include a baptismal font from the 17th century and furniture from the 18th century.

The partially decaying Château de Vallerois originally dates from the Middle Ages. The keep shows parts from the 12th and 15th centuries, while the residential buildings date from the Renaissance period. A restoration of the monument is in progress.


Population development
year Residents
1962 240
1968 238
1975 214
1982 231
1990 252
1999 253

With 262 inhabitants (2005) Vallerois-le-Bois is one of the small communities in the Haute-Saône department. After the population had decreased significantly in the first half of the 20th century (603 people were still counted in 1881), slight population growth has been recorded again since the mid-1970s.

Economy and Infrastructure

Vallerois-le-Bois was a village dominated by agriculture (arable farming, fruit growing and cattle breeding) and forestry until well into the 20th century. In addition, there are now various small businesses, especially in the mechanical engineering and precision engineering sectors. In the meantime, the village has also turned into a residential community. Many workers are therefore commuters who work in the larger towns in the area.

The village is well developed in terms of traffic. It is close to the main road D9, which leads from Vesoul to Villersexel . There are other road links with Montbozon, Noroy-le-Bourg and Borey.

Web links

Commons : Vallerois-le-Bois  - Collection of images, videos and audio files