Systematics of the bony fish
The following system of recent bony fish (Osteichthyes) is one of numerous existing models for classifying the more than 30,000 currently known bony fish species that live on earth today. It essentially follows a current revision of the bony fish system, which was published in April 2013 and updated in November 2013, July 2014, 2016 and July 2017 (Betancur-R. Et al., 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017; DeepFin. org).
This revision is the result of the comparison of the DNA sequences of 21 genetic markers (one of the mitochondrial DNA and 20 of the cell nucleus DNA) of 1410 bony fish species from 1093 genera, 369 families and all traditional orders. In contrast to all previous systematics, the problematic groups of Percomorpha (perch relatives) and Perciformes (perch-like) become monophyletic taxa. The Percomorpha can be divided into eight well-founded taxa above the hierarchy. The order of the Perciformes, previously a polyphyletic one Collective group of over 10,000 species, over 1500 genera, 160 families and 20 suborders of perch-like fish ("wastebag" taxon), becomes a monophyletic order for the first time.
The bony fish are divided into two easily distinguishable groups, the meat fins (Sarcopterygii), of which there are only eight recent species, but from which the terrestrial vertebrates (Tetrapoda) emerged, and the ray fins (Actinopterygii), of which over 95% of the fish species living today. Extinct groups have not yet been taken into account in this system.
Meat finisher (Sarcopterygii)
Phylogenetic systematics of the basal bony fish | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Class Coelacanthimorpha (= Actinistia)
- Class Rhipidistia
- Subclass lungfish (Dipnomorpha)
- Superorder Ceratodontae
- Order Ceratodontiformes
- Subordination Ceratodontoidei
- Australian lungfish (Neoceratodontidae)
- Subordination Lepidosirenoidei
- South American lungfish (Lepidosirenidae)
- African lungfish (Protopteridae)
- Subordination Ceratodontoidei
- Order Ceratodontiformes
- Superorder Ceratodontae
- Subclass Tetrapodomorpha
- Subclass lungfish (Dipnomorpha)
Ray fins (Actinopterygii)
- Class CladistiaSenegalese pike ( Polypterus senegalus )
- Order Polypteriformes
- Flösselhechte family (Polypteridae)
- Order Polypteriformes
- Class Actinopteri
- Subclass cartilaginous organoids (chondrostei)
- Order sturgeon (Acipenseriformes)
- Sturgeon (Acipenseridae)
- Paddlefish (Polyodontidae)
- Order sturgeon (Acipenseriformes)
- Subclass Neopterygii
- Sub-class bone organoids (Holostei)
- Order Amiiformes
- Order bonefish (Lepisosteiformes)Spotted Bake ( Lepisosteus oculatus )
- Bake fish (Lepisosteidae)
- Sub-class real bony fish (Teleostei)
- Megacohort Elopocephalai sensu Arratia
- Cohort Elopomorpha
- Order elopiformes (Elopiformes)Atlantic tarpon ( Megalops atlanticus )
- Female fish (Elopidae)
- Tarpon (Megalopidae)
- Order fishfish (Albuliformes)
- Bone fish (Albulidae)
- Order thorn-back eel (Notacanthiformes)
- Lizard eels (Halosauridae)
- Thornback eels (Notacanthidae)
- Order eels (Anguilliformes)Eels ( Rhinomuraena quaesita )
- Protanguillidae
- Pelican eels (Eurypharyngidae)
- Sacmouths (Saccopharyngidae)
- River eels (Anguillidae)
- Snipe eels (Nemichthyidae)
- Moray eels (Muraenidae)
- Sawtooth snipe eels (Serrivomeridae)
- Conger eels (Congridae)
- Pike conger (Muraenesocidae)
- Snake eels (Ophichthidae)
- Heterenchelyidae
- Worm Eels (Moringuidae)
- Chlopsidae
- Myrocongridae
- Pit eels (Synaphobranchidae)
- Long-necked eels (Derichthyidae)
- Duck bill eels (Nettastomatidae)
- Cyematidae
- Neocyematidae
- Single- jaw eels (Monognathidae)
- Order elopiformes (Elopiformes)
- Cohort Elopomorpha
- Megacohort Osteoglossocephalai (= Osteoglossocephala sensu Arratia)
- Overcohort osteoglossomorpha (osteoglossomorpha)Arapaima ( Arapaima gigas )
- Order Hiodontiformes
- Moon eyes (Hiodontidae)
- Order osteoglossiformes (osteoglossiformes)
- Butterflyfish (Pantodontidae)
- Bonytongues (Osteoglossidae)
- Arapaimidae
- Great Nilpike (Gymnarchidae)
- Nilhechte (Mormyridae)
- Old World Knifefish (Notopteridae)
- Order Hiodontiformes
- Overcohort Clupeocephala
- Cohort Otomorpha (= Otocephala, Ostarioclupeomorpha)
- Clupei sub- cohortAtlantic herring ( Clupea harengus )
- Order herring-like (Clupeiformes)
- Subordination Denticipitoidei
- Teeth Herring (Denticipitidae)
- Suborder Clupeoidei
- Wolf herring (Chirocentridae)
- Herring (Clupeidae)
- Round herrings (Dussumieriidae)
- Anchovies (Engraulidae)
- Pristigasteridae (Pristigasteridae)
- Spratelloididae
- Subordination Denticipitoidei
- Order herring-like (Clupeiformes)
- Alepocephali subcohort
- Order Alepocephaliformes
- Black heads (Alepocephalidae)
- Light herrings (Platytroctidae)
- Order Alepocephaliformes
- Ostariophysi sub-cohort
- Section Anotophysa
- Order sandfish (Gonorynchiformes)
- Sandfish (Gonorynchidae)
- Milk fish (Chanidae)
- Slender fish (Kneriidae)
- Order sandfish (Gonorynchiformes)
- Section Otophysa
- Superorder Cypriniphysae
- Order carp-like (Cypriniformes)Common carp ( Cyprinus carpio )
- Superfamily loach- like (Cobitoidea)
- Suckers (Catostomidae)
- Sucking Loaches (Gyrinocheilidae)
- Wolffish (Cobitidae)
- Loach (Balitoridae)
- Clown loaches (Botiidae)
- Brook loaches (Nemacheilidae)
- Vaillantellidae
- Gastromyzontidae
- Ellopostomatidae
- Barbuccidae
- Serpenticobitidae
- Superfamily carp fish-like (Cyprinoidea)
- Spindle loaches (Psilorhynchidae)
- Paedocyprididae
- Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
- Sundadanionidae
- Bärblings (Danionidae)
- Leptobarbidae
- Xenocyprididae
- Tench (Tincidae)
- Bitterlings (Acheilognathidae)
- Gudgeon relatives (Gobionidae)
- Cardinal fish (Tanichthyidae)
- White fish (Leuciscidae)
- Superfamily loach- like (Cobitoidea)
- Order carp-like (Cypriniformes)
- Superorder Characiphysae
- Order tetra (Characiformes)Red neon ( Paracheirodon axelrodi )
- Subordination Geradsalmler (Citharinoidei)
- Genuine Geradsalmler (Citharinidae)
- Distichodontidae
- Subordination Characoidei
- Headstanders (Chilodontidae)
- Narrow-mouth tetra (Anostomidae)
- Breitling tetra (Curimatidae)
- American pike tetra (Ctenoluciidae)
- Blue tetra and ground tetra (Crenuchidae)
- African tetras (Alestidae)
- African pike tetra (Hepsetidae)
- Raubsalmler (Erythrinidae)
- Tarumaniidae
- Wolf tetra (Cynodontidae)
- Sägesalmler (Serrasalmidae)
- Algae tetra (Parodontidae)
- Club tetra (Hemiodontidae)
- Barbel tetra (Prochilodontidae)
- Slender tetra (Lebiasinidae)
- Chalceidae
- Bryconidae
- Iguanodectidae
- Triportheidae
- True tetras (Characidae)
- Hatchet tetra (Gasteropelecidae)
- Acestrorhynchidae
- Subordination Geradsalmler (Citharinoidei)
- Order tetra (Characiformes)
- Superorder Siluriphysae
- Order New World Knifefish (Gymnotiformes)
- Knife eels (Gymnotidae)
- Caudal fin knife eels (Apteronotidae)
- Glass knife
- Order New World Knifefish (Gymnotiformes)
- Superorder Cypriniphysae
- Section Anotophysa
- Sand knife eels (Rhamphichthyidae)
- Small knife fish (Hypopomidae)
- Clupei sub- cohort
- Order catfish (Siluriformes)Head of an aerial catfish ( Ancistrus sp.)
- Cryptoglanidae
- Suborder Loricarioidei
- Nematogenyidae
- Loach catfish (Trichomycteridae)
- Armored catfish (Loricariidae)
- Climbing catfish (Astroblepidae)
- Prickly pygmy catfish (Scoloplacidae)
- Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
- Subordination Diplomystoidei
- Primitive catfish (Diplomystidae)
- Subordination Siluroidei
- Mountain catfish (Sisoridae)
- River catfish (Akysidae)
- Slender catfish (Amblycipitidae)
- Spiny Catfish (Bagridae)
- Ritidae
- African glass catfish (Schilbeidae)
- Ailiidae
- Horabagridae
- Heteropneustidae
- Gill catfish (Clariidae)
- Great mouth catfish (Chacidae)
- Whale catfish (Cetopsidae)
- Armored catfish (Cranoglanididae)
- Catfish (Ictaluridae)
- Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
- Anchariidae
- Cross catfish (Ariidae)
- Claroteidae
- Burbot catfish (Amphiliidae)
- Electric catfish (Malapteruridae)
- Whiskered catfish (Mochokidae)
- Real catfish (Siluridae)
- Eel and coral catfish (Plotosidae)
- Thorn catfish (Doradidae)
- False thorn catfish (Auchenipteridae)
- Heptapteridae
- Big mouth catfish (Pseudopimelodidae)
- Antennae (Pimelodidae)
- Austroglanididae
- Erethistidae
- Frying pan and banjo catfish (Aspredinidae)
- Lacantuniidae
- Cohort Otomorpha (= Otocephala, Ostarioclupeomorpha)
- Overcohort osteoglossomorpha (osteoglossomorpha)
- Megacohort Elopocephalai sensu Arratia
- Sub-class bone organoids (Holostei)
- Cohort Euteleosteomorpha
- Order Lepidogalaxiiformes
- Salamander fish (Lepidogalaxiidae)
- Order Galaxiiformes
- Galaxies (Galaxiidae)
- Order golden salmon (Argentiniformes)
- Deep sea insect (Bathylagidae)
- Microstomatidae
- Ghostfish (Opisthoproctidae)
- Golden salmon (Argentinidae)
- Order Lachsartige (Salmoniformes)Sockeye Salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka )
- Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
- Order pike-like (Esociformes)
- without rank stomiati
- Order Maulstachler (Stomiiformes)Pacific viperfish ( Chauliodus macouni )
- Bristle mouths (Gonostomatidae)
- Luminous fish (Phosichthyidae)
- Whale dragonfish (Stomiidae)
- Deep-sea hatchetfish (Sternoptychidae)
- Order smelt-like (Osmeriformes)
- New Zealand salmon (Retropinnidae)
- Smelt (Osmeridae)
- Plecoglossidae
- Salangidae
- Order Maulstachler (Stomiiformes)
- Neoteleostei sub-cohort sea tadpoles (Ateleopodidae)
- Order Lepidogalaxiiformes
- Order lizardfish relatives (Aulopiformes)
- Subordination aulopoidei
- Lizardfish (Synodontidae)
- Flagfins (Aulopidae)
- Pseudotrichonotidae
- Subordination Paraulopoidei
- Subordination to Alepisauroidei
- Telescopic fish (Giganturidae)
- Deep sea lizardfish (Bathysauridae)
- Reticulated eye fish (Ipnopidae)
- Pearl eyes (Scopelarchidae)
- Notosudidae
- Green eyes (Chlorophthalmidae)
- Barracudinas (Paralepididae)
- Saber toothfish (Evermannellidae)
- Sudidae
- Alepisauridae
- Bathysauroididae
- Lestidiidae
- Subordination aulopoidei
- Order lantern fish (Myctophiformes)
- Lanternfish (Myctophidae)
- Lantern Wingers (Neoscopelidae)
- Lampripterygii Division
- Order lampriformes (Lampriformes)
- Sail carrier (Veliferidae)
- God salmon (Lampridae)
- Crested fish (Lophotidae)
- Radiation heads (Radiicephalidae)
- Beltfish (Regalecidae)
- Scythefish (Trachipteridae)
- Order lampriformes (Lampriformes)
- Paracanthopterygii division (sensu Grande et al.)
- Order whiskers (Polymixiiformes)
- Bearded fish (Polymixiidae)
- Percopsaria series
- Order percopsiformes (Percopsiformes)
- Blind fish (Amblyopsidae)
- Pirate perch (Aphredoderidae)
- Bassfish (Percopsidae)
- Order percopsiformes (Percopsiformes)
- Zeiogadaria series (= Zeioigadiformes sensu Li et al.)
- Sub-series Zeiariae
- Order parsley (Zeiformes)Petersfisch ( Zeus faber )
- Order parsley (Zeiformes)
- Sub-series Gadariae
- Order Stylephoriformes (sensu Miya et al.)
- Order codlike (Gadiformes)Cod ( Gadus morhua )
- Grenadier fish (Macrouridae)
- Steindachneriidae
- Hake (Merlucciidae)
- Deep-sea cod (Moridae)
- Hake (Phycidae)
- Burbot (Lotidae)
- Gaidropsaridae
- Cod (Gadidae)
- Eel cod (Muraenolepididae)
- Euclichthyidae
- Unicorn Cod (Bregmacerotidae)
- Deep sea cod (Melanonidae)
- Sub-series Zeiariae
- Order whiskers (Polymixiiformes)
- Quilfin Division (Acanthopterygii)
- Subdivision Berycimorphaceae
- Order mucous heads (Beryciformes)
- Mucous heads (Berycidae)
- Large scale fish (Melamphaidae)
- Barbourisiidae
- Red-mouthed whale fish (Rondeletiidae)
- Whale heads (Cetomimidae)
- Gibberichthyidae
- Hispidoberycidae
- Thornfish (Stephanoberycidae)
- Order Trachichthyiformes
- Lantern Bearer (Anomalopidae)
- Fangfish (Anoplogastridae)
- Silver heads (Diretmidae)
- Pine cone fish (Monocentridae)
- Saw bellies (Trachichthyidae)
- Order mucous heads (Beryciformes)
- Subdivision Holocentrimorphaceae
- Order Holocentriformes
- Soldier fish and hussar fish (Holocentridae)
- Order Holocentriformes
- Subdivision perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
- Ophidiaria series
- Order viscera (Ophidiiformes)
- Suborder Ophidioidei
- Bearded male (Ophidiidae)
- Visceral fish (Carapidae)
- Subordination Bythitoidei
- Livebearers Brotulas (Bythitidae)
- Dinematichthyidae
- Parabrotulidae
- Suborder Ophidioidei
- Order viscera (Ophidiiformes)
- Batrachoidaria seriesCoral toadfish ( Sanopus splendidus )
- Order Batrachoidiformes
- Frogfish (Batrachoididae)
- Order Batrachoidiformes
- Gobiaria series
- Order Kurterartige (Kurti formes)
- Subordination Kurtoidei
- Kurter (Kurtidae)
- Subordination apogonoidei
- Cardinalfish (Apogonidae)
- Subordination Kurtoidei
- Order goby (Gobiiformes)Yellow symbiotic roots ( Cryptocentrus cinctus )
- Sand diver (Trichonotidae)
- Loach gobies (Rhyacichthyidae)
- Tooth sleeper gobies (Odontobutidae)
- Milyeringidae
- Butidae
- Sleeper gobies (Eleotridae)
- Oxudercidae
- Thalasseleotrididae
- Gobies (Gobiidae)
- Order Kurterartige (Kurti formes)
- Syngnatharia series
- Order pipefish (Syngnathiformes)Slender snipefish ( Macroramphosus gracilis )
Incertae sedis
- Trumpet fish (Aulostomidae)
- Snipefish (Centriscidae)
- Flute fish (Fistulariidae)
- Pegasidae (Pegasidae)
- Subordination Syngnathoidei
- Pipefish (Syngnathidae)
- Ghost pipefish (Solenostomidae)
- Subordination Dactylopteroidei
- Flying cocks (Dactylopteridae)
- Suborder Lyrefishes (Callionymoidei)
- Lyrefish (Callionymidae)
- Dragon Lyrefish (Draconettidae)
- Subordination Mulloidei
- Red mullet (Mullidae)
Incertae sedis
- Order pipefish (Syngnathiformes)
- Pelagiaria series
- Order Scombriformes (= Stromateoidei sensu Li et al., = Pelagia sensu Miya et al.)Mackerel ( Scomber scombrus )
- Black fish (Centrolophidae)
- Galley fish (Nomeidae)
- Drift fish (Ariommatidae)
- Black Schlinger (Chiasmodontidae)
- Mackerel (Gempylidae)
- Hair tails (Trichiuridae)
- Icosteidae
- Medusa fish (Stromateidae)
- Sea bream (Bramidae)
- Mackerel and tuna (Scombridae)
- Pomatomidae
- Mane perch (Caristiidae)
- Scombrolabracidae
- Amarsipidae
- Square tails (Tetragonuridae)
- Salmon perch (Arripidae)
- Order Scombriformes (= Stromateoidei sensu Li et al., = Pelagia sensu Miya et al.)
- Anabantaria series (= Anabantiformes sensu Li et al.)
- Order gill slit eels (Synbranchiformes)Indian pygmy eel ( Macrognathus pancalus )
- Subordination Indostomoidei
- Subordination synbranchoid
- Gill slit eels (Synbranchidae)
- Suborder Mastacembeloidei
- Spiny Eels (Mastacembelidae)
- Chaudhuriidae
- Order climbing fish-like (Anabantiformes)
- Subordination labyrinth fish (anabantoidei)Mosaic Gourami ( Trichopodus leerii )
- Osphronemidae
- Helostomatidae
- Climbing fish and bush fish (Anabantidae)
- Subordination Channoidei
- Snakehead fish (Channidae)
- Subordination to Nandoidei
- Blue bass (badidae)
- Nanderbarsch (Nandidae)
- Sawscale perch (Pristolepididae)
- Subordination labyrinth fish (anabantoidei)
- Order gill slit eels (Synbranchiformes)
- Carangaria series (= Carangimorpha sensu Li et al.)
- Order Carangiformes
- Subordination Centropomoidei
- Giant Bass (Latidae)
- Centropomidae
- Lactariidae
- Barracudas (Sphyraenidae)
- Suborder Polynemoidei
- Threadloss (Polynemidae)
- Partial order flatfish (Pleuronectoideo)
- Psettodidae
- Citharidae (Citharidae)
- Turbot (Scophthalmidae)
- Butte (Bothidae)
- Cyclopsettidae
- Paralichthyidae
- Plaice (Pleuronectidae)
- American sole (Achiridae)
- Paralichthodidae
- Rhombosoleidae
- Southern flounder (Achiropsettidae)
- Oncopteridae
- Comb flounder (Samaridae)
- Poecilopsettidae
- Sole (Soleidae)
- Dog tongues (Cynoglossidae)
- Suborder Toxotoidei
- Leptobramidae
- Archer fish (Toxotidae)
- Subordination Nematistioidei
- Subordination menoidei
- Subordinate mackerel relatives (Carangoidei)
- Jackfish (Carangidae)
- Superfamily Echeneoidea
- Ship keeper (Echeneidae)
- Cobia (Rachycentridae)
- Golden mackerel (Coryphaenidae)
- Subordination Centropomoidei
- Order Carangiformes
- Ovalentaria series (sensu Smith & Near in Wainwright et al .; = Stiassnyiformes sensu Li et al.)
Incertae sedis
- Glassfish (Ambassidae)
- Eelfish (Congrogadidae)
- Surf perch (Embiotocidae)
- Fairy bass (Grammatidae)
- Pine fish (Opistognathidae)
- Miracle Perch (Plesiopidae)
- Many spines (Polycentridae)
- Damselfish (Pomacentridae)
- Dwarf perch (Pseudochromidae)
- Order cichliformes (cichliformes)
- Cichlids (Cichlidae)
- Pholidichthyidae
- Superordinate earfish relatives (Atherinomorphae)
- Order earfish (Atheriniformes)
- Newworldly earfish (Atherinopsidae)
- Old world earfish (Atherinidae)
- Atherionidae
- Rainbow fish (Melanotaeniidae)
- Malagasy earfish (Bedotiidae)
- Blue eyes (Pseudomugilidae)
- Sun ray fish (Telmatherinidae)
- Throat phallus fish (Phallostethidae)
- Isonidae
- Dentatherinidae
- Order garfish (Beloniformes)
- Subordination Adrianichthyoidei
- Rice fish (Adrianichthyidae)
- Subordination belonoidei
- Garfish (Belonidae)
- Flying fish (Exocoetidae)
- Zenarchopteridae
- Half-beak (Hemiramphidae)
- Subordination Adrianichthyoidei
- Order Zahnärpflinge (Cyprinodontiformes)
- Subordination Aplocheiloidei
- Suborder Cyprinodontoidei
- Aphaniidae
- Anablepidae
- Cubanichthyidae
- Cyprinodontidae
- Highland Parrot (Goodeidae)
- South American light-eye fish (Fluviphylacidae)
- Fundulidae
- Andean penguins (Orestiidae)
- Pantanodontidae
- Viviparous toothcarps (Poeciliidae)
- Glow-eye fish (Procatopodidae)
- Profundulidae
- Valenciidae
- Order earfish (Atheriniformes)
- Superorder Mugilomorphae
- Order Mugiliformes
- Mullets (Mugilidae)
- Order Mugiliformes
- Superorder Blenniimorphae
- Order Gobiesociformes
- Tortoiseshell fish (Gobiesocidae)
- Order blenniiformes (Blenniiformes)
- Slimy fish (Blenniidae)
- Sand star gazer (Dactyloscopidae)
- Scaly Blennies (Labrisomidae)
- Clipfish (Clinidae)
- Pike slimy fish (Chaenopsidae)
- Three-fin slime fish (Tripterygiidae)
- Order Gobiesociformes
Incertae sedis
- Eupercaria series
Incertae sedis (families traditionally assigned to the "Perciformes")
- White perch (Callanthiidae)
- Centrogenyidae
- Columns perch (Dinopercidae)
- Emmelichthyidae
- Torpedo perch (Malacanthidae)
- Fin blades (Monodactylidae)
- Sea bass (Moronidae)
- Parascorpididae
- Umberfish (Sciaenidae)
- Sillaginidae
- Order Gerreiformes
- Mojarras (Gerreidae)
- Order sky-gazers (Uranoscopiformes = Paratrachiniformes sensu Li et al.)
Incertae sedis (families traditionally assigned to the "Perciformes")
- Cheimarrichthyidae
- Ophidiaria series
- Order Labriformes
- Order acanthuroidei (Acanthuriformes)
- Surgeonfish (Acanthuridae)
- Antigoniidae
- Caproidae
- Butterflyfish (Chaetodon)
- Sicklefish (Drepaneidae)
- Spade fish (Ephippidae)
- Ponyfish (Leiognathidae)
- Lobotidae
- Luvaridae
- Angelfish (Pomacanthidae)
- Argus fish (Scatophagidae)
- Rabbit fish (Siganidae)
- Zanclidae
- Order Lutjaniformes
- Sweetlips and Grunts (Haemulidae)
- Snapper (Lutjanidae)
- Order sea bream (Spariformes) sensu Akazaki
- Big head snapper (Lethrinidae)
- Sea bream (Sparidae)
- Mock snapper (Nemipteridae)
- Order Priacanthiformes
- Bandfish (Cepolidae)
- Bigeye perch (Priacanthidae)
- Order Armfinch (Lophiiformes)
- Suborder Lophioidei
- Monkfish (Lophiidae)
- Subordination Antennarioidei
- Frogfish (Antennariidae)
- Hand fish or wart anglers (Brachionichthyidae)
- Lophichthyidae
- Tetrabrachiidae
- Subordination Chaunacoidei
- Sea toads (Chaunacidae)
- Suborder Ogcocephaloidei
- Sea bats (Ogcocephalidae)
- Subordination deep-sea frogfish (Ceratioidei)
- Fanfloss (Caulophrynidae)
- Rod angler (Ceratiidae)
- Whip nose angler (Gigantactinidae)
- Whip Angler (Himantolophidae)
- Black Angler (Melanocetidae)
- Oneirodidae
- Neoceratiidae
- Double angler fish (Diceratiidae)
- Thaumatichthyidae
- Centrophrynidae
- Devil Angler (Linophrynidae)
- Suborder Lophioidei
- Order puffer fish relatives (Tetraodontiformes)Seagrass Filefish ( Acreichhys tomentosus )
- Suborder Triacanthodoidei
- Hornfish (Triacanthodidae)
- Suborder Triacanthoidei
- Three-spined (Triacanthidae)
- Subordination Tetraodontoidei
- Porcupine fish (Diodontidae)
- Puffer fish (Tetraodontidae)
- Subordination Moloidei
- Sunfish (Molidae)
- Subordination Balistoidei
- Filefish (Monacanthidae)
- Triggerfish (Balistidae)
- Suborder Ostracioidei
- Boxfish (Ostraciidae)
- Aracanidae
- Subordination Triodontoidei
- Trident pufferfish (Triodontidae)
- Suborder Triacanthodoidei
- Order Pempheriformes or Acropomatiformes
- Acropomatidae
- Banjo fish (Banjosidae)
- Deep sea herring (Bathyclupeidae)
- Crocodile toothfish (Champsodontidae)
- Deep sea cardinalfish (Epigonidae)
- Sand cave fish (Creediidae)
- Langflossen Hecht (Dinolestidae)
- Hemerocoetidae
- Pearlfish (Glaucosomatidae)
- Howellidae
- Lateolabracidae
- Slim Himmelsgucker (Leptoscopidae)
- Malakichthyidae
- Ostracoberycidae
- Glass or hatchet fish (Pempheridae)
- Armored heads (Pentacerotidae)
- Wreck perch (Polyprionidae)
- Gnome fish (Scombropidae)
- Symphysanodontidae
- Synagropidae
- Order Centrarchiformes
- Subordination Centrarchoidei
- Sunfish (Centrarchidae)
- Dwarf blackfish (Elassomatidae)
- Sinipercidae
- Double dorsal fin (Enoplosidae)
- Subordination Percichthyoidei
- Codfish (Percichthyidae)
- Suborder tufted perch (Cirrhitioidei)
- Cheilodactylidae
- Munchbacks (Cirrhitidae)
- Marble fish (Aplodactylidae)
- Kelpfish (Chironemidae)
- Latridae
- Subordination percalatoidei
- Subordination Terapontoidei
- Galleonfish (Dichistiidae)
- Rodent perch (Girellidae)
- Flag tails (Kuhliidae)
- Steerable fish (Kyphosidae)
- Beakfish (Oplegnathidae)
- Grunzers (Terapontidae)
- Subordination Centrarchoidei
- Order perch-like (Perciformes) (= Serraniformes sensu Li et al.)
- Subordination Bembropoidei
- Subordination Congiopodoidei
- Pigfish (Congiopodidae)
- Subordination to Normanichthyoid
- Scale group (Normanichthyidae)
- Subordination Serranoidei
- Sawfish (Serranidae)
- Caesioscorpididae
- Hemilutjanidae
- Incertae sedis
- Grouper (Epinephelidae)
- Subordination Percoidei
- Niphonidae
- Real perch (Percidae)
- Weever (Trachinidae)
- Subordination Antarctic fish (Notothenioidei)
- Percophidae
- Pseudaphritidae
- Eleginopsidae
- Antarctic cod (Nototheniidae)
- Artedidraconidae
- Antarctic predatory fish (Harpagiferidae)
- Antarctic dragonfish (Bathydraconidae)
- Crocodile ice fish (Channichthyidae)
- Ice fish (Bovichtidae)
- Subordination Scorpaenoidei
- Wasp fish (Apistidae)
- Velvet fish (Aploactinidae)
- Eschmeyeridae
- Gnathanacanthidae
- Neosebastidae
- Indian fish (Pataecidae)
- Perryenidae
- Plectrogeniidae
- Scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae)
- Stonefish (Synanceiidae)
- Forehead fins (Tetrarogidae)
- Suborder Platycephaloidei
- Deep sea flatheads (Bembridae)
- Spiny flat heads (Hoplichthyidae)
- Sprat flat heads (Parabembridae)
- Flatheads (Platycephalidae)
- Subordination triglioidei
- Gurnards (Triglidae)
- Subordination Cottoidei (= Cottimorpha sensu Li et al.)
- Partial order Anoplopomatales
- Skilfish (Anoplopomatidae)
- Partial order of sticklebacks (Gasterosteales)Three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus )
- Sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae)
- Hypoptychidae
- Aulorhynchidae
- Partial order of eel mother relatives (Zoarcales)Blue Sea Wolf ( Anarhichas dentaculatus )
- Ronquils (Bathymasteridae)
- Cebidichthyidae
- Spine back (Stichaeidae)
- Zaproridae
- Crooked mouths (Cryptacanthodidae)
- Butterfish (Pholidae)
- Sea wolves (Anarhichadidae)
- Eel Nuts (Zoarcidae)
- Eulophiidae
- Ptilichthyidae
- Scytalinidae
- Snake prickly back (Lumpenidae)
- Neozoarcidae
- Opisthocentridae
- Partial order Hexagrammales
- Green compacts (Hexagrammidae)
- Partial order Zaniolepidoales
- Partial order of bull relatives (Cottales)Bullhead ( Cottus gobio )
- Panzerroppen (Agonidae)
- Bullheads (Cottidae)
- Sea hares (Cyclopteridae)
- Jordaniidae
- Disc bellies (Liparidae)
- Dickkopf bullheads (Psychrolutidae)
- Rhamphocottidae
- Scorpaenichthyidae
- Trichodontidae
- Partial order Anoplopomatales
- Subdivision Berycimorphaceae
- Lampripterygii Division
- Subclass cartilaginous organoids (chondrostei)
Phylogeny of Teleostei | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phylogeny of Neoteleostei | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phylogeny of the perch relatives | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Ricardo Betancur-R, Edward O. Wiley, Gloria Arratia, Arturo Acero, Nicolas Bailly, Masaki Miya, Guillaume Lecointre and Guillermo Ortí: Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC series - July 2017, DOI: 10.1186 / s12862-017-0958-3
- Richard E. Broughton, Ricardo Betancur-R., Chenhong Li, Gloria Arratia, Guillermo Ortí: Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis reveals the pattern and tempo of bony fish evolution. Edition 1. PLOS Currents Tree of Life, April 16, 2013. doi: 10.1371 / currents.tol.2ca8041495ffafd0c92756e75247483e ( full text PDF ).
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Individual evidence
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