List of states in the world

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World map of all countries on earth

The list of the countries of the world shows the countries of the world . The name is given in long form, the capital , number of inhabitants , area , population density , flag and the country code . This list includes 193 states that are members of the United Nations (UN) . In addition, as non-UN members, there are Vatican City and twelve states, nations , countries or territories in which the status of a state is controversial or which are in free association with other states.

Preliminary remarks

For comparison, the characteristics of the European Union (EU) , the African Union , the Association of Southeast Asian Nations , the Organization of American States and the world as a whole are included.

Preliminary remarks on the state

Since there is no precise and generally accepted definition of an independent state in international law , the scope of this list is controversial. Those states / areas whose statehood under international law is doubted by the United Nations, even though the constituent features of the three-element doctrine may be present, are therefore written in italics.

Member states of sovereign states are not included in the list, even if - as in the case of the states of the Federal Republic of Germany - they have state quality and also have at least limited subjectivity under international law .

The United Nations recognizes the full state quality under international law in 195 states, including the 193 members of the United Nations as well as Vatican City and Palestine . In nine other territories, the status as a "state" is disputed. Two areas are self-governing territories in free association with another state (Niue and Cook Islands to New Zealand).

→ For a list of UN member states, see United Nations member states
→ For a list of the states not recognized by the UN, see the list of areas not recognized as independent states by the United Nations

Preliminary remarks on the official name

The column "Long form of the state name" shows the official long form as it is used in Germany.

→ For a detailed list of the official names in different languages ​​see Wikipedia: Naming Conventions / States
→ For a detailed list of the etymological origins of the country names, see Etymological list of country names

Preliminary remarks on the capital

In the case of confederations of states , the headquarters of the administration is given as the counterpart to the capital.

Preliminary remarks on the number of inhabitants

World map with population figures

In order to ensure comparability, the data were taken from the 2017 data report of the World Population Foundation (as of September 2017). Even censuses can never correctly record a country's population, since such surveys can only ever show a specific point in time. The population is constantly changing due to deaths, births and migration .

Preliminary remarks on the area

World map with areas

All values ​​refer to the national territory in square kilometers . In order to be able to compare the area data with one another, the CIA World Factbook (as of January 2011) was used as the source . The national territory is the entire area (land and water) that is ruled by a state authority. In contrast, the land area of some states can be significantly smaller. Depending on the perspective, a different ranking can result. For example, the United States is larger than the People's Republic of China at 9,826,630 km² by total area at 9,826,630 km². However, by land area, China is larger (9,326,410 km²) than the United States (9,161,923 km²). In the Philippines , out of 7,641 islands, only those larger than 200 km² were taken into account, resulting in a land area of ​​298,170 km², while including smaller islands the total area would be at least 10% larger.

For the recognized states, the area including any disputed states or areas is indicated. For example, the area of ​​Georgia also includes the area of ​​Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the area of ​​Cyprus also includes the area of ​​northern Cyprus, and Israel and Syria also includes the area of ​​the Golan Heights.

Preliminary remarks on population density

World map with population densities

The population density is the quotient of the population and the area of ​​the respective country.

Preliminary remarks on the flag

The "Flag" column shows the respective national flag of the state.

Preliminary remarks on the English name

Since English is the most common language internationally, these are also listed.


State or territory Long form of the state name Capital Residents
in km²
per km²
flag ISO-3 abbreviation ISO-2 abbreviation TLD English name Local name
earth - - 7,536,000,000 510,072,000  total
* 135,700,000 excluding Antarctica and oceans
15 total
* 56 excluding Antarctica and oceans
- - - - Earth -
European Union - Brussels 511,000,000 4,381,324 117 European UnionEuropean Union - EU .eu European Union -
African Union - Addis Ababa 1,250,000,000 29,797,500 42 African UnionAfrican Union - - - African Union -
Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Jakarta 644,000,000 4,480,000 144 ASEANASEAN - - - Association of Southeast Asian Nations -
Organization of American States - Washington, DC 1,004,000,000 42,549,000 24 Flag of the Organization of American States.svg - - - Organization of American States -
Abkhazia Republic of Abkhazia Sukhumi 240,000 8,600 28 AbkhaziaAbkhazia ABC - Abkhazia Aṗsny ( Abkhazian )
Abkhazia ( Russian )
Afghanistan Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Kabul 35,500,000 652.230 54 AfghanistanAfghanistan AFG AF .af Afghanistan Afghānestān
Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt Cairo 93,400,000 1,001,450 93 EgyptEgypt EGY EG .eg Egypt Misr
Albania Republic of Albania Tirana 2,900,000 28,748 101 AlbaniaAlbania ALB AL .al Albania Shqipëria
Algeria People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Algiers 42,200,000 2,381,741 18th AlgeriaAlgeria DZA Double room .dz Algeria al-Jaza'ir
Andorra Principality of Andorra Andorra la Vella 80,000 468 182 AndorraAndorra AND AD .ad Andorra Andorra
Angola Republic of Angola Luanda 28,600,000 1,246,700 23 AngolaAngola AGO AO .ao Angola Angola
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Saint John's 100,000 443 226 Antigua and BarbudaAntigua and Barbuda ATG AG .ag Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
Equatorial Guinea Republic of Equatorial Guinea Malabo 1,300,000 28.051 46 Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea GNQ GQ .gq Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial
Argentina Argentine Republic Buenos Aires 44,300,000 2,780,400 16 ArgentinaArgentina ARG AR .ar Argentina Argentina
Armenia Republic of Armenia Yerevan 3,000,000 29,743 101 ArmeniaArmenia POOR AT THE .at the Armenia Hayastan
Artsakh Artsakh Republic Stepanakert 135,000 11,500 12 Artsakh RepublicArtsakh Republic of Artsakh Arzachi Hanrapetutjun
Azerbaijan Republic of Azerbaijan Baku 9,900,000 86,600 114 AzerbaijanAzerbaijan AZE AZ .az Azerbaijan Azǝrbaycan
Ethiopia Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Addis Ababa 105,000,000 1,104,300 95 EthiopiaEthiopia ETH ET .et Ethiopia Ityop'iya
Australia Australia Canberra 24,500,000 7,741,220 3 AustraliaAustralia OUT AU .au Australia Australia
Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas Nassau 400,000 13,880 29 BahamasBahamas Bras BS .bs Bahamas Bahamas
Bahrain Kingdom of Bahrain Manama 1,500,000 760 1974 BahrainBahrain BHR bra .bra Bahrain al-Bahrayn
Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh Dhaka 164,700,000 143.998 1144 BangladeshBangladesh BGD BD .bd Bangladesh Bāṃlādeś
Barbados Barbados Bridgetown 300,000 430 698 BarbadosBarbados BRB BB .bb Barbados Barbados
Belgium Kingdom of Belgium Brussels 11,300,000 30,528 367 BelgiumBelgium BEL BE .be Belgium België ( Dutch )
Belgique ( French )
Belgium ( German )
Belize Belize Belmopan 400,000 22,966 17th BelizeBelize BLZ BZ .bz Belize Belize
Benin Republic of Benin Porto-Novo 11,200,000 112,622 99 BeninBenin BEN BJ .bj Benin Benin
Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan Thimphu 800,000 38,394 21st BhutanBhutan BTN BT .bt Bhutan Bhutan
Bolivia Plurinational State of Bolivia Sucre 11,100,000 1,098,581 10 BoliviaBolivia BOL BO .bo Bolivia Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo 3,500,000 51.197 68 Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA .ba Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna i Hercegovina
Botswana Republic of Botswana Gaborone 2,300,000 581.730 4th BotswanaBotswana BWA BW .bw Botswana Botswana
Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil Brasília 207,900,000 8,514,877 24 BrazilBrazil BRA BR .br Brazil Brazil
Brunei Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan 400,000 5,765 69 BruneiBrunei BRN BN .bn Brunei Darussalam Negara Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria Sofia 7,100,000 110,879 64 BulgariaBulgaria BGR BG .bg Bulgaria Bălgarija
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 19,600,000 274.200 71 Burkina FasoBurkina Faso BFA BF .bf Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Burundi Republic of Burundi Gitega 10,400,000 27,830 410 BurundiBurundi BDI BI .bi Burundi Burundi
Chile Republic of Chile Santiago de Chile 18,400,000 756.102 24 ChileChile CHL CL .cl Chile Chile
Republic of China Republic of China (Taiwan) Taipei 23,600,000 35,980 656 TaiwanRepublic of China (Taiwan) TWN TW .tw Taiwan or Republic of China 中華民國Zhonghua Minguo
People's Republic of China
with Hong Kong (HK) and Macau (MO)
People's Republic of China Beijing 1,386,800,000
* 7,400,000 HK
 * 600,000 MO
9,596,961  total
* 1,104 HK
* 28.2 MO
145  total
* 6703 HK
* 21276.6 MO
China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China
Hong KongHong Kong
CHN CN .cn China 中华人民共和国Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
Cook Islands Cook Islands Avarua 11,500 236 49 Cook IslandsCook Islands COK CK .ck Cook Islands Cook Islands
Costa Rica Republic of Costa Rica San Jose 4,900,000 51,100 96 Costa RicaCosta Rica CRI CR .cr Costa Rica Costa Rica
with Faroe Islands (FO) and Greenland (GL)
Kingdom of Denmark Copenhagen 5,748,769
* 48,354 FO
* 56,584 GL
* 5,853,707 total
43,094  heartland
* 1,393 FO
* 2,166,086 GL
* 2,210,573 total
128.0  heartland
* 35.2 FO
* 0.03 GL
* 2.5 total
FaroeseFaroe Islands
DNK DK .dk Denmark Danmark
Germany Federal Republic of Germany Berlin 83,100,000 357.121 231 GermanyGermany DEU DE .de Germany Germany
Dominica Commonwealth Dominica Roseau 73,000 751 97 DominicaDominica DMA DM .dm Dominica Dominica
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 10,700,000 48,670 220 Dominican RepublicDominican Republic DOM DO .do Dominican Republic República Dominicana
Djibouti Republic of Djibouti Djibouti city 1,000,000 23,200 43 DjiboutiDjibouti DJI DJ .dj Djibouti Djibouti
Ecuador Republic of Ecuador Quito 16,800,000 283,561 59 EcuadorEcuador ECU EC .ec Ecuador Ecuador
El Salvador Republic of El Salvador San Salvador 6,400,000 21,041 304 El SalvadorEl Salvador SLV SV .sv El Salvador El Salvador
Ivory Coast Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Yamoussoukro 24,400,000 322,463 76 Ivory CoastIvory Coast CIV CI .ci Ivory Coast Cote d'Ivoire
Eritrea State of Eritrea Asmara 5,900,000 117,600 50 EritreaEritrea ERI HE .he Eritrea Ertra
Estonia Republic of Estonia Tallinn 1,300,000 45.228 29 EstoniaEstonia EST EE .ee Estonia Eesti
Fiji Republic of Fiji Suva 900,000 18,274 49 FijiFiji FJI FJ .fj Fiji Fiji
Finland Republic of Finland Helsinki 5,500,000 338.145 16 FinlandFinland FIN FI (SF) .fi Finland Suomi ( Finnish )
Finland ( Swedish )
excluding overseas territories
French Republic Paris 65,000,000 551,500 118 FranceFrance FRA FR .fr France France
Gabon Gabonese Republic Libreville 2,000,000 267,667 7th GabonGabon GAVE GA .ga Gabon Gabon
Gambia Republic of the Gambia Banjul 2,100,000 11,295 186 GambiaGambia GMB GM .gm Gambia, the Gambia, the
with Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Georgia Tbilisi 3,900,000 69,700 56 GeorgiaGeorgia GEO GE .ge Georgia Sak'art'velo
Ghana Republic of Ghana Accra 28,800,000 238,533 121 GhanaGhana GHA GH .gh Ghana Ghana
Grenada Grenada St. George's 108,000 344 314 GrenadaGrenada GRD GD .gd Grenada Grenada
Greece Hellenic Republic Athens 10,700,000 131,957 81 GreeceGreece GRC GR .gr Greece Elláda, Ellás
Guatemala Republic of Guatemala Guatemala City 16,900,000 108,889 155 GuatemalaGuatemala GTM GT .gt Guatemala Guatemala
Guinea Republic of Guinea Conakry 11,500,000 245.857 47 Guinea-aGuinea GIN GN .gn Guinea Guinea
Guinea-Bissau Republic of Guinea-Bissau Bissau 1,900,000 36,125 53 Guinea-BissauGuinea-Bissau GNB GW .gw Guinea-Bissau Guiné-Bissau
Guyana Cooperative Republic of Guyana Georgetown 800,000 214,969 4th GuyanaGuyana GUY GY .gy Guyana Guyana
Haiti Republic of Haiti Port-au-Prince 10,600,000 27,750 382 HaitiHaiti HTI HT .ht Haiti Haiti
Honduras Republic of Honduras Tegucigalpa 8,900,000 112.090 79 HondurasHonduras HND HN .hn Honduras Honduras
with Kashmir
Republic of India New Delhi 1,352,600,000 3,287,263 411 IndiaIndia IND IN .in India India ( English )
Bharat ( Hindi )
Indonesia Republic of Indonesia Jakarta 264,000,000 1,904,569 139 IndonesiaIndonesia IDN ID .id Indonesia Indonesia
Iraq Republic of Iraq Baghdad 39,200,000 438.317 89 IraqIraq IRQ IQ .iq Iraq al-ʿIrāq
Iran Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran 80,600,000 1,648,195 49 IranIran IRN IR .ir Iran Iran
Ireland Ireland Dublin 4,800,000 70.273 68 IrelandIreland IRL IE .ie Ireland Éire ( Irish )
Ireland ( English )
Iceland Republic of Iceland Reykjavík 350,000 103,000 3 IcelandIceland ISL IS .is Iceland Ísland
with the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem ,
without the Gaza Strip and the West Bank
State of Israel Jerusalem 8,600,000 22,380 384 IsraelIsrael ISR IL .il Israel Yisra'el
Italy Italian Republic Rome 60,500,000 301,340 201 ItalyItaly ITA IT .it Italy Italia
Jamaica Jamaica Kingston 2,900,000 10,991 264 JamaicaJamaica JAM JM .jm Jamaica Jamaica
Japan Japan Tokyo 126,700,000 377.915 335 JapanJapan JPN JP .jp Japan 日本 Nihon / Nippon
Yemen Republic of Yemen Sanaa (de jure)
Aden (de facto)
28,300,000 527.968 54 YemenYemen YEM YE .ye Yemen al-Yaman
Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Amman 9,700,000 89,342 109 JordanJordan JOR JO .jo Jordan al-Urdunn
Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia Phnom Penh 15,900,000 181.035 88 CambodiaCambodia KHM KH .kh Cambodia Kampuchea
Cameroon Republic of Cameroon Yaoundé 25,000,000 475,440 53 CameroonCameroon CMR CM .cm Cameroon Cameroun ( French )
Cameroon ( English )
Canada Canada Ottawa 36,700,000 9,984,670 4th CanadaCanada CAN CA .approx Canada Canada
Cape Verde Republic of Cabo Verde Praia 517,000 4.033 128 Cape VerdeCape Verde CPV CV .cv Cape Verde Cabo Verde
Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan 18,000,000 2,724,900 7th KazakhstanKazakhstan KAZ concentration camp .concentration camp Kazakhstan Qazaqstan ( Kazakh )
Kazakhstan ( Russian )
Qatar State of Qatar Doha 2,700,000 11,586 233 QatarQatar QAT QA .qa Qatar Dawlat Qatar
Kenya Republic of Kenya Nairobi 49,700,000 580.367 86 KenyaKenya KEN KE .ke Kenya Kenya
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek 6,200,000 199,951 31 KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstan KGZ KG .kg Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan ( Kyrgyz )
Kyrgyzstan ( Russian )
Kiribati Republic of Kiribati South Tarawa 100,000 811 123 KiribatiKiribati KIR AI .ki Kiribati Kiribati or Kiribas
Colombia Republic of Colombia Bogotá 49,300,000 1,138,910 43 ColombiaColombia COL CO .co Colombia Colombia
Comoros Union of Comoros Moroni 800,000 2,235 358 ComorosComoros COM KM .km Comoros Comores
Congo, Democratic Republic Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa 81,500,000 2,344,858 35 Congo Democratic RepublicDemocratic Republic of Congo COD CD .CD Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Kinshasa) Congo, République Démocratique du
Congo, Republic Republic of the Congo Brazzaville 5,000,000 342,000 15th Congo RepublicRepublic of the Congo COG CG .cg Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) Congo, République du
Korea, north Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pyongyang 25,500,000 120,538 212 Korea NorthNorth Korea PRK KP .kp Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea) 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 , 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 Chosŏn
Korea, south Republic of Korea Seoul 51,400,000 99,720 515 Korea SouthSouth Korea COR KR .kr Korea, Republic of (South Korea) 대한민국
大韓民國 Hanguk / Namhan
Kosovo Republic of Kosovo Pristina 1,800,000 10,887 165 KosovoKosovo XXK XK Kosovo Kosova / Kosovë ( Albanian )
Kosovo / Косово ( Serbian )
Croatia Republic of Croatia Zagreb
4,100,000 56,594 72 CroatiaCroatia HRV MR .Mr Croatia Hrvatska
Cuba Republic of Cuba Havana 11,300,000 110,860 102 CubaCuba CUB CU .cu Cuba Cuba
Kuwait State of Kuwait Kuwait City 4,100,000 17,818 230 KuwaitKuwait KWT KW .kw Kuwait al-Kuwayt
Laos Laos People's Democratic Republic Vientiane 7,000,000 236,800 30th LaosLaos LAO LA .la Lao, People's Democratic Republic of Lao
Lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho Maseru 2,200,000 30,355 72 LesothoLesotho LSO LS .ls Lesotho Lesotho
Latvia Republic of Latvia Riga 1,900,000 64,589 29 LatviaLatvia LVA LV .lv Latvia Latvija
Lebanon Lebanese Republic Beirut 6,200,000 10,400 596 LebanonLebanon LBN LB .lb Lebanon Lubnān
Liberia Republic of Liberia Monrovia 4,700,000 111,369 42 LiberiaLiberia LBR LR .lr Liberia Liberia
Libya State of Libya Tripoli 6,400,000 1,759,540 4th LibyaLibya LBY LY .ly Libya Lībiyā
Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein Vaduz 40,000 160 250 LiechtensteinLiechtenstein LIE LI .li Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Republic of Lithuania Vilnius
2,800,000 65,300 43 LithuaniaLithuania LTU LT .lt Lithuania Lietuva
Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luxembourg 600,000 2,586 232 LuxembourgLuxembourg LUX LU .lu Luxembourg Luxembourg ( German )
Luxembourg ( French )
Lëtzebuerg ( Luxembourgish )
Madagascar Republic of Madagascar Antananarivo 25,500,000 587.041 43 MadagascarMadagascar MDG MG .mg Madagascar Madagascar
Malawi Republic of Malawi Lilongwe 18,600,000 118,484 157 MalawiMalawi MWI MW .mw Malawi Malawi
Malaysia Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 31,600,000 329,847 96 MalaysiaMalaysia MYS MY .my Malaysia Malaysia
Maldives Republic of Maldives Times 400,000 298 1342 MaldivesMaldives MDV MV .mv Maldives Dhivehi Raajje
Mali Republic of Mali Bamako 18,900,000 1,240,192 15th MaliMali MLI ML .ml Mali Mali
Malta Republic of Malta Valletta 438,000 316 1386 MaltaMalta MLT MT .mt Malta Malta
without Western Sahara (EH)
Kingdom of Morocco Rabat 35,100,000 446,550 79 MoroccoMorocco MAR MA .ma Morocco al-Maghrib
Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands Majuro 60,000 181 331 Marshall IslandsMarshall Islands MHL MH .mh Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Mauritania Islamic Republic of Mauritania Nouakchott 4,400,000 1,030,700 4th MauritaniaMauritania MRI MR .mr Mauritania Mūrītānīya
Mauritius Republic of Mauritius Port Louis 1,300,000 2,040 637 MauritiusMauritius MUS MU .mu Mauritius Mauritius
Mexico United Mexican States Mexico city 129,200,000 1,964,375 66 MexicoMexico MEX MX .mx Mexico México
Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Palikir 107,000 702 152 Micronesia, Federated StatesMicronesia FSM FM .fm Micronesia, Federal States of Micronesia
with Transnistria
Republic of Moldova Chișinău 3,900,000 33,851 115 Moldova RepublicRepublic of Moldova MDA MD .md Moldova Moldova
Monaco Principality of Monaco City-state 37,800 2.03 18621 MonacoMonaco MCO MC .mc Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Mongolia Ulaanbaatar 3,200,000 1,564,116 2 MongoliaMongolia MNG MN .mn Mongolia Mongol Uls
Montenegro Montenegro Podgorica 600,000 13,812 43 MontenegroMontenegro MNE ME .me Montenegro Crna Gora
Mozambique Republic of Mozambique Maputo 29,700,000 799.380 37 MozambiqueMozambique MOZ MZ .mz Mozambique Mozambique
Myanmar Republic of the Union of Myanmar Naypyidaw 53,400,000 676.578 79 MyanmarMyanmar MMR MM .mm Myanmar or Burma Myanma Naingngandaw
Namibia Republic of Namibia Windhoek 2,500,000 824.292 3 NamibiaNamibia NAM N / A .n / A Namibia Namibia
Nauru Republic of Nauru Yaren 10,000 21st 476 NauruNauru NRU NO .No Nauru Nauru
Nepal Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Kathmandu 29,400,000 147.181 200 NepalNepal NPL NP .np Nepal Nepal
New Zealand New Zealand Wellington 4,800,000 267.710 18th New ZealandNew Zealand NZL NZ .nz New Zealand New Zealand ( English )
Aotearoa ( Maori )
Nicaragua Republic of Nicaragua Managua 6,200,000 130.730 47 NicaraguaNicaragua NIC NI .ni Nicaragua Nicaragua
excluding Aruba (AW),
Curaçao (CW) and
Sint Maarten (SX)
Kingdom of the Netherlands Amsterdam 17,100,000 41,543 412 NetherlandsNetherlands NLD NL .nl Netherlands Nederland
Niger Republic of Niger Niamey 20,600,000 1,267,000 16 NigerNiger NER NE .ne Niger Niger
Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria Abuja 190,900,000 923,768 207 NigeriaNigeria NGA NG .ng Nigeria Nigeria
Niue Niue Alofi 1,229 260 5 NiueNiue NIU NU .nu Niue Niue
North Macedonia Republic of North Macedonia Skopje 2,100,000 25,713 82 North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia MKD MK .mk North Macedonia Severna Makedonija ( Macedonian )
Maqedonia e Veriut ( Albanian )
Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus North Nicosia 295,000 3,355 88 Northern CyprusTurkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti
without Svalbard (SJ)
Kingdom of Norway Oslo 5,300,000 323,802 16 NorwayNorway NOR NO .no Norway Norge ( bokmål )
Noreg ( nynorsk )
Oman Sultanate of Oman Muscat 4,700,000 309,500 15th OmanOman OMN OM .om Oman ʿUmān
Austria Republic of Austria Vienna 8,800,000 83,871 105 AustriaAustria AUT AT .at Austria Austria
East Timor / Timor-Leste Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Dili 1,300,000 14,874 87 East TimorEast Timor TLS TL (TP) .tl ( .tp ) East Timor or
Timor Leste
without Kashmir
Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamabad 207,600,000 796.095 261 PakistanPakistan PAH PK .pk Pakistan Pakistan
Palestine State of Palestine East Jerusalem (claimed) and Ramallah
(de facto)
4,900,000 6.220 788 Palastina autonomous areasPalestine PSE PS .ps Palestine Dawlat Filastīn
Palau Republic of Palau Ngerulmud 21,000 459 46 PalauPalau PLW PW .pw Palau Belau
Panama Republic of Panama Panama City 4,100,000 75,420 54 PanamaPanama PAN PA .pa Panama Panama
Papua New Guinea Independent State of Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 8,300,000 462.840 18th Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinea PNG PG .pg Papua New Guinea Papua Niu Gini
Paraguay Republic of Paraguay Asunción 6,800,000 406.752 17th ParaguayParaguay PRY PY .py Paraguay Paraguay ( Spanish )
Paraguái ( Guaraní )
Peru Republic of Peru Lima 31,800,000 1,285,216 25th PeruPeru BY PE .pe Peru Peru
Philippines Republic of the Philippines Manila 105,000,000 299,000 351 PhilippinesPhilippines PHL PH .ph Philippines Pilipinas
Poland Republic of Poland Warsaw 38,400,000 312,685 123 PolandPoland POLE PL .pl Poland Polska
Portugal Portuguese Republic Lisbon 10,300,000 92,090 112 PortugalPortugal PRT PT .pt Portugal Portugal
Rwanda Republic of Rwanda Kigali 12,300,000 26,338 467 RwandaRwanda RWA RW .rw Rwanda Rwanda
Romania Romania Bucharest 19,600,000 238.391 82 RomaniaRomania ROU RO .ro Romania România
without Crimea
Russian Federation Moscow 144,500,000 17,098,242 8th RussiaRussia RUS RU .ru Russia or Russian Federation Россия (Rossija) or Российская Федерация (Rossijskaja Federacija)
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Honiara 700,000 28,896 24 Solomon IslandsSolomon Islands SLB SB .sb Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Zambia Republic of Zambia Lusaka 16,400,000 752.618 22nd ZambiaZambia ZMB ZM .zm Zambia Zambia
Samoa Independent State of Samoa Apia 200,000 2,831 71 SamoaSamoa WSM WS .ws Samoa Samoa
San Marino Republic of San Marino San Marino 32,800 61 538 San MarinoSan Marino SMR SM .sm San Marino San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome 200,000 964 207 Sao Tome and PrincipeSao Tome and Principe STP ST .st Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome e Principe
Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Riad 32,600,000 2,149,690 15th Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia SOW SA .sa Saudi Arabia al-ʿArabīya as-Saʿudīya
Sweden Kingdom of Sweden Stockholm 10,100,000 450.295 22nd SwedenSweden SWE SE .se Sweden Sverige
Switzerland Swiss Confederation Bern 8,500,000 41,277 206 SwitzerlandSwitzerland CHE CH .ch Switzerland Switzerland ( German )
Suisse ( French )
Svizzera ( Italian )
Svizra ( Romansh )
Senegal Republic of Senegal Dakar 15,800,000 196.722 80 SenegalSenegal SEN SN .sn Senegal Senegal
without Kosovo
Republic of Serbia Belgrade 7,000,000 77,474 90 SerbiaSerbia SRB RS .rs Serbia Srbija
Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Victoria 90,000 455 198 SeychellesSeychelles SYC SC .sc Seychelles Seychelles ( English , French )
Sesel ( Seychelles Creole )
Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone Freetown 7,600,000 71,740 106 Sierra LeoneSierra Leone SLE SL .sl Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe Harare 16,600,000 390.757 42 ZimbabweZimbabwe TWO ZW . or Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Singapore Republic of Singapore City-state 5,700,000 697 8178 SingaporeSingapore SGP SG .sg Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovak Republic Bratislava
5,400,000 49,035 110 SlovakiaSlovakia SVK SK .sk Slovakia Slovensko
Slovenia Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana
2,100,000 20,273 104 SloveniaSlovenia SVN SI .si Slovenia Slovenija
with Somaliland
Federal Republic of Somalia Mogadishu 14,700,000 637.657 23 SomaliaSomalia SOM SO .so Somalia Soomaaliya ( Somali )
as-Sūmāl ( Arabic )
Somaliland Republic of Somaliland Hargeysa 3,500,000 137,600 25th SomalilandSomaliland Somaliland Soomaaliland
Spain Kingdom of Spain Madrid 46,600,000 505.370 92 SpainSpain ESP IT .it Spain España
Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Sri Jayewardenepura (de jure)
Colombo (de facto)
21,400,000 65,610 326 Sri LankaSri Lanka LKA LK .lk Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
St. Kitts and Nevis Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis Basseterre 50,000 261 192 Saint Kitts NevisSt. Kitts and Nevis KNA KN .kn Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
St. Lucia St. Lucia Castries 200,000 616 325 Saint LuciaSt. Lucia LCA LC .lc Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown 104,000 389 267 Saint Vincent GrenadinesSt. Vincent and the Grenadines VCT VC .vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
South Africa Republic of South Africa Pretoria 56,500,000 1,219,090 46 South AfricaSouth Africa ZAF ZA .za South Africa South Africa ( English ) and ten others
Sudan Republic of Sudan Khartoum 40,600,000 1,886,068 22nd SudanSudan SDN SD .sd Sudan as-Sūdān
South Ossetia South Ossetia Tskhinvali 51,000 3,885 13 South OssetiaSouth Ossetia SOS South Ossetia Južnaja Osetija ( Russian )
South Sudan Republic of South Sudan Juba 12,600,000 619.745 20th South SudanSouth Sudan SSD SS .ss South Sudan South Sudan
Suriname Republic of Suriname Paramaribo 600,000 163,820 4th SurinameSuriname SUR SR .sr Suriname Suriname
Swaziland Kingdom of Eswatini Mbabane 1,400,000 17,364 81 SwazilandSwaziland SWZ SZ .sz Eswatini eSwatini
with Golan Heights
Syrian Arab Republic Damascus 18,300,000 185.180 99 SyriaSyria SYR SY .sy Syria Sūriyā
Tajikistan Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe 8,800,000 143,100 61 TajikistanTajikistan TJK TJ .tj Tajikistan Todschikiston
Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania Dodoma 57,500,000 947,300 61 TanzaniaTanzania TZA TZ .tz Tanzania Tanzania
Thailand Kingdom of Thailand Bangkok 66,100,000 513.120 129 ThailandThailand THA TH .th Thailand Prathet Thai
Togo Republic of Togo Lomé 7,800,000 56,785 137 TogoTogo TGO TG .tg Togo Togo
Tonga Kingdom of Tonga Nuku'alofa 123,000 747 165 TongaTonga VOLUME TO .to Tonga Tonga
Transnistria Transnistrian Moldavian Republic Tiraspol 555,000 3,567 156 TransnistriaTransnistria Transnistria Pridnestrovye
Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain 1,400,000 5,128 273 Trinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago TTO TT .tt Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
Chad Republic of Chad N'Djamena 14,900,000 1,284,000 12 ChadChad TCD TD .td Chad Tchad
Czech Republic Czech Republic Prague 10,600,000 78,867 134 Czech RepublicCzech Republic CZE CZ .cz Czech Republic Česká republika
Tunisia Republic of Tunisia Tunis 11,500,000 163,610 70 TunisiaTunisia TO DO TN .tn Tunisia Tunis
Turkey Republic of Turkey Ankara 83,150,000 783,562 103 TurkeyTurkey DOOR TR .tr Turkey Türkiye
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Ashgabad 5,800,000 488.100 12 TurkmenistanTurkmenistan TKM TM .tm Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
Tuvalu Tuvalu Funafuti 10,000 26th 385 TuvaluTuvalu TUV TV .tv Tuvalu Tuvalu
Uganda Republic of Uganda Kampala 42,800,000 241.038 178 UgandaUganda UGA Basement .ug Uganda Uganda
with Crimea
Ukraine Kiev 42,300,000 603,550 70 UkraineUkraine UKR UA .ua Ukraine Ukrajina
Hungary Hungary Budapest 9,800,000 93,028 105 HungaryHungary HUN HU .hu Hungary Magyarország
Uruguay Republic of East Uruguay Montevideo 3,500,000 176.215 20th UruguayUruguay URY UY .uy Uruguay Uruguay
Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent 32,600,000 447,400 73 UzbekistanUzbekistan UZB UZ .uz Uzbekistan Ozbekiston
Vanuatu Republic of Vanuatu Port Vila 300,000 12,189 25th VanuatuVanuatu VUT VU .vu Vanuatu Vanuatu
Vatican city Vatican City State City-state 829 0.44 1884 Vatican cityVatican VAT VA .va Vatican City Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Caracas 31,400,000 912.050 34 VenezuelaVenezuela VEN VE .ve Venezuela Venezuela
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 9,400,000 83,600 112 United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates ARE AE .ae United Arab Emirates al-Imārāt al-ʿArabīya al-Muttahida
United States
with no outlying territories
United States of America Washington, DC 325,400,000 9,826,675 33 United StatesUnited States United States US .us United States United States
United Kingdom
excluding overseas territories and crown possessions
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland London 66,200,000 243.610 272 United KingdomUnited Kingdom GBR GB (UK) .uk ( .gb ) United Kingdom United Kingdom
Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam Hanoi 93,700,000 331.210 283 VietnamVietnam VNM VN .vn Vietnam Việt Nam
Belarus Republic of Belarus Minsk 9,500,000 207,600 46 BelarusBelarus BLR BY .by Belarus Belarus
Western Sahara Sahara Arab Democratic Republic El Aaiún 600,000 266,000 2 Western SaharaWestern Sahara ESH EH .eh Western Sahara or Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Sahara Occidental
Central African Republic Central African Republic Bangui 4,700,000 622.984 8th Central African RepublicCentral African Republic CAF CF .cf Central African Republic République Centrafricaine
with Northern Cyprus
Republic of Cyprus Nicosia 1,200,000 9,251 130 Cyprus RepublicRepublic of Cyprus CYP CY .cy Cyprus Kýpros ( Greek )
Kıbrıs ( Turkish )
Country Long form of the state name Capital Residents
in km²
per km²
flag ISO-3 abbreviation ISO-2 abbreviation TLD English name Local name


Controversial states and similar entities


Abkhazia belongs to Georgia under international law . The United Nations has reaffirmed this time and again since 1993. The UN Security Council calls for the “sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders” . Some international lawyers consider Abkhazia to be a stabilized de facto regime .

Russia recognized Abkhazia as an independent state on August 26, 2008, Nicaragua on September 3, 2008, Venezuela on September 10, 2009, and Nauru on December 15, 2009.

Abkhazia is also a member of the UNPO, which is not relevant under international law .


Arzach , Nagorno-Karabakh, a stabilized de facto state until 2017 , belongs to Azerbaijan under international law, but has been occupied by Armenia since the end of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1994. In 1993 the UN Security Council passed four resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, calling for the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied Azerbaijani districts. The Council of Europe last criticized the “separation of 15.25% of Azerbaijani national territory” ( Nagorno Karabakh and neighboring districts) by the Armenian military units in Aracha in a resolution of January 2005 as “unlawful”.

On March 14, 2008, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution on the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, in which it called on Armenia to "immediately and completely withdraw its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories".

Republic of China

The Republic of China is not officially recognized as an independent state by most states in the world (including all EU states and the USA) because the People's Republic of China has sole power of representation . The Republic of China is currently recognized by 15 countries, including Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti and the Vatican. In terms of foreign policy, the People's Republic underpins its claim to sole representation with the stance that it does not maintain relations with any state that recognizes the Republic of China under international law. However, the Republic of China is economically and politically independent. Germany, Austria and Switzerland have no diplomatic, but cultural and economic relations with the Republic of China.

Cook Islands

The Cook Islands are a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand and a parliamentary-democratic monarchy in the Commonwealth of Nations . The Cook Islands are independent according to the three-element theory . However, many states and the United Nations are waiting for the country to be officially recognized as an independent sovereign state until the Cook Islands freely resolve their association with New Zealand. This could be the case in the medium term. So far u. a. the Federal Republic of Germany (2001), Belgium (2005) and Switzerland (2005) the Cook Islands recognized as an independent state under international law.


Kosovo's status under international law is controversial. On 17 February 2008, the proclaimed parliament in the capital Pristina , the independence of the territory of Serbia . So far, 114 of the 193 UN member states recognize the Republic of Kosovo as independent.

Serbia considers Kosovo unchanged as its Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija ( Autonomna Pokrajina Kosovo i Metohija / Аутономна покрајина Косово и Метохија shortly Kosmet / Космет; Albanian Krahina Autonomous e Kosovës dhe Metohisë ). The International Court of Justice (ICJ) reached on 22 July 2010 in a non-legally binding, the UN General Assembly requested on Serbian initiative opinion to the conclusion that the Kosovo declaration of independence did not violate international law. At the same time, the ICJ avoided assessing the international legal status of Kosovo and recognized the validity of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council .


Niue is a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand and a parliamentary-democratic monarchy in the Commonwealth of Nations. Niue is independent according to the three-element theory. However, many states and the United Nations are waiting for official recognition as an independent sovereign state until Niue can freely resolve its association with New Zealand. This could be the case in the medium term. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria have not yet recognized Niue as an independent state under international law.


The state of Palestine is currently fully diplomatically recognized by 138 states and has been upgraded to a UN observer state . However, there are only limited diplomatic relations with many other states (including most of the member states of the European Union ), which run through the PLO . Also, Palestine does not yet have a permanent state territory - the claimed territory is largely under the control of Israel , which has established the Palestinian Autonomous Areas.


Due to the collapse of Somalia , the state of Somaliland has existed as an independent republic since 1991 . Its sovereignty has hardly been recognized internationally. Somaliland is a member state of the UNPO , which, however, as a non-governmental organization, has no weight under international law.

South Ossetia

Even before the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990, the autonomous region declared itself independent from the Georgian SSR as the Republic of South Ossetia . Georgia continues to claim South Ossetia as part of its national territory and is supported in this by most states and international organizations. After the Caucasus War in 2008 , Russia and then Nicaragua recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as sovereign states. Venezuela followed in September 2009 and Nauru in December 2009 . Together with Abkhazia, Transnistria and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic , South Ossetia forms the community of unrecognized states .

Some international lawyers grant the Republic of South Ossetia the status of a de facto regime . The objection is that this only exists through the Russian military presence and that it is not yet sufficiently consolidated.


Transnistria is a separatist region in eastern Moldova , whose institutions operate independently. The rulers in Tiraspol regard Transnistria as an independent state. Separatism in Transnistria is based less on an ethnic basis (no ethnic group has a majority in the region) and more on an ideological basis (it regards itself as the rest of the collapsed USSR ). No state has yet recognized their independence. Due to alleged human rights violations, it is almost completely isolated in terms of foreign policy. On March 6, 2006, Ukraine introduced an "economic blockade".

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is a territory in the north of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus that is not recognized as a state by the international community with the exception of Turkey and is therefore referred to as a stabilized de facto regime . The capital of the TRNC is North Nicosia (Lefkoşa). In a referendum in April 2004, the population voted in favor of reunification with the Greek-populated south of the island, but this did not find a majority in the south. The island remains effectively divided and the Republic of Cyprus has no way of governing in the north. Officially, the entire island of Cyprus joined the European Union as the national territory of the Republic of Cyprus, but with the restriction that the Republic of Cyprus can neither enforce its own law nor EU law in the northern part. However, contracts on economic cooperation with the EU are to be concluded with the TRNC.

Western Sahara

The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (Western Sahara) is recognized as a state - especially by many African states . Morocco regards the territory as part of its historical national territory and keeps it occupied. Germany has so far remained neutral on this issue and supports the efforts of the United Nations to find a peaceful solution to the so-called Western Sahara conflict .

Non-state subjects of international law

Holy See

The Holy See is a generally recognized subject of international law and has observer status at the United Nations. He maintains diplomatic relations with most countries in the world. The Holy See is not to be confused with the State of Vatican City , which is recognized as a state and is also subject to international law. Usually, Vatican City leaves its diplomatic representation to the Holy See.

Order of Malta

The Order of Malta is a subject of international law and enjoys observer status at the United Nations. This is a relic, since the Order since the expulsion from the island of Malta by Napoleon Bonaparte over no territory has more. The order maintains diplomatic relations with many countries, such as Austria.

Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross is a universally recognized subject of international law because of its global and impartial work. It is the only control body of the Geneva Conventions that is explicitly named in international law . The committee is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement . Its exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the life and dignity of the victims of war and internal conflict.

Interactive world map

The following political world map shows all the countries in the world (the graphic is link-sensitive , i.e. the individual countries can be clicked on):

Antarktika Frankreich (Kerguelen) Vereinigtes Königreich (Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln) Malaysia Japan Volksrepublik China Republik China (Taiwan) Südkorea Brunei Osttimor Philippinen Indonesien Ukraine Kasachstan Georgien Aserbaidschan Armenien Russland Türkei Vietnam Singapur Irak Syrien Libanon Israel Jordanien Kuwait Katar Bahrain Saudi-Arabien Jemen Oman Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Iran Turkmenistan Usbekistan Kirgisistan Tadschikistan Pakistan Afghanistan Mongolei Malediven Nordkorea Indien Indien Sri Lanka Bhutan Nepal Bangladesch Myanmar Thailand Kambodscha Laos Palau Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien Papua-Neuguinea Marshallinseln Nauru Tokelau Salomonen Neuseeland Vanuatu Tuvalu Kiribati Kiribati Tonga Australien Samoa Fidschi Cookinseln (in freier Assoziierung mit Neuseeland) Niue (assoziiert mit Neuseeland) Vereinigte Staaten (Alaska) Vereinigtes Königreich (Pitcairn-Inseln) Frankreich (Neukaledonien) Frankreich (Französisch-Polynesien) Frankreich (Wallis and Futuna) Vereinigte Staaten (Hawaii) Vereinigte Staaten (Amerikanisch-Samoa) Vereinigte Staaten (Nördliche Mariannen) Vereinigte Staaten (Guam) Chile Uruguay Argentinien Paraguay Peru Bolivien Brasilien Ecuador Panama Kolumbien Guyana Suriname Venezuela Trinidad und Tobago Vereinigtes Königreich (Falklandinseln) Frankreich (Französisch-Guayana) Niederlande (ABC-Inseln) Costa Rica Honduras El Salvador Guatemala Belize Mexiko Jamaika Kuba Haiti Dominikanische Republik Bahamas Nicaragua Vereinigte Staaten Kanada Inseln über dem Winde (multinational) Puerto Rico (zu Vereinigte Staaten) Vereinigtes Königreich (Kaimaninseln) Vereinigtes Königreich (Turks- and Caicosinseln) Vereinigtes Königreich (Bermuda) Frankreich (St.-Pierre und Miquelon) Dänemark (Grönland) Isle of Man (brittischer Kronbesitz) Guernsey (brittischer Kronbesitz) Malta Jersey (brittischer Kronbesitz) Andorra Monaco Schweiz Liechtenstein Vatikanstadt San Marino Luxemburg Island Österreich Belgien Bulgarien Republik Zypern Tschechien Deutschland Dänemark Dänemark (Färöer) Estland Spanien Finnland Frankreich Vereinigtes Königreich Griechenland Ungarn Irland Italien Litauen Lettland Niederlande Polen Portugal Portugal (Madeira) Portugal (Azoren) Rumänien Schweden Slowenien Slowakei Island Montenegro Nordmazedonien Kroatien Serbien Norwegen Albanien Bosnien und Herzegowina Moldau Weißrussland Russland (Kaliningrad) Ägypten Tunesien Libyen Algerien Marokko Mauretanien Senegal Gambia Guinea-Bissau Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia Elfenbeinküste Ghana Togo Benin Nigeria Äquatorialguinea Kamerun Gabun Republik Kongo Angola Demokratische Republik Kongo Namibia Südafrika Lesotho Swasiland Mosambik Tansania Kenia Somalia Dschibuti Eritrea Sudan Ruanda Uganda Burundi Sambia Malawi Simbabwe Botswana Äthiopien Südsudan Zentralafrikanische Republik Tschad Niger Mali Burkina Faso Kap Verde São Tomé und Príncipe Seychellen Mauritius Komoren Madagaskar Spanien (Kanarische Inseln) Frankreich (Réunion) Frankreich (Mayotte)States of the earth
About this picture

See also


  • Foreign Office (Ed.): Country directory for official use in the Federal Republic of Germany (German, English, French, Spanish). Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, Berlin 2005. ISBN 978-3-923106-06-6
  • Editing of the Weltalmanach (ed.): Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2009 + CD-ROM: Figures, data, and facts. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2008. ISBN 978-3-596-72909-8

Web links

Wikisource: States  - Sources and Full Texts


  1. "UN at a glance" on the UN website. Retrieved January 14, 2011 .
  2. List of state names for official use on the website of the Federal Foreign Office. (PDF; 39 kB) Retrieved January 13, 2011 .
  3. For the Swiss name, see here (PDF; 53 kB). For further details see also here .
  4. Population figures in the DSW data report 2017. Accessed April 30, 2018 .
  5. a b c areas in the CIA World Fact Book. Retrieved January 14, 2011 .
  6. Data in the CIA World Fact Book
  7. Population figures in the DSW data report 2017. Accessed on May 1, 2018 .
  8. a b c d e f g h i j No (official) capital, see the #Previous remarks on the capital .
  9. a b c d e f g h Partly recognized, not a member of the United Nations (see notes ).
  10. a b c d e f g h i Usual long form of the name, since the state is controversial, there is no official long form.
  11. a b Not recognized by any other country, not a member of the United Nations (see notes ).
  12. Includes Taiwan , Penghu , Lan Yu , Lü Dao , Kinmen , Matsu , Taiping Dao, and Dongsha .
  13. No code according to DIN EN ISO 3166-1 has yet been established for Kosovo. The European Commission is temporarily using the custom 2-letter code XK; the EU Council working group Visa the user-defined 3-letter code XXK (see details of the Federal Foreign Office ; PDF; 429 kB).
  14. United Nations Member States. In: Press Release ORG / 1469. United Nations , June 3, 2006, accessed on August 2, 2012 : “The Federation of Malaya joined the United Nations on September 17, 1957. On September 16, 1963, its name was changed to Malaysia, following the admission to the new federation of Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak. Singapore became an independent State on August 9, 1965 and a Member of the United Nations on September 21, 1965. "
  16. ^ Admitted to the United Nations on April 8, 1993 under the provisional designation Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ; this designation is only valid for United Nations purposes. Until February 11, 2019 the name was "Macedonia".
  17. Only recognized by Turkey, not a member of the United Nations (see notes ).
  18. Also known as St. Christopher and Nevis.
  19. Not recognized by any sovereign state, not a member of the United Nations (see notes ).
  20. The traditional designation “Republic of Belarus” applies to domestic correspondence and the labeling of maps. In official interstate correspondence, the term "Republic of Belarus" applies.
  21. Population figures in the DWS data report 2017. Accessed on May 1, 2018 .
  22. UN Security Council Resolution 1808 (PDF; 35 kB) of the UN Security Council , April 15, 2008.
  23. a b Report on the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by RIA Novosti. Retrieved January 21, 2011 .
  24. a b Nicaraguan Decree of Recognition for Abkhazia. (PDF; 230 kB) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 10, 2008 ; Retrieved January 21, 2011 (Spanish). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  25. a b russland.RU of September 11, 2009: Venezuela recognizes South Ossetia and Abkhazia. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on July 29, 2013 ; Retrieved January 21, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  26. a b net-tribune: Pacific state Nauru recognizes Abkhazia and South Ossetia., archived from the original on March 29, 2010 ; Retrieved July 3, 2010 .
  27. ^ Resolution 1416 (2005) - The conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region dealt with by the OSCE Minsk Conference. In: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe , 2005, accessed August 16, 2018 .
  28. ^ Report on the demand for the withdrawal of the Armenian troops from Nagorno-Karabakh at the UN News Center. Retrieved January 21, 2011 .
  29. For details see International Recognition of Kosovo .
  30. Opinion of the International Court of Justice ( Memento of the original dated July 23, 2010 on WebCite ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 3.6 MB).  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  31. Spiegel Online : "Russia was allowed to rush to help South Ossetia" , interview with Daniel-Erasmus Khan , August 13, 2008.
  32. Urs Saxer: Becoming independent is not easy , in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , September 2, 2008.
This version was added to the selection of informative lists and portals on October 9, 2008 .