List of sons and daughters of the city of Magdeburg

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Coat of arms of the city of Magdeburg

The list contains people who were born in Magdeburg . Whether the city belongs to their later sphere of activity is irrelevant. The list does not claim to be complete. Other personalities with a Magdeburg connection can be found in the list of personalities of the city of Magdeburg .


  • Heinz Abosch (* 1918; † March 1, 1997 in Düsseldorf), writer
  • Jürgen Achtel (born December 24, 1950), football player
  • Hannah Ackermann (born May 27, 1881; † 1962 in Trennfurt), politician of the DVP
  • Elisabeth Adler (born August 2, 1926; † January 15, 1997 in Berlin), Protestant pedagogue, director of an Evangelical Academy and ecumenical activist
  • Max Albert (born January 12, 1905 - 1976), writer
  • Gaby Albrecht (born November 1, 1956 as Gaby Müller), singer (a handful of homeland, stay as dear as you are, until we meet again)
  • Hans Albrecht (born March 31, 1902; † January 20, 1961 in Kiel), music historian and university professor
  • Jakob Alemann (* May 12, 1574; † December 15, 1630 in Magdeburg), chancellor and lawyer, father-in-law Otto von Guerickes
  • Anja Althaus (born September 3, 1982), handball player
  • Gebhard Karl Ludolf von Alvensleben (born August 31, 1798 in Magdeburg, † December 29, 1867 in Berlin), Prussian general, member of the Prussian mansion
  • Johann Friedrich Karl von Alvensleben (born October 26, 1714 - † May 16, 1795 in Ham Common near London), British and Hanoverian minister
  • Max Amann (born January 19, 1905 - † December 24, 1945), swimmer and water polo player
  • Rolf-Dieter Amend (born March 21, 1949), canoeist, Olympic champion and canoe trainer
  • Ernst Anders (born March 26, 1845; † 1911 in Mölln), portrait and genre painter
  • Wilhelm Andreae (born April 8, 1888; † May 20, 1962 in Gießen), social economist
  • Eva von Angern (born December 1, 1976), politician
  • Peter Arens (born August 10, 1933 - † February 16, 1991), legal scholar
  • Karl Artelt (born December 31, 1890 in Salbke; † September 28, 1981 in Halle an der Saale), politician
  • Johann Christian Ferdinand Assmann (born June 8, 1792 - March 1, 1845 in Magdeburg), Protestant theologian
  • Richard Assmann (born April 13, 1845 - † May 28, 1918 in Giessen), meteorologist
  • Theodor Avé-Lallemant (born February 2, 1806; † November 9, 1890 in Hamburg), music critic and music writer


  • Bela Bach (born September 30, 1990), politician (SPD)
  • Björn Bach (born June 21, 1976), canoeist
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Bachmann (called the Younger) (* 1737; † around 1776 in Saint Petersburg), merchant, manufacturer and patron of the arts
  • Wiebke Bachmann (* 1974), actress
  • Friedrich Robert Emanuel Baensch (born March 13, 1857 - † September 11, 1928 in Magdeburg), publisher, printer and councilor
  • Johannes Baensch-Drugulin (born June 24, 1858, † September 10, 1945 in Leipzig), owner of a book printing and type foundry, chairman of the German Book Printing Association
  • Holger Bahra (born March 20, 1958), football goalkeeper and coach
  • Reinhard Bake (* May 1587; † February 19, 1657 in Magdeburg), Protestant theologian and first cathedral preacher (1617–31 and 1640–47) at Magdeburg Cathedral
  • Frank Baltrusch (born March 21, 1964), swimming athlete
  • Karin Balzer born Richert (born June 5, 1938 - December 17, 2019), track and field athlete, Olympic champion in Tokyo 1964
  • Antoinette Bamberger , b. Sack, (* 1732 or 1733; † May 29, 1805), writer
  • Heinrich Ludwig Banck (March 5, 1826 - June 19, 1895), banker and merchant
  • Christoph Bandelow (born January 18, 1939; † September 30, 2011 in Witten), mathematician
  • Bintia Bangura (born December 28, 1978), pop and soul singer
  • Kay Barthel (born January 3, 1971), member of the state parliament (CDU)
  • Walter Basan (born August 10, 1920 in Beyendorf; † February 14, 1999 in Magdeburg), writer
  • Johann Christoph Friedrich Baumgarten (born September 8, 1773; † July 16, 1847 in Magdeburg), educator and textbook author
  • Walther Beck (born June 10, 1890 - † June 29, 1966 in Kassel), conductor
  • Jürgen Beckelmann (born January 30, 1933; † July 31, 2007 in Berlin), journalist and writer
  • Erwin Willy Becker (born August 24, 1920; † May 19, 2011 in Karlsruhe), physicist and university professor
  • Heinz Becker (born March 4, 1948; † September 6, 2014 in Göttingen), surgeon and university professor
  • Paul Beckers (born November 1, 1878, † April 27, 1965 in Leipzig), comedian and actor
  • Jana Beckmann (born May 2, 1983), marksman
  • Adolf Behne (born July 13, 1885 - † August 22, 1948 in Berlin), architect, architecture journalist, art politician and scientist
  • Günter Behne (born October 19, 1932; † unknown), football player
  • Kathleen Behnke (born February 22, 1965), politician
  • Emil Benecke (born October 4, 1898 - † August 12, 1945 in Riga), swimmer and water polo player
  • Günter Benecke (born November 26, 1923), architect
  • Achim Benning (born January 20, 1935), theater director and former Burgtheater director
  • Gunnar Berg (born March 29, 1940), physicist
  • Wolfgang Berkefeld (born February 14, 1910; † 1972 in Hamburg), science journalist
  • René Bertram (born July 21, 1981), scull rower
  • Wilhelm Heinrich von Besser (born June 1, 1771, † April 9, 1829 in Riesenburg), Prussian colonel and commander of the cuirassier regiment No. 8
  • Eberhard Gilbert Bethge (born November 23, 1916 - † October 15, 2006 in Lübeck), writer
  • Ernst Heinrich Bethge (born October 12, 1878; † November 10, 1944 in KL Sachsenhausen), educator and writer
  • Bruno Beye (born April 4, 1895 - † June 4, 1976 in Magdeburg), painter and graphic artist
  • Kurt Behrens (born November 26, 1884 - † February 5, 1928 in Berlin), high diver
  • Ernst Heinrich Bethge (born October 12, 1878; † November 10, 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp), educator and writer
  • Arno Bieberstein (born October 23, 1883 - † July 7, 1918 in Magdeburg), swimmer
  • Karlheinz Biederbick (born June 13, 1934), sculptor
  • Erich Bientz (born September 25, 1874 - † January 10, 1950 in Berlin-Adlershof), architect
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Bierling (born March 22, 1676; † July 25, 1728 in Rinteln), Lutheran theologian and critical historian
  • Bernhard Blencke (born May 11, 1903, † October 22, 1979 in Möser), orthopedist
  • Hans-Peter Blume (born April 18, 1933), soil scientist
  • Fritz Blumenstein (born June 28, 1898 - † October 30, 1993 in Landau), dentist, full-time SA leader and Reichsdentist leader
  • Erich Bock (born October 11, 1907, † December 22, 1994 in Gießen), medical officer
  • Hans Bodenstedt (born October 25, 1887; † December 10, 1958 in Feldafing, Bavaria) radio pioneer
  • Max Bodenstein (born July 15, 1871 - † September 3, 1942 in Berlin), physical chemist, founder of chemical kinetics
  • Gottfried Andreas Böckelmann (born April 19, 1802 in Salbke; † September 13, 1870 in Klein Ottersleben), factory owner and manor owner
  • Hans-Joachim Böhme (born January 10, 1909, † May 31, 1968), government councilor, SS standard leader and war criminal
  • Jessica Boehrs (born March 5, 1980), singer (Novaspace), television presenter and actress
  • Fritze Bollmann (born January 5, 1852 in Salbke near Magdeburg, † May 7, 1901 in Brandenburg / Havel), hairdresser who was involuntarily made the original known throughout Germany in Brandenburg an der Havel
  • Ferdinand Wilhelm Franz Bolstern von Boltenstern (* February 23, 1786; † January 3, 1814 in front of Cologne-Mülheim), a Prussian officer of the Wars of Liberation, who died in the fighting around Cologne
  • Christian Friedrich von Bonin (born June 16, 1755 - † February 14, 1813), military and writer
  • Paula Bonte (April 15, 1840; † 1902), painter
  • Rolf Borrmann (born July 23, 1928; † December 19, 2007 in Berlin), educator, sex educator and sports official
  • Wolfgang Bothe (born January 9, 1952; † May 11, 1980 in Halberstadt), fatality on the inner-German border
  • Ronald Böttcher (* 1928; † June 20, 2014 in Berlin), diplomat, first ambassador of the GDR to Libya (1973–1975)
  • Friedrich Bötticher (born January 24, 1826, † January 19, 1895 in Berlin), Lord Mayor of Magdeburg and Privy Councilor
  • Ernst Brandt (born November 19, 1896; † December 17, 1956 in Magdeburg), KPD functionary and Minister for Agriculture and Forestry in Saxony-Anhalt
  • Hans Kurt Brandt (born May 21, 1911; † unknown), professor for modern legal history, civil law and civil procedural law in Kiel
  • Veronika Brandt (born February 26, 1957), Member of the State Parliament (DVU)
  • Rolf Bräuer (born December 30, 1933 - † February 10, 2017), literary scholar, medievalist and translator
  • Johanna Braun (born May 7, 1929; † October 24, 2008 in Schwerin), writer
  • Waltraud Braun (born November 5, 1918; † 1987), dermatologist and university professor
  • Wolfgang Braun (born July 27, 1939; † May 19, 2016 in Magdeburg), lawyer and politician
  • Undine Bremer (born June 30, 1961), athlete
  • Wolf-Dieter Brennecke (born September 28, 1922 - † June 3, 2002 in Thale), writer
  • Gertrud von Brockdorff (born June 9, 1893, † September 5, 1961 in Dörnick), writer
  • Klaus Brökel (born September 1, 1951), engineer and professor
  • Bärbel Broschat (born November 2, 1957), athlete
  • Gustav Brummert (born March 4, 1893, † September 18, 1967 in Magdeburg), racing cyclist
  • Willi Brundert (born June 12, 1912 - † May 7, 1970 in Frankfurt am Main), politician (SPD), resistance fighter and Lord Mayor of Frankfurt am Main 1964–70
  • Werner Bruschke (born August 18, 1898; † February 17, 1995 in Halle (Saale)), politician (SED), Prime Minister of Anhalt 1949–52
  • Friedrich Adolph Brüggemann (born April 17, 1797, † August 10, 1878 in Aachen), General Director of the Aachener Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft (predecessor organization of the AachenMünchener) and founder of the Aachener Rückversicherungsgesellschaft
  • Ingelore Buchholz (born October 26, 1936; † July 21, 2006 in Magdeburg), long-time director of the Magdeburg City Archives and author of a large number of regional history articles
  • Johanne Büchting (born April 1, 1924 - † January 4, 2019 in Einbeck), volunteer and donation collector
  • Katrin Budde (born April 13, 1965), politician (SPD)
  • Herbert Buhtz (born April 12, 1911; † June 7, 2006 in Berlin), rowing athlete and dentist, Olympic runner-up in double sculls in 1932
  • Horst Buhtz (born September 21, 1923 - † March 22, 2015 in Langenfeld), football player and coach, second German professional in Italy
  • Mercedes Bunz (born November 16, 1971), cultural scientist and journalist
  • Friedrich August Burgmüller (born May 3, 1760; † August 21, 1824 in Düsseldorf), pianist, conductor and conductor as well as the first city music director in Düsseldorf and co-founder of the Niederrheinische Musikfest
  • Ulrich Burgstaller (born November 27, 1894 - † August 2, 1935 in Lübeck), Protestant pastor and member of the Lübeck Senate
  • Ulrich Busch (born January 22, 1951), finance scientist, university lecturer and publicist
  • Erwin Knights of buses (12 January * 1885, † April 10, 1939 in São Paulo), painter and theater director who as a writer the pseudonym Granand has used
  • Henry Busse Sr. (born May 19, 1894 - April 23, 1955 in Memphis, Tennessee), American jazz trumpeter, composer and band leader



  • Ferdinand Dabelow (born February 5, 1890 - after 1931), architect
  • Hans Danckwortt (born March 26, 1875 - † December 6, 1959 in Halle (Saale)), public prosecutor and judge
  • Albert Dankert (born March 8, 1877 in Ottersleben, † November 29, 1933 in Magdeburg), worker sportsman
  • Adelbert Delbrück (born January 16, 1822 - † May 26, 1890 in Kreuzlingen), entrepreneur
  • Friedrich Delbrück (born August 22, 1768 - † July 4, 1830 in Zeitz), theologian and educator
  • Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Delbrück (born April 12, 1772; † January 25, 1848 in Bonn) philosopher and rhetorician
  • Marco Delonge (born June 16, 1966), athlete
  • Johannes Denecke (born June 29, 1884; † June 1, 1974 in Kassel), Reich judge, judge at the Federal Labor Court
  • Günther Deneke (born September 13, 1882; † 1944 in Köslin), art historian and archivist
  • Marlies Deneke (born December 23, 1953), politician
  • Bernhard Diestelkamp (born July 6, 1929), legal historian
  • Ewald Dietrich (born May 3, 1881; † after 1950), businessman and politician
  • Lothar Dittrich (born April 20, 1932), zoologist, university professor and zoo director
  • Winfried Döbertin (born November 28, 1932, † May 17, 2016 in Hamburg), historian, political scientist and educator
  • Adolph Doebber (born August 20, 1848, † April 22, 1920 in Weimar), architect, construction clerk and architectural historian
  • Georg Philipp Dohlhoff (born February 16, 1734, † April 22, 1794 in Magdeburg), pharmacist, mayor of the Palatinate colony of Magdeburg
  • Béatrice Dömeland (born August 4, 1973), volleyball player
  • Annette Dorgerloh (* 1961), art historian
  • Friedrich Dorguth (born December 1, 1776; † October 10, 1854 in Magdeburg), lawyer and philosopher
  • Hans-Jürgen Döring (born June 3, 1951 - † April 29, 2017), politician (SPD) and from 1990 to 2014 member of the Thuringian state parliament
  • C. von Dornau (born August 12, 1886 - May 1, 1945 in Gotha), writer
  • Max Dungert (born September 3, 1896 - † May 1945 in Berlin), painter and graphic artist
  • Gerhard von Düsterlho (born March 13, 1910 - February 13, 1973), rower and doctor
  • Bernd Duvigneau (born December 3, 1955), canoeist, 1980 Olympic champion with a four-person kayak


  • Götz Eberle (born November 28, 1941), fleet admiral
  • Astrid Eberlein (* 1935; † May 18, 2010 in Magdeburg), teacher and librarian
  • Margot Ebert (born June 8, 1926 - † June 26, 2009 in Berlin), actress, presenter, dancer, entertainer and writer
  • Christian Friedrich Ehrlich (* May 7, 1807; † May 31, 1887 in Magdeburg), composer, music teacher and pianist
  • Erika Emmerich (born May 4, 1934), lawyer and manager
  • Carl Engel (born October 2, 1895 - † January 25, 1947 in the special camp Fünfeichen), Rector of the University of Greifswald (1942–1945)
  • Hans Engel (born November 17, 1887; † April 1945), fighter pilot in the First World War, State Secretary during the Nazi era
  • Hannelore Erle (born January 9, 1934, † January 1, 1996 in Berlin), actress, cabaret artist and dancer
  • Jürgen Eschert (born August 24, 1941), canoeist, Olympic champion 1964, trainer and sports manager
  • Ines Estedt (born December 12, 1967), German triathlete


  • Mathilde Fabricius (born August 4, 1879 - † May 26, 1946 in Magdeburg), painter
  • Richard Falckenberg (born December 23, 1851 - † September 28, 1920 in Jena), philosopher
  • Wilhelm Fehse (born April 27, 1880, † January 7, 1946 in Torgau), Germanist, Wilhelm Raabe researcher
  • Uwe Felgträger (* 1966), politician (AfD)
  • Gustav Ferl (born December 23, 1890; † April 25, 1970 in Bremen), social democratic politician
  • Friedrich Ernst Fesca (born February 15, 1789 - † May 24, 1826 in Karlsruhe), German violinist and composer
  • Herbert Fiering (born September 24, 1912; † December 6, 2000 in Lauf an der Pegnitz), German politician (LDP)
  • Ludwig Hermann Otto Finzenhagen (* July 23, 1860; † April 11, 1931 in Magdeburg), organist, composer and music teacher
  • Ernst Fischer (born April 10, 1900 - † July 10, 1975 in Locarno), composer (Am Zuckerhut, am Zuckerhut)
  • Manfred Flegel (born June 3, 1927 - † November 10, 2018), Minister for Materials Management, Minister for Trade and Supply and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR
  • Günter Fleischhauer (* July 8, 1928 - February 12, 2002), musicologist
  • Werner Forst (born December 21, 1892; † February 3, 1971 in Wiesbaden), officer, most recently lieutenant general in World War II
  • Erich Förste (born February 11, 1892 - † July 10, 1963 in Kiel), admiral in World War II, ship commander
  • Otto Fräßdorf (born February 5, 1942), football player
  • Carl Francke (born June 30, 1843; † February 7, 1931 in Bremen), industrialist
  • Bruno von François (born June 29, 1818 - † August 6, 1870 in Spicheren), Prussian officer
  • Angela Franke (born November 18, 1957), swimmer
  • Karen Fredersdorf (born October 4, 1892; † April 29, 1985 in Magdeburg), German singer and actress
  • Gerhard Freitag (born March 13, 1913, † October 10, 1995), SS-Hauptsturmführer in the Einsatzkommando 2 of the Einsatzgruppe A in Riga ( Latvia ) and in the Sonderkommando 10a of the Einsatzgruppe D in the Ukraine, as well as the senior government criminal and head of the person identification department at the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)
  • Ernst Fresdorf (born September 4, 1889 in Rothensee , † October 25, 1967 in Cologne), senior municipal official
  • Christian Friedel (born March 9, 1979), actor
  • Thomas Friedlaender (* 1966), musician
  • Karl Friedrich Friesen (born September 25, 1784, † March 16, 1814 at Rethel (Ardennes) (La Lobbe / France)), educator, co-founder of German gymnastics and freedom fighter
  • Henning Fritz (born September 21, 1974), handball player, world champion, European champion and silver medalist at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens
  • Johann Gottlieb Fritze (born January 9, 1740; † August 11, 1793 in Halberstadt), doctor in Magdeburg and Halberstadt
  • Annegert Fuchshuber (born May 6, 1940 - March 17, 1998 in Augsburg), illustrator
  • Jürgen Freiherr von Funck (born August 10, 1882 - † July 28, 1963 in Vaalserquartier), administrative officer and district administrator


  • Ernst August Gaertner (born March 8, 1794, † July 30, 1862 in Schönhausen (Elbe)); Liberal politician, entrepreneur, dike captain on the Middle Elbe, philanthropist
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Abraham Gaertner (born February 16, 1764 in Magdeburg, † December 15, 1815 in Magdeburg) was the Prussian judicial commissioner and war commissioner in Magdeburg and fiscal of the French colony in Magdeburg
  • Johann Ernst Gaertner (* around 1740; † January 24, 1791 in Magdeburg), was General Tax Director of the Excise and Customs Office in Magdeburg
  • Moyse Garrigue (born September 9, 1708, † February 1, 1750 in Magdeburg), jeweler and goldsmith, court assessor of the French colony in Magdeburg
  • Sebastian Gercken (born June 15, 1656; † February 8, 1710 in Lübeck), Lübeck mayor
  • Hans Gericke (born July 27, 1912 - † February 15, 2014), architect
  • Heinz Gerling (born October 8, 1922; † May 19, 2001 in Magdeburg), civil engineer, preservationist, honorary citizen of Magdeburg
  • Heinrich Germer (born August 18, 1900; † June 17, 1952 in Magdeburg), SED politician and city councilor for popular education and culture in Magdeburg
  • Ronald D. Gerste (born March 28, 1957), German doctor, journalist and non-fiction author
  • Adolf Gerstenberg (born January 3, 1826 - † January 22, 1896 in Berlin), architect and urban planner in Berlin
  • Frank Giering (born November 23, 1971, † June 23, 2010 in Berlin), actor
  • Harry Giese (born March 2, 1903; † January 20, 1991 in Berlin), German actor and spokesman for Nazi newsreels
  • Gerhard glasses (born December 26, 1911; † 1995), soccer player and soccer coach
  • Gabriel Wilhelm Goetten (born December 4, 1708; † August 28, 1781 in Hanover), German Lutheran theologian and general superintendent
  • Hans-Peter Goetz (born June 29, 1961), politician, member of the Brandenburg State Parliament
  • Karl von Götz and Schwanenfließ (born January 22, 1776, † December 9, 1858 in Lübben), Prussian major general
  • Helga Goetze (born March 12, 1922; † January 29, 2008 in Winsen (Luhe)), artist and activist
  • Albert von Goßler (born February 10, 1807, † May 31, 1869 in Zichtau), German administrative lawyer and minister
  • Pauline Grabosch (born January 14, 1998), track cyclist
  • Georg Gradnauer (born November 16, 1866, † November 18, 1946 in Berlin-Schlachtensee), Prime Minister of Saxony 1919–1920
  • Conrad Grau (born July 6, 1932; † April 18, 2000 in Bad Freienwalde), Eastern European historian and science historian
  • Hermann Gressieker (born February 10, 1903, † May 3, 1983), playwright, dramaturge, critic and dubbing author and director
  • Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer (born September 12, 1942), medieval archaeologist
  • Carl Gröpler (born February 22, 1868 - † January 30, 1946 in Magdeburg), executioner
  • Annett Gröschner (* 1964), German writer and journalist
  • Rugard Otto Gropp (born March 22, 1907; † July 4, 1976 in East Berlin), German professor of philosophy
  • Werner Groß (born March 14, 1910; † April 6, 1983 in Lüneburg), judge and state secretary in Lower Saxony
  • Carl Friedrich August Grosse (born June 5, 1768 - † March 15, 1847 in Copenhagen), writer, translator and geologist
  • Udo Grosse (born May 3, 1896 - † April 27, 1946 in Hövelhof), politician (NSDAP)
  • Julius Karl von Groß called von Schwarzhoff (born September 7, 1850, † April 16, 1901 in Beijing), Major General, Chief of the General Staff of the Army High Command in East Asia
  • Paul Heinrich von Groth (born June 23, 1843 - † December 2, 1927 in Munich), mineralogist and crystallographer
  • Alfred Grünberg (born February 18, 1901; † May 21, 1942 in Berlin-Plötzensee) worker, KPD member and resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Philipp Wilhelm Grüneberg (* 1710; † 1777), organ builder
  • Otto Grunert (born January 22, 1845; † April 29, 1903), dentist, paleontologist and author of scientific publications.
  • Hermann Gruson (born March 13, 1821; † January 30, 1895 in Magdeburg), inventor, scientist and entrepreneur
  • Rigobert Günther (born May 18, 1928; † April 2, 2000 in Leipzig), ancient historian and university professor
  • Otto von Guericke (born November 30, 1602; † May 21, 1686 in Hamburg), inventor and politician, mayor of Magdeburg
  • Karl Theophil Guichard (* 1724, † 1775 in water soup near Rathenow), Prussian officer and military writer
  • Hans-Peter Gundermann (born November 30, 1930; † December 26, 2016 in Hamburg), lawyer and manager
  • Iselin Gundermann (born May 28, 1935 - February 21, 2009 in Berlin), librarian and historian
  • Knut-Olaf Gundermann (born October 22, 1933), doctor and university professor


  • Wilhelm Christoph Jakob August von Haas (born October 8, 1785 - † March 25, 1855 in Erfurt), Prussian major general
  • Horst Habs (born September 11, 1902; † March 6, 1987 in Bonn), physician, professor of hygiene at the University of Bonn
  • Marcel Hacker (born April 29, 1977), athlete, multiple world champion in rowing, Olympic participant
  • Volker Hadwich (born September 23, 1964), former German javelin thrower
  • August von Haeseler (August 4, 1693 - September 14, 1769), royal Prussian government councilor
  • Gottlieb von Haeseler (born October 19, 1701; † March 20, 1752 in Magdeburg), entrepreneur in the Duchy of Magdeburg
  • Wilhelm Hagedorn (* July 28, 1868; † March 14, 1930 in Stade), regiment commander of the infantry regiment "Bremen" (1st Hanseatic table) No. 75, Pour le Mérite
  • Hans Hagemann (* July 18, 1901; † November 18, 1948 in special camp No. 2 Buchenwald), Lord Mayor of Waldenburg, Lower Silesia
  • Paul Karl Julius Hahn (born March 13, 1893 in Salbke; † August 12, 1960 in Magdeburg), resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Gerhard Händler (born July 22, 1928; † June 17, 1953 in Magdeburg), people's policeman, victim of the popular uprising in the GDR on June 17, 1953
  • Gottfried August Ludwig Hanstein (born September 7, 1761, † February 25, 1821 in Berlin), Protestant theologian and senior consistorial councilor
  • Philipp Adam von Hardenberg (born September 19, 1695 - † May 20, 1760 in Magdeburg), Canon
  • Björn Harras (born October 15, 1983), actor
  • Edgar Harter (* 1946), actor, radio play speaker and cabaret artist
  • Emil Hartmann (born October 2, 1878; † May 28, 1967 in Heidelberg), teacher and author
  • Georg Hartmann (born January 22, 1926), actor
  • Gustav Hartmann (born June 4, 1859 - † December 23, 1938 in Berlin), cab driver, known as the Iron Gustav
  • Antje Harvey b. Misersky (born May 10, 1967), cross-country skier and biathlete
  • Adolf Hauert (born February 20, 1896 in Fermersleben; † October 9, 1988), German writer and educator
  • Gregor Hauffe (born May 20, 1982), oarsman
  • Johann Wilhelm Hauswaldt (born August 28, 1846 - † November 14, 1900 in Magdeburg), merchant
  • Gerhard Hecht (born September 14, 1934; † February 2, 2009 in Halle (Saale)), politician
  • Wilhelm Hehlmann (born October 23, 1901; † December 23, 1997 in Weinheim), educator, psychologist, editor-in-chief of the Brockhaus encyclopedia
  • Georg Heidler (born March 6, 1891; † January 30, 1950 in Halle (Saale)), KPD politician
  • Birgit Heinecke (born April 10, 1957), handball player
  • Barb Heinz (born December 21, 1945), sports scientist and handball player
  • Franziska Heinz (born November 21, 1972), handball player and trainer
  • Dieter Heise (born May 11, 1918; † September 12, 1999 in Brieske), pharmacist
  • Ilka Held (born February 6, 1979), handball player
  • Frank Hengstmann (born January 5, 1956), cabaret artist
  • Sebastian Hengstmann (born October 26, 1978), cabaret artist, older Hengstmann brother
  • Tobias Hengstmann (born August 6, 1981), cabaret artist, younger Hengstmann brother
  • Gerd Michael Henneberg (born July 14, 1922; † January 1, 2011 in Berlin), actor, theater director and director
  • Karl Joachim Jacob Hennige (born September 21, 1801; † April 29, 1858), entrepreneur, founder of the Association of the German Sugar Industry
  • Paul Hennige (born June 15, 1839; † July 22, 1903 in Randau near Magdeburg), industrialist, city councilor and patron
  • Ernst Henning (born October 12, 1892; † March 14, 1931 in Hamburg), KPD politician and Nazi victim
  • Sören Herbst (born January 12, 1980); Politicians from Alliance 90 / The Greens
  • Gerald Heres (* 1940), classical archaeologist
  • Johann August Hermes (born August 24, 1736, † January 6, 1822 in Quedlinburg), Protestant theologian and clergyman
  • Rolf Herricht (born October 5, 1927 - † August 23, 1981 in Berlin), actor and comedian
  • Fritz Herrmann (born June 15, 1885; † November 21, 1970 in Lüneburg), officer, SS leader, police president and regional president
  • Gottfried Herrmann (born September 13, 1915; † May 31, 1961 in Berlin), director, actor and general manager
  • Franz Herwig (born March 20, 1880 - † August 15, 1931 in Weimar), writer and critic
  • Franz Hessenland (born November 5, 1798, † April 21, 1866 in Stettin), German printer, publisher and politician
  • Olaf Heukrodt (born January 23, 1962), canoeist, sports official and five-time medalist at the Olympic Games
  • Dirk Heyne (born October 10, 1957), soccer goalkeeper and current coach
  • Bernd Heynemann (born January 22, 1954), member of the Bundestag (CDU), football referee
  • Hans Joachim Hildebrandt (born September 27, 1929), director
  • Carl Hindenburg (born August 11, 1820 - † April 6, 1899 in Magdeburg), cycling official and first president of the German Cyclists' Association (DRB)
  • Gertrud von Hindenburg (December 4, 1860 - May 14, 1921 in Hanover), nobleman and philanthropist
  • Herbert von Hintzenstern (born October 24, 1916; † January 22, 1996 in Weimar), theologian and journalist
  • Samanta Hinz (* 1992), dancer and actress
  • Burkhard Hirsch (born May 29, 1930 - March 11, 2020), FDP politician (Bundestag Vice President, Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Gottwalt Christian Hirsch (born November 14, 1888 - March 14, 1972), cytologist
  • Friedrich Hochbaum (born August 7, 1894 - † January 28, 1955 in the Woikowo prisoner of war camp near Iwanowo (Soviet Union)), German officer, most recently general of the infantry in World War II
  • Eduard Hoffmann (born September 12, 1832, † December 16, 1894 in Salzuflen), entrepreneur: Hoffmann's starch factories
  • Michael Hoffmann-Becking (born February 8, 1943), lawyer, legal scholar and honorary professor
  • Bernhard Hofmann (born July 19, 1889; † February 10, 1954 in Magdeburg), lawyer and consistory president
  • Wolfgang Höher (born February 15, 1914 - † September 25, 1959 in Leipzig), German double agent
  • Kurt Holke (born September 11, 1922), soccer player and coach
  • Hugo Holstein (born February 22, 1834 - † December 27, 1904 in Halle (Saale)), philologist and grammar school teacher
  • Wilhelm Höpfner (born May 17, 1899 - March 14, 1968 in Magdeburg), graphic artist
  • Annett Horna (born February 4, 1987), track and field athlete
  • Adolf Huber (born November 13, 1872, † November 1, 1946 in Magdeburg), musician, educator and composer


  • Quintus Icilius, actually Karl Theophil Guichard , (* 1724, † 1775 in Seeblick / water soup near Rathenow), Prussian officer and military writer of the Frederician era
  • Carl Leberecht Immermann (born April 24, 1796; † August 25, 1840 in Düsseldorf), writer
  • Hermann Immermann (born October 24, 1807; † October 22, 1868 in Magdeburg), German lawyer and politician


  • Felix Jacket (born March 15, 1897 - † August 4, 1954 in Dortmund), NSDAP member of the Reichstag, businessman in Halberstädter Strasse 129a
  • Willie Jahn (born February 27, 1889 - † January 24, 1973 in Hanover), German middle-distance runner
  • Michael Jahns (born December 6, 1976), German handball player
  • Adolf Jentzen (born October 5, 1899 - † May 6, 1943 in Magdeburg), resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Walther Jentzsch (born June 30, 1833 - † February 18, 1916 in Paderborn), district administrator, honorary citizen of Paderborn
  • Reinhold Julius (born March 8, 1913, † July 31, 1937 in Berlin-Plötzensee), German resistance fighter against National Socialism and boxer
  • Eberhard Jüngel (born December 5, 1934), Protestant theologian, professor in Tübingen


  • Dagmar Käsling (born February 15, 1947), athlete, Olympic champion and lecturer at the Institute for Sports Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
  • Georg Kaiser (born November 25, 1878 - † June 4, 1945 in Ascona), playwright, narrator, poet, essayist.
  • Hans von Kaltenborn-Stachau (born March 23, 1836, † February 16, 1898 in Braunschweig), Prussian general, minister of war
  • Uwe Kamann (born August 19, 1958), politician (AfD)
  • Peter Kauffold (born August 19, 1937; † April 28, 2014), animal breeding researcher, was Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry in the GDR
  • Gerhard Kegel (born June 26, 1912; † February 16, 2006 in Daun, Eifel), lawyer and university professor
  • Karl Kegel (born May 19, 1876 - March 5, 1959 in Freiberg), mining engineer and university professor
  • Peter Kersten (born February 1, 1958), rower
  • Uwe Keßler (born August 11, 1957), racing cyclist
  • Johann Friedrich August Kinderling (* 1743; † September 28, 1807 in Calbe), Protestant pastor, song poet and source collector
  • Carl Kindermann (born August 10, 1860; † April 21, 1938 in Schopfheim), economist, professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Stuttgart
  • Oliver Kirchner (born May 4, 1966), politician (AfD)
  • Max Kleineberg (born November 24, 1906 - December 3, 1987), GDR diplomat, consul general, later envoy in Cambodia, chargé d'affaires in Belgium
  • Nadine Kleinert (born October 20, 1975), shot putter and silver medalist at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games
  • Alfred von Kleist (born November 16, 1857 - † May 13, 1921 in Brandenburg (Havel)), Prussian officer
  • Jens Klimek (born April 19, 1984), musician, composer and choir director
  • Theodor Friedrich Klitsche de la Grange (* 1799; † August 26, 1868, in Rome), natural son of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia , diplomat and general
  • Richard von Klitzing (born June 30, 1842, † September 1, 1907 in Berlin), General of the Infantry and Commanding General of the Magdeburg Army Corps
  • Hans-Wolfram Knaak (born July 4, 1914 - † June 26, 1941 in Dünaburg), knight's cross bearer
  • Sebastian Knaak (born November 27, 1985), producer and songwriter
  • Andy Knape (born January 3, 1986), politician (NPD)
  • Fabian Knecht (born March 1, 1980), artist
  • Wilhelm Kobelt (born November 5, 1865 - † October 23, 1927 in Wernigerode), member of the Reichstag and local politician in Magdeburg
  • Carl Friedrich Koch (born March 9, 1802; † 1871 in Merseburg), physician and educator
  • Justus Koch (born October 5, 1891; † May 30, 1962 in Düsseldorf), lawyer and notary
  • Klaus-Peter Koch (born December 11, 1939), musicologist
  • Richard Koch (born June 8, 1895 - † August 9, 1972 in Munich), author of science fiction novels
  • Rolf-Dieter Koch (born February 14, 1933), neurologist, university professor and politician
  • Gottfried Michael Koenig (born October 5, 1926), composer
  • Herbert König (* 1944; † September 3, 1999 in Düsseldorf), theater director and set designer
  • Karl-Heinz König (born March 27, 1920, † after 1979), actor
  • René König (born July 5, 1906; † March 21, 1992 in Cologne), sociologist and university professor
  • Adolf Otto Koeppen (born November 7, 1902, † June 25, 1972 in Braunschweig), painter, graphic artist and caricaturist
  • Hagen Kohl (* 1969), German politician for the Alternative for Germany , member of the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt since 2016
  • Wilhelm Kohl (born December 9, 1913; † October 2, 2014 in Münster), historian and archivist
  • Ines Köhler-Zülch (born June 10, 1941 in Magdeburg; † April 24, 2019 in Göttingen), German narrative researcher
  • Otto Kohlermann (born February 17, 1896; † February 27, 1984 in Bad Dürrheim), Lieutenant General in World War II
  • Igor Kolodinsky (born July 7, 1983), Russian volleyball and beach volleyball player
  • Claus Korch (* 1936 - January 11, 2019), sculptor and graphic artist
  • Ulrich Korn (born August 31, 1941), engineer and professor for control engineering
  • Georg Kötschau (born October 4, 1889; † July 24, 1976 in Jena), painter, draftsman and lithographer
  • Paul Knoll (born December 19, 1886, † after 1956), civil engineer
  • Kurt Kräft (born April 16, 1907; † unknown), politician (NSDAP)
  • Theodor Krancke (born March 20, 1893 - † June 18, 1973 in Wentorf), Admiral
  • Michael Krause (born July 24, 1946), national hockey player, Olympic champion and sports official
  • Rudolf Krause (* July 30, 1894; † after 1945), politician (NSDAP), holder of the Kaiser Otto plaque of the city of Magdeburg
  • Thomas Kretschmer (born October 20, 1954), politician (CDU)
  • Lucie-Marie Kretzschmar (born August 7, 2000), handball player
  • Walther Krickau (born May 2, 1907; † November 29, 1946 in Hanover), violist
  • Andreas Kriegenburg (born November 15, 1963), theater director
  • Bernhard Friedrich von Krosigk (* December 8, 1656, † September 11, 1714 in Herxen), privy councilor and astronomer
  • Max von Krosigk (born May 18, 1846, † February 18, 1919 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf), Lieutenant General
  • Erich Krüger (born June 2, 1891, † December 2, 1946 in Magdeburg), writer and politician
  • Gertrud Krüger (born July 23, 1904 - † December 18, 1996 in Nuremberg), politician (SPD), member of the Bavarian State Parliament
  • Horst Krüger (born September 17, 1919 in Magdeburg; † October 21, 1999 in Frankfurt am Main), cultural journalist and writer
  • Lore Krüger (born March 11, 1914 - March 3, 2009 in Berlin), translator and photographer, resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Alfred Krühne (born September 25, 1870; † in the 20th century), Reich judge
  • Jochen Kühl (* 1943), basketball player and President of the Sports Medicine Institute in Frankfurt am Main
  • Eduard Kühne (born October 28, 1810, † September 12, 1883 in Kleve), entrepreneur
  • Friedrich Kühne (born February 4, 1824, † April 19, 1890 in Paris), German-American merchant and banker
  • Ferdinand Gustav Kühne (born December 27, 1806 - † April 22, 1888 in Dresden), writer and literary critic
  • Hans Kühne (born June 3, 1880 - † February 18, 1969 in Lindau), chemist on the board of IG Farben and defendant during the Nuremberg trials
  • Hermann Kühne (born November 12, 1819 - January 1887), President of the OLG Celle, honorary citizen of Greifswald
  • Johann Kühne (born March 10, 1791; † August 2, 1870 in Elmen), Prussian major general
  • Norbert Kühne (born June 23, 1941) writer and psychologist (pseudonym: Ossip Ottersleben )
  • Roy Kühne (born September 27, 1967), physiotherapist, politician and member of the German Bundestag
  • Eduard Kullmann (born July 14, 1853 in Magdeburg-Neustadt, † March 16, 1892 in Amberg), was known as the Bismarck assassin in 1874
  • Willi Kutz (born July 14, 1904, † February 1945 in Berlin-Spandau), resistance fighter against National Socialism


  • Heiko Laeziger (born June 18, 1968), football player
  • Sven Lakenmacher (born May 26, 1971), handball player
  • Reinhard Lakomy (born January 19, 1946; † March 23, 2013 in Berlin), composer, singer and pianist
  • Gerhart Lampa (born August 11, 1940 - January 6, 2010), painter and graphic artist
  • Thorsten Lamprecht (born September 19, 1968 - † May 11, 1992), punk, who was killed in the course of an attack by right-wing extremist youth in the Magdeburg-Cracau district
  • Volkmar Laube (born January 31, 1960), freelance journalist and book author
  • Adolf Laubinger (born April 5, 1931, † April 22, 2006 in Braunschweig), German Sinto
  • Thomas Lawinky (born October 3, 1964), actor
  • August Christoph Heinrich von Legat (born August 4, 1732, † January 12, 1816 in Berlin), Prussian major general
  • Ernst Lehmann (born April 15, 1908, † May 3, 1945 in Neustädter Bucht), SPD politician, was involved in the resistance against National Socialism
  • Otto Lehmann (born August 19, 1900 - † May 9, 1936 in Magdeburg) resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Albert Leitzmann (born August 3, 1867, † April 16, 1950 in Jena), Germanist and literary historian
  • Eckhard Leue (born March 20, 1958), canoeist (single canoe)
  • Reinhold Lewin (born April 3, 1888; † March 1943 in Auschwitz), rabbi
  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Leysser (* March 7, 1731, † October 10, 1815 in Halle (Saale)), war and domain counselor, botanist, wrote the Flora Halensis
  • Otto Liebenberg (born July 7, 1913; † September 3, 1993 in Leipzig), animal breeding scientist and university professor
  • Ursula Lillig (born September 2, 1938 - † June 16, 2004 in Frankfurt am Main), actress
  • Eugen Lindau (born May 3, 1883; † May 10, 1960 in Hamburg) Admiral in World War II
  • Rolf Lindemann (* August 21, 1933 - March 26, 2017), painter and graphic artist
  • Wulf-Volker Lindner (born November 2, 1938), Protestant theologian
  • Karl August Lingner (born December 21, 1861 - † June 5, 1916 in Berlin), entrepreneur and philanthropist
  • David Lochte (born December 26, 1871, † December 11, 1935 in Hamburg), President of the Reichsbahn directorates in Mainz and Altona
  • Wilhelm Loewe (born November 14, 1814; † 1886 in Meran, South Tyrol), doctor and left-wing liberal politician
  • Hermann Lohse (born September 18, 1815 - † May 23, 1893 in Cologne), civil engineer
  • Albert Lömpcke (born April 12, 1853 - † January 3, 1939 in Wiesbaden), lawyer and administrative officer
  • Heike Lorenz (born June 8, 1961), politician
  • Ida Lücke (born March 13, 1838, † February 18, 1920 in Magdeburg), established several foundations in the Magdeburg region
  • Hans Lutter (born April 29, 1928 - March 1, 2009), philosopher, founding rector of the Güstrow University of Education


  • Wolfgang Mader (born January 16, 1949), jazz pianist and composer
  • Olaf Malolepski (born March 27, 1946), pop singer and member of the group Die Flippers
  • Marcel Maltritz (born October 2, 1978), football player
  • Karl Maquet (born October 8, 1767, † December 16, 1823 in Magdeburg) was a merchant, entrepreneur and long-time presbyter of the French Reformed Church in Magdeburg
  • Ludewig David Maquet (born February 16, 1758 - † April 22, 1807 in Magdeburg), Magdeburg entrepreneur, silk stocking and sugar manufacturer
  • Werner Marcks (* July 17, 1896, † July 28, 1967 in Wedel), German officer, most recently lieutenant general in World War II
  • Adolf Marcuse (born November 17, 1860, † October 18, 1930 in Berlin), astronomer
  • Paul Markowski (born June 1, 1929 - † March 6, 1978 in Libya), SED functionary in the GDR
  • Sigrid Martikke (born October 8, 1936), opera and operetta singer
  • Sven Martinek (born February 18, 1964), actor
  • Fritz Martini (born September 5, 1909 - † July 5, 1991 in Stuttgart), philologist (German and English studies)
  • Johann Andreas Matthias (born April 9, 1761; † May 25, 1837 in Magdeburg), Protestant theologian, teacher
  • Rudolf Matzner (born September 10, 1930; † August 28, 2019 in Bremen), local historian, speaker and author
  • Stefan Mau (born February 12, 1989), national rugby union player
  • Albert Mayer (born April 24, 1892; † August 2, 1914 near Delle), officer, is considered the first German soldier to be killed in World War I.
  • Manfred Ludwig Mayer (born April 11, 1934), politician, member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Paul Mebes (born January 23, 1872; † April 9, 1938 in Berlin), architect, architectural theorist and university professor
  • Paul Jonas Meier (born January 22, 1857 - † February 11, 1946 in Braunschweig), archaeologist
  • Dieter P. Meier-Lenz (born January 24, 1930 - July 1, 2015 in Serralongue, France), writer
  • Kai Melcher (born January 1, 1971), racing cyclist
  • Friedrich Albert Immanuel Mellin (born June 27, 1796; † April 2, 1859 in Berlin), architect
  • Hanne Mertens (born April 13, 1909; † between April 21 and April 23, 1945 in Neuengamme concentration camp (Hamburg)), actress
  • Georg Merzbach (born July 21, 1868 - † October 31, 1939 in Berlin), German doctor, author and sexologist
  • Franz Meyer (born September 2, 1856, † April 11, 1934 in Königsberg), mathematician and university professor
  • Inge Meyer (born January 18, 1929; † November 12, 2009 in Magdeburg), writer and screenwriter
  • Sonja Mewald (born May 1, 1945), member of the state parliament (CDU)
  • Rudolf Michaelis (born March 12, 1902, † January 22, 1945 in Munich), National Socialist politician and member of the Reichstag
  • Stephan Michme (born March 4, 1972), presenter and singer
  • Stefan Minkwitz (born June 1, 1968), soccer player and coach
  • Madeleine-Rita Mittendorf (born May 2, 1950), SPD politician
  • Cläre Greverus Mjøen (* 1874 - † 1963), German-Norwegian translator
  • Thomas Mohnike (* 1974), Scandinavian and university professor
  • Anke Möhring (born August 28, 1969), swimmer
  • Hans Moltkau (born July 30, 1911; † May 24, 1994 in Rottach-Egern), conductor and composer
  • August Morgenstern (born December 2, 1772; † April 5, 1844 in Magdeburg), German merchant and member of parliament
  • Johanna Katharina Morgenstern (* May 8, 1748; † September 11, 1796 in Magdeburg), German writer
  • Karl Morgenstern (born August 28, 1770; † September 15, 1852 in Tartu), philologist and librarian
  • Rudolf Mundlos (born February 12, 1918; † August 1988 in Bad Friedrichshall), journalist, marketing manager and fossil collector
  • Matthias Musche (born July 18, 1992), handball player


  • Hermann Engelhard von Nathusius (born December 9, 1809, † June 29, 1879 in Berlin), zoologist and co-founder of modern animal breeding
  • Marie Nathusius b. Scheele (born March 10, 1817; December 22, 1857 in Neinstedt), entertainment writer
  • Martin Nathusius (born March 8, 1883, † March 4, 1941 in Munich), officer, industrialist and NSDAP district economic advisor in the NS district Magdeburg-Anhalt
  • Werner Naumann (born November 23, 1896 - † June 14, 1952 in Bremen), director of the Focke-Wulf aircraft factory in Bremen
  • Friedrich August Neide (born August 24, 1781; † February 28, 1851 in Magdeburg), German doctor
  • Johann Georg Christoph Neide (born June 7, 1756 - † November 30, 1836 in Giebichenstein near Halle (Saale)), German educator, Protestant theologian and educational writer
  • Kathrin Neimke (born July 18, 1966), former shot putter, Olympic silver in 1988 and Olympic bronze in 1992
  • Bert Neumann (born November 9, 1960 in Magdeburg; † July 30, 2015), stage and costume designer
  • Marco Neumann (born March 1, 1988), rower
  • Felix von Niemeyer (born December 31, 1820, † March 14, 1871 in Tübingen), physician, royal Württemberg physician
  • Paul Niemeyer (born March 9, 1832; † February 24, 1890 in Berlin), physician
  • Karl Nohr (born April 11, 1905 in Fermersleben; † April 28, 1973 in Berlin), German politician (KPD / SED)
  • Theodor Nolte (born December 3, 1848 - † February 11, 1919 in Thale), local researcher and local poet with a focus on the region around Thale
  • Wolfgang Nolting (born March 13, 1944), physicist
  • Kathleen Nord (born December 26, 1965), swimmer
  • Leo Nowak (born March 17, 1929), Roman Catholic Bishop of Magdeburg (1990-2004)
  • Wilhelm Nultsch (born March 20, 1927 - † May 23, 2011), botanist and university professor


  • Hermann Oberbeck (born October 5, 1933; † May 21, 1894 in Weimar), architect and master railroad builder
  • Gustav Ochs (born April 15, 1825, † November 7, 1858 in Magdeburg), landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School
  • Walter Oehmichen (* July 30, 1901; † November 2, 1977 in Augsburg), actor and director, founder of the puppet theater "Augsburger Puppenkiste"
  • Manfred Oelsner (born August 11, 1932; † 2002 in Wernigerode), local historian
  • Alexander Oelze (born November 28, 1983), handball player
  • Richard Oelze (born June 29, 1900; † May 27, 1980 in Gut Posteholz near Hameln), painter of surrealism
  • Eberhard Oertel (born April 13, 1937 - January 30, 2019 in Kiel), painter and art educator
  • Margrit Olfert (born February 10, 1947 as Margrit Herbst), long jumper and all-rounder
  • Erich Ollenhauer (born March 27, 1901, † December 14, 1963 in Bonn), politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag, chairman of the SPD and the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag 1952–1963
  • Johannes Orphal (born July 11, 1966), physicist
  • Georg Austria (baptized March 17, 1664; † June 6, 1735 in Wolfenbüttel), composer
  • Günter Otterpohl (born May 31, 1932), Member of the State Parliament (CDU)


  • Ambrosius Pape (* 1553; † after 1612), German Protestant theologian and playwright
  • Mehmed Ali Pascha (born November 18, 1827 as Ludwig Karl Friedrich Detroit, † September 7, 1878), Ottoman field marshal converted to Islam
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Pax (born March 6, 1798 - † July 2, 1867), German high school teacher and left-wing liberal politician
  • Heinrich Pera (* 1938; † March 2, 2004), Catholic priest, pioneer of the hospice movement in the GDR
  • Gisela Perlet (born October 29, 1942 - † December 24, 2010), translator
  • Mario Peters (born April 7, 1944), pianist, jazz musician and composer
  • Reinhard Peters (* 1926; † June 4, 2008), conductor and musician
  • Florian Philipp (born February 24, 1980), politician
  • Julius Philippson (April 8, 1894 - 1943), teacher, socialist and resistance fighter
  • Arthur Piechler (born March 27, 1896 - † March 10, 1974 in Landau an der Isar), composer and organist
  • Max Pieper (born April 9, 1882 - † May 31, 1941 in Berlin), Egyptologist and high school teacher
  • Christoph Wilhelm Rüdiger von Pirch (born May 4, 1767 - May 3, 1846 in Oels), Prussian major general
  • Horst Platen (born April 14, 1884; † October 14, 1964 in Feldafing, Bavaria), composer, conductor and theater manager, as well as broadcasting manager of NORAG's subsidiary station Hanover
  • Eugen Polte (* July 12, 1849 - May 31, 1911), entrepreneur, armaments manufacturer, inventor and royal councilor
  • Henny Porten (born January 7, 1890 - † October 15, 1960 in Berlin), actress and film producer
  • Werner Priegnitz (born July 27, 1896 - † October 17, 1979), city historian and painter
  • Menahem Pressler (born December 16, 1923), pianist; Founder of the Beaux Arts Trio
  • Otto Preuss (born February 26, 1918, †?), Actor and voice actor
  • Wolfgang Promies (born January 4, 1935; † January 25, 2002 in Darmstadt), Germanist, translator and writer
  • Hermann Prübenau (born November 6, 1901; † 1979), Member of Parliament


  • Friedrich Rabe (born December 4, 1941), member of the state parliament
  • Karl Raddatz (born November 7, 1904 - † February 12, 1970 in Berlin), anti-fascist and general secretary of the VVN *
  • Erich Rademacher (born June 9, 1901, † April 2, 1979 in Stuttgart), swimming athlete
  • Joachim Rademacher (born June 20, 1906; † October 21, 1970 in Dortmund), swimmer and water polo player
  • Konrad Raiser (born January 25, 1938), theologian
  • Christoph Ludwig Raschen (born December 30, 1584 - † November 12, 1645 in Bremen-Walle), knight, officer and diplomat
  • Oswald Rathmann (born May 7, 1901; † September 15, 1957 in Mähringen), local poet
  • Klaus Rauber (born July 13, 1940 - March 31, 2017), politician (CDU)
  • Albert Reble (born August 20, 1910; † September 29, 2000 in Würzburg), educator
  • Karl-Heinz Reck (born February 14, 1949), politician
  • Frédéric Reclam (born February 10, 1734 - † April 4, 1774 in Berlin), German painter and draftsman
  • Thilo Reffert (* 1970), writer
  • Luise Reinhardt (Ernst Fritze) (born May 31, 1807, † October 24, 1878 in Merseburg), writer
  • Günter Reinke (born July 24, 1946), former soccer coach
  • Horst Reipsch (born May 22, 1925), composer (guitars sound softly through the night)
  • Bernd Reisener (born October 5, 1950), Member of Parliament (CDU)
  • Harro Remmert (born January 7, 1943), jockey and gallop trainer
  • Emmy von Rhoden (born November 15, 1829 as Emilie Auguste Karoline Henriette Kühne; † April 7, 1885 in Dresden), writer (defiant head)
  • August Ferdinand Ribbeck (born November 13, 1790 - † January 14, 1847 in Venice), grammar school director at the Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin
  • Manfred Richter (born January 3, 1944; † April 20, 2012 in Berlin), actor
  • Renate Richter (born April 28, 1938), actress
  • Rich Richter (born February 4, 1937), post-war fashion photographer
  • Markus Richwien (born July 5, 1985), handball player
  • Paul Rohde (born July 2, 1878; † April 17, 1941 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen), entrepreneur in the coal and steel industry
  • Udo Röhrig (born June 2, 1943), handball player and coach
  • Marie Rönnebeck (* 1981), actress
  • Robert Röpner, later Sir Robert Ropner (* December 16, 1838 - February 26, 1924), shipping company and shipbuilding entrepreneur in Great Britain ( Ropner Shipping Company , Ropner Shipbuilding )
  • Willy Rosen (* July 18, 1894 as Wilhelm Julius Rosenbaum; † October 28, 1944 (according to other information: September 30, 1944) in Auschwitz), pianist, composer, lyricist, humorist
  • Elisabeth Rosenthal (born May 11, 1827; † April 16, 1891 in Magdeburg), founder of the first private secondary school for girls in Magdeburg
  • Wolfgang Roßdeutscher (* 1945), stonemason and stone sculptor
  • Ottomar Rothmann (born December 6, 1921 - † December 14, 2018 in Weimar), resistance fighter against the Nazi regime
  • Lexy Roxx (born November 23, 1990), entrepreneur, erotic actress, actress, model and opinion blogger
  • Nomi Rubel (born January 31, 1910 as Senta Petzon; † September 11, 1996 in New York), writer, theater director, theater director
  • Andreas Rudolph , also Rudolphi, Rudolf or Rudolff, (born October 16, 1601, † December 14, 1679 in Gotha), architect, librarian and mathematician
  • Heidrun Rueda (born August 17, 1963), painter


  • Hans Sachtleben (born June 24, 1893 - April 5, 1967 in Berlin), zoologist
  • Johannes Sass (born May 5, 1897, † 1972 in Hanover), painter
  • Renate Sattler (born October 8, 1961), writer
  • Ekkehard Schall (born May 29, 1930 - September 3, 2005 in Berlin), actor and theater director
  • Delphine von Schauroth (born March 13, 1813; † 1887 in Munich), pianist and composer
  • Martin Schede (born October 20, 1883, † February 1947 in Gomlitz), archaeologist
  • Rainer Schedlinski (born November 11, 1956 - September 6, 2019 in Berlin), poet and essayist
  • Karl Scheele (born May 31, 1810, † March 24, 1871 in Wernigerode), Evangelical Lutheran theologian and teacher
  • Ronald M. Schernikau (born July 11, 1960 - † October 20, 1991 in Berlin), writer
  • Hermann Schiering (born April 27, 1884, † October 16, 1944 in Brandenburg-Görden), resistance fighter
  • Helmke Schierhorn (born October 13, 1934 - † August 10, 1986 in Magdeburg), anatomist and neurobiologist
  • Cordia Schlegelmilch (* 1952), sociologist, author and photographer
  • Leopold von Schlieben (born February 23, 1723; † April 16, 1788 in Königsberg), Prussian budget minister
  • Albrecht von Schlieckmann (born August 28, 1835 - † May 15, 1891 in Königsberg), Upper President of East Prussia
  • Kurt Schmeisser (born August 18, 1889 - † June 16, 1958 in Hanover), district administrator in Hirschberg, government vice-president in Lüneburg
  • Marcel Schmelzer (born January 22, 1988), football player
  • Albert Schmidt (March 20, 1802 - September 11, 1881), entrepreneur
  • Albert Schmidt (born March 2, 1858, † October 15, 1904 in Bielefeld), social democratic politician
  • Gustav Schmidt (born August 12, 1844, † November 13, 1901 in Magdeburg), sugar manufacturer and merchant
  • Gustav Schmidt (* 1996 in Magdeburg), actor
  • Karl Schmidt (born December 6, 1902; † May 3, 1945 in the Bay of Lübeck), resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Paul Schmidt (born May 24, 1856; † November 15, 1928 in Magdeburg), entrepreneur and member of the German Reichstag
  • Wieland Schmidt (born December 23, 1953), handball goalkeeper, Olympic champion, 3 times handball player of the year
  • Petra Schmidt-Schaller (born August 28, 1980), actress
  • Max Schneck (born July 5, 1861; † unknown), architect
  • Klaus Schneider (born September 16, 1950), national coach for women in the shot put
  • Ludwig Schneider (* 1941; † November 3, 2018 in Jerusalem), journalist
  • Hans-Helmut Schnelle (* May 28, 1913; † May 16, 1974 in Halle a. S.), surgeon and orthopedist, university professor in Rostock and Halle
  • Klaus Scholtz (born March 22, 1908; † May 1, 1987 in Bad Schwartau), submarine driver in World War II and sea captain in the German Navy
  • Manfred Schoof (born April 6, 1936), jazz trumpeter
  • Karl-Heinz Schramm (born May 17, 1935 - March 5, 2015), judge at the Federal Court of Justice
  • Paul Schreiber (born March 22, 1855; † August 29, 1920 in Magdeburg), secret medical councilor, school doctor and well-known ophthalmologist
  • Wolfgang Schreyer (born November 20, 1927 - † November 14, 2017 in Ahrenshoop), writer
  • Willy Schröder (born March 7, 1912 - † September 28, 1990 in Gersfeld (Rhön)), athlete
  • Johann Heinrich Schubert (born February 27, 1692; † 1757 in Zossen), pietistic preacher in Ebersdorf and Potsdam, superintendent in Zossen
  • Wilhelm Schubert (born February 8, 1917 - † January 12, 2006), SS-Oberscharführer and block leader in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp
  • Paul Schulte (born May 14, 1895 - † January 7, 1974 in Namibia ), religious, author and founder of MIVA
  • Siegmar von Schultze-Galléra (born January 6, 1865, † September 15, 1945 in Nietleben), writer and local researcher
  • Patrick Schulz (born September 30, 1988), handball goalkeeper
  • Günter Schulze (born February 18, 1933 - † July 26, 2010 in Bremen), manager
  • Maximilian Schumann (born June 26, 1827; September 5, 1889 in Schierke), Prussian engineer officer
  • Hans-Jörg Schuster (born May 1, 1953), Member of the State Parliament (FDP)
  • Hans PH Schuster (born November 11, 1928; † August 30, 2010 in Magdeburg) entrepreneur, monument conservator and FDP politician
  • Johann Joachim Schwabe (born September 29, 1714; † August 12, 1784 in Leipzig), scholar, librarian, philosopher and translator
  • Louis Schwartzkopff (born June 5, 1825 - † March 7, 1892 in Berlin), entrepreneur and founder of Berliner Maschinenbau AG
  • Philipp Schwartzkopff (born October 21, 1858 - † May 30, 1914 at Konbrutz Castle), Prussian administrative lawyer
  • Heiner Schwarzberg (* 1974), archaeologist
  • Felix-Benjamin Schwermer (born August 9, 1987), football referee
  • Berent Schwineköper (born November 8, 1912 - † March 8, 1993 in Freiburg im Breisgau), archivist and historian
  • Max Seeboth (born March 14, 1904, † November 14, 1967 in Washington DC), composer and music teacher
  • Ulrich Seidel (born May 27, 1954), Member of the State Parliament (CDU)
  • Robert Seitz (born September 28, 1891 - † April 22, 1938 in Lörrach), writer
  • Franz Seldte (born June 29, 1882, † April 1, 1947 in Fürth), co-founder of the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, NSDAP politician and Reich Labor Minister
  • Klaus-Jürgen Sembach (born April 15, 1933; † March 29, 2020 in Berlin), exhibition architect
  • Alfred Seppelt (* July 12, 1929; † October 21, 2015 in Berlin), entrepreneur and chess official
  • Erich Sichting (born March 13, 1896; † September 6, 1946 in Magdeburg), KPD politician and sports functionary
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Siedentopf (born August 11, 1901; † June 12, 1986 in Düsseldorf), gynecologist and university professor
  • Horst H. Siedentopf (born May 4, 1941 - December 19, 2017), manager and economist
  • Silvia Siefert (born July 19, 1953), handball player
  • Carl Gustav Adolf Siegfried (born January 22, 1830 - † January 9, 1903 in Jena), Protestant theologian
  • Hans Silberborth (born January 30, 1887; † October 9, 1949 in Nordhausen), historian and archivist
  • Kurt Singer (born May 18, 1886, † February 10, 1962 in Athens), philosopher and economist
  • Hans von Sommerfeld (born January 7, 1888, † January 10, 1961 in Rheine), Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht
  • Richard Sontag (born February 6, 1835 - † March 26, 1910 in Karlsruhe), legal scholar
  • Arthur Spanier (November 17, 1889 - March 30, 1944), Judaist
  • Friedrich Spielhagen (born February 24, 1829 - † February 25, 1911 in Berlin), writer
  • Hans-Arthur Spieß (born September 8, 1910 - † July 13, 1979 in Bahrendorf), teacher, painter, graphic artist and engraver
  • Georg Spohr (born January 24, 1951), helmsman in rowing, Olympic champion in 1976 and 1980 in two with helmsman
  • Ingrid Spors (born April 1, 1938), Member of the State Parliament (DVU)
  • Herbert Städtke (born March 17, 1931, † January 11, 2008 in Rostock?), Rear Admiral of the People's Navy, Commander of the Coastal Border Brigade
  • Günter Stahn (born May 2, 1939 - December 1, 2017), architect and urban planner
  • Friedrichfranz Stampe (born April 10, 1897, † April 22, 1959 in Cologne), actor, theater director, dramaturge and artistic director
  • Hans Standhardt (born February 21, 1928 - † February 22, 2017 in Magdeburg), engine developer
  • Franziska Stawitz (born August 9, 1980), radio journalist
  • Werner Steffens (born March 9, 1937; † November 1, 2018 in Braunschweig), local politician (SPD)
  • Gerhard Steinig (born January 3, 1913; † January 2, 1937 in Teruel, Spain), resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Gustav Steltzer (born February 4, 1823, † February 24, 1893 in Frankfurt am Main), Prussian judge and politician
  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (born September 17, 1730 - † November 28, 1794 in Utica (New York), today Oneida County (New York)), American general
  • Theodor Ferdinand von Stosch (born June 6, 1784, † August 24, 1857 in Berlin), lieutenant general
  • Manon Straché (born March 27, 1960), actress
  • Adolf Strewe (born June 22, 1891; † September 1, 1963 in Egeln), Protestant theologian
  • Georg Adam Struve (born September 27, 1619 - † December 15, 1692 in Jena), legal scholar
  • Theodor von Sulzer (born July 31, 1801; † November 18, 1887 in Berlin), Prussian Undersecretary of State


  • Joachim Tappe (born March 5, 1942; † June 25, 2012 in Witzenhausen), member of the German Bundestag 1990–2002
  • Georg Philipp Telemann (born March 24, 1681 - † June 25, 1767 in Hamburg), composer.
  • Gustav Wilhelm Teschner (born December 26, 1800 - † May 7, 1883 in Dresden), composer
  • Wolfgang Thal (born May 30, 1924 - June 10, 2006), actor, film and dubbing director.
  • Christoph Theuerkauf (born October 13, 1984 in Magdeburg), handball player
  • Heinz Thiel (born May 10, 1920 - March 9, 2003 in Potsdam), film director
  • Dirk Thielecke (born September 1, 1979), Thai boxer
  • Wilhelm Thierkopf (born February 5, 1860 - † April 11, 1938 in Magdeburg), politician (DVP)
  • Maria Catharina Tismar b. Harder (born July 13, 1764; † March 12, 1846 in Magdeburg), founder of the foundation
  • Gustav Toepke (born March 26, 1841; † June 28, 1899 in Heidelberg), lawyer and historian
  • Ulrich Trenckmann (* 1951), psychiatrist and psychotherapist
  • Henning von Tresckow (born January 10, 1901, † July 21, 1944 in Ostrów near Białystok, Poland), major general of the German Wehrmacht , active in the military resistance against Hitler
  • Albert Treuding (born August 18, 1805, † October 23, 1875 in Ballenstedt), hydraulic engineer and university professor
  • Heiko Triepel (born July 27, 1965), handball player and handball trainer
  • Lothar von Trotha (born July 3, 1848 - † March 31, 1920 Bonn), Prussian general of the infantry; Commander of the protection force in South West Africa during the Herero and Nama uprising and the genocide against them
  • Axel Tyll (born July 23, 1953), football player



  • Anna Vivanti-Lindau , b. Lindau (* 1828 - January 31, 1880 in Milan) Salonnière, writer and translator
  • Hugo Vogel (born February 15, 1855 - † September 26, 1934 in Berlin), painter
  • Richard Voigtel (born May 31, 1829; † September 28, 1902 in Cologne), architect and Cologne cathedral builder, under his direction the Cologne Cathedral was completed
  • Egon Voss (born November 7, 1938), musicologist and Richard Wagner researcher


  • Joachim Wächter (born April 30, 1926 - † October 7, 2017 in Greifswald), archivist and historian
  • Horst Wagner (born November 1, 1947), cyclist
  • Ernst Wahle (born May 25, 1889 - January 21, 1981 in Heidelberg), prehistoric
  • Herbert Wahrendorf (born August 29, 1919; † February 21, 1993 in Vogelsang near Gommern), educator, athlete and sports official
  • Karl Wallenda (born January 21, 1905, † March 22, 1978 in San Juan, Puerto Rico), circus acrobat and tightrope artist
  • Nick Weber (born February 1, 1991), handball goalkeeper
  • Thomas H. Weber (* 1960; † 2006 in Berlin), painter and graphic artist
  • Edgar Wedepohl (born September 9, 1894 - † March 17, 1983 in Berlin), architect and building researcher
  • Arnold Oskar Weichsel (* May 7, 1835 - April 18, 1919), German Imperial Judge
  • Gerhard Weidner (born March 15, 1933), track and field athlete and Olympic participant
  • Robert Weimann (born November 18, 1928; † August 9, 2019 in Bernau near Berlin), English and theater and literary scholar
  • Erich Weinert (born August 4, 1890; † April 20, 1953 in Berlin), writer
  • Johann Christoph Weinschenk (* 1722; † 1804), doctor
  • Ferdinand Weiß (born August 10, 1814 - † January 23, 1878 in Berlin), portrait, miniature and genre painter, draftsman, engraver and illustrator of the Düsseldorf School
  • Stefan Weise (* 1983), classical philologist
  • Theodor Weishaupt (born April 8, 1817, † April 5, 1899 in Berlin), civil engineer
  • Wilhelm Weitling (born October 5, 1808, † January 25, 1871 in New York), early socialist writer and propagandist
  • Karl Ludwig von Weitzel (born September 23, 1821 - † February 16, 1881 in Osterwein), East Prussian manor owner and politician
  • Hans-Jürgen Wende (born March 5, 1926 - † November 4, 2012), handball player
  • Kurt Wendler (born June 20, 1893; † June 13, 1980 in Bad Nauheim), graphic artist, painter and photographer
  • Walter Wenghöfer (born October 6, 1877 in Magdeburg, † October 1, 1918 in Magdeburg), poet of symbolism
  • Erna Wenk (born December 28, 1893; † 1973 in Magdeburg), politician (DDP, LDP) and member of the state parliament in Saxony-Anhalt and city councilor in Magdeburg
  • Ferdinand Wilhelm Wiko von Werder (born June 14, 1785 in Magdeburg, † June 15, 1861 in Berlin), Lieutenant General
  • Richard Wernecke (born September 17, 1881, † October 17, 1934 in Trier), dressmaker, social democratic party and workers' sports functionary
  • Verena Wicke-Scheil (born July 4, 1956), politician
  • Albert Wiedmann (born April 13, 1901; † September 19, 1970 in Vienna), Austrian dermatologist
  • Bennet Wiegert (born January 25, 1982), handball player
  • Ingolf Wiegert (born November 3, 1957), handball player
  • Philip Wiegratz (born February 17, 1993), German actor
  • Bruno Wille (born February 6, 1860 - † August 31, 1928 at Senftenau Castle in Aeschach), preacher, philosopher, journalist and writer
  • Friedrich Philipp Wilmsen (born February 23, 1770 - † May 4, 1831 in Berlin), Reformed theologian and educator
  • Holger Winselmann (born November 11, 1963), handball player
  • Günther Wirth (born April 9, 1923; † March 14, 2015 in Stuttgart), art critic and curator
  • Rudolf Ernst Wolf (born July 26, 1831; † November 20, 1910 in Magdeburg), industrialist
  • Bernd Wolff (born September 12, 1939), educator and writer
  • Friedrich Ernst Wolfrom (born April 9, 1857 - † July 11, 1923 in Berlin), history painter
  • Albert Wolter (born March 19, 1893; † July 5, 1977 in Marbach SG, Switzerland), real estate agent, co-founder of the Ring Deutscher Makler
  • Matthias Wrede (born November 10, 1614; † January 23, 1678 in Magdeburg), businessman and founder of the Wredeschen Poor Foundation
  • Ulrich Wüst (born May 12, 1949), photographer
  • Eva Wybrands (born September 5, 1951), politician (CDU)


  • Robert Zander (born July 26, 1892 - † May 8, 1969 in Berlin), botanist and horticultural scientist
  • Georg Zehle (born September 21, 1882 in Magdeburg; † February 12, 1945 ibid), German politician (DVP), city councilor in Magdeburg.
  • Erich Zorn (born March 21, 1898 - † February 9, 1996 in Ettlingen), engineer
  • Heinrich Zschokke (born March 22, 1771; † June 27, 1848 in Aarau), writer, educator