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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Schleswig
Map of Germany, position of the city of Schleswig highlighted

Coordinates: 54 ° 31 '  N , 9 ° 34'  E

Basic data
State : Schleswig-Holstein
Circle : Schleswig-Flensburg
Height : 1 m above sea level NHN
Area : 24.3 km 2
Residents: 25,416 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 1046 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 24837
Area code : 04621
License plate : SL
Community key : 01 0 59 075

City administration address :
Rathausmarkt 1
24837 Schleswig
Website :
Mayor : Stephan Dose ( SPD )
Location of the city of Schleswig in the Schleswig-Flensburg district
Ahneby Alt Bennebek Arnis Ausacker Bergenhusen Böel Böklund Bollingstedt Boren Borgwedel Börm Böxlund Brodersby-Goltoft Busdorf Dannewerk Dollerup Dörpstedt Eggebek Ellingstedt Erfde Esgrus Fahrdorf Freienwill Gelting Geltorf Glücksburg (Ostsee) Grödersby Groß Rheide Großenwiehe Großsolt Grundhof Handewitt Harrislee Hasselberg Havetoft Hollingstedt Holt Hörup Hürup Husby Hüsby Idstedt Jagel Janneby Jardelund Jerrishoe Jörl Jübek Kappeln Klappholz Klein Bennebek Klein Rheide Kronsgaard Kropp Langballig Langstedt Lindewitt Loit Lottorf Lürschau Maasbüll Maasholm Medelby Meggerdorf Meyn Mittelangeln Mohrkirch Munkbrarup Neuberend Nieby Niesgrau Norderbrarup Nordhackstedt Nottfeld Nübel Oersberg Oeversee Osterby Pommerby Rabel Rabenholz Rabenkirchen-Faulück Ringsberg Rügge Saustrup Schaalby Schafflund Scheggerott Schleswig Schnarup-Thumby Schuby Selk Sieverstedt Silberstedt Sollerup Sörup Stangheck Stapel Steinberg Steinbergkirche Steinfeld Sterup Stolk Stoltebüll Struxdorf Süderbrarup Süderfahrenstedt Süderhackstedt Taarstedt Tarp Tastrup Tetenhusen Tielen Tolk Treia Twedt Uelsby Ulsnis Wagersrott Wallsbüll Wanderup Wees Weesby Westerholz Wohlde Flensburgmap
About this picture
Climate diagram of Schleswig
Map of the Cimbrian Peninsula

Schleswig ([ ˈʃleːsvɪç ], Low German : Sleswig , Danish : Slesvig , angeldän . Sljasvig ) is a medium - sized town in Schleswig-Holstein on the Schlei bay . It is the district town of the Schleswig-Flensburg district , the former capital of the Duchy of Schleswig and is also known as the judicial capital of the state because - for historical reasons - it is the seat of the state constitutional court , as well as three other higher courts and the public prosecutor 's office.


Geographical location

The urban area of ​​Schleswig is located at the western end of the Schlei, which protrudes far into the inland . To the west of the Kleine Breite , large parts of it are located on the north shore of the Baltic Sea bay in the area of ​​the transition from the landscape of the Schleswig-Holstein hill country to the Schleswig Geest .

City structure

Schleswig is divided into various unofficial districts:

  • the old town with the St. Petri Cathedral and the town hall
  • the Holm (Danish: Holmen ) with its small fishermen's houses on the Schlei and the St. John's Monastery
  • the Lollfuß ( Lolfod ) with the district court
  • the Hesterberg ( Hestebjerg ) northwest of Lollfuß
  • the chicken houses ( Hønsehuse ) north of Hesterberg
  • the Friedrichsberg ( Frederiksberg ) with the aristocratic palaces, the higher regional court and the tallest residential building in the city, the 90 meter and 27 storey high Wikingturm
  • the Neustadt with Gottorf Castle , the Burgsee and the baroque prince's garden
  • Sankt Jürgen ( Sankt Jørgen ) with the city's commercial area
  • On the freedom ( Friheden ) with modern buildings in the Bauhaus style, classic pitched roof houses and swimming houses
  • Klapschau ( Klapskov )
  • Schleswig-Nord with the tallest structure in the city, the 139-meter-high Schliekieker radio tower and the city's northern industrial area

Neighboring communities

The areas of the following municipalities border directly on the urban area :

Neuberend ,
Schuby ,
Neighboring communities Schaalby
Dannewerk Busdorf


The urban area includes natural altitudes from 0 to 55.6  m above sea level. NN . Only the landfill on the northern edge of the district has more exposed locations up to 62 m in height. The forest areas Tiergarten and Pöhler Gehege extend northwest of the city . In the northern part of the city is the Brautsee . The seagull island (Danish: Mågeøen ) (officially: Möwenberg) is also part of the urban area .


The climate is humid and oceanic . The average annual temperature is 8 ° C, and the amount of precipitation is 814 mm.


Map of Haithabu ( south )

Derivation of the city name

The city name comes from Old Norse and means Bay of the Schlei or Port of the Schlei .

Beginnings as a trading metropolis of the Vikings

Schleswig was first mentioned as Sliasthorp in 804 (Danish form: Sliestorp ). The ending thorp (translated village) indicates that it is a sub-settlement.

The Viking settlement on Haddebyer Noor called Haithabu was expanded into a trading center by King Gudfred (Göttrik) in 808 and destroyed by Slavs in 1066. The question of whether the germ cells of today's opposite city of Schleswig were only founded after the destruction of Haithabu or whether they had existed for a few years has been the subject of controversial research so far. In any case, medieval Schleswig took over Haithabu's legacy as a center of Northern European trade - together with the western port at Hollingstedt, which had existed since the Viking Age : the land route between the Baltic and North Sea was particularly short here.

Swedish Vikings under their King Olaf conquered the area around 900 . In 934 the East Franconian King Heinrich I defeated Olaf's son Canute I and made Haithabu pay tribute. King Otto I founded the diocese of Schleswig in 947 . In 983, the Danish Viking king Harald Blauzahn temporarily recaptured the area. A few decades later, the emperors finally gave up the Schleswig mark and Schleswig fell back to the Danish crown. Around this time the focus of settlement shifted from Haithabu to today's Schleswig.

Bishop's residence in the Middle Ages

Petri portal of Schleswig Cathedral , approx. 1180
The old town

The chronicler Adam von Bremen reported in detail as early as 1076 on the importance of Haithabus and Schleswig. A synod was held in Schleswig under Archbishop Adalbert von Bremen , to which representatives from all over Northern Europe were invited. The first bishops of Schleswig were Harald (Haroldus), Poppo and Rodolphus.

Saxo Grammaticus mentions the cathedral for the first time in 1134 . He reports that the Danish King Niels wanted to flee from the brothers of the St. Knudsgilde in the cathedral, but was slain because he had Jarl Knud Lavard , the son of his older brother Erik Ejegod , killed in 1131 , who belonged to the Schleswig family had been popular.

The residence of the bishops was initially a castle, which is now located under Gottorf Castle and was first mentioned in 1161, when the Schleswig Bishop Occo moved his seat to the castle island after the destruction of his Alt-Gottorf Castle, northwest of Schleswig. The castle remained in the possession of the bishop until 1268, after which it was given to the dukes of Schleswig in exchange for Schwabstedt castle and in 1340 passed to the Counts of Schauenburg who ruled Holstein. The Bishop's Palace was then the Königsteinsche Palais at Norderdomstrasse 15, the Rumohrenhof. As long as the Catholic diocese of Schleswig existed, the court was the center of the episcopal property administration. The origins of the building go back to the middle of the 15th century. The builder is said to have been Bishop Nicolaus Wulf (1429–1474). After the death of the last Catholic bishop Gottschalk von Ahlefeldt in 1541, the building had different owners. After the cathedral chapter was dissolved in 1773, the court was sold to Baron Johann Ludwig von Königstein , who had the old buildings rebuilt and given their current appearance.

In the 13th century, Schleswig had to cede its role as the supraregional trading metropolis of the north to Lübeck , but at that time it was still a trading center of regional importance, but regional primacy also passed to Flensburg in the late Middle Ages : the Schlei was for the merchant ships of that time often not deep enough.

In 1486 the missal Missale Slesvicense, set by the printer Steffen Arndes, was published for the pen in Schleswig as an important early print from North Germany .

Medieval hospitals for lepers

From 1344 a total of three medieval leprosories can be identified in Schleswig; the first was built in today's St. Jürgen district and gave the district its name because St. Georg (Low German: St. Jürgen) was the patron saint of all leprosories in Schleswig-Holstein. From 1392 another leprosy can be found on the Gallberg, which was called Laurentius Hospital and Sikenhus ("hospital"). The third leprosarium was built on Hesterberg in the 15th century.

Residence of the Dukes of Gottorf

City view of Schleswig around 1600

After the Reformation , almost all of the city's numerous churches and monasteries disappeared, with a few exceptions. Some of them were broken down to the foundations, which was shown during excavations of the Maria Magdalena Church of the Dominican monastery . On the other hand, numerous aristocratic palaces were built within the city limits, in which the high officials of the flourishing duchy resided.

After the division of the country in 1544, the city became the residence of the dukes of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf . These initially remained closely linked to the Danish crown in terms of foreign policy, but in the 17th century they led an increasingly independent policy.

In the witch hunts between 1548 and 1551 at least 38 women were convicted and executed. The place of execution was the market square. The trial files have been preserved in the Schleswig city archive. In 2014, the church and mayor Arthur Christiansen remembered the victims of the witch trials in a memorial service in Schleswig Cathedral.

Under Duke Friedrich III. From Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf the Gottorfer Hof flourished. Chancellor was Johann Adolph Kielmann von Kielmannsegg . The following artists were active on the farm at this time: painter Jürgen Ovens (Rembrandt's student), the carver Hans Gudewerdt the Younger . The court scholar Adam Olearius described his travels to Moscow (1633) and Persia (1636) in 1647. A little later, the dukes also obtained an imperial privilege to found a university, when Schleswig was initially also under discussion before it was finally settled in Kiel .

In 1711 the two suburbs of Lollfuß and Friedrichsberg were incorporated. Schleswig, Lollfuß and Friedrichsberg were merged to form the "combined city of Schleswig". Schleswig got its first mayor for the whole city.

After the Great Northern War (1700–1721) and the associated victory of Denmark over the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , the Gottorf shares in the Duchy of Schleswig fell to the Danish king, who was also Duke of Schleswig. This meant serious economic disadvantages for the city of Schleswig, as it lost its position as the ducal residence of a partially sovereign state.

Seat of government and parliament of the Duchy of Schleswig

The State Hall of Schleswig - today's Schleswig City Hall

After the loss of the residence function for the Gottorf dukes, who had ruled the Duchy of Schleswig in their shares since 1658, Gottorf Castle now became the seat of the Supreme Court and the government and judicial authority for the entire Duchy of Schleswig , later (1834) as part of a judicial and administrative reform also seat of a common government for both duchies (Schleswig and Holstein). Since the Duke of Schleswig, as the Danish king, stayed mostly in Copenhagen, he always appointed a governor to Gottorf.

Under the governor Landgrave Carl von Hessen (1744–1836), Schleswig once again experienced a cultural heyday. In 1836/1843 the government and the court were separated and the duchy's assembly of estates was re-established. The state hall of the town hall served as the conference room of this “parliament” . Schleswig itself had around 11,000 inhabitants at that time.

From 1840, the German-Danish conflict became the dominant theme in the city, whose citizens mostly sided with the German Schleswig-Holsteiners. Among other things, the Schleswig-Holstein-Lied was created in Schleswig, it was enthusiastically sung from 23 to 25 July 1840 at the singing festival of the Schleswig-Holstein song boards in Schleswig. The text comes from the Schleswig advocate Chemnitz, the music from C. G. Bellmann, cantor at St. Johannis Monastery. At the same time the first blue-white-red (Schleswig-Holstein colors) banner was shown.

In 1848 the Schleswig-Holstein uprising of the German-minded population of Schleswig and Holstein against the rule of the Danish king in the duchies broke out. On 23/24 April 1848 came the battle of Schleswig. In this conflict, known as the “Easter Battle”, the Danish troops were expelled from the city of Schleswig, but at the end of the warlike years of 1851 the Kingdom of Denmark had won over the Schleswig-Holstein movement. As a result, Schleswig and Holstein remained initially connected to the Danish monarchy as duchies through a personal union. The Duchy of Schleswig with the city of Schleswig retained its position as a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Denmark, while Holstein remained a member of the German Confederation.

The ducal authorities within the entire Danish state were finally reorganized. As a result, Schleswig lost all of the ducal government authorities, and the Schleswig Assembly of Estates met from 1852 in the Estates building in Flensburg.

Capital of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein

Prussian Province of Schleswig-Holstein
Map of Schleswig 1871

After the German-Danish War in 1864, the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein became an Austro-Prussian condominium . After the German War (1866) they were annexed by Prussia .

With the equality of Jews in the North German Confederation in 1869, a small Jewish community emerged in Schleswig, which dissolved again by the First World War due to the emigration of many of its members to larger cities.

The city of Schleswig replaced Kiel as the seat of the upper president from 1879 to 1917 and was the capital of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein until 1945 . The Schleswig-Holstein Provincial Parliament continued to meet in the old state hall until 1904. During the Prussian period from 1888 to 1894, the 112 meter high Schleswig cathedral tower was built.

Under Prussian rule, Schleswig was also a garrison town until the end of the First World War. On November 9, 1866, the regimental staff and the 3rd battalion of the newly established Prussian 84th Infantry Regiment came to the city. The 1st and 2nd battalions followed in 1890 and 1892. One battalion was in Gottorf Castle, while the barracks on Moltkestrasse were built in 1892 for the other battalions. In 1867 the regiment was named "Schleswigsches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 84" and was renamed in 1888 in honor of General von Manstein in "Infanterie-Regiment von Manstein (Schleswigsches) Nr. 84". It was dissolved again after the revolution in 1918. In 1866 the newly established Prussian Hussar Regiment No. 16 came to Schleswig. In 1867 it was named "Schleswig-Holstein Hussar Regiment No. 16". In 1872 Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria was nominally head of the regiment, the name of which was changed to "Hussar Regiment Emperor Franz-Joseph of Austria, King of Hungary (Schleswig-Holstein) No. 16". Gottorf Castle was his barracks until it was dissolved after the revolution of 1918.

At the beginning of the First World War in 1914, the church bells rang from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. in Schleswig on the occasion of the mobilization and the population was initially enthusiastic about the armed forces. The city's public buildings, such as the seat of the provincial government, the train station, the post office, the Reichsbank and the town hall, were occupied by the military, and on August 3 the hussar regiment moved out and on August 8 the von Manstein regiment also left the city . Ultimately, Schleswig suffered around 270 casualties in the First World War, for whom a memorial made of gray granite was erected in 1920 in the cathedral cemetery and in 1926 on the corner of Flensburger Strasse and Neuwerkstrasse.

In the Weimar Republic, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau from Schleswig became the first Foreign Minister of the young German Republic. Mainly the Social Democrats, the National Liberals and the German Nationals were elected (as an example the result of the Reichstag election on May 20, 1928 - 11,557 voters in Schleswig, votes SPD 3,300, DVP 2,120, DNVP 1,313, DDP 810). During the Kapp Putsch at the beginning of 1920, fighting broke out in Schleswig between the garrison at Gottorf Castle, which had joined the anti-democratic coup attempt, and armed workers loyal to the government. In 1936 a memorial stone was erected on the castle to commemorate the putschists who were killed in the process. Supplemented by an explanatory inscription, this stone is still in place today.

The NSDAP also had a strong base in Schleswig early on. In 1925 the Schleswig local group of the party was formed, whose members initially mostly came from rural areas ( Fahrdorf , Busdorf , Tolk ). In the Reichstag election of July 1932, the NSDAP received 50.7 percent of the vote, more than all other political groups combined. At the end of 1932 the local NSDAP group had 700 members. One of the reasons for this success was the situation of the local newspaper market, which was dominated by the Schleswiger Nachrichten . From 1930 the newspaper developed into a mouthpiece for the NSDAP and thus contributed to making National Socialism a majority in Schleswig. In addition, there was the high affinity of the agricultural officials in the city and district of Schleswig to the NSDAP.

Schleswig under National Socialism

During the twelve years of the “ Third Reich ” around 4,000 people from Schleswig were members of the NSDAP . From 1933 to 1937 the barracks were built on the freedom . Furthermore, in 1935 the original colors of Schleswig's city arms were changed from blue-red to blue-gold. Heraldic principles are said to have been decisive for this.

In 1935, the fishing settlement of Holm, surrounded by water, was connected to Fischbrückstrasse and the ditch was filled in. With the construction of the Knud-Laward-Straße as an access to the barracks, the Holm is no longer an island.

Communists, Social Democrats and Jews were persecuted by the National Socialists and deported to concentration or extermination camps. Several hundred patients at the Hesterberg and Stadtfeld sanatoriums, including over 200 children, were also murdered as part of the euthanasia program .

In the second half of the war there were 15 camps for slave laborers with a total of around 500 places in Schleswig . Most of the mostly Polish and Soviet forced laborers were employed in smaller companies, but around 80 of them worked in the Oellerking rope and tarpaulin factory, mainly for military needs.

The militarily insignificant Schleswig was largely spared from the bombing of the Allies during the Second World War . Various monuments (including the larger-than-life Bismarck statue from Rathausmarkt, the cannon monument to Kaiser Wilhelm I at the government building, the bronze figures from the Reventlou-Beseler monument in front of the district court , the Germania monument on upper Michaelis-Allee) were melted down to remove them To be able to use metal for war production. The monuments were never restored even after the war ended. Instead of the Bismarck monument, a fountain now adorns Schleswig's market square.

On May 4, 1945, Hans-Georg von Friedeburg signed the surrender of all German troops in north-west Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark on behalf of the last Reich President Karl Dönitz , who had previously left the last Reich government in Flensburg-Mürwik . In the following days, the city of Schleswig was also occupied by British troops.

Schleswig under the occupying powers in the post-war period

The Hotel Stadt Hamburg as a club of the Royal Air Force
(demolished 2014/15)

From May 10, 1945, the British confiscated numerous buildings to accommodate their soldiers, including many villas to accommodate the English officers. On May 12th, Gottorf Castle and its entire inventory were confiscated by the British, on May 16 the Seefliegerhorst auf der Freiheit, Gewese Luisenbad and its beach, the boat sheds of the Schleisegelclub and the beach hall. Furthermore, the owners of private sailing boats had to make their ships available. Michaeliskirche served as an English garrison church from May 16. By February 1948, the British seized a total of 151 houses with 2,490 rooms and 73,556 m² of living space, including 59 private houses with 456 rooms. As a result of the confiscations, 1,800 people had to be housed elsewhere.

Schleswig had 26,213 inhabitants in the post-war period . In addition, there were 9,767 refugees from the former German eastern regions and evacuees from the bombed cities, a total of around 36,000 people. Due to food shortages, there was great hunger throughout the city .

On October 12, 1945, the British occupying forces imposed a ban on flags with Danish or Schleswig-Holstein colors to prevent conflict of nationalities. After the Second World War, the Danish minority made efforts to join the Kingdom of Denmark. Since the members of the Danish minority received food aid from Scandinavia, residents who claimed to be part of the Danish minority after the end of National Socialism were suspected by German-minded people of purely material motives and insulted as " bacon Danes ".

As a result of the conversion of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein into a German federal state by the British military government from 1946 onwards , Schleswig lost its prominent role among the cities of Schleswig-Holstein and Kiel became the state capital. Plans to move the University of Kiel to Schleswig for this purpose were not implemented. The British soldiers were later replaced by the Norwegian military as the occupying power.

Justice and culture capital of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein

On October 24, 1948, the first municipal election in the new federal state of Schleswig-Holstein took place. In Schleswig, an electoral alliance between the CDU and SPD won . This achieved a total of 12,286 votes in Schleswig. The SSW , as a party of the Danish minority, received 7187 votes from the entire population and the left-wing extremist KPD received 305 votes. As a result, 20 German and 7 Danish-minded members were elected to the city council. Of the 20 German representatives, 12 belonged to the CDU and 8 to the SPD. Due to the clear German election victory, the city hall and the cathedral tower then hoisted the blue, white and red national colors that the military government had recently approved.

To compensate for the loss of political and administrative functions as the state capital, Schleswig also became the seat of the Higher Regional Court , the State Archives , the State Museum for Art and Cultural History and the State Archaeological Museum after the Second World War . Schleswig is thus today a cultural and judicial center of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein.


City council

The election to the city assembly on May 6, 2018 resulted in the following composition of the council meeting with a turnout of 41.7%:

Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
e Free voters for Schleswig e. V.
f Alliance for Citizens in Schleswig-Holstein e. V.
Distribution of seats from 2018 in the city assembly of Schleswig
7th 6th 
A total of 31 seats
The Schleswig town hall
Party / list Seats
SPD 7th
Alliance 90 / The Greens 6 *
The left 1
Free voters for Schleswig e. V. 2
Alliance for Citizens in Schleswig-Holstein e. V. 2

* The faction of “Bündnis 90 / Den Grünen” consists of only five members and one non-attached member due to personal differences within the elected councilors of the party.


Term of office Surname
Beginning The End
December 29, 1885 December 31, 1909 Julius Heiberg
January 1, 1910 December 31, 1912 Wilhelm Brückner
April 1, 1913 August 10, 1933 Oscar Behrens
August 11, 1933 October 23, 1933 Heinrich Blum, acting mayor
October 24, 1933 January 22, 1934 Adolf Herting, acting mayor
January 22, 1934 October 31, 1937 Franz Friedrich Freiherr von Baselli
December 11, 1937 May 1945 Helmut Lemke , NSDAP
May 15, 1945 November 30, 1945 Hans Hinrichs, acting mayor
December 1, 1945 November 19, 1948 Hermann Clausen , SPD until July 1946, SSW from 1948, acting mayor, elected mayor from March 7th to November 19th, 1948
November 19, 1948 April 30, 1950 Jakob Böhme, CDU
May 1, 1950 December 30, 1954 Bruno Lorenzen
June 1, 1955 August 9, 1973 Werner Kugler, CDU
November 12, 1973 January 18, 1977 Bodo Richter , SPD
19th January 1978 January 18, 1990 Heinz Bartheidel , CDU
January 19, 1990 January 18, 2002 Klaus Nielsky, SPD
January 19, 2002 17th January 2014 Thorsten Dahl , initially CDU, later non-party
17th January 2014 January 18, 2020 Arthur Christiansen, independent
19th January 2020 in office Stephan Dose, SPD

Federal and state politics

Schleswig belongs to the federal constituency of Flensburg - Schleswig and the state constituency of Schleswig , both of which were won directly by the CDU in the 2009 elections. The city is the administrative seat of the Schleswig-Flensburg district .

badges and flags


The coat of arms of the city of Schleswig originated from an old seal of the city that is attested as early as the 13th century. In 1935, Schleswig's proposed coat of arms, which was based on the old seal, was approved for the city. The blazon was thus determined: "In blue over blue and silver waves on a goalless golden pinnacle wall, a golden pinnacle tower accompanied by a golden crescent moon and a six-pointed golden star."

The Schleswig flag (blazon: "The city flag is blue-yellow.") Is not registered in the Schleswig-Holstein municipal coat of arms. The colors blue-yellow correspond to those of the Duchy of Schleswig (see also: Schleswig Lion ).

Twin cities


The St. Petri Cathedral or Schleswig Cathedral
Holmer Chapel
The Catholic St. Ansgar Church as seen from the Schlei
The Danish community uses the church and community rooms in Ansgarhuset

The overwhelming majority of the people of Schleswig are Evangelical Lutheran . Ev.-Luth, formed after the merger of the former parishes of St. Michaelis, Friedrichsberg and the cathedral parish in 2015 . Schleswig parish belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany . The city's Danish Lutheran congregation ( Slesvig og omegns danske Menighed ) belongs to the Danish Church in southern Schleswig and was created in 2014 from the merger of the former congregations Ansgar, Frederiksberg and Treja-Øster Ørsted. In addition, there is a pietistic community in the Evangelical Church . There are also congregations of the Catholic Church (St. Ansgar), the Baptists (Evangelical Free Church Congregation), the Seventh-day Adventists , the Pentecostal (Immanuel congregation), the New Apostolic Church and the Jehovah's Witnesses . With the immigration of mainly Turkish guest workers, Islam is now also represented in Schleswig. Since 2014 there has been an Ahmadiyya prayer center in Husumer Baum, which offers guided tours and events for the public. At times there was also a small Jewish community in the city.

Church building

Schleswig has been the seat of a bishopric since 947. To this day, the Schleswig Cathedral is the Bishop's Church for the Schleswig district within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany . Relevant church buildings and community centers are:


Culture and sights

The Gottorf giant globe , replica from 2005
Wikingturm at the Schleiende

The list of cultural monuments in Schleswig includes the cultural monuments entered in the list of monuments of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. In addition, the Wikingturm from the 1970s characterizes the cityscape as a comparatively modern counterpart .


The city of Schleswig is home to a number of museums. Among other things, the Schleswig-Holstein State Museums Foundation Gottorf Castle is based in Schleswig. The State Museum for Art and Cultural History and the State Archaeological Museum are housed in the castle . The Schleswig Folklore Museum was located on the Hesterberg until 2014 , the city ​​museum is located in Günderothschen Hof, and the museum for outsider art is located in the presidential monastery. There is a Holm Museum in the fishing settlement of Holm . The Viking Museum Haithabu in Busdorf (district Haddeby) and the Danewerkmuseum (Danevirkegården) in Dannewerk, which is supported by the Danish minority, are located in front of the city gates . The Teddy Bear House on the area of ​​the City Museum in Schleswiger Friedrichstraße (district Friedrichsberg) is mainly visited by families with children. In the presidential monastery on Stadtweg there are also the East German home parlors, in which the associations of expellees remember the former German eastern territories.


The Schleswig-Holstein State Theater and Symphony Orchestra is the largest state stage in Germany. It consists of several venues and regularly goes on tour through western Schleswig-Holstein. In Schleswig itself it was located in a classical building in the Lollfuß district. The hall of this theater building was closed in June 2011 by the Schleswig Building Authority due to the risk of collapse. Since then, the performances have taken place in Slesvighus , which was built as a hotel in 1901 and has been used as a Danish cultural center since 1922. The city theater was demolished in spring 2015, and negotiations are still ongoing about a new theater building.

The Slesvighus is also the venue for Danish-language theater performances.

In the Friedrichsberg district there is also the Low German stage Schleswiger Speeldeel e. V.

Parks and green spaces

The Königswiesen during the State Garden Show 2008
View from the Fürstengarten to Gottorf Castle

The Königswiesen , which was modernized in 2008 as a central area for the first state horticultural show in Schleswig-Holstein , is the central city park . The approximately 16 hectare Königswiesen, which is located directly on the north bank of the Schlei, is used by the population as a local recreation area with a swimming area. In 2008, a disused pumping station in the park was raised to around 14 meters by a steel structure clad with wooden slats and has served as a lookout tower ever since .

There are also several parks in Schleswig. The Neuwerk garden and the baroque prince's garden, which has been faithfully restored and was already known across the borders of Europe under the Gottorf dukes, with the globe house, should be emphasized here.

Libraries and Archives

In Schleswig there is a German city ​​library and a Danish library as well as the archive of the Schleswig-Flensburg district and the state archive of Schleswig-Holstein in the Prinzenpalais.

Art and exhibitions

Installations of the gallery on the Schlei , 2008

From May to October 2008, an art installation, Mirror of Our Time , was shown in the Schlei gallery on the Schlei Bay . It was organized by the city of Schleswig and the art and culture team Erfundenes Land . Nine artists dealt with the topics of water and climate change in poetry and object art.

Furthermore, exhibitions by world-class artists take place regularly at Gottorf Castle.

Languages ​​and dialects

In Schleswig, High German , Low German (as Schleswigsch , Angeliter Platt ) and Danish (mainly as Sydslesvigdansk ) are spoken, and until the middle of the 19th century also Sønderjysk ("Plattdänisch", in the Anglo-Danish variety).

Regular events

  • Schwahlmarkt : The Schwahlmarkt takes place every year as a pre-Christmas handicraft market in the cloister of St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig. Choirs and music groups create the supporting program.
  • Viking Days : The Viking Days take place every summer on the banks of the Schlei on the Königswiesen . They are among the largest Viking events in Europe.
  • Lecture series : Lecture events take place regularly in both the Prinzenpalais and the Higher Regional Court. Speakers are book authors and politicians.
  • Cathedral concerts: The cathedral concerts and the classical concerts as part of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival take place in the summer months.
  • Castle Festival : During the summer months, the Schleswig-Holstein State Theater regularly offers open-air performances in the courtyard of Gottorf Castle.
  • Gottorfer Landmarkt : The Gottorfer Landmarkt in May extends over the entire area of ​​the castle island and is the largest ecological land market in the region.
  • Årsmøder : The annual meeting (Årsmøder) of the Danish minority takes place in Schleswig regularly at the end of May / beginning of June, ending with an open-air event on the grounds of the Danish sports club Schleswig IF.
  • Christmas markets: Traditional Christmas markets take place annually on the grounds of the City Museum on the first weekend of Advent, as well as on Capitolplatz.
  • Gottorf Garden Festival : The Gottorf Garden Festival takes place every year in August. Regular components of the festival are the sounds of a concert harp , guided tours to the historically traditional plants, a free view from the roof terrace of the globe house and dance formations in historical costumes.
  • Baltic Open Air : a Since 2011, a year-find festival with entertainers including Joe Cocker , Torfrock , Schandmaul and Helloween occurred. In the first year the venue was still on the Königswiesen, in the following years on the former barracks and the new district “Auf der Freiheit”.
  • NORDEN - The Nordic Arts Festival : A cross-genre open-air festival that has been taking place on the Königswiesen in late summer since 2018. The artists from the cultural forms of music, literature, dance, street theater and film come from Schleswig-Holstein, the Nordic countries , the Baltic States , Poland and Iceland.

Schleswig as a film set

The Capitol Filmpalast cinema on the day of the Schleswig premiere of Five Friends (2012)

Economy and Infrastructure


Schleswig pedestrian zone

The corporate structure of the city of Schleswig is characterized by medium-sized companies . Since the local sugar factory in Schleswig was closed by the last owner Nordzucker at the end of the beet campaign in 2003 , there are hardly any larger industrial companies in the sector. As a construction company, SAW Schleswiger Asphaltsplitt-Werke has its headquarters in the city.

In the primary sector there is some small-scale coastal fishing. The grinding machines are traditionally based on the handlebar .

Furthermore, numerous law firms have set up shop in the country's court capital, some of which have a history that goes back almost 100 years.

The tourism has in Schleswig some importance. The loop is used for water sports. The city and the surrounding area attract many tourists who also use the existing infrastructure for excursion boats on the Schlei.

Other companies based in the city are the Nord-Ostsee Sparkasse , the manufacturer of fitness equipment Sport-Tiedje and the company group Schleswiger Stadtwerke . It consists of four parts, of which Stadtwerke Schleswig GmbH occupies the central position in the network. This is active in the areas of electricity, natural gas, heat and drinking water supply. In the field of environmental services and wastewater disposal, the municipal utilities hit the headlines in March 2017 because millions of small plastic particles from the municipal utilities' systems got into the loop and contaminated them all the way to Arnis .


Motorized private transport

The federal motorway 7 passes to the west of the city . At the connection points Schleswig / Jagel (6) and Schleswig / Schuby (5) there are direct crossings to federal highway 77 and federal highway 201 respectively . The former leads at the southern municipal boundary of Schleswig with the neighboring town of Busdorf directly into the federal highway 76 coming from the north-western urban area and leading in the direction of Eckernförde, Kiel and beyond to Lübeck . This has its origins at the height freely -developed transition of coming from Flensburg state road  317 and it crossed national road two hundred and first

Rail transport

Schleswig railway station

With the Schleswig train station, the city ​​has a connection to the rail network of the Deutsche Bahn group . In local public transport , the trains of the regional express connections 7 and 74 in the Schleswig-Holstein local transport network on the Hamburg – Neumünster – Flensburg and Husum – Kiel routes stop here .

Bus transport

The urban area is opened up in the near and surrounding area by a network of bus routes. On January 1, 2020, the Schleswig-Flensburg district repeatedly awarded concessions for the operation of the so-called bus network south , which also includes Schleswig's city bus service. The company Autokraft is currently entrusted with the operation for the period up to the year 2030.


Furthermore, the place has a small city harbor, from where the city connects other places on the Schlei up to Schleimünde in the excursion shipping as well as in the charter ship traffic .

air traffic

The nearest international airports are Hamburg Airport and Billund Airport in Denmark . The closest landing place for general aviation is Schleswig-Kropp airfield .


Schleswig's local daily newspaper is the Schleswig News . It is published by the Schleswig-Holstein newspaper publisher. The Danish-language daily Flensborg Avis also has a local editorial office in town. The Kiel News is also important .

Public facilities

Courthouse of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional
Court (OLG), the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Schleswig-Holstein Regional Social Court (LSG)


Ordinary jurisdiction

Administrative jurisdiction

Social justice

Constitutional jurisdiction

Public prosecutor


Lorns School
  • Elementary schools
    • Bugenhagenschule (Friedrichstrasse 103)
    • School North (Schützenredder 16)
    • St. Jürgen School (Erlenweg 2)
    • Wilhelminenschule (Lutherstrasse 11)
  • Elementary and secondary schools
    • Gottorp Skolen (Danish primary and secondary school, Erdbeerenberg 32)
  • Community schools
    • Gallberg School (Gallberg 47)
    • Dannewerkschule (Erikstraße 50)
    • Bruno Lorenzen School (play area 6)
  • Elementary and secondary schools
    • Hiort Lorenzen-Skolen (Danish elementary and secondary school, Königsberger Straße 3)
  • High schools
    • Cathedral School (oldest grammar school in Northern Europe, Königsstraße 37)
    • Vocational high school of the Schleswig-Flensburg district / [unofficially] high school at the Fürstengarten (Flensburger Straße 19b)
    • Lornsenschule (Michaelisallee 1, Lutherstraße 9)
    • AP Møller-Skolen (Danish high school, Fjordallee 1)
  • Special schools
    • Schleswig-Kropp Funding Center (Flensburger Strasse 120)
    • Peter Härtling School (Holzredder 12)
    • School Hesterberg (Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 5)
    • Landesförderzentrum Hören, Georg Wilhelm Whitsun School (Lutherstrasse 14)
    • State Funding Center See (Lutherstrasse 14)
  • Vocational schools
    • Vocational Training Center Schleswig (Flensburger Strasse 19b)
    • School center for health professions Schleswig (Am Damm 1)
  • Other schools
    • Educational school
    • Agricultural school
    • District Music School Schleswig-Flensburg

The closest universities are in Kiel and Flensburg . Of the latter, however, the Institute for Schleswig-Holstein Contemporary and Regional History (IZRG) has its seat in Schleswig.


sons and daughters of the town

Born from the 11th to the 18th centuries

Born in the 19th century

Born in the 20th century

People who grew up in Schleswig and who were born in other places

  • Jacob Alberts (1860–1941), professor of art, painter
  • Georg Asmussen (1856–1933), writer
  • Adelbert Heinrich von Baudissin (1820–1871), writer and founder or co-founder of the “City of Heilbrunn” in the USA
  • Georg Beseler (1809–1888), professor of law at the universities of Basel, Rostock, Greifswald and Berlin, politician (member of the German-minded Schleswig-Holstein movement / casino parliamentary group), member of the Frankfurt National Assembly, vice-president and member of the Prussian mansion and member of the German Reichstag
  • Wilhelm Beseler (1806-1884), politician (member of the German-minded Schleswig-Holstein movement / casino parliamentary group), member of the Schleswig Assembly of Estates, member and vice-president of the Frankfurt National Assembly, president and governor of the provisional government of Schleswig-Holstein from 1848 to 1851
  • Friedrich Bluhme (1797–1874), professor of law at the Universities of Halle, Göttingen and Bonn
  • Johann Adrian Bolten (1742–1807), Lutheran theologian, historian, writer and Bible translator
  • Cäcilie von Brockdorff (1837–1912), painter and editor
  • Johann Leonhard Callisen (1738–1806), Protestant theologian and general superintendent of Holstein
  • Udo Corts (* 1955), politician (CDU), member of the State Parliament of Hesse, State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior of the State of Hesse, Minister for Science and Art in Hesse
  • Jürgen Drews (* 1945), pop singer and "King of Mallorca"
  • Hans-Uwe Erichsen (* 1934), Professor of Law and Rector of the University of Münster, Former President of the German Rectors' Conference
  • Johannes Ewald (1743–1781), poet
  • Asmus Finzen (* 1940), professor of psychiatry at the University of Hanover, science journalist
  • Lone Fischer (* 1988), handball player
  • Johannes Gaye (1804–1840), art historian
  • Hans Hensen (1786–1846), head of the royal institution for the deaf and dumb in Schleswig, budget adviser and professor
  • Hans Holtorf (1899–1984), theater founder, writer and painter
  • Ferdinand Hucho (* 1939), professor of biochemistry at the Universities of Konstanz and Berlin, member of the board of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, initiator and co-author of the First German Gene Technology Report
  • Uwe Jensen (* 1943), politician (SPD), Member of Parliament and Vice President in the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament, State Secretary in the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Justice
  • Christian Kortholt the Elder (1633–1694), professor of Greek and Protestant theology at the Universities of Rostock and Kiel
  • Walter Prüschenk von Lindenhofen (1857–1916), politician (FRP - Free Conservative Party), member of the German Reichstag
  • Uwe Jens Lornsen (1793–1838), pioneer of a unified German Schleswig-Holstein
  • Heinrich Lysius (1670–1731), professor of theology and rector at the University of Königsberg
  • Christian Carl Magnussen (1821–1896), painter
  • Nicolaus Mattsen (1847–1924), politician (NLP - National Liberal Party), member of the Prussian House of Representatives and member of the German Reichstag
  • Christian Karl Meissner (1801–?), Theologian and author
  • Joachim Meyerhoff (* 1967), actor and writer
  • Kay Nehm (* 1941), lawyer, retired federal prosecutor D.
  • Berthold Otto (1859–1933), reform pedagogue and founder of the private school in Berlin-Lichterfelde
  • Dierk Puls (1913–1994), writer and Germanist
  • Edvard Rambusch (1846–1934), politician (Denmark), member of the Upper House of the Danish Reichstag
  • Karl Friedrich Lucian Samwer (1819–1882), professor of law at the University of Kiel
  • François Smesny (* 1968), actor
  • Hermann Tast (1490–1551), reformer
  • Marcus Tönsen (1772–1861), professor of law at the University of Kiel
  • Ekkehard Winterfeldt (1932–2014), professor of chemistry at the University of Hanover, former president of the Society of German Chemists and member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
  • Georg Friedrich Witte (1799–1865), city counsel and appellate judge

People related to Schleswig


On January 8, 2004, Deutsche Post issued a special stamp with a face value of 55 cents on the occasion of Schleswig's 1200th anniversary. It shows motifs from history as well as important buildings in the city.

The rescue boat Walter Merz of DGzRS is stationed in Schleswig.


  • Heinrich Philippsen: Brief history of the city of Schleswig and the Schleswig Knudsgilde . Schleswig 1926.
  • Joachim Skierka: Schleswig in the governor time 1711-1836.
  • Theo Christiansen: Schleswig 1836-1945.
  • Theo Christiansen: Schleswig and the Schleswig-Holstein 1945–1962.
  • Theo Christiansen: Schleswig 1945–1968. Photo documentation
  • Torsten Schulze: Schleswig - as it was. Droste-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1996.
  • Reimer Pohl: Streets in Schleswig.
  • Volker Vogel: Schleswig in the Middle Ages, archeology of a city.
  • Oliver Bruhns: Schleswig city stories. In: Reimer Witt, Oliver Bruhns: 1200 years of Schleswig. ed. from the Lions Club Schleswig, 2006.


  1. North Statistics Office - Population of the municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein 4th quarter 2019 (XLSX file) (update based on the 2011 census) ( help on this ).
  2. Jens Byskov: Modersmaalet , 1947, p. 215
  3. Johannes von Schröder: Topography of the Duchy of Schleswig , 2nd edition, Oldenburg (Holstein) 1854, p. 242
  4. or "Schlei Bay or Schlei Harbor". See: Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory: Praehistorische Zeitschrift. de Gruyter, Berlin 1930, p. 259.
  5. Københavns Universitet: Afdeling for Navneforskning / Nordisk Forskningsinstitut
  6. See representation of the Society for Leprosy under Documentation: Medieval Leprosoria in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg ( Memento from February 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) and Medieval Leprosoria in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg - Annex, Details of the Leprosoria ( Memento from December 10th 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed December 7, 2014
  7. Names of the victims of the witch trials / witch persecution Schleswig (PDF; 578 kB; accessed on April 27, 2016)
  8. ^ The witches of Schleswig. In: Hamburger Abendblatt. January 11, 2014, p. 26.
  9. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany: Church and city of Schleswig remember burned witches ; Retrieved April 27, 2016
  10. Bernd Philipsen: The First World War. The hunger for news at the "gruesome abyss". on sh: z online
  12. ^ Website of the Schleswig City Museum , accessed on March 9, 2016.
  13. Website of the Advisory Board for History with detailed information on the most important actors in the NSDAP rule in Schleswig , accessed on March 9, 2016.
  15. The surrender on the Timeloberg (PDF, 16 S .; 455 kB)
  16. Alte-Schleihalle. War Chronicle 1939–1948 , accessed on: June 3, 2017
  17. Alte-Schleihalle. War Chronicle 1939–1948 , accessed June 3, 2017.
  18. Alte-Schleihalle. War Chronicle 1939–1948 , accessed on: June 3, 2017
  19. ^ Schleswig-Holstein History Society
  20. ( Memento from July 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  21. ^ City history of Schleswig. Stadtsiegel Schleswig ( Memento from February 20, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on: February 19, 2017
  22. ^ Museums North. Seal , accessed on: February 19, 2017
  23. Schleswig-Holstein's municipal coat of arms
  24. Ev.-Luth. Church in Northern Germany: Schleswig congregations celebrate union
  25. ^ Dansk Kirke i Sydslesvig: Slesvig og omegns danske Menighed
  26. ^ Society for Schleswig-Holstein History: Jews in Schleswig-Holstein ( Memento from February 3, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  27. Schleswig observation tower on the website
  28. Start | NORTH - the nordic arts festival. Retrieved December 10, 2019 .
  29. The sugar factory. Retrieved July 3, 2020 .
  30. Sven Windmann: The plastic scandal heats the mind. Schleswiger Nachrichten , accessed on March 29, 2018 .
  31. ^ The new subnetwork south in the Schleswig-Flensburg district. Retrieved July 4, 2020 .
  • Documents from the Schleswig city administration, main office

Web links

Commons : Schleswig  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Schleswig  - Sources and full texts
Wikivoyage: Schleswig  - travel guide