List of Greek word stems in German foreign words

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Greek word stems can be found in German mainly in technical terms that either come directly from Greek or are neoplasms . Numerous scientific terms and other foreign words in the Indo-European languages have been and are derived from a limited number of these word stems . They are helpful for understanding everyday and scientific foreign words and their etymology .

Such word stems are listed in the table. There are separate lists for prefixes, suffixes and numerals: Greek prefixes , Greek suffixes , Greek numerals .

About the spelling

Many of the foreign words were conveyed through Latin , which is why the spelling often comes from Latin transcriptions of Greek words. This is especially true for endings (Greek -ον > Latin -um ), diphthongs (Greek αι > Latin ae > German ä ) and the Greek letter Kappa (Greek κ > Latin c > German k or z ).


Navigation: A  - B  - Ch  - D  - E  - F  - G  - H  - I  - K  - L  - M  - N  - O  - Pa  - Ph  - Pi  - Ps  - Pu  - Rh  - S  - Ta  - Th  - To  - U  - X  - Y  - Z
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(column » Origin « presort)
tribe origin Meaning of the original word Derivatives (examples) Etymologically related words;
A. α To the navigation
aer ἀήρ aēr air Aerodynamics , aeronautics , aerobic , anaerobic aer (lat.), air (English, French)
ἄγειν agein ,
vaccination. : ἦγον Egon
ἀγωγή AGOGE
ἀγών Agon
lead, lead
action , lead , tact , tempo
struggle , effort
Exegesis , strategy
agogic , pedagogy , synagogue
agony , antagonism , protagonist , demagogy
ago, actio (lat.)
ἀγορεύειν agoreuein
vaccination .: ἠγόρευον ēgoreuon
ἀγορά agora
(publicly) speaking
I spoke
Allegory , category
acro ἄκρος acros high Acrobat , acropolis , acronym , acroterion
acu ἀκούειν akouein Listen Acoustics cavere (lat.), to hear (dt.)
alg ἄλγος algos pain Algesia , analgesic , myalgia , neuralgia , nostalgia not related: algae (plant)
allo ἄλλος, ἄλλη, ἄλλο allos, allē, allo a / -e other / -r / -s Allochthon , allopathy , allophone , allosaurus , allostery age (lat.), other (dt.)
amph ἀμφί amphi
ἄμφω amphō
around about both sides
Amphitheater , amphibian , amphiphilic
ampholyte , amphora , amphoteric
ambo (Latin), um, traffic light (German)
andro, other ἀνήρ anēr , Gen .:  ἀνδρός andros man Alexander , Leander
androgenic , androgynous , Android , androcentrism
angi (o) ἀγγεῖον angeion vessel Angiectasia , angiography , angiology , angioma , angioplasty , angiosperms unrelated: angina
anthem, antho ἄνθεμον anthemon , ἄνθος anthos flower Chrysanthemum , exanthema , anthology ("blossom harvest"), anthozoa
anthrop ἄνθρωπος anthrōpos human Anthropology , anthropomorphism , anthroposophy , misanthropy , philanthropist , anthropometry
ἀρχή archē ;
ἀρχαῖος archaios
Beginning , rule (cf. Archē );
from the beginning, old, originally
Archaism , archetype , archipelago , architect , menarche , endings -archat und -archy (LdH) (e.g. matriarchy , patriarchy , monarchy , oligarchy ),
archeology , archeopteryx
Arch (dt. Loan formation), archive , doctor (from ἀρχίατρος archiatros "senior doctor");
unrelated: ark
arithm (o) ἀριθμός arithmos number Arithmetic , arithmomancy , logarithm , arithmastheny
arkt ἄρκτος arktos ;
ἄρκτουρος arktouros
North ; Bear ;
Bear Keeper (Constellation Bootes)
Arctic , Antarctic ;
Arctur (Star in Bear Guardian )
esthes, esthete αἴσθησις aisthēsis perception Aesthetics , anesthesia , synesthesia
aster, astr (o) ἀστήρ astēr ,
ἄστρον astron
star Aster , asterisk , astral , astronomy , astronaut , asteroid astrum, stella (Latin); astre (French); Star (German)
ἆθλος athlos
ἀθλητής athlētēs
Biathlon , triathlon
athlete , athletics
atmo ἀτμός atmos Steam , haze the atmosphere
automobile) αὐτός cars self ( personal pronoun in predicative position) autark , car (mobile) , autobiography , autodidact , autogenous , autograph , automat , autopsy , autism
B. β To the navigation

βάλλειν ballein
βαλλίζειν ballizein
βολεῖν bollein
βέλος belos
βλῆμα blēma
pose , sit,
dance , jump,
Ballista , ballistics , ballism
(dance) ball , ballet , ballad , bolometer , symbol , embolism , anabolic steroids,
belemnite , parabola (from Greek παραβολή parabolē to Latin parabola )
emblem , problem
Balearic Islands , devils ; Parabola is also the source of palaver , parole , parlieren, parliament through various Romance languages ; not related: ball as a toy or sports device
bar, bary βαρύς barys heavy Bar (as a physical unit), baritone , barometer , baryons , barysphere , barycentre , barium , barite
bas βάσις base Step , base , foundation Basis , Base , Basidie , Basalioma , Diabetes base (English, French), bas / basse (French); itself related to βαρύς barys
basil βασιλεύς basileus , βασιλικός basilikos King , royal Basilica , basilisk , basil , basilosaurus Basil (Arabic, English), Василий Wassili (Russian)
biblio βιβλίον biblion , this one from Βύβλος Byblos Book ; Originally Phoenician city of Byblos , from which papyrus was imported. Bible , bibliography , bibliophilia , library , biblicism
bio βίος bios Life Biography , biology , biometrics , bionics , biorhythm , biosphere , biotope , symbiosis , antibiotic , endobiont vivus (lat.); quick; Mercury , refresh (dt.)
brady βραδύς bradys slowly Bradycardia , Bradysaurus , Bradypus
bu βοῦς bous Beef , ox Buiatric , bucolic , buccranion , bulimia , buphthalmus , bustrophedon bos (lat.); German butter goes back to Greek βούτυρον butyron (“cow quark”)
Ch χ To the navigation
cheir χείρ cheir hand Surgery , chiropractic , chiral
chym (also chyl)
χεῖν chein
χημεία chēmeia , χυμεία chymeia ;
χυμός chymos , χυλός chylos
(metal) casting
Alchemy , chemistry (up to the 17th century: chymy, chymic), parenchyma
chlorine, chloro χλωρός chlōros green , light green Chlorine , chloroform , chlorophyll , chloroplast
Choir χορός chorus Dance floor Choir , chorale , choreography
Choir χώρα chōra Land , earth Choir , chorology
chrome, chromate χρῶμα Chroma , Gen .:  χρώματος chrōmatos colour Chrome , chromosome , trichromat , monochrome / polychrome , -chromy
chron χρόνος chronos
χρονικός chronikos
Time in
Chronology , chronometer , anachronism , synchronous
chronicle , chronicler , chronic
chym → chem χυμ- chym-
D. δ To the navigation
daktylo δάκτυλος dactylos finger Dactylology , dactyloscopy , dactyl , polydactyly possibly related to digitus (lat.)
demo) δῆμος dēmos People , municipality Demagogy , democracy , demoscopy , demosthenes , epidemic , pandemic , endemic
dendr (o) δένδρον dendron tree Dendrite , dendrochronology , dendrology , dendrometry , rhododendron tree; loyal , tar (Ger.)
derm (a), dermato δέρμα derma , Gen .:  δέρματος dermatos skin Dermatology , dermatome , epidermis
disco δίσκος discos Disc , discos Discography , discotheque , discus , disco (genre) discus (lat.), of which German table (loan word), English desk
δοκεῖν dokein
δόγμα dogma
δόξα doxa
opinion seem
opinion, reputation , fame
Docetism , docimastics
dogma , dogmatics
doxa , doxology , paradox , orthodox , paradox
docere, doctor (lat.)
dor, dos, dot διδόναι didonai
δῶρον dōron , δόσις dose
gift , gift
Dorothea , Theodor , Antidoron
Dose , Anecdote , Antidote , Dotation
dare, donare (Latin); donor (Engl.)
dram (at)
δρᾶν drān
δρᾶμα drama , Gen .:  δράματος dramatos
δραστικός drastikos
Drama , drama , dramaturgy , melodrama
Drastika , drastic
drom δρόμος dromos Run , way Dromedary , hippodrome , loxodrome , motodrome , palindrome , velodrome , syndrome trottoir (French), step (German)
dyn δύναμις dynamis ;
δύναμαι dynamai
Power , strength ;
dyn , dynamics , dynamite , dynamo , dynamophon , dynasty , adynaton
dys δυσ- dys- bad, bad- Dysentery , dysfunction , dyscalculia , dyslexia , dyskeratosis , dyspnea , dystectic , dystocia , dystopia dis- (lat.)
E. ε To the navigation
Ē η To the navigation
eg → ag ἠγ- ēg-
egor → agor ἠγορ- ēgor-
eid → id εἶδ- eid-
ecto ἐκτός ectos Outside Ectoderm , ectoparasite , ectoplasm ex (lat.)
electr (o) ἤλεκτρον ēlektron Amber Electron , electricity , electroencephalogram , dielectric
endo, ento ἔνδον endon , ἐντός entos Inside Endocardium , endocarp , endoscope , endogenous , endocrine , endothermic , endoderm intus (lat.), inside (dt.)
eor ἀείρω aeirō ; of which deleted : αἰωροῦμαι aiōroumai , μετέωρος meteōros lift , lift, lift; soar , soaring in the air Meteor , meteorite , meteorology
ep (i) ἐπί epi locally: on, at; temporally: afterwards, afterwards Epidemic , epidermis , epigram , epilepsy epimorphism , epiphany , epiphyte , episode , epithelium , epicenter ad (lat.); not related: epilation, epilation
erg (o)
ἔργον ergon
ὄργανον organon
-ουργική (τέχνη) -ourgikē (technē)
Work , work
tool , instrument
Ergonomics , occupational therapy , ending -ergy (e.g. energy , synergy )
organ , organism
surgeon , demiurge , lithurgy , liturgy , dramaturgy , Georg
ergum (Latin), work, organ (German)
ero (t) ἔρως erōs , Gen .:  ἔρωτος erōtos Eros , love , sex erogenous , erotomaniac , erotic
erythro ἐρυθρός erythros red Eritrea , erythrocytes , erythrin , erythropoietin , erythrophobia , erythromycin , erythrosin (E 127)
eu, ev εὖ eu well, well, right, easy Euphemism , euphony , euphoria , euphrosyne , eurythmy , eutectic , euthanasia , eutrophy , gospel ancient pronunciation "eu", not "oi", today's Greek pronunciation ew- or ef-
exo ἔξω eXO outside Exoskeleton , exotic , exogenous , exothermic ex (lat.)
F. To the navigation
G γ To the navigation
gastro γαστήρ gastēr , Gen .:  γαστρός gastros stomach Gastroscopy , gastritis , gastronomy , gastroenterology
genes, genet
γένος genos
γενεά genea
γένεσις genesis
γίγνεσθαι gignesthai
γόνος gonos
Gene , genotype , genocide
ending -gen (e.g. homogeneous , halogen ); Genesis , ending -genesis (e.g. ontogenesis , phylogenesis ); Genetics
gonad ; Ending -gony (e.g. heterogony , theogony )
gignere, genus (lat.)
geo, gai (latinized gä) γῆ (variant:  γαῖα gaia ), γεω- geō- Earth , Gaia Geodesy , geology , geography , geomantics , geomorphology , apogee / perigee
ger γέρων gerōn ;
γερασ straight
Old man, old man ;
old, of old age
Gerontocracy , gerontology , gerontological psychiatry ;
glaukós γλαυκός glaukos bright, luminous, shiny; gray-blue Glaucoma , glauconite
glott, gloss γλῶττα glōtta ( att. ),

γλῶσσα glōssa ( aeol. / dor. )

Tongue , language Glottal beat , polyglot , glossary , glossary , diglossia
gluco, glyko, glyz γλυκύς glykys sweet Glucose , glycol , glycerin dulcis (lat.)
γνῶσις gnōsis
γνώμη gnōmē
γνωτός gnōtos
Knowledge , knowledge
Knowledge, opinion
Gnoseology , anosognosia , diagnosis , gnosis , prognosis , agnostics , gnome , gnomon , physiognomy (g) noscere, ignorare, nobilis (lat.); can , art , know , bold , ignore , noble , nobility (Ger.)
gon γόνυ gony
γωνία gōnia
corner , angle
Osteoarthritis , gonitis
Gon , goniometer , trigonometry , diagonal
ending -gon (dt "-Eck."): Hexagon , Pentagon , polygon
genu (Latin), knee (German)
graph, graph
γράφειν graphein
γράμμα gramma
γραμμή grammē
line , dash
Graph , graphem , graphite , graphology , ending -grafie / -graphie
gram , grammar , epigram , program , telegram
gratin (French); Stylus , scores (dt).
gyn, gynecological γυνή gynē , Gen .:  γυναικός gynaikos woman Gynecology , gynoid , gynocentrism , androgynous , misogyny , polygyny queen
gyro γύρος gyros Circle , top , rotation Gyrolith , gyrometer , gyros , gyroscope giro (ital.), of which German current account
H To the navigation
Halo ἅλς neck , Gen .:  ἁλός halos salt Halobacteria , halochrome , halogen , halophile , halophyte sal (lat.), salt (engl.), salt (dt.); unrelated: halo
häm, hämato, inside the word: äm αἷμα haima , Gen .:  αἵματος haimatos blood Heme / hemoglobin , hemophilia , hematology , hematoma , anemia , leukemia ; Hematite
här, inside the word: ar αἱρεῖν hairein ;
αἵρεσις hairesis
to take;
Heresy , apheresis , diaeresis , syneresis
hedr, (h) eder ἕδρα hedra Place to sit , (seat) surface Catheter , Cathedral , ending -Eder (z. B. tetrahedron , dodecahedron , Rhomboeder ) sedes (lat.), seat (German)
heg ἡγοῦμαι hēgoumai lead , go ahead hegemony
hel (io) ἥλιος hēlios Sun Helium , heliotrope , heliocentric , aphelion / perihelion sol (Latin), sun (German)
helix, heliko ἕλιξ helix , Gen .:  ἕλικος helikos Winding , thread , spiral Helix , helicopter , helikotrema
hemi, mi ἡμι- hemi- half Hemisphere , hemiplegia , migraine semi (lat.)
hetero ἕτερος, -α, -ον heteros, -a, on a / -e other / -r / -s, different heterogeneous , heterosexuality , heteronomy
hippo, ipp ἵππος hippos ,
Aeolian : ἴκκος ikkos
horse Hippeis , hippodrome , hippology , hippopotamus , hippocampus , Philipp equus (lat.)
hod, od ὁδός hodos path Anode , Cathode , Diode , Triode , Dynode , Episode , Synod , Method , Exodus , Odometer ход chod (Russian)
holo ὅλος holos whole, whole Holocaust , hologram , holocracy , Catholicism
homo ὁμός homos similar , same Homosexuality , homogeneous , homomorphism , homonym , homophone , homograph , homophobia Anomaly (dt).
homöo, homoio ὁμοῖος, ὅμοιος (both) homoios similar , same , evenly Homeopathy , homeomorphism , home teleuton similis (lat.), same (engl.), together (dt.)
hydro, hyd, hydr (before vowels) ὕδωρ hydōr , Gen .:  ὕδατος hydatos water Hydrant , hydraulics , hydrodynamics , hydrology , hydrolysis , hydrophilic , hydrophobic , hydrothermal , hydarthrosis , dehydration
hygro ὑγρός hygros wet Hygroscopy , hygrometer
hypno ὕπνος hypnos sleep Hypnosis , hypnotic somnus (lat.)
I. ι To the navigation
iatr, iater ἰατρός iatros doctor Ending -iatrie (e.g. geriatrics , pediatrics , psychiatry ), iatrogenic , iatrophysics
Ichno ἴχνος ichnos Trace , imprint Ichnogram , Ichnography
ichthyo ἰχθύς ichthys fish Ichthyosaurus , Ichthyology , Ichthyol , Ichthyophthiriosis
id, eid ἰδεῖν idein ;
related to: εἶδος eidos
perceive, recognize, appear (Inf. Aor. from ὁρῶ horō see) ;
Appearance , type , shape
Idea , ideal , idealism , ideology , ending -id ( "-gestaltig", eg. Android and rhomboid ,. Or "-like, -like" such as in humanoid and unixoid )
eidetics , Kaleidoscope
videre (lat.); know , wise (dt.)
idio ἴδιος idios own Idiopathy , idiot , idioticon , idiom , idiosyncrasy
iso ἴσος isos same , same isotonic , isomerism , isosterism , isobaric , isomorphic , isotropy , isotope , isohypse , isogloss
K κ To the navigation
kal, kall (i) καλός kalos , κάλλος kallos beautiful, beauty Calligraphy , callipedia , kaleidoscope
cardio καρδία cardia heart Cardiology , cardiogram , endocarditis , myocardium cor (lat.), heart (dt.)
kata κατά kata from top to bottom Catabolism , catalysis , catastrophe , catatonia
kinet, kines κινεῖν bringing cinema move Cinema , kinetics , kinematics , kinesiology , kinesis citus (lat.)

klima (t)
κλίνειν klinein
κλίνη klinē
κλίσις klisis
κλῖμα climate
incline (the axis of the earth)
air , Klimax , menopause
Head (German)
copro κόπρος copros Dung, droppings Coprolalia , coprolite , coprophagia , coprophilia , copropraxia , coprostasis , coproscopy
cosmo κόσμος cosmos Order , space , jewelry Cosmopolitan , cosmetics , microcosm
krat κράτος kratos Strength , power , domination Ending -kratie (LdH) (e.g. aristocracy , autocracy , bureaucracy , democracy )
cryo κρύος cryos Cold , frost Cryolite , cryophysics , cryotechnology , cryotherapy Crystal (dt).
kryp (to), kryph κρύπτειν crypteine hide, hide Crypt , cryptology , cryptography , krypton , apocrypha
kyklo, cyclo, zykl (o) κύκλος kyklos Circle , ring Cycloalkane , cyclohexane , cyclopentadiene , cyclades , cyclamen , cyclometer , cyclone , cyclotron , cyclops , encyclopedia cyclus (lat.), of which: cycle (German), cycle "circle", bicycle "bicycle" (engl.)
kyno, cyn κύων kyōn
Gen .:  κυνός kynos
dog Cynology , cynophobia , cynicism
L. λ To the navigation
log, logo
λέγειν legein
διαλέγεσθαι dialegesthai
λέξις lexis
λόγος logos
read , count , talk
speech, word
word, speech, statement
of reason , ratio
Dyslexia , elegy
dialect , dialectic , eclecticism
lexeme , lexicon , alexia
speech therapy , apology , logistics ,
logic , analog , logo , prologue , epilogue , nekrolog , decalogue , ending -logie
casual, eligere “to choose”, legio , lex (lat.); reading, legend , lesson , lecturer (German), elegance , elite (both German and French)
lepto, lept (before vowels) λεπτός leptos light , fine , thin , small , low leptosome , leptons , leptin levi- (lat.)
lipo, lip λίπος lipos Fat , lard , tallow Lipid , lipolysis , lipophilic , lipophobic , lipoproteins , liposome , liposuction
lith λίθος lithium stone Lithium , lithography , lithurgy , chrysolite , monolith , paleolithic
lys, lyt λύειν lyein , λύσις lysis dissolve , dissolve Lysimeter , analysis , dialysis , electrolysis , analytical
M. μ To the navigation
macro μακρός macros big , wide Macrobiotics , macromolecule , macrocosm , macroevolution , macroeconomics
man, man μανία mania ; μαίνομαι mainomai Frenzy, madness ; rage , rush Mania , kleptomania , kleptomania , maenads
mega, megalo μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα mega, megalē, mega big Megaphone , megalith , megalomania , megatherion , omega ;

see also: prefixes for units of measurement

maha- (sanskr.), magn- (lat.), Mecklenburg , power (German)
mel (o) μέλος melos Limb , articulated manner Melos , melody , melodrama
mela, melan μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν melas, melaina, melan black , dark Melanesia , Melanie , melancholy , melanoma , Philipp Melanchthon
mer μέρος meros part Centromere , dimer , monomer , polymer
meso μέσος mesos middle , middle Mesozoic , Meson , Mesopotamia
meta μετά meta 1. a) (spatially) in the middle, between; b) with, at the same time with, together with, under, in, at; 2. towards (something) going on, towards or towards (something); 3. (chronologically or in order of priority) after, behind (1) Metadata , metalanguage , meta information , metamodel , meta search engine , meta level , metastasis , metaphase , metagenome , metager , metamerism ; (2) metaethics , metaphilosophy , metatheory , metacognition , metacommunication , metaprogramming , metabolism , metamorphosis , metasomatosis , metaphor , metabolite , metafont , metagenesis ; (3) metaphysics , metathesis , metapolis (back town)
meteor → eor μετεωρ- meteōr-
meter, metr (o) μέτρον metron Measure Meter , meter , metronome , thermometer , barometer , geometry
micro μικρός micros small Microbe , microbiology , microchip , microelectronics , microfiber , microfauna , microfilm , microphone , microcosm , micromanagement , micronesia , microeconomics , microscope , omicron ;

see also: prefixes for units of measurement

mim μῖμος mimos ;
μίμησις mimesis
Imitators, actors ;
Mime , facial expression , pantomime , mimetic , mimosa Mimicry (German)
mono) μόνος monos alone, only, one Monarchy , monom , monad , monomer , monopoly , monocle , monophony Mönch , Münster (German)
morph μορφή morphē Shape , form Morphology , morpheme , morph , morphism , amorphous , hydromorph , metamorphosis , polymorphism , anthropomorphism
N ν To the navigation
nano νᾶνος nanos dwarf Nanotechnology , nanoscience ;

see also: prefixes for units of measurement

naut ναύτης / ναυτίλος nautēs / nautilos ;
ναυτικὴ (τέχνη) nautikē (technē)
Sailor , seafarer ;
Shipping arts / crafts
Nautilus , nautical , endings -naut / -nautik (e.g. astronaut / cosmonaut , aeronautics ) navigare (Latin), of which German navigation , Navi
necro νεκρός necrosis dead , dead Necrology , necrophilia , necromancer , necropolis , necrosis
neo, nea νέος neos New Neomycin , Neobiota , Neoclassic , Neocolonialism , Neoliberalism , Neolithic , Neologism , Neomycin , Neo-Nazi , Neophytes , Naples , Neozoa , Neon , Neo-Renaissance novus (Latin), new (German)
neur (o) νεῦρον neuron Nerve (s) Neural tube , neurasthenia , neurology , neuron , neurosis , neurotransmitter , neurotrophin , psychoneuroimmunology nervus (lat.), nerve (dt.)
nomo νόμος nomos law Nomogram , autonomy , astronomy , gastronomy , polynomial , binomial
nym → onym - (ο) νυμ - (o) nym
O ο To the navigation
O ω To the navigation
od → hod ὁδ- hod- ("Path")
od, öd ᾠδή ōdē Song , song Ode , parody , rhapsody , comedy , tragedy
ec (o), Latinized öz οἶκος oikos House Economy , ecology , ecosystem , ecumenism , diocese , perioces
oligo, olig (before vowels) ὀλίγος oligos little Oligarchy , oligohydramnios , oligocracy , oligomer , oligopoly , oligopeptide , oligosaccharides , oligocene
ön (o) οἶνος oinos Wine Oenology vinum (Latin), wine (German)
onom, onym ὄνομα onoma ( att. )

ὄνυμα onyma ( aeol. / dor. )

Surname Onomancy , Onomasiologie , Onomastik , Onomatopoesie
Acronym , Anonymous , Endonym, Exonym , Heteronym , Homonym , Pseudonym , Toponymy
noun (lat.), name (engl.)
ops, opt ὤψ ōps , ὀπτική (τέχνη) optikē (technē) Eye , sight , optics Autopsy , biopsy , optics , optoelectronics , synoptics oculus (Lat.), eye (Ger.)
org → erg ὄργ- org-
ortho ὀρθός orthos right, right, upright orthogonal , orthodox , orthography , orthopedics
osteo ὀστέον osteon bone Osteology , osteoderm , osteomyelitis , osteopathy , osteoporosis os (lat.)
oto, ot οὖς ous , Gen .:  ὠτός ōtos ear Otalgia , otiatrists , otitis , otology , otoplasty , otoscopy
P π To the navigation
palae (o) παλαιός palaios old Palaeologists , paleontology , paleozoic
ped (o) παῖς pais Gen .:  παιδός paidos
παιδεύειν paideuein
Child , boy
Kallipädie , pederast
encyclopedia , pedagogy
Pedant and Page from French
pan Πᾶν Pān Pan , Greek shepherd god with an ugly face Panpipe , panic
pan, panto πᾶν pān , Gen .:  παντός pantos each, everything, whole Panopticon , pan movements , panorama
pantograph , pantocrator
para παρά para at, next to, against, against Paranoia , parapsychology , periodontal disease prae (lat.), before, pastor (dt.)
path (o) πάθος pathos Suffer Pathos , pathogen , pathogenesis , pathology ;
Ending -pathie for diseases (e.g. enteropathy , neuropathy ), healing methods (e.g. allopathy , homeopathy ) and feelings or the ability to do so (e.g. antipathy , empathy , sympathy , telepathy ), in individual cases also ambiguous like in osteopathy , derivatives such as apathetic , psychopath , sociopath
patr πατήρ patēr ; πατριώτης patriōtēs Father ; Compatriot Patriarchy , patriot , patristic pater, patria 'fatherland' (lat.), father, pater , godfather (dt.)
ped, pez → pus πηδ- pēd-
petr (o) πέτρος petros ,
πέτρα petra
Stone , rock Petroleum , petrology , petrochemical , parsley , petrichore Petrus (lat.), Of which Peter / Petra (German)
pex πῆξις pēxis consolidate, bind, adhere Mastopexy , orchidopexy , otopexy , pexy , rheopexy
Ph φ To the navigation
phag φαγεῖν phagein Aorist from eat Bacteriophage , sarcophagus , ending in phagia
phan, fan
φαίνεσθαι phainesthai
φαινόμενον phainomenon
φαντασία phantasia
log Show end phenomenon
Phenomenon , phenotype
cellophane , epiphany
fantasy , phantom
phem, phet
φάσις phasis
φήμη phēmē
φήτης phētēs
Advertisement , utterance,
reputation (of a person), rumor
blasphemy , euphemistic
φάμα phama ( dor. ) → fama (lat.), fame 'fame' (engl.)
φέρειν pherein
φορά phora
being carried
Pheromone , metaphor , Christopher , periphery
euphoria , phosphorus
ferre "to carry" (Latin), stretcher, birth (German)
phil φίλος philos
φιλία philia
Philosophy , philanthropy , Philadelphia , Philharmonie , Philipp , ending -philie (e.g. hydrophilicity / lipophilia , francophilia , pedophilia )
phleg φλέγμα phlegm Fire , embers ; mucus Phlegm , phlegmon
phob φόβος phobos fear Ending -phobia for various anxiety symptoms such as claustrophobia (see list of phobias ), phobos
phon, fon φωνή phōnē Voice , sound Phon , phonetics , phonograph / gramophone , phoneme , microphone , telephone , saxophone , symphony vox (Latin), vowel (German)
phorpher φορά phora
phos, photo, photo φῶς phōs , Gen .:  φωτός phōtos light Photography (short word photo), photon , photosynthesis , photovoltaics , phosphorus , phosgene
phren, fren φρήν phrēn Diaphragm (seat of the soul ) Phrenology , schizophrenia , frenetic
phyl φυλή phylē , φῡλον phylon Strain , genus Phylum , phylogenesis , phylogeny
phys, physio φύσις physis Nature , constitution , growth Pituitary gland , physiognomy , physiology , physiotherapy , physics , physis
phyto, phyton φύτον phyton plant Phytomedicine , phytology , embryophyta , epiphyte , xerophyte
pi To the navigation
pir πεῖρα peira ;
ἔμπειρος empeiros ;
πειράτης peiratēs
Trial , risk , experience ;
Empiricism ;
periculum (Lat.), danger (German)
plas, plast πλάσσω / πλάττω plassō / plattō shape , create Plasma , dysplasia , plastic , plasticine Plaster (German)
pneu, pno, pnö πνεῦμα pneuma , Gen .:  πνεύματος pneumatos
πνοή pnoē
(moving) air , wind , breath , spirit , soul
bubbles, breathes, breathing
Pneu , pneumonia , pneumococcal , Pneuma
pneumatic , pneumatics
apnea , apnea diving
pulmo (lat.)
pod → pus ποδ- pod-
poe, pö ποιεῖν poiein
ποίησις poiēsis
make, create, create; creating Poetry , poem , poet
hematopoiesis , onomatopoeia , onomatopoeia
poikil ποικίλος poikilos variable, changeable, different poikilosmotic
pole πόλος polos axis Pole , polarity , polarization , dipole
pole πωλεῖν pōlein to sell Monopoly , oligopoly
polem πόλεμος polemos war polemic bellum (lat.)
poli (t), polis πόλις polis , πολίτης politēs , πολιτεία politeia Castle / city , citizens , civil rights / state / constitution Metropolis , ending -polis , politics , polyclinic , police ; Naples , Sevastopol police (French, English)
poly πολύς polys a lot , several Polynomial , polymers (PE, PP, PVC etc.), polyp , polygamy , polyglot , polytheism ( much more ... )
prax, prague, practical πράσσω / πράττω Prasso / Pratto
πρᾶξις practice
πρᾶγμα pragma
πρακτικός praktikos
do, act
deed , act
thing , thing
Ps ψ To the navigation
pseudo) ψεύδειν / ψεύδεσθαι pseudein / pseudesthai ; ψεῦδος pseudos lying, deceiving, cheating; false , fake, faked Pseudepigraf , pseudocode , pseudoephedrine , pseudocroup , pseudonym
psych (o) ψυχή psychē soul Psyche , psychedelic
Pooh To the navigation
πούς pous , Gen .:  ποδός podos
πηδόν pēdon
τράπεζα trapeza

rudder ("ship foot ")
table ("four foot")
tetrapod , antipode , podium ,
pes (lat.); Foot, pedal (German)
pyr (o) πῦρ , Gen .:  πυρός Fire Pyrite , pyrolysis , pyromania , pyrotechnics , antipyretic Fire (dt.)
Rh ρ To the navigation
rhe, rhö (e), rhoe (in the interior of the word usually doubling of the r ); rheumatism (t) ῥεῖν rhein ; ῥεῦμα rheumatic , Gen .:  ῥεύματος rheumatos flow; the flowing Rheology , rheopexy , diarrhea , gonorrhea ; Rheumatism ("flowing" pain), rheumatology rivus "Bach" (lat.), of which rio (Spanish) / river (English) "river"; rinnen (German); River names: Rhine , Rhin
rhetor ῥήτωρ rhētōr Speaker Rhetoric , rhetorical talk
rhin ῥίς rhis , Gen .:  ῥίνος rhinos nose Rhinitis , rhinoceros , otorhinolaryngology
rhod (o) ῥόδον rhodon rose Rhodochrosite , rhododendron , rhodium rosa (lat.), rose (engl.), rose , pink (dt.)
rhythm (o) ῥυθμός rhythmos regular movement, rhythm Rhythm , rhythm , eurythmy , polyrhythm , rhythm and blues
S. σ To the navigation
sark (o) σάρξ sarx , Gen .:  σαρκός sarkos flesh Sarcoma , sarcoid , sarcophagus , sarcasm Coffin (dt).
schiz, schis σχίζειν schizein
σχίσμα schismatic
Schizophrenia , schizogony , schizotomy,
schism , schismogenesis , sketch
sem σῆμα / σημεῖον sēma / sēmeion character Semantics , semaphore , semiology , semiotics , polysemy
sep σήπειν sēpein ; σηπτικός sēptikos rotten ; rot producing Sepsis , septicemia , aseptic , antiseptic
skler σκληρός sklēros hard , brittle Sclera , sclerchyma , sclerosis , sclerotin , scleroderma , sclerotium
σκοπεῖν skopein
σκέπτεσθαι skeptesthai
look around
Demoscopy , horoscope , stethoscope , microscope , telescope , periscope , kaleidoscope , episcopate ( ἐπίσκοπος epi-skopos 'overseer')
spectare "to look at" (lat.); Spectacle , bishop (to episkopos )
som, somat σῶμα sōma , Gen .:  σώματος sōmatos body Somatolyse , Psychosomatics , chromosome , allosome , Pentasomy , tetrasomy , trisomy corpus (lat.), body (dt.)
soph σοφία sophia wisdom Sophism , anthroposophy , philosophy , technosophy , theosophy ; Sofia
σπείρειν sperein
σπέρμα sperma
σπόρος sporos , σποράς sporas
seed , scattered
Sperm , sperm , spermicide , polyspermia
diaspora , spore , sporades , sporadic, sporophyll
Chaff , spray (Ger.)
spherical σφαῖρα sphaira Ball , ball Sphere , spherical trigonometry , spherocyte , atmosphere , stratosphere
στέλλειν stellein ,
Aor. : ἐστάλθην estalthēn ;
στόλος stolos
equip, send;
Apostle , epistle
stole , systole
steno στενός stenos closely Stenography , shorthand , stenosis
stereo στερεός stereos firm, hard, rigid, spatial Stereophony , stereoscopy , stereostatics , stereotype , stereotype Ster (German)
strat στρατός stratos Army , camp Strategy , strategist , strategema stratum (Lat.), street (German)
strep (b)
στρέφειν strepheni , στρεπτός streptos
στροφή strophē
turn, turn; twisted, braided , necklace
twist , twist
Streptococcus , streptomycin
stanza , apostrophe , disaster , bladder exstrophy , cloacal exstrophy
Rope, rope (German)
T τ To the navigation
τάττειν tattein ;
τάξις taxis ;
τακτική (τέχνη) taktikē (technē)
Art of arranging an army
Taxis , taxon , taxonomy , parataxe , tactics
tach (o), tachy ταχύς tachys fast Speedometer , tachyon , total station , tachycardia
tele τῆλε tēle remote Telescope , telephone , telegram , fax , telex , teletext , telemetry , telepathy , telekinesis , telecommunications , teleportation
teleo, telo τέλος telos , Gen .:  τέλεος / τέλους teleos / telous Destination , end , exit, border, duty, tax, customs Teleology , telotaxis , entelechy , telomere Customs (German, only as a tax and authority )
tan, tas, tat
τείνειν teinein ;
τόνος tonos
stretch, tension
Tenesmus , hypotenuse
hypertension , hypotension , isotonic , tone (music etc.), tonic , tonic , tonography
ectasia , paratatikos , tetanus
tonus (lat.); about TENSUS (lat.) "clamped" tent (. double "tent"), tensor , surfactant (dt.); extend (Eng.), extensive (Ger.); Donner (Ger.); not related: clay as (clay) earth or mineral
Th θ To the navigation
thanato, thanas θάνατος thanatos death Thanatology , euthanasia , thanatocenosis
the (o), thus θεός theos God Apotheosis , enthusiasm , theism , theology , theocracy , theodicy , pantheon deus (lat.)
thes, thet
τιθέναι tithenai
θέμα theme
θήκη counter
θέσις thesis
put, put, put
the presented
place for safekeeping
the setting up
Subject , anathema , anthem
counter , mortgage , library , pharmacy
thesis ; Diathesis , epithet , hypothesis , prosthesis , synthesis , synthesizer , thesaurus
therm θερμός thermos warm Therme , thermal, thermos bottle , thermometer , thermodynamics , endothermic , exothermic
thym θυμός thymos ghost Thymus , thyme , thymopsyche , dysthymia , catathymia , schizothymia , cyclothymia
To To the navigation
tom τέμνειν temnein
τομή tomē
cut, divide
Atom , microtome , tomography ;
Ending -tomy (e.g. anatomy , dichotomy , lobotomy );
Epitoms , diatoms
ton → ten τον- clay
top (o) τόπος topss Place , space Topology , topography , topology , topos , biotope , isotope , utopia
τράγος tragos Buck tragic, tragedy Tragedy ( τραγῳδία tragōdia ) literally means " goat song "
trop τροπή tropē Twist , twist Tropics , troposphere , trophy , atropy , entropy , holotropy , idiotropy , ectropion , isotropy
troph τροφή trophē nutrition Atrophy , autotrophy , heterotrophy , chemotrophy , dystrophy , eutrophy , hypertrophy , trophoblast
Type τύπος typos Impact , shape , model Type , type , typical , typography , typology , archetype , phenotype
U ου To the navigation
urg → erg ουργ ourg
X ξ To the navigation
xeno ξένος xenos Stranger , guest Xenolect , xenophobia , xenotransplantation , xenomorph , xenon
xylo ξύλον xylon Wood Xylophone , xylotheque
Y υ To the navigation
hy ...
Z ζ To the navigation
zoo ζῷον zōon Living being , animal Zoo , zoology , zoogamy , protozoa , zooplankton
cyclic (o) → cyclic
zym ζύμη zymē sourdough Enzyme , zymase , zymogen
zyn → kyno
tribe origin Meaning of the original word Derivatives (examples) Etymologically related words;

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Rettig: Understanding and motivating: Semantic vanishing points of German and Italian lexemes with -log-. (in :) German loan word formation. Edited by Gabriele Hoppe. Tübingen: Fool 1987.
  2. ^ Günter Dietrich Schmidt: Therm (o). Investigation of morphosyntax, history, semantics and other aspects of a productive LWF unit in today's German. (in :) German loan word formation. Edited by Gabriele Hoppe. Tübingen: Fool 1987.
