Ultima Sports
The Ultima Sports Ltd. is a British car manufacturer based in Hinckley, Leicestershire since 1997 . Founder is Ted Marlow .
The company provides components for the conversion of Ultima racing vehicles from Noble Motorsport Ltd. to road vehicles. These cars were designed by Lee Noble , who today is more likely to be used for the sports cars of his Noble Automotive Ltd. is known.
There are currently two models: the RS and Evolution . Before that, the Sport , Spyder , GTR and Can-Am models were built.
All models in the Ultima range were predominantly kit-based , and in the US, this is the only way to purchase an Ultima. For Europe, however, some cars were also delivered ready-built.
Ultima's preferred engine supplier right now is American Speed , a company that deals with the tuning of Chevrolet V8 engines. Richard Marlow set a performance record in 2005 with a GTR, the one with a Chevrolet small block V8 with 640 bhp (471 kW). Today this car is called GTR640 .
In 2006 Ultima beat their own 0-100-0 mph record, which came from the GTR640, with the GTR720 . This car in turn had an engine from American Speed, which now developed 720 bhp (529 kW). With 9.4 s, the new record undercut the old one by 0.4 s. This is a new record for production vehicles with road-grade tires and exhaust.
Web links

- Ultima Sports Ltd. website (English)
- American Speed website
- History of Noble Motorsport Ltd., from which Ultima Sports Ltd. emerged (english)
Current brands: AB Performance | Adam's | Aeon | AK | AM | Arash | Ariel | Arkley | ASD | ASM | Asquith (since 1981) | Asquith (since 1985) | Aston Martin | Autotune | BAC | Bamby | Banham | Beauford | Bentley | Blackjack | Blaze | Blitzworld | Bounty | Bowler | BRA | Brooke | Buckland | Bugle | Caburn | Caterham | Chesil | Cobretti | Crendon Replicas | CWR | Dakar | Dare | Darrian | David Brown | Dax | Deronda | DNA | Doon | Dutton | DVT | Eclipse | Elysee | ERA | Europe | Evanta | Exact | Extreme | Flite | Foers | Ford | Foreman | FRS | Furore | Gardner Douglas | GBS | Gentry | Gibbs | Ginetta | GKD | GP | Grinnall | Hawk | HDS | Healy | Hoppa | Image | Imperial | Jaguar | JAS | JBA | JH | Jimini | JZR | Kellforms | King | Kingfisher Kustoms | Kougar | Land Rover | Lenham | Lounger | Lister | Listerbell | Locust | Lomax | Lotus | LTI | Lynx | Lynx AE | Mac | Mac # 1 | Madgwick | Maelstrom | Malone | Manx | McLaren | MEV | Midas | Midge | Midland Classic | Minari | Mini | Minus | Mirach | MK | MNR | Morgan | MR 2 kits | NCF | Noble | Nostalgia | Onyx | Parallel | Peel | Pembleton | Pilbeam | Pilgrim | Procomp | Prowler | Quantum | Radical | Ram | Raw | RD 1 | Renegade (since 1970) | Renegade (since 2008) | RKC | Roadrunner | Rolls-Royce | Ronart | RS | RSK | Sammio | Scamp | Searoader | Sidewinder | Simod | Sin | Southern | Spire | Storm Warrior | Stuart Taylor | Suffolk | Supersnake | Sylva | Technic | Tempest | Thruxton | Tifosi | Tiger | Toniq | Tornado | Tribute | Triking | Turismo | Tushek | TWRR | Ultima | Vauxhall | Vincent | Volksrod | Vortex | Wam | Westfield | Xanthos | Zenos
Former brands after 1945: 356 Sports | AB 1 | ABC | ABS | AC | AD | Adams | ADJ | Adrenaline | AF (1971-1980) | AF (1987-2005) | Africar | AGM | AKS | Albany | Albo | Aleat | Alfa | Alfastyl | Allard (1935-1960) | Allard (1994-1997) | Allora | Altair | Alto (1983-1988) | Alto (1985-1998) | Alvis | Amalfi | Andersen | Anglebug | Animoto | Aquarius | Aquila | ARA | Argson | Argyll | Aries | Armstrong Siddeley | Arnott | Arteesi | Ascari | Ashley | Astra | Atlantis | Auriga | Ausfod | Austin | Austin-Healey | Autech | Auto Milan | Auto Speciali | Autobee | Autobodies | Autocom | Autocult | AVA | Avante | AVC | Avelle | AWE | Ayrespeed | BAD Design | Baja | Bamby | Bandit | Barabus | Barchetta | Barrett | Beach buggy | Beaman | Beardalls | Beardmore | Beaujangle | Beaver | Bedouin | Bell Performance | Berkeley (1956-1961) | Berkeley (1991-2002) | Bertini | Bilmar | Biota | Birchfield | BM | BMA | Bohanna Stables | Bonallack | Bond | Bonito | Bradford | Bradley | Brightwheel | Bristol | Brit | Britannia | Britton | Broadbest | Broadspeed | Brockmore | Brooker | Brookland | Brookwell | Broomstick | BS | BSA | Buckler | Bullock | Burlington | Buroche | Butterfield | BWE | Calvy | Camber | Cambridge | Candy Apple | Cannon | Caparo | Carbodies | Caribbean | Carisma | Carlton | Carson | Cavallo | CC | CCT | Centaur | Cerity | CHAD | Challemoe | Challenger | Cheetah | Chevron | Chrysler | Citroën | CK | Clan | Classic Chassis Services | Classic English Racing Automobiles | Classic Replicas (1989-2002) | Classic Replicas (2002-2005) | Classic Sports Cars | CN | Cobra Sports | Coldwell | Conan | Concordette | Connaught (1949-1957) | Connaught (2005-2016) | Convair | Cool Car 500 | Cooper | Copycats | Coram | Cornish Classic Cars | Coronet | Corry | Costin (1970-1972) | Costin (1990-2010) | Country Volks | Covin | Cox | CPC | CRS | CSC | CTR | Custom glass fiber | Cyana | Cygnet | Daimler | Dante | Dash | Davrian | De Bruyne | Deanfield | Deauville | Deep Sanderson | Deetype | Delfino | Delkit | Dellow | DeLorean | Delta | Deltayn | Deon | Decina | Dial | Diva | DMS | Dominator | Domino | Dorian | Douglas | Dragonfly (1981-1986) | Dragonfly (1994-1995) | Dreambird | Dri-Sleeve | DRK | Dunsmore | Durov | Dutton | Eagle | Eaglet | EB | Ecosse | Edge | EEC | EG | Eldon | Elva | Embeesea | Emery | Emmbrook | Encore | Enfield | English Cars of Distinction | Enzo Design | EPC | ERA | Euro 427 | Eurosport | Evante | Evolution (1993-1999) | Evolution (2005-2006) | EWM | Excalibur | Fairlite | Fairthorpe | Falcon (1958-1964) | Falcon (1984-2002) | Color | Farboud | Fergus | FES | FF | Fieldmouse | Fiero Factory | Fletcher | Fleur de Lys | Formula 27 | Foulkes | Fourstyle | Frazer Nash | Freestream | Freestyle | Frenette | Frisky | Frogeye | Futura | Gaia | Gazelle | GB (1969-1974) | GB (1986-1988) | GCS | GD-XM | GE | Gecko | Genius | Gilbern | Gilcolt | Gill | Gitane | Glenfrome | Gnat | Gordano | Gordon (1954-1958) | Gordon (1960) | Gordon-Keeble | Gozzy | GPB | Grand Illusions | Grantura | Gravetti | Gregori | Griffin | Griffon | Group Six | GRS | GS | GSM | GT | GTD (1983-2004) | GTD (1984-1985) | GTM | GTS | Guyson | Hacker | Hadleigh | Haldane | Hamblin | Harbron | Harding | Harrington & King's | Hazelcar | Healey (1946-1954) | Healey (1998-2000) | Hensen | Heritage Replicas | Heron | HGM | Hi-tech | Hillcrest | Hillman | HMC | Househam | HRG | Hudson | Humber | Humming Bird | Hustler | Hutson | Interstyl | Invacar | Invader | Invicta (1925-1949) | Invicta (1982-1984) | Invicta (2004-2012) | Invicta Replicas | Iota | Ipi | ISH | JAG | Iago | Jarc | Javan | JBM | JC | Jeffrey | Jenard | Jensen | Jensen-Healey | Jimi Jimp | Johnard | Jowett | JPC | JPR | Kaig | Kamala | Kara | KD | Keith | Kendall | Kenmar | Kestrel (1984-1985) | Kestrel (1984-1988) | KF | Khaleej | Kieft | Killeen | Kilos | King | Kingfisher | Kingfisher Moldings | Kirk | Kübelwagen | Kudos | Kustom | KVA | Kyote | L & R | Lagonda | Lambert | Lamberti | Lanchester | Land Ranger | Landar | Larini | Larmar | Latham | Lawrence | LCD | Le Mans | Lea-Francis | Leaping Cats | Legend | Legendary | Lemazone | Leopard Craft | Lester-MG | Light Car Company | Lightning | Limited Edition | Lindy | Litton | Lloyd | LMB | LMC | Locost | Lola | Lucas | Luego | Lynx | Lyonheart | Magenta | Magnum | Mahcon | Malibu | Mallalieu | Mallock | Mamba | Manta | Manx | Marauder | Marcos | Margin | Markham-Peasey | Marlin | Martyni | Masterco | Maya | MC | MCA | McCandless | McCoy | MCR | MCW | MDA | Melling | Mercury | Merlin | Metaline | Metisse | MFE | MG | Microdot | Micron | Microplas | Middlebridge | Midtec | Midway | Minijem | Minion | Minotaur | Mirage | Moons | Morford | Morris | Mosquito (1974-1987) | Mosquito (1989-1993) | Moss | Motorville | Mountaineer | MR Z | Mumford | Murad | Murtaya | Muscle City | Mutant | Navajo | Naylor | Nelco | Nelson | NG | Nickri | Nimbus | Nimrod | Nobel | Nordec | Nova | Nymph | Nyvrem | O & C | Ogle | Opperman | Opus (1966–1972) | Opus (1998-1999) | Overlander | Owen | PACE | Panache | Panic | Panther | Parabug | Paramount | Parradine (1987-1991) | Parradine (1998-2005) | Pashley | Pastiche | Peerless | Pell | Pelland | Peregrine | Phantom | Phoenix (1983-1986) | Phoenix (1997-1999) | Phoenix (1998-1999) | Pike | Piper | PKA | Powerbug | Powerdrive | Predator | Prestige | Princess | Sample | Proteus | Prova | Pulsar (1978-1982) | Pulsar (1984-1987) | Python | Quasar Unipower | Racecorp | Radbourne | Raffo | Railton | Ranger | Council | Rawlson | Razer | Razor | RBM | Reflex | Regent | Regis | Reliant | Replicar | Replicator | Reselco | RGS Atalanta | Rhino | Rickman | Rico | Riley | RLT | RMB | RML | RNW | Roamer | Robin Hood | Rochdale | Rodley | Rotor | Rotrax | Rover | Royale (1980-1990) | Royale (1991-2001) | RS Jigtec | RT | Russon | RV | RW | S & J | Saber | Safir | Sagesse | Sandbach | Sandwood | Saturn | Savant | Saxan | Scamp | Schuppan | Scootacar | Scorhill | Scorpion (1965) | Scorpion (1972) | Scorpion (1979-1981) | Scott Ellis Racing | Scottish Replicars & Classics | Scout | SD | SDR | Seagull | Seaspray | Sebring | Sem | Seraph | Seta | Shapecraft | Shark | Shawspeed | Sheen | Sheffield | Sheldonhurst | Shelsley (1983-1984) | Shelsley (2000-2005) | Sherpley | Sherwood | Shirley | Sienna | Silhouette (1970–1978) | Silhouette (1987-1989) | Silurian | Singer | Siva (1969-1976) | Siva (1970-1976) | Skip | Skyspeed | SN | Southern Roadcraft | SP | Spartan | SPD | Specframe | Specter (1994) | Specter (1994-2009) | Speedex | Spirit | SPM | Sports Car Services | Spyder | Spyder 550 Motors | Squire | SR | Stafford | Stanbury | Standard | Status | Steadman | Stealth | Sterling | Stevens | Stimson | Stimulator | Stinger | Strada | Strathcarron | Street Beetle | Summerfield | Sun | Sunbeam | Sunbeam Talbot | Super (1957-1965) | Super (1981-1987) | Sutol | Swallow | Swift | T & A | T & J | T 5 | TA | Talon | Tare | Taydec | Teal | TI | Tici | Tap | TKH | TMC | Tornado | Tourette | Townend | Trac | Tramp | Transformer | Trevor Farrington | Tri-Tech | Triad | Trident | Trimin | Trio | Tripacer | Tripos | Triton | Triumph | Trojan | Troll | Turner (1951-1966) | Turner (2003–2012) | TVR | TWM | TX | Tyler | Typhoon | UFO | Unicorn | Unipower | UVA | Vanden Plas | Vario | Venom | Veranti | Vi-Car | Viking (1966) | Viking (1980-1983) | Vindicator | Vintage | Virago | Viscount | Voodoo | Voyager | VPR | Vulture | Warwick | Wasp | Watford | Watling | Westbourne | West Pole | Whitby | White Rose | Winchester | Wizard | WMC | Wolseley | Worsley | WSM | Wyvern | Xener | Yak | YKC | Zealia | Zero | Zita