Nekrolog 1867

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1867 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 2nd Gottfried Heinrich Melzer German bossier 46
January 2nd Adolphe Noël des Vergers French orientalist and archaeologist 61
January 2nd Robert Miles Sloman Anglo-German shipowner and politician, Member of the Bundestag 83
January 4th John Fine American lawyer and politician 72
January 5th Carl Adam Kaltenbrunner Austrian writer 62
January 5th Pierre-Benjamin Lafaye French philosopher, linguist, Romanist and lexicographer 57
January 7th Dominik Gmür Swiss politician 66
January 7th Arthur P. Hayne American politician 78
January 7th Henri-Auguste-Georges de La Rochejaquelein French officer and politician 61
January 7th Johann Jakob Trog Swiss politician and judge 59
January 8th Heinrich August Wilhelm Stolze German stenographer 68
January 9th Ludwig Helps German businessman and politician 73
January 9th Karl Friedrich Sommer German painter 36
January 9th Karl Wermuth Hanover police chief
10. January Karl Moriz Diesing Helminthologist and botanist 66
10. January William Turner British ambassador
11th January Marguerite-Joséphine Georges french actress 79
11th January Christoph von Kaufmann German administrative lawyer 78
11th January Karl Lange German court mason, building contractor and founder of the foundation
January 12th Georg Merz German optician and astronomer 73
13th January Antonio Maria Cagiano de Azevedo Italian clergyman and cardinal of the Roman Church 69
13th January Angelo Geniani Italian Roman Catholic clergyman, Cistercian, abbot and abbot general 64
13th January Franz Kirchgeßner Baden official 63
January 14th Samuel Chilton American politician 62
January 14th Victor cousin French philosopher and cultural theorist 74
January 14th Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres French classicism painter 86
15. January Adolf Lohse Prussian builder and student of Karl Friedrich Schinkel 59
January 17th Jacques-Amand Eudes-Deslongchamps French medic, zoologist and paleontologist 73
January 17th Clement Villecourt French cardinal and bishop of La Rochelle (1836-1856) 79
January 18th Hermann Askan Demme German-Swiss doctor 64
January 18th Hubert Félix Soyer-Willemet French librarian and botanist 75
January 19th Johann Manschgo Austrian painter 66
January 19th James Dixon novel American politician 57
January 20th Julia meatball American prostitute and pioneer
21th January Joshua Alder British zoologist 74
21th January Julius Oeltzen German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman 76
21th January Not so Oldberg Swedish educator and author 62
January 24th Nikolai Ivanovich Gretsch Russian author, linguist, literary critic and translator 79
January 24th Josef Laurent German philologist, archivist and librarian 59
January 24th David Ritchie American politician 54
January 25th Alexander CM Pennington American politician 56
January 25th Josef Wintergerst German Romantic painter 83
January 26th Johann Caspar Beeg German teacher and author 57
January 26th Sarah Villiers, Countess of Jersey British nobles 81
January 28th John J. Pettus American politician 53
January 28th Franz Carl Weidmann Austrian writer, journalist and actor
January 29th Philip Johnson American politician 49
January 30th Ezekiel F. Chambers American lawyer and politician 78
January 30th Jacob H. De Witt American politician 82
January 30th Friedrich Kohlrausch German general school director 86
January 30th Kōmei 121. Tennō of Japan 35


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Washington Hunt American politician 55
3 February Bonaventure of Brederlow Prussian major general 75
3 February Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied German natural scientist and ethnologist 84
February 4th Georg Friedrich Vorwerk German businessman 73
February 5th Serafín Estébanez Calderón Spanish writer 67
February 5th Philipp Hepp German doctor and botanist 69
February 5th John Johnson American politician
February 6th Salomon Munk German orientalist 61
February 8 Michael August Wegelin Swiss lawyer and politician 69
February 9 Filippo De Filippi Italian zoologist, museum director and explorer 52
February 9 Jacob G. Lauman American businessman and officer 54
February 10th Adolf of Morlot Swiss geologist and prehistorian 46
February 10th Carl Wagner German painter and representative of romantic landscape painting 70
February 11th Gustav Senfft from Pilsach Royal Saxon Lieutenant General 76
February 11th Auguste Viquesnel French traveler, meteorologist, ethnographer and geologist
February 12th Emilie Linder Swiss painter and patron 69
13th February Étienne Eggis Swiss journalist and writer 36
13th February Vincent Rumpff German diplomat 77
14th of February Eugen Wratislaw von Mitrowitz old Austrian general 80
February 15th Wojciech Cybulski Polish literary historian and linguist 58
February 15th Franz Jahn German pomologist 61
February 16 Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Marburg Hamburg businessman and politician, MdHB 63
February 16 Ignaz Perner Bavarian lawyer and pioneer of the animal protection movement 70
February 17th Alexander Dallas Bache American physicist 60
19th of February Stephan of Austria Archduke of Austria 49
February 22 Henry P. Alexander American politician 65
February 23 Werner-Constantin von Droste zu Hülshoff royal Prussian district administrator, politician and landowner 68
February 23 George Smart English conductor, organist, violinist and composer 90
February 24th Henry Wetherby Benchley American politician 45
February 24th Ludwig Bischoff German educator, musician, critic and publisher 72
February 24th Isaac E. Holmes American politician 70
February 26th Christian Morgenstern German landscape painter 61
February 28 Giovanni Battista Arnaldi Italian Roman Catholic clergyman, Archbishop of Spoleto 61


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Haubold von Einsiedel German manor owner and politician 74
1st March Frederick Henry Litchfield Australian cattle farmer, gold digger and explorer 34
2nd March Frans-Andries Durlet Belgian architect, sculptor and graphic artist 50
2nd March Franz Karl of Gemmingen Member of the Baden Chamber of Estates and landlord in Rappenau 60
2nd March Aaron Ward American politician 76
3 March Otto Baring German medic 60
3 March William Czar Bradley American politician 84
3 March Johann Ludwig Lund German-Danish painter 89
4th of March Johann Filtsch Junior Transylvanian pastor and man of letters 83
5. March Clark B. Cochrane American lawyer and politician 51
5. March Carl Gustaf Qvarnström Swedish sculptor 56
5. March Eduard Simon German lawyer and higher judge 61
6th March Charles Farrar Browne American writer, satirist, and humorist 32
6th March Peter by Cornelius German painter 83
6th March John Goodsir Scottish anatomist 52
6th March József Hild Hungarian architect 77
6th March Wiktor Każyński Polish composer 54
7th March Louis Boulanger French painter 59
7th March Carl Ludwig Gesell German organ builder 58
7th March Therese from the Winckel German harpist, painter and writer 87
8th of March Kaspar Kaltenmoser German painter 60
9th March Georg Michel Swiss politician and judge 62
9th March Sophie of Saxony Princess of Saxony, Duchess in Bavaria 21st
March 10th Eduard Heinrich von Treitschke Saxon Lieutenant General 71
March 11 Moritz Rott Theater actor and director 70
March 12th Carl Friedrich Metzler German lawyer and politician 53
March 12th Friedrich Gottlieb Schulz German politician 53
March 13th Josef Lonovics from Krivina Bishop of the Csanád diocese 74
March 13th Luise Karoline of Hessen-Kassel by marriage to the Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg 77
the 14th of March Albert Lester American lawyer and politician
March 16 Friedrich of Hessen-Darmstadt Hessian Infantry General, Imperial Russian Major General 78
March 16 Emil Keßler German entrepreneur and founder of the Esslingen machine factory 53
March 16 Friedrich Rumpf German architect 72
17. March Wilhelm Baumgartner Swiss pianist and composer 46
17. March Friedrich Ludwig Effinger Swiss politician 71
17. March Gabriel Güntner German-Bohemian Premonstratensian, Catholic theologian 63
17. March Ludwig Häusser German historian and liberal politician 48
March 18th Heinrich Hellmuth von Hadeln Nassau General Adjutant 70
19th March August Abendroth Hamburg lawyer and philanthropist 70
19th March Johann Lebrecht Eggink Russian painter of German Baltic descent 82
19th March Friedrich Fahrbach Austrian composer and musician
March 21st Joseph Bailey American Brigadier General of the Northern States in the American Civil War
March 22 David Ossipowitsch Bebutow Russian general
March 22 Carl Emanuel Brunner Swiss chemist 71
March 22 Julius Egghard Austrian pianist and composer 32
March 23 Charles Deas American painter 48
March 23 Gottfried Eisenmann German doctor, politician, publicist 71
March 24th John Decatur Barry General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 27
25th March Jakob Ignaz Hittorff French architect 74
25th March Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge German chemist 73
27th of March Carl Emil Gedike German physician and medical director of the Royal Prussian Nursing School at the Charité Clinic in Berlin 69
27th of March Prideaux John Selby English ornithologist, botanist and artist 78
28th March Ludwig Friedrich Hesse German historian 83
March 29 George R. Riddle American politician (Democratic Party)
March 31 Jean-Baptiste Fresez Luxembourg painter 66


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Louis du couret French travel writer
April 1st Hermann Schiff German writer 65
2nd of April Christian Friedrich stamp Lower Sorbian pastor and poet 79
3rd of April George Wythe Randolph American politician, Confederate Secretary of War 49
April 6th George Evans American politician 70
7th of April Joseph A. Gilmore American politician 55
April 8th Johann Rudolf Raschle Swiss politician and industrialist 68
April 8th John Selden Roane American politician, governor of Arkansas 50
April 8th Emil Adolf Rossmaessler German naturalist and folk writer 61
9th April Auguste Rougemont Swiss politician 69
10th of April Hermann von Staff zu Reitzenstein Prussian lieutenant general 77
12. April Ottokar Maria von Attems Prince-Bishop of Seckau 52
12. April William Bullock American inventor
12. April Johann Christian Friedrich cloth German orientalist 60
April 13th Karl von Franck Austrian general, minister of war and statesman 61
April 13th Johann Joseph Rosenbaum German Catholic clergyman and theologian 69
April 14th Adrien Bourgogne French sergent of the Napoleonic Wars 81
April 14th Ferdinand von Ritgen German professor of medicine, gynecologist and founder of one of the nine German obstetrical schools 79
April 14th Ernst Ferdinand Yxem German classical philologist and high school teacher 68
April 16 Ludwig August Leonhard von Wickede German administrative and fiscal lawyer 70
17th April George W. Chase American politician
17th April August Otto Krug German lawyer 62
17th April Theodor Mögling German revolutionary 52
April 18 Robert Smirke British architect 86
April 19th Antoine-Joseph Jobert de Lamballe French surgeon 67
20th of April Michael Friedrich Reinhard German member of the state parliament 73
April 21 Xenophon Alexejewitsch Polewoi Russian journalist, author, historian and literary critic 65
April 21 Romulus Mitchell Saunders American politician 76
April 21 Job from Witzleben Prussian major general 53
April 22 Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov Russian chess player 73
April 22 Jean Elias Benjamin Valz French astronomer 79
April 24th Dimitrios Kallergis Greek general and statesman
April 27 Kwaku Dua I. Panyin Asantehene (ruler) of the Kingdom of Ashanti
April 29 Achilles Bischoff Swiss politician 72
April, 30th Georg Christoph Gack Bavarian MP, clergyman and author 73


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Johann Martin Morat Artist, painter, lithographer 61
1st of May Karl Sintenis German classical philologist and teacher 60
2.May Samuel G. Hathaway American lawyer and politician 86
May 3rd Friedrich Ernst von Kardorff German officer in Danish service and landowner in Mecklenburg 75
May 3rd Leopold Pelldram Bishop of Trier 56
May 3rd Fanny Tacchinardi-Persiani Italian coloratura soprano 54
5th of May Walter Crum Scottish chemist and entrepreneur
5th of May Mace Moulton American politician 71
5th of May Philippe Parmentier Belgian sculptor 79
May 6th Johann Kaspar Aiblinger German composer and Kapellmeister 88
May 6th Hermann Schievelbein sculptor 49
8th of May Elijah Hise American politician 64
May 9 Jacques-Joseph Champollion French archaeologist and librarian 88
May 9 Ulrich von der Horst Schleswig-Holstein general 73
10th of May Heinrich Beitzke German military writer 69
May 11th Johann Friedrich Hermann Albers German physician and pathologist 61
May 11th Joseph Wright American politician 57
12th of May Ignatius Bryanchaninov Russian orthodox bishop 60
12th of May Eduard Gerhard German archaeologist 71
17th of May Julius Léopold Eduard Avé-Lallemant German botanist 63
17th of May Anton Schütte political activist in Austria, journalist, military and businessman in the USA
17th of May Johann Anton Steinegger Swiss politician 55
May 18 Clarkson Stanfield British painter 73
May 20th Franz Oliver from Jenison-Walworth Bavarian politician and diplomat 79
May 21 Johann Heinrich Meidinger German businessman, geographer and travel writer 74
May 22 Edward Hodges Baily English sculptor 79
23. May Archibald Alison, 1st Baronet Scottish lawyer, civil servant and historian 74
23. May Franz von Bruchmann Redemptorist 69
25. May Johann Christian Bauer German die cutter and type caster 64
25. May Aloise Kettel Austrian theater actress
25. May Wilhelm von Kügelgen German painter and writer 64
May 26 Johann Funk German clergyman, Evangelical Lutheran pastor 75
May 26 Aloisia Höpfner from Brendt Austrian theater actress
May 27th Thomas Bulfinch American banker and writer 70
May 27th Gustav Kolbe German administrative lawyer, director of KPM 58
28th of May Giovanni Benedetto Folicaldi Bishop of Faenza 66
May 29th Albert Smith American politician 74
May 29th Carlos de Morais Camisão Brazilian military 46
30th May Ramon Castilla Peruvian politician 69
31. May Théophile-Jules Pelouze French chemist 60
May Kunta Hajji Kishiev Kumyk sheikh


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 1st Karl von Staudt German mathematician 69
3rd of June Richard Spaight Donnell American politician 46
June 4th Ignacy Abramowicz Polish military who served in the Russian army
June 4th Théodore Teichmann Belgian politician 78
6th of June Mathilde of Austria-Teschen Austrian nobles 18th
June 7th Athanasios Miaoulis Greek politician and prime minister
June 9th Louis Bötticher German opera singer (bass)
June 9th Friedrich Wilhelm Malotki von Trzebiatowski Prussian major general 76
June 9th Bruno von Natzmer Prussian mercenary and Nicaraguan officer 36
June 9th Christian Pløyen Danish lawyer and senior government official 64
June 11th Karl Otto Weber German surgeon and pathologist 39
June 12 Louis-Hippolyte Lebas French architect 85
14th June Jean Vidal French violinist and conductor 78
15th June Johann Hermann Carmiencke German landscape painter 57
June 16 Julius from the ceiling Mecklenburg landowner 39
June 16 Paulus Modestus Schücking German judge, bailiff, philosopher and man of letters 80
17th of June José Miguel Arroyo Mexican ambassador
17th of June John Moore American politician
June 19th Henry Dodge Governor of wisconsin 84
June 19th Lambertus de Jong old Catholic bishop of Haarlem
June 19th Maximilian I. Emperor of Mexico 34
June 19th Tomás Mejía Mexican general 46
June 19th Miguel Miramón Mexican general 34
20th June Ferdinand Gottlieb Flechtner German textile manufacturer 56
June 21st William Henry Whitbread British politician 72
June 22 Takeda Kanryūsai Captain of the 5th unit of the Shinsengumi, a police unit in Kyoto
23rd June Christian Georg Theodor Ruete German ophthalmologist and university professor 57
23rd June Armand Trousseau French internist 65
25th June Wilhelmine von Sydow German author 77
25th June Christian Wilbrandt German philologist, teacher and politician 66
June 26th Maximilian Anton von Thurn and Taxis Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis 35
June 27th Charles Denison American politician 49
June 27th William John Hamilton British geologist 61
June 28th Friedrich Günther Prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 73
June 28th Ferdinand von Kleist Prussian general of the infantry 69
June 29th John Rutter Chorley British author, bibliophile, Romance philologist and Hispanist
June 30th Peter Geist German painter 51
June Diego José Benavente y García de Bustamante Chilean politician


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Thomas Francis Meagher American politician, governor of Montana 43
2nd July Friedrich Gustav Habel German archaeologist 75
2nd July Friedrich Wilhelm Pax German high school teacher and politician 69
3rd of July Lazarus W. Powell American politician 54
July 4th Filippo Acunzo Italian bassoonist, conductor and composer
5th July Karl Johan Andersson Swedish adventurer, explorer, trader, Herero guide and writer 40
5th July Philipp Furtwängler German organ builder 67
5th July Caleb Claiborne Herbert American plantation owner, officer and politician
5th July James Moore Wayne American lawyer and politician
July 6th Karl von Enhuber German painter 55
7th of July John Alsop King American politician 79
7th of July François Ponsard French playwright 53
July 11th Heinrich LXVII. Prince Reuss of the younger line 77
July 12 Horatio McCulloch Scottish landscape painter 60
July 12 Patricio Rivas Nicaraguan politician, Supremo Director (1840–1841)
15th of July Karl Friedrich von Below Vice-Governor in the Governorate of Estonia 73
15th of July Rudolph Melchior German-American artisan and artist 31
16th of July Henry Williams Navy officer in the Royal Navy, later missionary in New Zealand and translator of the Treaty of Waitangi 75
July 18th Alfred Wells American lawyer and politician 53
20th of July Jacob Erdman American politician 66
21 July Antonio Barezzi patron 79
21 July Christian August Brandis Prussian legation secretary 77
21 July Carl von Scheuchenstuel Austrian mountain official and politician 74
July 23 Carlos Salazar Castro liberal politician in Central America
24th July Karl von Schlippe German chemist 68
July 26th Stephan Kellner German glass painter 54
July 26th Daniel Mace American politician 55
July 26th Otto King of Greece 52
29th of July Charles Anthon American classical philologist 69
29th of July Cornelius Robinson American politician 61
30th July Paul Pfizer Württemberg politician, journalist and lawyer 65
30th July Richard Clauselle Puryear American politician 66
July 31 Elisabeth Alphonsa Maria Eppinger Founder of the order 52
July 31 Benoît Fourneyron French engineer, developed the first practicable water turbine 64
July 31 Adolf Martin Pleischl Chemists and physicians 79
July 31 Rudolf Wäffler Swiss politician 62


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 1st Christian Wilhelm Lindemann German lawyer and politician 68
August 1st Ernst by Moy de Sons German legal historian and canonist 67
3rd August August Boeckh German classical philologist and archaeologist 81
3rd August Johann Ernst Gustav von Roehl royal Prussian general of the infantry 67
3rd August Wilhelm Schenck zu Schweinsberg German politician and administrative officer 58
4th of August Emil Cauer the Elder German sculptor 66
4th of August Phan Thanh Gian Vietnamese politician, historian, neo-Confucianism philosopher and diplomat 70
4th of August Faustin Soulouque Emperor of Haiti
6th of August David Rittenhouse Porter American politician 78
6th of August Ferdinand von Verger Bavarian diplomat 61
August 7th Ira Aldridge US-American actor 60
August 7th Ernst Glüer German architect 36
August 7th Friedrich Hofferberth Member of Parliament for the Grand Duchy of Hesse 68
August 7th Ernst Otto Lindner German musicologist and writer 46
8th August Sarah Austin British writer and translator
8th August Maria Theresa of Austria Wife of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, King of the Two Sicilies 51
8th August Anton Spiehler German Catholic priest, Episcopal Secretariat, Cathedral Chapter 72
8th August James Wilson American politician 42
August 10 Frédéric de Chapeaurouge Hamburg senator and businessman 53
August 10 André Durand French painter, draftsman and lithographer 60
August 11th Lodovico Altieri cardinal 62
August 11th Franz Anton Niemeyer German lawyer and university professor 77
12. August Josef Scheiner Roman Catholic clergyman, theologian and university professor 69
13 August Henri Carolus Belgian diplomat 56
15th of August Heinrich Böse German merchant and officer 84
15th of August Friedrich Kunstmann German Catholic theologian 56
August 16 Johann Heinrich Deinhardt German educator 62
August 16 Joseph Ambrosius Geritz German clergyman, bishop of Warmia (1841–1867) 84
August 16 Friedrich Haase German classical philologist; University professor in Wroclaw 59
17th August Johann Heinrich Ammann Swiss lawyer and politician 46
18th of August Franz Jauch Swiss politician (FDP) 60
18th of August Alexis Paccard French architect 54
August 19th William B. Campbell American politician 60
August 19th Leopold von Lämel Bohemian wholesaler and banker in Prague and Vienna 76
August 19th Julius Pinder Prussian civil servant and politician 61
20th of August Richard Rothe German Protestant theologian 68
August 21 Juan Álvarez Benítez Mexican politician 77
August 22nd Manuel Errazquin Uruguayan politician 66
August 23 Auguste-Marseille Barthélemy French poet
August 24th Thomas Brown American politician 81
August 24th Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie Velpeau French anatomist and surgeon 72
August 25 Michael Faraday English physicist and chemist 75
26th of August Wilhelm Grathwohl German politician 52
26th of August Gustav Friedrich Klemm German cultural historian and librarian 64
26th of August Pedro Martínez López Spanish Romance philologist, Hispanist, grammarian and lexicographer 70
26th of August August von Rüpplin Württemberg General and Minister of War 69
August 27 August von der Wense German administrative lawyer and royal Hanoverian Drost and district administrator 75
August 28th William A. Bradley American politician 73
August 28th Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier German lawyer, university professor, publicist and politician 80
29th August Julius Ash German textile manufacturer and politician, MdL (Kingdom of Saxony) 53
29th August Alexander von Lavergne-Peguilhen Prussian district administrator, member of the Reichstag 64
August 30th John McQueen American politician 63
August 31 Charles Baudelaire French author 46
August Eugène Prouhet French mathematician


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 Edward Hodges American composer and organist 71
September 1 Opanas Markevych Ukrainian folklorist, ethnologist and social activist 45
September 3 James A. McDougall American lawyer and politician 49
September 3 Heinrich Smidt German writer 68
5th September Santiago Derqui President of Argentina
5th September Wilhelm of Hesse Governor of Copenhagen and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel zu Rumpenheim 79
7th of September Franz von Stengel German administrative officer 56
7th of September Alexandru Sterca Șuluțiu Archbishop of Făgăraș 73
September 8th John L. Helm American politician 65
the 9th of September Julius Kröhl German submarine engineer
September 10 Simon Sixth Austrian music theorist, music teacher, organist, conductor and composer 78
13.september Friedrich Gerst German Roman Catholic priest 61
September 15th Wilhelm Heinrich Friedrich von Kleist Prussian major general 81
September 20th Johann Adam Hartung German classical philologist and high school teacher 66
25th of September Giuseppe Natoli Italian statesman and patriot 52
September 26th James Ferguson American engineer and astronomer 70
September 27th Albert Auguste Perdonnet French engineer and railway pioneer 66
September 29th Sterling Price American politician and Confederate general in the Civil War 58
30. September Johann Evangelist Engesser German Catholic clergyman and politician in Baden 88
30. September Jeremiah Russell American politician 81
September Philoxène Boyer French author


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 3 Anthony Martin Branch American lawyer and politician and officer in the Confederate Army 44
October 3 Elias Howe American manufacturer and inventor of a sewing machine 48
October 3 Thomas Estes Noell American politician 28
4th of October August Adolph von Berlepsch German forester 76
4th of October Johann Christian Gentz German entrepreneur 73
4th of October Eduard Kley German rabbi, co-founder of Reform Judaism 78
4th of October Franz Xaver Seelos German religious, missionary and blessed 48
5th October Louis Henry Fontane German pharmacist and father of the writer Heinrich Theodor Fontane 71
5th October Achille Fould French finance and statesman 66
5th October Thomas Daily Beck German violinist, conductor and composer 67
October 7th Mohammed Afzal Khan Emir of Afghanistan
October 7th Henry Timrod American poet 38
8th October Johann Baptist Rousseau German poet, journalist and editor 64
9th October Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński Polish pianist and composer 60
9th October Abraham Mapu Hebrew writer 59
9th October Alexander Muheim Swiss politician (CIP) 58
October 10th Friedrich Luebker German classical philologist 56
October 10th Julius Mosen German poet and writer 64
October 11th Christian Carl of luck German judge, politician, poet and art collector 76
October 11th David L. Seymour American politician 63
October 12th Johann Ernst Dubois German pewter and entrepreneur 62
October 12th Franz Xaver Haimerl Austrian lawyer and university professor 61
October 12th Alerame Maria Pallavicini Auxiliary Bishop in Genoa 63
October 13th Johann Friedrich Dübner German classical philologist 64
October 14th Carlo Filangieri Italian general 83
October 14th WHERE from Horn German writer 69
15th October Julius Braunhofer Austrian theater actor 38
October, 16th Michael Hutchinson Jenks American politician 72
October, 16th Solomon Judah Rapoport Jewish scholar 77
October 18 Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron Colchester British Royal Navy Admiral, Conservative Party politician and peer 69
October 19th William Kennon Junior American politician 65
October 19th Herrmann Schmidt German entrepreneur 64
the 20th of October Rudolph Eduard Christmann German winery owner and politician 53
October 21 Georgi Rakovsky Bulgarian revolutionary, ideologist, politician, historian and writer
October 22nd Eugène Millon French chemist 55
23rd October Franz Bopp German linguist and Sanskrit researcher 76
23rd October Heinrich Conrad Carl German entrepreneur and conservative politician 72
October 25 Eduard Moritz Doerk German lawyer and member of the Prussian National Assembly 75
October 25 Magnus Grossjohann German pastor and member of parliament in East Prussia 54
October 25 Georg Kestner German archivist, banker and collector of art and autographs 93
October 25 Salama III. Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
October 27 Johann Daniel Manchot German Protestant dean and pastor in Offenbach 62
28th of October Jakob Ferdinand Schreiber German publisher 58
October 29th Matthias Franz Borgnis German banker 69
October 29th Georg Haltmeyer Austrian natural scientist, geoscientist, university professor, university director and rector 63
30th of October John Albion Andrew American politician 49
October 31 William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse Irish astronomer 67


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 3rd Segundo Ruiz Belvis Puerto Rican abolitionist 38
November 3rd Domitília de Castro Canto e Melo Brazilian duchess 69
November 4th Eugen Wilhelm Count Haugwitz Austrian general 89
November 5th Leopoldo O'Donnell Count of Lucena, Duke of Tetuan and son of Enrique José O'Donnell 58
November 6th Charles Marie Tanneguy Duchâtel French politician 64
November 7th Oronzio Gabriele Costa Italian zoologist 80
November 10th Ludwig Foltz German architect and sculptor 58
November 11th Friedrich August Bouterwek German history painter 61
November 11th Friedrich Philipp Usener German lawyer and politician of the Free City of Frankfurt 93
November 12th Charles Frédéric Dubois Belgian naturalist 63
November 13th Nathaniel Bullock American politician 88
November 13th Adolphe-Napoléon Didron French archaeologist 61
14th November Jacques Charles Brunet French bibliographer and bookseller 87
14th November Julius Campe German publisher 75
14th November Friedrich Theodor Fischer German architect and Baden construction officer 64
15th of November Franz von Khevenhüller-Metsch Austrian Feldzeugmeister 84
November 18 Friedrich Karl Gustav Stieber Saxon lawyer and politician 66
November 18 August Zierfuß German needler and entrepreneur 63
November 19th Fitz-Greene Halleck American poet 77
20th November Theodor Apel German writer and founder 56
20th November Peter Clodt from Juergensburg Baltic German sculptor 62
21st November José Longinos Ellauri Uruguayan politician 78
22nd of November Charles Wells Russell American politician 49
22nd of November Ludwig Schopen German classical philologist 68
22nd of November Ludwig von Stainlein Graf, composer and cellist 48
November 23 Heinrich Kraemer the Younger German iron industrialist 78
25. November August Emmerling Grand Ducal Hessian civil servant and politician 69
25. November Clemens Theodor Perthes German legal scholar and one of the founders of the Inner Mission 58
25. November Karl Ferdinand son German painter 61
25. November Georg Ludwig von Wedemeyer German lawyer, landowner and politician 86
25. November Georg Emanuel Ludwig Ziegler Swiss merchant and benefactor 60
November 26th Wilhelm Ganslandt Merchant and councilor from Lübeck 66
November 26th Hermann Adam von Kamp German teacher, local historian and writer 71
November 26th August Müller German double bass player 59
November 27th Thomas Clark British chemist 66
November 27th Reuben H. Walworth American lawyer and politician 79
November 28th Caroline Klauhold German portrait, genre and landscape painter 55
November 28th John Drake Sloat Military Governor of California 86
November Johann Heinrich Franck German industrialist
November Walter Preston American politician 48


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Hermann Wilhelm Hach Senator of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck 67
December 1 Philaret Drosdov Metropolitan of Moscow (1826–1867) 84
December 1 William Thomas last male "thoroughbred" Tasmanian
2. December Edouard Bénazet Casino operator 66
2. December Giuseppe Bofondi Italian cardinal and cardinal secretary of state 72
2. December Robert Denniston American lawyer and politician 67
2. December Johann Heinrich Jakob Schloifer German judge and Prime Minister of the Duchy of Oldenburg 77
2. December Ludwig Severin Lawyer, member of the Reichstag 55
3rd of December Dietrich von Stein German landowners and politicians; Minister of State of Saxony-Coburg 74
December 4th Engelbert Sterckx Belgian theologian, Archbishop of Mechelen and cardinal priest 75
December 5th Carl Dietz German theater actor
December 5th Jehiel H. Halsey American lawyer and politician 79
6th of December Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens French physiologist 73
6th of December Julius Ludwig Klee German linguist and teacher 60
6th of December Giovanni Pacini Italian opera composer 71
December 7th Franz Josef Dobiaschofsky Austrian painter 49
December 8th Alphonse Boilly French engraver and lithographer 66
December 8th Christian Friedrich Spittler German secretary of the Basel Christianity Society 85
9th of December Rudolf von Arthaber Austrian textile manufacturer, art collector and art patron 72
9th of December Eberhard Christian Compe Honorary citizen in Harburg, today part of Hamburg 78
9th of December Johann Nikolaus von Dreyse German designer and inventor 80
9th of December Sigismund Stern Educator and writer 55
10th of December Sakamoto Ryoma Japanese samurai, pioneer of the Meiji Restoration 31
10th of December Edward Whelan Canadian politician and journalist
11th December William Brooks British architect
11th December Wilhelm Felsche Leipzig confectioner and chocolate manufacturer 69
12th of December Charles Daubeny English chemist, botanist and geologist 72
12th of December Hamnett Holditch British mathematician 67
13th December Artur Grottger Polish painter 30th
13th December Tōdō Heisuke Captain of a Japanese protection force
15th December Ábrahám Quite Hungarian industrialist 52
December 16 Jules Triger French mining engineer and geologist 66
December 17th Honoré Théodoric d'Albert de Luynes French duke and archaeologist 65
December 17th Carl Heinrich Schultz German doctor and botanist 62
December 18th Ferdinand Deycks German classical philologist 65
19. December Johann Georg Kastner German-French composer and music writer 57
19. December Giuseppe Ugolini Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and member of the Curia 84
20th of December Ludwig Friedrich Kämtz German physicist and meteorologist 66
20th of December Ascan Wilhelm Lutteroth Hamburg senator and businessman 84
20th of December Adolf Ludwig Agathon von Parpart German astronomer 61
20th of December Joachim Sighart German theologian, art historian and local historian 43
21st December Karl Friedrich Schimper German scientist, botanist and geologist 64
21st December Robert Smith American politician 65
December 22 Jacob Jacobsen Dampe Danish politician 77
December 22 John W. Dana American politician 59
December 22 Cornelius S. Hamilton American politician 46
December 22 Jean-Victor Poncelet French mathematician 79
December 22 Théodore Rousseau French painter 55
23rd of December Alexander Löbbecke German entrepreneur and officer 55
24th of December Amasa Dana American lawyer and politician 75
25 December Antonie Adamberger Austrian actress, fiancee Theodor Körner 76
25 December Jakob Ganz Swiss preacher of the revival movement 76
25 December Jonah Sanford American lawyer and politician 77
December 26th Hubert Josef Cadenbach German Lord Mayor of Koblenz 67
December 26th József Kossics Slovenian writer, poet, linguist, historian, folklorist and Catholic priest
December 26th Albertine of Montenuovo Member of a branch of the Habsburg-Lothringen noble house 50
December 27th Jakob Goldenthal Austrian orientalist 52
December 27th William Beck Ochiltree American politician 56
December 28th Heinrich Albert Lion German classical philologist 71
December 29th Gebhard Karl Ludolf von Alvensleben royal Prussian general of the cavalry 69
30th of December Franz von Unterrichter South Tyrolean poet, lawyer and politician 92

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Louis Eugène Marie Bautain French philosopher and priest
Josef Birnstill German opera singer (bass)
Eduard Brauer German history and portrait painter and drawing teacher
Jean-Noël Chevron Franco-Dutch architect and urban planner
Ferdinand Didier German manufacturer
Johann Finckh Oldenburg politician
Sarah Glover British pastor's daughter and director of a Sunday school
Jean Gunthert Swiss architect
Christoph Knorr Merchant and Mayor of Zweibrücken
Albert Carl Koch paleontologist
Johann Carl Wilhelm Kropp German judges and parliamentarians
Hermann Lattermann Saxon entrepreneur and member of the state parliament
Gustav Lenz Journeyman craftsman who emigrated to America in 1848
Johann Josef Leyendecker German painter
Illja Lysohub Ukrainian philanthropist, cellist and colonel
Konrad Adolf von Malsen German diplomat
James William McGauley Irish physicist and natural philosopher
Clemens Mersmann German administrative officer and politician
Johann Anton Friedrich Merz German businessman
Otto von Mirbach revolutionary
Francesc Daniel Molina i Casamajó Catalan architect
Cyrill Napp Austrian Augustinian ceremony and abbot
Alfred von Nesselrode German manor owner and administrative officer
Cornelis Oasib Upper cape of the Nama in southwest Africa
Bernardo Quaranta Italian archaeologist
Christian Roetzel German organ builder
Heinrich Rudolph Schmidt German high school teacher and naturalist
Paul Bouvy Schorenberg Dutch engineer and geologist
Hans Siemens German industrialist
Louis Tromelin French naval captain
Johann Gottlieb Wolfsteller German master organ builder