Nekrolog 1864

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1864 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Solon Borland American politician (Democratic Party) 55
January 1st Friedrich Egermann Bohemian glass painter, glass technologist and entrepreneur 86
January 2nd Lemuel J. Bowden American politician 48
January 3rd John Joseph Hughes Roman Catholic Archbishop 66
January 4th Mateu Ferrer i Oller Catalan composer, organist, orchestra leader and conductor
6th January John Clements Wickham British naval officer 65
January 7th Wilhelm Arnoldi Bishop of Trier 66
January 7th Caleb Blood Smith American politician 55
January 7th Thomas Turton English mathematician and Anglican theologian and Bishop of Ely 83
January 7th Nikolai Stepanowitsch Turchaninow Russian botanist 67
January 8th Niccola Bedini Italian Roman Catholic clergyman and bishop of Terracina, Sezze and Priverno 62
January 8th Victor Dourlen French composer 83
January 8th Wilhelm Krause German landscape and marine painter 60
January 9th Peter Erasmus Gspan Austrian lawyer and politician 73
January 9th Carl August Hagberg Swedish philologist and linguist 53
January 9th Carl Johann Koch Baltic German pastor 60
January 9th Joseph Woods English botanist 87
10. January Karl Gustav Fabricius German politician and local historian; Mayor of Stralsund (1842–1864) 75
13th January Stephen Foster American songwriter 37
January 14th Georg Jabin German landscape painter 35
15. January Christian Ludwig Gerling German mathematician and astronomer 75
15. January Andrew Parker American politician 58
15. January Friedrich von Waldersee Prussian lieutenant general and military writer 68
January 16 Joseph Sebastian Grüner Lawyer, magistrate and criminal councilor, homeland and folk researcher of the Egerland, friend of the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 83
January 16 Ferdinand Alphonse Hamelin French admiral 67
January 16 Anton Schindler German secretary, musician and first biographer of Ludwig van Beethoven 68
January 17th Wilhelm Ittmann German businessman and member of the Hessian state parliament 54
January 18th Johann Nepomuk Höfel Austrian painter 75
January 18th Friedrich von Werthern Prussian administrative officer and Sachsen-Meiningen politician 59
January 19th Juliette Colbert French philanthropist and Italian margravine 77
January 19th Anton Elfinger Austrian doctor and draftsman 43
January 19th Daniel Lüscher Swiss politician 76
January 19th Richard H. Vose American politician 60
January 20th Karl von Leoprechting German legend researcher 45
January 20th Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Plana Italian astronomer and mathematician 82
January 20th Georg Friedrich Wiedemann German Catholic theologian, philosopher, clergyman and historian 76
22nd of January Baruch Auerbach Polish-German teacher and educator 70
January 23 Gustav von Girsewald German major general and chamberlain 78
January 23 Michele Puccini Italian composer 50
January 23 Adolf Scherzer Bavarian military musician 48
January 23 Johann Lukas Schönlein German doctor 70
January 24th John Peter Richardson Sr. American politician 62
January 25th Clemens Maria Franz von Bönninghausen Westphalian botanist and homeopath 78
January 25th Marcus Larson Swedish landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School 39
January 25th Plowden Weston American politician
January 26th James Brown Clay American politician 46
January 26th Johann Peter von Hornthal German lawyer and politician and poet 69
January 26th Magnus Ottomar Koelz German lawyer and politician, MdL (Kingdom of Saxony)
January 26th Otto Lindblad Swedish composer 54
January 27th Leo von Klenze German architect, painter and writer 79
January 27th Heinrich Rose German mineralogist, analytical chemist and the discoverer of the chemical element niobium 68
January 28th Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Bornemann Prussian lawyer and politician 65
January 28th Émile Clapeyron French physicist 65
31 January Fischel Arnhem German politician and lawyer 51
31 January Hamilton Rowan Gamble American lawyer and politician 65
31 January Michael Sachs German rabbi 55


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 1st Louise Marie Thérèse d'Artois Princess of France and regent of the Duchy of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla 44
February 2nd Carl Friedrich Reiche-Eisenstuck German politician 73
3 February Petrus Jacobus Kipp Dutch pharmacist, chemist and instrument maker 55
February 5th Eduard Frederich German doctor, history painter and newspaper publisher 52
February 5th Moritz Veit Publishers and Politicians 55
February 6th Ernst Esselbach German physicist 31
February 6th Marcus Morton American lawyer and politician 79
February 6th Carl Gotthilf Nestler Erzgebirge hammer gentleman 75
February 6th Karl Eduard Schnitzler German banker 71
February 6th Ottmar Schönhuth German writer and local researcher 57
February 6th Frederic Tudor American businessman 80
February 7th Christian Gottlob Hammer German landscape painter and engraver 84
February 7th Vuk Stefanović Karadžić Serbian philologist and creator of the modern written Serbian language 76
February 7th John Allen Wilcox American politician 44
February 10th Bertha Eichberg German harpist 19th
February 10th William Henry Hunt English painter 73
February 10th Antoinette de Mérode Princess of Monaco 35
February 11th Ludwig von Deroy Bavarian Count and Major General 78
February 11th Hermann Marggraff German writer 54
February 12th Henry Y. Cranston American politician 74
February 12th Alois Schertzinger Bessarabian co-founder of Sarata Priester 76
February 12th Gottlieb Heinrich Zeller German pharmacist 69
13th February Amraal Lambert Kaptein of the Khauas-Nama
14th of February William Dyce Scottish painter 57
14th of February Muscoe Russell Hunter Garnett American politician 42
14th of February Konrad Schwenck German philologist 70
February 15th Adam Wilhelm Moltke Danish politician; Prime Minister of Denmark 78
February 16 James R. Ballantyne Scottish orientalist 50
February 16 Anna Sethe first wife of Ernst Haeckel 28
February 16 Wenzel Heinrich Veit Bohemian lawyer and composer 58
February 17th William K. Bond American politician 71
19th of February William Edwin Baldwin Confederate General in the American Civil War 36
19th of February Hippoliet Van Peene Flemish doctor and playwright 53
20. February John Edward Bouligny American politician 40
20. February Alexander Christoforowitsch Vostokow Russian philologist 82
20. February Christian Andreas Zipser German-Hungarian scholar 80
21st of February Alois Kluibenschedl Tyrolean freedom fighter 91
February 22 Ludwig Mittermaier German author, draftsman and glass painter 37
February 23 Conrad Gebhardt German businessman and politician 73
February 23 Peter Kaiser Liechtenstein historian and politician 70
February 24th Johann Ludwig Casper German forensic doctor 67
February 25 Anna Harrison First Lady of the United States 88
February 26th Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine Canadian lawyer and politician 56
February 26th William Nikolaus Reed German-American officer
27th of February Edward Hitchcock American geologist 70
27th of February Wilhelm Friedrich Christian Gustav Krafft German politician 58
27th of February Christian Sethe German lawyer 86
February 28 Johann Joseph Benet Swiss mountain guide 39


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2nd March Jean Alaux French painter 78
3 March Ernst Hansen German theater actor and director 50
4th of March Ferdinand von Schmöger German astronomer, physicist and high school professor 72
5. March Hermann zu Wied 4. Prince of Wied 49
8th of March Leander Russ Austrian painter 54
9th March Bernhard Hayd Bavarian Mayor 56
March 10th Maximilian II Joseph King of Bavaria (1848–1864) 52
March 11 Richard Roberts British engineer 74
March 11 Friedrich von Römer German politician, member of the Frankfurt National Assembly 69
March 12th Magnus von Moltke Schleswig-Holstein lawyer and politician 80
March 13th Sophie Dethleffs German dialect poet 55
March 13th Domenico Lucciardi Cardinal of the Catholic Church 67
the 14th of March Robert Reuter District Administrator and Politician 47
the 14th of March Hermann Stadtmann Swiss politician and entrepreneur 45
the 14th of March Wilhelm Ferdinand Steinacker German legal scholar
March, 15 Bernhard Vollrath von Bülow Mecklenburg diplomat and envoy to the Bundestag of the German Confederation in Frankfurt am Main 43
March, 15 Johann Carl Hocheder Austrian montanist and mineralogist 63
March 16 Abel Aubert Dupetit-Thouars French naval officer and circumnavigator 70
March 16 Andreas Gottlieb Hoffmann German theologian and orientalist 67
March 16 Ernst Heinrich Toelken German classical archaeologist, philosopher, art historian, university professor and director of the Berlin antiquarian shop 78
March 16 Eduard Stein German conductor, music director and court music director 45
March 18th Seaborn Jones American politician 76
19th March Alexandre Calame Swiss painter 53
19th March Wilhelm Lueg German smelting director 71
March, 20th Broder Knudtzon Norwegian merchant, politician and patron 75
March, 20th Heinrich Philipp Rudolph Levin von Wintzingerode ducal-Nassau chamberlain and regional president 57
March 21st Hippolyte Flandrin French painter 54
March 21st Karl Benedict Rabbit French classical philologist of German origin 83
March 21st Luke Howard English pharmacologist and meteorologist 91
March 22 Kastus Kalinouski Belarusian revolutionary, publicist and poet 26th
March 22 Ludwig Seeger German politician and writer 53
March 23 Bingham Baring, 2nd Baron Ashburton British Conservative Party politician, House of Commons member and peer 64
March 23 Karl Gustav Geib Legal scholar, secretary and teacher of King Otto of Greece, rector in Tübingen 55
March 23 Henry Bell Van Rensselaer American officer and politician 53
March 23 Hans Wieland Swiss professional officer 38
March 24th Karl Ernst Claus German-Russian pharmacist and chemist 68
25th March Ivar Fredrik Bredal Danish conductor and composer 63
25th March David Maney Currin American politician 46
25th March Owen Lovejoy American politician 53
25th March Franz Woepcke German mathematician and orientalist 37
26th of March John Bake Dutch classical philologist and literary scholar 76
26th of March Johann Friedrich Callisen German theologian 88
26th of March Meredith Miles Marmaduke American politician 72
26th of March Moritz Daniel Volkmar German broker and banker 71
27th of March Jean-Jacques Ampère French historian, philologist and writer 63
27th of March Eduard Dorer-Egloff Swiss politician, writer and poet 56
27th of March Christian August Valentiner German Protestant theologian 65
28th March William A. Harris American politician 58
28th March Louise Charlotte of Denmark Princess of Denmark and, by marriage, Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel 74
March 29 August Kahlert German poet, literary historian and music critic 57
March 29 Georg Carl Ludwig Sigwart German biochemist 79
March 29 Heinrich Rudolf Wullschlägel Clergyman of the Moravian Brethren 59
March 30 Theodor Henrich Rahlenbeck Lay preachers and fighters against alcohol abuse 79
March 30 Louis Schindelmeisser German conductor and composer 52
March 31 Andreas von Buzzi Austrian politician and writer 84
March 31 Franziska Schultze German flower painter 58
March William Fitzgerald American politician 64
March Ferdinand Zenker German fighter in the wars of liberation, farmer and landowner 72


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Ettore Lucchesi Palli fourth Duke of Grazia 57
2nd of April Johann Nepomuk Berger from the Pleisse Austrian general
2nd of April Hildegard Luise of Bavaria Daughter of King Ludwig I of Bavaria; married to Archduke Albrecht of Austria 38
3rd of April John Banks American politician 70
3rd of April Christoph Albert Kurz Swiss lawyer and politician 58
4. April Johann Helfrich Adami German businessman and Senator from Bremen 71
7th of April Robert Francis Withers Allston Governor of south carolina 62
7th of April Cesare Bernasconi Swiss politician 44
10th of April Friedrich August Köttig Inventor and arcanist at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Meissen 69
10th of April Joseph Rubino German ancient historian 64
April 13th Johann Gottlob Schneider junior German composer and organist 74
April 14th Alexander Lincke German politician 49
April 14th Charles Sweetser American politician 56
April 15th Augustus Carl Büchel German officer 50
April 15th Marija Dmitrijewna Dostoevskaya Wife of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky 39
April 15th Everhard von Groote German philologist, writer and politician 75
April 15th Theodor Basselet from La Rosée Bavarian officer 62
April 18 Ludwig Döbler Austrian magician 62
April 18 Carl Klinke Prussian soldier (pioneer) 23
April 18 Claude du Plat Danish major general and city commander 54
April 18 Sigismund von Rosen Danish staff officer in the general staff 37
April 19th Eugenio Barsanti Italian engineer and inventor of an internal combustion engine 42
April 19th Charles Williamson Flusser American officer during the American Civil War 31
April 19th Friedrich Gottlob Uhlemann German Protestant theologian, philosopher and orientalist 71
April 22 Grigori Wassiljewitsch Soroka Russian painter 40
April 24th Claude Marie Dubufe French painter
April 24th Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn German doctor and naturalist 54
April 25 Carl Schnitzler Engineer officer in the Prussian Army 75
26th of April Auguste Ferdinande of Austria Archduchess of Austria and Princess of Tuscany 39
26th of April Hotta Masayoshi Japanese politician 53
April 27 Emil von Grolman Judge and Member of Parliament for the Grand Duchy of Hesse 54
April 27 Eduard von Raven Prussian major general, knight of the order Pour le Mérite 56
April 27 Carl Vogel German doctor, Goethe's last family doctor 66
April 29 Charles Julien Brianchon French mathematician 80
April 29 Josef Deifl Bavarian soldier 73
April 29 Gustav von Flotow Saxon privy councilor, director of the Dresden Economic Society 75
April 29 Abraham Gesner Canadian physician, physicist and geologist 66
April 29 Karl Wilhelm noon German teacher and organist, town chronicler of Bischofswerda
April, 30th David Emilius Heinrich Koblank Local politician in Berlin 72
April, 30th Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves German architect, urban planner and civil engineer 75
April, 30th William Read Scurry Confederate General and Texas Politician 43


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Wolf Heinrich Hans von Helldorff Prussian Chamberlain 69
1st of May Peter von der Pahlen General of the Russian Army 86
2.May Karl August Auberlen German Protestant theologian 39
2.May Giacomo Meyerbeer German composer and conductor 72
2.May Georg Wolf German administrative officer 47
May 3rd Benjamin II Romanian merchant and world traveler
May 3rd Otto von Rantzau Herr auf Aschau, provost of the monastery of Uetersen, Prussian envoy in Dresden and bearer of the Elephant Order 54
May 6th Micah Jenkins Brigadier General of the Confederate States of America in the Civil War 28
May 6th Ludolf Christian Treviranus German botanist 84
May 7th Henry Vere Huntley Lieutenant Governor of Gambia
May 7th Simon Karsten Dutch classical philologist 61
May 7th Hestor L. Stevens American politician 60
8th of May César Malan Reformed teacher and pastor 76
8th of May Ämilius Ludwig Richter German canon lawyer 56
8th of May Christian Gottlob Steinmüller German organ builder 71
May 9 John Sedgwick General of the Civil War 50
May 9 Wilhelm Wolff German private teacher, publicist, politician and close companion of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 54
10th of May Thomas Butler King American politician 63
10th of May Heinrich Muller German anatomist and university professor 43
May 11th Heinrich von Bünau Prussian officer, most recently major general 75
May 11th Julien-Léopold Lobin French painter and glass painter 50
May 11th Laurids Skau German-Danish politician, member of the Folketing 46
12th of May Charles Benedict Calvert American politician 55
12th of May James Ewell Brown Stuart General of the Confederate Army in the American Civil War 31
May 13th Junius Daniel General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 35
May 13th Rudolf Wagner German anatomist and physiologist 58
May 14th Hermannus Bouman Dutch Reformed theologian and orientalist 75
May 15 Therese Brunetti Austrian theater actress and dancer 81
May 16 Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Buckow German-Austrian organ builder
May 16 Otto von Rutenberg Courland state official and writer 62
May 18 James Byron Gordon American Confederate Army officer in the American Civil War 41
May 19th John Clare English natural poet 70
May 19th Gerdt Hardorff German painter 95
May 19th Nathaniel Hawthorne American writer 59
May 20th John George Bowes Canadian politician and Mayor of Toronto
May 20th Friedrich Wilhelm Tittmann German archivist and historian 80
May 21 Karl Friedrich Günther German legal scholar 77
May 21 Albert Gallatin Jenkins American politician and officer 33
May 21 Carl Martin Laeisz German painter and lithographer 60
May 21 Gabriel Hirsch Lippman District rabbi of Bad Kissingen
May 22 Aimable Pélissier French general and statesman, Marshal of France 69
May 22 Eduard Pleschner from Eichstett Austrian businessman, founder of the Prague Business Academy 50
May 22 Lulu from Thürheim Austrian painter and writer 76
May 22 Benjamin Wegner Norwegian industrialist and landowner of German origin 69
23. May Karl Ludwig Philipp Troß German philologist and historian 69
May 24th John A. Bryan American lawyer and politician 70
25. May Carl Benjamin Dietrich German Protestant pastor and chronicler 72
May 26 Carl Augustin Grenser German flautist and music historian 69
May 26 Charles Sealsfield American writer 71
May 27th Joshua Reed Giddings American lawyer and politician 68
May 27th Robert Torrens British economist
28th of May Simion Bărnuțiu Romanian philosopher, liberal politician, lawyer and historian 55
28th of May Derrimut Aboriginal leader
28th of May Josef Netzer Austrian composer 56
May 29th Johann Krasny Austro-Hungarian stonemason of historicism, head of the stonemasonry trade
30th May Johann Georg Bodmer Swiss inventor and entrepreneur 77
30th May Nicolas Glasson Swiss politician and judge 46
30th May Theodor Reuter German theologian and parliamentarian 50
30th May Franz Xaver von Spitzemberg Wuerttemberg Chamberlain, Lieutenant General and Hof-Jägermeister 82
31. May Hermann von Gilm zu Rosenegg Tyrolean poet 51


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 1st Friedrich Schulz German politician 69
2th of June Caroline Bardua German painter 82
2th of June George Pierce Doles Businessman and Confederate General in the American Civil War 34
3rd of June William Johnson Fox English Unitarian clergyman, publicist and politician, member of the House of Commons 78
3rd of June Anton Vonbun German lawyer and politician 65
June 4th Laurence Massillon Keitt American politician and brigadier general in the Confederate Army 39
June 4th Nassau William Sr. English economist 73
6th of June Robert Zimmermann German draftsman, lithographer and landscape painter 46
8th June Jeptha Bradley American judge and politician who was a Vermont State Auditor 61
June 9th Benjamin Pittet Swiss politician and judge 54
June 10th Francis Bristow American politician 59
June 11th Heinrich von Holleben Prussian infantry general and military writer 80
June 11th Carl Detlev Marschalck von Bachtenbrock Royal Hanoverian Landdrost in the administrative district of Aurich 62
June 12 Karl Gustav Jung German-Swiss physician 69
June 13th Henryk Dembiński Polish general 73
14th June Ernst Ortlepp German poet of the Vormärz 63
14th June Leonidas Polk Confederate General 58
14th June Pedro Santana Dominican politician and several times President of the Dominican Republic 62
June 16 Andrew Ewing American politician 50
17th of June William Cureton British orientalist
18th of June Valentin Adrian German writer, neophilologist and librarian 70
18th of June Albert Knapp German poet 65
18th of June George Lance English painter 62
18th of June William Smith O'Brien Irish nationalist politician 60
18th of June John Tracy American lawyer and politician 80
June 21st Xavier Stockmar Swiss politician 66
23rd June Christian Ludwig Brehm German pastor and ornithologist 77
25th June Johannes von Friz Wuerttemberg chief magistrate and state councilor 62
25th June Johann Friedrich Karl Gurlitt German theologian 61
25th June Reinhold Friedrich von der Osten-Sacken Russian ministerial official 71
25th June Otto Ruppius German writer 45
25th June Wilhelm I. King of Württemberg 82
June 29th Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Hasselbach German high school teacher and historian 82
June Raimund Bannwarth Freiburg Mayor 69


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Josiah Quincy III American politician 92
3rd of July William Waightstill Avery American politician 48
3rd of July Carl Brenner Hessian politician and member of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 57
July 4th August Peters German narrator 47
5th July Andrew Horatio Shipowner American politician 56
July 6th Benjamin W. Dean American politician and lawyer
July 6th Daniel God American lawyer and politician 69
July 6th Theodor Wertheim Austrian chemist and inventor 43
8th of July David Hazzard American politician 83
8th of July Charles Philippe Hippolyte de Thierry French businessman and colonialist in New Zealand 71
July 9 Paul Traugott Meißner Austrian chemist and inventor 86
10th of July Greene Washington Caldwell American politician 58
10th of July James F. Simmons American politician 68
July 11th Augustine Henry Shepperd American politician 72
July 12 Carl Lazarus Henckel von Donnersmarck German freelance gentleman and industrialist 92
July 13th Johannes Höver German founder of the Order of the Poor Brothers of St. Francis 47
July 13th Henry Marshall American politician 58
July 13th Xavier Péquignot Swiss politician, teacher and journalist 59
July 13th Julius Zech German astronomer and mathematician 43
July 14th Heinrich zu Carolath-Beuthen Jurassic and general of the cavalry 80
July 14th Henning Claus Christoffer Heuck Hamburg mechanic and bell founder 65
15th of July Anton Csorich from Monte Creto Austrian Lieutenant Field Marshal and Minister of War
17th July John D. Boon American Trader and Politician (Democratic Party) 47
17th July Dirk Donker Curtius Dutch statesman 71
17th July Moise Jacobber French flower and porcelain painter of Jewish origin 78
17th July Friedrich Kolenati Austrian naturalist 51
17th July Theodor Waldner von Freundstein Franco-German nobleman and military 77
July 19 James Myers American politician 69
20th of July Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun German pharmacist, botanist, geologist and paleontologist 63
21 July Anton von Blarer Swiss politician and lawyer 66
22nd of July Michail Michailowitsch Dostoevsky Russian publicist 43
22nd of July James B. McPherson General of the US Army 35
July 23 Philemon T. Herbert American politician 38
July 26th Friedrich Ludwig Haarmann German architect and construction officer (district master builder), founder of the Holzminden building trade school 66
July 27th John Putnam Chapin American politician 54
July 27th Philipp Roeder von Diersburg Baden lieutenant general and writer 63
July 28th Samuel Benton Brigadier General of the Confederate States Army in the Civil War 43
July 28th Johann Hermann Kufferath German composer 67
July 28th Philipp Preusser Mayor and member of the state parliament 72
29th of July Gotthard Hofstädter Austrian Benedictine and naturalist 38
30th July Alexander Eigenbrodt Hessian landowner, politician and member of parliament 50
July 31 Louis Hachette French publisher, bookseller and author 64
July Hong Xiuquan Leader of the Taiping Uprising


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 2nd Wilhelm Peltzer Hamburg merchant 62
4th of August David Hansemann Prussian politician and banker 74
4th of August Adolf Korompay Austrian builder
4th of August Franz Creator Württemberg Oberamtmann 66
5th of August Gustav Berndt German fencing master 64 or 65
5th of August Manuel Diez de Bonilla Mexican ambassador 64
5th of August Romuald Traugutt Polish general 38
6th of August Ferdinand Genähr German evangelical missionary in China 41
8th August David Chambers American politician 83
8th August Georg Friedrich Renz German merchant and mayor of the city of Worms 58
August 9 Friedrich Christian Fikentscher Saxon chemist, entrepreneur and member of the state parliament 64
August 9 John Brown Francis American politician 73
August 10 Ludwig von Moltke Danish diplomat and bailiff 74
August 10 Maximilian Marquard of Ulm-Erbach-Mittelbiberach German manor owner and politician 62
August 10 Isaac L. Varian American politician 71
12. August Benjamin Lewis Hodge American farmer, lawyer, politician and officer
12. August Leopold Moosbrugger German mathematician 68
12. August Sakuma Shozan Japanese inventor and politician 53
13 August Berthold Sigismund German doctor, educator, writer, poet and politician 45
15th of August Wilhelm Harnisch German theologian and educator 76
15th of August Simpson Harris Morgan American lawyer, plantation owner and politician
August 16 John Randolph Chambliss, Jr. General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 31
August 16 Francis A. Cunningham American politician (Democratic Party) 59
August 16 Victor Jean Baptiste Girardey Confederate General in the American Civil War 27
17th August Julius Lippelt German sculptor 34
17th August Carl Wilhelm Traugott von Mayer Saxon lawyer, manor owner and politician 67
17th August Raphael von Weinzierl German administrative officer 81
18th of August Leander Babcock American lawyer and politician 53
18th of August Franz Anton Regenauer German politician and publicist 67
20th of August Hermann Schacht German botanist 50
August 21 Émile Chevé French music theorist and music teacher 60
August 22nd John Appleton American politician 49
August 22nd Georg Peter Christian Beussel Berlin landowner 90
August 22nd Philipp David Schwab Baden author, economist and mayor of the Hockenheim community 57
August 23 Johann Georg Frech German music director, composer and organist 74
August 23 Peter Streck German composer and conductor 67
August 24th Jakob Lorber Austrian writer, musician and "scribbler of God" 64
August 24th Friedrich Adolf von Willisen Prussian general of the cavalry, head stable master and diplomat 66
August 25 Ludwig Hohenegger German geologist and montanist 57
August 25 Johann Peter Weyer German architect and master builder 70
26th of August Friedrich Wilhelm Felix von Bärensprung German dermatologist 42
August 27 Moritz von Dietrichstein Austrian court official 89
August 27 Pavel Petrovich Liprandi Russian general 68
August 31 Ferdinand Lassalle German writer and politician 39
August 31 Leopold von Morgenstern German lawyer, real Privy Councilor, President of the Government and Consistory in Dessau 74


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 Jean Kickx Flemish botanist 61
September 2nd Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt German Lutheran theologian and missionary 51
September 2nd Karl Eduard von Napiersky Livonian literary historian 71
September 3 Gottlieb Ludwig Lauterburg Swiss politician and journalist 46
September 4th Augustus French American politician 56
September 4th Henry Johnson American politician 80
September 4th Constantin Keller Austrian friar, teacher and pomologist 86
September 4th Stephen Harriman Long American civil engineer, railroad engineer, geographer, and explorer 79
September 4th John Hunt Morgan American cavalry officer and Confederate Brigadier General in the American Civil War 39
September 4th Albert Smith White American politician 60
5th September Otto von Dewitz German politician and minister in Mecklenburg-Strelitz 83
September 6th Gaetano Bedini Italian cardinal and diplomat 58
7th of September Gustav Friedrich von Hetsch German architect and painter 75
September 8th Johannes von Geissel Bishop of Speyer, Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal 68
September 8th Friedrich Plener German hydraulic and railroad engineer and editor 66
the 9th of September Martin Deutinger German Catholic theologian and philosopher 49
the 9th of September Jacques Desiré Laval Roman Catholic clergyman, missionary, Spiritan priest 60
September 10 Jan Ledóchowski Polish MP and officer 73
September 10 Leopold Volkmar German lawyer and historian 47
13.september Maximilian von Pelkhoven Bavarian lawyer and politician 67
September 15th Wenzel Gährich German violinist and composer 69
September 15th John Hanning Speke British explorer of Africa 37
17th of September Wilhelm Karl Julius Gutberlet German geologist 51
17th of September Walter Savage Landor English writer 89
September 18 Friedrich Wilhelm Kohl German painter 52
September 20th Heinrich Borchert Lübsen German mathematician 63
September 20th Charles B. Mitchel American politician 49
September 22 Thomas F. Marshall American politician 63
September 22 Nicholas J. Rusch American politician 42
September 23rd Robert Pierpoint American politician and lawyer 73
September 24th Joseph Reynolds American lawyer and politician 79
25th of September Henriette Louise von Kawaczynski German child actress, dancer and theater actress 74
25th of September George S. Patton Sr. Officer in the Civil War 31
September 26th Ernst Resch German painter 56
September 28th Caspar Hermann Heye Bremen businessman and entrepreneur 72
September 29th Carl Wilhelm Asher German publicist and lawyer 65
September 29th Jared W. Williams American politician 67
30. September Joseph Glover Baldwin American writer, politician, and lawyer 49
30. September Friedrich Hofmeister German publisher 82
30. September Christian August Münckner German Protestant theologian 75


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 1 Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann German musical instrument maker and inventor of the harmonica 59
October 1 John Dunovant General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 39
October 1 Juan José Flores General and first President of Ecuador 64
October 1 Gottlieb Wilhelm Gerlach German philosopher and librarian 77
October 1 Luigi Giura Italian engineer and architect 68
October 1 Werner von Gustedt Prussian district administrator 50
October 1 Reuben Wood American politician
October 2nd Lodewijk-Jozef Delebecque Belgian clergyman, Bishop of Ghent 67
October 2nd Johannes Geffcken Lutheran pastor 61
October 3 Ernst von Frühbuss Prussian district administrator of the Malmedy district 69
4th of October Theodor Fliedner German Protestant pastor and founder of the Kaiserswerther Diakonie 64
4th of October Jacques Jasmine French author 66
4th of October Joseph-Fidel Leimbacher Swiss architect
4th of October Johann Jürgen Sickert Danish painter and lithographer 60
5th October Imre Madách Hungarian playwright 41
October 7th John Gregg American lawyer, politician, and officer in the Confederate Army 36
October 7th Gottfried Renatus Häcker German pharmacist, botanist and conservator 75
8th October Wilhelm of Anhalt-Dessau Prince of Anhalt-Dessau 57
9th October Samuel Butman American politician
9th October Philipp von Colloredo-Mels Profess Grand Cross Bailli of the Sovereign Order of Malta 85
9th October Rudolf Keyser Norwegian historian 61
9th October Johann Plüss Swiss politician 76
October 10th Carl Ludwig Althans Prussian mining official and head of the royal Prussian ironworks in Sayn 75
October 10th John Gifford Bellett Irish preacher and biblical interpreter of the Brethren movement 69
October 12th Roger B. Taney American politician and presiding judge of the Supreme Court 87
15th October Ulrich Darjes German liberation fighter and Lutheran clergyman 75
15th October Henriette von Egloffstein German writer 91
October 18 David B. Birney American businessman, lawyer, and Union general 39
October 18 Jacques François Gallay French horn player and composer 68
October 18 Seaton Grantland American politician 82
the 20th of October Andrew Geddes Bain British paleontologist
the 20th of October Carl Christian Rafn Danish archaeologist and Old Norse philologist 69
October 21 Paul Henggeler Swiss poet 91
23rd October Johann Nepomuk Ehrlich Austrian philosopher and Catholic theologian 54
October 24th James Jay Archer General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 46
October 25 Karol Antoni Marconi Polish painter 37
October 26th William T. Anderson Confederate partisan leader during the US Civil War
October 26th Henriëtte d'Oultremont de Wégimont by marriage Dutch queen 72
October 26th Wilhelm Nagel German theologian 58
October 26th Matthias Oswald Swiss politician 90
October 26th Joseph Romain-Desfossés French admiral and Minister of the Navy 65
October 26th Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch German writer, statistician and historian 72
October 27 Hermann Eduard Wilhelm Fellmer Hamburg lawyer 35
28th of October Karl Theodor von Küstner German theater director 79
October 29th Otto von Beust Bavarian major general 65
October 29th John Leech British draftsman and caricaturist 47
October 29th Simcha Pinsker Polish orientalist 63
October 29th Ludwig von Preuschen von und zu Liebenstein German heraldist 58
30th of October Peter Christoph Sternberg German journalist and private scholar 40
October 31 Johann Joseph von Kiliani German lawyer 66
October 31 Marie Weiler Austrian actress and singer 55


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 1st Williamson Robert Winfield Cobb American businessman and politician 57
November 1st Henry Marchmore Shaw American politician 44
November 2 Nathaniel Pitcher Tallmadge American politician 69
November 3rd Juan Chassaing Argentine writer 25th
November 3rd Antônio Gonçalves Dias Brazilian poet 41
November 3rd Friedrich Wilhelm Lindner German theology professor 84
November 3rd François-Emmanuel Verguin French chemist 50
November 4th Thomas Maxwell American lawyer and politician 72
November 6th Georg Gottlob Thunderstorm German architect and builder 44
November 7th Gustav Kratz German historian 34
November 7th Otto von Littrow Austrian physicist 21st
November 7th Samuel Medary American politician 63
November 7th David Sassoon British-Indian merchant and philanthropist
November 8th Juan Van Halen Spanish general 74
November 9th Sebastian Josef Mayrhofer Tyrolean freedom fighter and lawyer
November 10th Charles de Graimberg French engraver, landscape painter and preservationist 90
November 10th Karl Graul German Lutheran theologian 50
November 10th Simon Stampfer Austrian mathematician, geodesist and inventor 74
November 11th John Ramsay McCulloch English economist 75
November 11th Peter August d'Orville German chess composer 60
November 11th Joseph Rüttinger Baden official 68
November 12th Theophil Passavant Swiss theologian 77
November 13th James Henry Hammond American politician 56
14th November Niklaus Bütler Swiss painter 78
14th November Franz Muller German murderer
15th of November Rafael Moya Murillo President of Costa Rica 65
November 17th Gustavus Miller Bower American politician 73
November 17th Matthias Droste German Catholic priest 72
November 18 Léon-François Sibour French bishop 57
November 19th László Magyar Hungarian explorer 46
20th November Erastus Fairbanks American politician 72
20th November Albert Newsam American draftsman and lithographer 55
21st November Franz Streber German numismatist and archaeologist 58
November 23 Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve German astronomer 71
November 24th José María Cornejo Merino y Guevara Salvadoran politician, Supremo Director of the Province of El Salvador 76
November 24th Benjamin Silliman American naturalist 85
25. November David Roberts British painter 68
November 27th Teodor Narbutt Polish-Lithuanian writer, historian and military engineer 80
November 28th Rudolph Gottfried Ferdinand Borger German businessman and member of parliament 64
November 28th Jacob Broom American politician 56
November 29th Karl von Seinsheim Bavarian State Parliament President 80
30th of November John Adams General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 39
30th of November William Balfour Baikie Scottish Africa explorer 40
30th of November Patrick Ronayne Cleburne General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 36
30th of November States Rights Gist Brigadier General of the Confederate States Army in the Civil War 33
30th of November Wilhelmine Sostmann German writer and actress 76


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Dolly Dalrymple first "half-blood child" of a Tasmanian woman and an English man
December 1 William L. Dayton American politician 57
December 4th Guido Brescius German railway engineer 40
December 4th Johann Philipp Bronner German pharmacist and viticulture pioneer 72
December 4th Lucien Bonaparte Chase American politician 46
December 4th John Fowler English inventor and engineer 38
December 4th Friedrich August von Anhalt-Dessau Prince of Anhalt-Dessau 65
December 4th Friedrich Oswald Sauerbronn German clergyman 80
December 5th Friedrich Carl Bentz mayor 65
December 5th Elisabeth Alexandrine of Württemberg by marrying Margravine von Baden 62
6th of December Simonas Daukantas Lithuanian historian and writer 71
6th of December Karl Michael Marx German physicist and chemist 70
December 8th George Boole English mathematician and philosopher 49
December 8th William Senhouse Kirkes English physiologist 42
10th of December John Carpenter Carter General of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War 26th
10th of December Henry Rowe Schoolcraft American ethnologist and discoverer of the Mississippi Spring (1832) 71
11th December Alois Ander Austrian tenor 43
12th of December Bernhard Kutzer Silesian sculptor and painter 70
December 14th Robert Rentoul Reed American politician 57
15th December Eugène de Pruyssenaere Belgian African explorer 38
December 16 Johann Melchior Kohlmann German businessman and politician 69
December 16 Karl Friedrich von Süßmilch called Hörnig Saxon major general 76
December 17th Jonathan Christoph Berthold German doctor and homeopath 77
December 17th Julius Wilhelm Ruer German general practitioner and psychiatrist 80
December 17th Daniel Bailey Ryall American politician 66
December 18th Carl Christian Sparmann German landscape painter 59
20th of December Schelto van Heemstra Dutch statesman 57
20th of December Josef Proksch Czech pianist and composer 70
21st December Karl Gustav Wilhelm Baurschmidt German Protestant theologian and clergyman 58
21st December William Henry Fry American composer and music critic 51
21st December Ludwig of Austria Austrian archduke, general and politician 80
December 22 Ferdinand Anderson Lawyer and member of the Frankfurt National Assembly 60
23rd of December Christian Adolf Hasert German Evangelical Lutheran theologian and educator 69
24th of December Heinrich Hössli Swiss cleaner and writer 80
24th of December Demeter Laccataris Austro-Hungarian portrait painter
24th of December Friedrich von Starck Elector of Hesse major general and member of the Electorate of Hesse assembly of estates 74
24th of December Charles Hyacinth Valerga Italian bishop in India, Carmelite 46
24th of December John M. Wood American politician 51
December 27th Eleutheros Cooke American politician 77
December 28th Leopold von Winter German Lutheran clergyman
December 29th Mary Jones Welsh girl who helped found the British and Foreign Bible Society 80
December 31 George M. Dallas American politician 72
December 31 August von Kloeber German painter 71

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Nana Asma'u Nigerian poet and scholar
Eugen Ballussek German lawyer and parliamentarian
Pyotr Petrovich Belyayev Russian sea lieutenant and Decembrist
Siegfried Detlev Bendixen German painter and graphic artist
Jemmy Button Indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego
Nicholas Callan Irish inventor, Roman Catholic clergyman and physicist
Cheoljong korean king
Barthélemy Prosper enfantin French philosopher and socialist
Bernhard Wilhelm Harperath German architect and municipal building officer, city architect in Cologne
Paridom Gottlob Heinrich German geometer and engineer
Alexander Jenkins American politician
Carl Emil von Kardorff German administrative lawyer in the Danish service and the last Danish Landdrost in the Duchy of Saxony-Lauenburg
Konstantin Gottlieb Knauth German doctor and member of parliament in East Prussia
Luis Lamas President of Uruguay
William Lobb American botanist
Andrij Lysohub Ukrainian landowner
William McCoy American politician
Mortaza Ansari Islamic clergyman
Josef Niehaus German architect and builder
Daniel Raßmann Hessian organ builder
Benoît Ulysse de Ratti-Menton French ambassador
Manuel de Regla Motta President of the Dominican Republic
Carlo Restallino Italian miniature painter and eraser
Gustav Schnell German shipowner
Christian Heinrich Schopper German architect
Ludwig Schwartz German entrepreneur
Thomas H. Shepherd British watercolor painter
Leopold Steinfurt German industrialist
ʿUmar Tall African founder of an empire, Muslim mystic, preacher
Wangchug Gyelpo Kalon; Regent in Tibet (1862 to 1864)