German Youth Literature Prize

The German Youth Literature Prize (until 1981: German Youth Book Prize ) is a state prize for literature. It was founded in 1956 by the then Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and is awarded annually. Outstanding works of children's and youth literature are honored. The organization of pricing and organization is the responsibility of the Working Group for Youth Literature (AKJ). The money for the organization of the German Youth Literature Prize comes from the Federal Children's and Youth Plan (KJP). This funding budget of the federal government is intended for political and cultural child and youth work, the German Youth Literature Prize is therefore committed to children and young people.
From the beginning, the German Youth Literature Prize was also an international prize: In addition to German-language children's and youth books, titles by foreign-language authors can also be submitted, provided they have been translated into German. Since 1996, in addition to the prize money, the winners have received a bronze sculpture that is based on Michael Ende's fictional character Momo .
The aim of the German Youth Literature Prize is to strengthen children and young people in their personality with the help of a qualitatively convincing and diverse range of literature and to offer them orientation.
A jury of critics, consisting of nine adult jurors, awards the German Youth Literature Prize in the categories of picture books, children's books, youth books and non-fiction. At the same time, an independent youth jury awards the prize to the youth jury. The juries examine the books from the previous year's production and nominate six titles per category. The list of nominations is announced every year at the Leipzig Book Fair .
The nominations are the basis for the decision of the juries, which award their prizes independently of each other. The prizes are endowed with 10,000 euros per category and can be divided between authors, illustrators and translators. The winners of the German Youth Literature Prize are announced annually at the Frankfurt Book Fair . Since 1991, a special prize has been awarded for the complete works of a German author, a German illustrator or a German translator of children's literary works, endowed with 12,000 euros. In 2017, the “New Talents” special prize of 10,000 euros was awarded for the first time. The prize money amounts to a total of 72,000 euros.
The German Youth Literature Prize is the most important prize awarded in Germany for literature for children and young people. The reputation of the award is demonstrated by the fact that festivals such as the Harbourfront Literature Festival, of or the children's and youth program of the Berlin International Literature Festival invite numerous award winners each year.
Before 1981 the prize was called the “German Youth Book Prize”. Since the German Youth Literature Prize was founded, the calls for proposals have been changed many times. In the early days from 1956 to 1963, there were only awards in the two categories of children's and young people's books as well as an additional special award, which had a different motto every year, e.g. B. Most beautiful fairy tale book, best picture book, best non-fiction book or similar. In 1964 the thematic special price was abolished and the price was instead expanded to include the categories picture book and non-fiction book in the next few years. In addition, from 1964 it was possible to honor special individual achievements such as illustrations or translations. In 1991, on the occasion of the “35. Birthday ”the special prize was donated for a complete work. Since then, a living German author, illustrator or translator has been honored annually (with the exception of 1992). For the 60th anniversary of the award, the special “New Talents” award was introduced. This is awarded to German authors, illustrators and translators who have published at least one outstanding literary work in the field of children's and youth literature in German-speaking countries in previous years.

Jury of critics
The jury of critics is elected to this honorary position by the board of the working group for youth literature for a period of two years and appointed by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth. The jury members can complete a maximum of two terms in a row. The jury consists of nine people: the chairman and eight jurors, two of whom are experts in the categories of picture books, children's books, young people's books and non-fiction. In three jury meetings spread over the year, the selected titles are viewed, the nominations determined and the winning titles selected. All members of the jury have the same voting rights for all categories. The results of the election are subject to confidentiality until they are announced at the award ceremony at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Critics jury 2021/2022
- Chair: Karin Vach
- Divisional judges picture book: Christiane Benthin, Stefanie Hetze
- Children's book division judges: Rebekka Putzke, Michael Stierstorfer
- Section judges for young people's books: Ulrike Schönherr, Dieter Wrobel
- Section judges non-fiction: Renate Grubert, Marlene Zöhrer
Critics jury 2019/2020
- Chair: Jan Standke
- Divisional jurors picture book: Christiane Benthin, Maren Bonacker
- Children's book division judges: Nicole Filbrandt, Bettina Braun
- Section judges for young people's books: Ulrike Schönherr, Karin Vach
- Section judges non-fiction: Renate Grubert, Marlene Zöhrer
Critics jury 2017/2018
- Chair: Birgit Müller-Bardorff
- Divisional judges picture book: Maren Bonacker, Christine Hauke-Dreesen
- Divisional judges children's book: Anita Schilcher, Birgit Weidt (2017) / Nicole Filbrandt (2018)
- Section judges for young people's books: Inger Lison, Jan Standke
- Section judges non-fiction: Anke Märk-Bürmann, Carola Pohlmann
Critics jury 2015/2016
- Chair: Birgit Müller-Bardorff
- Picture book division: Felix Giesa, Christine Hauke-Dreesen
- Children's book division: Ada Bieber, Nicole Filbrandt
- Youth book division: Ulrike Erb-May, Inger Lison
- Non-fiction category: Anke Märk-Bürmann, Carola Pohlmann
Critics jury 2013/2014
- Chair: Gina Weinkauff
- Picture book division: Antje Ehmann, Felix Giesa
- Children's book division: Ute Dettmar, Ines Galling
- Youth book division: Ulrike Erb-May, Miriam G. Möllers
- Non-fiction category: Susanne Brandt , Ute Henschel
Critics jury 2011/2012
- Chair: Susanne Helene Becker
- Picture book division: Antje Ehmann, Monika Trapp
- Children's book division: Ina Brendel-Perpina, Miriam G. Möllers
- Youth book division: Ulf Cronenberg, Annette Kliewer
- Non-fiction category: Heike Elisabeth Jüngst , Ute Henschel
Critics jury 2009/2010
- Chair: Susanne Helene Becker
- Picture book division: Ute Hachmann, Thomas Linden
- Children's book division: Susanne Graf, Sabine Lippert
- Youth book division: Ulf Cronenberg, Katrin Maschke
- Non-fiction category: Heike Elisabeth Jüngst, Monika Trapp
Youth jury
The youth jury for the German Youth Literature Prize is an independent jury in which around 100 young people annually draw up a list of nominations and award a prize. The working group for youth literature e. V. has thus further developed the participation of young people in pricing, which has existed since 1972. It is important to him to certify the young people's work in the context of the youth jury. They have been recognized since 2008 with an education pass, the culture competence certificate. The youth jury is made up of six reading clubs spread across the Federal Republic of Germany, elected by the board of the working group for youth literature for a term of two years and appointed by the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth:
Youth jury 2021/2022
- cg reading club of the Clavius Gymnasium, Bamberg ( Bavaria )
- Reading club of the Friedrich-Spee-Gymnasium, Trier ( Rhineland-Palatinate )
- The LesArtigen of the Berlin Center for Children's and Youth Literature LesArt ( Berlin )
- Munich book eater , Munich ( Bavaria )
- Rabenclub , Ravensburg and Friedrichshafen ( Baden-Württemberg )
- SAS Bookmark Club of the St. Angela School, Koenigstein im Taunus ( Hesse )
Youth jury 2019/2020
- The LesArtigen of the Berlin Center for Children's and Youth Literature LesArt ( Berlin )
- Fulda book eater of the Children's Academy Fulda and the University, State and City Library Fulda ( Hesse )
- Augustiniok reading club of the Augustiniok bookstore, Waldkirch ( Baden-Württemberg )
- Reading club of the Friedrich-Spee-Gymnasium from Trier ( Rhineland-Palatinate )
- SAS Bookmark Club of the St. Angela School, Koenigstein im Taunus ( Hesse )
- Würzburg youth reading club "Bookmarks" of the Neuer Weg bookstore, Würzburg ( Bavaria )
Youth jury 2017/2018
- Reading Club 2.0 of the Klingler bookstore, Hainburg ( Hesse )
- Augustiniok reading club of the Augustiniok bookstore, Waldkirch ( Baden-Württemberg )
- Reading Club of the Integrated Comprehensive School, the Konrad Adenauer Realschule and the Schiller Gymnasium , Cologne ( North Rhine-Westphalia )
- Pankow Reading Club of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium and the Buchlokal bookstore ( Berlin )
- Reading Teens of the Christiansen bookstore ( Hamburg )
- Würzburg youth reading club "Bookmarks" of the Neuer Weg bookstore, Würzburg ( Bavaria )
Youth jury 2015/2016
- Reading group of the St. Elisabeth Mountain School, Heilbad Heiligenstadt ( Thuringia )
- Reading Club 2.0 of the Klingler bookstore, Hainburg ( Hesse )
- Reading club of the Konrad-Adenauer-Realschule , Cologne ( North Rhine-Westphalia )
- Munich book eater of the Buchpalast bookstore, Munich ( Bavaria )
- Pankow Reading Club of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium and the Buchlokal bookstore ( Berlin )
- Reading Teens of the Christiansen bookstore ( Hamburg )
Youth jury 2013/2014
- The Munich book eaters of the Waldmann bookstore, Munich (Bavaria)
- Beckum Youth Reading Club of the Evangelical Church Community Beckum , (North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Reading group of the St. Elisabeth mountain school, Bad Heiligenstadt (Thuringia)
- LEPORELLO reading club of the Leporello bookstore (Berlin)
- - Reading Club of the Book Pirates e. V., Lübeck ( Schleswig-Holstein )
- Book eater Fulda of the Children's Academy and the City Library (Fulda) (Hesse)
Youth jury 2011/2012
- cg reading club of the Clavius grammar school in Bamberg (Bavaria)
- The bestsellers - reading club of the Uhland-Realschule ( Baden-Württemberg )
- Beckum Youth Reading Club - the Evangelical Church Community of Beckum (North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Leipzig Youth Literature Jury of the Leipzig City Library
- - Reading Club of the Book Pirates e. V., Lübeck (Schleswig-Holstein)
- Spandau Youth Jury of the Spandau City Library
Youth jury 2009/2010
- cg reading club of the Clavius grammar school in Bamberg
- Do it - read a book! - the reading club of the municipal secondary school in Wermelskirchen
- Leipzig Youth Literature Jury of the Leipzig City Library
- Literary salon of the Salzmann School in Schnepfenthal
- Reading teens at the Christiansen bookstore in Hamburg
- Spandau Youth Jury of the Spandau City Library
Youth jury 2007/2008
- boo (k) lub of the Lüdenscheid city library
- Do it - read a book! - the reading club of the municipal secondary school in Wermelskirchen
- Jubu-Crew Göttingen
- Youth reading club of the Landshut City Library
- Literary salon of the Salzmann School in Schnepfenthal
- Lufti jury of the Mecklenburg Literature Society in Neubrandenburg
Price books and nomination lists
Since 1956, around 2,800 books have been honored with the award - be it as award winners, on the shortlist and later on the nomination list, or as part of the special award for a complete work. All titles were indexed in a database.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic , the award ceremony could not take place at the Frankfurt Book Fair . Instead, the winners were announced on October 16, 2020 via live streaming from the Grips Theater in Berlin . Some of the winners were switched live via the "Zoom Meeting" .
- Picture book: triangle square circle by Mac Barnett (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Thomas Bodmer (translation)
- Nomination list: Sabber Schlabber Kussi Bussi by Anita Lehmann (text), Kasia Fryza (illustration), Stefanie Kuballa-Cottone (translation); Excursion to the moon by John Hare (text, illustration); The house that was a home by Julie Fogliano (text), Lane Smith (illustration), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); The discharged ABC of Ina Hattenhauer (text, illustration); Sea! - The knowledge and hands-on book by Piotr Karski (text), Marlena Breuer (translation)
- Children's book: Outdoor pool - A whole summer under the sky by Will Gmehling (text)
- Nomination list: Poetry-Comics - Poems, Pictures, Sounds for Children in their prime by Stefanie Schweizer (editor); One brother too many by Linde Hagerup (text), Felicitas Horstschäfer (illustration), Gabriele Haefs (translation); Frossja Fearless or Talking Chickens and Vanishing Houses by Stanislaw Vostokow (text), Marija Voronzowa (illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation); The best track of my life by Anne Becker (text); I'm Vincent and I'm not afraid by Enne Koens (text), Maartje Kuiper (illustration), Andrea Kluitmann (translation)
- Young people's book: How madness explained the world to me by Dita Zipfel (text), Rán Flygenring (illustration)
- Nomination List: Electric Fish by Susan Kreller (text); No half measures by Antje Herden (text); Long way down by Jason Reynolds (text), Petra Bös (translation); Bus 57 by Dashka Slater (text), Ann Lecker (translation); No part of the world by Stefanie de Velasco (text)
- Non-fiction book: A for Antarctica - Views from the other end of the world by David Böhm (text, illustration), Lena Dorn (translation)
- Nomination list: Through the museum with children. Farben Eva Martens (editor); Darwin's Origin of Species by Sabina Radeva (text, illustration), Stefanie Ochel (translation); Nature - Discover the wilderness on your doorstep by Inês Teixeira do Rosário (text), Maria Ana Peixe Dias (text), Bernardo P. Carvalho (illustration), Claudia Stein (translation), It is written - From cuneiform to emoji by Vitali Konstantinov (text, illustration); How that sounds! - New sounds from all over the world by Michał Libera (text), Michał Mendyk (text), Aleksandra Mizielińska (illustration), Daniel Mizieliński (illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation)
- Youth Jury Prize: Who is Edward Moon? by Sarah Crossan (text), Cordula Setsman (translation)
- List of nominations: Die Spiegelreisen - Die Wintergerieter des Winter by Christelle Dabos (text), Amelie Thoma (translation); Boy without a Name by Steve Tasane (text), Henning Ahrens (translation); Over the mountains and over the sea by Dirk Reinhardt (text); Dry by Jarrod Shusterman (text), Neal Shusterman (text), Kristian Lutze (translation), Pauline Kurbasik (translation); Bus 57 by Dashka Slater (text), Ann Lecker (translation)
- Special prize for new talents: Research group pea soup or how we uncovered grandma's big secret by Rieke Patwardhan
- Special prize for literary works: Cornelia Funke
The winners were announced on October 18, 2019 at the Frankfurt Book Fair .
- Picture book: Polka for Igor by Iris Anemone Paul (text and illustration)
- Nomination list: Two for me, one for you by Jörg Mühle (text and illustration), Der Wolf, die Ente & die Maus by Mac Barnett (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Thomas Bodmer (translation), Polka for Igor by Iris Anemone Paul (text and illustration), who painted the bridge? by Dave Eggers (text), Tucker Nichols (illustration), Peter Torberg (translation), Sophie Torberg (translation), Our Holidays by Blexbolex (illustration), City by the Sea by Joanne Schwartz (text), Sydney Smith (illustration), Bernadette Ott (translation).
- Children's book: Four Wishes for the Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly (text), Birgitt Kollmann (translation)
- Nomination list: Jacky Marrone chases the gold paw by Franziska Biermann (text), Franziska Biermann (illustration), Mein Freund Otto, das wilde Leben and I by Silke Lambeck (text), Barbara Jung (illustration), Mira #freunde #verliebt #einjahrmeinesleben von Sabine Lemire (text), Rasmus Bregnhøi (illustration), Franziska Gehm (translation), Four wishes for the universe by Erin Entrada Kelly (text), Birgitt Kollmann (translation), Forever Alaska by Anna Woltz (text), Andrea Kluitmann (translation ).
- Youth book: I know, I'll dream tonight by Steven Herrick (text), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation)
- Nomination list: The big black bird by Stefanie Höfler (text), An island between sky and sea by Lauren Wolk (text), Birgitt Kollmann (translation); City of Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson (text), Beate Schäfer (translation), I know, I'll dream tonight by Steven Herrick (text), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); Traveled by Dirk Pope (text), Kompass ohne Norden by Neal Shusterman (text), Brendan Shusterman (illustration), Ingo Herzke (translation).
- Non-fiction book: Extremism by Anja Reumschüssel (text)
- Nomination list: what will become of us? - Thinking about the nature of Antje Damm (text); Hikes - The incredible journeys of the animals by Mike Unwin (text), Jenni Desmond (illustration), Stephanie Menge (translation), Hundert - What you will learn in life from Heike Faller (text), Valerio Vidali (illustration), look at me in the eyes, Dürer! - The art of the old masters by Susanna Partsch (text), extremism by Anja Reumschüssel (text), Heimat - A German family album by Nora Krug (text and illustration).
- Prize of the youth jury: Kompass ohne Norden by Neal Shusterman (text), Brendan Shusterman (illustration), Ingo Herzke (translation)
- Nomination list: Different from us from Rindest Kromhout (text), Birgit Erdmann (translation), The girl in the blue coat by Monica Hesse (text), Cornelia Stoll (translation), The big black bird by Stefanie Höfler (text), When words are mine Weapon would be by Kristina Aamand (text), Sune Ehlers (illustration), Ulrike Brauns (translation), One of us is lying by Karen M. McManus (text), Anja Galić (translation), Kompass ohne Norden by Neal Shusterman (text) , Brendan Shusterman (illustration), Ingo Herzke (translation).
- Special Illustration Prize New Talents: Iris Anemone Paul for her book Polka for Igor
- Nomination List: Halina Kirschner for their illustration of executor comes with from Finn-Ole Heinrich and Dita corner , Mikael Ross for his book The defection , Iris Anemone Paul for her book Polka for Igor
- Special prize illustration complete works: Volker Pfüller
The winners were announced on October 12, 2018 at the Frankfurt Book Fair .
- Picture book: The Seventh Brother or The Heart in a Jam Jar by Øyvind Torseter (text, illustration), Maike Dörries (translation)
- Nomination List : Are You Sleeping? by Dorothée de Monfreid (text, illustration), Ulrich Pröfrock (translation). Wazn Teez? by Carson Ellis (text, illustration), Jess Jochimsen (translation), Anja Schöne (translation). Grododo by Michaël Escoffier (text), Kris Di Giacomo (illustration), Anna Taube (translation), The seven daring kids by Sebastian Meschenmoser (text, illustration). Balloon Ride with a Dog - The (almost) true story of the first international aviation in 1785 by Matthew Olshan (text), Sophie Blackall (illustration), Leena Flegler (translation), The Seventh Brother or The Heart in a Jam Jar by Øyvind Torseter (text, Illustration), Maike Dörries (translation)
- Children's book: Greetings, your giraffe by Megumi Iwasa (text), Jörg Mühle (illustration), Ursula Gräfe (translation).
- Nomination list: Best regards, your giraffe by Megumi Iwasa (text), Jörg Mühle (illustration), Ursula Gräfe (translation). Bluma and the rubber snake secret by Silke Schlichtmann (text), Ulrike Möltgen (illustration). Diary of a would-be failure by Luc Blanvillain (text), Maren Illinger (translation). Krakonos by Wieland Freund (text). The Mississippi Gang - How We Got Rich with Three Dollars by Davide Morosinotto (text), Stefano Moro (design), Cornelia Panzacchi (translation). The giant killer by Iain Lawrence (text), Alexandra Ernst (translation).
- Book for young people: When I ate schnapps cherries with Hitler by Manja Präkels (text).
- Nomination list: Dance of the deep sea jellyfish by Stefanie Höfler (text). Horse, Horse, Tiger, Tiger by Mette Eike Neerlin (text), Friederike Buchinger (translation), Boy in a White Room by Karl Olsberg (text), The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (text), Henriette Zeltner (translation), More black than purple by Lena Gorelik (text), When I ate schnapps cherries with Hitler by Manja Präkels (text).
- Non-fiction book: The domino effect or the invisible threads of nature by Gianumberto Accinelli (text), Serena Viola (illustration), Ulrike Schimming (translation).
- Nomination list: The love life of animals by Katharina von der Gathen (text), Anke Kuhl (illustration), Ich so du so - Alles super normal von Labor Ateliergemeinschaft (text, illustration), In an old house in Moscow - A foray through 100 years Russian story by Alexandra Litwina (text), Anna Desnitskaya (illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation), Lorenz Hoffmann (translation), Hidden Treasures, Sunken Worlds - Great Archaeologists and their Discoveries by Silke Vry (text), Martin Haake (illustration) , The domino effect or the invisible threads of nature by Gianumberto Accinelli (text), Serena Viola (illustration), Ulrike Schimming (translation), poppies from Iraq by Brigitte Findakly (text), Lewis Trondheim (illustration), Dirk Rehm (design) , Ulrich Pröfrock (translation).
- Prize of the youth jury: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (text), Henriette Zeltner (translation).
- Nomination list: The Boy on the Mountain by John Boyne (text), Ilse Layer (translation), The year in which I learned to lie by Lauren Wolk (text), Birgitt Kollmann (translation), The mouth full of unsaid things by Anne Freytag ( Text), Until the Stars Tremble by Johannes Herwig (Text), Illuminae. Die Illuminae-Akten_01 by Amie Kaufman (text), Jay Kristoff (text), Gerald Jung (translation), Katharina Orgaß (translation), The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (text), Henriette Zeltner (translation),
- Special prize for new talents: Gesa Kunter for her translation from Swedish by Ylva Karlsson , Katarina Kuick : Write! Write! Write! Beltz & Gelberg, Weinheim 2016, ISBN 978-3-407-82124-9 .
- Nomination list: Mina Arnoldi for her translation of Das Fahrrad by Haseop Jeong , Lisa Engels for her translation of Böse Jungs. Volume 1, Gesa Kunter for her translation of Schreib! Write! Write! by Ylva Karlsson , Katarina Kuick
- Special prize for the whole work: Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translations)
The winners were announced on October 13, 2017 at the Frankfurt Book Fair .
- Picture book: Nobody can get through here by Isabel Minhós Martins (text), Bernardo P. Carvalho (illustration), Franziska Hauffe (translation).
- Nomination list: comes the rhino by Heinz Janisch (text), Helga Bansch (illustration), nobody can get through here! by Isabel Minhós Martins (text), Bernardo P. Carvalho (illustration), Franziska Hauffe (translation). The Escape by Francesca Sanna (text, illustration), Thomas Bodmer (editor) (translation). Jerome. An adventure in the world of Hieronymus Bosch by Thé Tjong-Khing (text, illustration). Nusret and the cow by Anja Tuckermann (text), Uli Krappen (illustration), Mehrdad Zaeri (illustration). Bad Boys. Volume 1 by Aaron Blabey (text, illustration) Lisa Engels (translation).
- Children's book: Sally Jones. Murder without a corpse by Jakob Wegelius (text, illustration), Gabriele Haefs (translation).
- Nomination list: Super-Bruno by Håkon Øvreås (text), Øyvind Torseter (illustration), Angelika Kutsch (translation). The crocodile thief by Taran Bjørnstad (text), Christoffer Grav (illustration), Maike Dörries (translation). Sally Jones. Murder without a corpse by Jakob Wegelius (text, illustration), Gabriele Haefs (translation). Plaster of paris or How I repaired the world in a single day by Anna Woltz (text), Andrea Kluitmann (translation). Pssst! by Annette Herzog (text), Katrine Clante (illustration). Krasshüpfer by Simon van der Geest (text), Karst-Janneke Rogaar (illustration), Mirjam Pressler (translation).
- Youth book: The Smell of Other People's Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock (text), Sonja Finck (translation)
- Nomination list: Fourteen by Tamara Bach (text). In the year of the monkey by Que Du Luu (text). Waiting for Gonzo by Dave Cousins (text), Anne Brauner (translation). One by Sarah Crossan (text), Cordula Setsman (translation). Kingfisher Summer by Jan De Leeuw (text), Rolf Erdorf (translation). The Smell of Other People's Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock (text), Sonja Finck (translation).
- Non-fiction book: Bees by Piotr Socha (text, illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation)
- Nomination List: Set Me Free! by Patrick George (text, illustration), Martha von Atak (text, illustration). Bees by Piotr Socha (text, illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation). Head in the head by Ondřej Buddeus (text), David Böhm (illustration), Doris Kouba (translation). Technology in the Alps. About cable cars, dams and snow cannons by Elfi Fritsche (text), Johanna Putzer (text, illustration), Josef Putzer (text). Eat something?! Animals Fleisch and I by Gesine Grotrian (design), Christine Chemnitz (editor), Gabriela Häfner (editor).
- Prize of the youth jury: Just three words from Becky Albertalli (text), Ingo Herzke (translation)
- Nomination list: Fourteen by Tamara Bach (text). We both knew it was something that happened from Steven Herrick (text), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation). Just three words from Becky Albertalli (text), Ingo Herzke (translation). One by Sarah Crossan (text), Cordula Setsman (translation). My best last summer from Anne Freytag (text). In other words: I from Tamara Ireland Stone (text), Jessika Komina (translation), Sandra Knuffinke (translation).
- Special “New Talents” prize (first awarded in 2017): Lizzy Carbon and the Losers Club by Mario Fesler
- Nomination list: Lizzy Carbon and the Losers Club by Mario Fesler . The Hummelreiter Friedrich Snapdragon by Verena Reinhardt It's dangerous to swim in a storm by Ulla Scheler .
- Special prize for complete works: Gudrun Pausewang
- Picture book: The dog that Nino did not have by Edward van de Vendel (text), Anton van Hertbruggen (illustration), Rolf Erdorf (translation)
- Nomination list: A story without end by Marcelo Pimentel (illustration). Bus travel by Marianne Dubuc (text, illustration), Julia Süßbrich (translation). The heart of the monkey by Anja Mikolajetz (text, illustration). Kako the Terrible by Emmanuelle Polack (text), Barroux (illustration), Babette Blume (translation). The dog that Nino did not have by Edward van de Vendel (text), Anton van Hertbruggen (illustration), Rolf Erdorf (translation). The golden cage or The True Story of the Blood Princess by Anna Castagnoli (text), Carll Cneut (illustration), Ulrike Schimming (translation).
- Children's book: The girl Wadjda by Hayfa Al Mansour (text), Catrin Frischer (translation)
- Nomination list: The back and forth swims continuously in the sea - The thick book of nonsense rhyme by Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (editor), Sabine Wilharm (illustration). Merry Christmas, little onion! by Frida Nilsson (text), Anke Kuhl (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (translation). The girl Wadjda by Hayfa Al Mansour (text), Catrin Frischer (translation). My summer with music Stefanie Höfler (text), Franziska Walther (illustration). The true story of rain and storm by Ann M. Martin (text), Gabriele Haefs (translation). Alex, Martha and the Journey to the Forbidden Land by Ross Montgomery (text), André Mumot (translation).
- Youth book: Girls Pack by Kirsten Fuchs (text)
- Nomination list: Half Heroes by Erin Jade Lange (text), Jessika Komina (translation), Sandra Knuffinke (translation). The fever by Makiia Lucier (text), Katharina Diestelmeier (translation). A summer at the lake by Mariko Tamaki (text), Jillian Tamaki (illustration), Tina Hohl (translation). Pack of girls by Kirsten Fuchs (text). Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (text), Brigitte Jakobeit (translation). This is not a diary by Erna Sassen (text), Rolf Erdorf (translation).
- Non-fiction book: Im Eisland by Kristina Gehrmann (text, illustration)
- Nomination list: by Iwona Chmielewska (text, illustration). Shackleton's Journey by William Grill (text, illustration), Harald Stadler (translation). All weather by Britta Teckentrup (text, illustration). Leibniz or the best of possible worlds by Jean Paul Mongin (text), Julia Wauters (illustration), Heinz Jatho (translation). In the Eisland by Kristina Gehrmann (text, illustration). The dream of Olympia by Reinhard Kleist (text, illustration).
- Youth Jury Prize: Summer under Black Wings by Peer Martin (text)
- Nomination list: You next to me and between us the whole world by Nicola Yoon (text), Simone Wiemken (translation). Summer under black wings by Peer Martin (text). Goodbye Bellmont by Matthew Quick (text), Knut Krüger (translation). This is not a diary by Erna Sassen (text), Rolf Erdorf (translation). The tiger in my heart by Patricia McCormick (text), Maren Illinger (translation).
- Special prize for the complete work: Klaus Kordon
- Picture book: Herr Schnuffels by David Wiesner (text, illustration), Paula Hagemeier (translation)
- Nomination list: Gordon and Tapir by Sebastian Meschenmoser (text, illustration); An apple tree in the belly by Simon Boulerice (text), Gérard DuBois (illustration), Anna von Cramer-Klett (translation); Coco and the Little Black One by Annemarie van Haeringen (text, illustration), Marianne Holberg (translation); Lindbergh: The adventurous story of a flying mouse by Torben Kuhlmann (text, illustration); The rules of summer by Shaun Tan (text, illustration), Eike Schönfeld (translation)
- Children's book: The Dreamer by Pam Muñoz Ryan (text), Peter Sís (illustration), Anne Braun (translation)
- Nomination list: Rosie and Moussa: The letter from Papa by Michael De Cock (text), Judith Vanistendael (illustration), Rolf Erdorf (translation); My father, the pirate by Davide Calì (text), Maurizio AC Quarello (illustration), Edmund Jacoby (translation); Lena and the secret of the blue deer by Edward van de Vendel (text), Mattias De Leeuw (illustration), Rolf Erdorf (translation); The boy who swam with the piranhas by David Almond (text), Oliver Jeffers (illustration), Alexandra Ernst (translation); Konstantin in the word forest by Martin Heckmanns (text), Stefanie Harjes (illustration).
- Children's book: Snow giant by Susan Kreller (text)
- Nomination list: Ultimately, the universe doesn't care about
- Nomination list: Kritzl & Klecks: A journey of discovery into the land of drawing & painting by Verena Ballhaus (text, illustration), Renate Habinger (text, illustration); The pilot and the little prince: The life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry by Peter Sís (text, illustration), Brigitte Jakobeit (translation); Endres, the merchant's son: On life in a medieval Hanseatic town by Anke Bär (text, illustration); Evolution: or The Riddle of Everything That Lives by Jan Paul Schutten (text), Floor Rieder (illustration), Verena Kiefer (translation); Diary 14/18 by Alexander Hogh (text), Martin Block (editor), Julie Cazier (editor), Jörg Mailliet (illustration)
- Nomination list: Der Circle by Dave Eggers (text), Klaus Timmermann (translation), Ulrike Wasel (translation); On the right side by William Sutcliffe (text), Christiane Steen (translation); If you can find us by Emily Murdoch (text), Julia Walther (translation); Where there's a little time ... by Emil Ostrovski (text), Thomas Gunkel (translation); Genuine by Christoph Scheuring (text)
- Picture book: Akim rennt by Claude K. Dubois (text, illustration), Tobias Scheffel (translation)
- Nomination List: Everywhere Lines by Jimi Lee (illustration); Herman and Rosie: A Friendship Story by Gus Gordon (text, illustration), Gundula Müller-Wallraf (translation); Crumbs and Peppermint: Wild Animals by Delphine Bournay (text, illustration), Julia Süßbrich (translation); Akim rennt by Claude K. Dubois (text, illustration), Tobias Scheffel (translation); The literary kaleidoscope by Regina Kehn (editor, illustration); The Conference of Birds by Peter Sís (text, illustration), Brigitte Jakobeit (translation).
- Children's book: Martina Wildner , queen of the diving tower .
- Nomination list: visit to the rabbit by Christian Oster (text), Katja Gehrmann (illustration), Tobias Scheffel (translation); The best day of all time: Well-traveled poems by Susan Kreller (editor), Sabine Wilharm (illustration), Henning Ahrens (translation), Claas Kazzer (translation); Dad do you hear me by Tamara Bos (text), Annemarie van Haeringen (illustration), Ita Maria Berger (translation); Mr. and Mrs. Hase: The Super Detectives by Polly Horvath (text), Sophie Blackall (illustration), Christiane Buchner (translation); Leo and the whole happiness by Synne Lea (text), Maike Dörries (translation);
- Young people's book: Like an Invisible Band by Inés Garland (text), Ilse Layer (translation)
- The Language of Water by Sarah Crossan (text), Cordula Setsman (translation); 12 Things To Do Before You Crash and Burn by James Proimos (text), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); About a girl by Joanne Hornimann (text), Brigitte Jakobeit (translation); Like an Invisible Band by Inés Garland (text), Ilse Layer (translation); Bo by Rainer Merkel (text); Tiger milk by Stefanie de Velasco (text).
- Non-fiction book: Gerda Gelse: General wisdom about mosquitoes Heidi Trpak (text), Laura Momo Aufderhaar (illustration)
- The Potato King by Christoph Niemann (text); Gerda Gelse: General wisdom about mosquitoes Heidi Trpak (text), Laura Momo Aufderhaar (illustration); The Tone Showers by Anna Czerwińska-Rydel (text), Marta Ignerska (illustration), Olaf Kühl (translation); Summer snow and sausage machine: very modern art from around the world by Sebastian Cichocki (text), Aleksandra Mizielińska (illustration), Daniel Mizielińsky (illustration), Thomas Weiler (translation); Miss Esther's last performance of Adam Jaromir (text), Gabriela Cichowska (illustration); My grandfather, his wooden leg and the Great War: What the First World War has to do with us by Nikolaus hilftel (text).
- Prize of the youth jury: Wunder Raquel J. Palacio (text), André Mumot (translation)
- The Incredible Adventures of Barnaby Brocket by John Boyne (text), Oliver Jeffers (illustration), Adelheid Zöfel (translation); Miracle Raquel J. Palacio (text), André Mumot (translation); 2084 - Noras Welt by Jostein Gaarder (text), Gabriele Haefs (translation); Everything - what it's about by Janne Teller (text), Sigrid C. Engeler (translation), Birgitt Kollmann (translation); The night belongs to the dragon by Alexia Casale (text), Henning Ahrens (translation); Like a blank sheet of paper by Boulet (text), Pénélope Bagieu (illustration), Ulrich Pröfrock (translation).
- Special prize for the translator Angelika Kutsch
- Picture book: Jon Klassen (text, illustration), Where's my hat
- Nomination list: A duckling can be so useful by Isol (text, illustration), Karl Rühmann (translation); Nalle loves grandma by Stina Wirsén (text, illustration), Maike Dörries (translation); The day Louis was eaten by John Fardell (text, illustration), Bettina Münch (translation); Where's my hat by Jon Klassen (text, illustration), Thomas Bodmer (translation); The Rough Mountain by Einar Turkowski (text, illustration); The Pirate and the Pharmacist: An Educational Story by Robert Louis Stevenson (text), Henning Wagenbreth (illustration, translation)
- Children's book: Frank Cottrell Boyce , The unforgotten coat
- Nomination list: I wish from Toon Tellegen (text), Ingrid Godon (illustration), Birgit Erdmann (translation); Tommy Mütze: A short story from South Africa by Jenny Robson (text), Barbara Brennwald (translation); The wild pirogi pirates: a daring adventure about a kidnapped poppy seed snail and its fearless rescuers by Māris Putniņš (text), Matthias Knoll (translation); Zorgamazoo by Robert Paul Weston (text), Víctor Rivas (illustration), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); When my father became a bush and I lost my name by Joke van Leeuwen (text), Hanni Ehlers (translation); The unforgettable coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce (text), Salah Naoura (translation), Carl Hunter (photography), Clare Heney (photography)
- Young people's book: Tamta Melaschwili , counting
- Nomination list : MÉTO - The House of Yves Grevet (text), Stephanie Singh (translation); You don't see elephants by Susan Kreller (text); Pampa Blues by Rolf Lappert (text); Who's Afraid of Jasper Jones? by Craig Silvey (text), Bettina Münch (translation); My sister is a monk seal by Christian Frascella (text), Annette Kopetzki (translation); Counting by Tamta Melashvili (text), Natia Mikeladse-Bachsoliani (translation)
- Non-fiction book: Reinhard Kleist , The Boxer
- Nomination list: Today I am from Mies van Hout (text, illustration); Planet Willi by Birte Müller (text, illustration); Discover what you like: Children conquer the kitchen by Anke M. Leitzgen (text), Lisa Rienermann (illustration, photography), Thekla Ehling (photography); Wilhelm's Journey: An Emigration Story by Anke Bär (text, illustration); Make Love: An educational book by Ann-Marlene Henning (text), Tina Bremer-Olszweski (text), Heji Shin (photography); The Boxer: The True Story of Hertzko Haft by Reinhard Kleist (text, illustration).
- Youth Jury Prize: John Green , Fate Is A Lousy Traitor
- Nominations List: Fate Is A Lousy Traitor by John Green (text), Sophie Zeitz (translation); Jackpot: If you dream, you lose by Stephan Knösel (text); Finding Sky: The Power of Souls by Joss Stirling (text), Michaela Kolodziejcok (translation); Alone Among Turtles by Marit Kaldhol (text), Maike Dörries (translation); Wartime: A graphic report on soldiers, politicians and victims in Afghanistan by David Schraven (text), Vincent Burmeister (illustration); Adios, Nirvana by Conrad Wesselhoeft (text), Karsten Singelmann (translation).
- Special prize for the author Andreas Steinhöfel
- Picture book: Pija Lindenbaum (translation: Kerstin Behnken ): Mia sleeps somewhere else
- Nomination list : Yvonne Hergane (text) & Christiane Pieper (illustration): One more ; Ken Kimura (text) & Yasunari Murakami (illustration), Hana Christen (translation): 999 frog siblings are moving ; Hildegard Müller: The Cowboy ; Pija Lindenbaum (translation: Kerstin Behnken): Mia sleeps somewhere else ; Nikolaus Heidelbach : When I grow up, I'll be a seal ; Iwona Chmielewska (translation: Adam Jaromir ): Blumka's diary. About life in Janusz Korczak's orphanage
- Children's book: Finn-Ole Heinrich (text) & Rán Flygenring (illustration): Frerk, you dwarf!
- Nomination list: Rose Lagercrantz (text), Eva Eriksson (illustration) & Angelika Kutsch (translation): My happy life ; Finn-Ole Heinrich (text) & Rán Flygenring (illustration): Frerk, you dwarf! ; Salah Naoura : Matti and Sami and the three biggest mistakes in the universe ; David Almond (translation: Alexandra Ernst): Mina (Ravensburger-Verlag); Patrick Ness (text), Jim Kay (illustration) & Bettina Abarbanell (translation): Seven minutes past midnight ; Martina Wildner : The gruesome house
- Youth book: Nils Mohl : Once upon a time there was Indian country
- Nomination list: Anne-Laure Bondoux (translation: Maja von Vogel ): The time of miracles ; Timothée de Fombelle (translation: Tobias Scheffel and Sabine Grebing ): Vango . Between heaven and earth ; Kevin Brooks (translation: Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn ): iBoy ; Gabi Kreslehner : And the sky is red ; Nils Mohl : Once upon a time there was Indian land ; Els Beerten (translation: Mirjam Pressler ): As if there was a heaven
- Non-fiction book: Oscar Brenifier (text), Jacques Després (illustration) & Norbert Bolz (translation): What if it just looks like I'm there?
- Nomination list: Tim Grabham, Suridh Hassan , Dave Reeve and Clare Richards (text), Garry Parsons (illustration) & Manuela Knetsch (translation): Filmwerkstatt. How to make your own film with a mobile phone or digital camera ; Anke M. Leitzgen (text) & Lisa Rienermann (illustration): Explore your world. With 100 research questions throughout the year ; Oscar Brenifier (text), Jacques Després (illustration) & Norbert Bolz (translation): What if it just looks like I'm there? ; Heekyoung Kim (text), Krystyna Lipka-Sztarballo (illustration) & Hans-Jürgen Zaborowski (translation): What's the way? Maps explain the world. ; Fabrizio Silei (text), Maurizio AC Quarello (illustration) & Sarah Pasquay (translation): The bus from Rosa Parks ; Reinhard Osteroth (text) & Moidi Kretschmann (illustration): Wood. What holds our world together
- Youth Jury Prize: Patrick Ness (text), Jim Kay (illustration) & Bettina Abarbanell (translation): Seven minutes after midnight
- Nomination list: Patrick Ness (text), Jim Kay (illustration) & Bettina Abarbanell (translation): Seven minutes past midnight ; Regina Dürig : Hangover Day. Or: What does the button say at night? ; Susan Vaught (translation: Ann Lecker-Chewiwi ): headshot ; Antonia Michaelis : The storyteller ; Tabitha Suzuma (translation: Bernadette Ott ): Forbidden. How can something so wrong feel so right? : Els Beerten (translation: Mirjam Pressler ): As if there was a heaven
- Special award for the illustrator Norman Junge
- Picture book: The story of the fox who lost his mind by Martin Baltscheit (text)
- Nomination list: My big little world by Marianne Dubuc (text), Anna Taube (translation); The Treehouse by Marije Tolman (illustration), Ronald Tolman (illustration); Oups! by Jean-Luc Fromental (text), Joëlle Jolivet (illustration), Leonie Jacobson (translation); Papa's arms are a boat by Stein Erik Lunde (text), Øyvind Torseter (illustration), Maike Dörries (translation); Tatu and Patu and their crazy machines by Sami Toivonen (text, illustration), Aino Havukainen (text, illustration), Elina Kritzokat (translation)
- Children's book: Anton dives by Milena Baisch (text), Elke Kusche (illustration)
- Nomination list: Ich, Gorilla und der Affenstern by Frida Nilsson (text), Ulf K. (illustration); Friederike Buchinger (translation); The Last Invisible Boy by Evan Kuhlman (text), JP Coovert (illustration), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); Rosie and the great-grandfather of Monika Helfer (text), Michael Köhlmeier (text), Barbara Steinitz (illustration); Uncle Montague's horror stories by Chris Priestley (text), David Roberts (illustration), Beatrice Howeg (translation); Hundewinter by KA Nuzum (text), Gerda Bean (translation)
- Youth book: Tschick by Wolfgang Herrndorf (text)
- Nomination list: Schrödinger, Dr. Linda and a corpse in the cold store by Jan De Leeuw (text), Rolf Erdorf (translation); Town by James Roy (text), Stefanie Schaeffler (translation); Together by Karin Bruder (text); Runaway by Oscar Huijelos (text), Günter Ohnemus (translation); Crank by Ellen Hopkins (text), Henning Ahrens (translation)
- Nonfiction: Alles Familie! by Alexandra Maxeiner (text), Anke Kuhl (illustration)
- Nomination list: The great book of pictures and words by Ole Könnecke (illustration); The Boy Who Bit Picasso by Antony Penrose (text), Egbert Baqué (translation); Zuckerpass und Blutgrätsche by Antony Penrose (text), Egbert Baqué (translation); The most ingenious inventions of nature by Sigrid Belzer (text); From the stars to the dew by Jens Soentgen (text), Vitali Konstantinov (illustration)
- Prize of the youth jury: Erebos by Ursula Poznanski (text)
- Nomination list: Margo's footsteps by John Green (text), Sophie Zeitz (translation); Freak City by Kathrin Schrocke (text); Nothing by Janne Teller (text), Sigrid C. Engeler (translation); Numbers by Rachel Ward (text), Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation); If you die, your whole life will pass you by, they say by Lauren Oliver (text), Katharina Diestelmeier (translation)
- Special prize for the translator Tobias Scheffel
- Picture book: Garman's summer by Stian Hole (text, illustration), Ina Kronenberger (translation)
- Nomination list: Johanna im Zug by Kathrin Schärer (text, illustration); If I were the 7th kid by Karla Schneider (text), Stefanie Harjes (illustration); Poems for a goldfish by Jean-Pierre Simenón (text), Oliver Tallec (illustration); To grandfather's hand Chen Jianghong (text, illustration)
- Children's book: My mother is in America and met Buffalo Bill by Jean Regnaud (text), Émile Bravo (drawings), Kai Wilksen (translation)
- Nomination list: The Bible - The Old Testament by Sybil Countess Schönfeldt (text), Klaus Ensikat (illustration); Timur and the inventions made out of pure love by Marlies Bardeli (text), Anke Kuhl (illustration); The Girl with the Three Names by Tami Shem-Tov (text); Waiting for Anya by Michael Morpurgo (text)
- Youth book: Choose something, but hurry up! by Nadia Budde (text, illustration)
- Nomination list: Nathan and his children by Mirjam Pressler (text); Click! by David Almond , Eoin Colfer , Roddy Doyle , Deborah Ellis , Nick Hornby , Gregory Maguire , Margo Lanagan , Ruth Ozeki , Linda Sue Park , Tim Wynne-Jones (text); Same-Two by Mary E. Pearson (text); Little Red Riding Hood must cry by Beate Teresa Hanika (text); The map of my dreams by Reif Larsen (text), Ben Gibson (illustration), Andreas Michalke (design)
- Non-fiction book: Courageous people by Christian Nürnberger
- Nomination list: ready, construction site! by Rolf Toyka (text), Heike Ossenkop (illustration), Ferenc B. Regös (illustration); Cuckoo, octopus, cockroach by Bibi Dumon Tak (text), Fleur van der Weel (illustration); over there! by Simon Schwartz (text, illustration); Chancellors love rubber boots by Marietta Slomka (text), Daniel Westland (text)
- Youth Jury Prize: The Hunger Games - Deadly Games by Suzanne Collins , Sylke Hachmeister (translation), Peter Klöss (translation)
- Nomination List: Once by Morris Gleitzman ; A Chat Room case of Helen Vreeswijk ; Dead Girls Don't Lie by Jay Asher ; Our very best year by David Gilmour ; The loneliness of the prime numbers by Paolo Giordano
- Special prize for the author Mirjam Pressler
- Picture book: Stories from the suburbs of the universe by Shaun Tan , Eike Schönfeld (translation)
- Nomination List : People from Blexbolex ; What to do!? by Dieter Böge (text) and Bernd Mölck-Tassel (illustration); Robber children by Antje Damm ; The children's confusion book by Norman Junge (illustration) and Joachim Ringelnatz (text); A New Land by Shaun Tan
- Children's book: Rico, Oskar and the deep shadows by Andreas Steinhöfel
- Nominations List: Alabama Moon by Watt Key ; Courage for Three by Bart Moeyaert ; Raven hair by Do van Ranst ; Dead Mouse for Papa's Life by Marjolijn Hof ; The discovery of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
- Youth book: The Road of the Dead by Kevin Brooks , Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation)
- Nomination list: Winter ice by Peter van Gestel ; Sold by Patricia McCormick ; After the disaster, I swung up, spread my wings, and flew away from Joyce Carol Oates ; The Naked by Iva Procházková ; Scherbenpark by Alina Bronsky
- Non-fiction book: The Riddle of the Varus Battle by Wolfgang Korn (text) and Klaus Ensikat (illustration)
- Nomination list: what happened there? by Béatrice Vincent (text) and Bruno Heitz (illustration); Secret world of caterpillars by Monika Lange (text) and Ingo Arndt (photos); That's how we live. People on the edge of the megacities by Jonas Bendiksen ; The dream of flying by Susanna Partsch and Rosemarie Zacher
- Prize of the youth jury: The book thief by Markus Zusak , Alexandra Ernst (translation)
- Nomination List: How to Immortal by Sally Nicholls ; How I became the best drummer in the world - and why by Jordan Sonnenblick ; Ana's story by Jenna Bush (text) and Mia Baxter (photography); The Nudes from Iva Procházková ; Me, Adrian Mayfield from Floortje Zwigtman
- Special award for the illustrator Jutta Bauer
- Picture book: Hansel and Gretel by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (text), Susanne Janssen (illustration)
- Nomination list: All his ducklings by Christian Duda (text), Julia Friese (illustration); When is mom coming? by Lee Tae-Jun (text), Kim Dong-Seong (illustration), Andreas Schirmer (translation); Duck, Death and Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch ; The white and the black bear by Jürg Schubiger (text), Eva Muggenthaler (illustration); 5 songs by Gipi
- Children's book: A picture of Ivan by Paula Fox
- Nomination list: The clever Mama Sambona by Hermann Schulz (text), Tobias Krejtschi (illustration); Zarah. You're not scared, are you? by Zoran Drvenkar (text), Martin Baltscheit (illustration); Big by Mireille Geus ; The opposite of Benny Lindelauf's worries ; KIRA-KIRA by Cynthia Kadohata
- Youth book: what if (youth book) by Meg Rosoff , Brigitte Jakobeit (translation)
- Nomination List: One like Alaska by John Green ; Kissing the Rain by Kevin Brooks ; Then do it by Andreas Schendel ; Superhero by Anthony McCarten ; A summer in Venice by Włodzimierz Odojewski
- Non-fiction book: The kick . A lesson on violence by Andres Veiel
- Nomination list: 1 red dot from David A. Carter ; Poles, pack ice, penguins. Life in the Eternal Ice by Karoline Stürmer (text), Doris Katharina Künster (design); Language or what makes a person into a person by Nikolaus Vorteilel ; Red Land Yellow River. A story from the Chinese Cultural Revolution by Ange Zhang ; I was the child of Holocaust survivors by Bernice Eisenstein (text and illustration), Henriette Heise (translation)
- Prize of the youth jury: Simpel by Marie-Aude Murail , Tobias Scheffel (translation)
- Nomination list: Running Man by Michael Gerard Bauer ; The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne ; One like Alaska by John Green ; The minute of truth. Novel about love and art by Bjørn Sortland ; Nick & Norah. Soundtrack of a night by Rachel Cohn , David Levithan
- Special prize for the translator Gabriele Haefs
- Picture book: Queen Gisela by Nikolaus Heidelbach
- Nomination list: the cake is gone! by Thé Tjong-Khing ; Krawinkel & Eckstein by Wouter van Reek ; Der kleine Häwelmann by Theodor Storm (text), Henriette Sauvant (illustration); Mr. Eichhorn and the Moon by Sebastian Meschenmoser ; Pikko, the witch by Toon Tellegen (text), Marit Törnqvist (illustration), Mirjam Pressler (translation)
- Children's book: Sister of Jon Fosse (text), Aljoscha Blau (illustration), Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel (translation)
- Nomination list: The best funerals in the world by Ulf Nilsson (text), Eva Eriksson (illustration); A twin for Leo by Sébastien Joanniez (text), Régis Lejonc (illustration); Steppe Wind and Eagle Wings by Xavier-Laurent Petit ; The Book of All Things by Guus Kuijer ; Samurai summer by Åke Edwardson
- Youth book: We save lives, says my father from Do van Ranst (author), Andrea Kluitmann (translation)
- Nominations List: Masterpiece by Frank Cottrell Boyce ; If he comes, we'll run from David Klass ; Heavenly views from Faïza Guène ; A pure scream from Siobhan Dowd ; Love lines from Marjaleena Lembcke
- Non-fiction book: Mother has cancer by Brian Fies (author), Wolfgang J. Fuchs (translation)
- Nomination list: what is the bear doing in the museum? by Claire d'Harcourt ; Mount Everest by Maja Nielsen , Jochen Hemmleb ; Wolfgang Amadé Mozart by Barbara Mungengast (conception & graphics), Sigrid Laube (text), Nadia Budde (illustration); Petr Ginz . Prager Tagebuch 1941–1942 by Chava Pressburger (ed.); History of electricity by Henning Boëtius
- Prize of the youth jury: The Joker by Markus Zusak (author), Alexandra Ernst (translation)
- Nomination List : The Five Gates - Anthony Horowitz's Circle of Death ; Until (s) dawn by Stephenie Meyer ; Keeper of Mal Peet ; Will you lend me your look An email friendship between Jerusalem and Gaza by Valérie Zenatti ; Two ways into summer by Robert Habeck and Andrea Paluch
- Special award for the author Kirsten Boie
- Picture book: Is that how it belongs ?! The story of Elvis by Peter Schössow
- Children's book: Lili's life by Valérie Dayre , Maja von Vogel (translation)
- Youth book: How beautiful I am by Dolf Verroen , Rolf Erdorf (translation)
- Nomination List: Fire Eater by David Almond ; I am America from ER Frank ; Evil. The Evil by Jan Guillou ; The night when Mats didn't come home from Martha Heesen ; So now I live on Meg Rosoff
- Nonfiction: 'Don't think we're staying here!' - The life story of Sinto Hugo Höllenreiner by Anja Tuckermann
- Prize of the youth jury: Lucas by Kevin Brooks , Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn (translation)
- Nomination list: Whisper by Isabel Abedi ; what happens if you stay by Zoran Drvenkar ; Eve Green by Susan Fletcher ; With open eyes. The Story of Freaky Green Eyes by Joyce Carol Oates ; Septimus heap. Magyk by Angie Sage
- Special award for the illustrator Rotraut Susanne Berner
- Picture book: Han Gan and the wonder horse by Chen Jianghong , translated from the French by Erika and Karl A. Klewer
- Nomination list: The Zapperdockel and the Wock by Georg Bydlinski and Jens Rassmus ; The big question of Wolf Erlbruch ; Sea of Silence and Happy Voyage by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Peter Schössow ; Brundibar by Tony Kushner and Maurice Sendak ; Real guys from Manuela Olten
- Children's book: Die Kurzhosengang by Victor Caspak and Yves Lanois , Andreas Steinhöfel (translation) and Ole Könnecke (illustration)
- Nomination list: Despereaux. One who set out to unlearn the fear of Kate DiCamillo and Timothy Basil Ering ; 35 kilos of hope from Anna Gavalda ; The Terribly Stubborn Gapper of Frip by George Saunders and Lane Smith ; Bartimaeus . The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud ; What I forgot from Edward van de Vendel
- Children's book: Snow White and Russian Red by Dorota Masłowska
- Nomination list: Bus trip with Kuhn by Tamara Bach ; Martyn Pig by Kevin Brooks ; Doing it by Melvin Burgess ; Monster Weeks by Ron Koertge in the translation by Heike Brandt; Run, boy, run from Uri Orlev
- Nonfiction book: Building nests, nibbling caves by Anne Möller
- Youth Jury Prize: In the Shadow of the Guardians by Graham Gardner , Alexandra Ernst (translation)
- Nomination List: In My Skin by Deborah Froese ; Kafka on the beach by Haruki Murakami ; A sea in between, a world away from Lensey Namioka ; Asphalt tribe. Children of the street of Morton Rhue ; Lilly under the lime trees by Anne C. Voorhoeve
- Special award for the translator Harry Rowohlt
- Picture book: Fox by Margaret Wild (text) and Ron Brooks (illustration)
- Children's book: A Sheep for Life by Maritgen Matter (text) and Anke Faust (illustration)
- Youth book: Martian girls by Tamara Bach
- Nomination list: Brando von Mikael Engström ; The hang gliders of Geraldine McCaughrean ; The bride of my brother from Nava Semel ; Mimus by Lilli Thal ; Jinx by Margaret Wild
- Nonfiction: Better angry than sad. The life story of Ulrike Marie Meinhof by Alois Prinz
- Youth Jury Prize: The Sword in the Silence by Lian Hearn
- Nomination list: Flying high from Jana Frey ; Inkheart by Cornelia Funke ; The Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder ; You had a dream about Thomas Jeier ; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by Joanne K. Rowling
- Special prize for the author Benno Pludra
- Picture book: Invisible by Katja Kamm
- Children's book: Bad Ending by Philip Ardagh
- Youth book: Prince William, Maximilian Minsky and I by Holly-Jane Rahlens
- Nomination list: Hathaway Jones by Katja Behrens ; What do you know about Brock Cole ; And if so! by Karen-Susan Fessel ; The Riddle of the Fire by Henning Mankell ; Prince Faisal's ring by Bjarne Reuter
- Non-fiction book: History of the economy by Nikolaus Piper
- Prize of the youth jury (since 2003): Crocodile in the neck of Klaus Kordon
- Nominations List: One for Four by Ann Brashares ; Tell me what you see from Zoran Drvenkar ; RaumZeit by Christian Linker ; Lab 47 by Malcolm Rose ; Ring in the ears from Jochen Till
- Special award for the illustrator Wolf Erlbruch
- Picture book: The whole world by Katy Couprie and Antonin Louchard , ISBN 3-8067-4954-X
- Children's book: We are all together forever by Guus Kuijer , Alice Hoogstad (illustration), ISBN 3-7891-4011-2
- Youth book: I'm just lucky by Alexa Hennig von Lange , ISBN 3-8077-0154-0
- Nomination List : We Goonyas, You Nungas by Phillip Gwynne ; Malka Mai by Mirjam Pressler ; Wrong thought by Sigurd Pruetz ; Defender - Stories from the Middle of the World by Andreas Steinhöfel ; The invisible one by Mat's choice
- Non-fiction book: The visual lexicon of the environment by Bernd Schuh , ISBN 3-8067-4500-5
- Special prize for the translator Cornelia Krutz-Arnold
- Picture book: Schreimutter by Jutta Bauer , ISBN 3-407-79264-6
- Children's book: The day when I learned to tame the spiders by Jutta Richter , ISBN 3-446-19896-2
- Young people's book: Those without a blessing are by Richard van Camp , ISBN 3-473-35205-5
- Nomination list: Ulla and everything by Kim Fupz Aakeson ; Standing in the rain by Zoran Drvenkar ; Holes. The Secrets of Green Lake by Louis Sachar ; Sun Nebula by Hermann Schulz ; East End, West End and in between Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli
- Non-fiction book: sun eater. How plants live by Susanne Paulsen , ISBN 3-87134-397-8
- Special prize for the author Peter Härtling
- Picture book: Eins Zwei drei Tier by Nadia Budde , ISBN 3-87294-827-X
- Children's book: Hodder der Nachtschwärmer by Bjarne Reuter , ISBN 3-7915-1670-1
- Young people's book: Blueprint by Charlotte Kerner , ISBN 3-407-80837-2
- Nomination list: As silly phrase as I love you by Martin Casariego Córdoba ; Ti by Henri van Daele ; Victor von Mordicai Gerstein ; Dance on Thin Ice by Pernilla Glaser ; The Girl on the Canal by Thierry Lenain
- Nonfiction: Miss Pop and Mrs. Up and their great journey through the land of paper. A pop-up book to make yourself by Antje von Stemm , ISBN 3-499-20963-2
- Special award for the illustrator Nikolaus Heidelbach
- Picture book: The red wolf by FK Waechter
- Children's book: An island in the sea by Annika Thor
- Youth book: brother of Ted van Lieshout
- Non-fiction book: Tibet. The secret of the red box by Peter Sís
- Special award for the translator Birgitta Kicherer
- Picture book: Does grandpa wear a suit? by Amelie Fried (text), Jacky Gleich (illustration)
- Children's book: Between two slices of happiness by Irene Dische
- Young people's book: Bare Hands by Bart Moeyaert (text), Rotraut Susanne Berner (illustration)
- Non-fiction book: House of Art by Susanna Partsch
- Special award for the author Peter Hacks
- Picture book: You big, and me little by Grégoire Solotareff
- Children's book: Karel, Jarda and the real life of Sheila Och
- Youth book: So Lonely by Per Nilsson
- Non-fiction book: Königskinder - A true love by Reinhard Kaiser
- Special award for the illustrator Binette Schroeder
- Picture book: Tierra del Fuego is way too hot! by Anna Höglund
- Children's book: When the world was still young by Jürg Schubiger (text), Rotraut Susanne Berner (illustration)
- Young people's book: Winter Bay by Mats Wahl
- Non-fiction book: Red, Blue and a Little Yellow by Bjørn Sortland (text), Lars Elling (illustration)
- Special award for the author Paul Maar
- Picture book: Detective John Chatterton by Yvan Pommaux
- Children's book: When luck comes, you have to put him a chair by Mirjam Pressler
- Youth book: I miss you, I miss you! by Peter Pohl / Kinna Gieth
- Non-fiction: Time is Broken by Klaus Kordon
- Special award for the illustrator Klaus Ensikat
- Picture book: Macker by David Hughes
- Children's book: Can you whistle, Johanna von Ulf Stark (text), Anna Höglund (illustration)
- Young people's book: Sofies Welt by Jostein Gaarder
- Non-fiction book: Anne Frank von Ruud vaan der Rol and Rian Verhoeven
- Special prize for the translator Mirjam Pressler
- Storybook: The Bear wonders of Wolf Erlbruch
- Children's book: The dog that was on the way to a star by Henning Mankell
- Children's book: Jack from AM Homes
- Non-fiction book: Safari into the realm of the stars by Helmut Hornung
- Special prize for the poet Josef Guggenmos
- Picture book: The journey to Ugri-La-Brek by Thomas Tidholm (text), Anna-Clara Tidholm (illustration), translation from Swedish: Salah Naoura
- Children's book: Siebenstorch by Benno Pludra (text), Johannes KG Niedlich (illustration)
- Youth book: Kariuki and his white friend by Meja Mwangi
- Non-fiction book: Lenses, magnifying glasses and magic scopes by Pelle Eckerman (text), Sven Nordqvist (illustration)
- Picture book: one, five, many by Kveta Pacovská
- Children's book: Taube Klara by Wolf Spillner
- Youth book: We cuckoo children by Anatoli Pristawkin
- Non-fiction book: The iron lark by Michail Krausnick
- Special prize for the author Ursula Wölfel
- Picture book: Uprising of the Animals or the New Town Musicians by Jörg Steiner (text), Jörg Müller (illustration)
- Children's book: Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel by Uwe Timm (text), Gunnar Matysiak (illustration)
- Youth book: Jan, my friend from Peter Pohl
- Nonfiction: How does the forest get into the book? by Irmgard Lucht
- Non-fiction book: My brother's guardian of Israel Bernbaum
- Picture book: Dad now lives on Heinrichstrasse by Nele Maar (text), Verena Ballhaus (illustration)
- Children's book: The time of secret desires by Iva Procházková (text), Peter Knorr (illustration)
- Youth book: Time for the Hora by Ingeborg Bayer
- Nonfiction: Samuel Tillerman, the runner by Cynthia Voigt
- Picture book: Farewell to Rune by Marit Kaldhol (text), Wenche Øyen (illustration)
- Children's book: Deesje already does that from Joke van Leeuwen
- Youth book: The Cloud by Gudrun Pausewang
- Nonfiction book: Linnéa in the painter's garden by Christina Björk (text), Lena Anderson (illustration)
- Non-fiction book: Towers by Paul Maar
- Picture book: You started! No you! by David McKee
- Children's book: Grandma and I by Achim Bröger
- Youth book: Letters to the Queen of the Night by Inger Edelfeldt
- Children's non-fiction : My lost land by Huynh Quang Nhuong (text), Jub Mönster (illustration), Helga Pfetsch (translation)
- Non-fiction for young people: Lise, atomic physicist by Charlotte Kerner
- Picture book: I'll come for you! by Tony Ross
- Children's book: The wondrous journey of little Sofie by Els Pelgrom
- Youth book: Lady Punk by Dagmar Chidolue
- Non-fiction book: For foreign emperors and no fatherland by Klas Ewert Everwyn
- Picture book: my papi, only mine! by Anthony Browne and Annalena McAfee
- Children's book: Sophiechen and the Giant by Roald Dahl
- Young people's book: Meeting Point Weltzeituhr by Isolde Heyne
- Picture book: Mäusemärchen - Giant story by Annegert Fuchshuber
- Children's book: Sunday child by Gudrun Mebs (text), Rotraut Susanne Berner (illustration)
- Children's book: In three hundred years, perhaps by Tilman Röhrig
- Nonfiction: Linnea's yearbook by Christina Björk (text), Lena Anderson (illustration)
- Children's book: The way through the wall by Robert Gernhardt and Almut Gernhardt
- Children's book: Ganesh or a new world by Malcolm J. Bosse
- Picture book: Selina, Pumpernickel and the cat Flora by Susi Bohdal
- Children's book: Tell me about Grandma by Guus Kuijer
- Children's book: The Yellow Bird by Myron Levoy
- Nonfiction: From fine and from small people by Cornelia Julius
- Picture book: The journey with the dinghy by Margret Rettich
- Children's book: Top and bottom by Jürgen Spohn
- Youth book: The long way of Lukas B. by Willi Fährmann
- Non-fiction book: The short life of Sophie Scholl by Hermann Vinke
- Picture book: What do you prefer ... by John Burningham
- Children's book: Emma or the restless times of Ursula Fuchs
- Youth book: Johanna by Renate Welsh
- Non-fiction book: Peter, Ida and Minimum: The Lindström family has a baby from Grethe Fagerström (text) and Gunilla Hansson (illustration)
- Picture book: Oh, how beautiful is Panama by Janosch
- Children's book: The Night Birds by Tormod Haugen
- Youth book: - The price for a youth book was not awarded. -
- Nonfiction: What is it? by Virginia Allen Jensen and Dorcas Woodbury Haller
- Special Prize for the International Year of the Child: History and Politics in Young Adult Books: Today and the 30 Years Before by Rosemarie Wildermuth (Ed.)
- Picture book: The Big New Year by Ray and Catriona Smith
- Children's book: Hello Grandpa, I said softly from Elfie Donnelly
- Youth book: The lead seal forger by Dietlof Reiche
- Nonfiction book: Nest at the Window by Geraldine L. Flanagan and Sean Morris
- Special prize for the International Year of the Child: Conflicts, arguments, encounters, problems of underdevelopment today: In the year of the snake by Utta Wickert
- Picture book: Schorschi is shrinking by Edward Gorey and Florence P. Heide
- Children's book: Where the foxes play the recorder by Ludvík Aškenazy
- Youth book: I'm Fedde by An Rutgers
- Non-fiction book: Eskimos by Wally Herbert
- Picture book: Today I would like to see a hippopotamus from Wilhelm Schlote and Elisabeth Borchers
- Children's book: Grandma by Peter Härtling
- Youth book: The Guardians by John Christopher
- Nonfiction book: Planet of the people by Theodor Dolezol
- Picture book: We can still do a lot together from FK Waechter
- Children's book: The prize for a children's book was not awarded.
- Children's book: Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George
- Nonfiction: They built a cathedral by David Macaulay
- Special prize for the International Year of Women: You don't get anything for free from Angelika Kutsch
- Picture book: Every year the jackhammer rushes down or The Change in the Landscape by Jörg Müller
- Children's book: When Hitler Stole the Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr
- Youth book: Momo by Michael Ende
- Non-fiction book: A thousand tricks of camouflage by Otto von Frisch
- Picture book: Big ones can do everything by László Réber and Éva Janikovszky
- Children's book: We don't give a damn about the cucumber king by Christine Nöstlinger
- Youth Book: A Useful Member of Barbara Wersba's Society
- Non-fiction book: I have seven lives by Frederik Hetmann
- Children's book: Go and play with the giant by Hans-Joachim Gelberg (Ed.)
- Youth book: Krabat by Otfried Preußler
- Non-fiction book: Höhlen - Welt ohne Sonne by Ernst Waldemar Bauer
- Picture book: The apple and the butterfly by Iela and Enzo Mari
- Children's book: The Lion Leopold by Reiner Kunze
- Youth book: The earth is near by Luděk Pešek
- Non-fiction book: Society and State by Hanno Drechsler , Wolfgang Hilligen and Franz Neumann (eds.)
- Picture book: Motley joke by Wilfried Blecher
- Children's book: The prize for a children's book was not awarded.
- Children's book: The brother of the silent wolf by Klára Jarunková
- Nonfiction: The Man Who Survived by Lawrence Elliott
- Picture book: All around in my city by Ali Mitgutsch
- Children's book: Zlateh, the goat by Isaac B. Singer
- Young people's book: Long Live the Republic by Jan Procházka
- Picture book: The Gnome Men by Katrin Brandt
- Children's book: The Twelve from the Attic by Pauline Clarke
- Youth book: The Son of the Torero by Maia Rodman
- Non-fiction book: ... and below us the earth by Erich H. Heimann
- Picture book: The golden bird by Lilo Fromm and Jakob Grimm
- Children's book: Attention - Storm Warning Hurricane - 11pm by Andrew Salkey
- YA: In red rear building of Petersberg
- Non-fiction book: The riddle Northwest Passage by Kurt Lütgen
- Picture book: Where's Wendelin? by Wilfried Blecher
- Children's book: David by Max Bolliger
- Youth book: Florian 14: Eighth Alarm by Hans Georg Prager
- Picture book: Swimmy by Leo Lionni
- Children's book: Wickie and the strong men by Runer Jonsson
- Children's book: America saga by Frederik Hetmann
- Children's book: Dolphin Summer by Katherine Allfrey
- Youth book: ... and best regards from Wancho from Miep Diekmann
- Children's book: Kater Mikesch (originally by Josef Lada ) as a retelling by Otfried Preußler
- Children's book: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
- Children's book: Fire shoe and wind sandal by Ursula Wölfel
- Youth book: Sternkinder by Clara Asscher-Pinkhof
- Special prize for history in children's and young people's books: A ship to Greenland by Ingeborg Engelhardt
- Children's book: Jim Button and Lukas the Engine Driver by Michael Ende
- Youth book: - The price for a youth book was not awarded. -
- Special prize for the reworking of classic children's and young people's books: Der Wildtöter by James Fenimore Cooper , Obpacher book and art publisher
- Children's book: My great-grandfather and I by James Krüss
- Children's book: Shanghai 41 by Elizabeth F. Lewis
- Special prize The young person in his environment: Elegy of the night by Michel del Castillo
- Children's book: Matthias and the Squirrel by Hans Peterson
- Youth book: - The price for a youth book was not awarded. -
- Special prize: The best non-fiction book for children up to 14 years of age: Pioneers and their grandchildren by Rutgers von der Loeff-Basenau , So you fly today and tomorrow by Leo Schneider and Maurice Umschweif Ames
- Picture book: Kasimir's world tour by Marlene Reidel
- Children's book: Jan and the wild horse by Heinrich Maria Denneborg
- Book for young people: Red moon and hot time by Herbert Kaufmann
- Children's book: The wheel at the school by Meindest DeJong
- Children's book: Faß zu, Toyon by Nicholas Kalashnikoff
- Children's book: The happy lion by Roger Duvoisin and Louise Fatio
- Young people's book: No Winter for Wolves by Kurt Lütgen
- Special Price: The most beautiful girl book: The golden veil of Alberta drum ; .... quite simply Doko by Helga Strätling-Tölle
1960s and 1970s
In 1962, Arianna Giachi wrote in the FAZ on November 23 that the prize was “a misappropriation of federal funds that were intended to promote German youth literature”. 1971 criticized Sybille Countess Schönfeldt in the time : "Can the honorable intention of the state to prämiieren so-called good children's literature, to preserve the so-called children from poor reading ever be outdated? The books that have now been awarded the German Youth Book Prize in Würzburg allow only one answer: Yes - this prize has become superfluous, even if its forty or fifty jurors should not have noticed. ”Her criticism is primarily concerned on the five books that were awarded in 1971: "Five books that you can't say much against, but also not much for it, a cautious noble average, a somewhat ideal world, a little authority: children are still the quickest to learn good behavior through fear and terror."
In 2002, the publisher Otokar Bozejovski criticized the allegedly poor quality of the award winners in the picture book category in an open letter: "The German Youth Literature Prize, especially in the picture book category, is no longer an award." Klaus Humann faced this blanket criticism in an open letter counter: “But the nomination list almost always attracted attention because it combined the common with the daring, the shrill with the sedate. And that's a good thing and should stay that way. The jury was also wished for this daring in their final award decision. With your blanket and unjust criticism, you have done neither yourself nor the cause of picture and children's books a good service. "
It was criticized that the German Youth Literature Prize is the only state prize for literature in Germany to be awarded exclusively internationally; in contrast to most prices in other countries, which are reserved for domestic authors. Wolfgang Bittner wrote on January 25, 2012 in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung under the heading “A state award for licenses from abroad?” About the award: “German authors have been shown to have been disadvantaged in a way that seems scandalous in the past decades. They hardly have a chance of ever receiving their state prize for the promotion of German children's and youth literature, and they also get nothing abroad because the state prizes there, like many other literary prizes, are reserved for their own authors. In addition, in addition to the original German editions from the previous year, licensed editions will be awarded, that is, books that have long since proven themselves on the market in other countries and some have received awards. "
Thomas Thiemeyer , author and illustrator, reacted to the content “ falsified by certain media” ( Rainer M. Schröder ): “In a country in which less than two hundred writers (very few of them young authors) can make a living from their work , it is sheer cynicism to believe that one does not need species protection. Every straw is important here, every scholarship, every grant and every award. At first sight, it may be about better positioning in the book trade, about advertising budgets and advantages in licensing business, but ultimately this is about preserving diversity in youth literature. Giving state, tax-funded prizes to authors and novels who have already been successful abroad and have received prize money there is an act of thoughtlessness that accelerates the impoverishment of the book market and fosters a book scene dominated by Anglo-American literature. Refuges and biotopes are essential to avoid monoculture and preserve diversity. Anyone who claims otherwise fails to understand the economic situation on the book market. ”The working group for youth literature, the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Research as well as various experts commented on the criticism of the internationality.
Web links
- German Youth Literature Prize
- Katja Haug: Orientation marks of reality. 50 years of the German Youth Literature Award - an occasion for discussion
- Article in the FAZ about the history of the youth literature award
- Reports on the award events for the German Youth Literature Prize since 2013 at
Individual evidence
- ^ German Youth Literature Prize. In: Retrieved April 8, 2016 .
- ↑ database
- ↑ Online award ceremony. In: Working group for youth literature, accessed on October 14, 2020 .
- ↑ The winners of the German Youth Literature Prize 2019 at
- ↑ The list of nominations for the German Youth Literature Award 2017 is fixed in:, 23 March 2017
- ↑ Archive link ( Memento of the original dated November 30, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ Criticism of the youth literature award: Open letter from bohem press publisher
- ↑ First reaction to the open letter from the bohem press publisher
- ↑ Open letter , initiative of German-speaking authors of books for children and young people and illustrators
- ^ Wolfgang Bittner: German Youth Literature Prize: A State Prize for Licenses from Abroad? NRhZ-Online , January 25, 2012
- ↑ Statements from authors, illustrators and editors , Initiative DJLP
- ↑ Statistics and expert opinions on the internationality of the German Youth Literature Prize