List of area changes in Thuringia

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This list of area changes in Thuringia includes area changes that affect municipalities, rural districts, administrative communities and fulfilling municipalities. On this main page only the area changes are listed that have changed the administrative area of ​​administrative communities or fulfilling communities after the district reform on July 1, 1994 . For an overview of area changes in municipalities and districts, see the corresponding section on this page .

Municipalities and counties

Administrative communities and fulfilling communities

The information relates to the period after July 1, 1994.


  • Date : indicates the date of the change of area
  • Former municipality : indicates the name or names of the dissolved municipalities, administrative communities or fulfilling municipalities
  • Process : indicates the type of area changes that can be implemented in several ways
  • new municipality : indicates the name of the municipality, administrative association or fulfilling municipality after the merger

The abbreviations EG and VG stand for fulfilling municipality and administrative community .


date former commune process new commune
06/29/1994 VG Artern-Reinsdorf renaming VG Mittelzentrum Artern
07/01/1994 VG Ländereck , Hilbersdorf Expansion of an administrative community VG country corner
09/10/1994 VG Großrudestedt , VG Grammeaue Dissolution and regeneration VG Gramme-Aue
09/30/1994 VG Hildebrandshausen / Lengenfeld unterm Stein , Rodeberg Expansion of an administrative community VG Hildebrandshausen / Lengenfeld under the stone
10/11/1994 VG Hartmannsdorf renaming VG Elstertal
10/11/1994 VG Heinersdorf Dissolution (expansion of the VG region Wurzbach to include the member communities Grumbach and Heinersdorf ; the member community Unterlemnitz becomes independent ) -
10/11/1994 VG Kleinromstedt , VG Wormstedt Dissolution and regeneration VG Ilm-Saale-Platte
10/11/1994 VG Straussfurt , Haßleben Expansion of an administrative community VG Straussfurt
10/12/1994 Grumbach , Heberndorf , Heinersdorf , Oßla , Titschendorf , Weitisberga , town of Wurzbach Formation of an administrative community VG region Wurzbach
10/12/1994 VG Löbichau-Wildenbörten , VG Thonhausen Dissolution and regeneration VG Upper Sprottental
11/04/1994 VG Isseroda , VG Tröbsdorf Dissolution and regeneration VG Grammetal
11/04/1994 VG Lichte-Piesau-Schmiedefeld , Reichmannsdorf Expansion of an administrative community VG Lichtetal am Rennsteig
11/04/1994 VG Moorgrund Dissolution and reorganization with the Kupfersuhl community Moorland
11/04/1994 VG Oettersdorf , Bucha , Dreba , Knau , Tegau , Volkmannsdorf Expansion and renaming of an administrative community VG Lake District
11/04/1994 VG salt bridge , Bauerbach Expansion of an administrative community VG salt bridge
11/04/1994 VG Westerwald-Obereichsfeld , Großbartloff Expansion of an administrative community VG Westerwald-Obereichsfeld
11/26/1994 Schweina , Steinbach Build a fulfilling church EG Schweina
11/29/1994 VG Greußen , Trebra Expansion of an administrative community VG Greußen
11/29/1994 VG Kyffhäuser , Oberbösa Expansion of an administrative community VG Kyffhäuser
12/29/1994 VG Gleistal-Gemdental Dissolution and reorganization of the member communities VG Dornburg
12/30/1994 VG Warza , Goldbach , Wangenheim Expansion and renaming of an administrative community VG Mittleres Nessetal


date former commune process new commune
01/01/1995 VG Straussfurt , Riethnordhausen Expansion of an administrative community VG Straussfurt
02/03/1995 VG Oberes Sprottental , Bethenhausen , Brahmenau , Hirschfeld , Korbußen , Pölzig , Schwaara Expansion of an administrative community VG Am Brahmetal
02/04/1995 VG Buttstädt , Großbrembach , Kleinbrembach Expansion of an administrative community VG Buttstädt
02/04/1995 City of Sondershausen , Großfurra Build a fulfilling church EG Sondershausen , city
02/04/1995 VG Westerwald-Obereichsfeld , waxedt Expansion of an administrative community VG Westerwald-Obereichsfeld
03/01/1995 City of Bad Salzungen , Leimbach Build a fulfilling church EG Bad Salzungen , city
03/09/1995 VG Ranis-Oberland , Crispendorf , Eßbach , Schöndorf , City of Ziegenrück Formation of a new administrative community VG Ranis-Ziegenrück
03/09/1995 City of Schlotheim , Bothenheilingen , Issersheilingen , Kleinwelsbach , Körner , Marolterode , Neunheilingen Build a fulfilling church EG Schlotheim , City
03/17/1995 City of Sondershausen , Berka Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Sondershausen , city
03/17/1995 City Stadtlengsfeld , Gehaus Build a fulfilling church EG Stadtlengsfeld , City
March 31, 1995 Barley , leeks Build a fulfilling church EG Gerstungen
March 31, 1995 Herbsleben , Großvargula Build a fulfilling community EG Herbsleben
March 31, 1995 VG drive Build a fulfilling church EG Triebes , city
March 31, 1995 Unterbreizbach , Sünna Build a fulfilling church EG Unterbreizbach
04/21/1995 VG Diedorf Dissolution and regeneration Katharinenberg
04/21/1995 VG Upper Pleißental Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Gößnitz , city
05/12/1995 VG Nessetal , Sonneborn Expansion of an administrative community VG Nessetal
05/12/1995 City of Saalfeld / Saale , Arnsgereuth Build a fulfilling church EG Saalfeld / Saale , city
05/12/1995 Tiefenort , Frauensee Build a fulfilling church Ground floor location
06/16/1995 City of Neustadt an der Orla , Breitenhain , Kospoda , Linda near Neustadt an der Orla , Stanau Build a fulfilling church EG Neustadt an der Orla , city
06/16/1995 City of Sondershausen , Oberspier Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Sondershausen , city
06/30/1995 VG Amt Sand , VG Walldorf , VG Wasungen Dissolution and regeneration VG Wasungen-Amt Sand
07/01/1995 VG Ländereck , Endschütz , Kauern Expansion of an administrative community VG country corner
07/28/1995 City of Meiningen , Herpf , Rippershausen , Sülzfeld , Untermaßfeld Build a fulfilling church EG Meiningen , city
07/28/1995 VG Münchenbernsdorf , Zedlitz Expansion of an administrative community VG Münchenbernsdorf
07/28/1995 VG Ohrdruf Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Ohrdruf , city
07/28/1995 VG Oppurg , Langenorla Expansion of an administrative community VG Oppurg
07/28/1995 VG Schalkau Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Schalkau , city
09/01/1995 VG Helbetal Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Kleinbrüchter and Toba to Helbedündorf ; the remaining member communities become independent) -
09/01/1995 VG Probstzella / Loquitzgrund renaming VG Probstzella-Lehesten-Marktgölitz
09/02/1995 City of Roßleben , Bottendorf Build a fulfilling church EG Roßleben , city
09/02/1995 VG Unstrut-Luhne Dissolution and regeneration Unstruttal
09/23/1995 City of Nordhausen , Steigerthal Build a fulfilling church EG Nordhausen , city
09/30/1995 VG Hörsel , Metebach Expansion of an administrative community VG Hörsel
October 19, 1995 VG Saale-Loquitz Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church Ground floor Kaulsdorf
10/20/1995 City of Ebeleben , Abtsbessingen , Bellstedt , Freienbessingen , Holzsußra , Kleinbrüchter , Rockstedt , Thuringia , Wolferschwenda Build a fulfilling church EG Ebeleben , city
10/20/1995 City of Leinefelde , Beuren Build a fulfilling church EG Leinefelde , city
10/20/1995 VG Quirla Build a fulfilling church EG Stadtroda , city
10/20/1995 City of Roßleben , Schönewerda Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Roßleben , city
10/20/1995 VG Stadtroda Build a fulfilling church EG Stadtroda , city
11/16/1995 VG Mittelzentrum Artern Spin-off and merger of Schönfeld and Artern / Unstrut Artern / Unstrut , city
December 21, 1995 City of Bad Köstritz , Caaschwitz Build a fulfilling church EG Bad Köstritz , city
December 21, 1995 VG Goldene Aue , Urbach Expansion of an administrative community VG Goldene Aue
December 21, 1995 VG Harth Dissolution (formation of the Harth-Pöllnitz community from the Harth member community and the Pöllnitz community ; formation of the EG Weida with Crimla as the commissioning community) -
12/28/1995 VG Wethautal Outsourcing of the Serba member community ; Build a fulfilling church Ground floor Bad Klosterlausnitz
12/29/1995 City of Bad Frankenhausen / Kyffhäuser , Esperstedt Build a fulfilling church EG Bad Frankenhausen / Kyffhäuser , city
12/29/1995 City of Triebes , Dörtendorf Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Triebes , city
December 31, 1995 EG Gerstungen Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 1995 VG Neumühle / Elster Dissolution (integration of the Daßlitz and Nitschareuth communities into Langenwetzendorf ; expansion of the VG Leubatal to Neugernsdorf ; formation of the EG Greiz with Neumühle / Elster as the commissioning community; the member communities Kleinreinsdorf and Waltersdorf near Berga / Elster become independent ) -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/1996 VG Auengrund Outsourcing of the member community Auengrund -
01/01/1996 City of Blankenhain , City of Magdala Build a fulfilling church EG Blankenhain , city
01/01/1996 VG Eltetal Dissolution (extension of the VG Gerstungen to include the member communities Ober- and Unterellen ; integration of the member communities Eckardtshausen and Förtha into the community of Marksuhl ; integration of the member community Etterwind into the community of Moorgrund ; independence of the member community Wolfsburg-Unkeroda ) -
01/01/1996 VG Emsetal Dissolution and regeneration Emsetal
01/01/1996 Barley , leek , Oberellen , Unterellen Neoplasm VG Gerstungen
01/01/1996 VG Greußen , Niederbösa Expansion of an administrative community VG Greußen
01/01/1996 VG Großenehrich Dissolution and regeneration Großenehrich , city
01/01/1996 VG Leinatal Dissolution and regeneration Leinatal
01/01/1996 VG Oberes Geratal , Gossel , City of Plaue Expansion of an administrative community VG Upper Geratal
01/01/1996 VG Saara Dissolution and regeneration Saara
01/01/1996 VG Sättelstädt Dissolution and regeneration Hörselberg
01/01/1996 VG Schernberg Dissolution and regeneration Schernberg
01/02/1996 VG Auma , VG Weidatal Dissolution and regeneration VG Auma-Weidatal
02/15/1996 VG Bad Sulza Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Bad Sulza , city
03/14/1996 VG on the heath Resolution (enlargement of the VG Elstertal the member communities heath and Walpernhain ; independence of the community member Gösen ) -
03/14/1996 VG Elstertal renaming VG Heideland-Elstertal
03/14/1996 VG Erlbach-Stübnitzthal Dissolution (independence of the member communities Kraftsdorf , Niederndorf , Rüdersdorf and Töppeln ; formation of the EG Bad Köstritz with Hartmannsdorf as the commissioning community) -
03/15/1996 VG Ilm-Saale-Platte Dissolution and regeneration Saaleplatte
03/15/1996 City of Wiehe , Donndorf Build a fulfilling church EG Wiehe , city
05/01/1996 City of Meiningen , Henneberg Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Meiningen , city
06/01/1996 VG Ilmtal Dissolution and regeneration Ilm Valley
06/04/1996 VG Bürgel Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Bürgel , City
06/04/1996 VG Eichsfelder Pforte Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Sollstedt
06/04/1996 Marksuhl , Ettenhausen ad Suhl , Wolfsburg-Unkeroda Build a fulfilling church EG Marksuhl
06/04/1996 VG Südeichsfeld , Krombach , Martinfeld Expansion of an administrative community VG Südeichsfeld
06/30/1996 EG Stadtlengsfeld , City Abolition of a fulfilling church -
07/31/1996 VG Auengrund Dissolution (merger of the member communities Nahetal and Waldau to form the community of Nahetal-Waldau ; formation of the EG Auengrund with Brno / Thuringia as the commissioning community) -
08/01/1996 City of Eisenberg , Gosen Build a fulfilling church EG Eisenberg , city
08/01/1996 City of Eisfeld , Bockstadt Build a fulfilling church EG Eisfeld , city
08/01/1996 City of Meiningen , Stepfershausen Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Meiningen , city
08/01/1996 VG Menteroda Dissolution and new formation, with the exception of the member community Obermehler , which becomes the commissioning community for Schlotheim Menteroda
08/01/1996 VG Rhönblick Dissolution and reorganization with the communities of Bettenhausen , Hermannsfeld and Stedtlingen and the Seeba district of the Herpf community Rhönblick
08/01/1996 EG Unterbreizbach Abolition of a fulfilling church -
08/01/1996 VG Vacha Outsourcing of the member community in Pferdsdorf -
08/01/1996 VG Vorderrhön , VG Werratal Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Breitungen / Werra
08/01/1996 VG Wethautal Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Eisenberg , city
10/18/1996 City of Arnstadt , Wachsenburg community , Wipfratal Build a fulfilling church EG Arnstadt , city
10/18/1996 VG Grenzland Dissolution and regeneration Hohenstein
December 31, 1996 VG Obere Saale Dissolution (merger of the member communities Drognitz , Neuenbeuthen and Reitzengeschwenda to form the community of Drognitz ; Altenbeuthen and Drognitz become commissioning communities for Kaulsdorf ; merger of the remaining member communities to form the city of Leutenberg ) -
December 31, 1996 VG Remda , VG Teichel Dissolution and new formation, apart from the member communities Lichstedt and Neckeroda Remda-Teichel , city
December 31, 1996 VG Saalfelder Höhe Dissolution and regeneration Saalfelder Höhe


date former commune process new commune
01/01/1997 VG Bösleben , VG Kirchheim Dissolution and regeneration VG Riechheimer Berg
01/01/1997 Elxleben , Witterda Build a fulfilling church EG Elxleben
01/01/1997 VG Gefell Dissolution and new formation, apart from the member community Stelzen , which is incorporated into Tanna Gefell , town
01/01/1997 City of Geisa , Buttlar , Gerstengrund , Rockenstuhl , Schleid Build a fulfilling church EG Geisa , city
01/01/1997 VG Uhlstädt Outsourcing of the member communities Oberpreilipp and Unterpreilipp VG Uhlstädt
01/01/1997 VG Geismar , VG Südeichsfeld Dissolution and regeneration VG Ershausen / Geismar
01/01/1997 VG Helmetal Dissolution and regeneration Werther
01/01/1997 VG Hohe Rhön , Frankenheim / Rhön , Unterweid Expansion of an administrative community VG Hohe Rhön
01/01/1997 VG Kölleda , Schillingstedt Expansion of an administrative community VG Kölleda
01/01/1997 VG Krölpa Dissolution and reformation, apart from the member community Seisla that which ranis-ziegenrück connects Krolpa
01/01/1997 VG Landgraben-West Dissolution and regeneration Anrode
01/01/1997 VG Mihla , Bischofroda Expansion of an administrative community VG Mihla
01/01/1997 VG Nessetal Dissolution (expansion of the VG Mittleres Nessetal to include the member communities of Brüheim , Friedrichswerth , Haina and Sonneborn ; expansion of the VG Hörsel of the member communities of Ebenheim and Weingarten ) -
01/01/1997 City of Neuhaus am Rennweg , Goldisthal , Scheibe-Alsbach , Siegmundsburg Build a fulfilling church EG Neuhaus am Rennweg , city
01/01/1997 VG Obere Bode Dissolution (expansion of the VG Eichsfeld-Südharz to include the member communities) VG Eichsfeld-Südharz
01/01/1997 City of Rudolstadt , Kirchhasel Build a fulfilling church EG Rudolstadt , city
01/01/1997 VG Scherkondetal , VG Schloßvippach Dissolution and regeneration VG At the brand
01/01/1997 VG Schkölen Dissolution (expansion of VG Camburg to include the member community Thierschneck ; formation of EG Eisenberg with Mertendorf as the commissioning community; merger of the other seven member communities to form the new city of Schkölen ) -
01/01/1997 City of Steinach , Steinheid Build a fulfilling church EG Steinach , city
01/01/1997 VG Tanna Dissolution and regeneration Tanna , town
01/01/1997 VG Unstrut-Hainich , Schönstedt Expansion of an administrative community VG Unstrut-Hainich
01/01/1997 City of Zeulenroda , Langenwolschendorf Build a fulfilling church EG Zeulenroda , city
12/30/1997 EG Sondershausen , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/1998 VG three of a kind Outsourcing of the member communities Günthersleben and Wechmar -
06/22/1998 VG three of a kind Outsourcing of the member community Schwabhausen -
06/23/1998 Günthersleben-Wechmar , Schwabhausen Build a fulfilling church EG Günthersleben-Wechmar
06/22/1998 VG Mittlerer Apfelstädtgrund renaming VG three of a kind


date former commune process new commune
03/12/1999 EG Schlotheim , City Repeal of a fulfilling church; Formation of an administrative community VG Schlotheim
March 31, 1999 EG Nordhausen , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
March 31, 1999 EG Roßleben , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
March 31, 1999 EG Triebes , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Dörtendorf -
07/01/1999 VG Holzland Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church Ground floor Bad Klosterlausnitz
07/01/1999 VG Behringen Dissolution and regeneration Behringen
07/01/1999 VG Camburg Resolution; Build a fulfilling church EG Camburg , city
07/01/1999 VG region Wurzbach Dissolution and regeneration Wurzbach , city
07/01/1999 Remptendorf , Liebschütz Build a fulfilling church EG Remptendorf
07/01/1999 VG Saalburg Outsourcing of the member community Burgk ; Build a fulfilling church EG Remptendorf
07/01/1999 VG Saale-Sormitz-Heights Dissolution and regeneration Remptendorf
07/01/1999 VG Vogtland Oberland Dissolution and regeneration Vogtland Oberland


date former commune process new commune
06/05/2000 EG Leinefelde , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
09/29/2000 EG Remptendorf Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the commissioning community Liebschütz -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2002 EG Blankenhain , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
01/01/2002 VG Mellingen , City of Magdala Expansion of an administrative community VG Mellingen
07/01/2002 VG Uhlstädt Dissolution (new formation of the community Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel from the member communities and the community Kirchhasel , which was previously filled by Rudolstadt ; formation of the EG Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel with Großkochberg and Heilingen as commissioning communities) -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2003 VG Saalburg Dissolution and reorganization with the municipality of Ebersdorf Saalburg-Ebersdorf , city


date former commune process new commune
03/15/2004 VG Gerstungen Dissolution and regeneration Barley
03/15/2004 VG Am Ohmgebirge Dissolution (expansion of VG Lindenberg / Eichsfeld to include the member community Ferna ; merger of the remaining member communities Breitenbach , Wintzingerode and Worbis with Leinefelde to form the city of Leinefelde-Worbis ) -
12/30/2004 VG Lichte-Piesau-Schmiedefeld renaming VG Lichtetal am Rennsteig


date former commune process new commune
02/01/2005 VG Dornburg Dissolution (merger of the member communities with the city of Camburg and its commissioning communities) VG Dornburg-Camburg


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2006 City of Ruhla , Seebach Build a fulfilling church EG Ruhla , city
02/01/2006 EG Triebes , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
02/01/2006 VG Unterwellenborn Dissolution and regeneration Unterwellenborn
02/01/2006 VG Rennsteig Dissolution (integration of the member community Kleinschmalkalden after Floh-Seligenthal ; independence of the member community Brotterode ) -
02/01/2006 City of Zeulenroda , Weißendorf Renaming and expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Zeulenroda-Triebes , city


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2007 VG Kölleda , City of Rastenberg Expansion of an administrative community VG Kölleda
December 01, 2007 EG Bad Frankenhausen / Kyffhäuser , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 01, 2007 EG Bleicherode , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Obergebra -
December 01, 2007 VG Grabfeld Dissolution and regeneration Grave field
December 01, 2007 VG Hohnstein / Südharz Outsourcing of the member communities Petersdorf , Rodishain and Stempeda VG Hohnstein / Südharz
December 01, 2007 VG Reinhardsbrunn Dissolution and regeneration Friedrichroda , city
December 01, 2007 EG Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel Abolition of a fulfilling church -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2008 City of Berga / Elster , Mohlsdorf , Teichwolframsdorf Build a fulfilling church EG Berga / Elster , city
02/01/2008 EG Breitungen / Werra Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality of Hessles -
December 01, 2008 VG Grammetal Outsourcing of the member community Gutendorf VG Grammetal
December 31, 2008 EG Geisa Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the commissioning community Rockenstuhl -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2009 Administrative community three equals Dissolution and regeneration Three of a kind
01/01/2009 EG Sollstedt Repeal of a fulfilling community -
December 01, 2009 Administrative community of Nesse-Apfelstädt communities Dissolution and regeneration Nesse-Apfelstädt


date former commune process new commune
10/01/2010 VG Greußen , City of Grossenehrich Expansion of an administrative community VG Greußen
December 01, 2010 VG Goldene Aue Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG pegs / helmets , city
December 01, 2010 EG Meiningen , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Herpf -


date former commune process new commune
December 01, 2011 VG Auma-Weidatal Dissolution (merger of the member communities Auma , Braunsdorf , Göhren-Döhlen , Staitz and Wiebelsdorf to form the city of Auma-Weidatal ; integration of the member communities Merkendorf , Silberfeld and Zadelsdorf into Zeulenroda-Triebes ) -
December 01, 2011 VG Eichsfeld-Südharz Dissolution (merger of the member communities Bockelnhagen , Holungen , Jützenbach , Silkerode , Steinrode , Stöckey , Weißenborn-Lüderode and Zwinge to form the rural community of Sonnenstein ; the rural community of Am Ohmberg became independent ) -
December 01, 2011 VG Hildebrandshausen / Lengenfeld under the stone Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Südeichsfeld
December 01, 2011 Administrative community Hörsel Dissolution and regeneration Hörsel
December 01, 2011 EG Saalfeld / Saale , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 01, 2011 EG Steinach , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2012 EG Berga / Elster , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
01/01/2012 VG Dolmar , VG Salt Bridge Dissolution and regeneration VG Dolmar salt bridge
01/01/2012 City of Eisfeld , Sachsenbrunn Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Eisfeld , city
01/01/2012 VG Heideland-Elstertal , City of Schkölen Expansion and renaming of an administrative community VG Heideland-Elstertal-Schkölen
01/01/2012 VG Ländereck , Wünschendorf / Elster Expansion of an administrative community VG country corner
01/01/2012 VG Wasungen-Amt Sand , surges Expansion of an administrative community VG Wasungen-Amt Sand
December 31, 2012 VG Kyffhäuser Dissolution and reformation, apart from the member community Oberbösa that the VG Greußen connects Kyffhäuserland
December 31, 2012 EG Schweina Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2012 EG Arnstadt , city Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the commissioning Wachsenburg community -
December 31, 2012 EG Bad Sulza , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipalities Auerstedt , Flurstedt , Gebstedt , Reisdorf and Wickerstedt -
December 31, 2012 VG Barchfeld Dissolution and regeneration Barchfeld-Immelborn
December 31, 2012 VG Gleichberge Dissolution and reorganization with the community of Gleichamberg Römhild , city
December 31, 2012 EG Neuhaus am Rennweg , city Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the commissioning communities Scheibe-Alsbach and Siegmundsburg -
December 31, 2012 City of Schleusingen , St. Kilian Build a fulfilling church EG Schleusingen , City
December 31, 2012 VG Vogtei Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Vogtei


date former commune process new commune
02/07/2013 VG country corner renaming VG Wünschendorf / Elster
December 31, 2013 EG Eisfeld , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Bockstadt -
December 31, 2013 VG Leubatal Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Hain , Lunzig , Neugernsdorf and Wildenaube into Langenwetzendorf ; incorporation of the member communities Hohenölsen , Steinsdorf and Schömberg into Weida ; formation of the EG Langenwetzendorf with Hohenleuben and Kühdorf as commissioning communities; expansion of the VG Wünschendorf / Elster to include the member community Teichwitz ) -
December 31, 2013 City of Bad Sulza , Saaleplatte Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Bad Sulza , city
December 31, 2013 VG Berlstedt , VG Buttelstedt Dissolution and regeneration VG Northern District Weimar
December 31, 2013 VG Creuzburg Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities into VG Mihla ) VG Mihla
December 31, 2013 VG Dermbach , City of Stadtlengsfeld Expansion of an administrative community VG Dermbach
December 31, 2013 VG Heldburger Unterland , Straufhain Expansion of an administrative community VG Heldburger Unterland
December 31, 2013 VG Ilmtal Wine Route Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Ilmtal Wine Route
December 31, 2013 VG Probstzella-Lehesten-Marktgölitz , City of Graefenthal Expansion and renaming of an administrative community VG Slate Mountains
December 31, 2013 VG Upper Feldatal Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Kaltennordheim , city
December 31, 2013 VG Ranis-Ziegenrück , Krölpa Expansion of an administrative community VG Ranis-Ziegenrück
December 31, 2013 VG Vacha Dissolution and regeneration Vacha , city


date former commune process new commune
10/01/2014 VG Mihla renaming VG Hainich-Werratal


date former commune process new commune
07/06/2018 VG Wieratal Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Frohnsdorf , Jückelberg and Ziegelheim after Nobitz ; formation of the EG Nobitz with Göpfersdorf and Langenleuba-Niederhain as commissioning communities) -
07/06/2018 VG Lindenberg / Eichsfeld Outsourcing of the member community Hundeshagen VG Lindenberg / Eichsfeld
07/06/2018 EG Günthersleben-Wechmar Abolition of a fulfilling church -
07/06/2018 Three of a kind , Schwabhausen Build a fulfilling church EG Three of a kind
07/06/2018 EG Schleusingen , City Abolition of a fulfilling church -
07/06/2018 VG Langer Berg Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Gehren and Pennewitz into Ilmenau ; expansion of the VG Großbreitenbach to include the member communities Herschdorf and Neustadt am Rennsteig ) -
07/06/2018 VG Hohnstein / Südharz Dissolution (incorporation of the member community Buchholz into Nordhausen ; incorporation of the member communities Harzungen , Herrmannsacker and Neustadt / Harz into Harztor ) -
07/06/2018 VG Mittleres Schwarzatal Outsourcing of the member community Wittgendorf VG Mittleres Schwarzatal
07/06/2018 VG Haselgrund Outsourcing of the member community Springstille VG Haselgrund
07/06/2018 VG Kölleda Outsourcing of the member community Schillingstedt VG Kölleda
07/06/2018 EG Marksuhl Abolition of a fulfilling church -
07/06/2018 Ground floor location Abolition of a fulfilling church -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2019 VG Altenburger Land Dissolution (integration of the member communities Altkirchen , Jungs and Lumpzig into Schmölln ; formation of the EG Schmölln with Dobitschen as the commissioning community; expansion of the VG Rositz to include the member communities Göhren , Göllnitz , Mehna and Starkenberg ) -
01/01/2019 VG Upper Sprottental Outsourcing of the member communities Nöbdenitz and Wildenbörten VG Upper Sprottental
01/01/2019 VG Eichsfelder Kessel Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Deuna , Gerterode , Hausen and Kleinbartloff into Niederorschel ) Lower Orschel
01/01/2019 VG Ershausen / Geismar Outsourcing of the member community Bernterode VG Ershausen / Geismar
01/01/2019 VG Dingelstädt Dissolution (incorporation of the member community Kallmerode into Leinefelde-Worbis ; merger of the member communities Dingelstädt , Helmsdorf , Kefferhausen , Kreuzebra and Silberhausen to form the city and rural community of Dingelstädt ) -
01/01/2019 VG Mittleres Nessetal Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Nessetal
01/01/2019 EG Ohrdruf , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipalities Crawinkel , Graefenhain and Wölfis -
01/01/2019 VG Feldstein , City of Themar Expansion of an administrative community VG Feldstein
01/01/2019 EG Eisfeld , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
01/01/2019 EG Arnstadt , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
01/01/2019 VG Großbreitenbach Dissolution and regeneration Großbreitenbach , city
01/01/2019 VG Riechheimer Berg Outsourcing of the member communities Kirchheim and Rockhausen VG Riechheimer Berg
01/01/2019 Wachsenburg Office , Rockhausen Build a fulfilling church EG Office Wachsenburg
01/01/2019 VG Rennsteig Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Frauenwald and Stützerbach to Ilmenau ; incorporation of the member community Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig to Suhl ) -
01/01/2019 VG Geratal Outsourcing of the member community Geraberg VG Geratal
01/01/2019 VG Upper Geratal Dissolution (merger of the member communities Frankenhain , Gräfenroda , Geschwenda , Gossel and Liebenstein with the community Geraberg to form the rural community Geratal ; integration of the member community Gehlberg to Suhl ; expansion of the VG Geratal to include the town of Plaue ) -
01/01/2019 VG Geratal renaming VG Geratal / Plaue
01/01/2019 VG Mittelzentrum Artern Dissolution (merger of the member communities Heygendorf and Voigtstedt with the city of Artern / Unstrut to form the city and rural community of Artern ; formation of the EG Artern with Borxleben , Gehofen , Kalbsrieth , Mönchpfiffel-Nikolausrieth and Reinsdorf as commissioning communities; incorporation of the member communities Ichstedt and Ringleben into the city of Bad Frankenhausen / Kyffhäuser ; merger of the member community Nausitz with the cities of Roßleben and Wiehe and the community of Donndorf to form the city and rural community of Roßleben-Wiehe ) -
01/01/2019 VG On the jewelry Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG An der Schmücke , Stadt
01/01/2019 EG Bleicherode , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipalities Etzelsrode , Friedrichsthal , Kleinbodungen and Kraja -
01/01/2019 VG Hainleite Dissolution (merger of the member communities with the communities Etzelsrode , Friedrichsthal , Kleinbodungen and Kraja as well as the city of Bleicherode to form the city and rural community of Bleicherode ) -
01/01/2019 City of Bleicherode , Großlohra , Kleinfurra Expansion of an existing fulfilling church EG Bleicherode , city
01/01/2019 EG Stadtroda , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipalities Bollberg and Quirla -
01/01/2019 VG Saale-Rennsteig Dissolution and regeneration Rosenthal on the Rennsteig
01/01/2019 EG Neustadt an der Orla , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality of Stanau -
01/01/2019 VG Ranis-Ziegenrück Outsourcing of the member community Crispendorf VG Ranis-Ziegenrück
01/01/2019 VG Bergbahnregion / Schwarzatal and VG Mittleres Schwarzatal Dissolution and reformation, apart from the member municipalities Dröbischau and Oberhain , in which then in Königsee be incorporated renamed city Königsee-Rottenbach, apart from Allendorf and Bechstedt , for which the city Königsee is fulfilling community and apart from the member municipalities Melle-Glasbach , Meuselbach -Schwarzmühle and Oberweißbach / Thuringian Forest , which merge to form the town and rural community of Schwarzatal , which in turn belongs to the VG Schwarzatal VG Schwarzatal
01/01/2019 VG Lichtetal am Rennsteig Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities Reichmannsdorf and Schmiedefeld into Saalfeld / Saale ; incorporation of the member communities Lichte and Piesau into Neuhaus am Rennweg ) -
01/01/2019 VG Haselgrund Dissolution (incorporation of the member communities into Steinbach-Hallenberg ) Steinbach-Hallenberg , city
01/01/2019 EG Meiningen , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Henneberg -
01/01/2019 VG Wasungen-Amt Sand Outsourcing of the member communities Wallbach and Walldorf VG Wasungen-Amt Sand
01/01/2019 VG Dolmar salt bridge Outsourcing of the member community Wölfershausen VG Dolmar salt bridge
01/01/2019 VG Hohe Rhön , City of Kaltennordheim Expansion of an administrative community to include the city of Kaltennordheim VG Hohe Rhön
01/01/2019 VG Buttstädt Dissolution and regeneration Buttstädt
01/01/2019 VG Kindelbrück Outsourcing of the Herrnschwende member community VG Kindelbrück
01/01/2019 VG Unstrut-Hainich Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Unstrut-Hainich
01/01/2019 VG Bad Tennstedt Outsourcing of the member community Klettstedt VG Bad Tennstedt
01/01/2019 VG Hainich-Werratal Outsourcing of the member community Ifta VG Hainich-Werratal
01/01/2019 VG Berka / Werra Dissolution and regeneration Werra-Suhl-Tal , city
01/01/2019 VG Dermbach Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Dermbach
01/01/2019 EG Bad Sulza , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality of Ködderitzsch -
01/01/2019 VG Northern District Weimar Dissolution (merger of the member communities Berlstedt , Buttelstedt , Großobringen , Heichelheim , Kleinobringen , Krautheim , Ramsla , Sachsenhausen , Schwerstedt , Vippachedelhausen and Wohlsborn to form the rural community Am Ettersberg ; formation of the EG Am Ettersberg with Ballstedt , Ettersburg and Neumark as commissioning communities; integration of the member communities Rohrbach and Leutenthal to the rural community of Ilmtal-Weinstrasse ) -
01/01/2019 EG Ilmtal Wine Route Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2019 VG Apfelstädtaue Dissolution (merger of the member communities Georgenthal , Hohenkirchen and Petriroda with the community Leinatal to form the rural community Georgenthal ; formation of the EG Georgenthal with Emleben and Herrenhof as commissioning communities) -
December 31, 2019 EG Greiz , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2019 EG Office Wachsenburg Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2019 EG Ebeleben , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Thüringenhausen -
December 31, 2019 EG Neustadt an der Orla , city Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the commissioning community Linda near Neustadt an der Orla -
December 31, 2019 VG Lake District Spin-off of the member communities Dreba and Knau VG Lake District
December 31, 2019 EG Remptendorf Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2019 EG Meiningen , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Stepfershausen -
December 31, 2019 VG Gramme-Aue and VG An der Marke Dissolution and regeneration VG Gramme-Vippach
December 31, 2019 EG Schalkau , city Abolition of a fulfilling church -
December 31, 2019 VG Schlotheim Dissolution and formation of a fulfilling church EG Nottertal-Heilinger Heights , City
December 31, 2019 VG Grammetal Dissolution and regeneration Grammetal
December 31, 2019 EG Bad Sulza , city Cancellation of a fulfilling municipality for the commissioning municipality Saaleplatte -


date former commune process new commune
01/01/2021 VG Greußen ; EG Ebeleben , city Outsourcing of the member communities Greußen and Großenehrich ; Cancellation of a fulfilling community for the community of Wolferschwenda ; Merger of these communities to form the city and rural community of Greußen -
01/01/2021 VG Kölleda Outsourcing of the member community Kölleda -

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Area changes after July 1, 1994 on the website of the Thuringian State Office for Statistics , accessed on April 26, 2020