Buel Machine Company

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Buel Machine Company
legal form Company
founding 1857
resolution 1979
Seat Woburn , Massachusetts , USA
Branch mechanical engineering

Buel Machine Company , according to a source Buel Machine Works , was an American company.

Company history

James Buel (1824-1894) founded the company in 1857 in Woburn , Massachusetts . Among other things, he manufactured drills and freight elevators . His son James Frederick Buel later took over the management. He manufactured a number of automobiles between 1897 and 1903 . The brand name was Buel . Customers were friends and local buyers. A total of about six vehicles were built.

J. Fredrick Buel (1900–1987) worked for the company from 1920 and later took over the management, which he handed over in 1966. John G. Reed (1919-2006) is also named President. In 1979 the company was dissolved.


Buel made steam cars. The steam engine had two cylinders . With the exception of the steam boiler and the tires, all parts were made in-house. The new price was between 500 and 600 US dollars .


  • Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 158 (English).
  • George Nick Georgano (Editor-in-Chief): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Volume 1: A – F. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , p. 209. (English)

Individual evidence

  1. Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 158 (English).
  2. George Nick Georgano (Editor-in-Chief): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , p. 209. (English)
  3. Woburn Public Library on James Buel (accessed October 14, 2017)
  4. a b Buel Machine Company (accessed October 14, 2017)
  5. Mulhane on John G. Reed (accessed October 14, 2017)