Foam Automobile & Motor Manufacturing Company

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Foam Automobile & Motor Manufacturing Company
legal form Company
founding 1900
resolution 1903
Seat Baltimore , Maryland , USA
management William A. Foam
Branch Automobiles

Schaum Automobile & Motor Manufacturing Company was an American manufacturer of automobiles .

Company history

William A. Schaum founded the company in March 1900. The company was based in Baltimore , Maryland . He made spark plugs , other accessories and complete automobiles. The brand name was foam . He also made ten vehicles for the Autocarette Company . The connection proved to be a problem. Production ended in 1903. A total of 16 vehicles with their own brand names were built.

Foam left town, changed his name to William A. de Schaum and founded the De Schaum Motor Syndicate Company in Buffalo in 1906 .

Foam brand vehicles

The vehicles had single cylinder engines . They made between 4 and 7 hp . The engine power was transmitted to the rear axle via a chain. The body was open. They were known as runabouts and offered space for two, four or six people. The maximum speed was given as 32 km / h.


  • Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 1328 (English).
  • George Nicholas Georgano (Ed.): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile . Volume 3: P-Z . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , pp. 1422 (English).

Individual evidence

  1. Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 1328 (English).
  2. George Nicholas Georgano (Ed.): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile . Volume 3: P-Z . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , pp. 1422 (English).