List of history-related films and series

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The list of history-related films and series includes films and series that are set in an earlier era or deal with a historical event . If several epochs are touched, the entry appears accordingly in these epochs, provided that the epoch occurs significantly in the film or in the series.

The list does not include:

  • Documentaries, docudramas;
  • pure genre films (westerns, medieval spectacles, adventure films, etc.) without any actual historical reference;
  • Humorous depictions primary, highly aestheticized or mythological character, take on the heavy anachronisms in buying or looking like Say substances , fantasy , science fiction , steampunk , etc .;
  • Films that deal with events that happened a few years ago, but which do not appear to belong to another epoch;
  • Films that are already listed in another linked list or article (for example Lutherfilm );
  • Short series that in their entirety do not reach a feature length.

An entry provides information on the film title, the film year (usually the year of publication), the time covered (in the case of general biographies, the life data of the person), and makes some comments about the film genre, possibly famous screenwriters or authors of a novel, directors and actors.

Prehistory and early history

Serious films about the people of prehistory and early history (from which the first written documents are already available) are extremely rare. The world is alien to today's viewers and offers little glamor. More common are clothes like Caveman (1981) with Ringo Starr . Prehistoric animals and sometimes people appear on the sidelines in adventure and fantasy films in which today's people get into a prehistoric area, for example through time travel, space travel or expeditions to remote parts of the world. A classic of such stories are films based on Jules Verne's novel Journey to the Center of the Earth .



See: List of Bible Adaptations

Bible adaptations largely strive for historical credibility, but remain closely related to their genre and the original narrative.


The film mostly deals with epochs from Egyptian history that are approaching the Roman conquest and that revolve around Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. The earlier epochs, such as the pyramid building, rarely appear in films.

Ancient Greece

The ancient Greece stands as well as many other branches of ancient history in the shadow of more famous Roman Empire. In films, the periods from the Persian Wars to Alexander the Great (approx. 500 to 300 BC) were shown. Nevertheless, elements of ancient Greece have found their way into sagas such as Jason and the Argonauts (1963) and into fantasy films such as Percy Jackson - Thieves in Olympus (2010).


Ancient Rome has inspired many filmmakers since the beginning of film history. It provided the backdrop for monumental films, adventure stories, political intrigue, and early Christianity. In the former territory of the Roman Empire there are many countries with their own film production.

From the beginnings to the civil wars

  • Cabiria (1914), Italian film about a patrician daughter in the third century BC who is kidnapped by pirates
  • Hannibal (1959), Italian film about the fictional love between a Roman patrician and the Carthaginian general Hannibal (around 246 BC to 183 BC)

Civil wars up to the Principate of Augustus (133–31 BC)

Imperial times

Late antiquity and the Great Migration


middle Ages

Early Islam and Crusades



America before Columbus

Early modern period (1500 to 1789)

See also: List of filmed works by William Shakespeare

America, Africa, Oceania and voyages of discovery

Reformation and religious wars

See also: Lutherfilm

Thirty Years' War

Absolutism and Enlightenment 1650–1789

Eastern Europe, Russia and the Ottoman Empire

Asia and Pacific

North America 1650-1776

Cultural history

Long 19th century

French Revolution and Napoleon

South America 1800–1850

Europe 1815-1850

Asia 1815-1850

Europe 1850–1914

Asia 1850-1914

Oceania 1850-1914

Colonies and world travel

North America 1776-1918

War of Independence


Civil War

Urban America 1870–1918


Culture, science and technology

Age of World Wars 1914–1945

First World War and post-war chaos

Italian-Austrian mountain front

Air war

War outside Europe

Home front

Russian revolutions and civil war

Europe between the wars

  • My Life for Ireland (1941), Nazi propaganda film about the battles of the Irish against Great Britain
  • Schicksal (1942), German film with Heinrich George about Bulgaria in the peace treaty of 1919 and after
  • The King's Speech (2010), film about the British King George VI. who successfully combats his stuttering.
  • War of Dreams (Clash of Futures) (2018), documentary drama series for the project of the same name, describes 13 personal fates in Europe in the interwar period.

Weimar Republic

History of culture and science

Prohibition and Depression in the USA 1919–1939

Latin America

Asia, the Orient and the Middle East



National Socialism

Dictatorship and Resistance in Germany

see also list of films about Adolf Hitler

Persecution of the Jews

Second World War

Western Front and Western Powers

Eastern Front, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union

Resistance, underground movements

Air and bomb war

Naval warfare

Southern Europe and Africa

German home front, escape and displacement

War in East Asia

Cultural history

Cold War 1945–1990


Occupied Germany 1945–1949

Federal Republic of Germany 1949–1969

Federal Republic of Germany 1970–1990


  • Sonnenallee (1999), a film about young people in the 1970s and Sonnenallee in Berlin during the GDR era.
  • The Tunnel (2001), film about the construction and escape through a tunnel under the Berlin Wall in the 1960s based on a true story, Tunnel 29 , with Heino Ferch and Nicolette Krebitz , directed by Roland Suso Richter .
  • The Lives of Others (2006), film about an interception by the State Security in the GDR in 1984
  • Prague Embassy (2007), film about the occupation of the German embassy by GDR refugees in Prague in the summer of 1989 with Christoph Bach , directed by Lutz Konermann
  • Weissensee (2010), TV series about family conflicts with the "state power"
  • Barbara (2012), The doctor Barbara is transferred to a provincial hospital after the Charité Berlin has submitted an application to leave the country. The film deals with an attempt to leave the country, surveillance by the Stasi, GDR youth welfare and a love that developed in this environment in the summer of 1980.

United States



Vietnam War


middle East

Latin America


Cultural history

Time since the fall of the Berlin Wall



middle East

United States

Latin America



See also

Individual evidence

  1. A hidden life. Retrieved March 4, 2020 .