Eastern Motor Company

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Eastern Motor Company
legal form Company
founding 1910
resolution 1911
Seat Brockton , Massachusetts , USA
management Alonzo R. Marsh
Branch Automobiles

Eastern Motor Company was an American manufacturer of automobiles .

Company history

Alonzo R. Marsh had already gained experience in automotive engineering at the American Motor Company . In 1910 he founded the company in Brockton , Massachusetts and began manufacturing automobiles. The brand name was Eastern . Production ended in 1911.

In January 1910, Marsh stated that he had raw material for 2,500 machines on his property. A source says it is not known whether he actually made that many vehicles. Another source reports that few vehicles were produced.

Marsh was later involved in Vulcan Manufacturing Company and Marsh Motors Company .


The only model had a four-cylinder engine with 24 hp . The chassis had a wheelbase of 267 cm . The structure was an open touring car . The original price was 1,250 US dollars .


  • Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 514 (English).
  • George Nicholas Georgano (Ed.): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile . Volume 1: A-F . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , pp. 479 (English).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Beverly Rae Kimes, Henry Austin Clark Jr .: Standard catalog of American Cars. 1805-1942. Digital edition . 3. Edition. Krause Publications, Iola 2013, ISBN 978-1-4402-3778-2 , pp. 514 (English).
  2. a b George Nicholas Georgano (Ed.): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile . Volume 1: A-F . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 , pp. 479 (English).