Reichstag election 1898

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1893Election to the 10th German Reichstag in 18981903
(Share of votes in percent)
Gains and losses
compared to 1893
 % p
A total of 397 seats
  • SPD : 56
  • DtVP : 8
  • FVp : 29
  • FVg : 13
  • Independent Lib .: 3
  • Z : 102
  • Minorities : 26
  • Pawns : 11
  • DHP : 9
  • NLP : 48
  • DRP : 22
  • Independent Cons .: 1
  • DKP : 56
  • Anti-Semites : 13
The results of the Reichstag election by constituency. The numbering of the constituencies corresponds to that in the table.
Results of the Reichstag election in 1898 in a historical map (including subsequent by-elections)
List of 397 elected MPs by constituency

The Reichstag election in 1898 was the election for the 10th German Reichstag of the German Empire . It took place on June 16, 1898.

The turnout was around 68%, slightly lower than in the Reichstag election in 1893 .

All three so-called " cartel parties " ( German Conservatives , Free Conservatives and National Liberals) suffered losses. On the other hand, the trend in favor of the Social Democrats , which has existed since the establishment of the Reich and has increased since the Reichstag election in 1890, was confirmed again . In terms of votes, they were again clearly the strongest party. Due to the constituency that was unfavorable for them , they only became the second largest group behind the center , which was actually around 9% behind the SPD. Nevertheless, it won a few seats. For the first and only time in a Reichstag election, Jonas Smalakys, a candidate for a national-Lithuanian party in the constituency of Memel / East Prussia, was elected.

The government around Chancellor Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst , who had succeeded Leo von Caprivi , had already relied on the Center and also on "national" forces in the Free People's Party in the previous legislative period . Even in the new Reichstag, Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst and his successor Bernhard von Bülow from 1900 could mostly count on the consent of the center ( Lex Arons , new customs law 1902). In the dispute over the " prison bill " in 1900, however, the Social Democrats and Liberals again succeeded (as with the " coup bill " in 1895), together with the center, in preventing "special criminal law" against workers, trade unionists and social democrats.

As in the previous elections, the number of small interest parties increased. The anti-Semites also stabilized.


The flood of social democratic ballots . The socialists depicted in the form of the apocalyptic horsemen flood the representatives of the bourgeois parties with social democratic ballot papers (from The True Jacob 1898).
Political Direction Parties Votes Sit in the Reichstag
in millions proportion of compared to 1893 absolutely proportion of compared to 1893
conservative German Conservative Party (DKP) 0.859 11.1% −2.4%  56 14.1% −16  
German Reich Party (DRP) 0.344   4.4% −1.3%  22nd   5.5%   −6  
Independent Conservatives n / A   n / A n / A   1   0.3%   +1  
liberal Right- National Liberal Party (NLP) 0.971 12.5% −0.5%  48 12.1%   −4  
Independent liberals n / A   n / A n / A   3   0.8%   +1  
moderate Liberal Association (FVg) 0.196   2.5% −0.9%  13   3.2%   ± 0  
Left- Liberal People's Party (FVp) 0.558   7.2% −1.5%  29   7.3%   +5  
German People's Party (DtVP) 0.109   1.4% −0.8%    8th   2.0%   −3  
Catholics Center Party 1.455 18.8% −0.3% 102 25.7%   +6  
Socialists Social Democrats (SPD) 2,107 27.2% + 3.9%   56 14.1% +12  
Other and
Regional parties , minorities 1) 0.407   6.1% + 0.1%   35   8.8%   ± 0  
Peasant parties / alliances 2) 0.251   3.2% + 2.3%   11   2.8%   +7  
Anti-Semite parties 3) 0.284   3.7% + 0.3%   13   3.3%   −3  
Others 0.148   1.9% +1.1%   - -   ± 0  
total 7.752  100% 397 100%

Notes :

Elected MPs by constituency

In each of the 397 constituencies , a member was elected by absolute majority voting. If no candidate achieved an absolute majority in the first ballot, a runoff election was held between the two best-placed candidates. The following tables show the constituency winners and their party status as stated in the official final result.


Kingdom of Prussia
East Prussia Province - Koenigsberg District
1 Memel , Heydekrug Jonas Smalakys Lithuanians
2 Labiau , Wehlau Ludwig von Massow-Parnehnen DKP
3 Koenigsberg city Hugo Haase SPD
4th Fischhausen , Königsberg-Land August von Dönhoff DKP
5 Heiligenbeil , Prussian Eylau Louis von der Groeben DKP
6th Braunsberg , Heilsberg Celestine cancer center
7th Prussian Holland , Mohrungen Adolf zu Dohna-Schlodien DKP
8th Osterode i. Opr. , Neidenburg Reinhard Weitzel from Mudersbach DKP
9 Allenstein , Rößel Eduard Herrmann center
10 Rastenburg , Friedland , Gerdauen Clemens von Klinckowstroem DKP
East Prussia Province - Gumbinnen District
1 Tilsit , lowland Rudolf Braesicke FVp
2 Ragnit , Pillkallen Hans von Kanitz DKP
3 Gumbinnen , Insterburg Julius Mentz DKP
4th Stallupönen , Goldap , Darkehmen Emil Victor from Sperber DKP
5 Angerburg , Lötzen Ludwig von Staudy DKP
6th Oletzko , Lyck , Johannisburg Udo zu Stolberg-Wernigerode DKP
7th Sensburg , Ortelsburg Julius of Queis DKP
West Prussia Province - Gdansk District
1 Marienburg , Elbing Bernhard von Puttkamer DKP
2 Gdansk country Franz Doerksen DRP
3 Gdansk city Heinrich Rickert FVg
4th Neustadt (Westpr.) , Putzig , Karthaus Novel by Janta-Polczynski Pole
5 Berent , Prussian Stargard , Dirschau Anton Neubauer Pole
West Prussia Province - Marienwerder District
1 Marienwerder , Stuhm Karl Witt DRP
2 Rosenberg (West Pr.) , Löbau Eckart von Bonin DRP
3 Graudenz , Strasburg (West Pr.) Julius victory NLP
4th Thorn , Kulm , Briesen Ferdinand Graßmann NLP
5 Schwetz Otto Holtz DRP
6th Konitz , Tuchel Wladislaus von Wolszlegier Pole
7th Schlochau , Flatow Robert Hilgendorff DKP
8th German crown Karl von Gamp-Massaunen DRP
1 Old Berlin , Cölln , Friedrichswerder , Dorotheenstadt , Friedrichstadt-Nord Paul Langerhans FVp
2 Schöneberger Vorstadt , Friedrichsvorstadt , Tempelhofer Vorstadt , Friedrichstadt-Süd Robert Kreitling FVp
3 Luisenstadt this side of the canal , Neu-Cölln Wolfgang Heine SPD
4th Luisenstadt across the canal , Stralauer Vorstadt , Königsstadt-Ost Paul Singer SPD
5 Spandauer Vorstadt , Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stadt , Königsstadt-West Hermann Zwick FVp
6th Wedding , Gesundbrunnen , Moabit , Oranienburger Vorstadt , Rosenthaler Vorstadt Wilhelm Liebknecht SPD
Brandenburg Province - Potsdam District
1 Westprignitz Hans Stubbendorff DRP
2 Ostprignitz Sigismund von Dallwitz DKP
3 Ruppin , Templin Hermann Dietrich DKP
4th Prenzlau , Angermünde Ulrich von Winterfeldt DKP
5 Oberbarnim Moritz Pauli DRP
6th Niederbarnim , Lichtenberg Arthur Stadthagen SPD
7th Potsdam , Osthavelland , Spandau August Pauli DKP
8th Brandenburg an der Havel , Westhavelland Friedrich Wilhelm von Loebell DKP
9 Zauch-Belzig , Jüterbog-Luckenwalde Hermann Kropatscheck DKP
10 Teltow , Beeskow-Storkow , Charlottenburg , Schöneberg , Neukölln , Wilmersdorf Fritz Zubeil SPD
Brandenburg Province - Frankfurt District
1 Arnswalde , Friedeberg Hermann Ahlwardt Anti-Semites ( AVP )
2 Landsberg (Warthe) , Soldin Karl Schrader FVg
3 Koenigsberg (Neumark) Albert von Levetzow DKP
4th Frankfurt (Oder) , Lebus Gustav Haake DRP
5 Oststernberg , Weststernberg Karl von Waldow and Reitzenstein DKP
6th Züllichau-Schwiebus , Crossen Clemens Fahle FVg
7th Guben , Luebben Heinrich zu Schoenaich-Carolath NLP
8th Sorau , forest Wilhelm Klees SPD
9 Cottbus , Spremberg Otto Antrick SPD
10 Calau , Luckau Adolf Wilhelm Henning DKP
Pomerania Province - Szczecin District
1 Demmin , Anklam Hans von Schwerin-Löwitz DKP
2 Ueckermünde , Usedom-Wollin Max Gaulke FVg
3 Randow , Greifenhagen Heinrich von Manteuffel DKP
4th Szczecin Max Broemel FVg
5 Pyritz , Saatzig Conrad von Wangenheim BdL
6th Naugard , rain forest Hermann von Dewitz DKP
7th Greifenberg , Kammin Oskar von Normann DKP
Province of Pomerania - District of Köslin
1 Stolp , Lauenburg in Pomerania Arthur Will DKP
2 Bütow , Rummelsburg , Schlawe Wilhelm Steinhauer FVg
3 Köslin , Kolberg-Koerlin , Bublitz Karl Firzlaff DKP
4th Belgard , Schivelbein , Dramburg Eugen von Brockhausen DKP
5 Neustettin Bogislav from Bonin DKP
Pomerania Province - Stralsund District
1 Rügen , Stralsund , Franzburg Friedrich von Langen DKP
2 Greifswald , Grimmen Friedrich Karl von Bismarck-Bohlen DKP
Poznan Province - Poznan Governorate
1 Poses Stanislaus Motty Pole
2 Samter , Birnbaum , Obornik , Schwerin (Warthe) Hector von Kwilecki Pole
3 Meseritz , Bomst Stephan von Dziembowski-Bomst DRP
4th Buk , Schmiegel , costs Stephan Cegielski Pole
5 Gostyn , Rawitsch Idzizlaw von Czartoryski Pole
6th Woman town , Lissa Anton Tasch center
7th Schrimm , Schroda Josef von Glebocki Pole
8th Wreschen , Pleschen , Jarotschin Sigismund von Dziembowski-Pomian Pole
9 Krotoschin , Koschmin Ludwig von Jazdzewski Pole
10 Adelnau , Schildberg , Ostrowo , Kempen in Poznan Ferdinand von Radziwill Pole
Poznan Province - Bydgoszcz District
1 Czarnikau , Filehne , Kolmar in Poznan Albert Ernst FVg
2 Wirsitz , Schubin , Znin Leon von Czarlinski Pole
3 Bromberg Christoph von Tiedemann DRP
4th Inowrazlaw , Mogilno , Strelno Josef Krzyminski Pole
5 Gnesen , Wongrowitz , Witkowo Komierowski's novel Pole
Province of Silesia - Wroclaw District
1 Guhrau , Steinau , Wohlau Friedrich von Carmer-Osten DKP
2 Militsch , Trebnitz Heinrich von Salisch DKP
3 Gross Wartenberg , Oels Wilhelm von Kardorff DRP
4th Namslau , Brieg Fedor from Spiegel DKP
5 Ohlau , Strehlen , Nimptsch Robert Rother DKP
6th Wroclaw East Franz Tutzauer SPD
7th Wroclaw West Bruno Schönlank SPD
8th Neumarkt , Breslau-Land Friedrich of Limburg-Stirum DKP
9 Striegau , Schweidnitz Karl von Richthofen-Damsdorf DKP
10 Waldenburg Hermann Sachse SPD
11 Reichenbach , Neurode Anton Franz von Magnis center
12 Glatz , Habelschwerdt Franz Hartmann center
13 Frankenstein , Munsterberg Adolph Langer center
Province of Silesia - Opole District
1 Kreuzburg , Rosenberg OS Christian Kraft to Hohenlohe-Öhringen DKP
2 Opole Julius Szmula center
3 Groß Strehlitz , Kosel Joseph Glowatzki center
4th Lublinitz , Tost-Gleiwitz Franz von Ballestrem center
5 Beuthen, Tarnowitz Bernhard Karl Stephan center
6th Katowice , Zabrze Paul Letocha center
7th Pless , Rybnik Joseph Faltin center
8th Ratibor Wilhelm Frank center
9 Leobschütz Florian Klose center
10 Neustadt OS Franz Strzoda center
11 Falkenberg OS , Grottkau Alfred Hubrich center
12 Neisse Albert Horn center
Province of Silesia - District of Liegnitz
1 Grünberg , Freystadt August Munckel FVp
2 Sagan , spratau Hermann Muller FVp
3 Glogau August Hoffmeister FVg
4th Lüben , Bunzlau Philipp Schmieder FVp
5 Löwenberg Julius Kopsch FVp
6th Liegnitz , Goldberg-Haynau Gustav Kauffmann FVp
7th Landeshut , Jauer , Bolkenhain Otto Hermes FVp
8th Schönau , Hirschberg Carl Blell FVp
9 Goerlitz , Lauban Erwin Lüders FVp
10 Rothenburg (Upper Lusatia) , Hoyerswerda Traugott von Arnim DRP
Province of Saxony - District of Magdeburg
1 Salzwedel , Gardelegen Jordan from Kröcher DKP
2 Stendal , Osterburg Ernst Himburg DKP
3 Jerichow I , Jerichow II Herbert von Bismarck indefinitely conservative
4th Magdeburg Wilhelm Pfannkuch SPD
5 Neuhaldensleben , Wolmirstedt Jacob Hosang NLP
6th Wanzleben Carl Heiligenstadt NLP
7th Aschersleben , Quedlinburg , Calbe on the Saale Albert Schmidt SPD
8th Halberstadt , Oschersleben , Wernigerode Hans Rimpau NLP
Province of Saxony - Merseburg district
1 Liebenwerda , Torgau Gustav Knörcke FVp
2 Schweinitz , Wittenberg Georg Siemens FVg
3 Bitterfeld , Delitzsch Louis builder DRP
4th Halle (Saale) , hall circle Fritz Kunert SPD
5 Mansfelder Seekreis , Mansfelder Gebirgskreis Otto Arendt DRP
6th Sangerhausen , Eckartsberga Karl Scherre DRP
7th Querfurt , Merseburg Franz Carl Ritter FVp
8th Naumburg , Weißenfels , Zeitz Friedrich Adolf Thiele SPD
Province of Saxony - District of Erfurt
1 Nordhausen , Hohenstein Otto Wiemer FVp
2 Heiligenstadt , Worbis Josef von Strombeck center
3 Mühlhausen , Langensalza , Weissensee Richard Eickhoff FVp
4th Erfurt , Schleusingen , Ziegenrück Johannes Jacobskötter DKP
Schleswig-Holstein Province
1 Hadersleben , Sonderburg Gustav Johannsen Dane
2 Aabenraa , Flensburg Friedrich Raab Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
3 Schleswig , Eckernförde Adolf Jacobsen FVp
4th Tondern , Husum , Eiderstedt Gert Tönnies NLP
5 Dithmarschen , Steinburg Hermann Kahlcke NLP
6th Pinneberg , Segeberg Adolph von Elm SPD
7th Kiel , Rendsburg Albert Hänel FVg
8th Altona , Stormarn Karl Frohme SPD
9 Oldenburg in Holstein , Plön Hermann Stockmann DRP
10 Duchy of Lauenburg Andreas von Bernstorff DRP
Hanover Province
1 Emden , north , Weener Folkmar Franzius NLP
2 Aurich , Wittmund , Leer Ernst Kruse NLP
3 Meppen , Lingen , Bentheim , Aschendorf , Hümmling Carl Brandenburg center
4th Osnabrück , Bersenbrück , Iburg Baldwin of Schele-Schelenburg DHP
5 Melle , Diepholz , Wittlage , Sulingen , Stolzenau Werner von Arnswaldt DHP
6th Syke , Verden Hermann von Arnswaldt DHP
7th Nienburg , Neustadt am Rübenberge , Fallingbostel George from the ceiling DHP
8th Hanover Heinrich Meister SPD
9 Hameln , Linden , Springe Heinrich Hische NLP
10 Hildesheim , Marienburg , Alfeld (Leine) , Gronau Hermann von Hodenberg DHP
11 Einbeck , Northeim , Osterode am Harz , Uslar Albert Harriehausen BdL
12 Göttingen , Duderstadt , Münden Karl Götz von Olenhusen DHP
13 Goslar , Zellerfeld , Ilfeld Hermann Horn NLP
14th Gifhorn , Celle , Peine , Burgdorf Ernst August von Hammerstein DHP
15th Lüchow , Uelzen , Dannenberg , Bleckede Berthold von Bernstorff DHP
16 Lüneburg , Soltau , Winsen (Luhe) Adolf von Wangenheim-Wake DHP
17th Harburg , Rotenburg in Hanover , Zeven Johann Depken NLP
18th Stade , Geestemünde , Bremervörde , Osterholz Carl Sattler NLP
19th Neuhaus (Oste) , Hadeln , Lehe , Kehdingen , Jork Diederich Hahn BdL
Westphalia Province - Münster District
1 Tecklenburg , Steinfurt , Ahaus Carl Timmerman center
2 Munster , Coesfeld Clemens Heereman von Zuydwyck center
3 Borken , Recklinghausen Jakob Euler center
4th Lüdinghausen , Beckum , Warendorf Heinrich Wattendorf center
Westphalia Province - Minden District
1 Minden , Luebbecke Waldemar von Roon DKP
2 Herford , Halle (Westphalia) Ludwig Quentin NLP
3 Bielefeld , Wiedenbrück Heinrich Humann center
4th Paderborn , Büren Heinrich Hesse center
5 Höxter , Warburg Otto Schmidt center
Province of Westphalia - District of Arnsberg
1 Wittgenstein , Siegen , Biedenkopf Adolf Stoecker Anti-Semites ( CSP )
2 Olpe , Arnsberg , Meschede Johannes Fusangel center
3 Altena , Iserlohn , Lüdenscheid Julius Lenzmann FVp
4th Hagen , Schwelm , Witten Eugene Richter FVp
5 Bochum , Gelsenkirchen , Hattingen , Herne Hermann Franconia NLP
6th Dortmund , Hörde Alexander Hilbck NLP
7th Hamm , Soest Heinrich Schulze stones NLP
8th Lippstadt , Brilon Wilhelm Black center
Hesse-Nassau Province - Wiesbaden District
1 Obertaunus , Höchst , Usingen Richard Muller center
2 Wiesbaden , Rheingau , Untertaunus Louis Wintermeyer FVp
3 St. Goarshausen , Unterwesterwald Ernst Dear center
4th Limburg , Oberlahnkreis , Unterlahnkreis Peter Cahensly center
5 Dillkreis , Oberwesterwald Heinrich Hofmann NLP
6th Frankfurt am Main Wilhelm Schmidt SPD
Hessen-Nassau Province - Kassel District
1 Rinteln , Hofgeismar , Wolfhagen Georg Wilhelm a lot Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
2 Kassel , Melsungen Friedrich Carl Endemann NLP
3 Fritzlar , Homberg , Ziegenhain Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
4th Eschwege , Schmalkalden , Witzenhausen Hermann von Christians DRP
5 Marburg , Frankenberg , Kirchhain Otto Böckel Anti-Semites ( AVP )
6th Hersfeld , Rotenburg (Fulda) , Hünfeld Ludwig Werner Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
7th Fulda , Schlüchtern , Gersfeld Carl Herold center
8th Hanau , Gelnhausen Gustav Hoch SPD
Rhine province - Cologne district
1 Cologne city Karl Trimborn center
2 Cologne-Land Theodor Pingen center
3 Bergheim (Erft) , Euskirchen Johann Adolf Breuer center
4th Rheinbach , Bonn Peter Spahn center
5 Siegkreis , Waldbröl Joseph Lingens center
6th Mülheim am Rhein , Gummersbach , Wipperfürth Hermann de Witt center
Rhine Province - Düsseldorf District
1 Remscheid , Lennep , Mettmann Otto Fischbeck FVp
2 Elberfeld , Barmen Hermann Molkenbuhr SPD
3 Solingen Louis Sabin indefinitely liberal
4th Dusseldorf Theodor Kirsch center
5 eat Gerhard Stötzel center
6th Duisburg , Mülheim an der Ruhr , Ruhrort , Oberhausen Theodor Möller NLP
7th Moers , Rees Karl Fritzen center
8th Kleve , Geldern Eduard Marcour center
9 Kempen Aloys Fritzen center
10 Gladbach Franz heat center
11 Krefeld Karl Bachem center
12 Neuss , Grevenbroich Balthasar Rath center
Rhine Province - Koblenz District
1 Wetzlar , Altenkirchen Heinrich Kraemer NLP
2 Neuwied Hermann Joseph Bender center
3 Koblenz , St. Goar Georg Wellstein center
4th Kreuznach , Simmern Ludwig von Cuny NLP
5 Mayen , Ahrweiler Peter Wallenborn center
6th Adenau , Cochem , Zell Andreas of Grand-Ry center
Rhine province - Trier district
1 Daun , Bitburg , Prüm Wilhelm Broekmann center
2 Wittlich , Bernkastel Christian Dieden center
3 trier Victor Rintelen center
4th Saarlouis , Merzig , Saarburg Hermann Roeren center
5 Saarbrücken Heinrich Boltz NLP
6th Ottweiler , St. Wendel , Meisenheim Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-Halberg DRP
Rhine province - administrative district Aachen
1 Schleiden , Malmedy , Montjoie Franz von Arenberg center
2 Eupen , Aachen-Land Georg Dasbach center
3 Aachen city Philipp Hille center
4th Düren , Jülich Alfred von Hompesch center
5 Geilenkirchen , Heinsberg , Erkelenz Anton sacrifice gel center
Hohenzollernsche Lande - Sigmaringen district
1 Sigmaringen , Hechingen Lambert Bumiller center


Kingdom of Bavaria
Upper Bavaria
1 Munich I ( Altstadt , Lehel , Maxvorstadt ) Johann Schwarz indefinitely liberal
2 Munich II ( Isarvorstadt , Ludwigsvorstadt , Au , Haidhausen , Giesing ), Munich-Land , Starnberg , Wolfratshausen Georg von Vollmar SPD
3 Aichach , Friedberg , Dachau , Schrobenhausen Franz Beck center
4th Ingolstadt , Freising , Pfaffenhofen Josef Aichbichler center
5 Wasserburg , Erding , Mühldorf Josef Lanzinger BB
6th Weilheim , Werdenfels , Bruck , Landsberg , Schongau Klemens von Thünefeld center
7th Rosenheim , Ebersberg , Miesbach , Tölz Balthasar Ranner center
8th Traunstein , Laufen , Berchtesgaden , Altötting Anton Lehemeir center
Lower Bavaria
1 Landshut , Dingolfing , Vilsbiburg Michael Mayer center
2 Straubing , Bogen , Landau , Vilshofen Franz Xaver Esslinger BB
3 Passau , Wegscheid , Wolfstein , Grafenau Franz Seraph Pichler center
4th Parish churches , Eggenfelden , Griesbach Benedikt Bachmeier BB
5 Deggendorf , Regen , Viechtach , Kötzting Georg Ratzinger BB
6th Kelheim , Rottenburg , Mallersdorf Josef Aigner center
1 Speyer , Ludwigshafen am Rhein , Frankenthal Franz Josef Ehrhart SPD
2 Landau , Neustadt an der Haardt Andreas Deinhard NLP
3 Germersheim , Bergzabern Carl Gander NLP
4th Zweibrücken , Pirmasens Louis linen weaver NLP
5 Homburg , Kusel Georg Fitz NLP
6th Kaiserslautern , Kirchheimbolanden Gustav Roesicke BdL
Upper Palatinate
1 Regensburg , Burglengenfeld , Stadtamhof Karl Ritter von Lama center
2 Amberg , Nabburg , Sulzbach , Eschenbach Franz Xaver Lerno center
3 Neumarkt , Velburg , Hemau Anton Kohl center
4th Neunburg , Waldmünchen , Cham , Roding Josef Witzlsperger center
5 Neustadt ad Waldnaab , Vohenstrauss , Tirschenreuth Georg Heim center
Upper Franconia
1 Hof , Naila , Rehau , Münchberg Walther Münch-Ferber NLP
2 Bayreuth , Wunsiedel , Berneck Ludwig von Fischer NLP
3 Forchheim , Kulmbach , Pegnitz , Ebermannstadt Philipp Bayer center
4th Kronach , Staffelstein , Lichtenfels , Stadtsteinach , Teuschnitz Philipp Brückner center
5 Bamberg , Höchstadt Franz Schaedler center
Middle Franconia
1 Nuremberg Karl Michael Oertel SPD
2 Erlangen , Fürth , Hersbruck Martin Segitz SPD
3 Ansbach , Schwabach , Heilsbronn Simon Eckart DtVP
4th Eichstätt , Beilngries , Weissenburg Karl Friedrich Bacon center
5 Dinkelsbühl , Gunzenhausen , Feuchtwangen Tobias Nißler DKP
6th Rothenburg ob der Tauber , Neustadt an der Aisch Leonhard Hilpert BB
Lower Franconia
1 Aschaffenburg , Alzenau , Obernburg , Miltenberg Liborius Gerstenberger center
2 Kitzingen , Gerolzhofen , Ochsenfurt , Volkach Luitpold Baumann center
3 Lohr , Karlstadt , Hammelburg , Marktheidenfeld , Gemünden Franz Werthmann center
4th Neustadt an der Saale , Brückenau , Mellrichstadt , Königshofen , Kissingen Josef Moritz center
5 Schweinfurt , Haßfurt , Ebern Nikolaus Holzapfel center
6th Wurzburg Michael Lurz center
1 Augsburg , Wertingen August Wörle center
2 Donauwörth , Nördlingen , Neuburg Melchior Weissenhagen center
3 Dillingen , Günzburg , Zusmarshausen Eugen Jäger center
4th Illertissen , Neu-Ulm , Memmingen , Krumbach Georg von Hertling center
5 Kaufbeuren , Mindelheim , Oberdorf , Füssen Karl Linder center
6th Immenstadt , Sonthofen , Kempten (Allgäu) , Lindau Alois Schmid center


Kingdom of Saxony
1 Zittau Edmund Fischer SPD
2 Löbau Carl Adalbert Foerster DKP
3 Bautzen , Kamenz , Bischofswerda Heinrich Graefe Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
4th Dresden on the right of the Elbe , Radeberg , Radeburg August Kaden SPD
5 Dresden left the Elbe Georg Gradnauer SPD
6th Dresden-Land to the left of the Elbe , Dippoldiswalde Georg Horn SPD
7th Meissen , Grossenhain , Riesa Gustav Gäbel Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
8th Pirna , Sebnitz Carl Friedrich Lotze Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
9 Freiberg , Hainichen Georg Oertel DKP
10 Döbeln , Nossen , Leisnig Adolf Lehr NLP
11 Oschatz , Wurzen , Grimma Friedrich Wilhelm Hauffe DKP
12 Leipzig city Ernst Hasse NLP
13 Leipzig-Land , Taucha , Markranstädt , Zwenkau Friedrich Geyer SPD
14th Borna , Geithain , Rochlitz Arnold Woldemar von Frege-Weltzien DKP
15th Mittweida , Frankenberg , Augustusburg Friedrich Uhlemann NLP
16 Chemnitz Max Schippel SPD
17th Glauchau , Meerane , Hohenstein-Ernstthal Ignaz Auer SPD
18th Zwickau , Crimmitschau , Werdau Karl Wilhelm Stolle SPD
19th Stollberg , Schneeberg Julius Seifert SPD
20th Marienberg , Zschopau Emil Rosenow SPD
21st Annaberg , Schwarzenberg , Johanngeorgenstadt Arthur Ash NLP
22nd Auerbach , Reichenbach Franz Hofmann SPD
23 Plauen , Oelsnitz , Klingenthal Wilhelm Zeidler DKP


Kingdom of Württemberg
1 Stuttgart Karl Kloß SPD
2 Cannstatt , Ludwigsburg , Marbach , Waiblingen Johannes von Hieber NLP
3 Heilbronn , Besigheim , Brackenheim , Neckarsulm Paul Hegelmaier DRP
4th Böblingen , Vaihingen , Leonberg , Maulbronn Friedrich Haussmann DtVP
5 Esslingen , Nürtingen , Kirchheim , Urach Hermann Brodbeck DtVP
6th Reutlingen , Tübingen , Rottenburg Friedrich von Payer DtVP
7th Nagold , Calw , Neuenbürg , Herrenberg Friedrich Schrempf DKP
8th Freudenstadt , Horb , Oberndorf , Sulz Peter Mauser NLP
9 Balingen , Rottweil , Spaichingen , Tuttlingen Conrad Haussmann DtVP
10 Gmünd , Göppingen , Welzheim , Schorndorf Theodor Kettner NLP
11 Hall , Backnang , Öhringen , Weinsberg Leonhard Hoffmann DtVP
12 Gerabronn , Crailsheim , Mergentheim , Künzelsau Wilhelm Augst DtVP
13 Aalen , Gaildorf , Neresheim , Ellwangen Theodor Hofmann center
14th Ulm , Heidenheim , Geislingen Hans Haehnle DtVP
15th Ehingen , Blaubeuren , Laupheim , Münsingen Adolf Grober center
16 Biberach , Leutkirch , Waldsee , Wangen Gebhard Braun center
17th Ravensburg , Tettnang , Saulgau , Riedlingen Alfred Rembold center

to bathe

Grand Duchy of Baden
1 Constance , Überlingen , Stockach Friedrich Hug center
2 Donaueschingen , Villingen Friedrich Faller NLP
3 Waldshut , Säckingen , Neustadt in the Black Forest Joseph Schuler center
4th Loerrach , Muellheim Ernst Blankenhorn NLP
5 Freiburg , Emmendingen Ludwig Marbe center
6th Lahr , Wolfach Friedrich Schaettgen center
7th Offenburg , Kehl Maximilian Wilhelm Reichert center
8th Rastatt , Bühl , Baden-Baden Franz Xaver Lender center
9 Pforzheim , Ettlingen Alfred Agster SPD
10 Karlsruhe , Bruchsal Adolf Geck SPD
11 Mannheim August Dreesbach SPD
12 Heidelberg , Mosbach Anton Josef Beck NLP
13 Bretten , Sinsheim Carl Lucke BdL
14th Tauberbischofsheim , Buchen Johann Anton tenth center


Grand Duchy of Hesse
1 Giessen , Grünberg , Nidda Philipp Koehler Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
2 Friedberg , Büdingen , Vilbel Waldemar of Oriola NLP
3 Lauterbach , Alsfeld , Schotten Friedrich Bindewald Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
4th Darmstadt , Gross-Gerau Balthasar Cramer SPD
5 Offenbach , Dieburg Carl Ulrich SPD
6th Erbach , Bensheim , Lindenfels , Neustadt im Odenwald Wilhelm Haas NLP
7th Worms , Heppenheim , Wimpfen Cornelius von Heyl zu Herrnsheim NLP
8th Bingen , Alzey Reinhart Schmidt FVp
9 Mainz , Oppenheim Adam Schmitt center

Small states

Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
1 Hagenow , Grevesmühlen Meno radish DKP
2 Schwerin , Wismar Otto Büsing NLP
3 Parchim , Ludwigslust Hermann Pachnicke FVg
4th Goods , Malchin Ludolf von Maltzan DKP
5 Rostock , Doberan Joseph Herzfeld SPD
6th Guestrow , Ribnitz Carl von Treuenfels DKP
Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach
1 Weimar , Apolda August Baudert SPD
2 Eisenach , Dermbach Wilhelm Casselmann FVp
3 Jena , Neustadt an der Orla Ernst Bassermann NLP
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
1 Neustrelitz, Neubrandenburg , Schönberg Rudolf Nauck DRP
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
1 Oldenburg , Eutin , Birkenfeld Carl Bargmann FVp
2 Jever , Brake , Westerstede , Varel , Elsfleth , Landwürden Albert Traeger FVp
3 Vechta , Delmenhorst , Cloppenburg , Wildeshausen , Berne , Friesoythe Ferdinand Heribert von Galen center
Duchy of Brunswick
1 Braunschweig , Blankenburg Wilhelm Blos SPD
2 Helmstedt , Wolfenbüttel Fritz von Kaufmann NLP
3 Holzminden , Gandersheim Richard Calwer SPD
Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen
1 Meiningen , Hildburghausen Ernst Müller FVp
2 Sonneberg , Saalfeld Hermann Reisshaus SPD
Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg
1 Altenburg , Roda Hermann von Bloedau BdL
Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
1 Coburg Hermann Beckh FVp
2 Gotha Wilhelm Bock SPD
Duchy of Anhalt
1 Dessau , Zerbst Richard Roesicke indefinitely liberal
2 Bernburg , Koethen , Ballenstedt Adolf Albrecht SPD
Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
1 Koenigsee , Frankenhausen Eduard Müller NLP
Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
1 Sondershausen , Arnstadt , Gehren , Ebeleben Carl Boerner NLP
Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont
1 Waldeck , Pyrmont Julius Conrad Muller Anti-Semites ( DSRP )
Principality of Reuss older line
1 Greiz , Burgk Karl Hermann Forster SPD
Principality of Reuss younger line
1 Gera , Schleiz Emanuel Wurm SPD
Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe
1 Bückeburg , Stadthagen Albert Biesantz FVp
Principality of Lippe
1 Detmold , Lemgo Wilhelm Meier-Jobst FVp
Hanseatic City of Lübeck
1 Lübeck Theodor Schwartz SPD
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
1 Bremen , Bremerhaven Hermann Frese FVg
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1 Neustadt , St. Pauli August Bebel SPD
2 Old town , St. Georg , Hammerbrook Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Dietz SPD
3 Suburbs and landlords Wilhelm Metzger SPD


The party-political allocation of the MPs follows the explanations by Hermann Hiery and C.-W. Friction.

Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine
1 Altkirch , Thann Landolin Winterer Individual candidate d. political catholicism
2 Mulhouse Fernand Bueb SPD
3 Colmar Jacques Preiss Individual candidate d. political catholicism
4th Gebweiler Alphons Roellinger Individual candidate d. political catholicism
5 Rappoltsweiler Emile Wetterlé Individual candidate d. political catholicism
6th Schlettstadt Ignaz Spies Individual candidate d. political catholicism
7th Molsheim , Erstein Nicolaus Delsor Individual candidate d. political catholicism
8th Strasbourg city Adolf Riff FVg
9 Strasbourg country Karl Hauss Catholic People's Party
10 Hagenau , Weissenburg Alexander zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst DKP
11 Babble Johannes Hoeffel DRP
12 Saargemünd , Forbach Franz de Schmid DKP
13 Bolchen , Diedenhofen Peter Merot Lothringer Block
14th Metz Louis Pierson Lothringer Block
15th Saarburg , Château-Salins Peter Küchly Individual candidate d. political catholicism

The parliamentary groups of the 10th Reichstag

In the 10th Reichstag, several members of parliament did not join the faction of their actual party, but remained non-attached. Some of the DHP MPs joined the center group. At the beginning of the 10th legislative period, the parliamentary groups had the following strengths:

center 106
Social democrats 56
German Conservatives 52
National Liberals 48
Liberal People's Party 29
German Reich Party 22nd
Poland 14th
Liberal Association 13
German Social Reform Party 10
German People's Party 8th
Non-attached 39

In the further course of the legislative period, the strength of the individual parliamentary groups changed several times due to by-elections and changes in parliamentary groups.

See also


  • Carl-Wilhelm Reibel: Handbook of the Reichstag elections 1890-1918. Alliances, results, candidates (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 15). Droste, Düsseldorf 2007, ISBN 978-3-7700-5284-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Imperial Statistical Office (Ed.): Quarterly Issues on Statistics of the German Reich, Seventh Volume, Issue 7 . Berlin 1898.
  2. ^ Hermann Hiery: Reichstag elections in the Reichsland. A contribution to the regional history of Alsace-Lorraine and the electoral history of the German Empire 1871–1918. Droste Verlag Düsseldorf. 1986, pp. 446–448 ff Table 50: Political groups and parties in Alsace-Lorraine and p. 449 ff: Appendix: Biographical list of the members of the German Reichstag elected in the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine from 1874–1918. ISBN 3-7700-5132-7 .
  3. Reichstag Handbook 1898. (PDF) Munich Digitization Center, p. 294 , accessed on November 20, 2009 .
  4. Reichstag Handbook 1898, supplementary volume 1902. (PDF) Munich Digitization Center, accessed on November 20, 2009 .