Nekrolog 1956

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1956 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Ludwig Dürr German airship designer 77
January 1st Georg von Ebert German economist 70
January 1st Ernst Erny Swiss politician 71
January 1st Wilko von Klüchtzner German administrative lawyer and finance minister in Thuringia 78
January 1st Johann L'Hoste Saarland politician 65
January 1st Ludger Mintrop German geophysicist 75
January 2nd Temistocles da Graça Aranha Brazilian diplomat 61
January 2nd Fernand Jourdant French sword fencer 52
January 2nd Wilhelm Meisner German ophthalmologist and university professor 74
January 2nd Eugene Pope German composer and university professor 69
January 2nd Thomas Wharton Phillips Junior American politician 81
January 3rd Vaclovas Biržiška Lithuanian lawyer 71
January 3rd Alexander Tichonowitsch Grechaninov Russian composer 91
January 3rd William S. Haas German philosopher, psychologist and sociologist 72
January 3rd Pedro Subercaseaux Errázuriz Chilean painter 75
January 3rd Joseph Wirth German politician (Center Party), MdR 76
January 4th Märtha Adlerstråhle Swedish tennis player 87
January 4th Max Buchholz German electrical engineer 80
January 5th Mistinguett French actress and singer 80
January 5th Genoveva Torres Morales Spanish nun, founder of the Sisterhood of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Holy Angels 86
January 5th Arthur Elijah Trueman British geologist 61
6th January Albert Kuntzemüller German senior high school director and historian 75
6th January Samuel Roy McKelvie American politician 74
6th January Sonja Schlesin South African civil rights activist 67
6th January August Zellner Reich judge 76
January 7th Morgan G. Sanders American politician 77
January 7th Friedrich Hermann Ernst Schneidler German typographer, calligrapher and university professor 73
January 8th Jim Elliot American missionary and minister 28
January 8th Else Falk German women's rights activist and social politician in the Weimar Republic 83
January 8th Greenleaf Whittier Pickard American engineer 78
January 8th Hermann Schreibmüller German historian and high school teacher 81
January 8th Walter Werner German film and theater actor 72
January 9th Julius Herman Boeke Dutch economist 71
January 9th Josef Fenneker German artist and stage designer 60
January 9th Marion Leonard American actress, director, producer, and screenwriter 74
January 9th Paul de Maleingreau French composer and organist 68
January 9th Alfred Richard Meyer German writer 73
January 9th Urbain Rouziès French church historian and librarian 83
January 9th Helmer Smith Swedish Indologist 73
January 9th Theodore St. John American screenwriter 49
January 9th Franz Zimmermann Austrian painter 91
10. January Hermann Esch German architect 76
10. January Ludwig Hesshaimer Austrian draftsman and illustrator 83
10. January Augustine Kandathil Indian clergyman, Roman Catholic archbishop 81
10. January Alfred Klotz German classical philologist 81
10. January César Moro Peruvian poet and painter 52
10. January Dagobert Müller from Thomamühl Austrian naval officer and inventor 75
10. January Karl Ludwig Schmidt Protestant theologian 64
10. January Eduard Wymann Swiss priest, state archivist and historian 85
11th January Walther Dobbelmann German politician 81
January 12th Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing German Egyptologist 82
January 12th Johanna von Destouches German painter and poet 86
January 12th Franz Dinghofer Austrian judge and politician 82
January 12th Konrad Karl Glaser German farmer and politician (HBB, DNVP), MdR 79
January 12th Norman Kerry US-American actor 61
January 12th Sam Langford American boxer 72
January 12th Fritz Medicus German-Swiss philosopher 79
January 12th Ferdinand Möller German art dealer 73
13th January Lyonel Feininger German-American-French caricaturist and painter 84
13th January Adolf Gaudy Swiss architect 83
13th January Jacob Makohin Ukrainian-American nobleman, officer and political lobbyist 75
13th January Henry Wickham Steed British journalist and historian 84
January 14th Adolf Hacker German sculptor and industrial designer 47
January 14th Siegfried Ferdinand Nadel British musicologist, psychologist and social anthropologist 52
January 14th Arno Platzbecker German painter 61
15. January Bartolomé Pérez Casas Spanish composer, conductor and music teacher 82
15. January Gerson star German writer 81
January 16 Albert Kurt Beyer German geologist 48
January 16 Moritz David German rabbi in Bochum 80
January 16 Jerry J. O'Connell American politician 46
January 16 Luigi Stefanini Italian philosopher and educator 64
January 17th Arthur Felix bacteriologist 68
January 17th Otto Gerloff German lawyer and politician 79
January 17th José Enrique Marrero Regalado Spanish architect 58
January 17th Blind Alfred Reed American old-time musician 75
January 18th Makbule Atadan Sister of the founder of Turkey
January 18th Marthe Boël Belgian suffragette 78
January 18th Paul Ehrenberg German agricultural chemist; University professor and rector in Wroclaw 80
January 18th Konstantin Päts Estonian politician 81
January 19th J. Leroy Adair American lawyer and politician 68
January 19th Prabodh Chandra Bagchi Indian philologist 57 [1]
January 19th Charles Dingle US-American actor 68
January 19th Theodor Endres German officer, general of the artillery in World War II 79
January 19th Walther Franz German naval officer, most recently vice admiral in World War II 75
January 19th Salvador Garcia Pintos Uruguayan politician
January 19th Nikolai Alexandrovich Kolomenkin-Panin Russian figure skater 84
January 19th Paul Rabbow German classical philologist 88
January 19th Oskar Wirth German politician (BCSV, CDU) 71
January 20th Martin O'Sullivan Irish politician
21th January Bebe Brătianu Romanian politician 68
21th January Pablo Monguió Spanish architect of Catalan modernism 90
21th January Paul Steegemann German publisher 61
21th January Eugen Vögler German manager 71
22nd of January Elisabeth Ivanovna Epstein Russian painter 76
22nd of January Béla Kádár Hungarian painter and draftsman 78
January 23 Thami El Glaoui Pasha of Marrakech (1918–1955)
January 23 Otto Rudolf Haas German steel industrialist 77
January 23 Albert Hüper Austrian industrialist and politician, member of the state parliament 85
January 23 Alexander Korda Hungarian-British film producer and film director 62
January 23 Daniel Swarovski Austrian glass cutter of Bohemian origin and founder of the Swarovski company 93
January 24th Oskar Karlweis Austrian actor 61
January 24th Eduard Rothauser German actor 79
January 24th Werner Wagner German psychiatrist and university professor 51
January 24th Alfred Wegerdt German administrative lawyer 77
January 25th Horatio Ballantyne British chemist and manager
January 25th Ivan Bratt Swedish doctor, politician, member of the Riksdag and entrepreneur 77
January 25th Heinz Geilfus German commercial artist, cartoonist and hunting painter 65
January 25th Friedrich Greve German politician (SPD), MdL 63
January 25th Otto Könnecke German fighter pilot in the First World War 63
January 25th Arthur B. Rouse American politician 81
January 26th Robert Helbig German high school teacher and politician (NSDAP), MdR 78
January 26th Fred H. Hildebrandt American politician 81
January 26th Georg Marshal German painter and sculptor 84
January 26th Felix A. Theilhaber German dermatologist, writer and Zionist 71
January 27th Max Heilmann German graphic artist and painter 86
January 27th Erich Kleiber Austrian conductor 65
January 28th René Louis Becker French-American composer, organist and pianist 73
January 28th Marie Juchacz German social reformer, women's rights activist and politician (SPD), MdR 76
January 28th Joseph V. McKee American politician 66
January 29th William Beery American composer 103
January 29th Hino Sōjō Japanese haiku poet 54
January 29th Eduard Keeser German pharmacologist and university professor 63
January 29th Henry L. Mencken American publicist and writer 75
January 30th Hans Beschorner German archivist and historian 83
January 30th Gerrit Mannoury Dutch mathematician and philosopher 88
January 30th Hans von Tettau German infantry general in World War II 67
31 January Elsa Genest-Arndt German landscape painter 73
31 January Joe J. Manlove American politician 79
31 January AA Milne English writer 74
31 January Paul L. Patterson American politician 55
January Karl Graf Austrian soccer player 49
January Kichiji Tamasu Japanese table tennis player


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 1st Earl R. Lewis American politician (Republican Party) 68
February 1st Heinrich Neuerburg German entrepreneur, Consul General of Greece in Cologne 73
February 1st Ferdinand Pamberger Austrian painter 82
February 1st Arthur-Adrien Porchet Swiss cameraman 76
February 1st Antonio José dos Santos Brazilian religious, Bishop of Assis 83
February 1st Rudi Washer German politician (KPD), MdL 51
February 2nd Bob Burns US-American actor 65
February 2nd Charley Grapewin US-American actor 86
February 2nd Truxtun Hare American athlete 77
February 2nd Pyotr Konchalovsky Russian painter 79
February 2nd Robert McAlmon American author and publisher 60
3 February Émile Borel French mathematician and politician 85
3 February Johnny Claes Belgian racing car driver and jazz musician 39
3 February Richard Hamann German medical officer, commander of the military medical academy, general staff doctor of the Wehrmacht 87
3 February Pier Silverio Light Italian lawyer, historian and librarian 81
3 February Karl Maßmann German bank director 66
3 February Herschel McCoy American costume designer 43
3 February Eilhard Alfred Mitscherlich German soil and crop scientist 81
3 February Leo Schieder German politician (KPD), MdL 46
3 February Petar Skok Croatian Romance scholar, Slavist, Balkanologist, onomastic and etymologist 74
3 February J. Mark Wilcox American politician 65
3 February Robert Yerkes American psychologist, ethologist, and primatologist 79
February 4th Janko Binenbaum composer 75
February 4th Peder Gram Danish composer and conductor 74
February 4th Emil von Oppenheim German private banker 94
February 5th Alfredo Boccolini Italian actor 70
February 5th Franz Fiedler German photographer of the New Objectivity 70
February 5th Savielly Tartakower Polish-French chess player 68
February 5th Stanley T. Williams American literary scholar
February 6th Fritz Bühlmann German architect and draftsman 81
February 6th Erich Caspar German carpenter and politician (SPD) 77
February 6th Henri Chrétien French astronomer and inventor 77
February 6th Friederike Manner Austrian writer and literary critic 51
February 6th Ernst Schaible Austrian field marshal lieutenant and head of the Ministry of Railways 87
February 6th Oskar Varnhagen German lawyer and politician 82
February 7th Marcelle Aaron French composer and pianist 61
February 7th Joseph Louis Marie Andlauer French general 86
February 7th J. Twing Brooks American politician 71
February 7th Roderich Müller-Guttenbrunn Austrian writer 64
February 7th Margarete Pausinger Austrian painter and graphic artist
February 7th Carl Schelenz German athlete and sports teacher 66
February 7th Isabelle Vengerova Russian-American pianist 78
February 8 Hans Conradi German film production manager, line producer, director, film editor, sound engineer and actor 69
February 8 Johannes Haantjes Dutch mathematician 46
February 8 Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel German garden architect and botanist 90
February 8 Vera Lewis US-american actress 82
February 8 Robert Morss Lovett American author, university professor, and politician 85
February 8 Connie Mack American baseball player, manager, and team owner 93
February 8 Eliot Makeham British theater and film actor 73
February 8 William Thompson American rower 47
February 9 Leopoldo de Alpandeire Spanish Capuchin, Blessed 91
February 9 Léon Huybrechts Belgian regatta sailor 79
February 9 Gustav Pietsch German politician (SPD), MdA 64
February 9 Chauncey W. Reed American politician 65
February 9 Rolf Vollé Swiss painter 55
February 9 Jan Kapistrán Vyskočil Czech theologian and historian and Franciscan 69
February 10th Hans-Otto de Boor German legal scholar 69
February 10th Wilhelm Herberholz German painter, graphic artist and university professor 75
February 10th Julius Arnold Koch German-American chemist 91
February 10th Otto Mueller German publisher 54
February 10th Albert Predeek German librarian 72
February 10th Leonora Speyer American poet and Pulitzer Prize winner 83
February 10th Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard British general and chief of the Royal Air Force 83
February 10th Emmanouil Tsouderos Greek politician and prime minister 73
February 11th William Lewis British chemist 70
February 12th Ezriel Carlebach Israeli journalist, lawyer 47
February 12th Ernst Fritz German educator and writer 79
February 12th Moritz Heidegger Liechtenstein bobsledder 23
February 12th Walther Hoeck German painter, especially at the time of National Socialism 70
February 12th Hans von Oldershausen Prussian district administrator 80
13th February Emmett Reid Dunn American herpetologist 61
13th February Max Leo Keller Swiss engineer and politician of the front movement 58
13th February Richard Olsen Danish rower 44
13th February Samuel Porter, Baron Porter British lawyer 79
13th February Jan Łukasiewicz Polish philosopher, mathematician and logician 77
14th of February Henri Arnaud French middle distance runner 64
14th of February Frank Birch British film actor, mime artist and cryptanalyst 66
14th of February Walter Henry Cowan British admiral in World War I 84
14th of February Enrique Sáenz-Valiente Argentinian marksman and racing car driver 39
14th of February Gustav Strohm German ministerial official 73
February 15th Arnošt Bart-Brězynčanski Sorbian politician and national activist 85
February 15th Franz Eger German mayor, Hildesheim local politician (SPD), MdL 66
February 15th James B. Macelwane American seismologist 72
February 15th Viktor Mäulen German soccer player and official 77
February 15th Antonie Zerwer German pediatric nurse and religious sister 82
February 16 Erich Lewinski German politician (SPD) and publishing manager 57
February 16 Meghnad Saha Indian physicist 62
February 16 Ezio Vanoni Italian economist and politician 52
February 17th Arshak Adamyan Soviet-Armenian conductor, composer, musicologist and music critic 71
February 17th Wilhelm Muller German railway engineer and rector of RWTH Aachen 73
February 17th Michael Rasumny Russian actor 65
February 17th Jacques Ernst Sonderegger Swiss painter and graphic artist 73
February 17th Hans Strigl Austrian painter 58
February 18 Bernhard Breitenstein German lawyer and parliamentarian 76
February 18 Paolo Buzzi Italian poet of futurism 82
February 18 Gustave Charpentier French composer 95
February 18 Rüdiger von Heyking German officer, most recently lieutenant general in World War II 62
February 18 Heinrich Kronen German politician (FDP), MdL 72
February 18 Daniel Pauluzzi Austrian painter and sculptor 89
February 18 Peter Rohr Romanian-German composer and conductor 74
19th of February Karl Bader German historian and librarian 87
19th of February Mithat Şükrü Bleda Macedonian politician (Young Turks)
19th of February Karl Boesch Austrian politician (GdP), member of the state parliament, member of the National Council 76
19th of February Ulfert Janssen German sculptor 77
19th of February Wilhelm Kleemann German educator and politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag 71
19th of February Emil Niethammer German lawyer and politician (CDU), MdL 86
19th of February Death Slaughter English actor 70
19th of February Albert Treier German lawyer and author 69
19th of February Jan Jacobus Lijnst Zwikker Dutch pharmacist and university professor 65
20. February Heinrich Barkhausen German physicist 74
20. February Harold King British chemist 68
20. February Marie C. van der Kolf Dutch classical philologist and high school teacher 61
21st of February Karl Anton German theologian 68
21st of February Camillo Bregant Austrian major general 76
21st of February Geo Davidson Italian cyclist 90
21st of February Ismar friend German lawyer and historian 79
21st of February Edwin Franko Goldman American composer and conductor 78
21st of February Jake Guzik Jewish-American mobster 69
21st of February Rafael Karsten Finnish sociologist, ethnologist and historian of religion 76
21st of February Wilhelm Mademann German politician (SPD) 77
21st of February Theodor Nüttgens German history and church painter from the Düsseldorf School 80
21st of February Friedrich Schaper German painter and graphic artist 86
21st of February Martin Tille German landscape painter 72
February 22 Aleksi Aaltonen Finnish social democratic politician, member of the Reichstag 63
February 22 Hattie Carnegie Austrian-American jewelry and fashion designer 66
February 22 Mario Augusto Teixeira de Freitas Brazilian statistician 65
February 22 Marie Amelie by Godin German writer, women's rights activist and Albanologist 73
February 22 Paul Léautaud French author 84
February 22 Harry Lewis American welterweight boxer 69
February 22 Alexandros Svolos Greek lawyer, politician and Prime Minister
February 23 Bruno Barthel Saxon dialect poet 70
February 23 Jack Dragna Sicilian-American Mafioso 64
February 23 Edward Galvin Irish Roman Catholic Bishop 73
February 23 Johannes Gabriel Granö Finnish geographer 73
February 23 Otto Hänssgen German painter 70
February 23 Arturo Miolati Italian chemist 86
February 23 Heinrich Wittich German politician (CDU), MdL 64
February 24th Hermann Graedener Austrian writer 77
February 24th Heinrich Imig German politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag, MEP 62
February 24th Carl Krahn German architect 75
February 24th André Perrottet from Laban Swiss stage designer and theater building visionary 40
February 24th Gerrit Smith Miller American zoologist 86
February 24th Dennis E. Nolan American major general 83
February 25 Marij Kogoj Yugoslav composer 63
February 25 Oswald Koltzenburg German NDPD functionary 65
February 25 Elmer Drew Merrill American botanist 79
February 25 Horst Benno Adolf von Minckwitz German officer, military aviator in World War I and significantly involved in building up the air force in the Kingdom of Saxony 79
February 25 Vincent B. Murphy American politician 68
February 25 Heinrich Plönes German educator and writer 70
February 26th James A. Donohoe American lawyer and politician 78
February 26th Pierre Gauchat Swiss graphic artist and painter 54
February 26th Lorenz Hagenbeck German zoo and circus director 73
February 26th Elsie Janis American actress, singer, composer 66
February 26th Rudolf Chancellor German surveyor and politician 83
February 26th Walter von Wistinghausen German-Baltic writer and actor 76
27th of February Karl August Balser German consul general and cultural researcher 68
27th of February Herbert Gladitsch German civil servant and politician (BCSV, CDU) 51
27th of February John Jennings American politician 75
27th of February Andrew Pitcairn-Knowles British press photographer and publisher 84
27th of February Günther Ramin German organist, harpsichordist, choir director and composer 57
27th of February Daniele Varè Italian writer 76
February 28 Florentino Avidos Brazilian engineer and politician 85
February 28 Caroline Brown Bourland American Romance Studies and Hispanic Studies 84
February 28 Howard A. Coffin American politician 78
February 28 Vladimir Petrovich Filatov Soviet surgeon and ophthalmologist 81
February 28 Fritz Grass German politician (center) 64
February 28 Arthur Hayday British Labor Party politician and trade unionist 86
February 28 Harley M. Kilgore American politician (Democratic Party) 63
February 28 Edmund May German architect 79
February 28 Frigyes Riesz Hungarian mathematician 76
February 28 Ernst Sauermann German art historian, museum director and provincial curator 75
February 29th Herbert S. Duffy American lawyer and politician (Democratic Party) 56
February 29th W. Howard Greene American cameraman 60
February 29th Juan Federico Ponce Vaidez Guatemalan President 66
February 29th Elpidio Quirino Philippine President 65
February 29th Simón Radowitzky Ukrainian anarchist
February 29th Max Ulrich Schoop Swiss inventor of the metal spray process 85
February Isak Abelsen Greenland Provincial Council 76


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Albert Callam German politician (KPD), publishing director 69
1st March Touria Chaoui first Moroccan and Arab woman to acquire a pilot's license 19th
1st March Toni Gaßner change German dialect poet 56
1st March Henriette Renié French harpist and composer 80
1st March Franz Spemann German writer and secretary of the German Christian Student Union 79
2nd March Sigurd Frosterus Finnish architect and art critic 79
2nd March Paul Wynand German sculptor 77
2nd March Eugenio Zolli Grand Rabbi of Rome, Holocaust survivor 74
3 March Hugo Kätze German painter and graphic artist 81
3 March Ernst Loof German engineer, racing driver and entrepreneur 48
3 March Karl Rehbein German social democratic politician and trade unionist, MdL 70
3 March Johann Vonmoos Swiss politician (FDP) 82
4th of March Ola Alsen German writer and editor 75
4th of March Hans Braumüller German major general in World War II 73
4th of March Selma Des Coudres Latvian-German painter 73
4th of March Herbert Wesley Cummings American politician 82
4th of March Scott Fitzhugh American politician 67
4th of March Otto Harder German soccer player and security guard in concentration camps 63
4th of March Ernest G. Liebold American bank director and Henry Ford's secretary 71
4th of March Willy Prager German actor, director, cabaret artist, librettist and screenwriter 78
5. March Kurt Gildisch German police officer and SS officer 52
5. March Erich Itor Kahn German musician 50
5. March Hans Schaanning Norwegian ornithologist and polar explorer 78
6th March Arnold Berger Swiss architect 73
6th March Edyth Edwards German film and stage actress 56
6th March Adolf Sautter German sculptor 83
7th March Sebastian Vogl German mathematician and physicist 83
8th of March Drastamat Kanajan Armenian military and politicians 71
8th of March Oda Kazuma Japanese painter 73
8th of March Ewald Reinhard German writer 71
8th of March Friedrich of Toggenburg Austrian governor and interior minister, Italian-South Tyrolean deputy 89
9th March Felix Bichl Austrian farmer and politician, member of the state parliament, member of the National Council 80
9th March Aylward Manley Blackman British Egyptologist 73
9th March Mario Casella Italian Romanist, Italianist and Hispanist 69
9th March Ali Akbar Dehchoda Persian linguist and man of letters
9th March Pavia Høegh Greenlandic carpenter, architect and councilor 70
9th March Paul Kretschmer German linguist 89
9th March Oskar Wischeropp German politician (KPD / Leninbund), resistance fighter 73
March 10th Hermann Bruckhoff German politician (Progressive People's Party, DDP, LDP), MdR 81
March 10th Hans Herbert Hohlfeld German economist 52
March 10th Konrad Nimetz Austrian politician (SPÖ), member of the state parliament 61
March 10th Vere Ponsonby, 9th Earl of Bessborough British businessman and politician, Governor General of Canada 75
March 10th Rudolf von Scholtz German philologist 65
March 11 Adolf von Heintze-Weißenrode German civil servant, district administrator in the Bordesholm district 91
March 11 Max Paulsen Austrian actor, director and theater director 79
March 11 Wilhelm Nicolaus Prachensky Austrian painter, graphic artist and architect 58
March 11 Sergei Nikiforowitsch Vasilenko Russian composer and conductor 83
March 12th Heinrich Barth German painter and author 74
March 12th Bolesław Bierut Polish communist politician and later President of the People's Republic of Poland 63
March 12th Peter Goessler German archaeologist 83
March 12th Ferdinand Tutenberg German landscape gardener 81
March 13th Alfred Byrne Irish politician, Member of the House of Commons 73
March 13th Shikazo Iguchi Japanese civil engineer 66
March 13th Richard Schayer American screenwriter 75
March 13th Max Vogler German businessman and senator (Bavaria) 62
March 13th Gustav Wenk Swiss politician (SP) 71
the 14th of March David Browning American diver 24
the 14th of March Paul Arnold Grun German genealogist and author 83
the 14th of March Lars Sonck Finnish architect of national romanticism 85
the 14th of March Fritz Stein German theologian 76
March, 15 Robert Bing German-Swiss neurologist 77
March, 15 Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg Austrian politician and home guard leader 56
March, 15 Maria Charlotte Sweceny Austrian publishing partner 51
March 16 Sergei Wassiljewitsch Evsejew Russian composer 62
March 16 Paul Matthes German painter and graphic artist 84
March 16 Gustav Schumann German politician (SPD), MdR, MdL 76
March 16 Harry Söderman Swedish criminalist, head of the Swedish Forensic Institute (1939-1953) 53
March 16 Günther mourning German civil engineer, town planner and construction officer 77
17. March Fred Allen American actor, comedian, and radio host 61
17. March Henry Frederick Baker British mathematician 89
17. March Heinrich Düll German sculptor 88
17. March Irène Joliot-Curie French chemist 58
March 18th Louis Bromfield American writer 59
March 18th Alonzo G. Decker American entrepreneur, inventor and theosophist, co-founder of the machine manufacturer Black & Decker 72
March 18th Benjamin Glazer American screenwriter, film producer and director 68
March 18th Bernhard Milt Swiss internist, medical historian and university professor 59
March 18th Friedrich Panzer German Germanist 85
March 18th Hans Rieck German district administrator and government vice-president 75
March 18th Paul Straßenberger German politician (KPD / SED), economic functionary 45
March 18th Nikolaj Velimirović orthodox bishop 75
19th March Nello Bartolini Italian obstacle and long distance runner 51
19th March Michael Berthold Austrian politician 73
19th March Wilhelm Liese Roman Catholic priest and writer 79
19th March Rudolf Veiel German officer, general of the tank force in World War II 72
19th March Franz Xaver Weiss Austrian-Czechoslovak economist 70
March, 20th Wilhelm Miklas Austrian politician (CS), member of the state parliament and federal president 83
March, 20th Park In-hwan South Korean lyric poet 29
March, 20th Ernst Wagemann German statistician 72
March 21st Hatı Çırpan Turkish peasant woman and MP
March 21st Fanny Durack Australian swimmer 66
March 21st Per Kaufeldt Swedish football player, coach, bandy and ice hockey player 53
March 21st Karl Kergl German architect of the Post Building School 58
March 21st Hans Müller-Schlösser Düsseldorf regional lecturer and playwright 71
March 21st Raymond E. Willis American politician (Republican Party) 80
March 22 Karl Barlen German officer, most recently General der Flieger 65
March 22 Francisco de Aquino Correia Brazilian Roman Catholic Bishop, Salesian Don Bosco 70
March 22 Louis Cukela American soldier, two-time Medal of Honor holder 67
March 22 Wilhelm German German politician (center, CDU), MdL 78
March 22 Richard Janthur German drawing teacher, graphic artist and painter 72
March 22 Emil Kneiß German caricaturist and poster artist 88
March 22 Eduardo Lonardi Argentinian politician (non-party) and military 59
March 22 George Sarton American historian of science 71
March 22 Heinrich Tilemann German Protestant theologian, President of the Upper Church Council in Oldenburg 78
March 23 Mort Dixon American musician, songwriter and lyricist 64
March 24th Willem Hendrik Keesom Dutch physicist 79
March 24th Bob Lambert Irish badminton and cricketer 81
March 24th Heinrich Stollhof Priest of the Diocese of Speyer, clergyman, divisional and deep sea fleet pastor 77
March 24th Wilma von Vukelich Croatian writer 76
March 24th Edmund Taylor Whittaker British mathematician 82
March 24th Julius Zerfass German journalist and writer 70
25th March Carl Hauser Swiss military doctor 89
25th March Wolfgang Hoffmann German lawyer, Lord Mayor of Freiburg im Breisgau 62
25th March Albrecht Michler Austrian architect 78
25th March Robert Newton British actor 50
25th March Franz Schulz Austrian politician (SPÖ), member of the Federal Council 64
27th of March Frans Beelaerts van Blokland Foreign Minister of the Netherlands 84
27th of March Évariste Lévi-Provençal French Medievalist, Orientalist, Arabist and Islamic scholar
27th of March Giuseppe Merosi Italian automobile designer 83
28th March Burghard Breitner Austrian surgeon and writer 71
28th March Charles Fouqueray French painter 86
28th March Thomas de Hartmann Russian composer 71
March 29 Hans Hermann Adler Newspaper scientist and professor at Heidelberg University 64
March 29 Alfons de Borbon Spanish nobleman, member of the House of Bourbon 14th
March 29 Gerard Dewhurst English soccer player 84
March 29 Otto Willi Gail German science journalist and writer 59
March 29 Ahmed Redha Houhou Algerian writer
March 29 Victor Lelièvre Oblate of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and Missionary 80
March 29 Ernst Meurer German watercolor painter 72
March 29 Adolf Stelter German lawyer and politician 74
March 29 Fuat Uzkınay Turkish cameraman and director
March 29 Erich Wolfsfeld German painter, graphic artist and etcher 71
March 30 EC Bentley British writer 80
March 30 Fritz Lehmann German conductor and university professor 51
March 30 Thomas Dufferin Pattullo Canadian politician 83
March 31 Ragnar Mountain Swedish chemist and nutritionist 82
March 31 Ralph DePalma American racing car driver 72
March 31 Eugen Stollreither German philologist and librarian 81
March 31 Hallett Sydney Ward American politician 85
March 31 Compton I. White American politician 78
March Kurt Reichl Austrian Freemason and anti-Freemason 56
March Wilhelm Rothhaupt German writer and colonial politician 67


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Fernand Dineur Belgian comic artist and author 51
April 1st Viola Gillette American singer 84
April 1st Frank Jay Gould American philanthropist and hotel owner 78
April 1st Claudio Isopescu Romanian Romanist, Italianist, Romanist and Hispanist who worked mainly in Italy 61
April 1st Pavel Janák Czech architect and architectural theorist 74
April 1st Tibor Lubinszky Hungarian child actor of the silent movie era 46
April 1st Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko Russian politician, landowner and sugar manufacturer of Ukrainian descent 70
April 1st Moriz violin Austrian-American pianist, composer and piano teacher 77
2nd of April Filippo De Pisis Italian painter 59
2nd of April Eugene M. Kulischer Russian-American sociologist 74
2nd of April Fritz Künkel German psychiatrist 66
2nd of April Thomas Jefferson Lilly American politician 77
2nd of April Charles of Luxburg German diplomat 83
2nd of April Takamura Kōtaro Japanese sculptor, poet, and essayist 73
2nd of April Willy Victor German lawyer 80
2nd of April Ferdinand Zunker German water economist 69
3rd of April Erhard Raus German Colonel General 67
3rd of April Amelie Ruths German painter and graphic artist 84
3rd of April Norbert Weber first abbot of the Benedictine Archabbey of St. Ottilien 85
4. April Agnes Esterházy Austrian actress 65
4. April Carl Haebler German surgeon 62
4. April Sebastian Killermann German Catholic clergyman and mycologist 85
4. April Paul Knobbe German architect 89
4. April Fausto Sampaio Portuguese painter 63
4. April Franz Teping German Ministerialrat and headmaster 75
4. April Hans David Tobar German actor, author and cabaret artist 67
4. April Martin Waßmund German surgeon, dentist, university professor and specialist in dentistry, oral medicine and maxillofacial medicine 63
4. April Reinhold Zimmermann German headmaster, choir conductor and music writer 66
April 5th Manilal Gandhi Son of Mahatma Gandhi; like his father active in the independence movement of India 63
April 5th Richard Peters German Mayor 83
April 5th Wilhelm Schussen German writer 81
April 6th Siegfried Count Lehndorff Prussian Landstallmeister in Neustadt, Graditz and Trakehnen 86
April 6th Fritz Polack German officer, most recently lieutenant general in World War II 63
April 6th Ida Schumacher Bavarian comedian 62
7th of April Adolf Hofmeister German historian 72
7th of April Sven Linderot Swedish communist politician, member of the Riksdag 66
7th of April Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie British noblewoman, writer and lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mary 90
7th of April Benno Ostertag German lawyer and notary 63
7th of April Ernst Pethig German architect and painter 63
April 8th Hellmuth Bohlke German officer, most recently lieutenant general in World War II 63
April 8th August Braun German painter of Christian art 79
April 8th Wolf gold Israeli rabbi 67
April 8th Franz Wallner Austrian politician (CS), member of the state parliament 73
9th April Georgios Banikas Greek pole vaulter 67
9th April Glen Edgar Edgerton American officer 68
9th April Josef Fiebiger Austrian veterinarian 86
9th April Moritz Pathé German painter and book illustrator 62
9th April Siegfried Seidemann German architect 77
10th of April Anton Grath Austrian sculptor 74
10th of April Helmut Küpper German publisher 51
10th of April Hermann Meinhard Poppen German church musician and conductor 71
10th of April Erwin Theodor Rupp German pharmacist 84
10th of April Božidar Širola Yugoslav composer 66
10th of April Gisela advertising district Austrian theater and film actress 81
11 April Wilhelm Dyckerhoff German administrative lawyer and parliamentarian 87
11 April Alva Clark Forney American politician 85
11 April Francis Tyler American bobsledder 51
12. April Paul Kempner German banker 66
12. April Constantin von Mitschke-Collande German portrait painter, figure painter, wood cutter and lithographer 71
12. April José Moscardó Spanish general 77
April 13th Alfred Birlem German football referee 68
April 13th Evelyn Beatrice Hall English writer 87
April 13th Emil Nolde German-Danish painter of expressionism 88
April 14th Johannes Busch German Protestant pastor, confessing Christian and evangelist 51
April 14th Joseph Clark American tennis player 94
April 14th Lucie Euler German actress 78
April 14th Franz Federschmidt American rower 62
April 14th Adam Fosshag German teacher and local researcher 77
April 14th Rudolf Isay German lawyer, patent attorney and cartel specialist 70
April 14th Louis Joner German hotelier 76
April 14th Christian Rub German child actor and actor in the United States 70
April 14th Carl Schreck German politician (SPD), MdR 82
April 14th August Rudolf Wild German gemstone engraver and gem cutter 64
April 15th Adam Eismann German Catholic priest 83
April 15th Michael Gamper Priest and publicist 71
April 15th Kathleen Howard Canadian-American actress, opera singer (alto) and journalist 71
April 15th Ludwig Muhlhausen German Celtologist 67
April 16 Max Leon Flemming German merchant, consul of the Netherlands, art collector and patron 74
April 16 Petro Karmanskyj Ukrainian poet, journalist, translator and member of the literary-modernist group Moloda musa 77
April 16 Richard Kolkwitz German botanist 83
April 16 Jean de Marguenat French racing driver 62
April 16 Adolf Mühlhan German painter and graphic artist 69
April 16 Jacob Muyser Catholic priest, religious and liturgical scholar 59
April 16 Cassian Reiser German church musician and cathedral music director in Augsburg 74
April 16 Hermann Ludwig Schmid German mathematician 47
17th April Lavinia Dock American nurse, nursing scientist, and nursing historian 98
17th April Friedrich Fangohr German general of the infantry 56
17th April Chaim Müntz Polish-German mathematician 71
17th April Walter Seifert German SS leader 60
April 18 Hermann Harrassowitz German geologist and paleontologist 70
April 18 Acácio Lino Portuguese painter 78
April 18 Felix Matuszkiewicz German historian and legal scholar 71
April 18 Tadeusz Michejda Polish doctor and politician, member of the Sejm 76
April 18 Johanna Niederhellmann social democratic resistance fighter 65
April 18 Edward Travis British cryptanalyst and secret service agent 67
April 19th Johann Bossi Swiss politician (CIP) 81
April 19th Jørgen Chemnitz Greenland State Councilor and interpreter 66
April 19th Ernst Robert Curtius German scholar and Romanist 70
April 19th Joseph Lohr German Roman Catholic theologian and canon lawyer 78
April 19th Arno Poetzsch German educator, pastor and hymn poet 55
20th of April Lorenzo Camilieri Greek-American composer and choir director
20th of April Albert Engstfeld German painter 79
20th of April Josef Sobainsky visual artist 76
April 21 Angelo Dibona South Tyrolean mountain guides and climbers 77
April 21 Stan Golestan Romanian composer 80
April 21 Georg Gottheiner German administrative lawyer and politician (DNVP), MdR 76
April 21 Charles MacArthur American screenwriter 60
April 22 Hugo Borbeck German mechanical engineer and manager of the metalworking industry 75
April 22 Walt Faulkner American racing driver 36
April 22 Gustav Haug Swiss composer and conductor 84
April 22 Vlastimil Lada-Sázavský bohemian fencer 70
April 22 Jan Šrámek Czech clergyman and Czechoslovak politician 85
April 22 Ernst Weidner German politician (FDP), MdL 70
April 23 Bruno Amiet Swiss local historian 52
April 23 Peter Bade German orthopedist 83
April 23 Raymond Cordy French actor 57
April 23 Friedrich Schönemann German literary scholar, Americanist and politician (FDP), MdL 69
April 23 Paul Ziegler German architect and municipal building officer 81
April 24th Albrecht Alt German Protestant theologian and Old Testament scholar 72
April 24th Ferdinand Frankenberger Austrian farmer and politician (CSP), member of the National Council 69
April 24th Kurt Moosdorf German politician (SPD), MdL and MdB 72
April 24th Theodor Nussbaum German garden and landscape architect, garden director in Cologne 70
April 24th Josef Pazelt Austrian author, educator and politician (SPÖ), member of the National Council 65
April 24th Henry Stephenson British film and stage actor 85
April 25 Adolf Friedrich German ethnologist 42
April 25 Hugo Gugg German landscape painter 77
April 25 Heinrich Herrling German architect 72
April 25 Richard Mildenstrey German politician (KPD / SED), MdL Saxony 71
April 25 Nemesio Otaño Spanish musicologist, composer and Jesuit 75
April 25 Paul Renner German typographer, graphic designer and author 77
April 25 Emil Stahl German politician (SPD), MdR, MdL 76
April 25 Jean Ybarnégaray French politician 72
26th of April Edward Arnold US-American actor 66
26th of April Anna Bornemann German painter 81
26th of April Gustav Oelsner German architect, town planner and building officer 77
26th of April Henrique da Rocha Lima Brazilian medic and pathologist 76
April 27 Otto Max Gabriel Schlagintweit German geologist and paleontologist 75
April 28 Friedrich Kratochwjle Austrian landscape architect 73
April 28 Vigor Lindberg Swedish soccer player 57
April 28 Fred Marriott American racing driver 83
April 28 Friedrich Schmidt-Ott German science organizer 95
April 29 Harold Bride British radio officer and Marconi radio operator 66
April 29 Otto Graf German civil engineer and materials scientist 75
April 29 Joseph L. Hurley American politician 58
April 29 Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb German officer, most recently Field Marshal General in World War II 79
April 29 Wilhelm Senne German politician (SPD), MdL 61
April 29 Howard C. Shober American politician 96
April 29 Fritz Wandel German politician (KPD) and resistance fighters against National Socialism 57
April, 30th Albums W. Barkley American politician, Vice President of the United States 78
April, 30th Morten Pedersen Porsild Danish botanist 83
April, 30th Ugaki Kazushige Japanese general 87


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May William Ashurst English soccer player 60
1st of May Hans Dannenbaum German Protestant theologian, city mission director and pastor 61
1st of May Johann Wilhelm Naumann German journalist and publisher 58
1st of May LeRoy Samse American athlete 72
1st of May Jakob Schoenberg German composer and musicologist 55
2.May Ludwig Mayrhofer Austrian organ builder 93
2.May Richard Sallaba Austrian actor as well as opera and operetta singer (tenor) 50
2.May Thure Sjöstedt Swedish wrestler 52
May 3rd Franz Barckhausen German general of the artillery 63
May 3rd Albert Kallee German lawyer, district court director in Stuttgart (1937–1947) 71
May 3rd Andreas Knack German hospital director and member of the Hamburg parliament 69
May 3rd Ludwig Thormaehlen German art historian and sculptor 66
May 3rd Peter Watson English art collector and patron 47
May 4th Mina Benson Hubbard Canadian explorer 86
May 4th André Boissier Swiss diplomat 52
May 4th Johann Oberhammer Austrian politician, member of the state parliament 77
May 4th Fielding L. Wright American politician 60
5th of May Fritz Engelke German Lutheran theologian 78
5th of May Karel Rudolph Gallas Dutch romanist and lexicographer 88
5th of May Miklós Nyiszli Jewish physician and author 54
5th of May Franz Pfaudler Austrian actor 62
5th of May Russell Shearman American special effects artist 51
5th of May Shin Ik-hee Korean politician 63
May 6th Fergus Anderson British motorcycle racer 47
May 6th Carl Brockelmann German orientalist and Semiticist 87
May 6th Paul Burckhardt Swiss teacher and historian 83
May 6th Karl Schworm German National Socialist, German author and local poet 67
May 6th Arthur Vanderstuyft Belgian cyclist 72
May 6th Karl White German photographer and graphic artist 80
May 7th Maria Brand German member of the state parliament 78
May 7th Oscar Faber British civil engineer 69
May 7th Ludwig joy German-Argentine entrepreneur
May 7th Jakob Hartmann Chimney sweep and Swiss folk poet 79
May 7th Josef Hoffmann Austrian architect and designer 85
May 7th Walther Schoenborn German legal scholar 72
8th of May Aimée Rapin Swiss painter 87
8th of May Max Schmidt German engineer, industrialist and politician (DVP), MdR 82
8th of May Otto Sebastian Weick called Digger of the sulfur spring, founder of the Mingolsheim sulfur bath and mill owner 86
May 9 Jean-Louis Bretteville Norwegian soccer player 50
May 9 Otto Dibbelt German biologist and educator 74
May 9 Franz Schehl Austrian ancient historian 58
10th of May Adele Gerhard German writer 87
10th of May Wilhelm Haller German-Jewish architect 71
10th of May Clarence E. Mulford American writer 73
10th of May Thomas Rolph American politician 71
10th of May FW Schröder-Schrom German actor 76
10th of May Albert Talhoff Swiss writer and choreographer 67
May 11th Walter Sydney Adams American astronomer 79
May 11th William P. Elmer American politician 85
May 11th Paul Ernst Levy German chemist and metallurgist 80
May 11th Matsumoto Takashi Japanese writer 50
May 11th Victor Wetterström Swedish curler 71
12th of May Vladimír Ambros Czech composer 65
12th of May Louis Calhern US-American actor 61
12th of May Bohuslav Leopold Czech composer, violin virtuoso and music publisher 67
12th of May Arthur Letondal Canadian organist, music educator and composer 87
12th of May Franklin Menges American politician 97
12th of May Karl Rösener German military doctor and tropical medicine 76
12th of May Johan Wichers Dutch composer 69
May 13th Jürgen Borcherdt Low German comedian and joke author, as well as writer 86
May 13th Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev Russian writer 54
May 13th Don Kirkpatrick American jazz pianist and arranger 50
May 13th Franz Klinghardt German geologist, paleontologist and prehistoric scientist 73
May 14th Albert Jan Kluyver Dutch microbiologist and biochemist 67
May 14th Wilhelm Otto German politician (CDU), MdL 57
May 14th Maxime Quartenoud Swiss politician 58
May 14th Otto Uebele German coffee exporter and German consul in Santos 79
May 14th Fritz Zaugg Swiss politician 70
May 15 Jovan Bandur Yugoslav composer 56
May 15 Hermann Ludwig Blankenburg German composer 79
May 15 Elisabeth yikes German theater actress 72
May 15 Paul Köttgen German soil scientist 75
May 15 Adrian Rollini American jazz musician 52
May 15 Austin Osman Spare British printmaker, painter and magician 69
May 16 Heinrich Wilhelm Behrens German architect 82
May 16 Sylvester Murau German major of the MfS
17th of May Anton Lindeck German lawyer and member of the Provisional Reich Economic Council 84
May 18 Josef Busch German gardener and chairman of the General German Gardeners Association 76
May 18 Johannes Gährs German civil engineer, Ministerialdirektor in the Reich Ministry of Transport and President of the Prussian Academy of Building 81
May 18 Viktor Jantzen German politician (SPD) 80
May 18 Georg Kalkbrenner Finance Senator of the Hanseatic City and is a holder of the Great Federal Cross of Merit 80
May 18 Jaroslav Krejčí Czechoslovak lawyer and politician 63
May 18 Ernst Lewalter German Germanist, teacher and publicist 63
May 19th Ferdinand Andri Austrian painter 85
May 19th Giacinto Cardi Priest and General Rector of the Pallottines 79
May 19th Ernest Martin Hennings German-American painter 70
May 19th Otto Pannenbecker German politician (center), Member of the Bundestag 77
May 19th Gustav slate German union leader and city councilor 79
May 20th Pierre Allemane French soccer player 74
May 20th Gustav tinkering German city architect and architect 78
May 20th Max Beerbohm English parodist and cartoonist 83
May 20th Albert Duquesne Canadian actor
May 20th William John Gies American biochemist, founder of modern dentistry education 84
May 20th Zoltán from Halmay Hungarian swimmer 74
May 20th Alois Hitler junior Half-brother of Adolf Hitler 74
May 20th Bob Olsen American science fiction writer 72
May 20th Harold S. Tolley American politician 62
May 21 Loring M. Black, Jr. American lawyer and politician 70
May 21 Kurt Heinig German lithographer, politician (SPD), MdR and journalist 70
May 21 Joseph Schilter Swiss church painter and designer of leaded glass windows 85
May 22 Samuel Jackson Barnett American physicist 82
May 22 Ferdinand Bock from Wülfingen German Lieutenant General, Erbdrost and Chamberlain of the Principality of Hildesheim 72
May 22 Franz Fiedler Austrian politician (SPÖ, ÖVP), member of the state parliament in Burgenland 58
May 22 Johann Klein German farmer and member of parliament 81
May 22 Walther Kossel German physicist and university professor 68
May 22 Heinrich Tränker German bookseller, antiquarian, occultist and theosophist 75
23. May Antonie Barth second wife of Duke Ludwig in Bavaria 84
23. May Andrew James Louis Brennan American clergyman, Bishop of Richmond 78
23. May Franz Gartmann catholic priest 74
23. May Robert Gordon-Finlayson British general 75
23. May Robert S. Lewis American politician 99
23. May Gustav Suits Estonian lyric poet 72
May 24th Franz Boeres German painter, sculptor and jewelry designer 83
May 24th Eugen Dieth Swiss English studies specialist, phonetician and dialectologist 62
May 24th Fritz Joubert Duquesne South African adventurer and spy 78
May 24th Guy Kibbee American film and stage actor 74
May 24th Wilhelm Naegel German politician (CDU), MdL Lower Saxony, MdB 51
May 24th Heinrich Rabeling German politician (NSDAP), Lord Mayor of Oldenburg (1933–1945) 65
May 24th Georg Vogt German painter, craftsman and academy professor 74
25. May Erich Boden German internist 72
25. May Finis J. Garrett American politician 80
25. May William T. Granahan American politician 60
25. May Victor Herold German historian and grammar school director 65
25. May Johann Radon Austrian mathematician 68
25. May Curt Thesing German biologist, author and translator of popular scientific literature 77
May 26 Mir Jafar Abbasovich Bagirov Soviet politician of the CPSU 59
May 26 Emmy Heller German historian 69
May 26 Al Simmons American baseball player 54
May 27th Səməd Vurğun Azerbaijani poet 50
28th of May Hans Conrad Bodmer Swiss industrialist and collector of autographs 64
28th of May Max Friedlaender German lawyer 82
28th of May Sakata Kazuo Japanese painter 66
28th of May Richard Schnauder German sculptor and draftsman 70
May 29th Hermann Abendroth German conductor and politician, MdV 73
May 29th Theodor Bäuerle German educator, administrative officer and politician 73
May 29th Frank Beaurepaire Australian swimmer 65
May 29th Cormac Breathnach Irish politician
May 29th Johannes Jørgensen Danish poet and writer 89
May 29th Joannes Henricus Maria Koenen Dutch neurologist 63
May 29th Franz Moericke German craftsmen, resistance fighters against National Socialism and politicians (KPD, SED), MdR, MdV 71
May 29th Wassyl Panejko Ukrainian journalist, diplomat and Foreign Minister of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic
May 29th Robert Friedrich Karl Scholtz expressionist portrait and landscape painter 79
May 29th Hal Winkler Canadian ice hockey goalkeeper 64
30th May Heinrich Kolfhaus Protestant pastor 77
30th May George Murray Levick British doctor and Antarctic researcher 79
30th May Carl Neuberg German biochemist 78
30th May Valaida Snow American jazz trumpeter and singer 51
30th May Tadeusz Wilczak Polish conductor 47
31. May Karl Dieter German detective and commander of the Moringen youth concentration camp 53
31. May Homer L. Lyon American politician 77
31. May Joseph Maria von Radowitz German officer, lieutenant general in the Second World War and most recently major general in the Bundeswehr 56
31. May Diedrich Westermann German Africanist and ethnologist 80
May Robert Deumer German lawyer 73
May Fred Ohms American jazz musician (trombone)
May Erich Puch German marathon runner 44


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 1st Jesse H. Jones American entrepreneur, politician, and publisher 82
June 1st Peter Simons German teacher and local researcher 79
June 1st Matthew Woll American trade unionist 76
2th of June Arthur Adolph German politician (DStP), MdR 60
2th of June Andreas von Antropoff German chemist and university professor 77
2th of June Richard S. Edwards Junior American admiral in the US Navy 71
2th of June Jean Hersholt Danish-American actor 69
2th of June Georg Rauschning Prussian administrative lawyer and district administrator 80
2th of June Heinrich Schmittmann German lawyer 77
2th of June Friedrich Wilhelm Stein German politician (FDP), MdL 69
3rd of June Fukushi Masaichi Japanese pathologist 78
3rd of June Victor Gonzalez French organ builder 78
3rd of June Piet Ouborg Dutch surrealist painter and printmaker 63
3rd of June Siegfried Trebitsch Austrian playwright, poet, storyteller and translator 87
3rd of June Hans Zickendraht Swiss physicist and radio pioneer 74
June 4th Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier French botanist 82
June 4th Max Kowalski German composer 73
June 4th Foster Waterman Stearns American politician 74
June 4th Elisabeth Walter German teacher and writer 58
June 4th Wilhelm Werrlein German lawyer and politician (BCSV, CDU) 78
June 5th Rudolph Sauerwein German automobile racing driver 55
June 5th Fanny von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Swedish writer 74
6th of June Hiram Bingham III American archaeologist, explorer and politician 80
6th of June Charles Turner Joy Vice Admiral in the US Navy 61
6th of June Reinhard Koester German writer 71
6th of June Otto Lukas German teacher, local poet and writer 74
6th of June Louis Maurin French general and politician 87
6th of June Margaret Wycherly British actress 74
June 7th Julien Benda French philosopher and writer 88
June 7th Johann Eibensteiner Austrian politician (SPÖ), member of the state parliament, member of the Federal Council 57
June 7th Charles E. McKenzie American politician 59
June 7th Yuri Dmitrievich Wardimiadi soviet soccer player
8th June Hugo Egon Kubaseck German football official
8th June Wilhelm van Laak Doctor and politician (CDU), MdL 74
8th June Marie Laurencin French poet and painter 72
8th June Jan Lechoń Polish writer 56
8th June Hans Meiser German Lutheran regional bishop of Bavaria 75
8th June Walter Rhys, 7th Baron Dynevor British nobleman and politician, member of the House of Commons 82
June 9th Chandrashekhar Agashe Indian industrialist 68
June 9th Alfred Isaac German economist 67
June 9th Ferdinand Jodl German officer, most recently general of the mountain troops in World War II 59
June 9th Edith Summers Kelley Canadian writer 72
June 9th J. Alfred Taylor American politician 77
June 10th Fletcher Pratt American author 59
June 11th Corrado Alvaro Italian writer 61
June 11th Frank Brangwyn Welsh painter, printmaker, illustrator and designer 89
June 11th Gustav Klimpel German local politician (SPD) 64
June 11th Ralph Morgan American film and stage actor 72
June 11th Eduard Springer German civil servant 83
June 11th Frank Trumbauer American jazz musician 55
June 12 Phelan Beale American lawyer 75
June 12 Johann-Erasmus of Malsen-Ponickau German SS leader and police officer at the time of National Socialism 61
June 12 Adolf Rieger German wrestler 56
June 13th John J. Eagan American politician 84
June 13th Joseph B. Ely American politician 75
June 13th Reginald Goss-Custard English organist and composer 79
June 13th Sofja Vladimirovna Panina Russian philanthropist, patron, politician and feminist 84
June 13th Erich Roth German Protestant theologian and philosopher 38
14th June Ernst von Küchler German diplomat 71
14th June Martha Schlag German politician (KPD / SPD), MdL 81
14th June Alfred Schmidt German Lord Mayor of Mülheim an der Ruhr (1928–1933) 75
15th June Ernst Leitz II German entrepreneur 85
15th June Erich Wernick German lawyer and politician (CNBL / ThLB), MdL 78
June 16 Christopher Gitsham South African marathon runner 67
June 16 Franz Hirschler German lawyer and local politician (SPD) 75
June 16 Fritz Koch-Gotha German graphic artist, draftsman, caricaturist, illustrator and writer 79
June 16 Serious kiss Chemist 67
June 16 Paul Georg Münch German elementary school teacher, reform pedagogue and writer 79
17th of June Berta Ottenstein German dermatologist 65
17th of June Enrico Prampolini Italian painter, set designer and stage costume designer 62
17th of June Paul Rostock Surgeon and university professor, defendant in the Nuremberg medical trial 64
17th of June Bob Sweikert American racing driver 30th
17th of June Artur Văitoianu Romanian general, politician and prime minister of the country 92
18th of June Gerhard Bonwetsch German historian, textbook author and headmaster at the Stadtgymnasium Detmold 71
18th of June Niels Christian Ditleff Norwegian diplomat 74
18th of June Hans Ranzoni the Elder Austrian painter 87
18th of June Rudolf Ruedemann American paleontologist of German origin 91
June 19th Wilhelm Feit German chemist 89
June 19th Charles A. Kading American politician 82
June 19th Lester Lee American film composer 52
June 19th Vladimir Afanassjewitsch Obruchev Soviet geologist, geographer and writer 92
June 19th Karl Snell German crop scientist 75
June 19th Lulu von Strauss and Torney German writer 82
June 19th Thomas J. Watson American entrepreneur 82
June 19th Carlos Wyld Ospina Guatemalan writer 65
20th June Hanns Beck-Gaden German director 65
20th June René Bougnol French fencer 45
20th June August Hinrichs German writer 77
20th June Frithiof Mårtensson Swedish wrestler 72
20th June Patrick McGrath Irish politician
20th June Johannes Meerfeld German politician (SPD), MdR 84
June 21st Cesare Milani Italian rower 51
June 21st Otto Reimann German theater actor, director and theater manager 85
June 21st Hilda Schärf Austrian spouse of the Federal President 70
June 21st Gustav Adolf Weigand German KPD politician 63
June 21st John G. Wright Russian-American translator and Trotskyist activist
June 22 Carl Eeg German architect 79
June 22 Walter de la Mare English poet, author of short stories, novels and children's books 83
June 22 José Perotti Chilean painter and sculptor 58
June 22 Karl Pirich Austrian architect 81
23rd June Reinhold Moritzewitsch Glière Russian composer 81
23rd June Eduard Schmitz German businessman and promoter of culture 59
June 24th Cornelius Stuessgen Rhenish trading entrepreneur and founder of self-service shops 79
June 24th Elton Watkins American politician 74
25th June Ernest J. King American admiral 77
25th June Miyagi Michio Japanese composer 62
25th June Otto Prase German master painter and color researcher 81
25th June Eduard Štorch Czech writer, educator and archaeologist 78
25th June Christer Thorn Swedish Romance philologist and linguist 77
25th June Boris Vermont Russian-American film producer and film editor 52
25th June Erich Wandschneider German lawyer
25th June Werner Wittstadt German chemist 48
June 26th Karl M. Baer German-Israeli writer and Zionist 71
June 26th Clifford Brown American jazz trumpeter 25th
June 26th Richie Powell American jazz musician 24
June 27th Edward Peter Carville American politician 71
June 27th Harry S. Day American politician 85
June 27th Carl Dienstbach German musician, journalist and inventor 86
June 27th Erich Theodor Holtz German painter 70
June 27th Jacob Abraham Theophilos Kalapurakal Indian clergyman, bishop of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church 65
June 28th Hsu Mo Chinese lawyer and judge at the International Court of Justice 62
June 29th Max Emmerich American athlete 77
June 29th Hermann Goerner German weightlifter and professional strength athlete 65
June 29th Herbert S. Schönfeldt American Zionist lawyer and association official 61
June 29th Thomas R. Underwood American politician 58
June 30th Richard Borowski German miner and politician (SPD), MdL 61
June 30th Karl Daiber German architect and local politician 78
June 30th Alfredo Ferrari Italian engine designer 24
June 30th Julius Lippert German journalist and politician during the Nazi era, Member of the State Parliament 60
June 30th Fritz olives German lawyer and writer 82
June 30th Silvia Zenari Italian botanist 61
June Walter Brown American jazz and blues singer 38


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Tawfiq Abu l-Huda Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jordan
July 1 Francisco Gil Castelo Branco Brazilian Marshal 69
July 1 Margarethe Hahn-Boing German author 79
July 1 Heinrich Küster German architect and construction officer 85
July 1 Leif Skagnæs Norwegian skier 52
3rd of July Erwin Metzke German philosopher 50
July 4th Theodor Hünerwadel Swiss architect of classicism, Swiss wood style and historicism 92
July 4th Johann Schatz Austrian peasant, righteous among the peoples 67
July 4th Thomas Walsh Irish politician 54
5th July Karl Bohm German engineer 70
5th July Lloyd Groff Copeman American inventor 74
5th July Francis J. Myers American politician (Democratic Party) 54
5th July Addison T. Smith American politician 93
July 6th Franz Ehrhardt German politician (center, CDU), MdR, MdL 75
July 6th Norbert Mueller Canadian ice hockey goalkeeper 50
7th of July Gottfried Benn German doctor, poet and essayist 70
7th of July Alex Hyde German-born American musician, violinist, band leader 58
8th of July Karl Deininger German civil engineer 60
8th of July Use Exl Austrian theater and film actress 48
8th of July Gerrit Jan van Heuven Goedhart Dutch lawyer and UN High Commissioner for Refugees 55
8th of July Rudolf Junkermann Prussian administrative lawyer and district administrator 69
8th of July Giovanni Papini Italian writer 75
8th of July Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos Greek athlete
8th of July Karl person German politician (CDU) 69
July 9 Johann Baptist Rieffert German psychologist and philosopher 72
July 9 Karl Scharizer Austrian politician (NSDAP), MdR, member of the Federal Council 54
July 9 Bruno pupil German manager, administrative officer and politician (NSDAP) 55
July 9 Alfred Weeger German officer, most recently General of the Infantry in World War II 72
10th of July Dante de Blasi Italian hygienist 82
10th of July Otto Deneke German lawyer, local politician, cultural historian and bibliophile 81
10th of July Georg Dittmann German classical philologist 84
10th of July Elise Kesselbeck German politician (SPD, KPD), Member of the Bundestag and women's rights activist 85
10th of July Eduard May German biologist, scientific theorist and natural philosopher 51
10th of July Richard Schoenfeld German sculptor and painter 71
July 11th Emil Balla German Lutheran theologian 71
July 11th Sprague Cleghorn Canadian ice hockey player 66
July 11th Ludwig Gebhard German administrative lawyer
July 11th Ernst Höllerhagen German jazz musician (clarinet, saxophone) 43
July 11th Werner Riegel German poet and essayist 31
July 11th Erich Schulz German racing cyclist 42
July 11th Felix Somary Austrian-Swiss banker, economist and political analyst 74
July 12 Josef Berger German actor and director for stage and film 80
July 12 John Hayes Australian politician 88
July 12 Alois Herzog German-Austrian textile engineer and university professor at the TH Dresden 83
July 12 Gerard Johannes Koekkoek Dutch marine painter 85
July 12 Alfred Krauth German photographer and artist 78
July 12 Otakar Lada bohemian fencer 73
July 12 Maurice August Lippens Belgian politician and President of the Senate 80
July 12 Johanna Straub German politician 92
July 13th Ba Cụt Vietnamese officer, commander of the religious sect Hòa Hảo
July 13th Odie Cleghorn Canadian ice hockey player 64
July 13th Wilhelm Crull German consular officer 80
July 13th Roberto Paribeni Italian classical archaeologist and ancient historian 80
July 14th Karl Offermann German politician (NSDAP), MdR 71
July 14th Jos van Son Dutch soccer player 63
15th of July Ernst Daube German dialect poet 87
15th of July William H. Murray American politician 86
15th of July Otto Weller Member of the State Parliament of Hessen 62
16th of July Leonardo De Mitri Italian film director 41
16th of July Andreas Kögler Austrian sculptor 78
16th of July Brian Norton South African tennis player 56
16th of July Frederick Cleveland Smith American politician 71
17th July Bodo from Borries German electrical engineer and co-inventor of the electron microscope 51
17th July Wilfred Hansford Gallienne British diplomat 59
17th July Rudolf Georgi Publishing bookseller 77
17th July Nicolaus Hartmann Swiss architect 76
17th July Bruno Italian German liberal rabbi 75
17th July Carl Sherman American lawyer and politician 65
July 18th Antonio Allocchio Italian sword fencer 67
July 18th Alois Döttling Austrian politician (CSP), member of the Federal Council 64
July 18th Walo cook Swiss botanist 59
July 18th Anton Krautheimer German sculptor 77
July 18th Wilhelm Noë German soccer player and coach 65
July 18th Richard Plattensteiner Austrian writer 78
July 18th Kurt Weckel Politician 79
July 19 Nikolaus Fey Frankish dialect poet 75
July 19 Paul Rohrbach Protestant theologian, publicist and author 87
July 19 Georg Schulz German painter and politician (FDP / DVP), MdL 60
July 19 Alois Vogedes German journalist and writer 68
July 19 Lightner Witmer American psychologist 89
20th of July Frank E. Howe American journalist and politician 85
20th of July Hermann Strater Administrative officer, district administrator and deputy. District President 65
21 July Erich Haslinger German lawyer, entrepreneur and industrialist 74
22nd of July Hans Spitzy Austrian orthopedist 83
22nd of July Michael F. Walsh American lawyer and politician 62
July 23 Margarethe Dyck German educator and politician (LDPD), MdV 68
July 23 Richard Ottmar German theologian, teacher and timetable expert 67
July 23 Fritz Valk German-Czech-British theater and film actor 61
24th July Alessandro Anzani Italian engineer and racing driver 78
24th July Walter Hoevel German politician (NSDAP), MdR 61
24th July Géza Zemplén Hungarian chemist and university professor, founder of organic chemistry in Hungary 72
July 25th Helen Douglas Mankin American politician 59
July 25th Franz Xaver Seppelt German church historian 73
July 25th Feliksas Vaitkus American aviator
July 26th Randolph Carpenter American politician 62
July 26th Miguel Bernal Jiménez Mexican composer, organist, educator and musicologist 46
July 26th Elisabeth von Schmidt-Pauli German writer 66
July 26th Alfred Zschorsch German sculptor and member of the NSDAP 68
July 27th Max Ethe German carpenter and politician (SPD) 82
July 27th Leopold Petznek President of the Court of Auditors 75
July 27th Otto Ziegler German politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag 61
July 28th Walter Andrae German building researcher and Near Eastern archaeologist 81
July 28th František Dohnal Czech clergyman and writer 79
July 28th Luigi Fantappiè Italian mathematician 54
July 28th Carl Monday Swiss painter and art mediator 76
29th of July Tom Bourdillon British physicist and climber 32
29th of July Ludwig Klages German philosopher and psychologist 83
29th of July Enrique de Larrañaga Argentine painter 56
30th July Karl Feih German businessman and politician (ZENTRUM, CDU), MdL, Lord Mayor of Oberhausen 66
30th July Ernest-Paul Graber Swiss politician and publicist 81
July 31 John Francis Noll American clergyman, Bishop of Fort Wayne 81
July 31 Ferdinand Stanislaus Pawlikowski Austrian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Seckau 79


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 1st Hans Deloch German administrative lawyer and district administrator 75
August 1st José de Haas Dutch religious, Bishop of Araçuaí 79
August 1st Fritz Röll German sculptor 77
August 2nd James Edward Edmonds British brigadier general and military historian 94
August 2nd Helmer Hanssen Norwegian polar explorer 85
August 2nd Howie Lockhart Canadian ice hockey goalkeeper 59
August 2nd Richard Meyer German diplomat 72
August 2nd Ivan Issidorovich Nossenko soviet politician and rear admiral 54
August 2nd Ivar Frederick Tidestrøm Swedish botanist 91
3rd August Michail Dmitrijewitsch Bonsch-Brujewitsch Lieutenant General during the Russian Revolution 86
3rd August Harry Chandlee American screenwriter, film editor, and film producer 73
3rd August Rudolf Diener-Dénes Hungarian painter 67
3rd August Albert Finck German politician (CDU), MdL 61
3rd August Émile Mathis Automobile manufacturer 76
3rd August Erich Schairer German journalist and publicist 68
3rd August Paul Thol German painter and restorer 69
4th of August Peadar S. Doyle Irish politician
4th of August Grigori Abramowitsch Schain soviet astronomer 64
5th of August John Miller Andrews Northern Irish politician and second Northern Irish Prime Minister 85
5th of August Karl Blankenberger German soccer player 35
5th of August Dan Carroll Australian-American rugby union player 68
5th of August Joseph Ersing German politician (center, CDU), MdR, MdL 74
5th of August Hans Frohwein German diplomat 69
5th of August John Carl Hinshaw American politician 62
5th of August Wilhelm Stockums Auxiliary Bishop in Cologne 78
6th of August Johan Frans van Bemmelen Dutch paleontologist and zoologist 96
6th of August Samuel Brody American nutritionist
6th of August Oskar Pfister Swiss pastor and psychologist 83
August 7th Arthur Langtry Bell British civil engineer 81
August 7th Christian Courtois French ancient historian 44
August 7th Friedrich Heinrich Koehne German pedagogue and school reformer 77
August 7th John Latouche American writer and librettist 41
8th August Fritz Budde German National Socialist local politician 61
8th August Hermann Meister German publisher and writer 66
8th August Veronika Olbrich Teacher, MdV for CDU (GDR) 62
8th August Just shy German composer, film actor, presenter and playwright 53
8th August Karl Schreyer German SA leader 65
August 9 Luise Beccard-Blensdorf German writer 75
August 9 Carlo Duse Italian actor, screenwriter and film director 58
August 9 Rudolf Fettweis German electrical engineer, Baden construction officer, manager in the electricity industry (member of the board of Badenwerk AG) 74
August 9 René Franquès French soccer player 45
August 9 Georg Hofmann German religious priest and Byzantinist 70
August 10 Kyösti Haataja Finnish politician, member of the Reichstag and land surveyor 75
August 10 Alfred Hagelstein German entrepreneur and politician (CDU), MdL 58
August 10 Peter Koch German painter 81
August 11th Clemens Flach German politician (economic party), MdL 63
August 11th Mintscho Nejchew Bulgarian lawyer and politician 69
August 11th Jackson Pollock American painter 44
August 11th Frieda von Richthofen German writer and translator 77
12. August Gianpiero Combi Italian football goalkeeper 53
12. August Albert Joy German Roman Catholic pastor 78
12. August Paul Gerhardt German marathon runner 54
12. August Ernst Kreidolf Picture book illustrator 93
12. August Friedrich Sell German philologist, history educator and emigrant to the USA 64
13 August Zeth Höglund Swedish communist, later social democratic politician, author and journalist
13 August Wilhelm Kitz German lawyer and ministerial official 66
13 August Jakub Kolas Belarusian poet and writer 73
13 August José Selva e Amaral Italian clergyman, prelate of Registro do Araguaia 69
13 August Alois Stiplosek Austrian cyclist and aviation pioneer 84
13 August Hans-Hasso von Veltheim German anthroposophist, private scholar and world traveler 70
13 August Gertrud Züricher Swiss artist and folklorist 85
August 14th Bertolt Brecht German playwright and poet 58
August 14th Alfred Forbin French stamp dealer and catalog author 84
August 14th Hans Hamburger German mathematician 67
August 14th Jakob Heep German politician (SPD), MdL 63
August 14th Joseph Godehard Machens German bishop 69
August 14th Konstantin von Neurath German Foreign Minister, Ambassador and Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia 83
August 14th Jaroslav Řídký Czech composer, conductor, musician and music teacher 58
August 14th Wilhelm Wilberg German, later Austrian building researcher and classical archaeologist 83
15th of August Emil Kiemlen German sculptor 87
August 16 Bela Lugosi Film actor who played roles in horror films in particular 73
August 16 Lynde D. McCormick American admiral in the US Navy 61
August 16 Theodor Pallady Romanian painter 85
August 16 Ernst Rassek German resistance fighters against National Socialism 46
August 16 Fritz proud German politician (NSDAP), MdR 66
August 16 Wilhelm Wenker German Roman Catholic pastor 81
August 16 Mauritz von Wiktorin Austrian officer, most recently General of the Infantry in World War II 73
17th August Moische Broderson Yiddish writer 65
17th August William Havard British clergyman, Anglican bishop 66
17th August Abram Ilyich Jampolski Russian violinist and music teacher 65
17th August Ernst Jirgal Austrian writer 51
18th of August Louis Madelin French writer and historian 85
18th of August Hermann Heinz Ortner Austrian actor, director and playwright 60
August 19th Hans Kulla German composer, music teacher and church musician
August 19th Anton Merziger German politician (CVP), MdL 68
August 19th Otto Reetz German trade unionists and politicians (SPD), MdL 80
August 19th Gottfrid Svensson Swedish wrestler 67
20th of August Devorah Baron Israeli author 68
20th of August Bernard William Griffin British Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop of Westminster 57
20th of August Alfred Lublin German doctor and diabetologist 61
20th of August Paul Schwed German actor 55
August 21 Juan José de Amézaga President of Uruguay 75
August 21 Karl Buschhüter German architect and life reformer 83
August 21 Marcel Cadolle French cyclist 78
August 21 Nikolaus Graf zu Dohna-Schlodien German naval officer 77
August 21 Otto Kiesel German journalist and writer 75
August 21 Wilhelm Weskamm German Roman Catholic clergyman, bishop 65
August 22nd Wilhelm Bohnert German sawmill owner and politician 69
August 22nd Wilhelm Heuser German politician (Center Party, NSDAP), alderman, mayor and lord mayor of Sterkrade, lord mayor of Oberhausen 70
August 22nd Erich Kaufmann Austrian singer 47
August 22nd Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens German graphic artist and typographer 78
August 22nd Toni Rothmund German writer 78
August 23 Ernst Frick Swiss painter 74
August 23 Ernst Sachs German officer, most recently SS-Obergruppenführer and general of the Waffen-SS 75
August 24th Mitchell Lewis US-American actor 76
August 24th Mizoguchi Kenji Japanese director 58
August 24th Julius Rosenbaum German painter 77
August 25 Franz Bogner German doctor and local politician (SPD) 81
August 25 Alfred Charles Kinsey American sex researcher and university professor 62
August 25 Robert Oppenheim German private banker 74
August 25 George W. Pierce American physicist 84
26th of August Hans Baltisberger German motorcycle racer 33
26th of August Anton Baur German painter and politician (SPD), MdL 57
26th of August James W. Bryan American politician 82
26th of August Georg M. Fangauer German-American clergyman 69
26th of August Cenzi from Ficker Austrian mountaineer 77
26th of August Friedrich Lekve German politician (SPD), Lord Mayor of Hildesheim 52
26th of August Robert Moraht German naval officer and submarine commander in World War I. 71
26th of August Alfred Wagenknecht American Marxist 75
26th of August Cornelius Wagner German landscape and marine painter 86
August 27 Nikolai Mikhailovich Fyodorovsky Russian mineralogist 69
August 27 Heinrich Fuhrken German politician (FDP), MdL 73
August 27 Theodor Haag German field hockey player 55
August 27 Pelageja Feodorovna Schain Soviet-Russian astronomer
August 28th Friedrich A. Bäßler German teacher, botanist and ornithologist 71
August 28th Arthur-Heinz Lehmann German writer 46
August 28th Fritz Loewenthal German politician (KPD, SPD), MdR 67
August 28th George H. Tinkham American politician 85
29th August Johannes Heinrichsbauer German Catholic pastor and opponent of the Nazi regime 68
29th August Richard Ratfisch German silversmith and jeweler 84
August 30th Josef Schmid German officer, most recently Lieutenant General in the Air Force in World War II 54
August 30th Walter Warzecha German naval officer and general admiral, last commander in chief of the navy in World War II 65
August 31 Mike Gibbons American middleweight boxer 69
August 31 Harry L. Gill American athlete, coach and entrepreneur 80
August 31 Erwin Johst German politician (NSDAP), member of the Danzig People's Day and district administrator 47
August 31 Percy MacKaye American playwright and poet 81
August 31 Yves Nat French pianist and composer 65
August 31 Erwin Schmidt German homeland researcher 70
August 31 Robert Sommer German administrative lawyer and district president 73
August Hermann Schwarzbold German local politician (SPD / KPO / SED) 70


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 Max Caspar German astronomy historian 76
September 1 Erhard Deutelmoser German military, chief of the war press office at the Supreme Army Command 83
September 2nd Rudolf Busch German art collector and museum director 79
September 2nd Rudolf Koch-Riehl German actor, director and radio play speaker
September 2nd Maria Henriette of Austria-Teschen Archduchess of Austria-Teschen 73
September 3 Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi American magical realism painter 50
September 3 Henricus Halthoff German politician (NSDAP, GB / BHE), MdL, Mayor of Hanover, Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus 68
September 3 Otto Leypoldt German politician (CDU), MdL 50
September 3 Karolina Petuel Munich social supporter 83
September 4th Augustin Chantrel French soccer player 49
September 4th Johann Hajszanyi Austrian politician (CS), MdL (Burgenland) 79
5th September Isaac Bacharach American politician 86
5th September Arthur Delfosse German aviation and automobile pioneer 73
5th September Sebastian Diernreiter German farmer and politician (center, BVP), MdR 81
5th September Walther Hensel German folk song researcher and collector 68
5th September Cecil de Blaquiere Howard Canadian-American sculptor, painter, and draftsman 68
5th September Abraham Speijer Dutch chess master 82
September 6th Karl Haberstock German gallery owner and art dealer 78
September 6th Witold Hurewicz Polish mathematician 52
September 6th Oskar Kaufmann Hungarian architect 83
September 6th Hans Keller German politician (NSDAP), Mayor of Detmold 53
September 6th Lee Jung-seob South Korean painter 40
September 6th Alex Raymond American draftsman 46
September 6th Michael Ventris British linguist 34
7th of September Karl Blodig Austrian mountaineer, ophthalmologist and author 96
7th of September Hans Schlossmann German-British physician and pharmacologist 62
7th of September Otto Juljewitsch Schmidt Soviet geophysicist and Arctic explorer 64
7th of September Wolfgang Stock German ophthalmologist 82
7th of September Mykola Wilinskyj Russian-Ukrainian composer and university professor 68
September 8th Gerrit Bolkestein Dutch politician 84
September 8th Wilhelm zu Leiningen-Westerburg-Neuleiningen German or Austrian nobleman, chemist, forest scientist and university professor 81
September 8th Freddie Rich American jazz composer and big band leader 58
September 8th Tetsuro Yoshida Japanese architect 62
the 9th of September Johannes Fuchs German lawyer and politician (center) and President of the Rhine Province (1922) 81
September 10 Vicente Barbieri Argentine journalist and writer 53
September 10 Willy Becker German theater director and director 75
September 10 Homer S. Cummings American lawyer and attorney general 86
September 10 Benjamin M. Duggar American botanist and microbiologist 84
September 10 Fritz Kaiser German lawyer and politician (DVP), Member of the State Parliament, Minister 79
September 10 Wilhelm Lindner German politicians (DNVP, CSVD, CDU), MdR, MdL 71
September 10 Richard Schallock German teachers, trade unionists and politicians (SPD, SED), MdL 60
September 10 Fritz Schultz-Merzdorf German sheep farmer and writer 66
September 10 Moshe Schwabe German-Israeli classical philologist and epigraphist 67
September 10 Willi Suth Lord Mayor and City Director of Cologne 74
September 10 Robert Julius Trumpler American astronomer 69
September 11 Robert Bauer German politicians (DNVP, CNBLP), MdR 74
September 11 Billy Bishop Canadian fighter pilot 62
September 11 Norman L. Bowen Canadian geologist 69
September 11 Rudolf von Busch German politician (independent), MdL 56
September 11 Hans Huettner German officer, most recently major general in World War II 70
September 11 Herminio Masantonio Argentinian soccer player 46
12th September Hermann Ammann German linguist 71
12th September Hans Carossa German lyric poet and writer 77
12th September Carl R. Chindblom American politician 85
12th September John Garstang British archaeologist 80
12th September Malik Ghulam Muhammad Pakistani politician 61
12th September Johannes Wilhelm Hofmann German engineer, inventor and entrepreneur 80
13.september Wilhelm von Eitzenberger Bavarian officer, honorary citizen of Bayreuth 81
13.september Maria Fierz Swiss specialist in social work 78
13.september Carl Kuehne German engineer 84
13.september Charles Kenneth Leith American geologist 81
13.september Archibald Low English engineer
13.september Emil Ottenwalter Austrian actor
13.september Carl Theodor Protzen German painter 68
September 14th Alfred Dupré German painter 51
September 15th Jacques Companéez French screenwriter 50
16th September Johann Pittner Austrian aviation pioneer, designer and writer 68
16th September Hugh Ray American football referee in the National Football League (NFL) 71
16th September Walter von Unruh German officer, most recently General of the Infantry in World War II 78
September 18 Ernst Bednara German teacher and local researcher 74
September 18 Adelard Godbout Canadian politician 63
September 18 Willi Knesebeck German soccer player 69
September 18 Carl Koch German classical philologist 49
September 19th Alfred Adam German human medicine, doctor for paediatrics 68
September 19th Arthur Brill German politician (SPD); SPD chairwoman in Gdansk (1921–1936) and MP 73
September 19th Ferdinand Holthausen German Anglist and Old Germanist 96
September 19th Camill Montfort German botanist 66
September 19th Albert Pražák Czech philologist and literary historian 76
September 20th Willy Hof German industrialist and transport planner 75
September 20th Ivan Katz German politicians (SPD, USPD, KPD, SED), MdR 67
September 20th Walter Kolb German politician (SPD), MdL 54
September 20th Karl Willeke German teacher and author 81
21st September Otto Budnowski German veterinarian, senior staff veterinarian, veterinary inspector of the army 82
21st September Karl Caspar German painter 77
21st September Rigoberto López Pérez Nicaraguan poet and assassin 27
21st September Rudolph Maisel German trade unionists and politicians (KPD, SED), MdV 55
September 22 Ewald Bosse Norwegian economist and sociologist 76
September 22 Otto Koblank German politician (SPD / USPD), MdL 70
September 22 Frederick Soddy English chemist 79
September 22 Gottfried Traub German theologian and politician (Progressive People's Party, German National People's Party) 87
September 22 Wilhelm Johannes Vierling German lawyer, former Lord Mayor of Leipzig 67
September 23rd Ernst Gloeser German hotelier and politician (DemP, FDP) 78
September 23rd Jules Gratier French Lieutenant General and Commander-in-Chief of the Inter-Allied Forces in Upper Silesia 93
September 23rd CWW Kannangara Sri Lankan politician and minister of education 71
September 23rd Hermann Paech German shipyard manager 79
September 23rd Jacob Pinkerfeld Israeli architect 59
September 23rd Adolf Stobbe German politician (CDU, DSP, SPD), MdL 49
September 23rd Bruno Weber German medic and bacteriologist as well as SS-Hauptsturmführer (1944) 41
September 24th Meinhard Jacoby German painter and sculptor, entomologist 82
September 24th Léon Marchal French diplomat and Secretary General of the Council of Europe 56
25th of September Khadr Sayed El Touni Egyptian weightlifter 41
25th of September Oliver Peck Newman American politician 79
25th of September Adam Pimple German businessman 74
September 26th Carl Brekelbaum German architect, building contractor and politician (DNVP), MdHB, MdR 92
September 26th Gisbert von Ellerts German administrative lawyer and district administrator 81
September 26th Mela Escherich German art historian 79
September 26th Lucien Febvre French historian 78
September 26th Georg Götsch German music teacher 61
September 27th Henri Brunner Swiss composer, organist and conductor 59
September 27th Piero Calamandrei Italian lawyer, university professor and politician 67
September 27th Viktor Czerweny from Arland Austrian inventor and industrialist 79
September 27th Gerald Finzi English composer 55
September 27th Adolf Muesmann German architect, urban planner and university professor 76
September 27th Guglielmo Piani Italian religious priest, missionary and Roman Catholic archbishop 81
September 27th Joseph Stoll German homeland researcher, linguist and local politician 77
September 27th Mildred Didrikson Zaharias American athlete and golfer 45
September 28th William Edward Boeing American aircraft designer 74
September 28th Rudolf Scharfetter Botanist and plant geographer 76
September 28th Helga Voigt German swimmer 15th
September 28th Ostap Wyschnja Ukrainian writer, humorist and satirist 66
September 29th Helmar Lerski Swiss photographer, cameraman and film director 85
September 29th Anastasio Somoza García Nicaraguan President and Dictator 60
September 29th Amanda Tröndle-Engel Swiss painter, art educator and educator 94
September 29th Marie Eleonore zu Wied German noblewoman, political scientist and victim of the dictatorship in the Socialist Republic of Romania 47
30. September Daniel Hermida Ortega Ecuadorian clergyman, Bishop of Cuenca 93
30. September Walter Karig American Navy officer and writer 57
30. September Paul Stech German administrative officer and politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag 63
30. September Heinrich Wilckens German politician (SPD), MdL 64


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 1 Philipp Elkuch Liechtenstein politician 69
October 1 Raymond Augustine Kearney American clergyman, auxiliary bishop in Brooklyn 54
October 1 Stan Ockers Belgian cyclist 36
October 1 Albert Von Tilzer American music producer 78
October 2nd George Bancroft US-American actor 74
October 2nd Henry Pratt Fairchild American sociologist 76
October 2nd Jürgen Wilhelm Harms German zoologist and university professor 71
October 2nd Georg Masing German chemist, metallurgist and university professor 71
October 3 Franz Lanters German politician (SPD) and Lord Mayor of Koblenz 79
October 3 Hermann Proetel German civil engineer and university professor, specialist in seaport and canal construction 79
October 3 Arthur Rohn Swiss civil engineer 78
October 3 Kulbir Thapa Nepalese soldier; Bearer of the Victoria Cross 66
4th of October Mel Brock Canadian sprinter and middle distance runner 68
4th of October Wilhelm Starlinger German internist and university professor 57
4th of October Franz Vogel German film producer 72
5th October Juan Armet Spanish soccer player and coach 61
October 6th Léon Dupont Belgian athlete 75
October 6th Charles E. Merrill American investment banker 70
October 6th Götz von Selle German librarian, historian and university professor 63
October 6th Paul Stein German mining engineer, mining assessor and general director of the Auguste Victoria colliery 82
October 7th Maud Allan Canadian-American dancer 83
October 7th Clarence Birdseye American inventor of frozen food 69
October 7th Hans Heldt German politician (FDP), district administrator 69
October 7th Gordon Ferrie Hull American physicist and university professor 86
October 7th Max von Prittwitz and Gaffron German officer, most recently major general in World War II 80
8th October Paul Eyferth German politician, district administrator and mayor of Wolfenbüttel 84
8th October Walter Walker American politician 73
9th October Mahmud Barzanji Kurdish leader and clergyman
9th October Shahan R. Berberian Armenian philosopher, composer, educator, psychologist, esthete and writer 65
9th October Ferdinand Bimpage German photographer 88
9th October Marie Doro American stage and film actress of the silent film era 74
9th October Lucie politely German actress 73
9th October Friedrich Janssen German board member of Friedrich Krupp AG 69
October 11th Albert MacCarthy American climber 80
October 11th John Gregory Murray American clergyman, Archbishop of Saint Paul 79
October 12th Otto Bruchwitz German pedagogue and local researcher 79
October 12th Eugenio Bruni Italian-French racing cyclist 72
October 12th Anton Kern Austrian librarian and library scientist 73
October 12th Willy von Nordeck German admiral 68
October 12th Lorenzo Perosi Italian church music composer 83
October 12th Percy Priest American politician 56
October 12th Erich Spießbach German painter, draftsman, sculptor, restorer and author 54
October 12th August Trümper German painter, designer and university professor 81
October 13th Robert Lehr German politician (DNVP, CDU), Member of the Bundestag 73
October 13th Otto Tangen norwegian nordic combined 70
October 13th Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Turkish poet 46
October 13th John William Trevan British pharmacologist 69
October 14th Jeanne d'Alcy french actress 91
October 14th Benno von Arent German architect, "Reich set designer" in the Third Reich 58
October 14th Owen Davis American playwright 82
October 14th Alexander Ernemann German entrepreneur, technician and designer of cinema equipment 78
October 14th Paul Rudolf Geipel German pathologist and with Ludwig Aschoff the first person to describe the Aschoff knot
October 14th Margaret Joslin US-american actress 73
October 14th Guntram Lesch German electrical engineer 56
October 14th Jules Richard French mathematician 94
15th October Nikolaus Irsch German Catholic clergyman and art historian 83
October, 16th Roland Bocquet British composer and pianist based in Dresden 78
October, 16th William A. Ekwall American lawyer and politician 69
October, 16th Ernest Hoepffner French Romanist 76
October, 16th Jules Rimet French football official, President of FIFA 83
October, 16th Jack Southworth English soccer player 89
October 17th Anne Crawford British actress in film, television and theater 35
October 17th Hellmut Froböß German lawyer, Police President of Gdansk and President of the Higher Regional Court in Poznan 71
October 17th Paul Kohlmann German politician (KPD), MdR 62
October 17th René Ronsil French singer, ornithologist and librarian 48
October 17th Heinrich Seliger German teacher and local politician 67
October 18 Grosvenor Atterbury American architect 87
October 18 Theodor Berger Austrian politician, member of the state parliament, member of the Federal Council 81
October 18 Josef Blum Austrian soccer player and coach 58
October 18 Erich Botzenhart German historian 55
October 18 Vitus Heller German politician 74
October 18 Robert Hodgson British diplomat 82
October 18 Harry Parry British jazz musician 34
October 19th Emanuel Jonasson Swedish composer and musician 70
October 19th Isham Jones American big band leader 62
the 20th of October Eugen Bircher Swiss surgeon, officer and politician 74
the 20th of October Fernand Dumas Swiss architect 64
the 20th of October Johann Lange German politician (SPD), MdL 59
the 20th of October Borg Mesch Swedish photographer and mountaineer 86
the 20th of October Joachim von Moltke German politician (NSDAP), MdR 64
the 20th of October Thomas Ramsay Scottish politician
the 20th of October Mikkjal a Ryggi Faroese teacher, writer and politician 77
October 21 Ludwig doctor German entrepreneur 83
October 21 Ángel Castro Argiz Father of Fidel, Raúl and Ramón Castro 80
October 21 James FitzGerald-Kenney Irish politician (Cumann na nGaedheal and Fine Gael) 78
October 21 John Garrels American athlete 70
October 21 Joseph Laurent Philippe Luxembourgish religious, Roman Catholic Bishop of Luxembourg 79
October 21 Laurentius Siemer German Dominican 68
October 22nd Anton Hammerbacher German cooperative members, trade unionists and politicians (SPD) and Lord Mayor of Erlangen (1945–1946) 85
October 22nd Wilhelm Prandtl German chemist and chemical historian 78
October 22nd Jeanne Rij-Rousseau French painter, cubist artist and art theorist 86
23rd October Ernst Horadam German Free Corps Leader 73
23rd October August Kubizek Friend of Adolf Hitler during his time in Linz and Vienna (1905–1908) 68
October 24th Ambros Madlener Architect whose main place of work is Kempten 87
October 24th Henry Nicholas Ridley British botanist 100
October 24th Tom Whittaker English soccer player and coach 58
October 25 Josef Hecht German teacher and preservationist 74
October 25 Walter Karbe German homeland researcher 79
October 25 Sergei Alexandrovich Obradovich Russian-Soviet writer 64
October 25 Risto Ryti Finnish politician and prime minister 67
October 26th Lucien Gagnier Canadian flautist 55
October 26th Walter Gieseking German pianist 60
October 26th Alice Greene English tennis player, silver medalist at the 1908 London Olympics 77
October 26th Albert Huyskens German historian, archivist and librarian 77
October 26th Otto Scheff Austrian swimmer and politician (ÖVP), member of the National Council 66
October 27 Richard Guhr German painter, sculptor and university professor 83
October 27 Max Heydemann German politician (SPD, USPD, KPD), MdR 72
October 27 Charles S. Johnson American sociologist 63
October 27 Jean van Kessel German politician (SPD), MdL 63
October 27 James J. Lanzetta American engineer, officer, lawyer, and politician 61
October 27 Viola Meynell English writer 71
October 27 Domingos Leite Pereira Portuguese Catholic priest and politician 74
October 27 Leopold Sorta Croatian shipbuilding engineer 65
28th of October Robert Pohl German teacher and local historian 87
28th of October Ivan Vasilyevich Smirnov Russian fighter pilot in World War I. 61
October 29th Walter Evans Edge American politician 82
October 29th Ogden Hammond American politician, ambassador to Spain 87
October 29th Fritz Hofmann German chemist, inventor of rubber 89
October 29th Arnold Davidowitsch Margolin Russian-Ukrainian lawyer, diplomat and later US lawyer 78
October 29th Louis Rosier French Formula 1 racing driver 50
October 29th Wolfgang Wegener German naval officer, most recently vice admiral 81
30th of October Pio Baroja Spanish writer 83
30th of October Alfred George Grant Ghanaian Gold Coast politician and entrepreneur in Ghana 78
30th of October Andrei Vladimirovich Romanov Member of the House of Romanow-Holstein-Gottorp 77
October 31 Ludwig Eberle German sculptor, medalist, painter and graphic artist 73
October 31 César Espinoza Chilean soccer player 56
October 31 Albert Galloway Keller American sociologist from Yale University 82
October 31 August Meier-Böke German teacher and local researcher 55
October 31 Melchior Schwoon German entrepreneur 84
October 31 Franz Eugen Simon German-British physical chemist 63
October 31 Rudolph Stickelmann German photographer 86
October 31 Edmund Aloysius Walsh American Jesuit, anti-communist, professor of geopolitics, founder and first regent of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service 71


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 1st Lajos Asztalos Hungarian chess player and chess author 67
November 1st Alf Bachmann German painter 93
November 1st Pietro Badoglio Italian politician and general 85
November 1st Tommy Johnson American blues guitarist
November 1st Joaquim Sunyer Spanish painter 81
November 1st Friedrich Ulm German politician (FDP), MdL 75
November 1st Adolf Wahlmann Head of the Nazi euthanasia center in Hadamar 79
November 2 Leo Baeck Rabbi and representative of liberal Judaism 83
November 2 Johannes Ludwig Ebert German chemist (physical chemistry) 62
November 2 August Elshuber Austrian politician (HB), member of the National Council 66
November 2 Martin Holt British sword fencer 75
November 2 Motai Takeshi Japanese book illustrator 48
November 2 Siegfried von Sivers Baltic German activist, doctor and writer 69
November 2 Emil Utitz German philosopher and Holocaust survivor 73
November 3rd Cesare Cardini Italian-Mexican restaurant and hotel owner and cook 60
November 3rd Johanna Geisler German opera singer (soprano) and actress 68
November 3rd Jean Metzinger French painter 73
November 3rd Edward Francis Ryan American clergyman, Bishop of Burlington 77
November 3rd John Siddeley, 1st Baron Kenilworth British industrialist 90
November 3rd Lothar Toller German painter and etcher 65
November 3rd August Winnig German politician (SPD), Member of the Bundestag, trade unionist and nationalist writer 78
November 4th Luis Arroyo Spanish actor and director 40
November 4th Jacques Balsan French balloonist and pilot 88
November 4th Freddie Dixon British motorcycle and car racer 64
November 4th Clemens Moser Prussian politician 71
November 4th Friedrich Walter German historian 86
November 5th Paul Krische German agricultural chemist and agronomist 78
November 5th Franz Löffler German curative teacher 60
November 5th Friedrich Romberg German mechanical engineer, university professor and rector at the Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg 85
November 5th Jules Saliège French clergyman, Archbishop of Toulouse and Cardinal 86
November 5th Art Tatum American jazz pianist 47
November 5th Freda Wuesthoff German physicist, patent attorney and pacifist 60
November 6th Friedrich Wilhelm Elchlepp German teacher and curator 59
November 6th Paul Kelly US-American actor 57
November 6th Rudolf Margreiter Austrian painter 80
November 6th Fritz Obrutschka Austrian hotelier and politician (ÖVP), member of the National Council 62
November 6th Alice Shellk Austrian journalist, photographer and author 82
November 6th Leo Schidrowitz Austrian journalist and publisher 62
November 7th Wollmar Boström Swedish tennis player 78
November 7th Antonio M. Fernández American politician 54
November 7th Otto Muck Austrian technician and scientist 64
November 7th Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini French-Swiss photographer 29
November 7th Walter von Steinäcker German lawyer and National Socialist 73
November 8th Franco Bartoloni Italian paleographer and diplomat 42
November 8th Amalie Falke from Lilienstein Austrian writer and translator 88
November 8th Hans Schittnig German lieutenant general 62
November 9th Caesar Bachmann Swiss politician (LPS) 64
November 9th Hildebrand Gurlitt German art historian and art dealer 61
November 9th Hubert Houben German athlete 58
November 9th Aino Kallas Finnish-Estonian writer and poet 78
November 9th Walter Plitt German politician (KPD / SED) and journalist 51
November 10th Alfred Dang German-Argentine journalist and educator who emigrated to Argentina in 1934 63
November 10th Gerhard Ebeler Cologne author, songwriter and carnival hit composer 79
November 10th Mathias Floeth German administrative officer, district administrator 60
November 10th Jean Christoph Harth German politician (SPD), MdL 74
November 10th Baptist kneel German officer, most recently General of the Infantry in World War II 71
November 10th Erdman bum Canadian screenwriter, songwriter and musician 51
November 10th David Seymour Polish photographer 44
November 10th Victor Young American violinist, composer and band leader 56
November 11th Robert Ehrhart-Ehrhartstein Austrian ministerial official and writer 86
November 11th Antonio Ferro Portuguese journalist and politician 61
November 11th Marie Hall English violinist 72
November 11th Victor Pietschmann Austrian ichthyologist 75
November 11th Hiram Tuttle American dressage rider 73
November 12th Martin Bethe German doctor and genealogist 89
November 12th Hans Eugster Swiss gymnast 27
November 12th Hey German painter and draftsman 52
November 12th Juan Negrin Spanish politician and last Prime Minister of the Spanish Republic 65
November 13th Wilhelm Ament German psychologist and publisher 80
November 13th Werner Haas German motorcycle racer 29
November 13th Josef Hartwig German sculptor 76
November 13th Leo Lowenstein German physicist and chemist 77
November 13th Hugo Meister German politician (KPD) 55
November 13th Mořic Pícha Bishop of Königgrätz 87
November 13th Dave Trottier Canadian ice hockey player 50
November 13th Zang Shiyi Chinese and Manchurian general and politician 72
14th November Hans Roger Madol German writer 53
14th November Ture person Swedish sprinter 63
14th November Robert Lincoln Ramsay American politician 79
14th November Yusab II Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark (Coptic Church)
15th of November Yvon Delbos French politician of the Third and Fourth Republic 71
15th of November Alén Diviš Czech painter and illustrator 56
15th of November Elisabeth of Romania Romanian princess 62
15th of November Hans Herkommer German architect 69
15th of November Friedrich Lammert German classical philologist and historian 66
15th of November Emma Richter German paleontologist 68
15th of November Franz Stoll Austrian carpenter and politician (ÖVP), member of the National Council 54
November 16 Max Häusserer German police officer and SS leader 66
November 16 Hermann Otto Ippen German shipowner 83
November 16 Wilhelm Mackeben German diplomat 63
November 16 Henry Arthur Sanders American classical philologist and papyrologist 88
November 16 Robert Wartenberg German-American neurologist 70
November 17th John Evershed British astronomer 92
November 17th Hans Künkel German writer 60
November 18 John David Clifford American lawyer and politician 69
November 18 Ernst Fuhrmann German poet and museum director 69
November 18 Franz Koelbl Austrian politician (CS), President of the Landtag 80
November 18 Hermann Weber German zoologist 56
November 19th Victor Campbell British naval officer and polar explorer in Antarctica 81
November 19th Thomas Derrig Irish politicians (Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil) 58
November 19th Hans Foschum Bohemian-Austrian architect 50
November 19th Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev Russian architect 71
November 19th Francis L. Sullivan British stage and film actor 53
20th November Achille Baquet American jazz musician 71
20th November Emmerich Hanus Austrian feature film director, actor, screenwriter and producer both during the time of silent and sound films 77
20th November Leo von Hibler Austrian Anglicist 71
20th November Adolf Köppe German farmer, animal breeder and association official 82
21st November Aizu Yaichi Japanese literary historian and poet 75
21st November Johann Rihosek Austrian engineer and locomotive designer 87
21st November Robert Roessle German pathologist 80
22nd of November Judah Bergmann Galician-German-Israeli rabbi
22nd of November Rudolf Heinisch German painter, graphic artist and stage designer 60
22nd of November Vincent de Moro-Giafferi French lawyer and politician, member of the National Assembly 78
22nd of November Walther Schoenichen Biologist and one of the early German conservationists 80
November 23 Armin Berg Austrian cabaret artist, composer, pianist, writer and actor 73
November 23 Johannes Heepe German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman 71
November 23 Wilhelm Karl von Isenburg German genealogist 53
November 23 Viktor Kienböck Austrian lawyer and politician (CS), member of the National Council, member of the Federal Council 83
November 23 André Marty French interbrigadist and politician, member of the National Assembly 70
November 23 Hilda Petrie British Egyptologist 85
November 23 Christo Albertyn Smith South African botanist 58
November 23 Jean Alexandru Steriadi Romanian painter and printmaker 76
November 23 William of Wirén Estonian sailor 62
November 24th Stina Aronson Swedish writer 63
November 24th Guido Cantelli Italian conductor 36
November 24th Elis Essen-Möller Swedish physician and professor at Lund University 86
November 24th Emil Holfelder German manufacturer 79
25. November Louie Bennett Irish trade unionist and suffragette
25. November Oleksandr Dovschenko Ukrainian director and writer 62
25. November Alberto Guani Uruguayan lawyer, diplomat and vice-president 79
25. November Ludwig Koehler Swiss reformed theologian 76
November 26th Emil Georg Bührle Swiss industrialist of German descent and art collector 66
November 26th Sophie Karlowna from Buxhoeveden last lady-in-waiting of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna 73
November 26th Oscar Cahén Canadian painter and printmaker 40
November 26th Tommy Dorsey American jazz musician (trombonist and trumpeter) 51
November 26th Paul Gleeson American tennis player 76
November 26th Karl Kroemer German viticulture scientist 85
November 26th Adolf Küry Bishop in Switzerland 86
November 26th Robert L. Mouton American politician 64
November 26th Therese Elisabetha Schmitt German aerobatic pilot 46
November 26th George Seid American film technician 66
November 27th Peter Paul Albert German historian and archivist 94
November 27th Franciszek Fiedler Polish politician, member of the Sejm and historian 76
November 27th Pierre Gendron American silent film actor and screenwriter 60
November 27th Hans Glissmann German sculptor 62
November 27th Richard Krentzlin German piano teacher and composer 92
November 27th Peet Stol Dutch national soccer player 76
November 27th Alvin F. Weichel American politician 65
November 28th Valerian Bierdiajew Polish composer, conductor and music teacher 71
November 28th Karl Gundel hungarian cook 73
November 28th Ishikawa Sanshirō Japanese socialist and anarchist 80
November 28th Julius Caesar de Miranda Surinamese politician and lawyer 50
November 29th Theodor Mayer Austrian architect 82
November 29th Hans Proesler German historian and sociologist 67
November 29th Stephan von Spee German politician and Prussian district administrator in the Borken district 90
30th of November Ernst Canter German aviation pioneer
30th of November Ludvík Cuba Czech landscape painter, musician and writer 93
30th of November Aleksander Mägi Estonian soccer player 59
30th of November Rudolf Schneider German lawyer and Higher Regional Court President Hamm 81
30th of November Jean Schwartz American songwriter 78
November Max heart Austrian internist 91


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Otto Coninx-Girardet German-Swiss publisher 85
December 1 Antonin Duraffour French Romance studies and dialectologist 77
December 1 Jakob Rauch German Catholic clergyman 75
2. December Dell Henderson American director, actor and screenwriter 79
2. December Rolf Müller-Landau German painter 53
2. December Franz east German film director 79
2. December Walter Schuhmann German politician (NSDAP), MdR 58
3rd of December Josef Batliner Austrian politician (CSP), member of the state parliament for the Vorarlberg state parliament 84
3rd of December Felix Bernstein German mathematician 78
3rd of December Josef Hellauer Austrian economist, professor of business administration 85
3rd of December Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko Russian or Soviet painter, graphic artist and photographer 64
3rd of December Vincent Scramuzza American ancient historian 70
December 4th Hans Fricker Swiss politician 77
December 4th Roland Graßberger Austrian hygienist 89
December 4th Friedrich Sebastian Zubrod German composer, poet, musician and organist 43
December 5th Fritz Bergerhoff German politician of the NSDAP 60
December 5th Hermann Kinkele Mayor, Catholic and Pacifist 64
December 5th Léon Pêtre French colonial administrator 75
December 5th Carl Traut German writer 84
6th of December Albert Aftalion French economist and business theorist 82
6th of December Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Indian politician and social reformer 65
6th of December Helen Duncan last woman condemned as a witch in Europe 59
6th of December John Geiger American rower 83
6th of December Ernst Giese German forensic doctor and university professor 91
6th of December Franz Graf German politician (FDP), MdL 56
December 7th Ferdinand Conrad German jockey 58
December 7th Henry Fillmore American composer, trombonist and conductor 75
December 7th Reşat Nuri Güntekin Turkish diplomat and writer
December 7th Arthur Lange American film composer, band leader, arranger and songwriter 67
December 7th Otto Somann German SS-Oberführer, member of the security service of the Reichsführer SS and the Gehlen Organization 57
December 7th Robert Sondheimer German musicologist 75
December 7th Karl Wilhelm Zitzmann German art collector 85
December 8th Jimmie Angel American pilot 57
December 8th Edgar Bainton British composer 76
December 8th Heinrich Bruckhoff German politician (SPD), MdL 64
December 8th Christian Gerthsen German physicist 62
December 8th Theodor Laasch German Lutheran theologian and state superintendent 62
December 8th Finn Lambrechts Norwegian Lieutenant General 56
December 8th Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg Member of the British Royal Family 84
December 8th Franz Adam Wagner Member of the State Parliament of Hessen 87
9th of December Uriel pear tree Austro-Dutch painter, writer and poet 62
9th of December Lou Handman American songwriter and film music composer 62
9th of December Stephen Poplawski American inventor 61
9th of December Hermann Weller German neo-Latin poet 78
10th of December Hugh Cecil, 1st Baron Quickswood British politician, member of the House of Commons 87
10th of December Ottilie Kaysel German painter and graphic artist 81
10th of December Felix Meindl German local politician and Chief Justice Inspector 74
10th of December David Shimoni Hebrew poet 65
11th December Oliver Edgcumbe British general 64
11th December Bartholomew Joseph Eustace American clergyman, Bishop of Camden 69
11th December Stefi Geyer Hungarian violinist 68
11th December Ludwig Mader German classical philologist and high school teacher 73
12th of December August block German farmer and politician (DP), MdL 78
12th of December Una Mae Carlisle American singer, songwriter and swing pianist 40
12th of December Ewald André Dupont German film director and screenwriter 64
12th of December Georg Mall German architect and politician (DDP, DStP, DemP, FDP) 78
12th of December Aloys Nölle German politician (CDU), MdL 57
12th of December Edward G. Rohrbough American politician 82
13th December Erich Drescher German politician (NSDAP), MdR 62
13th December Sara Nussbaum German Red Cross sister and survivor of the Holocaust 88
December 14th Alfons Glatzel German SS leader and police officer 67
December 14th Martha Kimmerling German politician (SPD), MdHB 83
December 14th Juho Kusti Paasikivi Finnish President (1946–1956) 86
December 14th Johann Heinrich Rille Austrian dermatologist 92
15th December Nicholas Eiden German politician (NSDAP), MdR 55
15th December William Wright Smith Scottish botanist 81
15th December Willi Wallstab German politician (KPD / SED) 68
15th December Georg Weidenhöfer German politician (NSFP, NSDAP), MdR 74
December 16 René Couzinet French engineer and aircraft manufacturer 52
December 16 Frederick George Donnan British chemist 86
December 16 Nina Hamnett British painter, sculptor and writer 66
December 16 Heinrich Herbert German civil engineer of Austro-Hungarian descent and director of the building trade schools in Idstein and Erfurt 84
December 16 Franz Lang German locksmith, inventor and engine builder 83
December 16 Bob Olin American boxer 48
December 16 Johannes Rathje liberal journalist and politician 76
December 16 Martin Schieren German administrative lawyer and member of parliament (Christian People's Party, Center) 70
December 16 Franz Triebsch German landscape and portrait painter 86
December 17th Frank Aydelotte American educator, scholar, and writer 76
December 17th Ernst Brandt German politician (KPD), MdR, MdV, KPD functionary and minister in Saxony-Anhalt 60
December 17th Martin Barley first sports director in Mülheim an der Ruhr, "gymnastics father" 84
December 17th Cuno from Rantzau German officer and court official 92
December 17th Max Rosen American music teacher and violinist 56
December 17th Erich Schlesinger German administrative lawyer and professor 75
December 18th Heinrich Hauser German actor 65
December 18th Pedro Luna Chilean painter 60
December 18th Paul Ohlig German Protestant pastor 75
December 18th Viktor Weissenbacher German soccer player 59
19. December Arnold Gustavs Protestant pastor 81
19. December Eugene Klee German ambassador 68
20th of December Hildur Andersen Norwegian pianist 92
20th of December Paul Bonatz German architect and university professor 79
20th of December Charley Rogers British actor, director and screenwriter 69
20th of December Friedrich Trautwein German pioneer of electronic music 68
21st December WJ Galbraith American lawyer and politician (Republican Party) 73
21st December Micheil Gelowani Soviet actor and director of Georgian origin 63
21st December Paul Reusch German manager 88
21st December Lewis M. Terman American psychologist 79
December 22 Wenzel Baier Sudeten German teacher and local researcher 87
December 22 Maurice Desfassiaux French cameraman 70
December 22 Otto Kohtz German architect, architectural theorist and author 76
December 22 Kate Lassen German painter 76
December 22 Claudio Matte Pérez Chilean politician 98
December 22 Erich Rhein German painter and graphic artist 54
December 22 Alexander Roche, Baron Roche British lawyer 85
23rd of December Frank Partos Hungarian-American screenwriter 55
23rd of December Nikolai Nissen break Norwegian surgeon, hospital director and President of the Norwegian Red Cross 79
23rd of December Josep Puig i Cadafalch Catalan architect 89
23rd of December Homer Scott American cameraman 76
24th of December Hugo Mosler German radio and telecommunications technician, professor at the TH Braunschweig 81
24th of December Josef Plakolm Austrian lawyer, police president and SS leader 67
24th of December Vicente Rama Filipino writer, journalist and politician 69
24th of December Ludwig Adrian Sanders Dutch civil engineer and contractor 89
24th of December Arthur Stellbrink German racing cyclist 72
24th of December Alfred Webinger Austrian philologist 71
25 December Ralph Marcus American expert on Hellenistic Judaism 56
25 December Robert Walser German-speaking Swiss writer 78
December 26th Frederick Morgan Davenport American sociologist and politician 90
December 26th T. Millet hand American politician 54
December 26th Holmes Herbert British actor 74
December 26th Arnold Kutzinski German neurologist and psychiatrist 77
December 26th Preston Tucker American car designer and manufacturer 53
December 27th Ludwig Bartning German painter 80
December 27th Ernst Bornstedt German actor, director and theater manager 88
December 27th Ivan Dresser American long distance runner 60
December 27th Franz Schoppa Polish politician (KVP) 74
December 28th Marjorie Fielding British stage and film actress 64
December 28th Louis Handley American swimmer and water polo player 82
December 28th Otto Neumann Austrian singer 65
December 28th Ivan Albertovich Puni Russian painter 64
December 28th József Varga Hungarian chemist 65
December 29th Martin Albertz German theologian 73
December 29th Robert Sterling Clark American entrepreneur, author, art collector, patron and museum founder 79
December 29th Emma Leavitt-Morgan American tennis player 91
December 29th Albert Malche Swiss educator and politician (FDP) 80
December 29th Hans von Tabarelli Austrian playwright and storyteller, editor and editor 58
30th of December Paul Mendelssohn Bartholdy the Younger German chemist and industrialist 77
30th of December Heinrich Scholz German Protestant theologian, mathematician and philosopher 72
December 31 Edwin Plimpton Adams physicist 78
December 31 Henry Carl Luckey American politician 88
December 31 Avraami Pavlovich Sawenjagin Russian metallurgist and politician 55
December 31 Paul Drift German ministerial official 80
December Fritz Reusing German painter

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Antonio Álvarez Lleras Colombian playwright
Willi Auerswald German SS Oberscharführer in Mauthausen concentration camp
Jean Badovici Romanian architect and architecture critic
Prabodh Chandra Bagchi Indian indologist, linguist and sinologist
Ali Akbar Khan Bahman Iranian diplomat and politician
Hugo Constantin Bartels German architect of the modern age
François Baverey French inventor and entrepreneur
Gertrud Birnbaum German pharmacist
Luise von Bodelschwingh Wife of Wilhelm von Bodelschwingh
Otto Boehme German administrative lawyer
Felipe Bojalil Gil Mexican singer and composer
Grigori Issaakowitsch Broido soviet politician
Carl Camenisch Swiss reformed pastor and historian
Erich Carow clown
Oldřich Černý Czech left-wing intellectual
Louis Clappier French publicist and writer
George H. Clark American collector
Franz Czisch German politician (CDU), Lord Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd as well as lawyer and businessman
William Davies Uruguayan soccer player
Mordechai Dubin Latvian politician, member of the Saeima
Roger Dutilleul French industrialist and art collector
Edmond Eggli French Romance studies and literary scholar, professor in Liverpool
Leo Bernhard Eichhorn Austrian genre and history painter
Hans Eichler German mining assessor and manager of the coal and steel industry
Ludwig Enders German commercial artist and illustrator
Heinrich Fehrer German entrepreneur
René Fernández Bolivian soccer player
Hardy by Francois German actor and director
Ernst Joseph Friedmann German physician and chemist
Walter Fritzsche German soccer player
Franz Gaál Austrian painter
Emmanuel Gaillard Swiss politician (FDP)
Jesús Galíndez Spanish politician and writer
Fritz Gerathewohl German educator and rhetorician
Alfred Götzl German-Austrian machine builder
Helene Granitsch Austrian writer
Marcel Griaule French ethnologist
Chauncey H. Griffith American typographer
Arthur Ernest Guedel American anesthetist
Karl Hagenauer Austrian architect, craftsman and designer
Jan hook Dutch politician (CPN)
Edgar Hed Israeli-German architect
Mathias Heinicke Bohemian violin maker
Franz Hepp German manager
Max Herre German music writer
Lotte Gorgeous German photographer
Raymond Thompson Hill American Romanist, Provençalist, Lusitanist and Medievalist
Rudolf Hofer Austrian architect
George Horsfield British archaeologist
Konrad Huschke German music writer or
Francesco Illy Italian entrepreneur
Hans Sigmund Jaretzki German architect
Julius Kaliski German social democrat, writer and politician of Jewish descent
Albert Kasch German economist and author
Hugo Kauffmann German chemist
Ferdinand Kögl Austrian musician and writer
Karl von Korff German anatomist and histologist
Carl Lange German painter
Otto Langmann German diplomat
Arnold Leese British fascist politician
André Lemierre French bacteriologist
Arnold Lentzen German SA leader and Nazi functionary
Hugo Leven German designer
Jakob Levitzki Israeli mathematician
Max Alwin Liebers German medic
Siegfried Loeschcke German provincial Roman archaeologist
Jan Ludyga-Laskowski Polish officer and political activist
Machluto Armenian general and resistance fighter during the Armenian genocide
Magdalena la Malena Spanish flamenco dancer
Bror Meyer Swedish figure skater
Henryk Mückenbrunn Polish skier
Helen von Münchhofen Danish actress
Elsa Munscheid German animal and landscape painter and graphic artist
Max Murray Australian writer
Otto Nutritious Austrian lawyer, President of the Vienna Regional Criminal Court
Giorgio Pàstina Italian film director and screenwriter
Imre Payer Hungarian football player and coach
Lester Petrie American politician
Kurt Piepenschneider German architect and urban planning director for the city of Braunschweig
Mario de Pimentel Brandão Brazilian diplomat and politician
Johannes Pinckert German senior parliamentarian, Semitist and high school teacher
Willy Planck German painter and graphic artist
Mildred K. Pope British Romance philologist
Reinhold Puppel German art dealer
Alfred Rausnitz Austrian governor of Burgenland
Hans Rehmstedt German musician and orchestra leader
Ernst Reichard German lawyer and administrative officer
Viktor Reichmann German medic
Teresa Feodorovna Ries Austrian sculptor and painter
Richard Rohac Austrian designer and metalworker
Eugene Rosai Clown, circus performer, tamer and circus entrepreneur
Ruth Rouse British Anglican theologian and a leader in the early ecumenical movement
Dan Russo American jazz violinist and big band leader
Ahmed Saroit Bey Egyptian diplomat
Robert Schiess Swiss painter
Fritz Hermann Schwob German politician (CDU) and minister in Brandenburg in the GDR
Nikolai Vladimirovich Sinesubov Russian painter
Percey F. Smith American mathematician
Weniamin Innokentjewitsch Sosin Russian chess player and theorist
Wilhelm Stadler German industrial manager
Helmut von den Steinen German essayist and literary translator
Vasily Petrovich Svyosdotschkin Russian wood carver and carpenter
Tahir Jalaluddin Islamic scholar and reformer
Alfred H. Thiessen American meteorologist
Thorstein HH Thoresen American politician
Eddie Tower Belgian jazz musician, band leader and composer
Nikolaos Trikoupis Greek officer and politician, Olympian
Justinas Vareikis Lithuanian book bearer and soldier
Stan Vidrighin Mayor of Timisoara
Fritz Vorländer German publisher
Katharina Wach Daughter of Ernst von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Kurt Waschow German public prosecutor, chamber judge and federal judge
Hermann von Wedderkop German writer and translator
Erich Wegener German painter
Fritz Wildhagen German impressionist painter and author
Josef Wilhelm Swiss gymnast
Anna Wimmer German entrepreneur
Joseph Wyss Swiss automobile entrepreneur
Ella Young Irish author, theosophist and freedom fighter
August Friedrich Zintl German painter and graphic artist