List of Classical Philologists
The list of classical philologists includes people who have completed their habilitation in this subject , are relevant as authors or have made significant contributions to classical philology in any other way. Due to the special history of research into the Latin and ancient Greek language and literature , philologists of antiquity ( grammarians ) , the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and early modern times through the modern and modern up to the present are listed in separate lists. The fields of activity often overlap with those of ancient historians and classical archaeologists , epigraphists , numismatists and papyrologists .
Greek antiquity
- Ailios Herodianos (Greek, about 180–250)
- Antimachus of Colophon (Greek, 5th / 4th century BC)
- Apollodorus of Athens (Greek, 2nd century BC)
- Apollonios Dyskolos (Greek, 2nd century)
- Apollonios of Rhodes (Greek, 295–215 BC)
- Apollonius Eidograph (Greek; † 175 BC)
- Aristarchus of Samothrace (Greek, 217–145 BC)
- Aristophanes of Byzantium (Greek, 257–180 BC)
- Athenaios (Greek, 2nd / 3rd century)
- Didymos of Alexandria , also Didymos the blind (Greek, 310 or 313 - about 398)
- Didymos Chalkenteros (Greek, approx. 65 BC – 10 AD)
- Diogenianos Grammatikos (Greek, 2nd century)
- Dionysios Iambos (Greek, 3rd century BC)
- Dionysios Thrax (Greek, 2nd century)
- Eratosthenes of Alexandria (Greek, c. 284-202 B.C.)
- Eutychios Proklos (Greek, 2nd century)
- Hellanikos of Lesbos (Greek, about 490/80 - 400 BC)
- Herennios Philon (Phoenicians, 64–141)
- Callimachos (Greek, about 305–240 BC)
- Kallistratos (Greek, 2nd century BC)
- Krates of Mallos (Greek 2nd century BC)
- Lycophron from Chalkis (around 320 - after 280 BC)
- Lysanias of Cyrene (Greek, 3rd century BC)
- Moschos (Greek, 2nd century BC)
- Nicandros from Colophon (Greek, about 197-130 BC)
- Nikanor from Alexandria (Greek, 2nd century)
- Nikanor from Kos (Greek)
- Nikanor from Cyrene (Greek)
- Pamphilus of Alexandria (Greek, 1st century)
- Philetas (Greek, 4th century BC)
- Tryphon (Greek, 1st century BC)
- Zenodotos of Ephesus (Greek, around 325–260 BC)
- Zoilos of Amphipolis (Greek, around 400–320 BC)
Latin antiquity
Romans are sorted according to gentile nouns.
- Helenius Acron (Roman, 3rd century)
- Lucius Aelius Stilo Praeconinus (Roman, about 154–74 BC)
- Asconius Pedianus (Roman, about 9 BC-76 AD)
- Censorinus (Roman, 3rd century)
- Sextus Pompeius Festus (Roman, 2nd century)
- Marcus Cornelius Fronto (Roman, about 100–170)
- Aulus Gellius (Roman, 130-180)
- Pomponius Porphyrio (Roman, 2nd / 3rd century)
- Marcus Valerius Probus (Syrian, 1st century)
- Solinus (Romans, 4th century)
- Terentianus Maurus (Roman, 2nd century)
- Marcus Terentius Varro (Roman, 116-27 BC)
- Publius Valerius Cato (Roman, 1st century B.C.)
- Marcus Verrius Flaccus (Roman, 1st century B.C. )
Late antiquity
see also Category: Ancient Philologist
Greek late antiquity
- Diomedes Grammaticus (Greek, 4th century)
- Nicocles (rhetorician) (Greek, 310–388)
- Stephanos (Byzantines, 7th century)
- Stephanos of Byzantium (Byzantines, 6th century)
- Johannes Stobaios (Greek, 5th century)
Latin late antiquity
Romans are sorted according to gentile nouns.
- Aelius Donatus (Roman, about 320 - 380)
- Arusianus Messius (Roman, 4th century AD)
- Flavius Sosipater Charisius (Roman, 4th century)
- Aelius Donatus (Roman, 4th century)
- Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius (North African, 6th century AD)
- Isidore of Seville (Spaniard, around 560-636)
- Lactantius Placidus (Placidius Lutatius) (possibly late 4th / 5th century)
- Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius (Roman, around 385/390 - after 430)
- Nonius Marcellus (Roman, 3rd - 4th century)
- Pompey (Roman, 5th century)
- Priscianus Caesariensis (Roman, 6th century)
- Maurus Servius Honoratius (Roman, 4th century)
- Marius Victorinus (Roman, between 281 and 291 - after 363)
middle Ages
see also category: Philologist (Middle Ages)
Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Middle Ages (6th - 15th centuries)
- Bessarion (Byzantines, around 1403–1472)
- Demetrios Chalkokondyles (Byzantines, 1423–1511)
- Manuel Chrysoloras (Byzantine, 1353-1415)
- Zacharias Kallierges (Cretan, around 1473 – after 1524)
- Konstantinos Kephalas (Byzantine, 8th - 9th centuries)
- Konstantinos Laskaris (Byzantine, 1434–1501)
- Janos Laskaris (Byzantine, 1445-1535)
- Photios I (Byzantine, about 820-891)
- Maximos Planudes (Byzantines, around 1260-1330)
- Stephanos (Byzantines, 7th century)
- Stephanos (Byzantines, 12th century)
- Stephanos of Byzantium (Byzantines, 6th century)
- Theodorus Gaza (Greek, about 1410-1475)
Latin Middle Ages (6th - 14th centuries)
- Dante Alighieri (Italian, 1265-1321)
- Gottschalk von Orbais (Saxon, around 803–869)
- Isidore of Seville (Spaniard, around 560–636)
- Johannes de Garlandia (English, 1195–1272)
- Jordan of Saxony (Lower Saxony, around 1185 / 1190–1237)
- Brunetto Latini (Italian, 1220–1294)
- Paulus Deacon (Longobard, 725 / 730–797 / 799)
- Remigius of Auxerre (Burgundy, around 841 - around 908)
Renaissance (14th to 16th centuries)
- see also Category: Classical Philologist (14th Century) , Category: Classical Philologist (15th Century) , Category: Classical Philologist (16th Century)
- see also List of Renaissance Humanists
- on the Greek scholars of the late and post-Byzantine period see above #Byzantine and post-Byzantine Middle Ages (6th - 15th centuries)
- Peder Aagesen (Dane, 1546–1591)
- Donato Acciaiuoli (Italian, 1428–1478)
- Mariangelo Accursio (Italian, 1489–1546)
- Rudolf Agricola (Dutch, 1443 / 44–1485)
- Scipione Ammirato (Italian, 1531–1601)
- Giovanni Aurispa (Italian, 1376-1459)
- Girolamo Avanzi (Italian, 15th-16th centuries)
- Johannes Aventinus (German, 1477–1534)
- Ioannes Aylmer (British, 1521–1594)
- Gasparino Barzizza (Italian, around 1360–1431)
- Filippo Beroaldo the Elder (Italian, 1453–1505)
- Gregor Bersman (German, 1538-1611)
- Theodor Bibliander (Swiss, 1504 / 06–1564)
- Claudius Binetus (French, 16th century)
- Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313-1375)
- Leonardo Bruni (Italian, 1369-1444)
- Guillaume Budé (French, 1468–1540)
- Joachim Camerarius the Elder (German, 1500–1574)
- Willem Canter (Dutch, 1542–1575)
- Jerónimo Cardoso (Portuguese, 1508–1569)
- Nicholas Carr (English, 1524-1568)
- Francesco Cattani da Diacceto (Italian, 1466–1522)
- Ceporinus (Swiss, 1500–1525)
- Renault Chaudiere (Reginaldus Chalderius)
- John Cheke (English, 1514–1557)
- Florent Chrestien (French, 1540–1596)
- Nicolaes Cleynaerts (Belgian, 1493–1542)
- Giovanni Conversini da Ravenna (Italian, 1343–1408)
- Richard Croke (English, about 1489–1558)
- Martin Crusius (German, 1526-1607)
- Jacques Joseph Cujas (Cuiacus) (French, 1522–1590)
- Johannes Cuno (German, 1462 / 63–1513)
- Kaspar Currer (German, around 1500–1550 / 51)
- Pierre Daniel (French, 1531–1604)
- Pierre Davantès (French, around 1525–1561)
- Johann Debel (German, 1540-1610)
- Heinrich Decimator (German, around 1544 – after 1615)
- Martin Anton Delrio (Spanish, 1551–1608)
- Matthaeus Devarius (Greek, approx. 1505–1581)
- Jan van der Does (Ianus Dousa) (Dutch, 1545–1604)
- Jean Dorat (French, 1508–1588)
- Jean de Drosay (French † around 1550)
- Claude Dupuy (French, 1545–1594)
- Francisco de Enzinas (Spanish, 1518–1552)
- Erasmus of Rotterdam (Dutch, 1465 or 1469–1536)
- Henri Estienne (Henricus Stephanus) (French, 1531–1598)
- Robert Étienne (French, 1503–1559)
- Georg Fabricius (German, 1516–1571)
- Marsilio Ficino (Italian, 1433-1499)
- Francesco Filelfo (Italian, 1398–1481)
- Bartolomeo della Fonte (Italian, 1446–1513)
- Nicodemus Frischlin (German, 1547–1590)
- Matthias Garbitius (German, around 1505–1559)
- Sigismund Gelenius (Czech, 1497–1554)
- Obertus Giphanius (German, 1534–1604)
- William Grocyn (English, around 1446–1519)
- Claude Gruget (French, 1525 – about 1560)
- Guarino da Verona (Italian, 1370-1460)
- Johannes Hartung (German, 1505–1579)
- Lambert Ludolph Helm (Dutch, 1535–1596)
- Georg Helt (German, around 1485–1545)
- Martin Helwig (German, 1516–1574)
- Niels Hemmingsen (Dane, 1513–1600)
- Wilhelm Hilden (German, 1551–1587)
- Matthäus Host (German, 1509–1587)
- Michael Hummelberger (German, 1487–1527)
- Ulrich von Hutten (German, 1488–1523)
- Jehan Lagadeuc (Breton, 15th century)
- Denis Lambin (French, 1520–1572)
- Juan Latino (Black African and Spanish, 1518–1596)
- Firmin Le Ver (French, around 1370 / 75–1444)
- Elijah Levita (German, 1469-1549)
- Georg Liban (German, 1464 – after 1546)
- Justus Lipsius (German, 1547–1606)
- Jakob Locher (German, 1471–1528)
- Antonio Loschi (Italian, around 1365 / 1368–1441)
- Giannozzo Manetti (Italian, 1396-1459)
- Aldus Manutius (Italian, 1449-1515)
- Johannes Marcellus (German, 1510–1551 / 52)
- Philipp Melanchthon (German, 1497–1560)
- Johannes Metzler (German, 1494–1538)
- Petrus Mosellanus (German, 1493–1524)
- Marcus Antonius Muret (Muretus) (1526–1585)
- Johannes Murmellius (Dutch, 1480–1517)
- Michael Neander (mathematician) (German, 1529–1581)
- Michael Neander (educator) (German, 1525–1595)
- Niccolò Niccoli (Italian, 1363–1437)
- Fulvio Orsini (Italian, 1529–1600)
- Zacharias Orth (German, around 1530–1579)
- Janus Mellerus Palmerius (until 1580)
- Friedrich Pensold (German, 1530–1589)
- Joachim Périon (French, 1499–1559)
- Francesco Petrarca (Italian, 1304-1374)
- Enea Silvio Piccolomini (Italian, 1405–1464)
- Stephanus Winandus Pighius (Dutch, 1520–1604)
- Leontius Pilatus (Calabrian; † 1365)
- Pierre Pithou (Pithoeus) (French, 1539–1596)
- Poggio Bracciolini (Italian, 1380-1459)
- Johann Isaak Pontanus (1571–1639)
- Johannes Posselius (the Elder) (German, 1528–1591)
- Georg Rataller (Dutch, 1528–1581)
- Johannes Reuchlin (German, 1455–1522)
- Johann Baptista Rexius (Austrian, around 1563–1598)
- Balthasar Rhaw (I.) (German, 1527–1601)
- Beatus Rhenanus (German, 1485–1547)
- Lorenz Rhodomann (German, 1546–1606)
- Matthias Ringmann (German, 1482–1511)
- Johannes Rivius (German, 1500–1553)
- Francesco Robortello (Italian, 1516–1567)
- Jean Ruel (French, 1474-1537)
- Coluccio Salutati (Italian, 1331–1406)
- Johannes Sambucus , actually János Zsámboky (Hungarian, 1531–1584)
- Henry Savile (English, 1549-1622)
- Thomas Sagittarius (German, 1577-1621)
- Joseph Justus Scaliger (French, 1540–1609)
- Julius Caesar Scaliger (Italian, 1484–1558)
- Zacharias Scheffter (German, 1568–1626)
- Johann Sciurus (German, around 1518–1584)
- Thomas Smith (diplomat) (English, 1513–1577)
- Heinrich Stackmann (German, around 1485–1532)
- Johann Stigel (German, 1515–1562)
- Palla Strozzi (Italian, 1373–1462)
- Johannes Susenbrot (German, around 1484/85 - probably 1542)
- Friedrich Sylburg (German, 1536–1596)
- Friedrich Taubmann (German, 1565-1613)
- Giovanni Tortelli (Italian, around 1400–1466)
- Adrian de Tournes (Turnebus) (French, 1512–1565)
- Ambrogio Traversari (Italian, 1386–1439)
- Léon Trippault (French, 1538-16th centuries)
- Germain Vaillant de Guélis (French, 1516 / 17–1587)
- Pietro Paolo Vergerio (Italian, 1370–1444)
- Vittorino da Feltre (Italian, 1378–1446)
- Melchior Volmar (German, 1497-1560)
- Bonaventura Vulcanius (Flame, 1538–1614)
- Justus Vultejus (German, 1529–1575)
- Otto Walper (German, 1543-1624)
- Balthasar Walther (German, 1586-1640)
- Heinrich Welling (German, 1555-1620)
- Hieronymus Wolf (German, 1516–1580)
- Ulrich Zasius (German, 1461–1535)
- Joachim Zehner (German, 1566-1612)
- János Zsámboky (Johannes Sambucus) (Hungarian, 1531–1584)
Modern times (17th to 18th centuries)
see also Category: Classical Philologist (17th Century) , Category: Classical Philologist (18th Century)
- Niels Aagaard (Dane, 1612–1657)
- Johann Friedrich Abegg (German, 1765-1840)
- Caspar Abel (German, 1676–1763)
- Friedrich Ludwig Abresch (Dutch, 1699–1782)
- Johannes Alberti (Dutch, 1698–1762)
- Leone Allacci (Greek, 1586–1669)
- Johann Georg Altmann (Swiss, 1695–1758)
- Girolamo Amati (Italian, 1768–1834)
- Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison (French, 1750–1805)
- Eugene Aram (English, 1704-1759)
- Peter Axen (German, 1635–1707)
- Christoph Friedrich Ayrmann (German, 1695–1747)
- Jacob Baden (Dane, 1735–1804)
- Caspar von Barth (Barthius) (German, 1587–1658)
- Karl Ludwig Bauer (German, 1730–1799)
- Christian Daniel Beck (German, 1757–1832)
- Paolo Beni (Italian, 1552-1627)
- Richard Bentley (English, 1662-1742)
- Matthias Bernegger (German, 1582–1640)
- Johann Heinrich Boeckler (German, 1611–1672)
- Karl August Böttiger (German, 1760–1835)
- Jean Bourdelot (Joannes Bourdelotius) (French, 2nd half of the 16th century – 1638)
- Gabriel Gottfried Bredow (German, 1773-1814)
- Friedrich Breier (German, 1813–1880)
- Charles de Brosses (French, 1709–1777)
- Caspar Brülow (German, 1585–1627)
- Richard François Philippe Brunck (French, 1729–1803)
- Paul Jakob Bruns (German, 1743–1814)
- Andreas Buchner (German, 1776-1854)
- August Buchner (German, 1591–1661)
- Ézsaiás Budai (Hungarian, 1766–1841)
- Johann Ludolf Bünemann (German, 1687–1759)
- Jakob Burckhard (German, 1681–1752)
- Pieter Burman the Elder Ä. (Dutch, 1668–1741)
- Pieter Burman the Elder J. (Dutch, 1714–1788)
- Philipp Buttmann (German, 1764–1829)
- Rudolf Capell (German, 1635–1684)
- Isaac Casaubon (Swiss, 1559-1614)
- François Charpentier (French, 1620–1702)
- Celso Cittadini (Italian, 1553-1627)
- Wilhelm Coddaeus (Dutch, 1574 – after 1625)
- Andreas Corvinus (German, 1589–1648)
- Hermann Crusius (German, 1640–1693)
- Petrus Cunaeus (Dutch, 1586–1638)
- Johann Benedikt Carpzov IV (German, 1720–1803)
- André Dacier (French, 1651–1722)
- Anne Dacier (French, 1654-1720)
- Pierre Danet (French, 1650–1709)
- Pierre Delbrun (French, 1605–1676)
- Thomas Dempster (Scotsman, 1579-1625)
- Carlo Giovanni Maria Denina (Italian, 1731–1813)
- Johann Daniel Denso (German, 1708–1795)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Döring (German, 1756–1837)
- Jacques Philippe d'Orville (Dutch, 1696–1751)
- Arnold Drakenborch (Dutch, 1684–1748)
- Adam Heinrich Dresig (German, 1701–1761)
- Siegmund Friedrich Dresig (German, 1703–1742)
- Friedrich Ferdinand Drück (German, 1754–1807)
- Jacques Dupuy (French, 1591–1656)
- Elias Ehinger (German, 1573–1653)
- August Wilhelm Ernesti (German, 1733–1801)
- Johann August Ernesti (German, 1707–1781)
- Johann Christian Gottlieb Ernesti (German, 1756–1802)
- Johann Heinrich Ernesti (German, 1652–1729)
- Johann Albert Fabricius (German, 1668–1736)
- Gotthilf Samuel Falbe (German, 1768–1849)
- Thomas Farnabius (British, c. 1575–1647)
- Christian Gottfried Findeisen (German, 1738–1796)
- Johann Friedrich Fischer (German, 1726–1799)
- Friedrich Hermann Flayder (German, 1596–1644)
- Egidio Forcellini (Italian, 1688–1768)
- Petrus Francius (Dutch, 1645–1704)
- Johannes Freinsheim (German, 1608–1660)
- Thomas Gale (British, 1635? -1702)
- Jean Gaudin (French, 1617–1681)
- Friedrich Gedike (German, 1754–1803)
- Jakob Gerschow (German, 1587–1655)
- Johann Matthias Gesner (German, 1691–1761)
- Pyotr Ivanovich Gilarovsky (Russian, 18th century)
- Melchior Goldast (Swiss, 1587-1635)
- Johann Georg Graevius (German, 1632–1703)
- Hans Gram (Dane, 1685–1748)
- Jakob Gretser (German, 1562-1625)
- Gottfried Ernst Groddeck (German, 1762–1825)
- Jakob Gronovius (German, 1645-1716)
- Johann Friedrich Gronovius (German, 1611–1671)
- Christoph Gottlieb Groskurd (German, 1770–1834)
- Theodor Grusenberg (German, 1651–1699)
- Jan Gruter (Flame, 1560-1627)
- Marquard Gude (German, 1635–1689)
- François Guyet (French, 1575–1655)
- Johann Gottfried Haas (German, 1737-1815)
- Michael Hadrianides (17th century)
- Gottlieb Christoph Harleß (German, 1738–1815)
- Johann David Hartmann (German, 1761–1801)
- François Hédelin (French, 1604–1676)
- Christoph Heidmann (German, 1582–1627)
- Johann David Heilmann (German, 1727–1764)
- Karl Friedrich Heinrich (German, 1774–1838)
- Wilhelm Heinse (German, 1746–1803)
- Daniel Heinsius (Dutch, 1580–1655)
- Nikolaes Heinsius the Elder (Dutch, 1620–1681)
- Andreas Helvigius (German, 1572–1643)
- Tiberius Hemsterhuis (Dutch, 1685–1766)
- Konrad Heusinger (German, 1752-1820)
- Karl Christian Heyler (German, 1755–1823)
- Christian Gottlob Heyne (German, 1729–1812)
- Johannes Hornschuch (German, 1599–1663)
- David Höschel (German, 1556-1617)
- Pierre Daniel Huet (French, 1630–1721)
- Johann Huswedel (German, 1575–1651)
- Johann Jakob Hottinger (Swiss, 1750-1819)
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (German, 1767–1835)
- Immanuel Gottlieb Huschke (German, 1761–1828)
- Friedrich Jacobs (German, 1764–1847)
- Wolfgang Jäger (German, 1734–1795)
- Joseph Joubert (German, 1640-1719)
- Christoph Kaldenbach (German, 1613–1698)
- Athanasius Kircher (German, 1602–1680)
- Johann Kirchmann (German, 1575–1643)
- Petrus Kirstenius (German – Swede, 1577–1640)
- Johann Hyacinth Kistemaker (German, 1754–1834)
- Christian Adolph Klotz (German, 1738–1771)
- Alexandras Vitoldas Kniescinskis (Tractorius) (Lithuanian, 1547–1631)
- Erduin Julius Koch (German, 1764–1834)
- Jacob Kockert (German, 1596-1654)
- Johann Heinrich Justus Köppen (German, 1755–1791)
- Johann Tobias Krebs (German, 1718–1782)
- Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Lange (German, 1779–1854)
- Wilhelm Lange (German, 1767–1831)
- Hermann Jacob Lasius (German, 1715–1803)
- Sigismundus Lauxmin (Lithuanian, 1596 / 97–1670)
- Guillaume Lebrun (French, 1674–1758)
- Jean Leclerc (Swiss, 1657–1736)
- Karl Gotthold Lenz (German, 1763–1809)
- Christoph Friedrich Loesner (German, 1734–1803)
- Christian Ludovici (German, 1663-1732)
- Zacharias Lund (Dane, 1608–1676)
- Michael Caspar Lundorp (German, 1580–1629)
- Karl Heinrich August Manitius (German, 1848–1921)
- Georg Christian Maternus de Cilano (German, 1696–1773)
- Christian Friedrich von Matthäi (German, 1744–?)
- Friedrich Christian Matthiä (German, 1763–1822)
- Marcus Meibom (Dane, 1630-1710)
- Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Mellmann (German, 1764–1795)
- Johannes van Meurs (Dutch, 1579–1639)
- Johann Peter Miller (German, 1705–1781)
- Christoph Wilhelm Mitscherlich (German, 1760-1854)
- Albert Molnár (Hungarian, 1574–1634)
- Philibert Monet (French, 1566–1643)
- Bernard de Montfaucon (French, 1655–1741)
- Fédéric Morel (French, 1552-1630)
- Johann Heinrich Mücke (German, 1735–1799)
- Samuel Musgrave (English, 1732–1780)
- Petrus Needham (British, 1680-1731)
- Ernst Friedrich Neubauer (German, 1705–1748)
- Andreas Christoph Niz (German, 1764–1810)
- Johann Adam Nodell (Dutch, 1754–1814)
- Martin Opitz (German, 1597–1639)
- David Origanus (German, 1558-1628)
- Franz van Oudendorp (Dutch, 1696–1761)
- Charles Pajot (French, 1609–1986)
- Johann Philipp Pareus (German, 1576-1648)
- Cornelis de Pauw (Dutch, 1739–1799)
- Louis Poinsinet de Sivry (French, 1733–1804)
- François-Antoine Pomey (French, 1618–1673)
- Alexander Pope (English, 1688-1744)
- Richard Porson (English, 1759-1808)
- Johannes Posselius (the Younger) (German, 1565–1623)
- Helias Putschius (Dutch, 1580–1606)
- Abraham Gottlieb Raabe (German, 1664–1845)
- Paul Rabe (German, 1656-1713)
- Wolfgang Ratke (German, 1571-1635)
- Matthäus Reimer (German, 1581–1646)
- Thomas Reinesius (German, 1587–1667)
- Johann Jacob Reiske (German, 1716–1774)
- Friedrich Wolfgang Reiz (German, 1733–1790)
- Jeremias David Reuss (German, 1750-1837)
- Johann Friedrich Roos (German, 1757–1804)
- Christoph Jeremias Rost (German, 1718–1790)
- David Ruhnken (Dutch, 1723–1798)
- Christian Saalbach (German, 1653–1713)
- Claudius Salmasius (French, 1588–1653)
- Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer (German, 1764–1840)
- Paul Schaffshausen (German, 1712–1788)
- Johannes Scheffer (Swede, 1621–1679)
- Immanuel Johann Gerhard Scheller (German, 1735–1803)
- Friedrich von Schlichtegroll (German, 1765–1822)
- Erasmus Schmidt (German, 1570–1637)
- Benjamin Friedrich Schmieder (German, 1736–1813)
- Friedrich Gotthelf Benjamin Schmieder (German, 1736–1813)
- Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider (German, 1750–1822)
- Caspar Schoppe (German, 1576–1649)
- Christoph Schrader (German, 1601–1680)
- Cornelius Schrevelius (Dutch, 1608–1661)
- Johann Caspar Schröder (Dutch, 1695–1759 florins)
- Christian Gottfried Schütz (German, 1747–1832)
- Benjamin Wilhelm Daniel Schulze (German, 1715–1790)
- Christian Ferdinand Schulze (German, 1774–1850)
- Johann Heinrich August Schulze (German, 1755–1803)
- Nicolaus Schwebel (German, 1713–1773)
- Johann Gottfried Schweighäuser (German, 1776–1844)
- Johannes Schweighäuser (German, 1742–1830)
- Petrus Scriverius (Dutch, 1576-1660)
- Johann Philipp Siebenkees (German, 1759–1796)
- Johann Jakob Friedrich Sinnhold (German, around 1735–1805)
- Johann Andreas Sixt (German, 1742–1810)
- Georg Ludwig Spalding (German, 1762–1811)
- Gottlieb Lebrecht Spohn (German, 1756–1794)
- Wilhelm Ernst Starke (German, 1692–1764)
- Friedrich Andreas Stroth (German, 1750–1785)
- Friedrich Strunz (German, 1680-1725)
- Henry Stubbe (English, 1632–1676)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Sturz (German, 1762–1832)
- Cornelius Tollius (Dutch, around 1628–1654)
- Jacobus Trigland the Younger (Dutch, 1652–1705)
- Johann Trygophorus (German, 1580–1626)
- Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer (Dutch, 1715–1785)
- Adrien Valois (Valesius) (French, 1607–1692)
- Johann Heinrich Voss (German, 1751–1826)
- Gerhard Johannes Vossius (Dutch, 1577–1649)
- Isaac Vossius (Dutch, 1618–1689)
- Johann Augustin Wagner (German, 1734–1807)
- Samuel Gottlieb Wald (German, 1762–1828)
- Heinrich Ehrenfried Warnekros (German, 1752–1807)
- Georg Wehling (German, 1644–1719)
- Heinrich Welling (German, 1555-1620)
- Petrus Wesseling (German, 1692–1764)
- Johann Heinrich Winckler (German, 1703-1770)
- Friedrich Theodor Withof (German, 1731–1782)
- Friedrich August Wolf (German, 1759-1824)
- Johann Christian Wolf (German, 1690–1770)
- Johann von Wowern (German, 1574-1612)
- Daniel Wyttenbach (Swiss, 1746–1820)
- Patrick Young (Scot, 1584-1652)
- Johann Zechendorf (German, 1580–1662)
- Johann Karl Zeune (German, 1736–1788)
Modern (19th to mid-20th century)
see also Category: Classical Philologist (19th Century) , Category: Classical Philologist (20th Century)
- Evelyn Abbott (English, 1843-1901)
- Frank Frost Abbott (American, 1860-1924)
- Kenneth Morgan Abbott (American, 1906–1988)
- Bernhard Rudolf Abeken (German, 1780–1866)
- Karlhans Abel (German, 1919–1998)
- Walther Abel (German, 1906–1987)
- Hermann Abert (German, 1871-1927)
- Adam Abt (German, 1885-1918)
- James Adam (British, 1860-1907)
- Ada Adler (Danish, 1878–1946)
- Maximilian Adler (Czech, 1884–1944)
- Theodor Adler (German, 1813-1883)
- Paulheinz Ahlert (German, 1914–1945)
- Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt (German, 1760-1830)
- Heinrich Ludolf Ahrens (German, 1809–1881)
- Henry Mills Alden (American, 1836-1919)
- Frederic De Forest Allen (American, 1844-1897)
- Percy Stafford Allen (British, 1869-1933)
- Thomas William Allen (British, 1862–1950)
- Francis Greenleaf Allinson (American, 1856-1931)
- Oskar von Allmen (Swiss, 1898–1932)
- Franz Altheim (German, 1898–1976)
- Gottfried Friedrich Aly (German, 1852–1913)
- Wolfgang Aly (German, 1881–1962)
- Girolamo Amati (Italian, 1768–1834)
- Julius Ambrosch (German, 1804-1856)
- Karl Friedrich Ameis (German, 1811–1870)
- August Ammann (German, 1839-1910)
- Georg Ammon (German, 1861–1929)
- Judith Andrée-Hanslik (Austrian, 1906–1951)
- Georg Andresen (German, 1845–1929)
- Charles Anthon (American, 1797-1867)
- Karl Gottlieb Anton (German, 1773–1861)
- Otto Apelt (German, 1845–1932)
- Helmut Apffel (German, 1911-2007)
- Rudolph Arbesmann (American, 1895–1982)
- Fritz Arendt (German, 1888–1915)
- Hans (Friedrich August) von Arnim (German, 1859–1931)
- Thomas Kerchever Arnold (British, 1800-1853)
- Julius Arnoldt (German, 1816-1892)
- Erwin Assmann (German, 1908–1984)
- Friedrich Ast (German, 1778–1841)
- Felix Atenstädt (German, 1866–1943)
- Karl Aulitzky (Austrian, 1891–1945)
- Adolf Ausfeld (German, 1855–1904)
- Emil Aust (German, 1863-20th centuries)
- Roland Gregory Austin (British, 1901-1974)
- Francesco Maria Avellino (Italian, 1778–1850)
- Wilhelm Ax (German, 1890–1954)
- Moritz Karl August Axt (German, 1801–1862)
- Frank Cole Babbitt (American, 1867-1935)
- Churchill Babington (British, 1821-1889)
- Ludwig Bachmann (German, 1792–1881)
- Torkel Baden (Dane, 1765–1849)
- Johann Christian Felix Bähr (German, 1798–1872)
- Emil Baehrens (German, 1848–1888)
- Wilhelm Baehrens (German, 1885–1929)
- Cyril Bailey (British, 1871-1957)
- Johann Georg Baiter (Swiss, 1801–1877)
- John Bake (Dutch, 1787–1864)
- Aleksandar Balabanow (Bulgarian, 1879–1955)
- Albert von Bamberg (German, 1844-1910)
- Ferdinand Bamberger (German, 1809–1855)
- Kurt Bardong (German, 1908–1945)
- Karl Bardt (German, 1843–1915)
- William Spencer Barrett (British, 1914-2001)
- Karl Bartsch (German, 1832–1888)
- Karl Barwick (German, 1883-1965)
- Samuel Eliot Bassett (American, 1873-1936)
- Wilhelm von Bäumlein (German, 1797–1865)
- Adolf Baumgartner (Swiss, 1855–1930)
- Anton Baumstark senior (German, 1800–1876)
- Anton Baumstark junior (German, 1872–1948)
- Jean Bayet (French, 1892–1969)
- George Ewart Bean (British, 1903-1977)
- Christian Daniel Beck (German, 1757–1832)
- Franz Beckmann (German, 1895–1966)
- Immanuel Bekker (German, 1785–1871)
- Ludwig Bellermann (German, 1836–1915)
- Agathon Benary (German, 1807-1860)
- Eugène Benoist (French, 1831-1887)
- Gustav Eduard Benseler (German, 1806–1868)
- Victor Bérard (French, 1864–1931)
- Ernst Hugo Berger (German, 1836–1904)
- Theodor Bergk (German, 1812–1881)
- Richard Bergmann (German, 1821–1870)
- Jacob Bernays (German, 1824-1881)
- Ulrich Bernays (German, 1881–1948)
- Gottfried Bernhardy (German, 1800–1875)
- Veselin Beševliev (Bulgarian, 1900–1992)
- Joseph Jacobus van den Besselaar (Dutch, 1916–1991)
- Erich Bethe (German, 1863-1940)
- Rudolf Beutler (German, 1911–1975)
- Josef Bick (Austrian, 1880–1952)
- Ernst Bickel (German, 1876–1961)
- Joseph Bidez (Belgian, 1867–1945)
- Artur Biedl (Austrian, 1904–1950)
- Ludwig Bieler (Austrian and Irish, 1906–1981)
- Franz Biese (German, 1803–1895)
- Ettore Bignone (Italian, 1879–1953)
- Edmund Bigott (German, 1910-1943)
- Clarence Powers Bill (American, 1875-1966)
- Gustav Billeter (Swiss, 1873–1929)
- Georg Bippart (German, 1816-1892)
- Theodor Birt (German, 1852-1933)
- Ernst Bischoff (German, 1858–1922)
- Heinrich Bischoff (German, 1906–1941)
- Karl Bitterauf (German, 1874-1940)
- Gudmund Björck (Swede, 1905–1955)
- Friedrich Blass (German, 1843–1907)
- Franz Blatt (Dane, 1903–1979)
- Leo Bloch (German, 1864-1920)
- Raymond Bloch (French, 1914–1997)
- Ferdinand Blümm (German, 1768–1823)
- Hugo Blümner (German, 1844-1919)
- Albrecht von Blumenthal (German, 1889–1945)
- Georg Heinrich Bode (German, 1802–1846)
- Ernst Bodensteiner (German, 1869–1936)
- August Boeckh (German, 1785–1867)
- Felix Bölte (German, 1863–1943)
- Franz Bömer (German, 1911-2004)
- Emilie Boer (German, 1894–1980)
- Adolf Boerner (German, 1870–1930)
- Karl August Böttiger (German, 1760–1835)
- Hans Bogner (German, 1895–1948)
- Gaston Boissier (French, 1823–1908)
- Jean-François Boissonade (French, 1774-1857)
- Franz Boll (German, 1867-1924)
- Benedetto Bonazzi (Italian, 1840-1915)
- Adolf Friedrich Bonhöffer (German, 1859-1919)
- Hermann Bonitz (German, 1814–1888)
- André Bonnard (Swiss, 1888–1959)
- Robert J. Bonner (American, 1868–1946)
- Willy Borgeaud (Swiss, 1913–1989)
- Albert Karl Ernst Bormann (German, 1819–1882)
- Eduard Bornemann (German, 1894–1976)
- István Borzsák (Hungarian, 1914-2007)
- André Boulanger (French, 1886–1958)
- Maurice Bowra (British, 1898–1971)
- Pierre Boyancé (French, 1900–1976)
- John Everett Brady (American, 1860-1941)
- Wilhelm Brambach (German, 1841–1932)
- Paul Brandt (German, 1861-1932)
- Samuel Brandt (German, 1848–1938)
- Friedrich Braun (German, 1862–1942)
- Philipp Braun (German, 1844-1929)
- Alice Braunlich (American, 1888–1989)
- Michel Bréal (French, 1832-1915)
- Gabriel Gottfried Bredow (German, 1773-1814)
- Hermann Breitenbach (Swiss, 1883–1967)
- Johann Heinrich Bremi (Swiss, 1772–1837)
- Emil Brenning (German, 1837-1915)
- Alfred Breysig (German, 1831–1902)
- Adolf Brieger (German, 1832-1912)
- Charles Oscar Brink (British, 1907-1994)
- Jan ten Brink (Dutch, 1771–1839)
- August Brinkmann (German, 1863-1923)
- Hennig Brinkmann (German, 1901–2000)
- Richard Brodersen (German, 1793-1830)
- Peter Brommer (Dutch, 1892–1982)
- Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton (Canadian, 1900--1993)
- Norman O. Brown (American, 1913-2002)
- Robert Browning (British, 1914-1997)
- Karl Friedrich Bruchmann (German, 1863-1919)
- Wilhelm Brummerstaedt (German, 1803-1878)
- Charles Marie Wladimir Brunet de Presle (French, 1809–1875)
- Ivo Bruns (German, 1853-1901)
- Paul Jakob Bruns (German, 1743–1814)
- Julius Brzoska (German, 1859-1930)
- Walter Bubbe (German, 1890-1970)
- Ézsaiás Budai (Hungarian, 1766–1841)
- Franz Bücheler (German 1837–1908)
- Georg Büchmann (German, 1822–1884)
- Karl Büchner (German, 1910–1981)
- Theodor Büttner-Wobst (German, 1854–1905)
- Bernhard Bunte (German, 1821–1898)
- Erich Burck (German, 1901–1994)
- August Burckhardt-Brandenberg (Swiss, 1896–1987)
- Franz Burger (German, 1880–1933)
- John Burnet (British, 1863-1928)
- Émile Burnouf (French, 1821–1907)
- Conrad Bursian (German, 1830-1887)
- Robert Gregg Bury (British, 1869–1951)
- Ernst Buschor (German, 1886–1961)
- Adolf Busse (German, 1856–1942)
- Samuel Butler (British, 1774–1839)
- Alexander Buttmann (German, 1813-1893)
- August Buttmann (German, 1806–1890)
- Philipp Buttmann (German, 1764–1829)
- Ingram Bywater (British, 1840-1914)
- Carl Julius Caesar (German, 1816–1886)
- George Miller Calhoun (American, 1886–1942)
- Wilhelm Capelle (German, 1871–1961)
- Edward Capps (American, 1866-1950)
- Ruth French Carnovsky (American, 1906-2003)
- Jesse Benedict Carter (American, 1872-1917)
- Lionel Casson (American, 1914-2009)
- Luigi Castiglioni (Italian, 1882–1965)
- John Leslie Catterall (American, 1905–1972)
- Friedrich Cauer (German, 1863-1932)
- Paul Cauer (German, 1854-1921)
- François Chamoux (French, 1915-2007)
- Pierre Chantraine (French, 1899–1974)
- Fernand Chapouthier (French, 1899–1953)
- Wilhelm von Christ (German, 1831–1906)
- Conrad Cichorius (German, 1863-1932)
- Albert Curtis Clark (British, 1859-1937)
- Octavius Clason (German, 1843–1875)
- Johannes Classen (German, 1805-1891)
- Heinrich Clementz (German, 1859-1946)
- Wilhelm Clemm (German, 1843-1883)
- Karl von Cleß (German, 1794–1874)
- Carel Gabriel Cobet (Dutch, 1813–1889)
- Leopold Cohn (German, 1856–1915)
- Albert Collignon (French, 1843–1923)
- Howard Comfort (American, 1904-1993)
- Domenico Comparetti (Italian, 1835-1927)
- John Conington (British, 1825-1869)
- Karl Conradt (German, 1847–1922)
- Max Consbruch (German, 1866-1927)
- Karl Philipp Conz (German, 1762–1827)
- Francis Macdonald Cornford (British, 1874-1943)
- Francesco Corradini (Italian, 1820–1888)
- Wilhelm Paul Corssen (German, 1820–1875)
- Peter Corssen (German, 1856-1922)
- Wilhelm Paul Corssen (German, 1820–1875)
- Franz Cramer (German, 1860-1923)
- John Anthony Cramer (British, 1793-1848)
- Friedrich Creuzer (German, 1771-1858)
- Wilhelm Crönert (German, 1874–1942)
- Alfred Croiset (French, 1845-1923)
- Howard Crosby (American, 1826-1891)
- Friedrich Crusius (German, 1897–1941)
- Gottlob Christian Crusius (German, 1785–1845)
- Otto Crusius (German, 1857-1918)
- Franz Cumont (Belgian, 1868–1947)
- Ernst Curtius (German, 1840-1896)
- Georg Curtius (German, 1820–1885)
- Rudolf Däbritz (German, 1880–1945)
- Oskar Dähnhardt (German, 1870-1915)
- Hellfried Dahlmann (German, 1905–1988)
- Rudolf Dahms (German, 1839-1917)
- Rudolf Dahms (German, 1880–1959)
- Alphonse Dain (French, 1896–1964)
- Amy Marjorie Dale (British, 1901-1967)
- Lloyd William Daly (American, 1910–1989)
- Pieter Helbert Damsté (Dutch, 1860–1943)
- Olof August Danielsson (Swedish, 1852-1933)
- Charles Victor Daremberg (French, 1817–1872)
- Georges Daux (French, 1899–1988)
- Albert Debrunner (Swiss, 1884–1958)
- Michael Deffner (German, 1848–1934)
- Karl Deichgräber (German, 1903–1984)
- Marie Delcourt (Belgian, 1891–1979)
- Nikolaus Delius (German, 1813–1888)
- Francesco Della Corte (Italian, 1913–1991)
- Josef Delz (Swiss, 1922-2005)
- John Dewar Denniston (British, 1887–1949)
- Eduardo Luigi De Stefani (Italian, 1869–1921)
- Carl Heinrich Dettmer (German, 1811–1879)
- Peter Dettweiler (German, 1856–1907)
- Ludwig Deubner (German, 1877-1946)
- Julius Deuschle (German, 1828–1861)
- Ferdinand Deycks (German, 1802–1867)
- Augusto Epifânio da Silva Dias (Portuguese, 1841-1916)
- Erich Diehl (German,? –1952)
- Ernst Diehl (German, 1874–1947)
- Hermann Diels (German, 1848–1922)
- Gottfried Diener (German, 1907–1987)
- Albrecht Dieterich (German, 1866–1908)
- Rudolf Dietsch (German, 1814–1875)
- Friedrich Reinhold Dietz (German, 1805–1836)
- Wilhelm Dillenburger (German, 1810–1882)
- Aubrey Diller (American, 1903–1985)
- Hans Diller (German, 1905–1977)
- Franz Dirlmeier (German, 1904–1977)
- Julius Karl Friedrich Dilthey (German, 1797-1857)
- Karl Dilthey (German, 1839–1907)
- Margaritis Dimitsas (Greek, 1830-1903)
- Ludwig Dindorf (German, 1805–1871)
- Wilhelm Dindorf (German, 1802-1883)
- Otto Dingeldein (German, 1861–1951)
- Georg Ludolf Dissen (German, 1784–1837)
- Wilhelm Dittenberger (German, 1840–1906)
- Georg Dittmann (German, 1871–1956)
- Peter Paul Dobree (British, 1782-1825)
- Eric Robertson Dodds (Irish, 1893-1979)
- Ludwig von Döderlein (German, 1791–1863)
- Bruno Doer (German, 1905–?)
- Heinrich Dörrie (German, 1911–1983)
- Paul Dörwald (German, 1859-1937)
- Martin Luther D'Ooge (American, 1839-1915)
- Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge (American, 1860-1940)
- Ernst Dopp (German, 1858–1929)
- Alfred Paul Dorjahn (American, 1894–1986)
- Franz Dornseiff (German, 1888–1960)
- Anders Bjørn Drachmann (Dane, 1860-1935)
- Engelbert Drerup (German, 1871-1942)
- Hans Drexler (German, 1895–1984)
- Wilhelm Drexler (German, 1858–1930)
- Henry Drisler (American, 1818-1897)
- Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs (Dutch, 1906-1998)
- August Dühr (German, 1806-1896)
- Georg Ferdinand Dümmler (German, 1859-1896)
- Heinrich Düntzer (German, 1813–1901)
- Ingemar Düring (Swede, 1903–1984)
- Julius Dürr (German, 1856–?)
- John Wight Duff (British, 1866-1944)
- James Eugene Dunlap (American, 1889-1983)
- Marcel Durry (French, 1895–1978)
- Karl Dziatzko (German, 1842–1903)
- Heinrich Ebeling (German, 1840 – after 1913)
- Ernst Friedrich Eberhard (German, 1809–1868)
- Walter Eberhardt (German, 1895–1981)
- Friedrich August Eckstein (German, 1810–1885)
- Ludwig Edelstein (German and American, 1902–1965)
- Franz Egermann (German, 1905–1989)
- Wilhelm Ehlers (German, 1908–1988)
- Rudolf Ehwald (German, 1847–1927)
- Heinrich Karl Eichstädt (German, 1772–1848)
- Samson Eitrem (Norwegian, 1872–1966)
- Ernst Ellendt (German, 1803–1863)
- Friedrich Ellendt (German, 1796–1855)
- Robinson Ellis (British, 1834-1913)
- Peter Elmsley (British, 1773-1825)
- Anton Elter (German, 1858–1925)
- Adolf Emperius (German, 1806–1844)
- Franz Joseph Engel (German, 1867-1922)
- Lorenz Englmann (German, 1821–1881)
- Hartmut Erbse (German, 1915-2004)
- Carl Erfurdt (German, 1780-1813)
- Alfred Ernout (French, 1879–1973)
- Juliette Ernst (Swiss, 1900–2001)
- Bernhard Eschenburg (German, 1843–1931)
- Jakob Escher-Bürkli (Swiss, 1864–1939)
- Franz Eyssenhardt (German, 1838–1901)
- Eduard Eyth (German, 1809-1884)
- Gottfried Fähse (German, 1764–1831)
- Henry Rushton Fairclough (American, 1862-1938)
- Charles Favez (Swiss, 1885–1960)
- Robert Feger (German, 1918–1987)
- Eugen Fehrle (German, 1880–1957)
- Josef Feix (German, * 1908)
- Curt Fensterbusch (German, 1888–1978)
- Nicola Festa (Italian, 1866-1940)
- André-Jean Festugière (French, 1898–1982)
- Joseph Anselm Feuerbach (German, 1798–1851)
- Karl Fiehn (German, 1888–1945)
- Christoph Eberhard Finckh (German, 1802–1869)
- Georg Finsler (Swiss, 1852-1916)
- Curt Theodor Fischer (German, 1869–1948)
- Hans Flach (German, 1845–1895)
- Alfred Fleckeisen (German, 1820–1899)
- Ulrich Fleischer (German, 1910–1978)
- Alois Flir (Austrian, 1805-1859)
- Helmut Flume (German, 1905-1999)
- Friedrich Focke (German, 1890-1970)
- Richard Foerster (German, 1843-1922)
- Joseph Eddy Fontenrose (American, 1903-1986)
- Albert Forbiger (German, 1798–1878)
- Peter Wilhelm Forchhammer (German, 1801-1894)
- Benjamin Oliver Foster (American, 1872–1938)
- Herbert Baldwin Foster (American, 1874–1906)
- Paul Foucart (French, 1836-1926)
- Harold North Fowler (American, 1859–1955)
- Eduard Fraenkel (German, 1888–1970)
- Hermann Fränkel (German, 1888–1977)
- Max Fränkel (German, 1846–1903)
- Johann Valentin Francke (German, 1792–?)
- Joseph Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein (Austrian, 1910–1963)
- Tenney Frank (American, 1876-1939)
- Richard Franke (German, 1832–1905)
- Johannes Franz (German, 1804-1851)
- Marie-Louise von Franz (1915–1998)
- Georg Fraustadt (German, 1885–1968)
- Carl Fredrich (German, 1871-1930)
- Wilhelm Freund (German, 1806-1894)
- Ludwig Friedländer (German, 1824–1909)
- Paul Friedländer (German, 1882–1968)
- Wolf-Hartmut Friedrich (German, 1907–2000)
- Wilhelm Fries (German, 1845–1928)
- Kurt von Fritz (German, 1900–1985)
- Adolf Theodor Hermann Fritzsche (German, 1818–1878)
- Franz Volkmar Fritzsche (German, 1806-1887)
- Hermann Frohberger (German, 1836–1874)
- Johann Froitzheim (German, 1847–1909)
- Karl Heinrich Frotscher (German, 1796–1876)
- August Fuchs (German, 1818–1847)
- Harald Fuchs (German, 1900–1985)
- Karl Fuhr (German, 1853-1917)
- Gino Funaioli (Italian, 1878-1958)
- Wilhelm Furtwängler (German, 1809–1875)
- Emil Gaar (Austrian, 1883–1953)
- Alexander Gaheis (Austrian, 1869–1942)
- Richard Gaede (German, 1857-1933)
- Félix Gaffiot (French, 1870-1937)
- Thomas Gaisford (British, 1779–1855)
- Stephen Gaselee (British, 1882-1943)
- Viktor Gebhard (German, 1896–1957)
- Heinrich Christian Friedrich Gebhardt (German, 1798–1868)
- Johannes Geffcken (German, 1861-1935)
- August Geffers (German, 1805–1863)
- Curt August Gehlert (German, 1842–1899)
- Friedrich Geiger (German, 1890-1914)
- Hans von Geisau (German, 1889–1972)
- Heinrich Gelzer (German, 1847–1906)
- Albert Gemoll (German, 1847 – after 1922)
- Wilhelm Gemoll (German, 1850–1934)
- Paul Gensel (German, 1870-1936)
- Hermann Genthe (German, 1838–1886)
- Heinrich Georges (German, 1852-1921)
- Karl Ernst Georges (German, 1806–1895)
- Heinrich Georgii (German, 1842–1926)
- Carl Eduard Geppert (German, 1811–1881)
- Alfred Gercke (German, 1860-1922)
- Gustav Adolf Gerhard (German, 1878–1918)
- Eduard Gerhard (German, 1795–1867)
- Franz Dorotheus Gerlach (German, 1793–1876)
- Louis-Jules Gernet (French, 1882–1962)
- Hans Gerstinger (Austrian, 1885–1971)
- Bernhard Gerth (German, 1844-1911)
- Karl Gerth (German, 1889–1973)
- Olof Gigon (Swiss, 1912–1998)
- Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve (American, 1831-1924)
- James Frank Gilliam (American, 1915–1990)
- Jules Girard (French, 1825–1902)
- Friedrich Gisinger (German, 1888–1964)
- Heinrich Giske (German, 1853-1915)
- Michael Gitlbauer (Austrian, 1847–1903)
- Konrad Glaser (German, 1903-1943)
- Stephan Glöckner (German, 1875–1948)
- Terrot R. Glover (British, 1869-1943)
- Anton Goebel (German, 1824–1898)
- Eduard Goebel (German, 1831–1904)
- Willi Göber (German, 1899–1961)
- Wilhelm Götte (German, 1807–1839)
- Karl Wilhelm Göttling (German, 1793–1869)
- Georg Goetz (German, 1849–1932)
- Alois Goldbacher (Austrian, 1837-1924)
- Josef Golling (Austrian, 1848–1916)
- Arnold Wycombe Gomme (British, 1886-1959)
- Theodor Gomperz (Austrian, 1832–1912)
- Francisco da Luz Rebelo Gonçalves (Portuguese, 1907–1982)
- Thomas Dwight Goodell (American, 1854-1920)
- William Watson Goodwin (American, 1831-1912)
- Arthur Ernest Gordon (American, 1902-1989)
- Alois Gotsmich (German, 1895–1974)
- Friedrich August Gotthold (German, 1778–1858)
- Albert Friedrich Gottschick (German, 1807–1871)
- Antonie van Goudoever (Dutch, 1785–1857)
- Andrew Sydenham Farrar Gow (British, 1886–1978)
- Hans Graeven (German, 1866–1905)
- Paul Graffunder (German, 1852-1914)
- Michael Grant (British, 1914-2004)
- Bernhard Graser (German, 1841–1909)
- Heinrich Wilhelm Grauert (German, 1804-1852)
- Charles Graux (French, 1852-1882)
- William Chase Greene (American, 1890-1978)
- Pierre Grimal (French, 1912–1996)
- Gottfried Ernst Groddeck (German, 1762–1825)
- Christoph Gottlieb Groskurd (German, 1770–1834)
- Friedrich August Grotefend (German, 1798–1836)
- Ernst Grumach (German, 1902–1967)
- Otto Group (German, 1851–1921)
- Otto Friedrich Group (German, 1804–1876)
- Karl Josef Grysar (German, 1801-1856)
- Alfred Gudeman (German, 1862–1942)
- Albert Güldenpenning (German, 1854-1896)
- Rudolf Güngerich (German, 1900–1975)
- Carl Eduard Güthling (German, 1824–1896)
- Otto Güthling (German, 1853–1931)
- Charles Burton Gulick (American, 1868–1962)
- Hans Georg Gundel (German, 1912–1999)
- Wilhelm Gundel (German, 1880–1945)
- Gotthold Gundermann (German, 1856–1921)
- Hermann Gundert (German, 1909–1974)
- William Keith Chambers Guthrie (British, 1906-1981)
- Hans Gutzwiller (Swiss, 1913–1988)
- Erich Haag (German, 1901–1981)
- Adolf Haakh (German, 1815–1881)
- Hans Haas (German, 1889–1957)
- Johann Gottfried Haas (German, 1737-1815)
- Friedrich Haase (German, 1808–1867)
- Reginald Hackforth (British, 1887–1957)
- Moses Hadas (American, 1900--1966)
- Albin Haebler (German, 1850-1897)
- Adolf Häckermann (German, 1819–1891)
- Natalie Häpke (German, 1871-1923)
- Berthold Häsler (German, 1909–1982)
- James Hadley (American, 1821–1872)
- Heinz Haffter (Swiss, 1905–1998)
- William Gardner Hale (American, 1849-1928)
- Karl Felix Halm (German, 1809–1882)
- Edith Hamilton (German-American, 1867–1963)
- Mason Hammond (American, 1903-2002)
- Ferdinand Gotthelf Hand (German, 1786–1851)
- Rudolf Hanslik (Austrian, 1907–1982)
- Richard Harder (German, 1896–1957)
- Colin Graham Hardie (British, 1906-1998)
- William Francis Ross Hardie (British, 1902–1990)
- William Ross Hardie (British, 1862-1916)
- Albert Harkness (American, 1822-1907)
- Albert Granger Harkness (American, 1856-1923)
- Gottlieb Christoph Harleß (German, 1738–1815)
- Jane Ellen Harrison (British, 1850-1928)
- Wilhelm von Hartel (Austrian, 1839–1907)
- Werner Hartke (German, 1907-1993)
- Wilhelm Hartke (German, 1879–1966)
- Jacobus Johannes Hartman (Dutch, 1851-1924)
- Johann Adam Hartung (German, 1801–1867)
- Karl Benedikt Hase (German and French, 1780–1864)
- Heinrich Hase (German, 1789–1842)
- Edmund Hauler (Austrian, 1859–1941)
- Johann Hauler (Austrian, 1829–1888)
- Moriz Haupt (German, 1808–1874)
- August Hausrath (German, 1865–1944)
- Ernst Hautsch (German, 1883–1959)
- Eric A. Havelock (German, 1903–1988)
- Michael Hayduck (German, 1838–1909)
- Walter Headlam (British, 1866–1908)
- Thomas Heath (British, 1861-1940)
- Josef Heckenbach (German, 1887 – after 1914)
- Edmund Hedicke (German, 1840 – after 1912)
- Joseph Heeg (German, 1881-1916)
- Ferdinand Heerdegen (German, 1845–1930)
- Johan Ludvig Heiberg (Dane, 1854–1928)
- Stephan Heibges (German, 1888–1938)
- Karl Gustav Heiland (German, 1817–1868)
- Friedrich Heimsoeth (German, 1814–1877)
- Ludwig Friedrich Heindorf (German, 1774–1816)
- Isaak Heinemann (German, 1876–1957)
- Felix Heinimann (Swiss, 1915-2006)
- Friedrich Adolf Heinichen (German, 1805–1877)
- Karl Friedrich Heinrich (German, 1774–1838)
- Hellmuth Heinze (German, 1892–1979)
- Richard Heinze (German, 1867–1929)
- Bernhard Heisterbergk (German, 1841–1898)
- Emil Heitz (German, 1825–1890)
- Johann Christoph Held (German, 1791–1873)
- John Lewis Heller (American, 1906–1988)
- Ludwig Heller (German, 1775–1826)
- Fritz Hellmann (German, 1908–1945)
- Rudolf Helm (German, 1872–1966)
- Georg Helmreich (German, 1849–1921)
- George Lincoln Hendrickson (American, 1865–1963)
- Otto Hense (German, 1845–1931)
- Hugo Hepding (German, 1878–1959)
- Wilhelm Heraeus (German, 1860–1948)
- Rudolf Hercher (German, 1821–1878)
- Emil Herkenrath (German, 1878–1945)
- Eduard Hermann (German, 1869–1950)
- Gottfried Hermann (German, 1772–1848)
- Karl Friedrich Hermann (German, 1804–1855)
- Hans Herter (German, 1899–1984)
- Martin Hertz (German, 1818–1895)
- Henrik van Herhaben (Dutch, 1831-1910)
- Christian Gottlob Herzog (German, 1789–1868)
- Ernst von Herzog (German, 1834–1911)
- Rudolf Herzog (German, 1871–1953)
- Gertrud Herzog-Hauser (Austrian, 1894–1953)
- Dirk Christiaan Hesseling (Dutch, 1859–1941)
- Alfred Heubeck (German, 1914–1987)
- Heinz Heubner (German, 1908–1995)
- Jacques Heurgon (French, 1903-1995)
- Johann Adolf Karl van Heusde (Dutch, 1812–1878)
- Philipp Wilhelm van Heusde (Dutch, 1778–1839)
- Oskar Hey (German, 1866–1943)
- Albert Heydemann (German, 1808–1877)
- Gustav Heylbut (German, 1852-1914)
- Christian Gottlob Heyne (German, 1729–1812)
- Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse (German, 1797–1855)
- Theodor Heyse (German, 1803-1884)
- Gilbert Highet (British and American, 1906–1978)
- Isidor Hilberg (Austrian, 1852-1919)
- Eduard Hiller (German, 1844-1891)
- Otto Hiltbrunner (Swiss, 1913–1917)
- Hugo Hinck (German, 1840–1876)
- Karl Hirzel (German, 1808–1874)
- Rudolf Hirzel (German, 1846-1917)
- Hermann Hitzig (Swiss, 1843–1918)
- Richard Hoche (German, 1834–1906)
- Franz Hocheder (German, 1783–1844)
- Franz Hochegger (Austrian, 1815–1875)
- Karl Hoeck (German, 1794–1877)
- Otto Höfer (German, 1861-1919)
- Ulrich Hoefer (German, 1861–1932)
- Carsten Høeg (Dane, 1896–1961)
- Cornelius Hölk (German, 1869–1944)
- Uvo Hölscher (German, 1914–1996)
- Wilhelm Hoerschelmann (German, 1849–1895)
- Julius Höxter (German, 1873-1944)
- Emanuel Hoffmann (Austrian, 1825–1900)
- Julius Hoffmann (German, 1812–1869)
- Karl Hoffmeister (German, 1796–1844)
- Johann Baptist Hofmann (German, 1886–1954)
- Hubert Ashton Holden (British, 1822-1896)
- Hugo Holstein (German, 1834–1904)
- Carl von Holzinger (Austrian, 1849–1935)
- Friedrich Holzweissig (German, 1846–1922)
- Helene Homeyer (German, 1898–1996)
- Hildebrecht Hommel (German, 1899–1996)
- Theodor Hopfner (Austrian, 1886–1946)
- Karl Hoppe (German, 1868–1946)
- August Horneffer (German, 1875–1955)
- Reinhard Moritz Horstig (German, 1814–1865)
- Carl Hosius (German, 1866–1937)
- AE Housman (British, 1859-1936)
- Ernst Howald (Swiss, 1887–1967)
- Albert Andrew Howard (American, 1858-1925)
- Karl Hude (Dane, 1860–1936)
- Emil Hübner (German, 1834–1901)
- Arnold Hug (Swiss, 1832–1895)
- Friedrich Hultsch (German, 183–1906)
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (German, 1767–1835)
- Milton W. Humphreys (American, 1844-1928)
- Immanuel Gottlieb Huschke (German, 1761–1828)
- Philipp Eduard Huschke (German, 1801–1886)
- Gred Ibscher (German, 1906-1996)
- Julius Ludwig Ideler (German, 1809–1842)
- Max Ihm (German, 1863–1909)
- Wilhelm Ihne (German, 1821–1902)
- Johannes Ilberg (German, 1860-1930)
- Otto Immisch (German, 1862-1936)
- Endre von Ivánka (Hungarian, 1902–1974)
- Günther Jachmann (German, 1887–1979)
- Henry Jackson (British, 1839-1921)
- Johann Friedrich Jacob (German, 1792-1854)
- Walter Jacob (German, 1910 - after 1942)
- Friedrich Jacobs (German, 1764–1847)
- Felix Jacoby (German, 1876–1959)
- Karl Jacoby (German, 1849–1939)
- Werner Jaeger (German, 1888–1961)
- Philipp Jaffé (German, 1819–1870)
- Johann Christian Jahn (German, 1797–1846)
- Karl Jahn (German, 1777-1854)
- Otto Jahn (German, 1813–1869)
- Karl von Jan (German, 1836–1899)
- Ludwig von Jan (German, 1807–1869)
- Karl Jax (Austrian, 1885–1968)
- Henri Jeanmaire (French, 1884–1960)
- Richard Claverhouse Jebb (British, 1841–1905)
- Ludwig Jeep (German, 1846-1911)
- Christian Jensen (German, 1883-1940)
- Otto Jessen (German, 1864–1936)
- Eduard Johnson (German, 1840-1903)
- Henry Stuart Jones (British, 1867-1939)
- Henri Jordan (German, 1833-1886)
- Benjamin Jowett (British, 1817-1893)
- Bernhard Jülg (German, 1825–1886)
- Julius Jüthner (Austrian, 1866–1945)
- Franz Emil Jungmann (German, 1846–1927)
- Hugo Jurenka (Austrian, 1858–1920)
- Adolf Kaegi (Swiss, 1849–1923)
- Georg Kaibel (German, 1849–1901)
- Johannes Kakridis (Greek, 1901-1992)
- Karl Kalbfleisch (German, 1868–1946)
- Ernst Kalinka (Austrian, 1865–1946)
- Johann Friedrich Salomon Kaltwasser (German, 1752–1813)
- Ernst Kapp (German, 1888–1978)
- Ida Kapp (German, 1884–1979)
- Alfred Kappelmacher (Austrian, 1876–1932)
- Werner Kappler (German, 1902–1944)
- Max Theodor von Karajan (Austrian, 1833-1914)
- Simon Karsten (Dutch, 1802–1864)
- Helmut Kasten (German, 1895–1982)
- Robert Kauer (Austrian, 1868–1930)
- Johann Samuel Kaulfuß (German, 1780–1832)
- Karl Ludwig Kayser (German, 1808–1872)
- Bruno Keil (German, 1859-1916)
- Heinrich Keil (German, 1822-1894)
- Otto Keller (German, 1838–1927)
- Olaus Kellermann (Dane and German, 1805–1837)
- Martin Kellogg (American, 1828–1903)
- Francis W. Kelsey (American, 1858-1927)
- Johannes Kemke (German, 1863-1918)
- Asahel C. Kendrick (American, 1809–1895)
- Frederic G. Kenyon (British, 1863-1952)
- Karl Kerényi (Hungarian, 1897–1973)
- Wilhelm Kergel (Austrian, 1822-1891)
- Franz Kern (German, 1830-1894)
- Otto Kern (German, 1863–1942)
- Rudolf Keydell (German, 1887–1982)
- Karl Keyßner (German, 1906–1978)
- Heinrich Kiepert (German, 1818–1899)
- Adolph Kießling (German, 1837-1893)
- Karl Frederik Kinch (Dane, 1853–1921)
- Lida Shaw King (American, 1868-1932)
- Gottfried Kinkel (German, 1844-1891)
- Adolf Kirchhoff (German, 1826–1908)
- Johannes Kirchner (German, 1859–1940)
- Humphrey Davy Findley Kitto (British, 1897-1982)
- Alois Klar (Böhme, 1763–1833)
- Rudolf Heinrich Klausen (German, 1807-1840)
- Hermann Kleinknecht (German, 1901–1960)
- Paul Klimek (German, 1859-1923)
- Friedrich Klingner (German, 1894–1968)
- Erich Klostermann (German, 1870–1963)
- Alfred Klotz (German, 1874–1956)
- Reinhold Klotz (German, 1807–1870)
- Georg Knaack (German, 1857–1905)
- Paul Knapp (German, 1851–1908)
- Ulrich Knoche (German, 1902–1968)
- Hermann Knöllinger (German, 1883–1914)
- Bernard MacGregor Walker Knox (American, 1914-2010)
- Alice Kober (American, 1906-1950)
- Alwin Koch (German, 1839-1919)
- Carl Koch (German, 1907–1956)
- Christian Koch (German, 1781–1861)
- Emil Koch (German, 1857–1921)
- Erduin Julius Koch (German, 1764–1834)
- Georg Aenotheus Koch (German, 1802–1879)
- Bernhard Kock (German, 1885–1973)
- Theodor Kock (German, 1820–1901)
- Hermann Köchly (German, 1815–1876)
- Franz Köhler (German, 1840-1919)
- Georg Ludwig König (German, 1766–1849)
- Gustav Köpke (German, 1773-1837)
- Reinhold Köpke (German, 1839-1915)
- Alfred Körte (German, 1866–1946)
- Georg Koës (Dane, 1782–1812)
- Erich Koestermann (German, 1901–1973)
- Paul Koetschau (German, 1857–1939)
- Philipp Kohlmann (German, 1842–1889)
- Joseph Kopp (German, 1788–1842)
- Waldemar Kopp (German, 1825–1881)
- Stylianos Korres (Greek, 1910–1989)
- Max Kottmann (German, 1867–1948)
- Friedrich Karl Kraft (German, 1786–1866)
- Eduard Krah (German, 1820-1896)
- Friedrich Kraner (German, 1812–1863)
- Walther Kranz (German, 1884–1960)
- Walther Kraus (Austrian, 1902–1997)
- Johann Heinrich Krause (German, 1800–1862)
- Johann Philipp Krebs (German, 1771–1850)
- Friedrich Christian Kries (German, 1768–1849)
- Fritz Krohn (German, 1873-1941)
- Ernst Kroker (German, 1859-1927)
- Josef Kroll (German, 1889–1980)
- Wilhelm Kroll (German, 1869–1939)
- Emil Kroymann (German, 1865–1951)
- Jürgen Kroymann (German, 1911–1980)
- Wilhelm Kuchenmüller (German, 1900–1998)
- Bernhard Kübler (German, 1859–1940)
- Otto Kübler (German, 1827-1912)
- Joseph-Hans Kühn (German, 1911–1994)
- Raphael Kühner (German, 1802–1878)
- Johann Wilhelm Kuithan (German, 1760–1831)
- Richard Cornelius Kukula (Austrian, 1862-1919)
- Heinrich Kunhardt (German, 1772–1844)
- Karl Kunst (Austrian, 1895–1926)
- Alfons Kurfess (German, 1889-1965)
- Jan Kvíčala (Czech, 1834–1908)
- Lotte Labowsky (German, 1905-1991)
- Friedrich Lachmann (German, 1800–1828)
- Karl Lachmann (German, 1793-1851)
- Vera Lachmann (German, 1904–1985)
- Theodor Ladewig (German, before 1812–1878)
- Gordon Jennings Laing (American, 1869-1945)
- Hans Lamer (German, 1873-1939)
- Edmund Lammert (German, 1847-1921)
- Friedrich Lammert (German, 1890–1956)
- Gustav Landgraf (German, 1857-1932)
- Georg Peter Landmann (Swiss, 1905–1994)
- George Martin Lane (American, 1823-1897)
- Mabel Lang (American, 1917-2010)
- Adolph Gottlob Lange (German, 1778–1831)
- Edmund Lange (German, 1855-1932)
- Ludwig Lange (German, 1825–1885)
- Peter Langen (German, 1835-1897)
- Hermann Langerbeck (German, 1908–1964)
- Richard Laqueur (German, 1881–1959)
- Ernst von Lasaulx (German, 1805–1861)
- John Francis Latimer (American, 1903-1991)
- Kurt Latte (German, 1891–1964)
- Wassili Wassiljewitsch Latyshev (Russian,? –1921)
- Bernhard Laum (German, 1884–1974)
- Bruno Lavagnini (Italian, 1898–1992)
- John Cuthbert Lawson (British, 1874–?)
- Abby Leach (American, 1855-1918)
- Philippe Le Bas (French, 1794-1860)
- Henri Lebègue (French, 1856–1938)
- Gustave Lefebvre (French, 1879–1957)
- Otto Leggewie (German, 1910–1991)
- Hermann Friedrich Christoph Lehmann (German, 1821–1879)
- Paul Lehmann (German, 1884–1964)
- Karl Lehrs (German, 1802–1878)
- Hans Leisegang (German, 1890–1951)
- Nicolaus Eligius Lemaire (French, 1767–1832)
- Werner Lemke (German, 1914–1986)
- Hermann Lemp (German, 1912–1990)
- John Lemprière (British, 1765-1824)
- August Lentz (German, 1820–1868)
- Leonhard Lentz (German, 1813–1887)
- Friedrich Leo (German, 1851-1914)
- Giacomo Leopardi (Italian, 1798–1837)
- Laurenz Lersch (German, 1811–1849)
- Albin Lesky (Austrian, 1896–1981)
- Karl Lessing (German, 1853-1917)
- Manu Leumann (German, 1889–1977)
- Ernst von Leutsch (German, 1808-1887)
- María Rosa Lida de Malkiel (American, 1910–1962)
- Henry George Liddell (British, 1811–1898)
- Eugen Lieben (Czech, 1886–1944)
- Eduard Liechtenhan (Swiss, 1891–1965)
- Josef Liegle (German, 1893 – around 1945)
- Levi Robert Lind (American, 1906-2008)
- Friedrich Lindemann (German, 1792-1854)
- Emanuel Linder (German, 1768–1843)
- Wallace Martin Lindsay (British, 1858-1937)
- Ivan M. Linforth (American, 1879–1976)
- Gustav Linker (German, 1827-1881)
- Edwin Linkomies (Finn, 1894–1963)
- Anton Linsmayer (German, 1827–1886)
- Heinrich Albert Lion (German, 1796–1867)
- Justus Hermann Lipsius (German, 1834–1920)
- Eduard Lisco (German, 1879–1941)
- Christian August Lobeck (German, 1781–1860)
- Florian Lobeck (German, 1816–1869)
- Edgar Lobel (British, 1888–1982)
- Johann Eduard Loch (German, 1840–1905)
- James Loeb (American, 1867-1933)
- Einar Löfstedt (Swede, 1880–1955)
- Vitus Loers (German, 1792–1862)
- Gustav Löwe (German, 1852-1913)
- Ernst Lommatzsch (German, 1871-1949)
- George Long (British, 1800--1879)
- Karl Lorentzen (German, 1817–1888)
- Christian Gottlob Lorenz (German, 1804–1873)
- Donald William Lucas (British, 1905–1985)
- Hans Lucas (German, 1865-1939)
- August Luchs (German, 1849–1938)
- Marx Johannes Friedrich Lucht (German, 1804-1891)
- Hermann Luckenbach (German, 1856–1949)
- Arthur Ludwich (German, 1840-1920)
- Eduard Lübbert (German, 1830–1889)
- Friedrich Lübker (German, 1811–1867)
- Robert Lück (German, 1851–1930)
- Georg Heinrich Lünemann (German, 1780–1830)
- Christian Lütjohann (German, 1846-1884)
- Luo Niansheng (Chinese, 1904–1990)
- Otto Luschnat (German, 1911–1990)
- Wilhelm Luther (German, 1910–1976)
- Anton Lutterbeck (German, 1812–1882)
- Paul Maas (German, 1880–1964)
- Ernst Maass (German, 1856–1929)
- Dietrich Mack (German, 1913-2001)
- Ludwig Mader (German, 1883–1956)
- Johan Nicolai Madvig (Dane, 1804-1886)
- Jacob Achilles Mähly (Swiss, 1828–1902)
- Augusto Magne (Brazilian, 1887–1966)
- Hugo Magnus (German, 1851-1924)
- Angelo Mai (Italian, 1782-1854)
- Ernst Majer-Leonhard (German, 1889–1966)
- John Richardson Major (British, 1797–1876)
- Enrica Malcovati (Italian, 1894–1990)
- Antoni Małecki (Pole, 1821-1913)
- Ludolf Malten (German, 1879–1969)
- Johann Kaspar Friedrich Manso (German, 1759–1826)
- Ernst Marbach (German, 1893–1939)
- Walter Marg (German, 1910–1983)
- Jules Marouzeau (French, 1878–1964)
- Paul Marquard (German, 1836–1872)
- Joachim Marquardt (German, 1812–1882)
- Josef Martin (German, 1884–1973)
- Edgar Martini (German, 1871-1932)
- Friedrich Marx (German, 1859-1941)
- Friedrich Christian Matthiä (German, 1763–1822)
- Georg Mau (German, 1880-1967)
- Jürgen Mau (German, 1916–2007)
- Berthold Maurenbrecher (German, 1868–1943)
- Johannes Maybaum (German, 1864–1932)
- Karl Mayhoff (German, 1841-1914)
- John W. McCrindle (British, 1825-1913)
- Walton Brooks McDaniel (American, 1871-1978)
- Friedrich Mehmel (German, 1910–1951)
- Moritz Hermann Eduard Meier (German, 1796–1855)
- August Meineke (German, 1790–1870)
- Ferdinand Meister (German, 1828–1915)
- Karl Meister (German, 1880–1963)
- Richard Meister (Austrian, 1881–1964)
- Ludwig Mendelssohn (German, 1852–?)
- Heinrich Quantity (German, 1838 – after 1904)
- Hermann Quantity (German, 1841–1939)
- Rudolf Quantity (German, 1845-1912)
- Ludwig Mercklin (German, 1816–1863)
- Hugo Merguet (German, 1941-1911)
- Piero Meriggi (Italian, 1899–1982)
- Benjamin Dean Meritt (American, 1899–1989)
- Reinhold Merkelbach (German, 1918-2006)
- Augustus C. Merriam (American, 1843–1895)
- Josef Mesk (Austrian, 1869–1946)
- Adolf von Mess (German, 1875-1916)
- Hans Joachim Mette (German, 1906–1986)
- Karl Meuli (Swiss, 1891–1968)
- Heinrich Meusel (German, 1844-1916)
- Johannes Mewaldt (German, 1880–1964)
- Heinrich Meyer (Swiss, 1802–1871)
- Wilhelm Meyer (German, 1845-1917)
- Fritz Mielentz (German, 1892–1945)
- Emmanuel Miller (French, 1812-1886)
- Konstantinos Minas (German, 1788-1859)
- Johannes Minckwitz (German, 1812–1885)
- Franz Misteli (Swiss, 1841–1903)
- Christoph Wilhelm Mitscherlich (German, 1760-1854)
- Karl Mittelhaus (German, 1877–1946)
- Annelise Modrze (German, 1901–1938)
- Ernst von Mohl (German, 1849–1929)
- Eduard Moll (German, 1849–1933)
- August Mommsen (German, 1821-1913)
- Theodor Mommsen (German, 1817–1903)
- Tycho Mommsen (German, 1819-1900)
- Clifford Herschel Moore (American, 1866-1931)
- Edward Moore (British, 1835-1916)
- Paul Moraux (Belgian, 1919–1985)
- Willy Morel (German, 1894–1973)
- Karl Morgenstern (German, 1770–?)
- Edward Parmelee Morris (American, 1853-1938)
- Otoniel Mota (Brazilian, 1878–1951)
- Karl Mras (Austrian, 1877–1962)
- Rudolf Much (Austrian, 1862–1936)
- Albert Muchar (Austrian, 1786–1849)
- Peter von der Mühll (Swiss, 1885–1970)
- Dietrich Mülder (German, 1861–1947)
- Anton Müller (German, 1792–1843)
- Bruno Albin Müller (German, 1879–1939)
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Müller (German, 1830–1903)
- Eduard Müller (German, 1804–1875)
- Emil Heinrich Otto Müller (German, 1826–1914)
- Friedrich Müller (German, 1900–1975)
- Gerhard Müller (German, 1907–1988)
- Hermann Friedrich Müller (German, 1843-1919)
- Hieronymus Müller (German, 1785–1861)
- Iwan von Müller (German, 1830-1917)
- Johannes Müller (German, 1832-1918)
- Karl Müller (German, 1813-1894)
- Karl Konrad Müller (German, 1854–1903)
- Karl Otfried Müller (German, 1797–1840)
- Lucian Müller (German, 1836–1898)
- Karl Münscher (German, 1871–1936)
- Friedrich Münzer (German, 1868–1942)
- Christian Muff (German, 1841-1911)
- Friedrich Wilhelm August Mullach (German, 1807–1882)
- Frederik Muller Jzn. (Dutch, 1883-1944)
- Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro (British, 189-1885)
- Gilbert Murray (British, 1866-1957)
- Robert Muth (Austrian, 1916-2008)
- Hermann Mutschmann (German, 1882–1918)
- Roger AB Mynors (British, 1903-1989)
- Samuel Adrianus Naber (Dutch, 1828–1913)
- Hermann Ludwig Nadermann (German, 1778–1860)
- Karl Friedrich Nägelsbach (German, 1806-1859)
- August Ferdinand Naeke (German, 1788–1838)
- August Nauck (German, 1822-1892)
- Carl Nauck (German, 1813–1890)
- Alexander Negris (Greek, 19th century)
- Géza Némethy (Hungarian, 1865–1937)
- Walter Nestle (German, 1902–1945)
- Wilhelm Nestle (German, 1865–1959)
- Adelheid Netoliczka-Baldershofen (Austrian, 1875–1958)
- Annemarie Jeanette Neubecker (German, 1908-2001)
- Henry Nettleship (British, 1839-1893)
- Christian Friedrich Neue (German, 1798 / 99–1886)
- Max Niedermann (Swiss, 1874–1954)
- Konrad Niemeyer (German, 1829–1903)
- Benedikt Niese (German, 1849-1910)
- Friedrich Nietzsche (German, 1844–1900)
- Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (Greek, 1786–1841)
- Nils Nilén (Swede, 1851-1930)
- Martin Persson Nilsson (Swede, 1874–1967)
- Carl Nipperdey (German, 1821–1875)
- Gregor Wilhelm Nitzsch (German, 1790–1861)
- Andreas Christoph Niz (German, 1764–1810)
- Ferdinand Noack (German, 1865-1931)
- Karl Friedrich August Nobbe (German, 1791–1878)
- Arthur Darby Nock (British, 1902–1963)
- Johann Adam Nodell (Dutch, 1754–1814)
- Eduard Norden (German, 1868–1941)
- George Norlin (American, 1871-1942)
- Medea Norsa (Italian, 1877–1952)
- William Norvin (Dane, 1878-1940)
- Gilbert Norwood (British, 1880-1954)
- Whitney Jennings Oates (American, 1904-1973)
- Lobegott Samuel Obbarius (German, 1788–1860)
- Theodor Obbarius (German, 1817–1855)
- Johannes Oberdick (German, 1835–1903)
- Ainsworth O'Brien Moore (American, 1897-1936)
- Eugen Oder (German, 1862–1926)
- August Oehler (Austrian, 1881–1920)
- Hans Oellacher (Austrian, 1889–1949)
- Friedrich Ohlenschlager (German, 1840-1916)
- Franz Olck (German, 1841–1905)
- Charles Henry Oldfather (American, 1887–1954)
- William Abbott Oldfather (American, 1880-1945)
- Revilo Pendleton Oliver (American, 1908-1994)
- André Oltramare (Swiss, 1884–1947)
- Richard Broxton Onians (British, 1899-1986)
- Hans Oppermann (German, 1895–1982)
- Johann Caspar von Orelli (Swiss, 1787–1849)
- S. Stanhope Orris (American, 1838-1905)
- Álvaro d'Ors (Spanish, 1915-2004)
- Friedrich Gotthilf Osann (German, 1794–1858)
- Hermann Easter (German, 1883–1944)
- Georg Ostrogorsky (Russian, 1902–1976)
- Brooks Otis (American, 1908-1977)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Otto (German, 1805–1866)
- Walter F. Otto (German, 1874–1958)
- Lewis R. Packard (American, 1838-1884)
- Denys Lionel Page (British, 1908-1978)
- Wilhelm Matthäus Pahl (German, 1795–1875)
- Johann Friedrich Palm (German, 1813–1871)
- Ugo Enrico Paoli (Italian, 1884–1963)
- Wilhelm Pape (German, 1807-1854)
- Charles Pomeroy Parker (American, 1852-1916)
- Milman Parry (American, 1902-1935)
- Giorgio Pasquali (Italian, 1885–1952)
- Franz Passow (German, 1786–1833)
- Wolfgang Passow (German, 1786–1833)
- William Roger Paton (British, 1857-1921)
- Harald Patzer (German, 1910-2005)
- Edwin Patzig (German, 1846–1929)
- Karl von Paucker (German, 1820-1883)
- Adolph Frederick Pauli (American, 1893-1976)
- August Friedrich Pauly (German, 1797–1845)
- Josef Pavlu (Austrian, 1877–1948)
- Alfred Chilton Pearson (British, 1861-1935)
- Arthur Stanley Pease (American, 1881–1964)
- Tracy Peck (American, 1838-1921)
- Werner Peek (German, 1904-1994)
- Petrus Hofman Peerlkamp (Dutch, 1786–1865)
- Rudolf Peiper (German, 1834–1898)
- Rudolf Peppmüller (German, 1843-1911)
- Bernadotte Perrin (American, 1847-1920)
- Ben Edwin Perry (American, 1892–1968)
- Hermann Peter (German, 1837-1914)
- Christian Petersen (German, 1802–1872)
- Leiva Petersen (German, 1912–1992)
- Michael Petschenig (Austrian, 1845–1923)
- Heinrich Friedrich Pfannkuche (German, 1766–1833)
- Karl Arno Pfeiff (German, 1909–1997)
- Rudolf Pfeiffer (German, 1889–1979)
- Friedrich Pfister (German, 1883–1967)
- Raimund Pfister (German, 1911-2004)
- Georg Pfligersdorffer (Austrian, 1916-2005)
- Hermann von der Pfordten (German, 1857–1933)
- Adolf Philippi (German, 1843-1918)
- Friedrich Philippi (German, 1853-1930)
- Adolf Philippi (German, 1843-1918)
- Robert Philippson (German, 1858–1942)
- Aristides Phoutrides (Greek, 1887–1923)
- Arthur W. Pickard-Cambridge (British, 1873-1952)
- Gustav Pinzger (German, 1800–1838)
- Édouard des Places (French, 1900--2000)
- Karl Christian Planck (German, 1819–1880)
- Wilhelm Plankl (Austrian, 1900–1958)
- Otto Plasberg (German, 1869–1924)
- Samuel Ball Platner (American, 1863-1921)
- Christian Friedrich Platz (German, 1800–1876)
- Frédéric Plessis (French, 1851–1942)
- Jakob Pley (German, 1886–1974)
- Hans Theodor Plüss (German, 1845-1919)
- Wilhelm Pökel (German, 1819–1897)
- Hans Poeschel (German, 1882–1948)
- Viktor Pöschl (German, 1910–1997)
- Max Pohlenz (German, 1872–1962)
- Franz Poland (German, 1857-1945)
- Erwin Pollack (German, 1863-1915)
- Hans Pomtow (German, 1859-1925)
- Ernst Friedrich Poppo (German, 1794–1866)
- Richard Porson (British, 1759-1808)
- Levi Arnold Post (American, 1889–1971)
- Enoch Powell (British, 1912-1998)
- Karl Praechter (German, 1858–1933)
- Carl von Prantl (German, 1820–1888)
- Claire Préaux (Belgian, 1904–1979)
- Theodor Preger (German, 1866-1911)
- Karl Preisendanz (German, 1883–1968)
- Richard Preiser (German, 1871-1945)
- Ludwig Preller (German, 1809–1861)
- William Kelly Prentice (American, 1871-1964)
- Henry W. Prescott (American, 1874–1943)
- Alexander Pridik (German,? –1936)
- Carl Prien (German, 1818-1896)
- Karl Prinz (Austrian, 1872–1945)
- Rudolf Prinz (German, 1847–1890)
- W. Kendrick Pritchett (American, 1909-2007)
- Gustaw Przychocki (Pole, 1884-1947)
- Gustav Queck (German, 1822-1897)
- Abraham Gottlieb Raabe (German, 1764–1845)
- Paul Rabbow (German, 1867–1956)
- Hugo Rabe (German, 1867-1932)
- Georg Raddatz (German, 1885–1945)
- Ludwig Radermacher (German, 1867–1952)
- Karl Radinger von Radinghofen (Austrian, 1869–1921)
- Vukašin Radišić (Serb, 1810–1843)
- Hans Ræder (Dane, 1869–1959)
- Edward Kennard Rand (American, 1871-1945)
- Karl Ferdinand Ranke (German, 1802–1876)
- Maurice Rat (French, 1893-1969)
- Rudolf Rauchstein (Swiss, 1798–1879)
- Johann Ernst Arminius von Rauschenplatt (German, 1807–1868)
- John Earle Raven (British, 1914-1980)
- Otto Regenbogen (German, 1891–1966)
- Albert Rehm (German, 1871-1949)
- Bernhard Rehm (German, 1909–1942)
- Johann Friedrich Jacob Reichenbach (German, 1760–1839)
- James Smith Reid (British, 1846-1926)
- August Reifferscheid (German, 1835–1887)
- Karl Reinhardt (German, 1886–1958)
- Emil Reisch (Austrian, 1863–1933)
- Friedrich Reisch (German, 1881–1921)
- Karl Christian Reisig (German, 1792–1829)
- Siegfried Reiter (Austrian, 1863–1943)
- Erich Reitzenstein (German, 1897–1976)
- Richard Reitzenstein (German, 1861–1931)
- Friedrich Wolfgang Reiz (German, 1733–1790)
- Heinrich Christian Michael Rettig (German, 1795–1836)
- Claude-Odon Reure (French, 1848–1923)
- Helga Reusch (German, 1916–1978)
- Franz Josef Hermann Reuter (German, 1799–1873)
- Olivier Reverdin (Swiss, 1913–2000)
- Maximilian Riba (Austrian, 1861–1929)
- Otto Ribbeck (German, 1827–1898)
- Woldemar Ribbeck (German, 1830–1902)
- Franz Richter (German, 1882-1917)
- Gustav Richter (German, 1838–1904)
- Otto Friedrich von Richter (German, 1792-1816)
- Will Richter (German, 1910–1984)
- Joseph Esmond Riddle (American, 1804-1859)
- William Ridgeway (British, 1858-1926)
- Wilhelm Riemschneider (German, 1896–1942)
- Alexander Riese (German, 1840-1924)
- Ernst Riess (German and American, 1865–1947)
- Paul Riewald (German, 1888–1915)
- Friedrich Anton Rigler (German, 1797–1874)
- Ernst Risch (Swiss, 1911–1988)
- Friedrich Ritschl (German, 1806–1876)
- Franz Ritter (German, 1803-1875)
- Albert Rivaud (French, 1876–1955)
- Edmund Yard Robbins (American, 1867-1942)
- Carl Robert (German, 1850-1922)
- Lorenzo Rocci (Italian, 1864–1950)
- Adolf Römer (German, 1843-1913)
- Egon Römisch (German, 1909–1976)
- Erwin Rohde (German, 1845–1898)
- Georg Rohde (German, 1899–1960)
- Jacqueline de Romilly (French, 1913-2010)
- Christoph Rommel (German, 1781-1859)
- Hans Rommel (German, 1890–1979)
- Alessandro Ronconi (Italian, 1909–1982)
- Antoon Gerard Roos (Dutch, 1877–1953)
- Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (German, 1845–1923)
- Herbert Jennings Rose (British, 1883–1961)
- Valentin Rose (German, 1829-1916)
- Georg Rosenthal (German, 1874–1934)
- August Rossbach (German, 1823–1898)
- Otto Rossbach (German, 1858–1931)
- Valentin Rost (German, 1790–1862)
- Moritz Rothert (German, 1802-1886)
- Max Rothstein (German, 1859-1940)
- William HD Rouse (British, 1863-1950)
- Louis Roussel (French, 1881–1971)
- Jacques Adolphe Charles Rovers (Dutch, 1803–1874)
- Henry T. Rowell (American, 1904–1974)
- Hans Rubenbauer (German, 1885–1963)
- Max Rubensohn (German, 1864-1913)
- Gunnar Rudberg (Swede, 1880–1954)
- Walter Rüegg (Swiss, 1918–2015)
- Friedrich Karl Rumpf (German, 1772–1824)
- Ernst Rupprecht (German, 1910–1941)
- Karl Rupprecht (German, 1889–1970)
- William Gunion Rutherford (British, 1853-1907)
- Alois Rzach (Austrian, 1850-1935)
- Eva Sachs (German, 1882-1936)
- Paul Sakolowski (German, 1872-1913)
- Ernst Samter (German, 1868–1926)
- Francis Henry Sandbach (British, 1903-1991)
- John Edwin Sandys (British, 1844-1922)
- Gustav Christoph Sarpe (German, 1779–1830)
- Gustav Albert Sauppe (German, 1802–1870)
- Hermann Sauppe (German, 1809-1893)
- Wolfgang Schadewaldt (German, 1900–1974)
- Erenbert Josef Schächer (Austrian, 1900–1974)
- Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer (German, 1835-1892)
- Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer (German, 1764–1840)
- Martin Schanz (German, 1842-1914)
- Edward G. Schauroth (American, 1888-1954)
- Eduard Scheer (German, 1840-1916)
- Karl Friedrich Scheibe (German, 1812–1869)
- Gerhard Scheibner (German, 1912–1994)
- Felix Scheidweiler (German, 1886–1958)
- Renata von Scheliha (German, 1901-1967)
- Arno Schenk (German, 1883–1943)
- Heinrich Schenkl (Austrian, 1859-1919)
- Karl Schenkl (Austrian, 1827–1900)
- Georg Schepss (German, 1852-1897)
- Otmar Schissel von Fleschenberg (Austrian, 1884–1943)
- Franz Eugen Schlachter (Swiss, 1859–1911)
- Friedrich Schleiermacher (German, 1768–1834)
- Eilhard Schlesinger (German, 1909–1968)
- Friedrich von Schlichtegroll (German, 1765–1822)
- Johann Christoph Schlueter (German, 1767–1841)
- August Schmekel (German, 1857-1934)
- Wilhelm Schmid (German, 1859–1951)
- Wolfgang Schmid (German, 1913–1980)
- Bernhard Schmidt (German, 1837-1917)
- Johannes Schmidt (German, 1850-1894)
- Johannes Schmidt (German, 1861-1926)
- Leopold Schmidt (German, 1824-1892)
- Magdalena Schmidt (German, 1885–1966)
- Max CP Schmidt (German, 1853-1918)
- Moritz Schmidt (German, 1823-1888)
- Friedrich Gotthelf Benjamin Schmieder (German, 1770–1838)
- Leonhard Schmitz (German, 1807–1890)
- Wilhelm Schmitz (German, 1828–1898)
- Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider (German, 1750–1822)
- Johannes Schneider (German, 1910-2006)
- Karl Ernst Christoph Schneider (German, 1786–1856)
- Otto Schneider (German, 1815–1880)
- Richard Schneider (German, 1835-1917)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Schneidewin (German, 1810-1856)
- Max Schneidewin (German, 1843-1931)
- Karl Schnelle (German, 1831–1890)
- Harry C. Schnur (German-American, 1907–1979)
- Adolf Schöll (German, 1805-1882)
- Fritz Schöll (German, 1850-1919)
- Rudolf Schöll (German, 1844-1893)
- Georg Friedrich Schömann (German, 1793–1879)
- Alfred Schöne (German, 1836–1918)
- Hermann Schöne (German, 1870–1941)
- Wilhelm Schöne (German, 1887–?)
- Alwyn Faber Scholfield (British, 1884-1969)
- Ludwig Schopen (German, 1799–1867)
- Moses Schorr (Pole, 1874–1941)
- Rudolf Schottlaender (German, 1900–1988)
- Hermann Schrader (German, 1841-1916)
- Emil Schreiner (German and Norwegian, 1831-1910)
- Otto Schröder (German, 1851–1937)
- Helmut Schroff (German, 1901–1945)
- Johann Heinrich Christian Schubart (German, 1800–1885)
- Wilhelm Schubart (German, 1873-1960)
- Julius Schubring (German, 1839-1914)
- Konrad Schubring (German, 1911–1966)
- Christian Gottfried Schütz (German, 1747–1832)
- Otto Schulthess (German, 1862–1839)
- August Schultz (German, 1852-1889)
- Hermann Schultz (German, 1881–1915)
- Johann Matthias Schultz (German, 1771–1849)
- Wilhelm Schulze (German, 1863-1935)
- Mauriz Schuster (Austrian, 1879–1952)
- Ludwig von Schwabe (German, 1835–1908)
- Moshe Schwabe (German and Israeli, 1889–1956)
- Eduard Schwartz (German, 1858–1940)
- Albert Schwegler (German, 1819-1857)
- Johann Gottfried Schweighäuser (German, 1776–1844)
- Johannes Schweighäuser (German, 1742–1830)
- Konrad Schwenck (German, 1793–1864)
- Walther Schwering (German, 1885–1915)
- Eduard Schwyzer (Swiss, 1874–1943)
- Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer (Swiss, 1908–1993)
- John A. Scott (American, 1867-1947)
- Robert Scott (British, 1811-1887)
- Heinrich Stephan Sedlmayer (Austrian, 1855–1928)
- Gottfried Seebode (German, 1792–1868)
- Ludwig Seeger (German, 1810–1864)
- Otto Seel (German, 1907–1975)
- Konrad Seeliger (German, 1852–1929)
- Emil Seelmann-Eggebert (German, 1859–1915)
- August Seidler (German, 1779–1851)
- William Young Sellar (British, 1825–1890)
- Kurt Selle (Ukrainian,? –1937)
- Wolfgang Seyfarth (German, 1906–1985)
- Moritz Ludwig Seyffert (German, 1809–1872)
- Oskar Seyffert (German, 1841–1906)
- Thomas Day Seymour (American, 1848–1907)
- DR Shackleton Bailey (British, 1917-2005)
- Paul Shorey (German, 1857-1934)
- Martin Sicherheitsl (German, 1914–2009)
- Karl Wilhelm Siebdrat (German, 1770–1934)
- Karl Gottfried Siebelis (German, 1769–1843)
- Max Siebourg (German, 1863-1936)
- Justus Siegismund (German, 1851–1876)
- Ernst Siegmann (German, 1915–1981)
- Wilhelm Sieveking (German, 1895–1946)
- Gottlob Reinhold Sievers (German, 1811–1866)
- Georg Sigwart (German, 1881–1952)
- Gabriel Rudolf Ludwig von Sinner (Swiss, 1801–1860)
- Karl Sintenis (German, 1806–1867)
- Ernst Sittig (German, 1887–1955)
- Karl Sittl , also Carl Sittl (German, 1862–1899)
- Jakob Sitzler (German, 1851–1927)
- Johann Andreas Sixt (German, 1742–1810)
- Franz Skutsch (German, 1865-1912)
- Otto Skutsch (German, 1906–1990)
- Charles Forster Smith (American, 1852-1931)
- Clement Lawrence Smith (American, 1844-1909)
- William Smith (British, 1813-1893)
- Herbert Weir Smyth (German, 1857-1937)
- Bruno Snell (German, 1896–1986)
- Frank M. Snowden, Jr. (American, 1911-2007)
- Friedrich Solmsen (German and American, 1904–1989)
- Christian Lorenz Sommer (German, 1796–1846)
- Édouard Sommer (French, 1822–1866)
- Ferdinand Johann Sommer (German, 1875–1962)
- Julius Sommerbrodt (German, 1813–1903)
- Peter Sonnenburg (German, 1859-1944)
- Walther Sontheimer (German, 1890–1984)
- Evangelinos Apostolides Sophocles (Greek, 1807-1883)
- Leonhard Spengel (German, 1803-1880)
- Friedrich Spiro (German, 1863-1940)
- Franz Spitzner (German, 1787–1841)
- Friedrich August Wilhelm Spohn (German, 1792–1824)
- Hermann Stadler (German, 1861–1921)
- Hugo Stadtmüller (German, 1845–1906)
- Friedrich Stählin (German, 1874–1936)
- Otto Stählin (German, 1868–1949)
- Johann Matthias Stahl (German, 1833-1916)
- Johann Gottfried Stallbaum (German, 1793–1861)
- William Bedell Stanford (Irish, 1910-1984)
- Thomas Stangl (German, 1854–1921)
- Rudolf Stark (German, 1912–1966)
- Viktor Stegemann (German, 1902–1948)
- Willy Stegemann (German, 1889–1946)
- Carl Stegmann (German, 1852–1929)
- Wolf Steidle (German, 1910-2003)
- Karl Steinhart (German, 1801–1872)
- Elias von Steinmeyer (German, 1848–1922)
- Eduard Stemplinger (German, 1870–1964)
- Heinrich Stengel (German, 1884–1970)
- Paul Stengel (German, 1851-1929)
- Julius Stenzel (German, 1883-1935)
- Ernst von Stern (German-Russian, 1859-1924)
- Leon Sternbach (German, 1864-1940)
- Paul Stettiner (German, 1862–1941)
- Hermann Steuding (German, 1850-1917)
- Joseph Stöckle (German, 1844-1893)
- Franz Stoessl (Austrian, 1910–1988)
- Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll (German, 1819–1890)
- Bernardus Hendrikus Stolte (Dutch, 1912–1985)
- Friedrich Stolz (German, 1850-1915)
- Selatie Edgar Stout (American, 1871-1969)
- Joseph Maria Stowasser (Austrian, 1854–1910)
- Hans Strache (German, 1886-1917)
- Wilhelm Theodor Streuber (German, 1816–1857)
- Eduard Ströbel (German, 1860-1919)
- Hans Strohm (German, 1908–1998)
- Johannes Stroux (German, 1886–1954)
- Theodor Struve (German, 1816–1886)
- Duane Reed Stuart (American, 1873-1941)
- Frank Henry Stubbings (British, 1915-2005)
- Wilhelm Studemund (German, 1843-1889)
- Diedrich Rudolf Stürenburg (German, 1811-1856)
- Heinrich Stürenburg (German, 1847–1934)
- Wilhelm Stüve (German, 1872–1921)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Sturz (German, 1762–1832)
- Reinhard Suchier (German, 1823–1907)
- Siegfried Sudhaus (German, 1863–1914)
- Rudolf Sühnel (German, 1907-2007)
- Wilhelm Süß (German, 1882–1969)
- Berthold Suhle (German, 1837–1904)
- Johannes Sundwall (Finn, 1877–1966)
- Franz Susemihl (German, 1826–1901)
- Josef Svnung (Swede, 1895–1985)
- Johannes Sykutris (Greek, 1901-1937)
- Árpád Szabó (Hungarian, 1913-2001)
- Gottlieb Lukas Friedrich Tafel (German, 1787–1860)
- Julius Tambornino (German, 1885–1964)
- Karlmann Tangl (Austrian, 1799–1866)
- Lily Ross Taylor (American, 1886-1969)
- Esaias Tegnér (German, 1782–1846)
- Nicola Terzaghi (Italian, 1880–1964)
- Wilhelm Siegmund Teuffel (German, 1820–1878)
- Theodor Thalheim (German, 1847–1921)
- Willy Theiler (Dedutscher, 1899–1977)
- Georg Thiele (German, 1866–1917)
- Richard Thiele (German, 1846–1907)
- Paul Thielscher (German, 1881–1962)
- Andreas Thierfelder (German, 1903–1986)
- Friedrich Thiersch (German, 1784–1860)
- Emil Thomas (German, 1858–1923)
- Émile Thomas (French, 1843-1923)
- George Derwent Thomson (British, 1903-1987)
- Eduard Thraemer (German, 1843-1916)
- Georg Thudichum (German, 1794–1873)
- Carl Olof Thulin (Swede, 1871–1921)
- Charles Thurot (French, 1823-1882)
- Édouard Tièche (French, 1877–1962)
- Rudolf Till (German, 1911–1979)
- Maria Timpanaro Cardini (Italian, 1890–1978)
- Karl Tittel (German, 1872–1943)
- Jaroslav Tkáč (Austrian, 1871–1927)
- Johannes Tolkiehn (German, 1865–1933)
- Adolf Torstrik (German, 1821–1877)
- Antonio Tovar (Spanish, 1911-1984)
- Ludwig Traube (German, 1861–1907)
- Samuel P. Tregelles (British, 1813-1875)
- Hans Treidler (German, 1891–1968)
- Adolf Trendelenburg (German, 1844–1941)
- Alois Tresp (German, 1884–1973)
- Max Treu (German, 1842–1915)
- Konrad Trieber (German, 1842–1913)
- Mary Luella Trowbridge (American, 1894-1941)
- Constantine A. Trypanis (Greek, 1909-1993)
- Rudolf Tschudi (Swiss, 1884–1960)
- Karl Tümpel (German, 1855-1940)
- Gustav Türk (German, 1870-1948)
- Eric Gardner Turner (British, 1911-1983)
- Alexander Turyn (Polish and American, 1900-1981)
- Gustav Uhlig (German, 1838–1914)
- Friedrich August Ukert (German, 1780-1851)
- Heinrich Ulrichs (German, 1807–1843)
- Franz Umpfenbach (German, 1835–1885)
- Heinrich Ludwig Urlichs (German, 1864–1935)
- Ludwig von Urlichs (German, 1813–1889)
- Hermann Usener (German, 1834–1905)
- Leonhard Usteri (Swiss, 1799–1833)
- Veikko Väänänen (Finn, 1905–1997)
- Johannes Vahlen (German, 1830-1911)
- Manara Valgimigli (Italian, 1876–1965)
- Marchinus van der Valk (Dutch, 1910–1992)
- Tommaso Vallauri (Italian, 1805-1897)
- Moritz Vermehren (German, 1829-1893)
- Jean-Pierre Vernant (French, 1914-2007)
- Arthur Verrall (British, 1851-1912)
- Paul Viereck (German, 1865-1944)
- Anton Viertel (German, 1841-1912)
- Wilhelm Vischer-Bilfinger (Swiss, 1808–1874)
- Girolamo Vitelli (German, 1849-1935)
- Johann Theodor Vömel (German, 1791–1868)
- Paul Vogel (German, 1856-1911)
- Theodor Vogel (German, 1856-1911)
- Friedrich Adolf Voigt (German, 1857–1939)
- Ludwig Voit (German, 1906-2001)
- Diederich Volkmann (German, 1838–1903)
- Richard Volkmann (German, 1832-1892)
- Walter Volkmann (German, 1857–1909)
- Gustav Volkmar (German, 1809-1893)
- Friedrich Vollmer (German, 1867-1923)
- Carsten Redlef Volquardsen (German, 1824–1875)
- Abraham Voss (German, 1785–1847)
- Heinrich Voss (German, 1779–1822)
- Johann Heinrich Voss (German, 1751–1821)
- Karl Vretska (Austrian, 1900–1983)
- Kurt Wachsmuth (German, 1837–1905)
- Richard Wachsmuth (German, 1840–1908)
- Jacob Wackernagel (Swiss, 1853–1938)
- Carl Wagener (German, 1842–1920)
- Jacobus van Wageningen (Dutch, 1864–1923)
- Aemilius Wagler (German, 1817-1883)
- Paul Wagler (German, 1861-1923)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner (German, 1814–1857)
- Karl Franz Christian Wagner (German, 1760–1847)
- Philipp Wagner (German, 1794–1873)
- Richard Wagner (German, 1860-1928)
- Richard Wagner (German, 1860-1937)
- Frank W. Walbank (British, 1909-2008)
- Georg Ludwig Walch (German, 1785–1838)
- Max Wallies (German, 1856-1925)
- Ernst Christian von Walz (German, 1802-1857)
- Richard Rudolf Walzer (German, British, 1900–1975)
- Boris Wassiljewitsch Warnecke (Russian,? –1944)
- Minton Warren (American, 1850-1907)
- Ernst Christian Wilhelm Weber (German, 1796–1865)
- Georg Weber (German, 1808–1888)
- Karl Friedrich Weber (German, 1794–1861)
- Nikolaus Wecklein (German, 1843–1926)
- Hans Wegehaupt (German, 1872–1914)
- Wilhelm Wegehaupt (German, 1845-1917)
- Jonathan August Weichert (German, 1788–1844)
- Anton Weiher (German, 1886–1961)
- Henri Weil (German and French, 1818–1909)
- Otto Weinreich (German, 1886–1972)
- Heinrich Weinstock (German, 1889–1960)
- Stefan Weinstock (German, 1901–1971)
- Georg Fritz Weiß (German, 1822-1893)
- Wilhelm Weißbrodt (German, 1836–1917)
- Hermann Weißenborn (German, 1813–1886)
- Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker (German, 1784–1868)
- August Wellauer (German, 1798–1831)
- Hermann Weller (German, 1878–1956)
- Eduard Wellmann (German, 1842–1918)
- Max Wellmann (German, 1863-1933)
- Carl Wendel (German, 1874–1951)
- Paul Wendland (German, 1864-1915)
- Emil Wendling (German, 1869–1941)
- Georg Wentzel (German, 1862-1919)
- Oskar Werner (German, 1885 - unknown)
- Konrad Wernicke (German, 1862–1900)
- Carle Wescher (French, 1832–1904)
- Karl Wessely (Austrian, 1860–1931)
- Paul Wessner (German, 1870-1933)
- Leendert Gerrit Westerink (Dutch, 1913–1990)
- Anton Westermann (German, 1806–1869)
- Rudolf Westphal (German, 1826-1892)
- Friedrich Carl Wex (German, 1801–1865)
- Carl Weyman (German, 1862-1931)
- Rudolf Weynand (German, 1875–1952)
- Arthur Leslie Wheeler (American, 1871-1932)
- Benjamin Ide Wheeler (American, 1854-1927)
- Friedrich Wieseler (German, 1811-1892)
- Rudolf Wiggers (German, 1902–?)
- Tycho von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (German, 1885–1914)
- Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (German, 1848–1931)
- Adolf Wilhelm (Austrian, 1864–1950)
- Walter Wili (Swiss, 1900–1975)
- Geoffrey Arthur Williamson (British, 1895-1982)
- Wilhelm Willige (German, 1890–1963)
- Eduard Williger (German, 1899–1932)
- August Wilmanns (German, 1833-1917)
- Franz Winiewski (German, 1802–1874)
- Lidia Winniczuk (Polish, 1904–1993)
- Paul von Winterfeld (German, 1872–1905)
- August Wissowa (German, 1797–1868)
- Georg Wissowa (German, 1859–1931)
- Kurt Witte (German, 1885–1950)
- Eduard Wölfflin (Swiss, 1831–1908)
- Friedrich August Wolf (German, 1759–1821)
- Alfred Wolff (German, 1885-1917)
- Erwin Wolff (German, 1897–1966)
- Donald Ernest Wilson Wormell (Irish, 1908–1990)
- Friedrich Wotke (Austrian, 1893–1960)
- Curt Woyte (German, 1879–?)
- Wilmer Cave Wright (American, 1868–1951)
- Johann Wrobel (Austrian, 1831–1909)
- Franz Wüllner (German, 1798–1842)
- Richard Wünsch (German, 1869–1915)
- Ernst Wüst (German, 1875–1959)
- Ernst Friedrich Wüstemann (German, 1799-1856)
- Pierre Wuilleumier (French, 1904–1979)
- Eduard Wunder (German, 1800–1869)
- Ernst Karl Friedrich Wunderlich (German, 1783–1816)
- Max Wundt (German, 1879–1963)
- Bernhard Wyss (Swiss, 1905–1986)
- Ernst Ferdinand Yxem (German, 1799–1867)
- Konrad Zacher (German, 1851–1907)
- Karl Zangemeister (German, 1837–1902)
- Eduard Zarncke (German, 1857-1936)
- Karl Zell (German, 1793–1873)
- Eduard Zeller (German, 1814–1908)
- Grigol Tsereteli (Georgian, 1870–1938)
- Konrat Ziegler (German, 1884–1974)
- Juliuszug (German, 1864-1925)
- Tadeusz Stefan Zieliński (Pole, 1859–1944)
- Johan Henrik Zilliacus (Finnish, 1908–1992)
- Albert Zimmermann (German, 1854-1925)
- Franz Zimmermann (German, 1891–1962)
- Anton Zingerle (Austrian, 1842–1910)
- Ernst Zinn (German, 1910–1990)
- Friedrich Zucker (German, 1881–1973)
- August Wilhelm Zumpt (German, 1815–1877)
- Karl Gottlob Zumpt (German, 1792–1849)
- Günther Zuntz (German and British, 1902–1992)
Present (mid 20th to 21st century)
see also Category: Classical Philologist (20th Century) , Category: Classical Philologist (21st Century)
- Michele Abbate (Italian, * 1970)
- Kenneth Morgan Abbott (American, 1906–1988)
- Karlhans Abel (German, 1919–1998)
- Walther Abel (German, 1906–1987)
- Hella Adam (German, * 1942)
- Konrad Adam (German, * 1942)
- Joachim Adamietz (German, 1934–1996)
- James Noel Adams (Australian, * 1943)
- Arthur William Hope Adkins (British, 1929–1996)
- Francisco Rodríguez Adrados (Spaniard, * 1922)
- Michael von Albrecht (German, * 1933)
- Keimpe Algra (Dutch, * 1959)
- Klaus Alpers (German, * 1935)
- Karin Alt (German, * 1928)
- Franz Altheim (German, 1898–1976)
- Jochen Althoff (German, * 1962)
- Wolfgang Aly (German, 1881–1962)
- Annemarie Ambühl (German, *)
- Kurt Anliker (Swiss, 1926-2006)
- Helmut Apffel (German, 1911-2007)
- Rudolph Arbesmann (American, 1895–1982)
- Marc-Aeilko Aris (German, * 1959)
- Arthur Hilary Armstrong (British, 1909-1997)
- William Geoffrey Arnott (British, 1930-2010)
- Graziano Arrighetti (Italian, 1928-2017)
- William Arrowsmith (American, 1924-1992)
- Alexander Arweiler (German, * 1967)
- Markus Asper (German, * 1968)
- Erwin Assmann (German, 1908–1984)
- Ulrike Auhagen (German, * 1967)
- Francisco Aura Jorro (Spanish, 20th century)
- Roland Gregory Austin (British, 1901-1974)
- Colin Austin (British, 1941-2010)
- Roland Gregory Austin (British, 1901-1974)
- Johanne Autenrieth (German, 1923-1996)
- Wolfram Ax (German, * 1944)
- Daniel Babut (French, 1929–2009)
- Andreas Bagordo (Italian, * 1971)
- Thomas Baier (German, * 1967)
- David Bain (British, 1945-2004)
- Barry Baldwin (British, born 1937)
- Matthias Baltes (German, 1940-2003)
- Herbert Bannert (Austrian, * 1950)
- Alessandro Barchiesi (Italian, born 1955)
- Marino Barchiesi (Italian, 1924–1975)
- William Spencer Barrett (British, 1914-2001)
- John Penrose Barron (British, 1934-2008)
- Klaus Bartels (German, 1936-2020)
- Heinz-Lothar Barth (German, * 1953)
- Antonín Bartoněk (Czech, 1926-2016)
- Shadi Bartsch (US-American, * 1966)
- Karl Barwick (German, 1883-1965)
- Gerhard Baudy (German, * 1950)
- Lydia Baumbach (South African, 1924–1991)
- Manuel Baumbach (German, * 1970)
- Karl Bayer (German, 1920–2009)
- Jean Bayet (French, 1886–1969)
- Leo Bazant-Hegemark (Austrian, * 1945)
- George Ewart Bean (British, 1903-1977)
- Jan-Wilhelm Beck (German, * 1963)
- Carl Becker (German, 1925–1973)
- Franz Beckmann (German, 1895–1966)
- Charles Allison Behr (American, 1934-2007)
- Hugo Beikircher (Italian, * 1942)
- Marina Belozerskaya (American, * 1966)
- Alberto Bernabé Pajares (Spanish, 1946)
- Seth Benardete (American, 1930-2001)
- Herbert W. Benario (American, born 1929)
- Emmett Leslie Bennett (American, 1918-2011)
- Lore Benz (German, * 1962)
- Leif Bergson (Swede, 1927–1999)
- André Bernand (French, 1923-2013)
- Wolfgang Bernard (German, * 1960)
- Hans Bernsdorff (German, * 1965)
- Heinz Berthold (German, 1927-2017)
- Andreas Beschorner (German, * 1963)
- Veselin Beševliev (Bulgarian, 1900–1992)
- Joseph Jacobus van den Besselaar (Dutch, 1916–1991)
- Anja Bettenworth (German, * 1973)
- Maurizio Bettini (Italian, * 1947)
- Rudolf Beutler (German, 1911–1975)
- Ernst Bickel (German, 1876–1961)
- Ludwig Bieler (Austrian and Irish, 1906–1981)
- Anton Bierl (German, * 1960)
- Clarence Powers Bill (American, 1875-1966)
- Margarethe Billerbeck (Swiss citizen, * 1945)
- Gerhard Binder (German, * 1937)
- Jürgen Blänsdorf (German, * 1936)
- Franz Blatt (Dane, 1903–1979)
- Raymond Bloch (French, 1914–1997)
- Achim Block (German, 1932-2019)
- Norbert Blößner (German, * 1959)
- Horst-Dieter Blume (German, * 1935)
- Wolfgang Blümel (German, * 1945)
- Henry J. Blumenthal (British, 1936-1998)
- Wilhelm Blümer (German, * 1959)
- Deborah Boedeker (American, born 1944)
- Emilie Boer (German, 1894–1980)
- Theodor Bögel (German, 1876–1973)
- Franz Bömer (German, 1911-2004)
- Reinhard Boetzkes (German, 1886–1967)
- Sandro Boldrini (Italian, * 1944)
- A. Machtelt Bolkestein (Dutch, 1944–2001)
- Jean Bollack (French, 1923–2012)
- Mayotte Bollack (French, 20th-21st centuries)
- Jacques Bompaire (French, 1924-2009)
- Willy Borgeaud (Swiss, 1913–1989)
- Eduard Bornemann (German, 1894–1976)
- István Borzsák (Hungarian, 1914-2007)
- André Boulanger (French, 1886–1958)
- Anthony J. Bowen (British, * 20th century)
- Glen Bowersock (American, born 1936)
- Angus Bowie (British, 20th-21st centuries)
- Ewen Bowie (British, 20th-21st centuries)
- Maurice Bowra (British, 1898–1971)
- Pierre Boyancé (French, 1900–1976)
- Barbara Weiden Boyd (US-American, * 1952)
- Bruce Karl Braswell (American, 1933-2013)
- Ludwig Braun (German, * 1943)
- Maximilian Braun (German, 1965-2015)
- Alice Braunlich (American, 1888–1989)
- Alfred Breitenbach (German, * 1972)
- Hans Rudolf Breitenbach (Swiss, 1923–2013)
- Hermann Breitenbach (Swiss, 1883–1967)
- Dieter Bremer (German, * 1938)
- Jan Maarten Bremer (Dutch, * 1932)
- Tad Brennan (American, born 1962)
- Gerlinde Bretzigheimer (German, * 1943)
- Ward W. Briggs (American, born 1945)
- Charles Oscar Brink (British, 1907-1994)
- Hennig Brinkmann (German, 1901–2000)
- Dominique Briquel (French, * 1946)
- Luc Brisson (Canadian and French, * 1946)
- Christian Brockmann (German, * 1960)
- Ferdinand Broemser (German, 1919-2001)
- Peter Brommer (Dutch, 1892–1982)
- Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton (Canadian, 1900--1993)
- Norman O. Brown (American, 1913-2002)
- Robert Browning (British, 1914-1997)
- Philippe Bruggisser (Swiss, 1955-2014)
- Franz Brunhölzl (German, 1924-2014)
- Walter Bubbe (German, 1890-1970)
- Vinzenz Buchheit (German, 1923-2008)
- Karl Büchner (German, 1910–1981)
- Winfried Bühler (German, 1929-2010)
- Stefan Büttner (German, * 1967)
- Erich Burck (German, 1901–1994)
- Thorsten Burkard (German, * 1967)
- Ernst Burkardt (German, 1928-2014)
- Walter Burkert (German, 1931-2015)
- Anne Pippin Burnett (American, 1925-2017)
- Stephan Busch (German, * 1966)
- Ernst Buschor (German, 1886–1961)
- Theodore V. Buttrey, Jr. (American, 1929-2018)
- Richard GA Buxton (British, * 20th century)
- Francis Cairns (British, 20th-21st centuries)
- Claude Calame (Swiss, * 1943)
- William M. Calder III (American, born 1932)
- Roberta Caldini Montanari (Italian, * 20th century)
- Alan Cameron (British, 1938-2017)
- Malcolm Campbell (British, born 1943)
- Hubert Cancik (German, * 1937)
- Hildegard Cancik-Lindemaier (German, * 1938)
- Luciano Canfora (Italian, * 1942)
- Wilhelm Capelle (German, 1871–1961)
- Burkhart Cardauns (German, * 1932)
- Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (Spanish and German, * 1963)
- Sergio Casali (Italian, born 1969)
- Lionel Casson (American, 1914-2009)
- Luigi Castiglioni (Italian, 1882–1965)
- John Leslie Catterall (American, 1905–1972)
- John Chadwick (British, 1920-1998)
- François Chamoux (French, 1915-2007)
- Pierre Chantraine (French, 1899–1974)
- Karl Heinz Chelius (German, 1934-2013)
- Tamara Choitz (German, * 1958)
- Nikos Ch. Chourmouziadis (Greek, 1930-2013)
- Johnny Christensen (Dane, * 1930)
- Johannes Christes (German, * 1937)
- Eckhard Christmann (German, * 1934)
- Mario Citroni (Italian, * 1944)
- Jo Marie Claassen (South African, * 20th century)
- Adolf Clasen (German, 1923-2016)
- Carl Joachim Classen (German, 1928–2013)
- Wendell Vernon Clausen (American, 1923-2006)
- Silvia Clavadetscher (Swiss, 1948–2013)
- Kathleen M. Coleman (American, born 1953)
- Christian-Friedrich Collatz (German, * 20th century)
- Howard Comfort (American, 1904-1993)
- Gian Biagio Conte (Italian, * 1941)
- Erwin F. Cook (American and British, born 1957)
- Edward Courtney (British, born 1932)
- Elizabeth Craik (British, born 1939)
- Gregory Crane (American, born 1957)
- Maria Cytowska (Polish, 1922-2007)
- Hellfried Dahlmann (German, 1905–1988)
- Alphonse Dain (French, 1896–1964)
- Andrew Dalby (British, born 1947)
- Joachim Dalfen (Austrian of German origin, 1936–2017)
- Lloyd William Daly (American, 1910–1989)
- Georg Danek (Austrian, * 1957)
- Susanne Daub (German, * 1964)
- Georges Daux (French, 1899–1988)
- Malcolm Davies (British, born 1951)
- Albert Debrunner (Swiss, 1884–1958)
- Enzo Degani (Italian, 1934-2000)
- Karl Deichgräber (German, 1903–1984)
- Maurizio Del Freo (Italian, * 20th century)
- Phillip DeLacy (American, 1913-2006)
- Marie Delcourt (Belgian, 1891–1979)
- Francesco Della Corte (Italian, 1913–1991)
- Josef Delz (Swiss, 1922-2005)
- Balázs Déri (Hungarian, * 1954)
- Marcel Detienne (Belgian, 1935-2019)
- Marcus Deufert (German, * 1970)
- Vincenzo Di Benedetto (Italian, 1934-2013)
- Gottfried Diener (German, 1907–1987)
- Karl-Martin Dietz (German, * 1945)
- James Diggle (British, born 1944)
- Albrecht Dihle (German, 1923-2020)
- Aubrey Diller (American, 1903–1985)
- Hans Diller (German, 1905–1977)
- John M. Dillon (Irish, * 1939)
- Mervin R. Dilts (American, born 1938)
- Joachim Dingel (German, * 1938)
- Tudor Dinu (Romanian, * 1978)
- Gennaro D'Ippolito (Italian, * 1936)
- Franz Dirlmeier (German, 1904–1977)
- Johannes Divjak (Austrian, * 1943)
- Gerhard Dobesch (Austrian, * 1939)
- Ernst Doblhofer (Austrian, 1919–2002)
- Eric Robertson Dodds (Irish, 1893-1979)
- Bruno Doer (German, 1905–?)
- Eugen Dönt (Austrian, * 1939)
- Siegmar Döpp (German, * 1941)
- Tiziano Dorandi (Italian, born 1954)
- Klaus Döring (German, * 1938)
- Alfred Paul Dorjahn (American, 1894–1986)
- Franz Dornseiff (German, 1888–1960)
- Heinrich Dörrie (German, 1911–1983)
- Kenneth Dover (British, 1920-2010)
- Paul Dräger (German, * 1942)
- Hans Drexler (German, 1895–1984)
- Hans-Peter Drögemüller (German, 1932–2015)
- Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs (Dutch, 1906-1998)
- Uwe Dubielzig (German, * 20th century)
- Yves Duhoux (Belgian, * 1942)
- Jürgen Dummer (German, 1935–2011)
- Florence Dupont (French, * 1943)
- Ingemar Düring (Swede, 1903–1984)
- Patricia Elizabeth Easterling (British, born 1934)
- Sten Ebbesen (Dane, * 1946)
- Dietrich Ebener (German, 1920–2011)
- Walter Eberhardt (German, 1895–1981)
- Joachim Ebert (German, 1930–1999)
- Ludwig Edelstein (German and American, 1902–1965)
- Bernd Effe (German, * 1942)
- Franz Egermann (German, 1905–1989)
- Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser (German, * 1967)
- Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (German, * 1941)
- Wilhelm Ehlers (German, 1908–1988)
- Caelestis Eichenseer (German, 1924-2008)
- Ulrich Eigler (German, * 1959)
- Philip van der Eijk (Dutch, * 1962)
- Herbert Eisenberger (German, * 1930)
- Werner Eisenhut (German, 1922–2011)
- Samson Eitrem (Norwegian, 1872–1966)
- Karl AE Enenkel (Austrian, * 1959)
- Helmut Engelmann (German, * 1937)
- Hartmut Erbse (German, 1915-2004)
- Michael Erler (German, * 1953)
- Alfred Ernout (French, 1879–1973)
- Juliette Ernst (Swiss, 1900–2001)
- Manfred Erren (German, * 1928)
- Christoph Eucken (German, * 1939)
- Hans Färber (German, 1906–1986)
- Fritz Fajen (German, * 1934)
- Elaine Fantham (British, 1933-2016)
- Christopher A. Faraone (American, born 1955)
- Wolfgang Fauth (German, * 1924)
- Charles Favez (Swiss, 1885–1960)
- Paolo Fedeli (Italian, * 1939)
- Denis Feeney (New Zealander, * 1955)
- Robert Feger (German, 1918–1987)
- Detlev Fehling (German, 1929-2008)
- Barbara Feichtinger-Zimmermann (Austrian, * 1963)
- Fritz Felgentreu (German, * 1968)
- Curt Fensterbusch (German, 1888–1978)
- Rolando Ferri (Italian, * 20th century)
- André-Jean Festugière (French, 1898–1982)
- Gerhard Fink (German, 1934-2013)
- Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (German, * 1948)
- Hellmut Flashar (German, * 1929)
- Ulrich Fleischer (German, 1910–1978)
- Helmut Flume (German, 1905-1999)
- Peter Flury (German, 1938-2001)
- Friedrich Focke (German, 1890-1970)
- Thorsten Fögen (German, * 1971)
- Sabine Föllinger (German, * 1963)
- Karl Förstel (German, 1928-2018)
- Helene P. Foley (American, born 1942)
- Joseph Eddy Fontenrose (American, 1903-1986)
- William Wall Fortenbaugh (American, born 1936)
- Don Paul Fowler (British, 1953-1999)
- Eduard Fraenkel (German, 1888–1970)
- Hermann Fränkel (German, 1888–1977)
- Joseph Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein (Austrian, 1910–1963)
- Marie-Louise von Franz (1915–1998)
- Georg Fraustadt (German, 1885–1968)
- Michael Frede (German, 1940-2007)
- Stefan Freund (German, * 1969)
- Åke Fridh (Swedish, 1918–1997)
- Paul Friedländer (German, 1882–1968)
- Anne Friedrich (German, * 20th century)
- Wolf-Hartmut Friedrich (German, 1907–2000)
- Holger Friis Johansen (Dane, 1927–1996)
- Peter Frisch (German, 1942-2015)
- Andreas Fritsch (German, * 1941)
- Kurt von Fritz (German, 1900–1985)
- Harald Fuchs (German, 1900–1985)
- Joachim Fugmann (German, * 1956)
- Therese Fuhrer (Swiss citizen, * 1959)
- Manfred Fuhrmann (German, 1925-2005)
- Gino Funaioli (Italian, 1878-1958)
- Hermann Funke (German, 1938-2015)
- David J. Furley (British, 1922-2010)
- William D. Furley (British, born 1953)
- Jan Felix Gaertner (German, * 1976)
- Hans Gärtner (German, 1934-2014)
- Hans Armin Gärtner (German, * 1930)
- Thomas Gärtner (German, * 1969)
- Ursula Gärtner (German, * 1965)
- Konrad Gaiser (German, 1929–1988)
- Karl Galinsky (American, born 1942)
- Dorothee Gall (German, * 1953)
- Ryszard Gansiniec (Pole, 1888–1958)
- José Luis García Ramón (Spaniard, * 1949)
- Ivan Garofalo (Italian, * 1948)
- Antonio Garzya (Italian, 1927-2012)
- Bardo Gauly (German, born 1957)
- Hans von Geisau (German, 1889–1972)
- Hans Joachim Geisler (German, 1934-2015)
- Thomas Gelzer (Swiss, 1926-2010)
- Bruno Gentili (philologist) (Italian, 1915-2014)
- Louis-Jules Gernet (French, 1882–1962)
- Karl-Heinz Gerschmann (German, 1924-2010)
- Hans Gerstinger (Austrian, 1885–1971)
- Mario Geymonat (Italian, 1941–2012)
- Giuseppe Giangrande (Italian, 1926-2013)
- Marcello Gigante (Italian, 1923-2001)
- Olof Gigon (Swiss, 1912–1998)
- Ingo Gildenhard (German, * 1970)
- James Frank Gilliam (American, 1915–1990)
- Friedrich Gisinger (German, 1888–1964)
- Katherina Glau (German, * 1964)
- Reinhold F. Glei (German, * 1959)
- Hans-Joachim Glücklich (German, * 1941)
- Christian Gnilka (German, * 1936)
Louis Godart (Belgian and Italian, * 1945)Giorgio Napolitano with Louis Godart
- Willi Göber (German, 1899–1961)
- Susanne Gödde (German, * 1965)
- Konrad Goehl (German, * 1938)
- Herwig Görgemanns (German, * 1931)
- Woldemar Görler (German, * 1933)
- Simon Goldhill (British, born 1957)
- Arnold Wycombe Gomme (British, 1886-1959)
- George Patrick Goold (British, 1922-2001)
- Francisco da Luz Rebelo Gonçalves (Portuguese, 1907–1982)
- Arthur Ernest Gordon (American, 1902-1989)
- Hans Gossen (German, 1884-1946)
- Alois Gotsmich (German, 1895–1974)
- Danielle Gourevitch (French, born 1941)
- Andrew Sydenham Farrar Gow (British, 1886–1978)
- Ernst Graf (1861–1940)
- Fritz Graf (Swiss, * 1944)
- Michael Grant (British, 1914-2004)
- Felix Grayeff (German and New Zealander, 1906–1981)
- Sabine Grebe (German, 1959-2009)
- William Chase Greene (American, 1890-1978)
- Hermann Grensemann (German, 1932-2015)
- Jonas Grethlein (German, * 1978)
- Farouk Grewing (German, * 1968)
- Jasper Griffin (British, 1937-2019)
- Mark Griffith (American, * 20th century)
- Pierre Grimal (French, 1912–1996)
- Pierre Gros (French, born 1939)
- Peter Grossardt (Swiss, * 1963)
- Joachim Gruber (German, * 1937)
- Ernst Grumach (German, 1902–1967)
- Rudolf Güngerich (German, 1900–1975)
- Hans-Christian Günther (German, * 1957)
- Constanze Güthenke (German, * 1972)
- Sophie Guex (Swiss citizen, * 1968)
- Helmut Gugel (Austrian, 1942–1972)
- Charles Burton Gulick (American, 1868–1962)
- Hans Georg Gundel (German, 1912–1999)
- Hermann Gundert (German, 1909–1974)
- Gasan Gusejnov (Russian, * 1953)
- Dimitri Gutas (American, born 1945)
- William Keith Chambers Guthrie (British, 1906-1981)
- Hans Gutzwiller (Swiss, 1913–1988)
- Erich Haag (German, 1901–1981)
- Peter Habermehl (German, * 1955)
- Paul Händel (German, 1927-2011)
- Berthold Häsler (German, 1909–1982)
- Reinhard Häußler (German, 1927-2005)
- Heinz Haffter (Swiss, 1905–1998)
- Dieter Hagedorn (German, * 1936)
- Ivo Hajnal (Austrian, * 1961)
- James W. Halporn (American, 1921-2011)
- Edith Hamilton (German-American, 1867–1963)
- Jürgen Hammerstaedt (German, * 1960)
- Eric Handley (British, 1926-2013)
- Dirk Uwe Hansen (German, * 1963)
- Günther Christian Hansen (German, 1929–2013)
- Peter Allan Hansen (Danish and British, 1944–2012)
- Rudolf Hanslik (Austrian, 1907–1982)
- Heinz Happ (German, 1931-1914)
- Richard Harder (German, 1896–1957)
- Colin Graham Hardie (British, 1906-1998)
- Philip Hardie (British, born 1952)
- William Francis Ross Hardie (British, 1902–1990)
- Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer (Austrian, * 1955)
- Dieter Harlfinger (German, * 1940)
- Stephen J. Harrison (British, * 1960)
- Werner Hartke (German, 1907-1993)
- Wilhelm Hartke (German, 1879–1966)
- Cornelius Hartz (German, * 1973)
- Eric A. Havelock (German, 1903–1988)
- Thomas Haye (German, * 1966)
- Malcolm Heath (British, born 1957)
- Eberhard Heck (German, * 1937)
- Andreas Heil (German, * 1969)
- Stephan Heilen (German, * 1965)
- Willibald Heilmann (German, 1928-2006)
- Rolf Heine (German, 1937-2018)
- Isaak Heinemann (German, 1876–1957)
- Felix Heinimann (Swiss, 1915-2006)
- Achim Heinrichs (German, * 1945)
- Hellmuth Heinze (German, 1892–1979)
- Felix Heinzer (Swiss, * 1950)
- Ernst Heitsch (German, 1928-2019)
- Konrad Heldmann (German, * 1940)
- John Lewis Heller (American, 1906–1988)
- Oliver Hellmann (German, * 1965)
- Rudolf Helm (German, 1872–1966)
- Christoph Helmig (German, * 1973)
- John Graham Wilmot Henderson (British, * 1948)
- George Lincoln Hendrickson (American, 1865–1963)
- Rainer Henke (German, * 1951)
- Albert Henrichs (German / American, 1942-2017)
- Oskar Hentschel (German, 1926-2019)
- Wolfgang Hering (German, 1928–1986)
- C. John Herington (American, 1924-1997)
- József Herman (Hungarian, 1924-2005)
- Hans Herter (German, 1899–1984)
- Bernhard Herzhoff (German, * 1944)
- Reinhart Herzog (German, 1941–1994)
- Alfred Heubeck (German, 1914–1987)
- Heinz Heubner (German, 1908–1995)
- Jacques Heurgon (French, 1903-1995)
- Stephen Heyworth (British)
- Gilbert Highet (British and American, 1906–1978)
- Hans Jürgen Hillen (German, * 1927)
- Michael Hillen (German, * 1958)
- Michael Hillgruber (German, * 1961)
- Otto Hiltbrunner (Swiss, 1913–2017)
- Stephen Hinds (Irish, * 20th century)
- Beate Hintzen (German, * 20th century)
- Eduard Hirsch (German, born 1928)
- Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (German, * 1967)
- Martina Hirschberger (German, * 1975)
- Carsten Høeg (Dane, 1896–1961)
- Uvo Hölscher (German, 1914–1996)
- Nicola Hömke (German, * 1970)
- Heinz Hofmann (German, * 1944)
- Johann Baptist Hofmann (German, 1886–1954)
- Walter Hofmann (German, * 1925)
- Adrian S. Hollis (British, 1940-2013)
- Niklas Holzberg (German, * 1946)
- Jens Holzhausen (German, * 1963)
- Helene Homeyer (German, 1898–1996)
- Hildebrecht Hommel (German, 1899–1996)
- James Thomas Hooker (British, 1931-1991)
- Hans-Jürgen Horn (German, * 1936)
- Geoffrey Horrocks (British, born 1951)
- Greg Horsley (Australian, * 20th century)
- Marietta Horster (German, * 1961)
- Axel Horstmann (German, * 1945)
- Martin Hose (German, * 1961)
- George W. Houston (German, * 1941)
- Ernst Howald (Swiss, 1887–1967)
- Margaret Hubbard (Australian, 1924-2011)
- Thomas K. Hubbard (American, born 1956)
- Wolfgang Hübner (German, * 1939)
- Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich (German, born 1959)
- Liselot Huchthausen (German, 1927-2020)
- Pascale Hummel (French, * 1963)
- Vincent Hunink (Dutch, * 1962)
- Richard Hunter (British, born 1953)
- Florian Hurka (German, * 1973)
- André Hurst (Swiss, * 1940)
- Gred Ibscher (German, 1906-1996)
- Sibylle Ihm (German, * 1965)
- Petar Hristov Ilievski (Macedonian, 1920-2013)
- Henry Rudolph Immerwahr (American, 1916-2013)
- Heinz Gerd Ingenkamp (German, * 1938)
- Brad Inwood (Canadian, born 1953)
- Jean Irigoin (French, 1920-2006)
- Dieter Irmer (German, * 1935)
- Johannes Irmscher (German, 1920–2000)
- Endre von Ivánka (Hungarian, 1902–1974)
- Günther Jachmann (German, 1887–1979)
- Felix Jacoby (German, 1876–1959)
- Werner Jaeger (German, 1888–1961)
- Rainer Jakobi (German, * 1958)
- Markus Janka (German, * 1969)
- Victor N. Jarcho (1920-2003)
- Karl Jax (Austrian, 1885–1968)
- Henri Jeanmaire (French, 1884–1960)
- Walter Jens (German, 1923-2013)
- Henry David Jocelyn (British, 1933-2000)
- Andrea Jördens (German, * 1958)
- Holger Friis Johansen (Dane, 1927–1996)
- Karsten Friis Johansen (Dane, 1930–2010)
- Walther John (German, 1893–1971)
- Klaus-Peter Johne (German, * 1941)
- Renate Johne (German, * 1940)
- Irene de Jong (Dutch, * 1957)
- Stevan Josifović (Yugoslav, 1906–1988)
- Jacques Jouanna (French, born 1935)
- Pierre Judet de la Combe (French, * 1949)
- Fritz Jürß (German, * 1932)
- Herbert Juhnke (German, 1932-2008)
- Johannes Kakridis (Greek, 1901-1992)
- Theofanis Kakridis (Greek, 1933-2019)
- Richard Kannicht (German, 1931-2020)
- Lutz Käppel (German, * 1960)
- Ernst Kapp (German, 1888–1978)
- Rudolf Kassel (German, 1926-2020)
- Helmut Kasten (German, 1895–1982)
- Karl Philipp Kayser (German, 1773-1827)
- Edward J. Kenney (British, 1924-2019)
- Karl Kerényi (Hungarian, 1897–1973)
- Arnd Kerkhecker (German, * 1965)
- Jula Kerschensteiner (German, 1917-1996)
- Rudolf Kettemann (German, * 1937)
- Ursula Keudel (German, 1940–1995)
- Wytse Hette Keulen (Dutch, * 1968)
- Rudolf Keydell (German, 1887–1982)
- Karl Keyßner (German, 1906–1978)
- Wilhelm Kierdorf (German, * 1938)
- Karl Kindermann (German, 1903–1983)
- Stefan Kipf (German, * 1964)
- Geoffrey Kirk (British, 1921-2003)
- Wolfgang Kirsch (German, 1938-2010)
- Robert Kirstein (German, * 1967)
- Walter Kißel (German, * 1951)
- Humphrey Davy Findley Kitto (British, 1897-1982)
- Elisabeth Klecker (Austrian, * 1960)
- Thomas Klein (German, * 1957)
- Hermann Kleinknecht (German, 1901–1960)
- Alexander Kleinlogel (German, 1928–2007)
- Joseph Klek (German, 1895–1971)
- Friedrich Klingner (German, 1894–1968)
- Claudia Klodt (German, * 1960)
- Gerrit Kloss (German, born 1961)
- Erich Klostermann (German, 1870–1963)
- Georg Nicolaus Knauer (German and American, 1926–2018)
- Gerda Knebel (German, 1919–1992)
- Ulrich Knoche (German, 1902–1968)
- Ortwin Knorr (German, * 1966)
- Bernard MacGregor Walker Knox (American, 1914-2010)
- Peter E. Knox (American, * 20th century)
- Carl Koch (German, 1907–1956)
- Wolfgang Kofler (Italian, * 1970)
- Ludwig Koenen (German and US-American, * 1931)
- Adolf Köhnken (German, 1938-2017)
- Erich Koestermann (German, 1901–1973)
- Rainer Kößling (German, * 1936)
- Thomas Köves-Zulauf (German, * 1923)
- Jutta Kollesch (German, * 1933)
- Gabriela Kompatscher-Gufler (Italian, * 1968)
- David Konstan (American, born 1940)
- E. Christian Kopff (US-American, * 1946)
- Martin Korenjak (Austrian, * 1971)
- Stylianos Korres (Greek, 1910–1989)
- Dietmar Korzeniewski (German, 1933–1979)
- Severin Koster (German, * 1942)
- Hans Krämer (German, 1929-2015)
- Peter Krafft (German, * 1938)
- Marek Krajewski (Pole, * 1966)
- Helmut Krasser (German, * 1959)
- Walther Kraus (Austrian, 1902–1997)
- Hans-Wolfgang Krautz (1948-2003)
- Heinrich Krefeld (German, 1922-2019)
- Werner Krenkel (German, 1926-2015)
- Tilman Krischer (German, 1931-2013)
- Dietfried Krömer (German, 1938-2006)
- Hans-Otto Kröner (German, 1928–2015)
- Josef Kroll (German, 1889–1980)
- Johann Christian Kroneberg (Russian, 1788–1838)
- Jürgen Kroymann (German, 1911–1980)
- Eveline Krummen (Swiss citizen, * 1956)
- Peter Kruschwitz (German, * 1973)
- Fridolf Kudlien (German, 1928–2008)
- Joseph-Hans Kühn (German, 1911–1994)
- Friedmar Kühnert (German, 1924–2002)
- Jochem Küppers (German, * 1946)
- Christoph Kugelmeier (German, * 1965)
- Peter Kuhlmann (German, * 1965)
- Wolfgang Kullmann (German, * 1927)
- Alfons Kurfess (German, 1889-1965)
- Bernhard Kytzler (German, * 1929)
- Lotte Labowsky (German, 1905-1991)
- Vera Lachmann (German, 1904–1985)
- André Laks (French, * 1950)
- Robert D. Lamberton (American, born 1943)
- Erich Lamberz (German, * 1943)
- Alessandro Lami (Italian, 1949-2015)
- Manfred Landfester (German, * 1937)
- Georg Peter Landmann (Swiss, 1905–1994)
- Eugene N. Lane (American, 1936-2007)
- Mabel Lang (American, 1917-2010)
- Hermann Langerbeck (German, 1908–1964)
- Antonio La Penna (Italian, * 1925)
- François Lasserre (Swiss, 1919–1989)
- Joachim Latacz (German, * 1934)
- John Francis Latimer (American, 1903-1991)
- Kurt Latte (German, 1891–1964)
- Dieter Lau (German, * 1940)
- Bernhard Laum (German, 1884–1974)
- Marion Lausberg (German, * 1946)
- Bruno Lavagnini (Italian, 1898–1992)
- Wolfgang Dieter Lebek (German, * 1938)
- André Le Bœuffle (French, 1924-2006)
- Kevin Hargreaves Lee (Australian, 1941-2001)
- Leopold Leeb (Austrian, * 1967)
- Anton Daniël Leeman (Dutch, 1921-2010)
- Eckard Lefèvre (German, * 1935)
- Mary Lefkowitz (American, born 1935)
- Otto Leggewie (German, 1910–1991)
- Paul Lehmann (German, 1884–1964)
- Luigi Lehnus (Italian, * 1946)
- Hermann Lemp (German, 1912–1990)
- Otto Lendle (German, 1926–1999)
- Klaus Lennartz (German, * 1963)
- Friedrich Walter Lenz (German and American, 1896–1969)
- Lutz Lenz (German, * 1942)
- Jürgen Leonhardt (German, * 1957)
- Albin Lesky (Austrian, 1896–1981)
- Manu Leumann (German, 1889–1977)
- María Rosa Lida de Malkiel (American, 1910–1962)
- Godo Lieberg (Baltic German, 1929-2016)
- Cay Lienau (German, * 1937)
- Wolf-Lüder Liebermann (German, * 1941)
- Eduard Liechtenhan (Swiss, 1891–1965)
- Levi Robert Lind (American, 1906-2008)
- Ivan M. Linforth (American, 1879–1976)
- Wilfried Lingenberg (German, * 1969)
- Edwin Linkomies (Finn, 1894–1963)
- Geoffrey Lloyd (British, born 1933)
- Hugh Lloyd-Jones (British, 1922-2009)
- Edgar Lobel (British, 1888–1982)
- Gerhard Löwe (German, 1923-2006)
- Dieter Lohmann (German, * 1938)
- Nicole Loraux (French, 1943-2003)
- Fritz Lošek (Austrian, * 1957)
- Manfred Lossau (German, 1934-2017)
- Frederico Lourenço (Portuguese, * 1963)
- Donald William Lucas (British, 1905–1985)
- John V. Luce (Irish, 1920-2011)
- Georg Luck (Swiss, 1926-2013)
- Walther Ludwig (German, * 1929)
- Allan A. Lund (Dane, * 1944)
- Luo Niansheng (Chinese, 1904–1990)
- Wolfgang Luppe (German, 1931-2014)
- Otto Luschnat (German, 1911–1990)
- Cecelia Luschnig (American, * 1942)
- Wilhelm Luther (German, 1910–1976)
- Paul Maas (German, 1880–1964)
- Douglas M. MacDowell (British, 1931-2010)
- Dietrich Mack (German, 1913-2001)
- Colin William MacLeod (British, 1943-1981)
- Herwig Maehler (German, born 1935)
- Irmgard Männlein-Robert (German, * 1970)
- Augusto Magne (Brazilian, 1887–1966)
- Friedrich Maier (German, born 1935)
- Ernst Majer-Leonhard (German, 1889–1966)
- Georgios Makris (Greek, * 1950)
- Ludolf Malten (German, 1879–1969)
- Friedhelm Mann (German, * 1942)
- Bernd Manuwald (German, * 1942)
- Gesine Manuwald (German, * 1974)
- Miroslav Marcovich (American, 1919-2001)
- Walter Marg (German, 1910–1983)
- Scevola Mariotti (Italian, 1920–2000)
- Jules Marouzeau (French, 1878–1964)
- Heinrich Marti (Swiss, 1930–2016)
- Jean Martin (French, 1926-2007)
- Josef Martin (German, 1884–1973)
- Richard P. Martin (American, born 1954)
- Benedetto Marzullo (Italian, 1923-2016)
- Kjeld Matthiessen (German, 1930-2010)
- Georg Mau (German, 1880-1967)
- Jürgen Mau (German, 1916–2007)
- Gregor Maurach (German, * 1932)
- Roland George Mayer (British, * 1947)
- Walton Brooks McDaniel (American, 1871-1978)
- Christina Meckelnborg (German, * 1956)
- Michael Meier-Brügger (Swiss, * 1948)
- Christel Meier-Staubach (German, * 1942)
- Karl Meister (German, 1880–1963)
- Richard Meister (Austrian, 1881–1964)
- José Luis Melena Jiménez (Spanish (Basque), * 1946)
- Eckart Mensching (German, 1936–2007)
- Piero Meriggi (Italian, 1899–1982)
- Benjamin Dean Meritt (American, 1899–1989)
- Reinhold Merkelbach (German, 1918-2006)
- Raimund Merker (German, * 1965)
- Hans Joachim Mette (German, 1906–1986)
- Karin Metzler (German, * 20th century)
- Karl Meuli (Swiss, 1891–1968)
- Johannes Mewaldt (German, 1880–1964)
- Doris Meyer (German, * 1964)
- Elizabeth Minchin (Australian)
- Nina Simone Mindt (German, * 1980)
- Luigi Miraglia (Italian, * 1965)
- Peter von Möllendorff (German, * 1963)
- Franco Montanari (Italian, * 1950)
- Hugo Montgomery (Norwegian, * 1932)
- Paul Moraux (Belgian, 1919–1985)
- Willy Morel (German, 1894–1973)
- Ludwig Alfred Moritz (German, 1921-2003)
- Glenn W. Most (American, born 1952)
- Dieter Motzkus (German, 1937-2016)
- Karl Mras (Austrian, 1877–1962)
- Peter von der Mühll (Swiss, 1885–1970)
- Carl Werner Müller (German, 1931-2018)
- Dietram Müller (German, * 1941)
- Gernot Michael Müller (German, * 1970)
- Friedhelm L. Müller (German, 1939-2014)
- Friedrich Müller (German, 1900–1975)
- Gerhard Müller (German, 1907–1988)
- Konrad Müller (Swiss, 1920–2015)
- Reimar Müller (German, 1932-2020)
- Christian Mueller-Goldingen (German, * 1954)
- Walter Müri (Swiss, 1899–1968)
- Franco Munari (Italian, 1920–1995)
- Johannes Mundhenk (German, 1909–1986)
- Heinz Munding (German, 1923-2004)
- Felix Mundt (German, * 1973)
- Gilbert Murray (British, 1866-1957)
- Robert Muth (Austrian, 1916-2008)
- Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (German, * 1946)
- Roger AB Mynors (British, 1903-1989)
- Werner Nagel (German, * 1937)
- Dietmar Najock (German, * 1941)
- Emanuele Narducci (Italian, 1950-2007)
- Heinz Neitzel (German, * 1938)
- Damien Nelis (British, * 20th century)
- Ada Neschke-Hentschke (German, 1942-2013)
- Heinz-Günther Nesselrath (German, * 1957)
- Wilhelm Nestle (German, 1865–1959)
- Serafim da Silva Neto (Brazilian, 1917-1960)
- Adelheid Netoliczka-Baldershofen (Austrian, 1875–1958)
- Annemarie Jeanette Neubecker (German, 1908-2001)
- Hans-Joachim Newiger (German, 1925–2011)
- Karl August Neuhausen (German, 1939-2017)
- Christoff Neumeister (German, * 1933)
- Klaus Nickau (German, * 1934)
- Diethard Nickel (German, * 1939)
- Rainer Nickel (German, * 1940)
- Walter Nicolai (German, 1933-2018)
- Max Niedermann (Swiss, 1874–1954)
- Oleg Nikitinsky (Russian, 1967-2015)
- Martin Persson Nilsson (Swede, 1874–1967)
- Robin GM Nisbet (British, 1925-2013)
- Arthur Darby Nock (British, 1902–1963)
- Heinz Nöbert (German, 1917–1987)
- Heinz-Werner Nörenberg (German, * 1940)
- René Nünlist (Swiss, * 20th century)
- Whitney Jennings Oates (American, 1904-1973)
- Dirk Obbink (US-American, * 1957)
- Hans Peter Obermayer (German, * 20th century)
- Alf Önnerfors (Swede, 1925-2019)
- Hans Henning Ørberg (Dane, 1920–2010)
- Robert Maxwell Ogilvie (British, 1932-1981)
- Charles Henry Oldfather (American, 1887–1954)
- Revilo Pendleton Oliver (American, 1908-1994)
- Jean-Pierre Olivier (Belgian, * 1939)
- Richard Broxton Onians (British, 1899-1986)
- Ilona Opelt (German, 1928–1991)
- Hans Oppermann (German, 1895–1982)
- Álvaro d'Ors (Spanish, 1915-2004)
- Christian Orth (German, * 1977)
- Vincenzo Ortoleva (Italian, * 1965)
- Georg Ostrogorsky (Russian, 1902–1976)
- Martin Ostwald (American, 1922-2010)
- Brooks Otis (American, 1908-1977)
- Walter F. Otto (German, 1874–1958)
- Gareth Alun Owens (British and Greek, * 1964)
- David W. Packard (American, born 1940)
- Ruth Padel (British, * 1946)
- Denys Lionel Page (British, 1908-1978)
- Ugo Enrico Paoli (Italian, 1884–1963)
- Manolis Papathomopoulos Μανόλης Παπαθωμόπουλος (Greek, * 1930)
- Heinz Papenhoff (German, 1931–2000)
- Douglass Parker (American, 1927-2011)
- Peter J. Parsons (British, born 1936)
- Michael Paschalis (Greek, * 20th century)
- François Paschoud (Swiss, * 1938)
- Steve Pasek (German, * 1975)
- Barbara Patzek (German, * 1948)
- Andreas Patzer (German, * 1943)
- Harald Patzer (German, 1910-2005)
- Dennis Pausch (German, * 1976)
- Thomas Paulsen (German, * 1959)
- Arthur Stanley Pease (American, 1881–1964)
- Werner Peek (German, 1904-1994)
- Tuomo Pekkanen (Finn, * 1934)
- John Peradotto (American, born 1933)
- Gerhard Perl (German, 1927-2008)
- Ben Edwin Perry (American, 1892–1968)
- Alessandro Perutelli (Italian, 1947-2007)
- Leiva Petersen (German, 1912–1992)
- Gerhard Petersmann (Austrian, * 1942)
- Hubert Petersmann (Austrian, 1940-2001)
- Mihail D. Petruševski (Yugoslav, 1911–1990)
- Georg Petzl (German, * 1941)
- Karl Arno Pfeiff (German, 1909–1997)
- Rudolf Pfeiffer (German, 1889–1979)
- Friedrich Pfister (German, 1883–1967)
- Raimund Pfister (German, 1911-2004)
- Georg Pfligersdorffer (Austrian, 1916-2005)
- Gerhard Pfohl (German, 1929-2016)
- Adelina Piatkowski (Romanian, 1920–2006)
- Arthur W. Pickard-Cambridge (British, 1873-1952)
- Christian Pietsch (German, * 1960)
- Jackie Pigeaud (French, 1937-2016)
- Harm Pinkster (Dutch, born 1942)
- Édouard des Places (French, 1900--2000)
- Karl Plepelits (Austrian, * 1940)
- Marian Plezia (Pole, 1917–1996)
- Egert Pöhlmann (German, * 1933)
- Viktor Pöschl (German, 1910–1997)
- Walter Pötscher (Austrian, 1928–2004)
- Max Pohlenz (German, 1872–1962)
- Sarah B. Pomeroy (American, * 1938)
- Filippo Maria Pontani (Italian, 1913–1983)
- Filippomaria Pontani (Italian, * 1976)
- Maurice Pope (British, 1926-2019)
- Sebastian Posch (Austrian, * 1936)
- Levi Arnold Post (American, 1889–1971)
- Jacques Poucet (Belgian, * 1935)
- Enoch Powell (British, 1912-1998)
- Claire Préaux (Belgian, 1904–1979)
- Karl Preisendanz (German, 1883–1968)
- Gert Preiser (German, * 1928)
- William Kelly Prentice (American, 1871-1964)
- Sesto Prete (Italian, 1919–1991)
- Oliver Primavesi (German, * 1961)
- Adolf Primmer (Austrian, 1931–2011)
- Mario Puelma (Swiss, 1917–2012)
- Michael Putnam (American, born 1933)
- Franz Quadlbauer (German, 1924–2009)
- Josef Rabl (German, * 1949)
- Jan Radicke (German, * 1965)
- Gerhard Radke (German, 1914–1999)
- Stefan Radt (Dutch, 1927–2017)
- Fidel Rädle (German, * 1935)
- Helmut Rahn (German, 1919-2007)
- Antonio Ramírez de Verger (Spaniard, * 1949)
- Maurice Rat (French, 1893-1969)
- Christine Ratkowitsch (Austrian, * 1953)
- Peter Rau (German, * 1940)
- John Earle Raven (British, 1914-1980)
- Georg Rechenauer (German, * 1956)
- Michael D. Reeve (British, born 1943)
- Frank Regen (German, 1939-2010)
- Barbara von Reibnitz (Swiss citizen, * 1955)
- Michael Reichel (German, * 1960)
- Karl Reinhardt (German, 1886–1958)
- Udo Reinhardt (German, * 1942)
- Christiane Reitz (German, * 1953)
- Erich Reitzenstein (German, 1897–1976)
- Antonios Rengakos (Greek, * 1957)
- Helga Reusch (German, 1916–1978)
- Olivier Reverdin (Swiss, 1913–2000)
- John E. Rexine (American, 1929-1993)
- Leighton Durham Reynolds (British, 1930-1999)
- Lawrence Richardson Jr. (American, 1920-2013)
- Will Richter (German, 1910–1984)
- Wolfgang Richter (German, * 1935)
- Volker Riedel (German, * 1943)
- Peter Riedlberger (German, * 1973)
- Christoph Riedweg (Swiss, * 1957)
- Rudolf Rieks (German, * 1937)
- Peter Riemer (German, * 1955)
- Thomas Riesenweber (German, * 1975)
- Albert Rijksbaron (Dutch, * 1943)
- Ernst Risch (Swiss, 1911–1988)
- Zsigmund Ritook (Hungarian, 1929)
- André Rivier (Swiss, 1914–1973)
- Georg Rohde (German, 1899–1960)
- Hermann Rohdich (German, 20th century)
- Franz Römer (Austrian, * 1943)
- Egon Römisch (German, 1909–1976)
- Kurt Roeske (German, * 1933)
- Wolfgang Rösler (German, * 1944)
- Jacqueline de Romilly (French, 1913-2010)
- Hans Rommel (German, 1890–1979)
- Alessandro Ronconi (Italian, 1909–1982)
- Herbert Jennings Rose (British, 1883–1961)
- Kenneth FC Rose (British, 1938-1967)
- Thomas G. Rosenmeyer (American, 1920–2007)
- Alexandra Rosokoki (Greek)
- Luigi Enrico Rossi (Italian, 1933–2009)
- Vincenzo Rotolo (Italian, * 1931)
- Louis Roussel (French, 1881–1971)
- Henry T. Rowell (American, 1904–1974)
- Hans Rubenbauer (German, 1885–1963)
- Walter Rüegg (Swiss, 1918–2015)
- Meike Rühl (German, * 1973)
- Jörg Rüpke (German, * 1962)
- Rudolf Rufener (Swiss, 1906–1972)
- Martín Ruipérez Sánchez (Spanish, 1923–2015)
- Cornelis Jord Ruijgh (Dutch, 1930-2004)
- Lorenz Rumpf (German)
- Karl Rupprecht (German, 1889–1970)
- Donald Andrew Russell (British, 1920-2020)
- Ian Rutherford (British, born 1959)
- Helmut Saake (German, * 1942)
- Klaus Sallmann (German, * 1934)
- Sencer Şahin (Turk, 1939-2014)
- Klaus Sallmann (German, * 1934)
- Francis Henry Sandbach (British, 1903-1991)
- Carlo Santini (Italian, born 1946)
- Wolfgang Schadewaldt (German, 1900–1974)
- Erenbert Josef Schächer (Austrian, 1900–1974)
- Eckart Schäfer (German, 1939-2018)
- Christoph Schäublin (Swiss, * 1941)
- Florian Schaffenrath (Austrian, * 1978)
- Helmut Schareika (German, 1946)
- Markus Schauer (German, 1967)
- Heinz Scheible (German, * 1931)
- Gerhard Scheibner (German, 1912–1994)
- Renata von Scheliha (German, 1901-1967)
- Peter Schenk (German, * 1953)
- Burkhard Scherer (German, * 1971)
- Willy Schetter (German, 1928–1992)
- Alessandro Schiesaro (Italian, * 1963)
- Ulrich Schindel (German, * 1935)
- Claudia Schindler (German, * 1967)
- Albert von Schirnding (German, * 1935)
- Thomas Schirren (German, * 1965)
- Egidius Schmalzriedt (German, 1935-2003)
- Gareth Schmeling (American, born 1940)
- Wolfgang Schmid (German, 1913–1980)
- Ernst A. Schmidt (German, * 1937)
- Ernst Günther Schmidt (German, 1929–1999)
- Martin Schmidt (German, 1933-2011)
- Peter Lebrecht Schmidt (German, 1933-2019)
- Volkmar Schmidt (German, 1933–1998)
- Arbogast Schmitt (German, * 1943)
- Christine Schmitz (German, * 1958)
- Thomas A. Schmitz (German, * 1963)
- Ulrich Schmitzer (German, * 1960)
- Bernd Schneider (German, * 1943)
- Johannes Schneider (German, 1910-2006)
- Harry C. Schnur (German-American 1907–1979)
- Martin Schöffberger (Austrian, * 1962)
- Otto Schönberger (German, * 1926)
- Klaus Schöpsdau (German, 1940-2016)
- Udo W. Scholz (German, * 1939)
- Stefan Schorn (German, * 1971)
- Rudolf Schottlaender (German, 1900–1988)
- Pieter Herman Schrijvers (Dutch, * 1939)
- Bianca-Jeanette Schröder (German, * 20th century)
- Heinrich Otto Schröder (German, 1906–1987)
- Stephan Schröder (German, * 1962)
- Wilt Aden Schröder (German, born 1942)
- Robert Schröter (German, 1921-2014)
- Wilhelm Schubart (German, 1873-1960)
- Christoph Schubert (German, * 1970)
- Paul Schubert (Swiss, * 1963)
- Werner Schubert (German, * 1953)
- Konrad Schubring (German, 1911–1966)
- Eckart Schütrumpf (German, * 1939)
- Jochen Schultheiß (German, * 1975)
- Joachim-Friedrich Schulze (German, 1924-2010)
- Mauriz Schuster (Austrian, 1879–1952)
- Hans Schwabl (Austrian, 1924-2016)
- Franz Ferdinand Schwarz (Austrian, 1934-2001)
- Jürgen Paul Schwindt (German, * 1961)
- Ernst-Richard Schwinge (German, * 1934)
- Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer (Swiss, 1908–1993)
- Gustav Adolf Seeck (German, * 1933)
- Otto Seel (German, 1907–1975)
- Charles Segal (American, 1936-2002)
- Bernd Seidensticker (German, * 1939)
- Kurt Selle (German, 1932-2007)
- Helmut Seng (German, * 1961)
- Wolfgang Seyfarth (German, 1906–1985)
- DR Shackleton Bailey (British, 1917-2005)
- Danuta Shanzer (American, born 1956)
- Robert W. Sharples (British, 1949-2010)
- Maurice Sheehy (Irish, 1928–1991)
- Cynthia W. Shelmerdine (American, * 20th century)
- Anne DR Sheppard (British, born 1951)
- Martin Sicherheitsl (German, 1914–2009)
- Alexander Sideras (Greek, 1935-2019)
- Heinrich von Siebenthal (Swiss, * 1945)
- Ernst Siegmann (German, 1915–1981)
- Kurt Sier (German, * 1955)
- Michael Stephen Silk (British, born 1941)
- Marie Simon (German, 1922-1998)
- Ernst Sittig (German, 1887–1955)
- Otto Skutsch (German, 1906–1990)
- Ineke Sluiter (Dutch, * 1959)
- Martin Ferguson Smith (Irish, * 1940)
- Kurt Smolak (Austrian, * 1944)
- Bruno Snell (German, 1896–1986)
- Frank M. Snowden, Jr. (American, 1911-2007)
- Heikki Solin (Finn, * 1938)
- Friedrich Solmsen (German and American, 1904–1989)
- Ferdinand Johann Sommer (German, 1875–1962)
- Walther Sontheimer (German, 1890–1984)
- François colonies stone (Swiss, born 1949)
- Wolfgang Speyer (German, * 1933)
- Andreas Spira (German, 1929-2004)
- Walter Spoerri (Swiss, 1927-2016)
- Heinrich von Staden (German-American, born 1939)
- Ekkehard Stark (German, 1958–2001)
- Ulrich Staffhorst (German, * 1940)
- Hans-Peter Stahl (German, * 1932)
- William Bedell Stanford (Irish, 1910-1984)
- Rudolf Stark (German, 1912–1966)
- Wolf Steidle (German, 1910-2003)
- Elisabeth Stein (German, * 1961)
- Markus Stein (German, * 1962)
- Peter Steinmetz (German, 1925-2001)
- Hermann Steinthal (German, 1925-2014)
- Eduard Stemplinger (German, 1870–1964)
- Heinrich Stengel (German, 1884–1970)
- Jan Stenger (German, * 1972)
- Zeph Stewart (American, 1921-2007)
- Klaus Stiewe (German, 1927–1987)
- Walter Stockert (Austrian, * 1940)
- Franz Stoessl (Austrian, 1910–1988)
- W. Royal Stokes (American, born 1930)
- Bernardus Hendrikus Stolte (Dutch, 1912–1985)
- Peter Stotz (Swiss, * 1942)
- Selatie Edgar Stout (American, 1871-1969)
- Wilfried Stroh (German, * 1939)
- Hans Strohm (German, 1908–1998)
- Gotthard Strohmaier (German, * 1934)
- Donald E. Strout (American, 1906-1986)
- Johannes Stroux (German, 1886–1954)
- Frank Henry Stubbings (British, 1915-2005)
- Alfred Stückelberger (Swiss, * 1935)
- Jerzy Styka (Pole, * 1954)
- Rudolf Sühnel (German, 1907-2007)
- Werner Suerbaum (German, * 1933)
- Wilhelm Süß (German, 1882–1969)
- John P. Sullivan (American, 1930-1993)
- Johannes Sundwall (Finn, 1877–1966)
- Jesper Svenbro (Swede, * 1944)
- Hans Peter Syndikus (German, * 1927)
- Hanna Szelest (Polish, 1920–2006)
- Thomas A. Szlezák (German, * 1940)
- Árpád Szabó (Hungarian, 1913-2001)
- Werner Taegert (German, * 1950)
- Lily Ross Taylor (American, 1886-1969)
- Nicola Terzaghi (Italian, 1880–1964)
- Willy Theiler (Dedutscher, 1899–1977)
- Helmut van Thiel (German, 1932-2014)
- Rainer Thiel (German, * 1962)
- Paul Thielscher (German, 1881–1962)
- Andreas Thierfelder (German, 1903–1986)
- Gabriele Thome (German, 1951-2003)
- Richard F. Thomas (American, * 1950)
- Douglas FS Thomson (Canadian, 1919-2009)
- George Derwent Thomson (British, 1903-1987)
- Klaus Thraede (German, 1930-2013)
- Hermann Throm (German, 1903–1985)
- Erich Thummer (German, * 1930)
- Nikolaus Thurn (German, * 1962)
- Édouard Tièche (French, 1877–1962)
- Stefan Tilg (German, * 1976)
- Rudolf Till (German, 1911–1979)
- Sebastiano Timpanaro (Italian, 1923-2000)
- Maria Timpanaro Cardini (Italian, 1890–1978)
- Karlheinz Töchterle (Austrian, * 1949)
- Gerald J. Toomer (British, born 1934)
- Christian Tornau (German, * 1967)
- Antonio Tovar (Spanish, 1911-1984)
- Hermann Tränkle (German, 1930-2018)
- Hans Treidler (German, 1891–1968)
- Alois Tresp (German, 1884–1973)
- Kurt Treu (German, 1928–1991)
- Catherine Trümpy (Swiss citizen, * 1956)
- Jürgen Trumpf (German, * 1931)
- Constantine A. Trypanis (Greek, 1909-1993)
- Hans Jürgen Tschiedel (German, * 1941)
- Georgi Petrovich Tschistjakow (Russian, 1953-2007)
- Alain Touwaide (Belgian, * 1953)
- Rudolf Tschudi (Swiss, 1884–1960)
- André Tuilier (French, 1921-2014)
- Eric Gardner Turner (British, 1911-1983)
- Alexander Turyn (Polish and American, 1900-1981)
- Gyburg Uhlmann (German, * 1975)
- Wolfhart Unte (German, 1938-2014)
- Knut Usener (German, born 1959)
- Veikko Väänänen (Finn, 1905–1997)
- John Vaio (American, born 1939)
- Marchinus van der Valk (Dutch, 1910–1992)
- Gonda Van Steen (Belgian, * 1964)
- Mario Vegetti (Italian, 1937-2018)
- Michael Ventris (British, 1922-1956)
- Maarten Jozef Vermaseren (Dutch, 1918–1985)
- Jean-Pierre Vernant (French, 1914-2007)
- Francis Vian (French, 1917-2008)
- Meinolf Vielberg (German, * 1958)
- Rüdiger Vischer (German, 1936-2017)
- Edzard Visser (German, born 1954)
- Gregory Vlastos (American, 1907-1991)
- Martin Vöhler (German, * 1959)
- Ernst Vogt (German, 1930-2017)
- Sabine Vogt (German, * 1970)
- Gregor Vogt-Spira (German, * 1956)
- Eva-Maria Voigt (German, 1921-2013)
- Katharina Volk (German, * 1969)
- Benedikt Konrad Vollmann (German, 1933–2012)
- Bernd Reiner Voss (German, * 1934)
- Helmuth Vretska (Austrian, 1935–1993)
- Karl Vretska (Austrian, 1900–1983)
- Dietrich Wachsmuth (German, 1925-2007)
- Rudolf Wachter (Swiss, * 1954)
- Fritz Wagner (German, 1934-2011)
- Franz Peter Waiblinger (German, 1944-2007)
- Frank W. Walbank (British, 1909-2008)
- Christine Walde (German, * 1960)
- Patrick G. Walsh (British, 1923-2013)
- Hermann Walter (German, * 1934)
- Richard Rudolf Walzer (German, British, 1900–1975)
- Hermann Wankel (German, 1928–1997)
- Dorothea Weber (Austrian, * 1957)
- Ekkehard Weber (Austrian, * 1940)
- Thomas Bertram Lonsdale Webster (British, 1905–1974)
- Karl-Wilhelm Weeber (German, * 1950)
- Fritz Wehrli (Swiss, 1902–1987)
- Anton Weiher (German, 1886–1961)
- Otto Weinreich (German, 1886–1972)
- Heinrich Weinstock (German, 1889–1960)
- Stefan Weinstock (German, 1901–1971)
- Alfons Weische (German, born 1932)
- Michael Weißenberger (German, * 1959)
- Otta Wenskus (German, * 1955)
- Jürgen Werner (German, * 1931)
- Antje Wessels (German, * 1967)
- Martin Litchfield West (British, 1937-2015)
- Leendert Gerrit Westerink (Dutch, 1913–1990)
- Klaus Westphalen (German, 1931-2015)
- Heather White (British, * 20th century)
- Hans Wieland (German, 1924-2010)
- Claudia Wiener (German, * 1964)
- Jürgen Wiesner (German, * 1938)
- Walter Wili (Swiss, 1900–1975)
- Günther Wille (German, 1925–1996)
- Gordon Willis Williams (American, 1926-2010)
- Geoffrey Arthur Williamson (British, 1895-1982)
- Lothar Willms (German, * 1974)
- Nigel Guy Wilson (British, born 1935)
- Walter Wimmel (German, 1922-2016)
- Gerhard Winkler (Austrian, 1935–2012)
- John J. Winkler (American, 1943–1990)
- Lidia Winniczuk (Polish, 1904–1993)
- Reginald Pepys Winnington-Ingram (British, 1904-1993)
- Michael Winterbottom (British, * 1934)
- Heinz Willi Wirth (German, 1928–2012)
- Theo Wirth (Swiss, * 1941)
- Heinz Wismann (German, * 1935)
- Michael Wissemann (German, * 1953)
- Franz Witek (Austrian, * 1946)
- Renate Wittern-Sterzel (German, * 1943)
- Otto Wittstock (German, * 1928)
- Antonie Wlosok (German, 1930-2013)
- Georg Wöhrle (German, * 1953)
- Günter Wojaczek (German, 1932–1997)
- Christian Wolff (US-American, * 1934)
- Erwin Wolff (German, 1897–1966)
- Wolfgang Wolfring (Austrian, 1925-2001)
- Anja Wolkenhauer (German, * 1967)
- Roger D. Woodard (American, born 1951)
- Friedrich Wotke (Austrian, 1893–1960)
- Erich Woytek (Austrian, * 1942)
- Peter Wülfing-von Martitz (German, 1930-2004)
- Ernst Wüst (German, 1875–1959)
- Pierre Wuilleumier (French, 1904–1979)
- Hartmut Wulfram (German, * 1967)
- Christoph Wurm (German, * 1955)
- Bernhard Wyss (Swiss, 1905–1986)
- Froma I. Zeitlin (American, * 1933)
- Hans Günter Zekl (German, 1939-2016)
- Klaus Zelzer (Austrian, * 1936)
- Michaela Zelzer (Austrian, 1939–2012)
- James EG Zetzel (American, born 1947)
- Konrat Ziegler (German, 1884–1974)
- Andreas Zierl (German, * 1961)
- Johan Henrik Zilliacus (Finnish, 1908–1992)
- Bernhard Zimmermann (German, * 1955)
- Franz Zimmermann (German, 1891–1962)
- Ernst Zinn (German, 1910–1990)
- Clemens Zintzen (German, * 1930)
- Jan Ziolkowski (American, born 1956)
- Friedrich Zucker (German, 1881–1973)
- Günther Zuntz (German and British, 1902–1992)
- Otto Zwierlein (German, * 1939)
- The names are chronologically arranged in such a way that the Floruit, the creative period that begins around the time of graduation and the beginning of publication, falls within the specified period. In many cases, this creative period falls into two adjacent periods (Renaissance and Modern Era or Modern Era and Modern Era or Modern and Present), so that the name is accordingly assigned to the earlier period.
- The pictures are aligned according to the line top of entry - top of picture, unless they are shifted downwards by previous pictures. Only the names are given for the pictures. All further information can be found in the corresponding personal article.
See also
- History of Classical Philology
- Category: Classical Philologist
- List of ancient scholars and archaeologists
- List of well-known Egyptologists
- List of well-known ancient historians
- List of well-known ancient orientalists
- List of known Byzantinists
- List of well-known epigraphers
- List of famous etrusologists
- List of known Graecists
- List of known classical archaeologists
- List of well-known mycenologists
- List of well-known numismatists
- List of famous Greek palaeographers
- List of well-known papyrologists
- List of well-known medical historians
- List of known Graeco Arabists
- List of well-known researchers on ancient philosophy
- List of well-known researchers on the ancient religions
- List of well-known New Testament philologists
- List of well-known philologists of the Septuagint
- List of well-known translators from ancient Greek
Prosopographic lexicons
- Ward W. Briggs (Ed.): Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists . Westport (Connecticut), London 1994, ISBN 0-313-24560-6 .
- Ward W. Briggs Jr., William M. Calder III : Classical Scholarship: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Taylor & Francis, New York / London 1990.
- Mario Emilio Cosenza: Biographical and bibliographical Dictionary of the Italian humanists and of the world of classical scholarship in Italy (1300–1800). Boston 1962.
- Friedrich August Eckstein : Nomenclator philologorum . Teubner: Leipzig 1871; Reprint Olms: Hildesheim 1966. - Based on a handwritten corrected copy, digitized version of the Teuchos Center . - Complete, corrected text, edited by Johannes Saltzwedel . Hamburg 2005, 2nd edition 2013, online version (PDF 2.8 MB)
- Alfred Gudeman : Imagines Philologorum. 160 portraits from the Renaissance to the present day . Collected and edited by Alfred Gudeman. BG Teubner, Leipzig and Berlin, 1911. - Online version .
- Franz Kössler: Personal dictionary of teachers of the 19th century. Professional biographies from school annual reports and school programs 1825–1918 with lists of publications. University Library Gießen, Giessener Electronic Library 2008 ( table of contents with web links ).
- Peter Kuhlmann , Helmuth Schneider (eds.): The New Pauly - Supplements, Volume 6: Scholars and scientists of classical studies (14th – 20th centuries). Biographical Lexicon. Verlag JB Metzler, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02033-8 . - Review (PDF; 61 kB)
- Franco Montanari (Ed.): Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity. Online, Brill, Leiden.
- Wilhelm Pökel : Philological Writer Lexicon. Leipzig 1882.
- Harro Stammerjohann (Ed.): Lexicon Grammaticorum. A Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics. Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 2009. - (contains entries on classical philologists who have emerged as linguists)
- Robert B. Todd (Ed.): The Dictionary of British Classicists. 3 volumes, Thoemmes Continuum, Bristol 2004, ISBN 1-85506-997-0 ; vol. 1: A-F, XXX, 1-345; 2: G-N, 347-722; 3: O-Z, 723-1105. - Review by James Diggle , in: Classical Review 56, 2006, 239-241.
Prosopographic Studies
Further literature on the Classical Philologists at the various locations of Classical Philological Seminars can be found in the lists of Classical Philologists at universities in German-speaking countries (see the corresponding navigation bar below).
- Klaus Alpers : Classical Philologists in Hamburg from the 17th to the 20th Century. Bautz, Herzberg 1990, ISBN 3-88309-028-X .
- Włodzimierz Appel (Ed.): Magistri et discipuli. Chapter on the history of classical studies in the 20th century. Toruń 2002, ISBN 83-231-1521-4 , table of contents . - (On Tadeusz Sinko , Konrat Ziegler , Karl Reinhardt and Hermann Langerbeck , Eduard Fraenkel , Stefan Srebrny , Erich Reitzenstein , Edmund T. Silk , Hans-Georg Pflaum , Wiktor Steffen , Janina Niemirska-Plyszczynska , Louis Robert , Hellfried Dahlmann , Jonas Dumčius , Zofia Abramowiczówna , Marian Plezia , Otto Lendle , Konrad Gaiser , Joachim Ebert , Christiaan Marie Jan Sicking and Enzo Degani ).
- Annette M. Baertschi, Colin G. King (ed.): The modern fathers of antiquity. The Development of Classical Studies at the Academy and University in 19th Century Berlin. de Gruyter, Berlin 2009 (Transformations of Antiquity, Vol. 3), table of contents ; (Excerpts online) on Google Books . - (On Wilhelm von Humboldt , August Boeckh , Friedrich Carl von Savigny , Barthold Georg Niebuhr , Franz Bopp , Eduard Gerhard , Ernst Curtius , Friedrich Schleiermacher , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Adolf Trendelenburg , Immanuel Bekker , Hermann Diels , Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , Adolf Erman , Ulrich Wilcken and Adolf von Harnack ).
- Jean-Pierre Borle: Le Latin à l'Académie de Lausanne du XVIe siècle au XXe siècle. Lausanne 1987. - (Among others on Adam Mickiewicz , Paul Vallette and Frank Olivier ).
Charles Oscar Brink : English Classical Scholarship: Historical Reflections on Bentley, Porson, and Housman. Cambridge 1986. Paperback 2010.
- German translation by Marcus Deufert: Classical studies in England: historical reflections on Bentley, Porson and Housman. Stuttgart / Leipzig 1997
- William M. Calder III: Men in Their Books: Studies in the Modern History of Classical Scholarship. Edited by John P. Harris and R. Scott Smith. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1998 (Spudasmata, Volume 67), (Table of Contents) . - Review by Robert Todd, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 25/04/1999 . - (Mainly on Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , next to James Frazer , Jane Harrison , Friedrich Nietzsche , Werner Jaeger , Heinrich Schliemann , Moses Hadas , Morton Smith , Arthur Darby Nock , Sterling Dow and William Abbott Oldfather as well as on the Classics Departments of Columbia University and Harvard University ).
- William M. Calder III: Studies in the Modern History of Classical Scholarship. Naples 1984 (Antiqua 27).
- Heinrich Krämer: Nine scholarly lives on the edge of power. The publisher's catalog BG Teubner, Leipzig – Berlin 1933: Eduard Norden , Paul Maas , Eduard Fraenkel , Eugen Täubler , Alfred Einstein , Albert Einstein , Max Born , Hermann Weyl , Franz Ollendorff . 2nd, edited and expanded edition, Leipzig 2011, table of contents ; (Excerpts online) . - Only the first four are classical scholars and philologists, the rest belong to other departments.
- Eckart Mensching : Nugae for the history of philology. 14 volumes, Berlin 1987-2004. - Especially on Berlin philologists of the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Franco Montanari , Stephanos Matthaios , Antonios Rengakos (eds.): Brill's Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship. 2 volumes. Brill, Leiden 2015, table of contents . - Historical overview from antiquity to Byzantium and various aspects of ancient scholarship from typologies to grammar and other areas.
- Hans Peter Obermayer : German ancient scholars in American exile. A reconstruction. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-030279-0 , (excerpts online) at Google Books . - Review by Wilt Aden Schröder , Bryn Mawr Classical Review 03/14/2015 ; Martina Pesditschek, Informationsmittel (IFB): digital review organ for library and science 23 (2015) ; Paul Dräger , Göttingen Forum for Classical Studies 18 (2015) 1179–1187, (online) . - (To the four classical archaeologists: Margarete Bieber , Karl Lehmann-Hartleben , Elisabeth Jastrow and Otto J. Brendel ; to the classical philologists and philosophy historians Kurt von Fritz and Ernst Kapp as well as Paul Oskar Kristeller , Ernst Abrahamsohn and Ernst Moritz Manasse ).
- Werner Suerbaum (Ed., With Uwe Dubielzig ): Festgabe for Ernst Vogt on his 60th birthday on November 6, 1990. Memories of classical philologists. Collected and edited with the assistance of Uwe Dubielzig. by Werner Suerbaum. Pátron, Bologna 1993 (Eikasmós, Volume IV). - Review by: Georg Pfligersdorfer, in: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. Romance Department 112, 1995, pp. 671-677.
- Rosie Wyles, Edith Hall (Ed.): Women classical scholars. Unsealing the fountain from the Renaissance to Jacqueline de Romilly. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York 2016 (Classical presences), ISBN 978-0-19-872520-6 .
Biographical yearbook for archeology
- Biographisches Jahrbuch für Alterthumskunde , volume 1.1878 to 18.1895, continued under the title: Biographisches Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde , volume 30.1907 to 43.1923, continued under the title: Biographisches Jahrbuch für Alterthumskunde, volume 44.1924 up to the year 1943 (1944), then discontinued, from 1929 to 1932 with the title addition Nekrologe . Published as an addition to the annual report on the progress of classical antiquity .
Web links
- University of Southern California , Center for Digital Humanities: Database of Classical Scholars (Project Principal Investigator: Ward W. Briggs )
- Library for research on the history of education of the German Institute for International Educational Research (contains archive of the personnel records of teachers in Prussia)
- Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum (Prosopographic project of the Universities of Genoa and Pisa)
- Alfred Gudeman: Imagines Philologorum (as above under literature)
- Wilt Aden Schröder : Scholarly historical prosopography of the Teuchos center
Classical philologists at universities in German-speaking countries
Chairs for Classical Philology
Formerly German (speaking) universities
Chairs for Latin Studies
Great Britain
United States
Chairs for Greek Studies